HomeMy WebLinkAbout095_Dr J C Bryson Land AnnexedORDINANCE NO. 95 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING AND ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NEW1/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF THE NORWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21 NORHT, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF TULSA, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ALL BEING MORE PARTICULARY THEREIN DESCRIBED; DECLARING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH ANNEXATION TO BE JULY 3, 1967, AND AFTER WHICH DATE ALL OF SAID REAL ESTATE SHALL BE A PART OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN AND ALL PROPERTY SITUATED THEREON SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL AND ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ALL RESPECTS AND PARTICULARS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTESS OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: WHEREAS, a petitionhas been filed and presented by one J. C. Bryson and Patricia Ann Bryson, sole owners, being more than three-fourths of the legal voters and owners of more than three- fourths of the real property herein described, petitioning that the said following described real property, to-wit: "A part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 32, Township 21 Norht, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and meridian, being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the West Line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4), and paint being 81.50 feet S 8' 00" East of the northwest corner of saidNortheast Quarter (NE1/4), thence s 8', 00" East along said West line a distance of 317.70 feet, thence due East 203.20 Feet, thence North 8' 00" West a distance of 351.40 feet, thence South 80 34' 47"West a distance of 205.90 feeto to the point of beginning, containing 1.5606 acres more or less in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma," be acepted, added and annexed to the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma; and, notice of presentation of said peittion having been duly and regularly given and published once in each week for two successive weeks in The Collinsville News, a newspaper fully qualifed under the law of the State prrof of publication having been duly filed all as required by law, AND, WHEREAS said described property is adjacent tot he present boundary line of the corporate limits of the said Town of Owasso, and it is to the mutual advantage, benefit and welfare of the Town of Owass, Oklahoma, and the said J. C. Bryson and Patricia Ann Bryson, sole owners, NOW, THEREFORE, TI IS ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. that the request and petition of said J. C. Bryson and Patricia Ann Bryson, the petitioners hereinabove reffered to be granted and allowed. Section 2. That the following tract and parcel of land, to-wit: "A part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 32, Township 21 Norht, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and meridian, being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the West Line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4), and paint being 81.50 feet S 8' 00" East of the northwest corner of saidNortheast Quarter (NE1/4), thence s 8', 00" East along said West line a distance of 317.70 feet, thence due East 203.20 Feet, thence North 8' 00" West a distance of 351.40 feet, thence South 80 34' 47"West a distance of 205.90 feeto to the point of beginning, containing 1.5606 acres more or less in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma," be and the same is hereby admitted, added to and annexed to, and taken into the corporate limits of The Town of Owasso, State of Oklahoma. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective on the 3rd day of July, 1967, and from and after said effective date all of said real estate described herein shall be a part of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and all persons residing therein and all property situated thereon shall be subject to the jurisdiction, control and ordinances of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 4. That conditions exist requiring establishment of adequate police and sanitation control, and that by reason thereof an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. EMERGENCY CLAUSE voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees present consisting of more than three-fourths majority of said board members, this 3rd day of July, 1967. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 3rd day of July, 1967. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, on this 3rd day of July, 1967. ATTEST: Town Clerk President of the Board of Trustees, and APPROVED:, Attorney for The town of Owasso, Oklahoma, Board Member DR, J. C. BRYSON VETERINARIAN TELEPHONE SR 4-2439 P. 0. sox 96 COLLINSVILLE, OKLAHOMA 6-5-67 Wtv 00uncil Q 0 City of Owasso owaseo, QlahonIFL S�rtlemen - Please be advised, that j. C. Bryson and Patricia Ann Bryson , are the owners of the following described real estate in inisa County, state of oklahoma, to Wit: A part of the XQ 01" the NW4 of ths NX of Section 32, T-21-m. 9014-m Tulsa Counzys oklahoTa, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: B Beginning at a point on the Wext line of theNQ of _410"T.", NQ of Section 32s T-21-N, R T *14-E, ulsa a uny, m Oklahoa, said pnt oi being 81.10 feet S 00 08 00 7 of the Ny corner of said X,J, thence S Our oafooq 4 along said wext line a distance of 317-70 fee% thence due E st 20.20 feet, thence y 60'06,00- W * distance 01 301 AU feet, thence S bU'34'47-w * distance of 2U>.00 feet to the pointof beginning. Containing !.,��bub acres more or _Lj�5k,3, We nereby Petition the owaaaw luw" CQUOUil to Annez the above de6w�,.wa pimperty into the Town of OwAw­?, L.J' us Ne C11A 4-11 PROCI`F THE COL1,1214SVILLE ICI EIVS Collins,,dle, Oklahoma STATE OF OKLA11-11011A COUINT11- OF TULSA sworn and autbor- fUl age, be'ng du`� ized, is the D of The C-011'171svillo News, a weekly news- paper prin',��d ,L, the Englush language, in e C__- "Unsv __ A -1 12 � y I,' CGIII -' 'e, ulsa Coumiy, Ok- lalonna, h_vhag a paalkl. g-nera� subscr4-_G).','or OU I a' 'ian un 4d CouT.ity, with entrance to he Zj, �cd 'S'accs .,na-Dis as second class Iu--a Coun�y, and published nAi said County where delivered to the ILTn'ted s,'aLcs ,-zgj,uijl, tiiat said news- papc,--.,, has bcoan co_z_,L!(_u3usy and u-ninter- rup,,eody !:)ub_'she�� in said County during a enou 0� lour con- - 0 secu"lv-e Ll s 'rziaiediately Prior to the st pubiic 'u., o2' 'Lae attached notfee, a �a V er A s0­11C:2. 01 Puullca'aon; and that said lle'�VsPa: - Ps- co.,nas the requIrements o C hap t,"er 4 110m a Sta- twes 190L, as amer.,aed, L�rld comphes with of the iaixs of Ok- la' n] -,; th fo- `­ I M ­ 7,7 � - ace to le,,Ial publications. T-bat saio� �'4oL'..ce, a 'true copy of -which is -was publIshed In the regu- 1 edition r ne-o,,spaper during the a- c4' L pe('cd a--,d It-,me o" publicatlo-'a and 'lot in suPPIcIrle"L, O'D tlac iollovzing dates: 19... I - ­ - 1. 1 ... ........ I ..... ­ 1 19.... Tllle Col"IdDsville News the e Collinsville and 22, 1967 ANNEX )y given that °en presented Trustees of �wasso, Okla- ,r more than ed real property, to A part of the NEI, NWI/4 of the N Section 32, T-21-N, Tulsa Cnimfv_ Ok (1-u US 1011UWs' W-WIT'. -be. ginning at a point on the West line of the NE 14 of NW1/4. tof the NWI/� of Section 32, T-21-N, R-14-E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said -point being 81.40 feet S 00' 08' 00" E of the NW corner of said NEIA, thence S 00' 08' , g.,E a - AM_ long said West 1-1 dis- tance of 317.70 feed, due Fast 2 3 2011, et, 00. thence a d Of .4 et, thence, S,_80' 4, 47" a distance of 205.90 feet to the , pqlnt of beginning. Containing 1.5606 acres more e or -less. Which petition represents and prayi,that the said prop- erty be, by an ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the Tow asso, Oklahoma, of said extended to include said 'property which petition will be presented for final action by the said Board of Trustees at its regular meeting on July 3,:1967, 7:30 sworn to before me this .... day of ...... ......................... MY expi-res: Notaiy � ubhc (11-5-1 PUZ ITCATIOY�,,`,! TIEE COL LIT\TSVILLE INTEIWS Callhasvifle, 01-dahoma STATE OF OKLAHO1V_TA ss COUNTY OF TULSA iav,,ful' ange, bng duly sworn -and author- 7_ ized, ls thc ......... of Dsews, a weekly news- paper 3,D Wd 'Ila tho English la_rguage, in thF C_1`,Y 0-" Ccli'aasvllle, Tuisa County, Ok- an o ana-, '­ving a pa' gencral subserlpt-ion Couin'y, wfth entrance ,_nto tile Unidtod, States faalls as seco-.,.,� d class rnm'l lalaLte-P A`h TuiSa County, and published MDC-li aln said County -where delivered to the Uraa' Sta,,es n-la-d, that said news - pa. be,,_zi, co:atLrmously and unn1ter- _rU Giy P'Le PLD31_s-oed _m- said County durling a per,Oa cZ G-ne-hundred lou_r secUt.'ve welcl,-s prior to the firs-, Pub' Ozi 0z tice atiached notice, advertisome_­,al 3z puiblllcat loo ,; and that said nclWsDa er cofnc�s wj� i 11z r, p eh- -a � - quifemeats Chhap-1-of 4 of Zj, VOklallOrna Sta- a, '11� tutes as a_nz_ei „�_,d, anU' cornph"es with ll G' 0-0 of ,h e ia 1 s 01 the laws ' Ok- +ahoma v✓`­bo re.L'czoc_jee to legal publications. ,--hat said noL_'ce, a Lrue copy of which is in he egu- hea,`,3, was pubLshe t r �Lr oCli`,40­a of S—d ev7 spaper during the perlod aaad ti ma, o.." pubi-,catlan and not 311 a s- ppicnaent, oa the iolloi7ving dates. ­­­­­..1­­ ... ­_­ ... - 19.. , . .......... _ _ - 19_ _ Published in Th( June 8, � NOTICE ZONE PRO, s of the coma riven that made by Board of wn of 0- iich appli- ' the f ol- operty be .1 Use. to ginning at a point on West line of the NE' Tulsa County, Oklahoma', said point being 81.40 feet S 00* 08, 0011 E,of the NW corner of said NEIA, thence S 00' 08' 00" E a- I- distan,ce of zub.yu feet To the ",point of beginning. Cont,qi#ing 1.5606 acres more or less. All persons interested are hereby 'notified that said ap- plicationwill be heard by the Board of Trustees of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the 19th day of June 1967 at 7:30 p. in. at City Hall (s) J. C. Bryson Subscribed card sworn to before me this day of .............. ............... 19. _:�-7 Dly ccmnaission expires: ... Notary �11'1 c* 0 , 0 b MA A Sochmn M, 7-2-01, Q 115 R44V, Kim County, ME PN Q HIGH,�AIAY R/VJ-­ , a—A q 0 , 0 b Q) Q 115 C,, 7 LOCIV, T3Q MAP t�,C_ ALE- 100' ym= cf tne NE i/4 of -i' o - ', e of Section County, Oklahoma. wre particular- lescrUed as Miowp K-wil: le.inping at a point on M 00 A i/4 of Ma NY V4 of the NY 1/4 a R-O.E, Tuica quinly. Okiah3ma, swi, YOM Min" CIA& feet S ON On, cc E oi, MIN NE 1/4, Mence 3 000 061 00" E along sail West line a dMance of 317,70 feet. Mence due East 20.20 feet, �Klerlf' 13 "00 08' wK W z! ADMInce of 351.40 feet, thence 1 200 34, 11" W a distance of 205,90 feet to the poM M wginrin Containing 1.5606 acres more or less, OWN EIFK_:��J ........... ....... --------- ------ CERTM(wrEE 1 h,: rcby cert of that the above pht is a tme and correct representation of the survey of py- pertv Okla.,, and that there are —encroachments thereon. Witns;,5s my haund and seal this--1.7—th-dad x- Reg. Pro. Enf CHAWCAM CF KBITENG Z, the anderaign.-ed-I., CIBA for The Town of Owasso, Ckiahoma2 do hereby certify that cn the 3rd day of July, 19679 1 6 p cI the above and foregoing Ordinance, '2',,NzOber 95"3 --id poat aa, c hzereto prefixed, in ten of the moot rublic places in The Town of Waseq Gkiahomq' L -t5