HomeMy WebLinkAbout093_Food Sales Near SchoolsORDINANCE NUMBER 93 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 112 OF CHAPTER 15, OF TITLE 10 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO; PROVIDING THAT ALL OTHER PARTS OF TITLE 10, OF SAID REVISED ORDINANCES, NOT HEREOFORE REPEALED OR AMENDED, SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND AFFECT, AND DECLARNG AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT whereras it appears that present existing zoning regulations and ordinances of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, together with present existing sanitation laws of the State of Oklahoma, make the existance and enforcement of Section 112, of Chapter 15, of Title 10 of The Revised Ordinances For The Town Of Owasso, Oklahoma, 1957, pertaining to the sale of peddling of food, confections or drinks in the vacinity of Public Schools, within the corporate limits of the Town of Owasso, unnecessary, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. REPEAL. that Section 112, of Chapter 15, of Title 10 of The Revised Ordinances for The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, for the Year 1957, which reads as follows: "Section 112. Food Sales Near Schools. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or peddle any drinks, candies, pies, sandwiches, peanuts, popcor, icecrea, fruit, confections, food or foodstuffs, within a radius of two (2) blocks of any Public School, situated within the corporate limits of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma.", be and is hereby repealed. Section 2. OTHER ORDINANCES TO REMAIN IN AFFECT. That the rest and remainder of Chapter 15, Title 10 of The Revised Ordinances For The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, 1957, not repealed by Section 1 of this ordinance, number 93, and all other ordinances of The Town of O Owasso, Oklahoma, and parts thereof, which have not heretofore been repealed or amended, shall remain in full force and affect. Section 3. EMERGENCY That because of existing conditions constituting hardships and inconveniences to the public, and an immediate threat to the public health, peace and safety, and the preservation of public peace and welfare, and by reason thereof an emergency is declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take affect from and after its approval and passage as provided by law. EMERGENCY CLAUSE voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 5th day of June, 1967. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 5th day of June, 1967. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 5th day of June, 1967. ATTEST: Town Clerk , President of the Board of Trustees APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town's Attorney Board member 5he 5', 2ed aW actiq- Chlahome, do here-- a cc�y of the ablovi"le and AregAng cMinince, Murker 930, hanetc prefixed, in ten of the most p0lie yincez in The Town, of Onassc, -as lb-u THE COLLINSVILLE NEWS Collinsville, Oklahoma STATE OF C?lfLAHOMA �- ss COUNTY OF TULSA i 7 . lawful age, being duly sworn and author- ized, Is the ............ of The Coli.insville clews, a weedy news- paper printed in the English language, in the City of Collinsville, Tulsa County, Okw laho.rna, having a pals: general subscription circulation in said C,'oun',,y, with entrance into the -United & ates inails as second class snail matter iii 'f'us.sa County, and published and printeli in said Co 'u.nty where delivered to the C.Tnked SLmes i-natil, that said news- paper has been co :_h,uousiy and uninterm ruptedly published hi said Corny during a period of one -han red four (104) con- secutive kv0e ;s im aediately prior to the First publicaio7 of the attached notice, a aver ase°nent or publication; and that said newspaper comes withi s the requirements of Chapter 4 of Titie 25, Oklahoma Sta- tutes :1951, as ame .ded, Lind compiles with all other recuirenzen's of the laws of Ok- lahGrna With refer, nce to legal publications. That s=aid notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regu- lar edition of s "d newspaper during the p_,raod and throe oi' pubiication and not in a supplement, on the following dates. .....,....y .19.... .<< .. ............................... 19.... The Collinsville News Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... _1 ... day of ...... .. .................... . 19..: My commission expires: .... , ... .... Not x' Public