HomeMy WebLinkAbout029_Water Ordinance AmendmentOrdinance No 29
Section I
Water Service and Rate Change
Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso,
Oklahoma, that the REVISED ORDINANCES for the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, 1957,
Chapter 2, Title 14, be amended from the following, to-wit:
Section 1. Applications. any person sesiring to have permises
connected with the water supply system of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma,
shall present to the Commissioner of Water a written application
containing the name, a description of the lot and block on whick
the water is desired. Said application shall be siged by the
owner of the premises to be served or his duly authorized agent.
Section 2. Delinquents. If any consumer becomes in arrears on his
account for a period of ten (10) days after the account should have
been paid, the Commission of Water or the Board of Trustees shall
have the right to order the water shut off from the house or
premises until such account is paid in full.
Section 3. Deposit Required. When any person who desires the
use of water from the water supply system of said Town shall make
application and sign contracts for said service and if said
applicant is not the owner of the property to be served, he shall
be required to make a reasonable deposit to guarntee payment of
all water bills, the amount to be fixed by the Board of Trustees
Upon the basis of an amount equial to the estimated water bill for
sixty days service for the particular place rented, but in no
event shall said deposit be less that ten (10.00) dollars, and
said water shall not be connected until the said deposit is made. the
said deposit, so required, shall be refunded to the applicant
whenever the water service is disconnected and all water bills
are paid to date.
Section 4. Notice When House Vacated. Whenever any house or
premises connected with the water supply system of said town shall
become vacant, a notice of vacancy and request that the water be
shut off from such house or premises, shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Upon the filing of such notice of request, the water shall be
shut off from such house or premises.
Section 5. Water service charged to premises. All charges for
water service will be charged against the premises for which the
service was installed and shall be charged to the owner thereof.
All charges for water, when the same becomes delinquent and unpaid,
shall be a lien againstthe premises and property to which same
has been furnished.
Section 6. Water Accounts Kept In Name of Owner. All accounts for
water shall be kept in the name of the owner of the premises or
property for which the service was installed and not in the name of
the tenant, provided, however, that perons holding an unrecorded
lease may be supplied on their own account, but in such cases, it
service is on meter, the Board of Trustees shall require such
deposit of money as, in its judment, shall be necessary to
protect the town against any and all delinquent and unpaid charges
for water.
Section 7. Town's Right To Shut Off Water. The Town reserves the
right to shut off the water supply at all times and without notice,
for repairs, extensions, non-payment of rates, or any other reason
or cause, and the town shall not be responsible for any damage
resulting from the interruption of the water supply or resulting
from the shutting off of water.
Section 8. Turning On and Off of Water. Whenever the Board
of Trustees has shut off, or caused to be shut off, the water from
any premises or property for any violation of the provisions of
this chapter, or for the non-payment of any water bills, the same shall
not be turned on again untill all delinquent and unpaid charges
against such premises and propery, together with the charge for
turning off and turning on the water shall have been paid.
ordinance No.
Can 'd
Section 8 cont'd. A charge of shutting off the water shall be One
Dollar and Fifty cents (01-50), and the charge for turning the same
on again, shall be One Dollar and Fifty cents (Q1.50). Except
where otherwise provided in this chapter, the Board of Trustees shall
mot shut off, nor cause to be shut off, the water from any premises
S( property until after at least twenty-four (224) hours notice of
its intention so to do,, -,,77ich notice may be served on either the
of such premises Cr property or the occupant thereM
Section 9. Water Rates. The rates per month for water supplied
through meters to all places within the town limits, shall be as
On the first one thousand gallons or less, One Dollar and
Fifty Cents (Q1.50) per thousand;
On the second one thousand gallons or less, Seventy-five
Cents (750) per thousand;
On the third one thousand gallons or less, Sixty Cents (Q)
per thousand;
Over three thousand g allons, Fifty Cents (500) per thousand.
MENITYK RATES: The minimum monthly charge for all water
service shall be as follows: Where one family uses water, a
i(., i.,raoz-fa charge of One Dollsand Fifty Cents (k 1. 50) per month; ere
two or acre families use water through, the same meter, a mini'mrMarl
charge of One Dollar and Fifty Cents (01-50.) per family, per month.
_)ectJ_o.n 10, To _Discoomect Water. it shall be unlawful
for any owner or occupant of any premises or property, connected
with the Town's water supply system, to disconnect the -o7,ater on,
said premises or property, unless he shall first file, in the office of
the Town Clerk, a written reggest that the service of water to the
said premises or Droperty be disconnected ,nrj. discontinued and shall
pay all arreaxages an water charges for said premises and the
property after water has been shut of from any premises or property
--p 'hic application of the owner or occupant thereof, or for
,✓, on -5
the non payment, of e.,(, charges, or for any other cause, it shall
be za, for, any person to turn the water on again, except
-,he,:. autl
,i, -, norized to do so by the Board of Trustees.
Section !I. Acts Unlawful� it shall be unlawful for any person,,
except a member of the Tire Department of said Town or a person
a-uthorizea by the Board of Trustees, to make any connections with
any service or branch pipe, to open, operate, close down or
turn off, interfere with, attach any pipe or hose to or connect anything
_I any gaI.,,e valve, stop cock, or fire hydrant, belonging to
the water system, whether the same be on private premises or noM
Section 12. Acts it shall be unlawful for any person.,
unless duly authorized by the Board of Trustees, to disturb;,
displace, interfere with, cover up, damage, or destroy any voter
mains, water pipe, meter, m,eter box, machine, tools, fire hydrantq
curb cocks, curb box, or any other property belonging to, connected
with or under the control of the �,,,at,er supply system. it shall
be unlawful for any person to climb upo, cling to, the water
tower or anything connected therewith.
Section 13- !he Town Clerk shall have full charge of and keep
all books, records and papers appeartaining to and connected with
the water system of said town, and it shall be his duty to send
-iat;s to the water consimiers of the amounts due
y stateme�
',el n and all bills for water service shall be paid to
- ca -'s, __-ed;�
the Town Clerk on or before the first day of each calendar month,�
and in the event of failuxe of consumer to make pa7ment of the
charges assessed against him on or before the first day of each
calendar month, such charge shall then, become delinquent and a penalty
of ten percent (10") of the amount due shall be added. The failure
of any consumer to receive a statement of the amount of charge due
from him shall not constitute an excuse for the neglect, failure
or refusal to pay the charges assessed against him when the same is aueo
Section 14. Penalty, -person- who shal'l -violate azy of the
provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
a-nd upon, conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than Twenty
Dollars ('20.00)
section 15- Charges outside Town Limits. The rates of consumers of
water outside the town limits of said Town of Owasso, Oklahoma;
shall be as follows-,
Ordinance to,--, Cont
section 15 conva.
For each tap and connection, including the setting of a meter.
2iftY (450-00) Dollarn
2or the first one thousand ganons of water used, Three Dollars
QY3-00) d'.;
For the second onc thousand gallons of water used, One Dollar and
Wifty Cents (11-50) per thousand;
For the third one thousand gallons of water used, One Dollar and
Twenty Cents (yi.20) per thousand;
For all amounts over three thousand gallons, One Dollar Q.00)
per thousand,
Section A. Minimum Charge. The minimum charge in all cases
shall be the sum of Three Dollars (0000) and the rates fixed above
o nf o thousand gallons shall alply to fractional
portions thereof, even vhouph the full one thousand gallons, in
each instance, may not be consumed,,
Section 17. in cases where the main water line from the Spavinal-V
conduit, from which said Town takes its water supplyV and running
to the south Town limits of said town to the pump station, crosses
lands outside the town Mm its of said town an the owners of such
lands, parcels or tracts, are permitting such water line to be
maintained on such property, the charges for both installing and
setting meters or taps and also for water consumed, shall be at
the same rate and charges as now fixed, or hereafter fixed, for
consumers within the town limits of said towp_
Section 1d. Is, all cases -,,ariere any consumer Outside the
limits of said town fails or refuses to pay his water bill within.
the time fixed by ordinance for consumers within said town, the
to,,,,,ra shall have the right to discortinue service in the same
manner and under the same penalty as in the town itself,. and the same
charges shall be made against the consumer for cutting off and
turning on water service as now exists or hereafter fixed b
ordinance applicable to in town.
Section lq The President of the Board of Trustees and the Cler-I
of s aa_ v till« are hereby authorized to enter into written agreements
with land owners, where the. water line aforesaid, crosses such
owners' land, agreeing to furnish water at the rates fixed in.
section 15 hereof, provided such land owners consent to the maintenance
of said water line across their property so long as said town
procures its water supply from the City of Tulsa and its
Spavinaw conduiV,
to read as follows; to-wit:
Section I. Applications. Any person desiring to have premises
connected with the water supply system of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma,
shall present to the Commissioner of __,Iater a �,,ritten application
containing the n,
description of the lot and block on which
the water is desired. Baid application shall be signed by the
of the -p-re'raises to be served or his auiy authorized agent.
Section 2. Delinquents. if any consumer becomes in arrears on
his account for a period of ten Ii, days after the account should
have been paid, the Commissioner of Water or the Board of Trustees
shall have the right to order the outer shut off from the house
or premises until such account is paid in full,
Section 3. Deposit Regyiwed. Men any person who desires the use
of water from the water supply a- Cm. a 7_j� al
yst- �, of said to-,, - sh � 1 -make
application d sign contracts for said service and if said
applicant is not the o-,,-ner of the property to be served, he shall
be required to make a reasonable deposit to guarantee payment of
all water bills, the amo, to be fixed by the Board of Trustees
upon the basis of an am,ount cqVal to the estimated water bill
for six-ty days service for the particular Place rented, but in
no event shall said deposit be less than Tin ("10.00) Dollars,
and said water shall not be connected until the said deposit is made.
The said deposit, so required, shall be refunded to the applican't
whenever -the water service is dis connected and all water bills are
raid to date.
Ordinance No 29 cont'd
section 4. Notice Then House 7,7acatted. Whenever any house or
premises connected with the water supply system.of said town shall
become vacan , a notice of vacancy and request that the water be shut
off from such house or -pre,,.-i ses, shall be filed. with the town Clerk.
upon the filing of such notice of request, the -wate5: shall. be
sh-ut off from such house or premises.
Motion . Water Service Charged to Premises. All charges for water
service will be charged against the premises for which the
service was installed and shall be charged to the owner thereof
All charges for wata-r. �,,rhen the same becomes delinquent and unpaid",
shall be a lien against the premises and property- to which same
has been furnished.
section 6. Water Accounts Kept in Dame Of Owner. All Accounts for
water shall be kept in the name of the owner of the premises or
property for which the service was installed and not in the name of
the tenant, provided, haweve-r,, that persons holding an unrecorde.
lease may be supplied on their ow-n accou . b-k,,,:t in such cases,
if service is on meter, the Toard of Trustees shall require such
deposit of money as, in its judgment, shall be necessary to protect
the town against any and all delinquent and unpaid charges for water.
Section 7m Town's Right To Shut Off Water. The town reserves the
right to shut off the watez, supply at all times and without
notice, for repairs e��tonsions, of rate , or any other
reason or cause and the town shall not be resDonsibli for am
damage resulting from the interruption of th'- water supply or
resulting from the shutting off of water.
Section 8. Turning On and Off of ',�ate2. �,Qhenever the Board of
Trustees Eas sh"UTI, off; or caused to be shut off, the water from
any premises or property for any violation of the provisions of this
chapter, or for the non-payment of any water bills, the same shall
not be turned on again until all delinqVent and unpaid charges
against such premises and property, together with the charge for
turning off and turning an the water shall hate been paid. Z_
charge of shutting off the water shall be One Dollar and Fifty
Cents (0-50), and the charge for turning the same on again, shall
be One Dollar and Fifty Cents 01-50A Except where otherwise provided
in this chapter, the 3oard of Trustees shall not shut off, or
cause to be shot off, the water from any premises or property
until after at least twenty-four (24 hours notice of its intention
so to no which notice may be served on either the owner of such
premise Vor property or the occupant thereof.
Section 9. Water Rates. The rates per J.?_ l_ for water supplied
through meters to all placed within the town limits, shall be as
On the first one thousand gallons or less, Two Dollars and
Twenty-five Cents (Q2.25) per thousand;
On the second one thousand gallons or less, Sevemty-five
Cents (075) per thousand;
On the third one thousand gallons or less, SLecy Cents
060) per thousand;
Mer three thousand gallons, Fifty Cents 050) per thousand.
-,,TI8- The _mum monthly charge for all water service
shall be as follows: where one family uses water, a minimum.
charge of Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents (Q2.25) per month; Mere
two or more families use water through the same meter, a minimum
charge of T-v.ro Dollars and Twenty-five Cents (02.25) per family,
per month.
Section 10. Unlawful To Disconnect Water. it shall be unlawful
r -,p It of premises or property, connected with
any owner or occ.�pa:,a
the car m° water supply system, to disconnect the water on said
Ordinance No 29 Cont'd
Section 10 cont'd. promises or property,
unless he shall first
file, in the office of the Toa-r. Clerk,� a written request that the
service of water to the said premises or property be disconnected
and discontinued and shall pay all ar ream ges on water charges for
said premises and property; after water has been shut off frot-,,,
any premises or Property upon the application of the owner or
occupant thereof, or for the non-payment of water cha-rges,, or
for any other cause, it shall be for any person to turn
the water on again, except when authorized to do so by the Ward
of Trustees
Section-M Acts Unlawful. it shall be unlawful for any person
ex,ce. v 7- -2, of the Fire 3epart-,uenit of said town or a person
authorized by the Board of Trustees,, to make any connections with
se-rvic,,,�� or branch pipe, to open, operate, close doTvra or tur--,a of-7,
interfere with, attach any pipe or hose to or connect anything
wain any gate vsive, stop cock, or fire hydrants belonging to the
water system, Kether the be 011 premises or not.
Section 12. it shall be unlawful for any person, unless
auly authorized by the Ward of Trustees, to distrub, displace,,
interfere with, cover Or dkest-roy -i:,ate -_,,
I r mein'sp
water pipe, meter, meter box, machinery, tools, fire hydrants,
curb cocks, cuYb box, or any other property belonging to, connected
with or under the 3ontrol of the water supply system. it shall be
unlawful for any person, other than authorized personnel, to
climb upong cling to, the water towe- t"h ,
o! irz connected therewith.
section 13. The shall hawe full charge of and keep
all books2 records and papers appertaining to and connected w ith the
vzter system of said tovn, and it shall -be his clutt,,, to send out monthly
statements to the water cons-u-,,ners of the amounts due for water
consumed, and all bills for water service shall be paid to the Top
Clerk on or before the tenth day of eaalh- calendar and in the
event of failure of any consumer to make payment of the charge -
assessed against him on or before the tenth day of eachcalendur month
ten per cent 10 ) of the amount due shall be added. The failure of
any Cons-,u',-,ear- -7-o receive a statement of the amount of charge due
from him shall not constitute an excuse for the neglect, failure
or refusal to pay the charges assessed against him when,, the same
is due,,
bection 14. Penalty, -*,my
provisions of this chapter
and upon conviction thareo
Dollars (120.00),
,oerso-a who shall violate any of the
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
!6 shall be fined not more than T-v,7enty
section 15. Applications for Outside ,a ter Users, perso-
desiring to nave Premises Or Property, loca,-te-d' outside the town.
limits, connected with the water supply system of the Town of
Owasso, Oklahoma, shall enter into a written agreement with the
'io-,,,Tn Of so. Said agreement shall remain on file with the
Town Clerk as a permanent record,
Section 16. Charges 0-atside Limits. The rates to consumers of
Tiler outside the limits of said Town of Ovasso, Oklahoma, shall
be as follows:
.7cr each ta, connection, including the setting of a
meter Seventy Dollars (;70-OOJ','
For the first one thousand gallons of water used, Four
Dollars and Tifty Cents (Q4.50) per thousand;
For the second one thousand gallons of water used, One
Dollar and Fifty Cen�.-,--s per thou-sa- d;
For the thirdon.e thousand gallons of water used, One Dollar
........... Ce-]Jus Q.20) per thousand;
Abr all amounts over three thousand gallons, One Dollar
Q.00) per thousand,,
Section 16 cont'd
Me charge in all cases shall be the s�aMft
of Four Dollars and Fifty Cents QV 50) and the rates fixed above
for amounts of one thousand gallons shall apply to fractional
portions thereof, even though the full one thousand gallons, in
each instance, may not be consumed.
Section 17, in cases, wlaere the main water line from the Spavina-VII
conduit, from which said town takes its water supply, and running
to the south town limits o-j" said •o--,m, to the puny station,
crosses lands outside the town limits of said town and the owners
of such lands, parcels or tracts, are permitting such water line
to be maintained on such property, the charges for both installing and
setting meters or taps and also for water consumed, shall be at the
same rate and charges as now fixed, or hereafter fixed, for
consumers wimnina -nin.e limits of said to-wn.
Section 18. Dc, cases any consumer Diu tsid-e the to,,-,F_n limits
of said towrcl fails or refuses to -,pay his bill withi, the
time fixed by ordinance for consumers within said town, the tor m
shall have the right to discontinue service in the same manner and
under the same penalty as in the town itself, and the same charges
shall be made against the consumer for cutting off and turning
an water service as now exists or hereafter fixed by ordinance applicable
to consumers in town.
Section 19. The President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk of
said, Town De hereby authorized to enter into written agreements
,ith laza, there the water line aforesaid, crosses such.
agreeing to furnish water at the rates fixed in
Section Nine (9) hereof, provided such land owners consent to the
maintenance of said,L line across their property so long as
said town procures its water supply-from the City of Tulsa and its
Spavinaw conduit.
All other provisions of Title 14, of the ,evisedl Orainances of the Tov,7-a
of Owasso, 1957, shall remain unchanged,,
We Raerm fK. 4-1 poiard f 'Tru5s eG
lawn yen."-'
Section !I
An emergency exists for the preservation of the public health'.
peace and safety and for the furtherance of the health, by reason
ne rec approval
f;, thaLs, ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage,
' and t4, emergency clause ruled upon separately and approved
&a ivy
Isident0bardici Trustees
proof of posting