HomeMy WebLinkAbout127_Masonic Lodge AnnexedORDINANCE NUMBER 127 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING INTO AND ADDING AND ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE1/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVET THEREOF, ALL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN; DECLARING THE AFFECTIVE DARE OF SUCH ANNEXATION TO BE OCTOBER 5, 1970, AFTER WHICH DATE ALL OF SAID REAL ESTATE SHALL BE A PART OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN AND ALL PROPERTY THEREON SITUATED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL AND ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ALL RESPECTS AND PARTICULARS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT WHEREAS a petition has been filed and presented by the Owasso Masonic Lodge, Number 545 A. F. and A. M., a fraternal corporation, executed and presented by its authorized agents, duly attested and under the seal of said corporation, as the sole and only owner, petitioning and requesting that the following described real property, to-wit: The East 175 Feet of the South 382.5 Feet of the North 399 Feet of the Northeast Quarter of the northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, according to the United States Government survey thereof, in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, be accepted, added and annexed to The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma; and, notice of presentation of said petition having been duly and regularly given and published once in each week for two successive weeks in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper fully qualified under the laws of the State of Oklahoma for such publication, published within The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and proof of publication having been duly filed as provided by law, AND, WHEREAS there appears no opposition to the granting of the request of said petition, AND, WHEREAS said described property is adjacent to thepresent boundary line of the corporate limits of the said Town of Owasso, and it is to the mutual advantage, benefit and welfare of The town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the said Owasso Masonic Lodge Number 545, A.F and A.M. a corporation, the sole and onl owner thereof, that said property be annexed and that said petition be allowed and the request thereof granted, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the request and petition of the Owasso Masonic Lodge Number 545, A.F. and A.M., a fraternal corporation, herein referred to, be and the same is hereby granted and allowed. Section 2. That the following tract and parcel of land, to-wit: The East 175 Feet of the South 382.5 Feet of the North 399 Feet of the Northeast Quarter of the northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, according to the United States Government survey thereof, in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, be and the same is hereby admitted, added to and annexed to, and taken into the corporate limits of The Town of Owasso, State of Oklahoma. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become affective on the 5th day of October, 1970, and from and after said affective date all of said real estate described herein shall be a part of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and all persons residing therein and all property situated thereon shall be subject to the jurisdiction, control and ordinances of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 4. That conditions exist requiring establishment of adequate police and sanitation control, and that by reason thereof an emergency exists for the protection and preservation of the public health, peace, safety and welfare, and by reason whereof this Ordinance shall take affect immediately from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. EMERGENCY CLAUSE voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 5th day of October, 1970. Passed by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 5th day of October, 1970, and APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The town of Owasos, Oklahoma, on this 5th day of October, 1970. PROOF OF PUBL. _ATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the ....... a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of - C) - 1%7a - Ss - 0 ........ Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having - a. bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for .. . .. Anq ........ consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the . . Q t Vin ............... day of . Q9 �P PX. . . ., 19 �0. . . ., and the last day of publication being on the . . . . Pc�'o q ............. day of .............. 19 . . . . . .. and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws of Oklahoma- (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was published in all editions of/,saidespaper and not in a supplement ther7t), 1 ,7 _1� A .. .. ........ Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill t. Retherford, publisher of the . QWa.SS.O. t��e.P.Q.ZtQZ ........... this .. 9.t.1 -day of . Ac.t.QbeZ . . . .. 19 71,' ri Notary P U#I My commission expires . 8-26-74 .......... PUBLISHER'S FEE $...34.64 Section 3. That this Ordinance s all became affective on the 5th day of October, 3970, and from and after said affective date all of said real estate described herein shall be a part of The Town of Owasso, shall so, ;Oklahoma, in all ets and particulars. in 4 That ennditinnq a passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 5th day of October, 1970. Passed by the Board of Trustees of The flown of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 5th day of October, 1970, and APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, on this 5th day of October, 1970. Tnhn R Gmt.h ;es, ST 1. Odem Clerk Ved_ Sawyer s Attorney -- , .mss �W— ,- 10800 B006950 pAcEIt(3t3;3 DLED' 0-F DEDIC21TION, P2,110A ALQ HM B"I THh;3 PH-,SEIITS-e That the undersigned, the Owasso hisonic Lo6ge, Number 545-I.Y. and AX., a fraternal corporation, is the sole o-,.,'vrer of real estate, locatedwithin The Toun, of Cwasso, County of Tulsad State of Miahana, described as follarz, to"vit. "The East 175 Feet of the out 382.5 Feet of the ",,Iorth 39�, Northeast Quarter 0.,-,' tile -`NortInlest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ME m9 MaTh Xba') of Section Thirty"two (32), Township 21 North3 Range 14 East of the indian Base and Nbridian, accord-inng to the Urnited States Uvernment survey thereof, in the County of Tulsa, State of Cklavoma".1 And, Whereas it is the desire of said corporation to provide for widening the presently existing street or roadway immediate!y adjace-, t vst d contig-acus to ithe East boandary line of said real propertyp knoun as .or th One a ed Seventeen East Avenue; provide for a full fifty foot street or roadway, with the East property line of said real estate conforming to and t,-;,e eas', line oft' said North One H-umdred Seventeen East Avenue as same I apqj*�Ilrs it-, the niaps and, records in the office of the County Clerk for Tulsa Goo ntylMlahoma,"of the Town of Owasso3 Gklahoma$ and for such purposes desire to,convey, transfer and. dedicate a portion of said real property to The Town of Owasso, State of Oklahoma'� for street, (7 tility; roadway3 highway and public pax pokes and use; NOW, THEREYCRE3 the said Owasso :as on. ic Lodge, Number 545 A.F. and,A.E.., do, by these presen(s, hereby grant, give, bargain., transfer� coni,,ey and dedicate to The Town of Owasso, Mamma, the folla'qring real estate, described as follows: Me East Ten (1 0) Feet of the South 382.5 Feet of the -north 1,19 Feet of the Northeast Quarter 00j) of the Northwest Quarter (XIS-of thhe Northwest Quarter (Q) of Section Thirtywtwo5(32)5 Township 21 North,. Range 14 East of the indian Base and Abridian, in the Town of Owasso,, County of Tulsa� State of Oklahoma,, accordi,-.-ig to the TUT'nited, Sitates Government survey thereof and maps and records of The Town of Owasso,. ahor aa,., TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, together with all and singular the tenements3 Heredit amen ts and appuxtenances thereto belonging or in an�, r� e se a, ertainLng, for the use of the public forever, free, clear and without any condition or restriction Whatsoever. M AITNESS AHEREOF said Owasso Msonic Lodge, Number 54-0 A F. and L.M., a, fraternal corporation, has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its Board of Trustees and its corporate sea to be affixed and attested by its Secretary at Masso, Cklahoma,, this 25th 'fay of, so 'I"! i31i,-R, 545 and 0 a fraternal corporation,_ By Mod rs Mthe Board of Trustees W6 - 4TTEST.- -70717111 NOT=) (Acknowledgement & Acceptance over) # Rn-6950 (corporation Acknowledgment) STATE CF 01 1-h ma COUIXI.17f o g e --r s Before me, the undersigned.. a INfolt.e'a'y Pifiblic, in and for said Ccunty and State an this 2`-1 1., day � of —1\",37e.mber v appeared johm. H. Kornagay and L. D. Wright to no known to be the identical person who subscribed the name of the maker thereof to the foregoing instrument ae its— Board of Trustees and acknowledged to Ml:e that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and, deed and as the f rep, and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for.the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my -Piand and sea! of O1,,. €, the day and -ycar last albove nrritten, NTY rKLULAY )r4 OWN M 13 A 2 4`w Otary Oblic Comnihion Expires: February 11, 10/7-1 The Town of Owasoo; State of ti,.75`..a..eai'm i) };! {;a,� Jlioas, bf these presents, takes accepts approve and receive the dedication and conveyance and the real estate described and dedicated in the above "Deed of Dedication" executed.by the Cmasso Masonic Lodge, Nunber 5Q Ah and A.M., a fraternal corporation. B, EVOS41Q n he t o the Board al 1hatees T�n-'.?')-n nf rism -- Zn Attested: Town Clerk STATE A CKLAH011A NTY rKLULAY )r4 OWN M 13 A 2 4`w LOW T-01,211, September Y, 1970 Owasso Masonic Lodge #545 Owasso9 Oklahoma Board of Trustees Town of Owasso Tulsa County, Oklahoma Gentlemen. We hereby certify that we are the owners of all the following described property: East 175 Ft. Of the South 382.5 Ft. of the ho 6a:"_ 399 Ft, of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the lorthwast quarter of Section 329 Township 21 hcrth' Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the 101". Sm Gover-ri-r-'rent survey thereof, This Property is adjacent to and contigicus with the City limits of Owasso, and we hereby petition the Board of Trustees of Owasso to annex the above mentioned property within the limits of the said Town. ATTEST: Thomas K Ball-v etar, `te s P e c e 1 -V fF . ... . ..... VIA, "A A A SL JUK640% i0i 12 ­� a, LF 12 ­� PROOF OF J LCA.TI .: STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Your Right to Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon Published in the Owi oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the porter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Sept. 24 and Oct. 1, � 4 *' 3cm POnte:r.. , anewspaper 1970. printed in the English language, in the City of LFGA%. NOTIOF Vva.S�a .............. Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and ANNEXATION with entrance into the United States mail as second class Notice is hereby given that a mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county petition has been presented to' -> where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice the Board of Trustees of the by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached was Town of Owasso, signed by TO more than three - fourths of the ' v published in said newspaper for ................. legal voters and by owners of consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the amore than three - fourths in day of ....., d ue of the following des- ............... .��ipt cribed real property, to wit: 19 . �. . ., and the last day of publication being on the Fast 175 Ft. of the South . y _ ... < < , ... , . , .... day of .. . ., 382.5 Ft. of the North 399 Ft. of the Northeast k quarter of the Northwest 19 ...., and that said newspaper has been continuously quarter of the Northwest and uninterruptedly published in said county during the quarter of Section 32, To- period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks wnship 21 North, Range ' ` consecutive) prior to the first publication of said notice Y, p p 14 F, Tulsa County, State or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter of Oklahoma, according four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended to the U.S. Government by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, survey thereof. and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above which petition represents and referred to is a true and printed, copy. Said notice was prays that said property 'be'by published in all editions of'said,' newspaper V not in a an ordinance of the Board ;of_ supplement therep) 2 s Trustees of the Town. of Owasso, Oklahoma, annexed �. . . .... to and included within the li- Subscribed sworn to before me by Bill, R. Retherford mits of said Town, and by or- and dinance the limits of said To- publisher of the . .Q_V,46 SZSO. RePQ�rt0. ........ wn be extended to include said property which petition will be this .. dday of .. C ....... 19 . .. ® presented for final action by ✓� y ; a fm said Board of Trustees at its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 5, 1970 at Town hall, Notary P lie. Owasso, Oklahoma. b a Bated this 21st day of Se- My commission expires . . . . . ptember, 197o. Signed: PUBLISHER'S FEE $... 16...55 Thomas J. Bailey, Secretary John II..Kornegay, Treas. l �„ PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss- Bill R Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, Upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the mmmmo a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of ' ' ' * Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a* bona 'fide, paidg ' ' * " genera." circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class inpil matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for m m m e I ...... consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the .... day of A9 m m m m ee and the last day of publication being on the ...... day of .............. 19 e ® . . . .. and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) -weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with A of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws, of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed,-.copy. Said notice was published in all editions of ald-," Wsp aper and not in a supplement theroo AN Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill .4al, Retherford, publisher of the .......... ...... t 'n i 's day of ...... 19 Notary �Kblic. kly commission expires PUBLISHER'S FEE ...... IDYTIDT 'Fd"-' Published in the Owasso Report, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla. Thurs., Nov. 26, 1970. NOTICE TO ZONE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN LIMITS OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, Notice is hereby given that application has been made by the Owasso Board of Trustees for the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma which application requests that the r A following described property to-wit: East 175' of the South 382.5' of the North 399' of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of \31 Section 32, Township 21 North, Range 14E., Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U.S. �Vl Government Survey Thereof. be zoned for Commercial Shopping,4, (IN N shall be confined to such "A usage. All persons interested are notified that said application will be heard by the Owasso Board of Trustees for Owasso, Oklahoma on the 7th day of December, 1970 at 7:30 p,m� at Town Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma. Signed: John H. Kornegay ATTEST; Thomas J. Bailey, Secretary Trustees Thomas J. Bailey