HomeMy WebLinkAbout006_Zoning Establishedan ordinance providing for
the zoning of the town of Owasso
into business, Residential, commercial and Industerial Aread and
Declaring an Emergency
WHEREAS, it is necessart to zone the Town of
Owasso, Oklahoma into aread for business, residential,
commercial and industrial uses in order to maintain
the diginity of said town and in order to promote the
general welfare, safety and health of the citizens
of said Town by providing for the orderly frowth and
devemopment of the Town of Owasso,
THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained by the Board
of Yrustees of the Town of Owasso as follows:
That all additions to the Original Town of
Owasso and the Original Town of Owasso be and the
same are hereby zoned for residential puroposes. All
business of any type now operating in saild Town shall
be termea legal non-conforming uses and may continue
operating until such time as their present use ceases.
Be it further ordained by the Board of Trustees
that no property shall be used for any purpose other
that itsuse at the time of the passage of this ordinance.
Any person or persons desiring to zone any
property within the town limits to a use other than
its use at the time of the passage of this ordinance,
may make application to the Board of Trustees or the
governing body of the Town of Owasso to change the use
of said property to another classification. Such
application shall be in writing and shall designate by
address, if any there be, and by legal description
the property sought to be rezoned. The application
shall futher state the zoning classification desired,
and shall be siged by the applicant or applicants.
After the pllication for rezoning has been made
to the Town Clerk, the Town Clerk shall then sumbit
said application to the Board of Trustees at their next
regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Trustees
shall then take such application under advisement for
a period of not less than two weeks from the meeting
at which said application was submmitted. The Board
may take such matter under advisement for any period
not exceeding two months from the time of the Board
meeting at which the application was submitted. When
the Board has had the application under adivsement for
a period set by them within the time herein allowed,
the Board shall at the next regularly scheulded meeting
hear all arguments for or against said zoning
application. The Board may rule on said application
after all arguments herd or may rule not later
than the next regularly scheduled meeting. if the Board
rules against an application, a likeapplication on
the same property may not e made again for a period
of at least six months from the date of the Board's
Before any application shall be heard by the
Board, the applicant must have given notice by publication
by publishing in any newspaper in the County
of Tulsa, Which newspaper is qualified by the laws
of the State of Oklahoma to serve notices by publication,
a copy of their application to the Board. Such notice
by publication shall be for one consecutive week. an
an affidavit or certiificate of the publisher of such newspaper
to the effect that such was published by him for
the time required by this ordinance shall be filed by
the applicant with the Town Clerk any time during which
the Board has said applicantion under advisement. If
such appioavit of the publisher has not been tendered
to the Town Clerk by the time the argument for or
against said application has been set, such application
shall be denied by the Board. When the application
for zoning has been made to the Town Cler, the Clerk
shall cause to be posted on the property, the subject
of the application, a notice that an application has
been made to the Board of Trustees for the rezoning
of said property and that all persons interested by
appear on behalf of or in protest to such application
on the date set for argument as hereinbeore provided.
The applicant as the time of applying for a new
zoning classification must tender to the Town Clerk,
Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as a fee for said application.
Any perosn viloating the provisions of this act
shall be fined $25.00 for each day that he is in violation
of the terms of this ordinance.
An Emergency exists for the preservation of the
pub lic health, peace and safety and for the furtherence
of the public health, by reason whereof, this
ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage,
apprval and publication.
Passed, and the emergency clause ruled upon
seprately and approved this 22nd day of december, 1958
Collinsville, Oklahoma
Betty K. Geri ,~ht , of
lawful age, being duly sworn and author-
ized, is the -bookkeeper
of The Collinsville News, a weekly news-
paper printed in the English language, in
the City of Collinsville, Tulsa County, Ok-
lahoma, having a paid general subscription
circulation in said County, with entrance
into the United States mails as second class
mail matter in Tulsa County, and published
and printed in said County where delivered
to the United States mail, that said news-
paper has been continuously and uninter-
ruptedly published in said County during
a period of one-hundred four (104) con-
secutive weeks immediately prior to the
first publication of the attached notice,
advertisement or publication; and that said
newspaper comes within the requirements
of Chapter 4 of Title 25, Oklahoma Sta-
tutes 1951, as amended, and complies with
all other requirements of the laws of Ok-
lahoma with reference to legal publications.
That said notice, a true copy of which is
attached hereto, was published in the regu-
lar edition of said newspaper during the
period and time of publication and not in
a supplement, on the following elates:
January 1 119_19_
b of this c,drnai c-. An
person or persons desiring to zon
any property within the
mits to a use other than i,
the time of the passage oP ' SJoi
dinance,, may make appiie ie~
`the Board of Trustees or the gov-
erning body of The Town of
wasso to change the use o lai
property to another classif cation
Such application shallbe r wri
tiny and shall designate by ad
dress, if any there
be, and ky iega=
description the property sough" to
be rezoned. The application shal`_,
further state the zoning classifi-
cation desired, and shah be signed
by the applicant or the applicants.
After the application fo
zoning has been made to the Tow:_.
Clerk, the Town Clerk shall then
i submit said application ±o chc
Board of Trustees at their ne.a
regularly scheduled meeting _le
Board of Trustees shall then ial,_e
such application under advisen°_en',
for a period of not less than 1,wo
weeks from the meeting at
said application was sub 1litced.
The Board may take such matter;
under advisement for any period
,not exceeding two months
the time of the Board meetm at
which the application was suannit_ ~
ted. Z Then the Board has hid he
application under zdviseinen ~r
i a period net by them with n e
time herein allowed, the Board
shall at the nent regularly- screed- ;
uled meeting hear all arguments t
for o r against said zoning a,rl lira-
j tion. The Board may rule On
application after all argume , are
heard or may, rule not later thhan
the nest regularly scheduled :meet_1c
ing. If the Board rules r a:nst1,
the application, a like apphcan(,!,
on the same property may not ?ac 1
made again for a period of at lea t
sea months from the date of hddi
Board's ruling.
Before any application shall be n
heard by the Board, the applicant r
must have given notice by publi- [
cation by publishing in any news- I
paper in the County of Tulsa, 6 s
i which newspaper is qualified by G it
the laws of the State of Oklahona c
to serve notices by publication.
Such notice by publication shall be
for one consecutive week. An af-
fidavit or certificate of the pu- bbiisher of such newspaper to the
effect that such was published byt p
him for the time required by this,
ordinance shall be filed by the ap-
plicant with the Town Clerk any A
time during which the board has L
said application under advisement.
J f such affidavit of the publisher
has not been tendered to the Town
Clerk by the time the argument
for or gainst said application has i
been set, such application shall be
denied by the Board, When the
application for zoning has been
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
My commission expires:
The Owasson
i ublished .n the Collins MO XOc s _
~ e, the undersigned. toeing the sole owi. e
described real estate locoed Nvitrrn the tov 1 i -
af Owasso, Oklahoma, to-wit:
The South Half (S/2) of the Southwest Quarter the Southtivest Quarter (SAV/ 4) of Sectio -«e :e
29), and the Southeast Quarter (SE ,4) ox ' .e
Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast Quarter SL/4'. li-e
East Half (E/2) of the East Half (E,/2) of the Eu
, E/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ~4) of t.e Sc e s.',
Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast QuarterSE
Section Thirty (30), and the North Halt N 2; ~ e
Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Nortneast
NE/4) and the North Eighty feet (80 ft c°h=
Half (S%2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE: ~ 'hle c
east Quarter tNE/4) of Section Thirty-one -
Nor'llwest Quarter (NW/ 4) of the Norm e't
NW/4) of the Northvvest. Quarter ,NW, 4, of
Thirty-two (32) all in Township Twenty-one :21_
Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base ano_
ian., in the County of Tulsa. State of Oklahom-.
property is nova zoned for rresident i
respectfully show to the Board of Trustees of the c -:a
Oklahoma, that said property is suitable and ~s Sc
that it would be to the benefit of the commui~ av t
property re-zoned and to be zoned for corm u~ s l-e>
is the desire of your petitioners to have Sic ro c zc~
for commercial purposes.
\VHEREFORE, your petitioners respecttfuli- euu __a. ___c
Eoard of Trustees of the Town of Owasso. Or whom
:action as may be necessary to zone the above eye c - e~w
rLy herein as commercial property and to en, 'r r ~ ue
amass such ordinance establishing same for coznmerci cs,
Respectfully submitted this 16th clay of Marea. 19,6L
GUY 11-,
IARGUE 7' iT , . 7
State of Oklahoma, County of Tulsa ) ss
Guy D. Reed and Marguerite M. Reed, being irst u y s
and on oath, say that they are the petitioners ,vhfl signed he
T3 ,,4 t
above and foregoing petition; that they have read said - e io*.,
and are familiar with the contents thereof, and that the facts,
matters and things therein contained are true and correct.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of '.4larch, 1964. i
%ly commission expires August 8, 1966.
Notice is herch,
Guy D. Reed
of the Towel of