HomeMy WebLinkAbout087_North School Second_Amends Part of Ord 5503 0 P,,, 12 8, 5 SAUDI ORDIMME NOYBER 87 AN ORDINANCE FEFFALING RAW CF ORDINANCE NT•TER FTFTY-FTVE (55) OF TEE TCWN OF CWASSill OKIAFOVA 17MPOETING TO ANNEX TO THE TOFX OF CWASSO TPE SO1777VEST QUARTER (SQ) OF TEE NOFTFEAS WARTER (M) OF TPE SOUTPFAST 'Q.)TJ1UI.RTER (SE-i) LESS THE SOUTH 132- FEET THEREOF AID TPE SOUTH 256.7 FEFT OF THE NORTH 00-110 Q 1J) CP THE NORTFEAST QUARTER (NEI) CF THE SCUTHEYST QUIRTER (SEA), ALL IN SECTION NTNETEFN (19), TOINSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) -Z NORTH3 RANGE FOURTEEN (1h) EAST, IN TUISA COUNTY, SK_ ATOYA; DECLARING SAIE TO BE DETACHED FROM THE TCTN OF CTASS01 CKAYMA, AND NOT A PAPT TFEREOFT AID DECLARING AN EIERGENCY. TPEREAS on the lst day of February, 1965, the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso2 Oklahoma, did by Ordinance Nunbered 55, accept, add to and annex to the said Town of Owasso., the following described real property described therein, described as follo s: L The Southwest Quarter (IS -e-A of the Northeast Quarter (DFE�.- of thE A ATE Do' Southeast Quarter (SET) Less the South 132 Feet thereof, 7 and the Ut - 4 Noy South 256.7 Feet of the North (ne-half (N. 1/2) of the Northeast F 111 i 7 Quarter (NEI) of the Southeast Quarter (SEQ, ALL in Section Nineteen (19), Township Tyentywone (21) North, Range Fourteen (Ahjjp of; 167 East, in. Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, an4l CLYOI V THE RE_ S9 through mistake, inad sae rtance and typographical error, the petitioner, A014M.RX, School District Number 1-11, r ered in the description of the land it had petitioned to"be annexed to said Town of Owasso, and intended annexation of land described in Ordinance Nurter 85 of said Town of Owasso3 Oklahoma, and, TF err FAS the above described real property was not a part of said petitioner's property nor abutting thereto to other property described in said Ordinance Number 55; was not adjacent to the boundary line of the corporate limits of said Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, nor did the owner thereof petition for annexation, and therefore The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, was without right or authority and could not legally annex to said incorporated town the zal property above described2 and that part of said Ordinance Nurler 55 Should be repeale TIT ''4 700F, PE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOAFD OF TR7STFFS OF THE T,7TVN` OF 3"ASS02 OKILAF!OiV�k: Section 1. That that part of Ordinance Nurber Fifty0ive (55) of the Town of Owassog 1700na,'purporting to accept, add to and annex to the said Town of Owasso, the following described real property, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter (SO) of the Northeast Quarter (NEI) of the Southeast Quarter (SEE) Less the South 132 Feet thereof, z and the South 256.7 Feet of the North One-half (N. 123 of the Northeast (NEV1) Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE11), All in Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty-one (211 North, Range Fourteen (1i) East, in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, be and is hereby repealed. Section 2. That the real Troperty described in Section One (Sec. A® ofAhis Ordinance 07 .,ached from and not longer a part of The Town of Owasso2 Oklahoma, and ,not subject to the control of or within the jurisdiction of said Town of Owasso, Oklahoma. Section 3® That the rest and remainder of said Ordinance Number 55 of The Town of Owasso, ahoma, not herein specifically repealed, shall remain in full force and affect. Section 11MMMY. That an emergency exists for the preservation of the public peace, MATand-saTety; and to expedite the orderly adjustment of taxation, this being the tax assessment period provided by law, and by reason thereof this Ordinance shall Deco effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED, by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owassop Oklahoma, this 6th day of March.1967. EN70FArY CLAUFF voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owassop Okiahoha,_this 6th day of Yarch, 1967, APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of, The Town of Owasso2 Oklahoma, this 6th da3 of March, 1967 1 A n , 0 1 ATTFS-T P Town Clerk. APPRI AM dwAs ARM, S and Members CERTT7- CATE OF POSTTINICT the duly elected or appointed I w n vin of owassop Oklahoma,, do Tav Clerk,, of The To hereby e r J, f y that o n, th.8-1- -day. of 19672 i did post a copy of the a,- foregoing Ordinance "Niz,,foer hereto Pref;-Xed2 in then (10) of the 'bove an-d. most, public places in The Town of sso., Oklahor.a. as required by lav,,. DePU y Town C r PROOF OF PUBLORATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the . . .... . . . . .................... a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for , .. a .............. consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the . . . . . . ............... day of ............. ig .,and the last day of publication being on the day of .............. 19 and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws of Oklahoma- (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was published in all editions of sai4,,nbwsp0 and of in a supplement therell Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill R. Reflfbrford, sz" publisher of the ""'juvr"r?, ................ 7 this day of ........ 19 0 e y Public. f. '4� MY COMrM - ssion expires h ........... PUBLISHER'S FEE