HomeMy WebLinkAbout140_Parking of Vehicles DefinedORDINANCE NO. 140 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STOPPING, AND/OR PARKING OF VEHICLES UPON STREETS, SIDEWALKS, WITHIN INTERSECTIONS, PARKS, AND CERTAIN OTHER PRIVATE OF PUBLIC PLACES; PROHIBITING PARKING IN PLACES THEREIN DESCRIBED OR SPECIFIED; CONTAINING A "SAVINS CLAUSE"; PROVIDED PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF ORDINANCE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Section 1. STOPPING OR PARKING PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIED PLACES. No person shall at any time stop, stand or park a vehicle except in compliance with the direction of a marshall or police officer, or traffic-control device in any of the following places: A. On a sidewalk. B. Over a sidewalk to any degree. C. Within an Intersection. D. Within an underpass. E. On any overpass or bridge. F. Within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. G. Within fifteen (15) feet of nearest rail of a railroad. H. On area between sidewlk or curb. I. On or over a crosswalk to any degree. J. Within Twenty (20) feet of a fire station driveway. K. In a manner that obscures a traffic-control device. L. In front of or at the exit of any theater or public building, while people are congregating therein. M. On grounds of any public park except where permitted by official signs. N. In fire or safety zones. O. In front of entrance of any public building of three (3) or more stories in height. P. In an alley except as provided by specific ordinances heretofore, now or hereafter passed and adopted. Q. Across a driveway to any degree. R. Within any area where official signs, indicating that parking therein is prohibited, are installed. Section 2. SAVING CLAUSE. Should any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or citcumstance be held invalid by any court or competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the ordinance, and each seciton or cluase of any section, and its application to persons or circumstances, other than those as to which it or they are held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and such remaining parts of said ordinance shall be valid and in full force and affect. it is hereby declared to be the intention of this ordinance that the same would have been adopted had such part, section or clause held invalid or unlawful provisions, if any, not been included therein. Section 3. PENALTIES. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) including costs. EMERGENCY: WHEREAS, it being immediately necessary for the preservation of the peace, health, protection and safety of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the inhabitants thereof, that the provisions of this ordinance be put into immediat3e force and affect, an emergency is hereby declaredto exist, by reason of the existance ofhazard to health, peace and safety, and by reason thereof, this ordinance shall take affect and be in full force and affect from and after its passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th day of December, 1971, and the Emergency clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimouse vote of said Board of Trustees. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th day of December, 1971. PROOF OF PUB ',.T19A STAT E OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill IL Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the . QwiAssq Aep.qVPA2° ............ a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of Owasso " . . . ., Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having *a' bona 'fide paid' 'general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for . . . q ie .......... consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the .9th ............... day of j?ecember . . . .......... 7 and the last day of publication being on the -in ............ day of .............. 19 . . . . . .. and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws' of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to isa true d p inted copy. Said notice was published in editions aid wspap and ot i a supplement thele )I . . . . ............. ...... Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bil Retherford, publisher of the QWaAt q. ...... this day of ... Dee ....... 19 71 /4&1_07.`rNotary Pubv My commission expires ........... PUBLISHER'S FEE $.. 31'2 % Q;2. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STOPPING, *ND .OR TAINING A "SAVINGS CLAUSE"; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF ORDINANCE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Section 1. STOPPING OR PARKING PROHIBITED INSPECI- PIED PLACES. No person shall at any time stop, stand or park a vehicle except in compliance with the direction of a marshall or police officer, or traffic-control device in any of the following places. A. On a sidewalk. B. Over a sidewalk to any degree. C. Within an intersection. D. Within an underpass. E. On any overpass or bridge. F. Within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. G. Within fifteen (15) feet of nearest rail of a railroad. H. On area between sidewalk or curb. L On or over a crosswalk to any degree. J. Within twenty (20) feet of a fire statioi driveway. I& In a manner that obscures a traffic control device. L. In front of or at the exit of any theater or public building, while people are congrbg , ,g lvL On grounds of any public park except where by official signs. N. In fire or safety zones. 502 0. In front of entrance of any public building ,out re, (3) or more stories in height. P. In an alley except as provided by specific ordinances heretofore, now or hereafter passed and adopted. Q. Across a driveway to any degree. R. Within any area where official signs, indicating that parking therein is prohibited, are installed. of any section, and its application to persons or cir(:uwz ta1­ , other than those as to which it or they are held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and such remaining parts of said ordinance shall be valid and in full !force and affect. It is hereby declared to be the intention of this ordinance that the same would have been adopted had such part, section or clause held invalid or unlawful provision, if any, not been included therein. Section 3. PENALTIES. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions . this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum ofi Twenty `Dollars ($20.00) in- cluding costs. EMERGENCY: WHEREAS, it being immediately necessary for the preservation of the peace, health,; protection and safety of The 'Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the inhabitants there - of, that the provisions of this ordinance be put into immediate force and affect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason of the existance of hazard to health, peace and " safety, and by reason thereof, this ordinance shall take affect and be in full force ; and affect from and after its passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th day of December, 1971, and the Emerg- ency clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of said Board of Trustees. APPROVED by the President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th day of December, 1971. ATTEST: INEZ H. ODOM JOE ROSS Town Clerk President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, _*(SEAL)*- Approved: M.S. SAWYER Town's Attorney.