HomeMy WebLinkAbout132_Clean AirORDINANCE NO 132 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONTROL CONTAMINATIONS OR POLLUTANTS IN THE AIR AND KNOWN AS THE CLEAN AIR ORDINANCE; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS OF WORDS AND PHRASES USED IN ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR BUILDING PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS; PROHIBITING OPEN BURNING OF TRASH AND REFUSE; PERTAINING TO NUISANCE; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR LISTING OF DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT; PROVIDING FOR DELEGATES TO THE TULSA COUNTY CLEAN AIR REVIEW BOARD; PROVIDING FOR VARIANCES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING LIMITATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, STATE OF OKAHOMA: SECTION 1. Definitions. For the purpose of this Clean Air Ordinance, the following terms, phrases, and words have the meanings given herein: A. "Air Cot aminant.n Means any particulate matter or any gas or combination thereof including but not limited to the following: dust, soot3 mist., smoke3 fumes, fly ash3 vaporp corrosive gas, or other discharge and and. othen airborne material or substance that is offensive, nauseous, irritating or naxious to hman s or other animal life3 other than water vapor or natural air, B. Qoard& Means the Tulsa City-County Board of Health. C. "Council" Kans the Clean Air Advisory Council. D. "Department." Means the Tulsa City County Health Department. E. "Director of Health." Means the 'MaTedicall Director o1' the Tulsa Gity"County Health Department, or his dully authorized representative. 2 F. "Emergency." Any departure from normal operations resulting in the temporary emissions of smoke and/or particulate matter above the specified standards. G. "Equivalent Opacity." The degree to which an emission, other than gray or black smoke, obscures to view of an observer, expressed as an equivalent of the obstruction caused by a gray or black smoke emission of a given density, as measured by a Ringelmann Smoke Chart. H. "Incinerator." A combustion device specifically designed for the destruction, by high temperature burning, of solid, semi-solid, liquid or gaseous combustible wastes and from which the solid residues contain little or no combustible material. I. "Multiple-Chamber Incinerator." Any article, machine, equipment, or contrivance or part of a structure, used to dispose or refuse or garbage by burning, consisting of two or more refractory line combustion chambers in series, physically separated by refractory walls, interconnected by gas passage ports or ducts and employing adequate design necessary for maximum combustion of material to be burned. J. "Open-Burning." The burning of any matter in such manner that the products of combustion resulting from the burning are emitted directly into the open atmosphere. K. "Particlate Matter." Any material that exists in a finely divided form as a liquid or a solid. L. "Person." Means an individual or partnership, corporation, association, firm, company, organization, local or state governmental agency, or any other legal entity, or their representative, officer, agent or assigns. 3 M. "Refuse." The inclqsive term for solid waste products which are composed wholly or partly of such materials as garbage, sweepings, cleanings, trash, rubbish, litter, industrial solid or domestic solid waste, trees or shrub trees or shrub trimmings; grass clippings; brick, plaster or other waste resulting from the demolition, alteration or construction of buildings or structures; accumulated waste material, cans, containers, tires, junk or other such substances. N. "Review Board. "" Means the Clean Air Review Board. 0. "Salvage operation." Any business, trade, industry or other activity conducted in whole or in part for the purpose of salvaging or reclaiming any product or material such as metals or chemicals. P. "Smoke." Small gasborne or airborne particles resulting from combustion operations and consisting of carbon, ash, and other matter any or all of which is present in sufficient quantity to be observable. Q. "Sulfur Compounds." All inorganic or organic chemicals having an atom or atoms of sulfur in their chemical structure. R. "Trade Waste." Solid, liquid or gaseous material resulting from construction; the prosecution of any business, trade or industry; or any demolition operation, including but not limited to, plastics, cartons, grease, oil, chemicals and cinders. SECTION 2. Building Permits® The Building Inspector's Office shall not issue a permit for occupancy, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration of any commercial, industrial or apartment house structure when the plans and specificationf for such structure or occupancy include any fuel-burning or refuse-burning equipment, or any chimney or smoke stack until such plans and specifications have been submitted to the Director of Health for Approval. Use of AU approved equipment for heating or cooling shall be deemed to co�qply ':e? L• provisions of this Section. No building permit shall be issued if the Director of Health finds that emissions from the building or structure. wJ21, vfolate the provisions of this Ordinance. Milure of the Director of Health to approve or reject such plans or specifications within ten (15) days shall be deemed approval. SECTION 3. Upon written request of the Director of Health, all persons constructing or operating any article, machine, 4kevice3 equipment or other contrivance or facility capable of causing or permitting emission of air contaminants into the atmosphere shall list equipment set out above with the Ei rest or of Health. Such list shall include information as to the ownership, location, design, construction, installation, operation, alteration of any article, machine, device2 equipment, contrivance or, facility and information concerning the general composition of all affluents to the atmosphere and such other pertinent information deemed necessary by the Director of Health. SE-CTICU 4. Inspection. The Efirector of Health after proper identification may enter and inspect any building premise, premises or other place for the purpose of deter mininR comipliance with the Clean Air Ordinance. SECTION 5. Rules and Rezulat The Board may prepare standards,� rules and regulations which they deem necessary to protect the public health and. safety and to carry out the requirements of the Clean Air Crdinance after due consideration of the recommendations and advice of the Bard. of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma. Such standards$ rules and regulations shall be recommended to the Board of Trustees of said Town of Owasso for their adoption. SECTION 6. Right of Review. There are hereby created two pos:1.tions on the T-tillsa City "County Clean Air Review Board. Both shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and serve two-year terms. Each shall be a bonified resident of The Town of Owasso who has an interest in air pollution problems. k. When, in the opinion of the Director, a violation of Section !I or Section 12 exists, he may by conference, conciliation and persuasion endeavor to the fullest extelet possible to eliminate such violation, in case of the failqre by conference, conciliation and persuasion to correct or remedy any claimed violation the Director may cause to have issued and served personally or by registered Nail upon the person complained against a written order, The order shall specify the provisions of the Crdinance alleged to be violated, the facts alleged to constitute a violation thereof and shall order the necessary corrective action to be taken within a reasonable time to be prescribed in such order. Any such order shall become final and enforceable unless the person or persons named therein request in writing a hearing before the Board of Revirne_ff no later than fifteen (15) days after the date such order is served. The notice of hearing shall be delivered in person or 'by regristered ma-il to the alleged violator or violators not less than ten (1 0) days before the time set for the hearing. B. The respondent to the order may file a written answer thereto and may appear at such hearing in person or by representative, with or without counsel, and may make oral argument, offer testimony or cross-examine witnesses in support of the complaint or take any combination of such actions. in all proceedings before the Board of Review with respect to any alleged violation of the Ordinance the burden of proof shall be upon the Director. 6 C. The Board of Review shall make such final determination as it shall deem appropriate under the circumstances and the Board of Review shall request the Director of Health to issue a final order in accordance with its findings® The Director shall notify the respondent thereof in writing by registered mail, SECTION 7. Variances® Any person seeking a variance from the Clean Air Ordinance shall do so by filing a petition for variance with the Director of Health® The Director shall promptly investigate such petition and make a recommendation to the Board of Review as to the disposition thereof. Upon receiving the recommendation of the Director, the Board of Review shall set a this Ordinance® SECTION 8® Nuisance® No person shall cause or allow the discharge, emission or release into the atmosphere from any source whatsoever of such quantities of air contaminant or other material as may cause injury, endanger health, damage property, or affect public health, well being or safety. Such quantities shall be deemed a public nuisance and subject to penalty as hereinafter provided. SECTION 9® Control of Open-Burning. It is the purpose of this regulation to establish controls in the open-burning of combustible material to prevent undesirable levels of air contaminants in the atmosphere. A. Qen BuMing Restrictions. No personashall dispose of refuse or trade waste by open-burning, or cauze or permit such disposal except as provided below. B. Exceptions to Restrictions Against Open-Burning. in areas stere no public or commercial refuse collection service is available by the eVfective date of this regulation, the open-burning of refuse on residential premises or of refuse originating in dwelling units on the same premise shall not be in- violation of this regulation until such refuse collection service becomes available or until one (1) dear from the effective date of this regulation, whichever is sooner. Regardless of provisions of Subsection 9. A. of this regulation3 open-burning of refuse an residential premises or refuse originating in dwelling units on the same premises shall not be a violation of this regulation in areas of to popniation dsnsltj� Ms Director of Health, after ultation with public agencies concerned with refuse collection and disposal, shall select and publish the specific boundaries of areas in wKich such o2en-burninz of refuse will not be in violation of this Ordinance. in selecting such areas, he shall use a densit-,y of one dwelling unit per 10 acres as an approxirate definition of areas of low population density. The Director of Health shall select and publish revised boundaries, as described above, from time to Vale as population density changes, 1. Campfires, bonfires, out-of"door cookers and.fires used solely for recreation purposes Or for ceremonial occasions shall be permitted upon approval from the Fire Chief when any of such burning is not located within the fire zone of the Town of Owasso3 Oklahoma, and woodburning fire places, in residential and dwelling units5 used for heating, which are equipped with pr opera constructed f° ues.. mAere the density of smoke therefrom is not darker than number two (2) of the Ringelmann Chart for a period of not more than twent L�Y' (20) minutes in any twentl-f our (24) hour period. I 2® Fires set or required by a public office for the abatement of nuisances and which are necessary and unavoidable in carrying out public health and safety functions, shall be permitted upon approval from the Fire Chief and the Director of Health, 3® The burning of fence rows, tree limbs, plant life, and other materials that would be difficult to dispose of may be burned upon approval from the Fire Chief and the Director of Health, C. Prohibition of Salvage Operations by Open-Burning. No person shall conduct or cause or permit the conduct of a salvage operation by open- burning® D. Exceptions to Restrictions on Open-Burning of Trade Wastes® The open-burning of trade wastes may be permitted when it can be shown that such open-burning is necessary and in the public interest® Any person intending to engage in open burning of trade wastes shall file a request to do so with the Director of Health. The application shall state the following: 1® The name, address and telephone number of the person who submitted the application® 2. The type of business or activity involved, 3. A description of the proposed equipment and operating practices; the type, quantity and composition of trade wastes to be burned® 4. The schedule of burning operations. 5. The exact location where open-burning will be used to dispose of trade waste. 6. Reasons why no method other than open-burning can be used for disposal of trade waste® 7. Wdence that the proposed open-burning has been approved by any fire department which may have jurisdiction, 8. Upon approval of the application by the Director of Health., the person may proceed with the operation without being in violation of Section 9. 9a Any open-buTning permitted under prc7isions of this Subsection 9. C. shall be permitted only between the hours of 6:00 A.M. ;nd 10:00 A.M. SECTION 10. Incinerators. It is the purpose of this section to establish controls for the construction and operation of incinerators, to prevent undesirable levels of air contaminants in the atmosphere, and maintaining compliance with any existing !Ire Prevention Codes of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma. A. Restriction on Emission Color. Nb person shall cause, suffer,, allON3 or permit the discharge of smoke from an incinerator of a density darker than number one (1) on the Ringelmann Chart or a visible emission of such an equivalent opacity as to obscure a certified visible emission evaluator's view to a degree greater® than number one (1) an the Ringelmann Chart. 1. Subsection 10. A. of this Section shall not apply to: ® Visible emissions consisting of uncombined water droplets. b. Smoke3 the density of which is not darker than number two (2) of the Ringelmann Chart for a period aggregating no more than six (6) minutes in any sixty (60) consecutilve minutes or more than twenty (20) minutes in any twenty four (24) hour period. c. Any commercial business not complying with the regulations and restrictions of this ordinance at the time of its passage, until ninety (90) days after the effective date of this ordinance, after which time same shall convert and fully comply with such regula- tions and restrictions provided by applicable sections of this this ordinance, M B. Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Incinerators. No C. Provisions Applicable to All Incinerators. After the effective date of this regulation, all incinerators shall met the following provisions: 1® No incinerator shall emit into the atmosphere any air contaminant in quantities detrimental to health or property, or adversely affecting the use or enjoyment of property, 2® Two copies of plans and specifications or manufacturers' descriptive literature, or both, if available, shall be filed with the Director of Health thirty (30) days prior to the installation, construction, reconstruction or alteration of any incinerator® The material so filed shall show the general location, design., capacity, amount and type of waste to be incinerated, fire chamber details, stack or chimney details and location with reference to neighboring properties. 3® All new incinerators shall be multiple-chamber incinerators, SA I-D r..o CD em C� M 4. It has a secondary burner for use when necessary to eliminate smoke® 5. It is a type of incinerator design that can be demonstrated to the Director to be effective in accordance with the provisions of this regulation. The burden of proof shall rest upon the owner of the proposed incinerator® 6® Comply with generally recognized good practices and all applicable provisions of this regulation® 7® Make full and proper use of all components and appurtenances thereof® D. Method of Measurement. The Ringelmann Chart published and M 1® Emissions from New Installations. After the effective date of 2® Emission from Existing Installations® All existing installations precipitators may be as dark as or darker than No. 2 on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart for a period or periods aggregating not more than six (6) minutes in any sixty (60) consecutive minutes. M Emissions from Safety Flares and Other Similar Devices. Within twelve (12) months after the effective date of this regulation, all safety -flares and other similar devices used for burning in connection with pressure valve releases and for control equipment so as to reduce the smoke emissions so that the shade W be equal to or greater than an equivalent opacity of No® 2 on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart for a period or periods aggregating not more than six (6) minutes in any sixty (60) consecutive minutes, nor more than six (6) hours in any D. Control of Particulate Matter l® Emission of Particulate Matter from Fuel-Burning Equipment a® The emission or escape into the open air of particulates resulting from the combustion of fuel in any fuel-burning equipment or from any stack connected thereto in quantities in excess of that indicated in Table I or in Figure 2 is chimney. (3) When two (2) or more fuel-burning units are connected to a single stack, the combined heat input of all units connected to the stack shall be used to determine the allowable emission from the stack. (4) When a single fuel-burning unit is connected to two (2) or more stacks, the allowable emission from all the stacks combined shall not exceed that allowable for the same unit connected to a single stack. m 0.60 0.35 0.20 0.10 l® Am � 0® E-4 m 0. ko C) 0® �4 0. z 0 0® 0 0® 0® 0® 0® 0® 10 102 103 104 m Particulate Matter Emission Limits for Fuel-Burning ESjuipment EQUIPMENT CAPACITY RATING, 106 BTU`/HR Figure 2 . In 2. Emission of Particulate Matter from Industrial Processes a. General Provisions. This regulation applies to'any operation, process or activity except fuel-burning equipment or refuse- burning equipment. b® Process Emission Limitations (1) Existing installations. Eighteen (18) months from and after the effective date of this regulation all existing installations must comply with the rates of emissions as specified in Table 2. (2) New installations. From and after the effective date of this regulation,'all new installations must comply with the rates of emission as specified in Table 2. (3) No person shall cause, let, permit, suffer, or allow the emission from any general operation or general combustion operation of particulate matter from any emission point at arate in excess of that specified in Table 2 for the process weight rate allocated to such emission point® c® Exception to Emission Limits (1) Temporary emissions. Emission of particulate matter during periods of cleaning or adjusting process equipment shall not exceed 150 percent of the limits as set forth in the above sections for a period or periods aggregating not more than six (6) minutes in any sixty 19 20 Table 2. ALLOWABLE RATE OF EMISSION BASED ON ACTUAL PROCESS WEIGHT RATE Process Weig t Rate of Process Weigh Rate I I f o Rate g Emission] Rate ----,-Lb.7'H-r Emission Lb Hr Tons Hr Lb Hr Lb Hr Doris Hr 100 0.05 0.551 16,000 8 16.5 200 0.10 0.877 18,000 9 17.9 400 0.20 1.40 20e000 10 19.2 600 0.30 1.83 30,000 15, 25.2 800 0.40 2.22 40,000 20 30.5 1,000 0.50 2.58 50,000 25 35.4 1,500 0.75 3.38 60,000 30 40.0 2,000 1.00 4.10 70,000 35 41'3 2,500 1.25 4.76 1 80,000 40 42.5 3,000 1.50 5.38 90,000 45 @ 43.6 3,500 1.75 5.96 100,000 50 44.6 4,000 2.00 6.52 1 120,000 60 46.3 5,000 2.50 7.53 140,000 70 47.8 6,000 3.00 8.56 160,000 80 49.0 7,000 3.50 9.49 200,000 100 51.2 8,000 4.00 10.4 1 500 69.0 9,000 4.50 11.2 12,000,000 1,000 77.6 10,000 5.00 12.0 16,000,000 3,000 92.7 12,000 6.00 13.6 OW-1 W is greater than seventy-two (72) hours, the emitter shall apply for a variance according to Section 7m of this ordinance.' D. Sampling and Testing M 2. Emission tests relating to this section shall be undertaken by generally recognized standards or methods of measurements, From time to time the Health Department will publish sampling and testing guidelines. These procedures will be consistent with obtaining accurate results which are representative of the conditions being evaluated and,will be subject to revision as experience or knowledge dictate® 3. All tests shall be conducted, supervised or approved by a registered professional engineer. SECTION 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offense, and each day's violation thereof shall constitute a separate offense; and each offense, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by fine and costs not to exceed Twenty Dollars ($20.00). SECTION 14® That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 15. That an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and that by reason thereof, this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval® PASSED and :Elriergency Clause voted u-pon separately and passed cry- unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees this 5thw day of April� 19',7111, APPROVED by the Pres5.dent of the Board of Trustees of Thle Town, of Cxassso-, I Oklahoma, this 5t.? of April., 1971. ATTES"I': J i j Ft 7 Town Glerk,l 71 es-i�dent -f '-­Tle -313,ard A 1 iROIFED AS TO FURY1 2 �� Board Member, 10-an's Attorney Board Me,,TI ser5 f oard ember. PROOF OF PU411' JION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R, Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the n� 0!, xerv. ........ a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of DZ a . ., Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Lvin'g, a* bona 'fide" paid* 'general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County. and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for ................. consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the day of. ..... ®, T1 and the last day of publication being on the ... day of ........... 19 . . . . . ., and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws' of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was published in all editions ,,of sails newspaper, and not in a supplement thetqo;) .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill R. Retherford, publisher of the b`,V-P this ... I,day of . 19 . "Notary Pub r -2 6- 7 Mycomm-issiGn expires . .................. �i*7 PUBLISHER'S FEE i ....8 .. I NE NO "I '� 0 in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, urs., April 8,1971 ORDINANCE NO. 132 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONTROL CON- TAMINANTS OR POLLUTANTS IN THE AIR AND KNOWN AS THE CLEAN AIR ORDINANCE; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS OF WORDS AND PHRASES USED IN ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR BUILDING PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR IN-' SPECTIONS; PROHIBITING OPEN BURING OF TRASH AND REFUSE; PERTAINING TO NUISANCE; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR LISTING OF DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT; PROVIDING FOR DELEGATES TO THE TULSA COUNTY CLEAN AIR REVIEW BOARD; PROVIDING FOR VARIANCES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING LIMITATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Be it ordained by the board of trustees of the town of Owasso, state of Oklahoma: The above entitled ordinance, passed by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and affective after the 5th day of April, 1971, provides rules and regulations controlling and-or eliminating aid polution in order to protect the public health. Open trash burning is prohibited withia The Town Limits of The Town of Owasso, and regulations and requirements as to construction and use of incinerators for commercial and industrial usage are provided. Provisions for inspection by the Director of Health of buildings, premises or other places is authorized, and The Town of Owasso shall have two (2) members on the Tulsa.-, City-County Clean Air Review Board, which board A, Ordinance and iAirresiden residential " - WpOrmitted, provided density of smoke is controlll;&� ded in the Ordinance. Charts and tables are provided and referred to in the Ordinance, which describe degree of pollutants and maximum color, density or emission of smoke or con- taminants. John R. Groth President of the Board of Trustees of ATTEST: Inez Odom The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma Town Clerk (SEAL) P U B L I G INT 0 T I C"& & TOO, All Parties and Gitizens of The Tow):4 of Owasso , ', C, T , a 01101.ahoma.- Tii!U' L�� i2 -CF th t C The Town of Owasso the Board of Trustees of , Okiahoma,, -Yrill$ on the 5t;h dw,,?- of, C ?.-30 olclock,., I". 1 . of said day5 hold a p'Wblic hearin.g April., 1971p at the haur of at the Town Hall at 34-38 SolxUh Main Streets in Owasso2 00,&homap for Une purpoge of considering and adoptinw I'm Ordinance relating to control Of contannnim-mifs or Dollutants in the air and knomm as The Clean Air Ordinance; Providifng for b- d --', r 1 g permits and Inspection; Pertaining to 'Nruisamce- Provid'ing for listing of denvices and equipment- Providing for preparation of standards riLles and r�egjj-jations to protect the Ty Bbl ic health and safety; 100,-ntrol-J g5 restricluting and eli,171-inat-L-rig open- in bumn:Lng and elim-inating disposall of refuse o--?- waste by open-.4burning,' -mritftl exceptions; I Frovidin,g, fo eD ates to the ls Counto -IeFn Ar Review Bard; Praviding for variances; Providing for penaltie's; Proving limitations; -Pto-vi ding for a severabLILity of Provisions and Daciar-ing- an emergancy3 for The Town of Owasso, n-k-Ia:,acmna3 at w1hich time and place all parties in interest and citizens mill have a. op I n port CL mity to be heard in relation thereto and make suggestions concern-Ing sa-mee Dated 'whis 23rd day of .11kroh., 1971, I�resident of 6 'of Trustees of The To of Cwasso3 Oklahoma 4 X Town 'Gierk Be it ordained by the board of trustees of the town of Owasso, state of Oklahoma: The above entitled ordinance, passed by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and affective after the 11h day of April, 1971, provides rules and regulations controlling ing and-or eliminating aid polution in order to protect the public health. Open trash burning is prohibited within Le n of The Town of Owasso, and regulations 2n d rTeoqwu i r eLmi Limits as to construction and use of incinerators for commercial and industrial usage are provided. Provisions for inspection by the Director of Health of buildings, premises or other places is authorized, and The Town of Owasso shall have two (2) members on the Tulsa City - County Clean Air Review Board, which board shall determine matters relating to and matters of violations of the Ordinance. Violation of the Ordinance shall be and is declared a Public nuisance and violators shall be subject to penalties. Out-of-door cookers are permitted in certain cases, and indoor residential woodburning fireplaces are permitted, provided density of smoke is controlled as provided in the Ordinance. Charts and tables are provided and referred to in the Ordinance, which describe degree of pollutants and maximum color, density or emission of smoke or con- taminants. John R. Groth President of the Board of Trustees of ATTEST: Inez Odom The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma Town Clerk (SEAL) PROOF OF PUBLICATION STZfE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss- Bill R Retberford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the f 'Notitee J1 a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of C C Published in the Owasso Re- w , ....... Tulsa County, Oklahoma, porter March 25 & April Lv,in'g, as bona'fid'e'p'A'jd' general circulation therein, and 1, 1971. with entrance into the United States mail as second class PUBLIC kfICE mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county TO: All Parties and Citizens where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice of The Town of Owasso,'Okla- by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was Noma: TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of The Town published in said newspaper for . ...... ....... Of Owasso, Oklahoma, will, on consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the the 5th day of April, 1971, at the hour of 7:30 o'cldek, P.M. 2; ...... .4 . ......... ®a day of . .- �' of said day, hold a public IS, and the last day of publication being on the hearing at the Town Hall at 34-38 South Main Street in P Owasso, Oklahoma, for the . . . . . . . .. a ........... day of .............. Purpose of considering and 19 ` 71. . ., and that said newspaper has been continuously adopting An Ordinance relat- ing uninterruptedly published in said county during the to control of contaminants period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks or pollutants in the air and consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, known as The Clean Air Ord- or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter inance; Providing for building four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended permits and Inspection; Per- by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, taining to Nuisance; Providing and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- for listing of devices and ments of the laws, of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above equipment; Providing for pre referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was paration of standards, rules published in all editions of`; said,-'fibwspa, er and not in a and regulations to protect the ,p supplement thereof) Y .-7 Public health and safety; Con- troling, restricting and ........ minating open burning and eli-, urinating disposal of refuse or Subscribed and sworn to before me byl4i'll R. Retherford, waste by open-burning, with exceptio Providing for publisher of the ...................... delegates. Clean 'zttir this day of 19 vi i g v i limitations; Pro id^ng-' I/Notary severability of Provisions and Declaring an emergency, for My conamission expires 6 - 7 4 ......... The Town Of Owasso ' Okla- homa, at which time andplace all parties in interest and PUBILSHERIS FEE citizens will have an opport- unity to be heard in relation thereto and make suggestions concerning same.. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1971. John R. Groth President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma Inez H. Odom, Town Clerk (SEAL)