HomeMy WebLinkAbout118_Guy D Reed Property Annexed55892 ORDINANCE NUMBER 118 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING INTO AND ADDING AND ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS THE SOUTH 1121.5 FEET OF THE EAST HALF (E1/2) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE1/4) OF SECTION THIRTY-ONE (31), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, ALL LYING WEST OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MINGO VALLEY EXPRESSWAS (HIGHTWAY 75), AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN; DECLARING THE AFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH ANNEXATION TO BE SEPTEMBER 2, 1969, AFTER WHICH DATE ALL OF SAID REAL ESTATE SHALL BE A PART OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AND ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN AND ALL PROPERTY THEREON SITUATED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL AND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ALL RESPECTS AND PARTICULARS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT WHEREAS a petition has been filed and presented by Guy D. Rood, as the sole and only ower, petitioning and requesting that the following described real proerty, to-wit: Southwest Corner of the East Hall of 3 W, . Beginning at the the Northeast Quarter of said 31; thence North along the West li-n e of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of sai d Section 315 a distance of 1121.5 feet to -a point; thence East and parallel to the South line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter or said Section 31, a distance of 575 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly to a point in the South line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, said. point being 538 feet East of the So•othwest Corner thereof; thence West along- the South line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31 to the point of beginning, be accepted., added and annexed to The Town of Offasso., Oklahoma; and, notice of presentation of said petition having been duly and regularly given and published once in each week fo-r two successive weeks in the Owasso Recorded.3 a newspaper fully qualified under the laws of the State of Oklahoma for such publication, published in The Town of Owasso., Oklahoma,$ and proof of publication ha-ving been duly f iled all as required by law., AND,, 'V11HEREAS said described property is adjacent to the present boundary line of the corporate limits of the said Town of Owassop and it is to the mutual advantage, benefit and welfare of The Town of Owasso3 Oklahoma., and +,%-e said Guy D. Reed that said petition be allowed and the request be granted, ANID, VffaREAS there appears; no opposition to the granting. of the request of said petition,, N(TWj THE,,iMTORE3 IT IS ORDAINED AS FOLLCUTS.- Section 1. That the request and petition of Guy D. Reed5 herein referred to, be and the same is granted and allowed. Section 2. That the following tract and parcel of landS to wits The South 11.21 ®5 feet of the East Half ( E 3./Z-) of the Northeast Quarter (NE24) 4, of Section Thirty-one (31), Township Twenty-one (21) North,, Range Fourteen' (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian., in The County of Tulsa., State of Oklahoma,, according to the United States Government Survey thereof$ lying West of the Right-of-way line of Mingo Valley Expressway (Highway 75)p granted by District Court Order # 97562., LESS and EXCEPT a, Tract of land more particularly described as, follows., to wit: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of East Half of the North- east Quarter of said Section 313 thence North along the West line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31., a distance of 1121,5 feet to a point; thence East and parallel to the Solath line of the East Half of the North- east Quarter of said Section 31, a distance of 575 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly to a point in the South line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31., said point being 53;8 feet East of the Southwest Corner thereof; thence West along the South line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31 to the point of beginning, C., 15 -,e -77 � ncui'551- bp and same in hqreby admitted, added to arri annexed to, and taken `'9. 73to tie corporate Vmits of The Town of CwxFeo, State of Oklahomxj, Bectian 3- That thio ordinance shall become aff ective on the Kd day of September, 1969, and - am and after said effective date all of said real estate described herein shall be a part of The Town of CwsFsoy Cklahomal and all persons residing therein and, all property !,,,0..t1iate,.-3 tb.erenrl shpli be 50ject to the jurisdiction, control and ordinances of The Town of Owosso, Oki. ahoma3 in all. re.spects and. particulars Section 4 That conditions exist reqyiring establishment of adequate pc line and sanitation control, and that by reason thereof an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health$ peace, safety and welfare, by reason wherecT an emergency is! declare d to ex? st and this Crdinance shall take affect invediately from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law,, C-1AUSE voted upon separately and passed by unaninona vote of the Poor& of Trr0ees' this 2nd day of Septembers 1969, ard. of Trustees of The 4D by the Evesident of of September, 1969. MITE OF TULSA COUNTY FIKI Vu P"RM- Town of Cwassop Oklahoma, this 2nd day of September,, the Board, ref Trustees of The Town of Cwasso, Cklahoma3 To Clerk. Tawn Attorney,, 16 / 7;1 0 oictnt the Board"of Thnsteee of The own of Sasso, Oklahoma, and Board Member B &i- d Memb e r '14 Board Member, and BoRrd ---------------- AREA ANIEVID TO THE TCWN CIF OWASSO, CKIAHCMA, SEPTEMBER to 1969: Fort of E 1/2 11 1/45 Sec. 3Wzy Tup. 21 N., Rng. 14 E ip; 1? 2 9 `�5 V 17P, COUNTY CTERK, lx4c 1 3J2 gF, I/IV S 'kUT Corner of NE �y Sec. 31-21-114, 0 112 vo 1p 91 f Section lineyll . of Trustees of the Town p of the ter-�itory nex Elm 0 Cklahomal ddo hereby nee Number Ill of President s of The Town of Owasso3 PROOF OF PUBLIC "LION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss- Rill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly Sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the r� e�2� ............ a newspaper 111.1 Z . printed in the English language, in the City of owasscl ....... Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having' a' bona 'fide ' * e paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for . ........... . consecutive weeks, the first publication being on j s day of . . eot ........ 19 and the last day of publication being on the iz, mp ........ a ... day of ......... 19 , . . . . .. and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws, of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and int"opy. Said notice was published in I editions Arl -, I 7er an P not i� ai , n7wsp supplement t6e4rNeot) x, Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bil R. Retherford, publisher of the QTWa - *.,-,a P 0XIL-eX .......... th'"'s . day of < 5e,"t... ... 19 ot (2:*ic_711r My commission expiros ............. PUBLI9111ER'S FEE $. .4;2.-.01.Z - - OWASSO REPORTER, T !6�1 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING INTO AND ADDING AND ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS THE SOUTH 1121.5 FEET OF THE EAST HALF (E1 /2) OF' THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4) OF SECTION. THIRTY-ONE (3�), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14), EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, ALL LYING WEST OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MINGO VALLEY EXPRESSWAYS (HIGHWAY 75), AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN; DECLARING THE AFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH ANNEXA- TION TO BE SEPTEMBER 2, 1969, AFTER WHICH DATE ALL OF SAID REAL ESTATE SHALL BETA PART OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AND ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN AND ALL PROPERTY THEREON SITUATED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL AND ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ALL RESPECTS AND PARTICULARS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT WHEREAS a petition has been filed and presented The South 1121.5 feet of the East Half (E 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Thirty-one• (3 1), -Township Twenty-one (21), Range Fourteen (14) East the Indian Base and Meridian, in thel County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Govern- ent Survey thereof, lying West of the West Right- A 'tract of Tana more particulary aescrioea as loilows, to wit: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31; thence North along the West line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, a distance of 1121.5 feet to 2. noint• thpnnp. Fn.qt anti nArpllpl fn thp Smith ling of the Owasso City Council Owasso, Oklahoma Gentlem,:-n: GUY D. REED, D. 0. Physiciaia aaad Sz-wgeog? 19 SOUTH MAHN OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 8-18-69 RE: Willow Dale Mobile Home Addition Please consider this application for annexation of the attached legal described land to the Town of Ovasso= This land is adjacent and contingent to the present city limits. Dz--. Guy D. Reed GR 2-5154 TE 8-4642 WILLOW FARX 10BILE MUM, OKLAH01A The South 1121�5 feet of the East Half AID of the Northeast QuartoT Ga of Section Thirty-one (31)v Township Twonty-one (21% North, Range FouvtcC--_, (14) fast, Tulsa, County, Oklahoma, lying West of the Uest of the lingo Valley Eaprossway (Highway 754), granted by District CouTt ordwa, #97562, LESS and EACEPT a Tract of !and more Particularly dawribod ao fojjonz, to-wits Baginning at the Southwast Corner of the East H alf of tho Nopth_ east Quarter of said Section 31; thence North along the West line of tho East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, a Motanca of feet to a poiny thence East and paTalle! to the South jjn2 of the Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, a distance of 5`75 fact to a point; thence Southwesterly to a point in the South line of the Zay, said point being 533 foot Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, East of the Southwest Corner thereof; thence West along the South linc of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, a distance ef Ad feet to the point of beginning. ------------ OTHO R. WHITENECK. D.D.S., P—id—t ROBERT D. McCULLOUGH, D.O., V­ President R. L. LOY, S— ­,y WAYNE J. BOYD, M.D. BERT T. BRUNDAGE, M.D. CARL D. OSBORN M.D. EUGENE A. OW ENS, M.D. HAROLD TOAZ GLEN L. BERKENBILE. M.D. Mr® John R. Groth, Board of Trustees City Hall Owasso, Oklahoma Dear Mr® Groth: 0400 NORTH EASTERN OKLAHOMA C7 Y, OKLAHOMA 73105 President January 239 1970 (9=Mi0zi_'ar= A. B. COZY AR, M.D. Enclosed is a permit for the construction of sanitary sewer lines to serve Willowdale Mobile Home Park Extension, Owasso, Oklahoma,, to be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on January 16, 1970® This permit is issued subject to the following provisions: 1) That no trailer will be connected to this system nor will any other service connections be made until permission has been granted by the State Department of Health® 2) That all details relative to the project not covered in the plans and specifications as approved will be constructed and accomplished in accordance with good public health practice® 3) That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project receive supervision and inspection by competent and qualified personnel. 4) That any notations or changes recorded on the official approved set of plans and specifications in the State Department of Health files shall be a part of the plans as approved® 5) That wherever water and sewer lines are constructed with spacing of 10 feet or less, sanitary protection will be provided in accordance with Section 21 of the Standards for Water Pollution Control Faci- lities, ODH Engineering Bulletin No. 0587® Provision No® I above will permit the construction on the trailer park to be completed® The information in our files indicate the Owasso waste treatment facilities are overloaded; therefore, no service connection to this system will be permitted until evidence is submitted to this office indicating the plant is not overloaded or that correction is imminent. Mr® John R. Groth Owasso, Oklahoma January 23, 1970 Page 2 Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the Town Board, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record® We are returning one set of the approved plans to you, and are retain- ing one set for our files® Very truly yours, Ted A. Williamson District Engineer TAW:peh Enclosure cc: Jack E. Thomas Construction Company Tulsa City-County Health Department Lloyd Parham, District Sanitarian Federal Housing Administration Oklahoma Business News Company OTHO R. WHITENECK, D.D.S., Proeid­t ROBERT D. M.CULLOUGH D.O., V­ President R. L. LOY, S—,.,.,-/ WAYNE J. BOYD. M.D. BERT T. BRUNDAGE M.D. CARL D. OSBORN M.D. EUGENE: A. OWENS. M.D. HAROLD TOAZ GLEN L. BERKFNBILE, M.D. 3400 NORTH EASTERN OKLAHOMA =Y, OKLAHOMA 73105 January 23, 1970 Mr® John R. Groth, President Board of Trustees City Hall Owasso, Oklahoma Dear Mr® Groth: E=uirderioner A. B. COLYAR, M.D. Enclosed is a permit for the construction of water lines to serve Willowdale Mobile Home Park Extension, Owasso, Oklahoma, to be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on January 16, 1970. This permit is issued subject to the following provisions: 1) That no trailer will be connected to this system nor will any other service connections be made until permission has been granted by the State Department of Health® 2) That all details relative to the project not covered in the plans and specifications as approved will be constructed and accomplished in accordance with good public health practice® 3) That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project receive supervision and inspection by competent and qualified personnel® 4) That wherever water and sewer lines are constructed with spacing of 0 10 feet or less, sanitary protection will be provided in accordance with Section 21 of the Standards for Water Pollution Control Facili- ties, ODH Engineering Bulletin No® 0587. C, 5) That before placing this facility into service, at least three samples of the water, taken on different days, that is to be served to the public shall be tested for bacteria to show that it is safe for drinking purposes. Provision No. I above will permit the construction on the trailer park to be completed® The information in our files indicate the Owasso waste treatment facilities are overloaded; therefore, no service connection to this system will be permitted until evidence is submitted to this office indicating the plant is not overloaded or that correction is imminent® Mr. John R. Groth Owasso, Oklahoma January 23, 1970 Page 2 We feel that no beneficial gain would be realized by connecting �:> connecting trailers to the water system until permission is granted to connect to the sewer system® Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting 0 of the Town Board, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one set of the approved plans to you, and are -retain- ing one set for our files, Very truly yours, Ted A. Williamson District Engineer TAW: peh Enclosure cc: Jack E. Thomas Construction Company Tulsa City-County Health Department Carroll V. Sidwell, Consulting Engineer Lloyd Parham, District Sanitarian Federal Housing Administration Oklahoma Business News Company PERMIT OKLAHOMA STATE D22ARPJENT OF HEALTH OKLAHOMA CITY 5, OKLAHOMA T City of Owasso, Oklahoma, lhe Date January 20, 19 TO having complied with the requir '-, construct sanitary sewer lines to serve zements of the !-,,.,�;wishereby granted permission -,,r Willowdale Mobile Home Park Extensian 9Oklahoma., vRss to be constructed in ac- __, -cordance with the__ p-fans -ap roved bv this deD t nn jn-nunry 1()_ 1970- subject to the following provisions 1) That no trailer will be connected to this system nor will any other service con- nections be made until permission has been granted by the State Department of Health® 2) That all details relative to the project not covered in the plans and specifi-_ cations as approved will be constructed and accomplished in accordance with good public health practice. 3) - That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project -receive super- vision and inspection by competent and qualified personnel® 4) That any notations or changes recorded on the official approved set of plans and specifications in the State Department of Health files shall be a part of the plans as approved® 5) That wherever water and sewer lines are constructed with spacing of 10 feet or less, sanitary protection will be provided in accordance with Section 21 of the Standards for Water Pollution Control Facilities, ODH Engineering Bulletin No. 0587. /9 Commissioner of Health State Sanitary Engineer ODH Form- No. 535 D DOORWAY YO QUALffY Fresident Owasso Gity Council 38 Scuth lain St. Cwasso, Cklahoma Atention: 7r. john ...,r t_.. Enclosed are the clans and specifioaticns for sever colleown.-_ system and water main aistributicn system for the above captioned proteci 1 visited with Ar. Ted —Miamscn A the State Aealth :eparnment, on january 5, 13M Ee requested tFc sets of Inlans and two requests fc-- permits from the City of Masso. 7hese are to be executed by the cf Owasso. A respectfully request AM you ex-pedits processing the yaper,:� as Ar. Tilliamscn will be in Tulsa on Anuary '3, '975 and we wculd like W transmH them to him az this time. jack 1. Thomas, Pres !no. 12 PERMIT OKLAHOMA STATE D2PARTIMENT OF HEALTH OKLAHOMA C17-Y 5, OKLAHOMA The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, I January 20, 19 70 Date having complied with the requirements of the law is hereby granted permission to construct water lines to serve Will owdale Mobile Home Park Extension, Owasso, Oklahoma, to be constructed in accordance with tb.e--p-1ans �ppx-qvqd- by- this department on Zmjary -,- 16. 1970� stibiect to the following provisions:_____ 1) That no trailer will be connnected to this system nor will any other service -- connections be—ma-ff-e-Unt-1-1 —permi-ssion as been granted by ttie SEs—te-DepartmenE- of Health. -2) That all details relative to the project not covered in the plans and specif"'i- cation—s -as approve d-w-i-11-Fe- constructed and accomplished in accordance with good public health practice. 3) That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project receive super- vision ancl inspec ion By compef-e-r-it-and qualified personnel, 4) That wherever water and sewer lines are constructed with spacing of 10 feet or less, sanitary protection will be provided in accordance with Section 21 of the Standards for Water Pollution Control Facilities, ODH Engineering Bulletin No. 0587® 5) That before placing this facility into service, at least three samples of the water, taken on different days, that is to be served to the public shall be Commissioner of Health State Sanitary EDgineer ODH Finn No. 535 CLINE L. MANSUR, PRESIDENT R. W. STEELE. EXEC. VICE PRESIDENT December 28, 1971 REPLY To: T TULSA W. GENE WILLIAMS. VICE PRESIDENT R. W. STEELE H. SECRETARY OKLAHOMA CITY Mr. Joe Ross Box 119 City Hall Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Dear lvh-. Ross: Re: TO 58 R Levels thru Willow Dale Mobile Home -Park Dear Mr. Ross: Attached to this letter is drawing 71-T058R-9094, showing elevations at the ground line of the roadway through the south side of Willow Dale trailer park. We find the streets to be,, on the average, 10' below flood level: 590-00. JCM:rjo Enc. 1 191 ASSOCIATES R. W. STEELE 11, STRUCTURAL HENRY DAUBERT, SOILS JOHN PENAFEATHER, ELEC. & MECH, WAYNE LOVE. MUNICIPAL CARL STEELE, HYDROLOGIST Xf;, } r PROOF OF PUBLICATION �TATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the 0.� &_ asp ,;, :`'ea% ........ I a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for . two consecutive weeks, the first pub . lication . being . o . n . the 21 t S — St ............... day of . ". °; �� ......... 19 and the last day of publication being on the 28th .......... day of . 19 and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws, of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed copyl.�� Said notice was published in alf"bditions of said newsp4 not in a, per an�.' supplement there} Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill R. Reth rford, publisher of the �D s p -Re ip p r t e r . ..................... this ... day of . Notary Publ My commission expires ....... PUBLISHER'S FEE $.. ,�85 . a Tract of land more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31; thence North along the West line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, a distance of 1121.5 feet to a point; thAoe East and parallel to the South line of the EastHalf of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, a distance of 575 loe U to a point; thence Southwesterly to a point in the South 'M*fie of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Stl 31, said point being 538 feet East of the Southwest Corper thereof; thence West along the South line of the East' Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31, listance of 530 feet to the point of beginning. Which petition represents and prays that said property be by an ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, annexed to and included within the limits of said Town, and by ordinance the limits of said Town be extended to include said property which petition will be presented for final action by said Board of Trustees at its regular meeting on September 2, 1969 at Town Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma. 8-18-69 Dr. Guy D. Reed � �'C_"_'