HomeMy WebLinkAbout162_Oklahoma Baptist Acres_OZ 12_RezonedPublished in the Owasso Reporter, Tulsa County, Owasso, Okla., Thursday Sept. 13, 1973. ORDINANCE NO. 162 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 117 AND REZONING A TRACT DESCRIBED AS: All that part of the NE1/4, Section 32, T. 21 N. R 14 E. of the Indian Base and meridian in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, particulary described as follows - towit: Beginning at the SE corner of said NE1/4: thence N 0 05' 00" East along the east boundary of said NE1/4 2245.08 feet to a point 390.00 feet from the NE corner thereof; thence due west parallel with the north boundary of said NE1/4 a distance of 1044.43 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of a proposed publicly dedicated street; thence due FROM an AG CLASSIFICATION TO A RS-1 CLASSIFICATION: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ***************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 117 be and the same is hereby amended, and the following described property to-wit: The partial description above and the sheet attached thereto and by reference made part hereof is to be used in both spaces. SECION II. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED with the emergency clause ruled upon separately this 4th day of September, 1973. APPROVED this 4th day of september, 1973. Mayor City Clerk City Attorney CONTINUATION OF OKLAHOMA BAPTIST ACRES ZONING CHANGE South along said westerly right-of-way line of said proposed street a distance of 980.00 feet; thence due West parallel with the north boundary of the E1/2 SW1/4 a distance of 944.28 feet to a point in the west boundary of the E1/2 SW1/4 NE1/4 in said Section 32: thence s 0 00' 04" East along said westerly boundary a distance of 1267.49 feet to the SW corner of said E1/2 SW1/4 NE1/4; thence North 89 55' 50" East along the south boundary of said NE1/4 a distance of 1985.43 feet to the point of beginning, containing 81.224 acres.