HomeMy WebLinkAbout084_Weapons_Amends title 10_Ch 20 of the revised Ord of 1957ORDINANCE NUMBER 84 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 162 OF TITLE 10, CHAPTER 20 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, PERTAINING TO EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL ORDINANCES PROHIBITING THE USE AND CARRYING OF WEAPONS; LIMITING EXCEPTIONS TO UNLOADED SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES; DEFINING THE WORD "UNLOADED: AS USED IN THIS ORDINANCE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: That Whereas a revision of Section 162 of Title 10, Chapter 20 of The Revised Ordinances of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, of 1956, which reads as follows: "Section 162. Arms --- Lawful to Carry. Persons shall be permitted to carry shotguns or rifles to and from repair shops where they are taken for repair, or for the purpose of using same in public muster or military drill, or while going to or from hunting trips.", is necessary for the protection of the lives, person and property of the inhabitants and perons within The Town of Owasso, said section number 162 of said Title 10 of The Revised Ordinances of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma of 1956, shall be and is hereby amended and made to read as follows: Section 1. ARMS -- LAWFUL TO CARRY. Person shall be permitted to carry unloaded shotguns or rifles to and from repair shops where they are taken for repair, or for the purpose of using same in public muster or military drill, or while going to or returning from hunting trips; PROVIDED, that a shopgut or rifle shall be considered to be unloaded, and not otherwise, when no shell, bullet or pettet is placed or contained within the barrel thereof nor within any chamber, magazine, clip or other devise connected thereto or to be used in the operation of same, wheather attached or not, for the purpose of feed- ing bullets, shells or pellets into position for firing or discharge. Section 2. EMERGENCY: WHEREAS the uncontroled carrying of firearms within the town of Owasso, Oklahoma, has created a threat to life, limb and property of inhabitants thereof and persons and property therein, and it therefore being immediaely necessary for the preservation of the peace, health, and safety of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the inhabitants thereof, that the provisions of this ordinance be put into immediate force and affect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and by reason thereof this ordinance shall take affect and be in full force and affect from and after its passage, as provided by law. Emergency Clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 19th day of December, 1966. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 19th day of December, 1966. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklaoma, this 19th day of December, 1966. ATTEST: Town Clerk President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, & Approved as to form: Attorney for The Town of Owasso, Okla. Members of the Board of Tustees, concurring CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, the undersigned, the duly elected and acting Town Clerk for the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, do hereby certify that on the 19th day of December, 1966, i did post a copy of the above and foregoing ordinance, "Number 84:, in Ten (10) most public places in The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, as provided by law. Inez Odom, Town Clerk, By Clerk (Seal) PROOF OF PUBLICATION 26388 --� (Published in the Tulsa Daily ex Leeffiali News, March 2 & ,9,' 1964, Dter° STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Publishing Co., Publishers,) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS t33t;REtiX UIVEN that Dexter Moss, Jr,, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon a, ketitwn has been 'presented to oath deposes and says that he is the publisher and editor of the xsoard of TrusLees or the Town, the TULSA DAILY LEGAL NEWS, a daily news paper printed of Owasso, Oklahoma„ signed by p p more than three- iourtns or tae legal in the English language, in the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, voters and by ;the owners of more Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, than three - fourths in value of the with' entrance into the United States mail as second class foaiuving deser�oed real property. 1 matter in Tulsa County and y to -wit: , published in said taunt Ttta South i�atf (sxh) of he ere delivered to the United States mail, and that the Southwest quarter '(Swi/�) of notice b publication, a copy of which is hereto attached one southwest quarter (S 0(29), �' p of Section 'Twenty -:nine (29)F ' and the Southeast Quarter was: published in said newspaper for - __- ta._'_'- __ - - - --- consecutive ( 1/) of the §outheast Quar- ter (SEI/o of the Southeast weeks, the first publication being on the - ----- `-IL _- ____ -- quarter (sll_A) and the East r ; lialf: (E1 /2) or the East Iialf day*of 19 -�- ------ and the last day of (L'/2) of the East half (111%) of the Southwest Quarter publication being on the -__..._ - -- day of - ------ ___r --------- _, (S I / ,,) of the Soutneast / Quarter (SE ,0 of the South - 19 � z -, and that said newspaper has been continuously and east Quarter. (SE YD of Section uninterruptedly published in said county during the period all I /2) and the Norti� Ralf (N �2 } of the .Northeast of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecu- quarter (.NE %) of the North- ` tively-, prior to the first publication of said notice, or ad- east quarter (NE x/&) and ' the vertisement, as required. by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 North Nighty Peet (80 ft.) of the South calf (S%), =/4 of the Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. Northeast Quarter ; (NE ) of 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all the Northeast Quarter (NE %) of the prescriptions and. requirements of the laws of Okla- of section Thirty-one (3 N and homa. (The advertisement above referred to is a 'true and the he North Quarter T of the Northwest Quarter, printed copy. Said notice p blished in all editions of (NWYIYI) of the Northwest Q ear - saidonewspaper and Lnot' su iem ent hereof.} icevo (32) Ia�la in Towzaship v ty -One (21) North, Range Four- - teen (14) East of the Indian Ease and Meridian, in . the - - -° _ _ __ __ County of Tulsa, State of Okla - homa, Subscribed and sworn to before me by Dext 40ss, Jr., which petition represents and prays that said property be by an ordi- nanee of the Board, of the Board of pubiislier and editor of the TULSA DAILY LEGAL NESS, Trustees of the Town of Owasson this ` _ ` day of A ` �'' 19 ' s4- ------- _, Oklahoma, annexed to and included - �p within the limits of said Town, and by said Ordinance the limits of said — — - - -- town be extended tq include Bald property, which petition will be Notary Public. presented for final action by said Board of Trustees at its next regu- lar meeting on the 16th day eat My fommisSion expires -------- ---_ :viarch 1964, beginning at the hour p __ _ ------- - - -- -- -- - -- --- __ -_.w of 7 :00 o clock P.M ; at the Towxa Hall in said Town of Owasso, Okla- homa. t Dated this 2nd day of March, 1964, PUBLISHER'S FEE $ -_--- GU's . fa. REED and MARGUERITE M. RE MD, Owners and Petitioners. PROOF OF PUBAATION LRAt-_ STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the 29, 1966 and Januaxy 5, 1967. c U ............. a newspaper PUBLIC NOTICE printed in the English language, in the City of rT_"*__ 'i"On fblf a ............. Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a it �a'vin'g' - * bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class ti mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county h, where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice ti by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was v published in said newspaper for ................. the following described real consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the property ' to-wit: 0- The Southwest Quarter . . . . . . .............. day of . .1-.0 C ......... (SW 1/4) of the Northeast 19 . . . . 0 - Quarter (NE 1/4), of the South- C., and the last day of publication being on the west Quarter (SW 1/4), of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), . . ................... day of ........ Sou 6,7 less the South 132 Feet there- 19 . . . . . . and that said newspaper has been continuously q" and the South 256.7 'Feet and uninterruptedly published in said county during the of the North Half (N 1/2) period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks of the N6rtheagt Quarter consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, (NE 1/4), , of the Southwest or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter Quarter (SW 1/4), of the South- four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended east Quarter (SE 1/4), all in by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, 'Section 19, Township 21North, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- Range 14 East of the LB. & M, ments of the laws, of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above Tulsa County, Oklahoma. referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was Which petition represents published in all editions of sal newspaper and not in a and prays that said property supplement thereoQ/ be by an ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the . . . . . .. Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill R. /etherford annexed to and included within LUZ L11111�� publisher of the " ........................ by ordinance the limits of said Town be extended to in- this day of 19 said property which elude petition will be presented for ....... final action by said Board of Notary �u*blic.' its, regular meet- ) Trusteesat in g on, iaR�,uary 5, 1967, 8.30 My commission expires ?-A& - '7o ................. P.M,,'at'To'wn Hall, Owasso, PUBLISHER'S FEE