HomeMy WebLinkAbout082_Vacating Alley_Block 7_Old TownAN ORDINANCE VACATING, DISCONTINUING AND ABANDONING A PUBLIC ALLEY LOCATED AND RUNNING THROUGH THE CENTER OF BLOCK SEVEN (7) OF THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BEING A STRIP OF LAND TWENTY (20) FEET IN WIDTH AND THREE HUNDRED (300) FEET IN LENTH, LYING NORTH WEST THOMAS AVENUE, NOW SECOND STREET, AND EXTENDING NORTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST THIRD STREET (FORMERLY SHERIDAN AVENUE), ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE, WITH CERTAIN RESERVATIONS HEREIN DESCRIBED, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: WHEREAS, a petition has been filed and presented to the Board of Trusttes, by the sole owners of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six(6), Seven (7), and Eight (8) in Block Seven (7) of the Original Townsite of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, consisting of more than one-half of the owners within said Block Seven of said original townsite, requesting and agreeing to the vacating, discontinuing and abandoning of land described and designated in said play as an alley located and running thorufh the center of said Block Seven of a northernly and southernly direction; and whereas the petitioners constitute all of the owners of the respective lots within said Block Seven; and Whereas said designated alleyway appearing within said Block Seven, according to the recorded plat, has not been opened or used for alley, travel or roadway purposes, and it being to the mutual advantage, benefit and welfare of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the said property owners, the sole owners of said property, that said petition and request be granted, subject to reservations of easments for sewer, water and utility lines and equiptment and the maintenance thereof, IT IS THEREFORE ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subject to the terms, resevation and conditions hereinafter set forth, the public alleyway located within and running through Block Seven (7) of the Original Townsite of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, being a strip of land twenty feet (20ft) in width extending from the North line or West Thomas Avenue, now West Second Street and running in a Northernly direction to the South line of Sheridan Avenue voo,�3782 447 Health, welfare and safety, ly reason whereof this ordinance shall take affect from and aftear its passage, apprcTai and publicaticM. W&W, and the Emergency Clause voted vTcn separate2y and passed by imaniincas v& ,,e of the Board of Trustees this Sh day cf Avember, 2566. RARCIED ig the President of the Dcard of Trustees of The Tcmn of Vasso, Cklahoma, this Sh day of November, 1966. JI, AT T10-y 0= W-V < rd bf r zustees Q lerk APIRC,I) IS T C D 0 COE. W, Att ornpy'f or The T own df Cmassq (SIARAF Board Amb er B caa& Member Boaxd Member Board me user -4, PROOF OF PUBAATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the .......... a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of . . . ................ Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for ........... consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the ry . . . . . . ............... day of ... l '. ........ 19 and the last day of publication being on the 2, ............. day of ... ...... 19 and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws 'of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was published in all editions of saiq,,,,n, ws?4f, er and not in a supplement thereof, zZ _4 . ................. ... Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill R. Retherford, publisher of the ........... this day of ... ........ 19 rotary Public. My commission expires ........ PUBLISHER'S FEE .� s LEW NOTICE )RDINANCL NO. 8.1 A.N ()RDINANICE VACATING, DISCON rNUING ANDABANN)DNINO API13LICALLEY LOCA- TE D AINDRUNNLNG TDROLGHTHECENTERBLOCK SEVEN (7) OF THEORIGINAL TOWN- SITE OF T IE TOWN 01 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BEING A STRIP OF LAND TWENTY (20) E ET W TID ANDTHREF IRNDREI "I'll, 'TIN 1611IT1,1',,1�11phl NORTH OF WEST �Fi, ANDF�"TN I HOMAN AVENUE, I, P I TO THE SOUTH LINE (FORMERNYI) STIFRIJ C6RDiNGT0 THE RECORDED OW SET Of, rl III D STREE DAN AVENUE;) AC PL T�MfltOr, TIND MORE PART'I'CULIUILY DESCRIBED B?1,1115 ORDISANCE, WITH CFH7,JJ�N 'RESER VATIONS HEREIN DESCRIBED AND DECUUNG AN' EXERCE, CY. 13E IT ORDAINED B)'TIIEPRESIDr.N'I',INDTIIEBoARrI OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: WHERFAE, I I'lliteme I'll been filed and presented to file Board of T ... by the e n .. let, at Ude One (1),T , (2), ThrI,-, (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (f), Seven (7) and Etcht �8) !,I Field, sevv�� 01 ) I'd the Om pie al,'Yovorrite at Tile TOM of Owacsp,�,pkaakocm, sccaldrh� I I , 'e, Plat I cle-1, unistimiofenaroth. min-bal(offlie, my"bec uldo snid Block Seven I, "d ."'T"I ine,seld" lite,stisr, =it agreeing to the varall , and aband,.nin, If label de .. filed m',e designated in said Flat As a'subf � , a nor and nine, Isli, the center ,If ­d Block Seven In -ly dire ll eUttlbcns inumdrin all of thl -.or, of 1 Mletive lots Irdbursold BIMI, Sieves; and WHEREAS said designated Alleyway appearing whnk -,.it black Scrub, Anolding I,) the rded 1,1 ,1, Its, at bovu.pokedo, .,df,,r alloy, travel .1 Modendy murpocce, and if bear be mutual 1hy-W91, btiold ad U., ,I The, To. If 0,k—, Olikibeirs, .,it the card the matmenalen, thercm, IT IS THEREFORE ORDAINED By THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS FOLLOWS: Sect�flb 1. SIblent to the terms, reservations and conditions bereinafter so mith, the public ill 1 and alleyway located did I ad Marine, th'ImIll BL,M (?) of the Ordmind TomInn, It The T.- It O-Sso, Oklahoma, brier A strip If land Overly Toot (20ft) in width MIM&M f,)nt th' North Line , 01', ,W111 Thomas Arabs, toy, West Second Street .)it ailing a therly direction to file South Lint of SherJoin Avenue, new Want Third Street, and more Apr ti,ill,rly d .... thou iis RAII.s: A strip If land bhg#nnufg at a point One Hundred Forty Feet (140f1.) West If the Nerflecam c.r.Ir of Let On' (1) in Black Seven (7) of the Original T.-vate of file To- of O.1sa, Oblaboulk, Maine South sfati the West lines of Lots One (1), Two (2), ThcM (3) slid four (4) card Block Seven (7) a distant wt Three Hundred Feet (300) ft to s point at re, Southwest cemep.r of Lot Four (4) In said Block Seven (7): ifience West siong the NyrIb Hne uVest Thomas Avenue, now West Second Street, a m,unne, of T­ty Feet (2(h.) to I Sortheast corner. of Lot Five (5) 1. said Block Seven; them. North along fit, East Imes Lot s Fire (5), Six (6), Seven (7) And Eight (6) in card Block Seven a dichince of, Thin ". Hundred Feet (30011.) to a point beent, the Northeast corner of said Lot Fight fif; Heart, E.11t 41011L, the South Line of West Shericlon Avenue, me", West 'I 'lard St a darLicce d Twenty Feet (ijkft.) to Pa a all If said real prbpelip shana, it —artog, st f bel an, 11min The T.- of On—., `�Mrdy "mi4 "' in of to the rec!)1,11d Phil finvem, is lev,by vacated And chandomml brl­ as if public thoroughfare or public alloy, Section 2. The above and foregoing va,atiom,, effective by Section One (1) or thecordlearO, are cubf,el 1. the folluning, reservation by The To- of O —s. of As crib diet and i hea to lay, his all, build or creat and to maintain, repair, bay . oularge ard/a., operate att" el", and ldi�dy lines over, order, upon, along and dernsk a strip of land five ( 5) test in wild, on each m, both sides of a center line of the, North Two Hundred Forty Foot (240N.) of the land or afil,y ­y —ibed V, Section Number One (See, 13 If t hus Ordinances umber $2, wild I'll, TrM "1 0 a rma�kc And reserves an canninned t and Herman and over the strip or liner of lad describest in this section within cud trated public alley for said put- To— of install g, clannaming,irepa,mil replacing, chastent, Indantmg, it millaticA. 11 "all 11 'it Imunalks, any -it,, 111. 111m, M,Ir, Military le—, laml -1­0' line or other public improvelffit or utility ec,, upon, Under, and said imr, or tract described in this Secteal, logmther %Ofll the rilde[ If edprMs to and """" fro. n such cadidenvat ad lonchan thereof, v­,,sary and courveriat to the enjoybeed of the easement nireservod; and Provided F rfl)cr, that the above vacation is made subject to the -Visame, of it" Charter If the T-1111 If 0 asst, Oklahmals, and it,, Stable, of tire Smile nl OkIlbmrla in us], cases mAd, .,it provided. Section 3, EMERGENCY. That an — usbas far the pmrvairse If it,, public: peace, bealte, "'Ifare ad safety, by reaced wherMffluer ordinance shah take affect from adafter it p,1,Sagl spPMvkI and publication. PASSED, abut the Emergency Clause VOWd upon separately and passed by Makileme, vote nf. the Board of Trumne, this ?in day If November, 1966. APPROVED by it,,, president If the Sward of Trustees of The T­ of O­ss., Oklalieum, it,,, 7th day .1 November, 1960, ATTEST. INEZ ODOM, JOHN I, GROTH T—Ir Clerk P—denr .1 the Board of Trust... APPROVED AS TO FORM, M.S. SAWYI--,R Attorney for The Toah of Owe so, Oklahoma. P M" S T 7T I]TITION ME -MST TO TIRE. 11AYOR AND CIT71- 00-1 !SSIOIMSRS� 07,,'-,jASS09 TTMS:q CNI?T7 9 OIMA- Y undersigned prp-perty o7uvners further Petition your Honorable Body to take the required legal steps as set forth in the Statutes of th4 State of Oklahoma, to accomplish the closing of said alley to the Public usee Z I)ated this day of October t 1966. Dr. Perry 4,,,�ans Owner of Lots Seven (7), and EEi�ht (28J., Block Seven (7), Original Townsite of Owasso,, Tulsa 00untY,, State of Oklahoma. State of 0k.1ahcma,) Ss. County of Tulsa. ) ij (S AII) Notary Public, Commission Ex-n ire s (�' z State of Oklahoma.) County of Tulsa. ) ( 8-3E A L ) Illy Comaission Expires Cheir.mman of the OfficP4z'Board of Owasso Chur�6h, Owasso, Tulsa 00untyq State Of Oklahoma.