HomeMy WebLinkAbout092_Ator Heights AnnexedORDINANCE NUMBER 92 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING AND ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, A TRACT OF LAND BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE1/4) OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, THENCE NORTH 686 FEET, THENCE WEST 1320 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 686 FEET, THENCE EAST 1320 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE COUNTY OF TULSA, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT FROM AND AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, ALL OF SAID REAL ESTATE SHALL BE APART OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN AND ALL PROPERTY SITUATED THEREON SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURSIDICTION, CONTROL AND ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ALL RESPECTS AND PARTICULARS; AND, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: WHEREAS, a petition has been filed and presented by one D. M. sokolosky and one Phyllis Sokolosky, as sole owners, petitioning and requesting that the following described real property, to wit: A tract of land, beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty-one (21) North, range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Thence North 686 Feet, Thence West 1320 feet, thence South 686 feet, Thence East 1320 feet to the Point of Beginning in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey Thereof, be accepted, added and annexed to The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma; and, notice of presentation of said petition having been duly and regularly given and published once in each week for two successive weeks in the collinsville News, a newspaper fully qualified under the laws of the State of Oklahoma for such publication, and published nearest to The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and proof of publicationhaving been duly filed all as required by law, AND, WHEREAS said described property is adjacent to the present boundary line of the corporate limits of the said The Town of Owasso, and it is to the mutual advantage, benefit and welfare of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the said D. M. Sokolosky and Phyllis Sokolosky, the sole owners of said real property, that the said petition be allowed and the request granted, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the request and petition of the said D. M. sokolosky and Phyllis Sokolosky, herein referred to, be granted and allowed. Section 2. That the following real property, to-wit: A tract of land, beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty-one (21) North, range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Thence North 686 Feet, Thence West 1320 feet, thence South 686 feet, Thence East 1320 feet to the Point of Beginning in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey Thereof, be accepted, added and annexed to The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma; and, notice of presentation having been lawfully given as prescribed by law. the same is hereby admitted to and taken into the corporate limits of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, said notice having been duly given. Section 3. that from and after the affective date of this ordinance, all of said real estate described herein shall be a part of The Town of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, and all persons residing therein and all property situated thereon shall be subject to the jurisdiction, control and ordinances of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 4. That an emergency exists for the prservation of the public health, peace, safety and welfare, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. EMERGENCY CLAUSE voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 15th day of May, 1967. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 15th day of May, 1967. APPROVED by the President of the board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, on this 15th day of May, 1967. ATTEST: Town Clerk President of the Board of Trustees CERTIFICATE OF POSTING the undersigned,and actin f ar The Town of Cw-asso3 Oklahoma, Q hereb by certify that on the 15th day of XQ3 19672 1 did post a copy of the above and foregoing ordinance "Number 92"p hereto prefixed, in five of the most public places in the To of Cwasso5 Cklahomap as required by law. T HE COLLINS I LE 1°vEwS Collinsville, Oklahoma STATE OF OKLAHOMA A i ss COUNTY OF TULSA J lawful age, being duly sworn and author- ized, is �e t .):1.r r c , .. T?QI „ ca ..... b i[. of The Collinsville News, a weekly news- paper printed in the English language, in the City Of Coll:(nsvitle, ilsa County, Ok- lahomt, having a paid general subscription eirc datiozn in said CourEty, with entrance into the United States n3ails as second class mail rnatt r (:1 Tulsa County, and published and prinleal , 1 said County where delivered to the United! SLaies Ynafl, that said news- paper has been con"inuously and uninter- ruptedly Pub _she di hi said County during a period of one- hwad_ed four (104) con - seeaiive weeks irfirnediately prior to the first publ c. _-o_:i ci the attached notice, advertisement or ) , l;l:icaLWrj; and that said newspaper coxzxes 1 ihYjc2 Cne requirements of Chapter 4 of Title Oklahoma Stain talcs 1 1, „ arne.ki red, and complies with all other ccaui°einen s of 'the laws of Ok- lahorra wi zk reference to legal pubileations. That said -oo(ce, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regu- lar ediilon of said newspaper during the period and drae of publication and net in a supplen)ent, on the following dates: The C0111Insville .News' homa, signed by more than three - fourths of the legal voters and by owners of more than three - fourths in value of the following ,described real property, to -wit: A tract of land beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NWIA SETA -) of Section 19, Township 21 North, �.4Y•5rt�r� .IA �i Mnk .-.0 ill,.. T... thence Westa 1320 dfeet: thence South 686 feet: thence East 1320 feet to the point of beginning, according to the U. S. Government Survey thereof. Which petition represents and j property which petition will be presented for final action by said Board of Trustees at its regular meeting on the 15th day of May, 1967, at 7:45 p. m. at Town Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma. Dated this 1st day of May, 1967.' Signed: D. M, SOKOLOSKY PHYLLIS SOKOLOSKY Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... :�. <'.... day £ ............ ` y" y ........................... 19..E ?; Y commission expires: Notary 'Pt lic