HomeMy WebLinkAbout067_Firemans Pension Fund_Creation_DefinitionORDINANCE NUMBER 67 AN ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO DEDUCT FROM THE SALARIES OF THE FIREMEN TWO PER CENTUM (2%) TO BE PLACED IN THE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND; CREATING A BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO MANAGE AND DISBURSE RELIEF AND PENSIONS AS PROVIDED BY THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF OKLAHOMA; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Section 1. FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD CREATED, --DUTIES, There is created a board of Trustees, to be know as "The Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund", which shall consist of the President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, the Town Clerkand the Town Treasurer, together with two members of the Owasso Fire Department to be elected by the said fire department of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma. Section 2. ELECTION OF TRUSTEES FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT. Upon the taking effect of this ordinance, the fire department shall elect, by ballot, two members of such fire department, one of whom shall serve for the term of one year, and one for the term of four years, and thereafter such fire department shall, every two years, elect by ballot one of its members to serve for the term of four years upon the Board of Trustees created by Section ONe (1) of this ordinance. Section 3. DUTIES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND. The Board of Trustees of "The Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund" shall provide for the disjbursement of relief and pensions from the relief and pension fund, and shall designate the beneficiaries thereof, and perform such acts and have such authority as may be provided by the laws of the State of Oklahoma relating thereto. Section 4. DEDUCTIONS FROM FIREMEN'S SALARIES. That from and after the effective date of this Ordinanceit shall be duty of the Clerk of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, to deduct from the salaries or wages of each member of the Owasso Fire Department an amount equal to two per centum (2%) of the annual salaries or compensation paid by the town to such member of the fire Department. Deductions shall be made semi-monthly, at the time such firement are regulary paid,k and when so deducted shall be deposited in in "The Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund". All such deductions so made shall be set forth in each semi-monthly payrool, in a legible manner, so that each member of the fire department contributin to said Fund may be able to ascertain the exact amount which he is contributing; provided, that should the pay- roll of said fire department be on a monthly basis, then such report and deductions as herein provided shall be made monthly. Section 5. EMERGENCY. Whereas, Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statues for the year 1941, Section 373 provids that no town, or fire department thereof shall be entitled to the Funds the State of Oklahoma until an ordinance authorizing the deduction of two per centum (2%) of the annual salaries of the members of the Fire Department is duly enacted, an emergency is deemed to exist for the preservation of the peace, health safety of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the inhabitants thereof, and it is immediatly necessary that the provisions of this ordinance be put into full force and effect upon its passage and approval, and by reason thereof an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this Ordinance shall take effect ad be in full force from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. Emergency clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 18th day of October, 1965. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, on this 18th day of October, 1965. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma on this 18th day of October, 1965. President of the Board of Trustees for The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST: Town Clerk (seal) APPROVED: Attorney for Owasso, Oklahoma PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE COLLINSVILLE NEWS Collinsville, Oklahoma STATE OF OKLAHOMA ss COUNTY OF TULSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lawful age, being duly sworn and author- ized, is the of The Collinsville News, a weekly news- paper printed in the English language, in the City of Collinsville, Tulsa County, Ok- lahoma, having a paid general subscription circulation in said County, with entrance into the United States mails as second class mail matter in Tulsa County, and published and printed in said County where delivered to the United States mail, that said news- paper has been continuously and uninter- ruptedly published in said County during a period of one-hundred four (104) con- secutive weeks immediately prior to the first publication of the attached notice, advertisement or publication; and that said newspaper comes within the requirements of Chapter 4 of Title 25, Oklahoma Sta- tutes 1951, as amended, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Ok- lahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regu- lar edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: ........... I ....... ............ 11, ............. ....... . 19 .... ..... ............................... 19.... ............... ............. 19 ............................... 19 ......... .................. ....... . 19 .... ................. ........ ......... di P( P( ...... si The Collinsville News th ac Subscribed and Sworn to before me this .... day of ...... ................. 19.... MY commission expires: Noka�'y Public The first meeting of the Beari of Trustees of the Fireman Relief and Pension Yund was called t o order an january 14, 1971 at 7:00 PM As stipulated by law, the Board of Trustees for the firemean Relief and Pension Fund are as follaws john R. Grath - Chairma'a inez Odom - Secretary EX-officio Martha Boyd - Treasurer Ex-offiNo As board members of the Fire Department: Lee Horst has been elected to the four (4) year term as representative of the Fire Department, and Tom Rikkolm has been elected to the One year term. These five (5) members will conduct all business Mesa, before the boara with the chairman and the elected representatives of the 7ire Denartmeah as the votinp mamhers. TYR mnP4!n=R &U-- oa held one (1) time each month as provided by Section State law. Kambers pres Yembers abse john R. GrotIn Tom Rikkol-a. Lee Forsib 1 ne z Od om, Martha Boy, in the absence of the Secretary, Lee Horst was appoiatedL as Acting Secretary for the meeting by the chairman of the board. Motion was made call, az which time Second - Tom Rikkola Tom Rikkola - Aye. by Lee Horst to place the next meati regular meeting jazes will be seleote ® Votese john Groth - Aye, Lee Horst it is a recommendation of this chairman, that the amounts to be set for retireEent of the firemen at this time, due me being paid with no fireman contribution'. that any retirement naid be within the bounds of earninxs of the Dens ion fund as P" 't exists now and in the future. Yotion was made bv Tom Rik-aola to iss',,e a Y u ca.w ra-t in -the to cover purchase of a book of 200 warrants. amount 003 -' -1 Seoon,,`- - 'Lee Horst. Votes: john 3roth - Aye, Tor: Rikkola - Aye, Lee Horst - Ikye. Letter of application for retirement received from Tom Johnson was read to the board. Application was accepted. Motion was made by Tom Rikkola that his pension be in the amount of $35.00 per month, effective for the month of January, 1971. Second - Lee Horst. Votes: John Groth - Aye, Tom Rikkola - Aye, Lee Horst - Aye. Letter of application for retirement received from J. R. (Scotty) Glasgow was read to the board. Application was accepted. Motion was made by Lee Horst that is pension be in the amount of $25.00 per month, effective for the month of January, 1971. Second 0 Tom Rikkola, Votes: John Groth - Aye, Lee Horst - Aye, Tom Rikkola - Aye. Motion was made by Tom Rikkola to adjourn. Second - Lee Horst. Votes John Groth - Aye, Tom Rikkola - Aye, Lee Horst - Aye. Chairman Acting Secretary Emergency clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 18th day of October, 1965. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, on this 18th day of October, 1965. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma on this 18th day of October 1965. John R. Groth President of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Owasso, OKlahoma ATTEST Robbie Fickle Town Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED: M>S> Sawyer, Attorney for Owasso, Oklahoma