HomeMy WebLinkAbout144_Mandatory Refuse Service EstablishedORDINANCE NO. 144 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE MANDATORY COLLECTION OF GARBAGE AND HOUSEHOLD REFUSE BY THE TOWN OF OWASSO OR ITS DESIGNATED TOWN TRASH COLLECTOR; AUTHORIZING A MANDATORY COLLECTION SERVICE CHARGE TO BE ADDED TO STATEMENT OF WATER AND/OR SEWER CHARGES AND FIXING FEES FOR SERVICE; SETTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR GARBAGE CONTAINERS; DECLARING UNCOLLECTED GARBAGE A NUISANCE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. A. "Garbage," as used herein, is defined as waste from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food. B. "Household refuse," as used herein, is defined as being all waste substances other than garbage which normally accrue as a result of household occupancy, including, but not limited to, trash, wastepaper, boxes, bottles, cans and other containers, ashes, cinders and lawn trimmings (not to exceed fifty pounds per peek, bagged for collection). Section 2. COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF GARBAGE AND REFUSE BY THE TOWN OR THE DESIGNATED TOWN TRASH COLLECTOR. A. Duty to request Garbage Service. It shall be the duty of every person occupying or having control of the occupancy of any residential premises located within the corporate limits of the Town of Owasso to request, at the beginning of such occupancy or on or before the effective dare of this ordinance, garbage pickup service; provided, however, that failure of any owner, rental agent or occupant of such premises to make such request shall not prevent nor in any way impair or impede the said Town or the designated Town Trash Collector from adding the address of such premises to the proper garbage collection route records and providing said service and otherwise enforcing by appropriate action the regulatory measures herein prescribed and causing the fee or charge therefore to be paid. B. Services Fee - Residential. Residential service shall consist of twice weekly removal of garbage and household refuse which has been placed in containers in the manner hereinafter specified. this service is deemed to Page 2 to be necessary to protect the health, safety and we citizens of the fawn of Uwasso and the fees for said aeemea necessary uo pay ror tne removal of such garbage and house- hold refuse, to protect the health of the occupant, owner, tenant or lessee and others in the near vicinity by such removal. 2he iees ror sail service shaii Ke as follows; 1. Single family residences - 62.50 per montn per facily unit,, 2. Duulexes - 52.50 ner month per family unit, 3. Apartments (three (3) or more units) 42.00 per month oer family unit., 4. Trailers - 52.50 per month per unit unless -, garbage an refuse pick-up can be made at a common scint of collection in which case the charge shall be $2.00 per unit. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to add the appropriate fee to the statement of water and/or sewer charges. Provided, that the person, firm or corporation responsible for the payment of water service charges and/Or sanitary sewon service ohar&as shall be billed and be resocnsible for the payment of all refuse service charges to the premises whether said services be to single or multiple family dwelling units. it shall be unlawful for any owner, occupano, tenant or lessee, using or occupying a building, house, structure or aoart menz as a separate unit, to utilize the garbage containers. ca or receptacies or another owner, occupant, tenant or lessee, for the disnosal nf MR nwr aRphRup or YnnQmYnip m=p"on om" Y>_ of avoiding payment of the fees levied by this Drdin2nos, inasmuch as the fees provided for herein are for the removal of household refuse, of oublic health it shall nc tenant or lessee to refuse t Ordinance on the ground that unit or trash incinerator. as well as garbage, for the protec t be a defense for any ownev, occqc o comply with the provisions of thi he owns and uses a garbage disposa in the event that any person, firm or corpoTasion shall tender as payment for water sers service an amount insufficient t so billed, credit shall be giver service; second, to the charges lastly, to the charges for watei Loe, sewer service and refase a pay in full all of the service first to the charges for refuse Tor sanitary sewer service; and sar7ice Page 3 in the event that any utility accouATshall become delin- quent, water service mav be terminated by tYp Tnwr nf nwPqqo "ot,, all delinquent charges for refuse service, sanitary sewer service and water service shall be aid in full, i2cjj2n,_2, NON-COLLECTION OF GARBAG3 OR MEW No garbage or refuse shall be collected from any premises where the owner or lessee is in arrears on his garbage bill for a period of one month, Section 4. UNCOLLECTED GARBAGE DECLARED A NUISANCE. Fermenting, putrefying, or odoriferous garbage in 3ontainers uncollected or dumped in the open due to failure to nay garhaoe service charge or to improper type, placement or maintenance of containers shall be declared a nuisance. jfcjj2n_j& GARBAGE CANS - SPECIFICAMONS9 PLACEMENT, USE, The owners, occupants or rental agents of all premises in the Town of Owasso shall place all garbage in water-tight, metal or plastic containers that must be of sufficient size to hold not less that 10 nor greater than 30 gallons with close-fitting covers; said containers to be placed not greater 40 feet from the front street curb line. not requiring the opening of gates or doors to gain access thereto and not exceeding two (2) in number, Section 6. VIOLATIONS,- Garbage and household refuse, as define? herein, may be collected, removed, transported and/or disposed of only by the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, its agents, servants and employees, or the designated, Town Trash Collector. All other persons are hereby prohibited therefrom unless express written permission is obtained from the Town, The owner or person having control or occupant of any residential premises In said Town who shall fall, neglect, or refuse to furnish. water-tight, metal or plastic containers and to deposit and place therein garbage, refuse and rubbish as provided in this Ordinance., or shall remove or attempt to remove any garbage or refuse, or shall fall, refuse or neglect to pay any uncontested bills for services as required under this Ordinance for a period exceeding ten days after official notification to deposit said ease 4 garbage or refuse in metal or plastic containers or to may fcr she removal and disposal of said garbage or refuse when the same is due and unpaid, or for violations of any other provision of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of an offense and shall upon conviction be fined for each offense in a'sum not greater than 020.00 including costs, nor less than $5.00 plus c osts; provided that the refusal, neglect and failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance for each and every 24 hours after said conviction shall be deemed a separate offense hereunder. Sy2tj.2nZ,_ OFFICERS TO MAKE ARRESTS. T t is hereby made the duty of tVie puice officers of said Town upon report being made to them of the violation of any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance to immediately cite the person or persons guilty of such violation and cause them to appear before the Municipal Court on i e ts nxt scheduled docket,tiernA to be dealt$ with according to law for such violation. Section 8. EMERGENCY CLAUSE Whereas, it being immediately necessary for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the Town of Owasso and the inhabitants thereof, that the provisions of this Ordinance be out into full force and effect, and an emergency is hereby declared. to exist by reason thereof, this ordinance shall take effect and, be in full force from and after its passage, as provided by law. Emergency clause voted upon separatel pF! and. passed by vote of the Board of Trustees this day of jane, 19 ?2. Passed Py the Board of Trustees of w of Owasso, Oklahoma, this day of june, 1972. Approved by the President of thy Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, this day 9F June, 1972. .T' -Tresident of the Board of Trustees + 41k F HIT A'f' APPROVED: Ward Member Town Attorney Board M em, e r Boa-7"d Member t PROOF OF PUB_ C]ATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, sse Bill lam Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon Lqe�'gal Notice oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the Owasso <e-ro ter° m a m m m m m m m m, a newspaper Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, 'Tulsa County, printed in the English language, in the City of Okla., Thurs. June 8, 1972. vm a o . o .mom, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, ORDINANCE No, 144 having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States snail as second class AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE MAN - mall matter in Tulsa County and published in said county DATORY COLLECTION OF GARBAGE AND HOUSE - where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice HOLD REFUSE, BY TIME TOWN OF OWASSO OR ITS by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was DESIGNATED TOWN TRASH COLLECTOR; AUTHORIZING A. MANDATORY COLLECTION published in said newspaper for m m m m, m m m m o m a m o m m m SERVICE CHARGE TO BE ADDED TO STATEMENT consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the OF WATER AND? -O', SEWER CHARGES AND FIXING c` 3 o m m m m, FEES FOR, SERVICE; SETTING' SPECIFICATIONS . el m m m m ®m m m m m m . m . m day of > "m . a m FOR GARBAGE CONTAINERS; DECLARING UN- 19 COLLECTED GARBAGE A NUISANCE; PROVIDING 19 m m and the last day of publication being on the PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. as FL PAP .............. day of ............ m, NOW „THEREFORE „BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD 19 m m m < m, and that said newspaper has been continuously OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One hundred and Four (104) weeps Section 1. DEFINITIONS. consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, A. "Garbage,” as used herein, is defined as waste from the or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food. four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session laws, 1943, as amended B. "Household refuse,” as used herein, is defined as being by House Bill No. 495, 22nd legislature, and thereafter, all waste substances other than garbage which normally aid complies with all of the prescriptions and require- accrue as a result of household occupancy. including, but "gents of the laws of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above not limited ;to, trash, wastepaper, boxes bottles cans referred to is a true and printed opy,agd notice was p and other containers ashes cinders and lawn trimmings published in Al ed' ions of said- ws r am not in a , supp ement thereo (not to exceed fifty pounds per week, bagged for Jc p' collection). Section 2. COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill R. " therford, GARBAGE AND REFUSE BY THE TOWN OR THE DESIGNATED TOWN TRASH publisher of the . m .0y Boa s g o $ e q t er m m m . > m, COLLECTOR. this m m day of , m� _T le m o m m ., m e A. Duty to Request Garbage Service It shall be the fluty of every persozl occupying or having .. m , .. control of theoccupancy of any residentl premises located Notary p _ic. ,withinthe corporate limits of the Town, of Owasso to request, at the beginning of such occupancy or.on or before the ef- My commission expires � -2m 6— € festive date of this ordinance; garbage pickup service; Provided, however, that failure of any owner, rental.aent or occupant of such premises to make such request shall not PUBLISHER'S FEE $..7'1,p . prevent nor in abY way impair or impede the said Town or e designated Town Trash Collector from adding the ad- uch premises to the proper garbage collection route mad providing, said service and otherwise enforcing ate, action the'regulatory.measures herein r encaus the, 'fee or charge therefor to be paid. Service�Fees - �'R,esidential. �r � �✓> f � �L .._�., .,F.Y.�. ��Yrr. ma,.,, �, o,•• �� ,o..,Atacrii•,cv�nzatof <twi -vV' removal .......... ......... (Date) Pe ommmoo,m�a�noamGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address) Greetings- Th e Ic ... has made a survey and found the folloming R discrepanes: P '17 -7 According to City Ordinance Ll .... you are in violation If this condition is not eliminated within . from date shown at the top of this letter, the Town of Owasso will take further action.