HomeMy WebLinkAbout077_Water Ordinances_Amends part of Ord 24 29 74AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION THREE 93) AND SIXTEEN (16) OF ORDINANCE NUMBER TWENTY-NINE (29), PASSED JULY 18, 1961, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, TITLE 14, OF THE RECISED ORDINANCES FOR THE TOWN OD OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, 1957, AND AMENDING SECION NINE (9) DATED July 18, 1961, BY ADDING THERETO ADDITIONAL SECTION DESIGNATED AT " SECTION 9-B", AND PERTAINING TO WATER METER DEPOSITS, WATER SERVICE CHARGES FOR USERS OUTSIDE THE TOWN LIMITS OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND COST OF WATER TAPS, AND DECLARING AND EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1. That Section Three (3) of Ordinance Twenty-nine (29) dated July 18,1961, of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, amending Chapter Two (2) of Title Fourteen (14) of the Revised Ordinance of The Town of Owasso, 1957, be amended to provide and read as follows: "Section Three (3). DEPOSIT REQUIRED. When any person who desires the use of water from the water supply system of said Town of Owasso shall make application and sign contracts for said service, he shall be required to make a reasonable deposit to gaurantee payment of all water bills, the amount to be fixed by the Board of Trustees upon the basis of an amount equal to the estimated water bill for sixty days service, but in no event shall the deposit be less than Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for single family dwellings, nor less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for high quantity water users such as laundries, large apartments, and the like, and water service shall not be supplied until the said deposit is made; Deposits, so made and requires, shall be refunded to the applicant whenever the water service is disconnected and all water bills are paid to date of the discontinuance of service." SECTION 2. That Section Sixteen (16) of Ordinance Number Twenty-Nine (29), dated July 18, 1961, of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, amending Title Fourteen (14) of the Revised Ordinances of the Town of Owasso, 1957, be amended to provide and read as follows: "Section Sixteen (16). CHARGES OUTSIDE TOWN LIMITS. The rates to consumers of water outside The Town Limits of said Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be as follows: 1. The cost and charges for the pirpose of taping and connecting, installing and setting of a water meter shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) 2. Cost of water used shall be Fout and 50/100 Dollars ($4.50) for the first one thousand gallons or less of water used per month. 3. Cost of water used for the second one thousand gallons or fraction thereof of water ussed per month shall be One and 50/100 Dollars ($1.50) 4. Cost of water used for the third one thousand gallons or fraction thereof of water used per month shall be One and 20/100 Dollars ($1.20) 5. Cost of water used in excess of three thousand gallons of water used per month shall be One Dollars ($1.00) per thousand gallons or fraction thereof. " Section Sixteen-A (16-A) MINIMUM RATES: the minimum monthly charge for all water service outside the Town Limits of The Town of Owasso, shall be as follows: 1. Where one family or business unit uses or is connected to water service, a minimum charge of Four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4.50) per month shall be made. 2. Where two or mote family units or seperate business units are connected to be supplied with water registered through a single meter, Four and Fifty One- hundredth Dollars ($4.50) per month, per unit, shall be charged, without regard as to whether or not any such units be vacant, used or occupied. " SECTION 3. That Section Nine (9) of Ordinance Twenty-Nine (29) Passed July 18, 1961, and Section' Nine (9)" of Ordinance Seventy-four (74) amending Ordinance Twenty- Nine (29) and Title Fourteen (14) of the revised Ordinances of The Town of Owasso, 1957, be amended by adding thereto a section designated as "Section 9-B", to provide and to read as follows: "Section Nine-B (9-B). COST OF TAP AND CONNECTION CHARGES WITHIN TOWN LIMITS. The cost and charges to consumers of water within the Town Limits of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, for the purpose of taping and connecting to the Town's water system and including the connecting, installing and setting of a water meter shall be Eighty Five Dollars ($85.00). SECTION 4. That all provisions of Ordinance NUmber 29, and Ordinance Number 74, herein amended, which are not in conflict with this Ordinance Number 77, shall remain unchanged and in full force and affect. SECTION 5. EMERGENCY. That because of ecisting condition constituting and immediate threat to the safety of per sons and property and to the public welfare, and for the preservation of public health, peace and safety and for the furtherance of the public health, peace, safety, and welfare, an emergency exists, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. EMERGENCY CLAUSE voted upon separately and passed by the unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 16th day of May, 1966. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 16th day of Ma, 1966. THE COLLINSVILLE NEWS Collinsville, Oklahoma STATE OF OKLAHOMA Ss COUNTY OF TULSA f J hn P. 'dright ........................................ I of lawful age, being duly sworn and author- ized, is the -p-ublisher ................. of The Collinsville News, a weekly news- paper printed in the English language, in the City of Collinsville, Tulsa County, Ok- lahoma, having a paid general subscription circulation in said County, with entrance into the United States mails as second class mail matter in Tulsa County, and published and printed in said County where delivered to the United States mail, that said news- paper has been continuously and uninter- ruptedly published in said County during a period of one-hundred four (104) con- secutive weeks immediately prior to the first publication of the attached notice, advertisement or publication; and that said newspaper comes within the requirements of Chapter 4 of Title 25, Oklahoma Sta- tutes 1951, as amended, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Ok- lahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regu- lar edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: ................ ........... 19.. 66 ..... .......1 ....................... 19.... .................................... 19.... ..... ............................... 19.... .................................... 19.... .................................... 19.... .... ............................... 19.... J, -J, The Collinsville News If 20 May 66 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......... day of ....................................... 19.... 9.69, ...... My commission expires: sQp-.�. 30, ............. otary Public 1. Where one family or business unit uses oris connected to water service, a minimum charge of Four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4.50) per month shall be made. 2. Where two or more family units or separate business units are conected to be supplied with water registered through a single meter, Fourt and Fifty one- hunderedth dollars ($4.50) per month, per utnit, shall be charged, without regard as to whether or not any such unit or units be vacant, used or occupied. SECTION 3. That Section Nine (9) of Ordinance Twenty-Nine (29) and Title Fourteen (14) of the Revised Ordinances of the Town of Owasso, 1957, be amended by adding thereto a section designeded as "Section 9-B," to provide and to read as follows: "Section Nine-N (9B) COST OF TAP AND CONNECTION CHARGES WITHIN TOWN LIMITS. The cost and charges to consumers of wather within the Town Limits of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, for the purpose of Tapping and connecting to the Town's Water system and including the connecting, installing and setting of a water meter shall be Eighty-Five dollars ($85.00). SECTION 4 That all provisions of Ordinance Number 29 and Ordinance Number 74, herein amended, which are not in conflict witht this Ordinance number 77, shall remain unchanged and in full for and affect. SECTION 5. EMERGENCY. That becuase of existing conditions constituting an immediate threat to the safety of persons and property and to the public welfare and for the preservation of public health, peace and safety and for the furtherance of the public health, peace, safety and welfare, an emergency exitsts, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage and approval as proveded by law. EMERGENCY CLAUSE voted upon separately and passed by the unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this16th day of May, 1966. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 16th day of May, 1966. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trusteed os the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 16th day of May, 1966. JOHN R. GROTH, President of the Board of Trusteed ATTEST: Inez Odom, Town Clerk Approved as to Form: M. S, Sawyer, Attorey for Town of Owasos, Oklahoma (SEAL)