HomeMy WebLinkAbout045_Drivers License_Unlawful ActsORDINANCE NUMBER 45 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE TRIFFICE LANES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING CHAPTER THREE (3), SECTION FIVE (5), TITLE THIRTEEN (13) OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES AND TRAFFIC CODE OR THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, FOR TH YEAR 1957, BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS DESIGNATED AS SECTIONS 5B, 5C, AND 5E, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS PERTIAINING TO DRIVER LICENSES; DECLARING IT TO BE UNLAWFUL TO CAUSE OR PERMITY A MINOR, OR TO PERMIT A PERSON, OR TO EMPLOY A PERSON, WHO DOES NOT POSSESS A VALID OPERATOR'S OR CHAUFFUR'S LICENSE TO DRIVE A MOTOR VEHICLE UPON PUBLIC PROPERTY OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY OPEN TO PUBLIC USE, WITHIN THE TOWN LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: That Section 5, Chapter 3, Title 13 of the Revised Ordinances for the Town of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, 1957; also known as the "Traffic Code" for said Town of Owasso, be amended by adding thereto sections to be designated as "Section 5b, 5c, 5d and 5e," as follows: SECTION 5b. -- Permitting Minor, without driver's license, to Drive -- Unlawful. No person shall cause or knowingly permit his or her child or ward under the age of sixteen years to drive a motor vehicle upon any stree, road, alley, public place or private property open to public use, within the corporate limits of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, when such minor is not the holder and in the lawful possession of a valid Operator's licens, as required and defined by the laws of the State of Oklahoma, Title 47, Sectio 6-101 to 6-308, inclusive, of the Oklahoma Statutes, 1961. SECTION 5c -- Permitting Motor Vehicle to be Driven by Unlicensed Drive -- Unlawful. No person shall authorize or knowling permit a motor vehicle owned by him or under his control to be driven upon any highway, street, road, alley, public place or upon private property open to public use, within the corporate limits of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, by any person who is not the holder and in the lawful possesion of a valid operator's or chauffeur's license, as required and defined by the laws of the State of Oklahoma Title 47, Sectio 6-101 to 6-308, inclusive, of the Oklahoma Statutes, 1961. SECTION 5d. -- Employing Unlicensed Chauffeur or Driver -- Unlawful: No person shall employ, or permit to remain in his employment, as a chauffeur or driver of a motor vehicle, calculated to be driven upon the strees, alleys, roads, pulic places or private places open to pulic use, within the corporate limits of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and person not then the hold and in the lawful possession of a valid Operator's or Chauffeur's License and authorized and licensed as provided by the laws of the state of oklahoma, Title 47, Sectio 6-101 to 6-308, inclusive, of the Oklahoma Statutes, 1961 and as defined and required therein. SECTION 5e. -- Penalty for Violations Any person convicted of a violation of any or either of the last three preceeding sections, to-wit: Sections 5b, 5c, and 5d, or either of them, of this ordinance, Number 45, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more thatn Twenty Dollars ($20.00)including costs, for each vilation, and each section shall be and is considered and is declared to be a separate offense. SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS. Provisions of this ordinance shall be severable, and in the event any word, phrase or section of this ordinance shall be held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining words, phrases and sections, and the remaining portions thereof shall not be affected thereby. It is hereby declared to be the intent of this ordinance that the same would have been adopted had such unconstitutional or unlawful provisions, if any, not been included herein. EMERGENCY CLAUSE: That because of the present existance of conditions which obviously constitute an immediate threat to the safety of persons and property and the peace and welfare of the general public within the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, an emergency exitsts for the prservation of public peace, health, safety and welfare, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage,k as provided by law. Emergency Clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 3rd day of February, 1964. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 3rd day of February, 1964. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 3rd day of february, 1964. 4 y r uU _ _1ie JLIY1 SZ~liNev _ Cam" y 6j, .let{;i4. PROOF OF PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NUMB Er THE COLLINS.VILLE NEVUS A\ ORDNANCE ,RE AT1NG TG TIIE OF TxI TOWN OF G-WASSO. OKL 1110-_\LA:, XIEN ? \G CI APTEI? Collinsville, Oklahoma THREE SECTION' FIVE i5 . TITLE 7`CCE :_3` OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES AND T `FFIC CODE. FOP THE TOl~?l'~ OF Oti A SSO, OKLAEOITUA, FOR Ti E YT -957. 1 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ADDING THERETO SECTIONS DISIGN TED SECTIONS ss 5b c_ 5d and 5e ESTABLISHING PROC' vDURE AND REG-; . ?:t ONS PERTAINING TO DP vEp LIC,ENSI J; DEC L_ R- COUNTY OF TULSA ! TNG IT TO BE UNLAWFUL TO CAUSE 01'~ PER-MIT A tiIINOii, 011 TO PERTMIT A PERSON, OR TO E_-AIPLOY A PERSON, WHO DOES NOT POSSESS A VALID OPERATOR'S OR CEAUF-! FEUR'S LICENSE TO DRIVE: \I-OTOR VEHIC-LE UPON of Be Z__1=, PUBLIC PROPERTY OR UPON ,i,, ATE PROPERTY OPEN T N TO PUBLIC USE. WITHIN THE TOWN LIMITS OF THE TONi lawful age, being duly sworn and author- OF OWASSO, OFLAHOMA; PROVIDING i ENAL"I'IES FOR VIOLATION AND DECLARING AN E'MERGENC x'. ®f ized is the _ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRr STEES OF THE 0W, OF O«'ASSO, OKLAHOMA: of The Collinsville News, a weekly news- paper printed in the English language, in That Section 5, Chapter 3, Title 13 of the Rey°'sea Ordinances the City of Collinsville, Tulsa County, Ok- =or the Town. of Owasso, State of Oklahcr, _,9 Aso known as he "Taffic Code" for said Town of 0\,,-ass(;. e :n ended by ` lahoma, having a paid general subscription _ adain t11ereto sections to b,~ designated ~_cn 5b, 5c, 5d. circulation in said County, with entrance and 5c." as zollows: into the United States mails as second class SECT10-" 5b, - Permitting Minor, Without Driver's License, to mail matter in Tulsa County, and published Drive - Unlawful. and printed in said County where delivered Io p-,,-on shall cause or kncr ingly per ait 1, her child or to the United States mail that said news- i ul dc1, the age of sixteen years to drive a naozuc vehicle upon t , o an` road, alley, public place or private pi =Peaty open paper has been continuously .and uninter- -,aublic .cithin the corporate limits of the rot;:i of Owasso, ruptedly published in said County during bklahon a. lien such minor is not the holster and m the lawful, a period of one-hundred four (104) con- possession oI a valid Operator's license, as required and defined secutive weeks immediately prior to the by the laa, of he state of Oklahoma, Title 47, Section 6-101 to first publication of the attached notice 6-308, inclusive, of the Oklahoma Statutes, 1„61, ' n- SECTION 5c - Permitting Motor Vehicle to be Driven by h advertisement or publication; and that said licensed Driver - Unlawful. news er comes within the requirements p'ap Rio person shall authorize or knowingly permit a motor vehicle of Chapter 4 of Title 25, Oklahoma Sta- owned by him or under his control to be driven upon any high- tutes 1951 as amended and complies with way, street, road alley, public place or upon private property , , all other requirements of the laws of Ok- open to public use, within the corporate limits of the Town of ot the holder and in h i s n o Owasso, Oklahoma, by any person w lahoma with reference to legal publications. the lawful possession of a valid Operator's or Chauffeur's License, as required and defined by the laws of the State of Oklahoma, That said notice, a true copy of which is Sections 6-101 to 6-308, inclusive; of the Oklahoma Title 47 attached hereto as published in the regu- ' w , Statutes, 1961. lar edition of said newspaper during the SECTION 5d - Employing Unlicensed Chauffeur or Driver - period and time of publication and not in Unlawful: a supplement, on the following dates: No persons shall employ, or permit to remain in his employ- ment, as a chauffeur or driver of a motor vehicle, calculated to 1 N~ 6 19 be driven upon the streets alleys, roads, public places or private T _ own places open to public use, within the corporate limits of the of Owasso, Oklahoma, any person not then the holder and in the 19 lawful possession of a valid Operator's or Chauffeur's License and authorized and licensed as provided by the laws of the State 19 of Oklahoma, Title 47, Section 6-101 to 6-308, inclusive of the Okla- homa Statutes, 1961, and as defined and required therein. SECTION 5c - Penalty for Violators. 19----- Any person convicted of a violation of any or either of the last three proceeding sections-. to-wit: Sections 5b, 5c, and 5d, or either 19 of them, of this Ordinance, Number 45 shall be punished by a fire , of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00' " more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) includin ` s iolation, and each 19----- d to be a separate section shall be and is consio-c- ec offense. 19----- 9 1— ~ T , Collinsville N s Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of lt!M~U 19--64_- My commission expires: Notary yu lid k SEVE RAB3ILITY OF PROV-FSTONS. Provisions o1' this a dinance, sbali be severable, and i . _e e,' ;ent any word phrase o ec of '.n"s Jrdinance shall be nelc invalid by any Court of compete," ,u,-sdiction, tiie renal ing words, phrases and sections, and the ren-_aining portions thereof shall nat be al ected thereby. It is hereby declared to be 10 e i ; ;_g of this ordinance that the same would have been adopted had such unconstitutional or unlawful provision, if any, not been iz-Clue ec, herein. E NIERGENCY CLAUSE: That because of the present ezistance of conditions ~\hich 0 viously constitute an immediate threat to the safety of persona and property and the peace and welfare of the general public within the Town of Owasso. Oklahoma, an emergency cxis,s cr the preservation of public peace, healtr, safely and welfare reason thereof this ordinance shall take effect from and nt!I its passage, as provided by law. Emergency Clause voted upon separately and passed by una=~- lmous vote of the Board of Trustees this 3rd day of Febiuury.',. 1964. PASSED by tine Board of Trustees of the Town, cf O~rassa- i Oklahoma, this 3rd day of February. 1964. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees a!' T.own of O,,vasso, Okial?ama, this 3rd day of February, 196-1. J. Bryson, President of the Board of Trustees J. F. Flournoy, Board Meinbc~- Don E. Austin, Board -Nleznbor V. D. Duncan. Board Member ATTEST: Inez H. Odom, Town Clete Seal) APPROVED: M. S. Sawyer, Attorney _or tr 2 T PRO OF PUBLICATION THE COL.L,INSVILL.E NEWS Collinsville, Oklahoma STATE OF OKLAHOMA ss. Published in The Collinsville COUNTY OF TULSA ~,,ews, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 39, 1964. PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE, NOTICE that a petition r has been filed by the. Board of Trustees of the Town of Owas- lawful age being duly sworn and author- so, Oklahoma, with the Board , of County Commissioners for ized is the 1,111sa County, Oklahoma, re-, , questing that the following de- of The Collinsville News, a weekly news- scribed real property, to-wit: paper printed in the English language, in Beginning at a paint 177 Feet the City of Collinsville, Tulsa County, Ok- West: of the Southeast Corner lahoma, having a paid general subscription of the SE i!i of the NE ills of circulation in said County, with entrance section 30, Township 21 Forth, Range 14 East, Then West into the United States mails as second class along the South line of said mail matter in Tulsa County, and published SE 1/a of the NE of Section and printed in said County where delivered 30, a distance of 503 Feet to a to the United States mail that said news- point, thence North, and along , paper has been continuously and uninter- the East line of Marywood Addition to the Town of Owas- ruptedly published in said County during so, a distance of 746 Feet to a a period of one-hundred four (104) con- point, Thence East and par- secutive weeks immediate) prior to the y allel with the south line of the first publication of the attached notice SE of the NE ?!i of said Sec- , advertisement or publication; and that said tion 30, to a point on the West line of public highwa a dis- newspaper comes within the requirements y, tance of 503 Feet, thence of Chapter 4 of Title 25, Oklahoma Sta- south along said highway a tutes 1951, as amended, and complies with distance of 746 Feet to the all other requirements of the laws of Ok- point of beginning, in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. lahoma with reference to legal publications. be annexed to and become a That said notice, a true copy of which is l mrt of the incorporated Town of attached hereto, was published in the regu- Owasso, Oklahoma, and that said petition will be presented lar edition of said newspaper during the to, liearin before said Board period and time of publication and not in of County Commissioners for a supplement, on the following dates: Tulsa County, Oklahoma, at the Tulsa County Court House, A _4-1 Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the 4111 da_y of play, 1964, at the hour of ;10:00 o'clock A. U. af__ 192 Daied iltiarch ;',1, 7961 J>O,1R1) OF TRUTSTI ES 1?01.t, 19 IT] G 'fO1~~ C Ox+' O~i,ASSO, 19 Preside)).t or thr- lloar tj 19----- 19-_.___ The C o linsville .mews . 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this -----m- day of -------''r~_m_- " My commission expires: i! f®~ _~.cm~f®s~ ~ Notary ~u lic