HomeMy WebLinkAbout167_OZ 12_RezoningORDINANCE NO. 167 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 117, APPROVING OZ NO. 13, AND REZONING A TRACT DESCRIBED AS: SEE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS FROM AN AG CLASSIFICATION TO CH, RS-2, as described in legals, CLASSIFICATION: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ************************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 117 be and the same is hereby amended, and the following described property to-wit: SEE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS be and the same is hereby zoned from a n AG to a CH, RS-2, classification. SECTION II. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED with the emergency clause ruled upon separately this 8th day of January, 1974. APPROVED this 8th day of January, 1974. Mayor City Clerk City Attorney /2 NW/4 and all that pz Indian- Base,and. Merid to -wit: forth boundary of said W/2 NW/4-,,a Lstanc6` of 323.03 feet to a paint 1004 Feet From the Northwest corner thereof; thence 'oo -06' E 50.0 feet; thence' 3 :890-54 °; w 144 feet; thence ;S 360 -208 W 214 'feet; thence S 89 " -54, w 438.7 . .eet; thence S 480-09° w 134.85 feet; thence S 0° -04 @`w 100.00 feet to a Doint 412 feet South of the North boundary of said w/2 Nib /4; thence N 890-541 E 300.00 feet; thence S 0® -04P w 660.00 feet; thence S 890-54, W'300.00 feet; thence `'S 0° -04° w 1314.,34 feet; thence S 110 -151 E 178.5 feet; thence 3 00 -04' w 80.3 feet to a point in the South boundary of said w/2 /4 218 'eet from the Southwest; corner thereof; thence S 0® -048 w 371.03 feet; thence 3 110-23' w 178.5 feet; thence S 00-04° w 114.4 feet to a; point in the South boundary °of said N/2 Nw/4 Sw 14 180 feet from the Southwest corner thereof; thence East along the South boundary of said N12 Nw 14 SGT %4 1046.51 feet to a point 100 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence North parallel with the East 'boundary of said N/2 NW/4 SW/4 and parallel with the East boundary of said w/2 NW/4 a distance of 2333.6 feet; thence East 100 feet to a point in ,he East bo'�dary,of said W /zNW14; thence North aloIng the East boundary of said , ?/2 Nw14 970,,9 feet to the point of beginning containing 72.6 acres' ® g , G� C k. kc, C—I &S so.�C6�� 14 S3 I IC . M �conta..m `. ` ae s aaa oo &e � p� l � Mid— R c$ " m a„ '&4: 7 ryq © 4'py fss n �y d y t z Sn a.i��;+k�J,:�7 �4 ,y4 �4A�f��f@q i es t a Lon the So holm ary 0. sac ' ' �iE / 20 " "set est com er° ,thereof; thence,; North; alarm the West' boundary of said z �� 4s 4 33e�;,'eet; thanes East' parallel wthths Narth b of said . / Nw/4 x+65 _feet; thence �Narth „para lel. with the West boux ciary' of,. s ai /4-,NW/4`330' + ./33Q feet to a poa.nti'J iris,the ; "NOrt, hazzndar�r "off" 'saia .:S /2 / /+, East along' said. North boundary a ` d.istance of 855 feet to "the`` ` -oi nt 'of° "" ing containing 16-5- acres, .the�tata. ea des�ribed..�� >R5.,2 e 31 5 Q1a. ;s�.Gaai;ed� in section 29 � 21.N � �T�� � �a� tie . radian base ia�a 0 o- SO d "N 4 ., a .,.y,NO � e Svc „w a.� A7J�:+�'A7P/�'1' ''riM%�jiw� t fm e yo al hwest corns i� e eo ` cYtl ei e� ou ast rly a a 1w$ l�j i�ex e z�t +117,ice� co Ccm4# `7o i= ►way'av�a ' $+ate ou xaestx�ly pexrpexidic .tca the tdescxibe�tz ©urge 250. ads} "et re `ca tie a++aa d k c Serviae� o spany 75 foo 'x , t�c T! iv y; n kzez ceR Scat 040, e�riy a cai ;, he a1a �VI "13C or�gany?5 font rzk� -�caf -ways 3.13,e+to a poet n teot�aaaada maid SF►; thence East aong'said Souboundar a distance o 2 f°et to Gt]iltai� 44 Q1 n 111 a v� qq w Y PROOF OF PUBI "'ATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, JJD Bill 11. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon Published in the Owasso Reporter, Tulsa County, Owasso, oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the Okla., Thursday, .January 17, 1974. Owasso <L 3O ... ........ . . a newspaper ORDINANCE NO. 167 a printed in the English language, in the City of ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 117, uwas , Tulsa County, Oklahoma, APPROVING OZ NO. 13, AND REZONING A TRACT having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and DESCRIBED AS': with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county All that part of the Wi /> NW' /4 and all that part of the N1 /2 where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice NW 1i4 SW I/4 Section 29 T 21 N - R 14 E of the Indian Base and by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was Meridian in Tulsa County Oklahoma particularly described published in said newspaper for ..0 e ............. as follows, to -wit: consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the Beginning at the Northeast corner of said W1/2 NW I/a ; o 1 -7� . . . . ...... . ...... day of .4allizary. .. d, thence West along the North boundary of said W1/2 NW I/4 a distance of 323.03 feet to a point 1004 feet from 19 .. . ., and the last day of publication being on the the Northwest corner; thereof; thence S 0 degrees-06' E 50.0 feet; thence S 89 degrees -54' W; 144 feet; thence same , , , . , m . m ®, , ....day of m . , .. , ...... . m .. n nn a..K...,,,� w xv gia fopt • thpnee, S 89 degrees-54'W 19 , , .., and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter o—ur, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and prince copy. aid notice was published in all e ions of s ew er d no in a supplement then . . . . . >..... Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bill ,Retherford, Uwasso Reporter p- ablisher of the . . . . . .... .. .............' this . m .16.t by of . J ...., 19 ..`? . ? � n ✓� GNotary Publyl- is y commission expires . . . . ... .............. 8.3 PUBLISHER'S FEE $........ . ' �-i ieeL; uit lnuz a; — uu5xv - nce S 0 degrees -04' W 100.00 feet to a point 412 feet uth of the North Boundary of said W1 /2 NW1 /4 ; ence N 89 degrees -54' E 300.00 feet; thence S 0 de gees -04' W 660.00 feet; thence S 89 degrees -54' W ,x{10.00 feet; thence S 0 degrees -04' W 1314.34 feet; thence S li degrees -35' E 178.5 feet; thence S 0 de grees -04' W 80.3 feet to a point in the South boundary ;f said W Irz NW' /4 218 feet from the Southwest corner thereof; thence S 0 degrees-04'W 371.03 feet; thence S 11 degrees -23' W 178.5 feet; thence S 0 degrees -04' W 14.4 feet to a point in the South boundary of said N1/2 W1,� SW?/4 180 feet from the Southwest corner hereof; thence East along the South boundary of said ,.. f112 NWI4 SWI /4 1046.51 feet to a point 100 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence North parallel with the East boundary of said Nllz NWI/4 SW1 /4 and parallel with the East boundary of said W1,2 NWI /4 a distance of 2333.6 feet; thence East 100 feet to a point in the East boundary of said W liz NW 1/4 ; thence North along the East boundary of said WI /2 NWI /4 970.9 feet to the point of beginning containing 72.6 acres; All that part of the SW 1/4 Section 20 T 21 N - R 14 E of the Indian Base and, Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at ;a point in th SWi4 in said Section 20 corner thereof; thence I dary of said S1 /2 SWI/4 a c Northeast corner of the S' thence South along the E SWi /4 a distance of 655.0 thence South parallel wit SW1,14 SWII4 a distance of South boundary of said S the South boundary of sz 376.0 'feet to a point 1004 corner thereof; thence Nc grees -54' W 94.0 feet; thei feet; thence N 78 degrees - degrees -13' W 666.1 feet 379.4 feet to the point of acres. FROM AN AG CLASSIE North boundary of the Sii2 185.00 feet from the NW ast along the North boun- istance of 1135.0 feet to the 11/4 SWi /4 in said Section 20; ast boundary of said SW1 /4 eet; thence East 60.0 feet; the East boundary of said 665.0 feet to a point in the z SWi /4; thence West along d S1/2 SW? /4; a distance of 0 feet from the Southwest ,th'50.0 feet; thence S 89 de- ce N 47 degrees -46' W 263A W W 334.3 feet; thence N 19 thence N 0 degrees -04' E beginning ;containing 28.87 CATION TO A CH,RS -2, as TC.ATT61N• RRPRAT.TNG ALT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION I. That 'Ordinance No 117 be and the same is hereby amended, and the following described property to-wit: and all that part of the S' /z NEi /4 NWI,4 situated in said Section 29 particularly described as follows to -wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Si/z NE�4 NW i..i ; thence South along the East boundary of S1 /2 NE>>4 NWT /4 660 feet to the Southeast corner thereof,; thence West along the South boundary of said S'z NE '/I NW'A 1320 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence North along the West boundary of said Si/,. NEI /4 NWI /4 330 feet; thence East parallel with the North boundary of said Sll2 NEi /4 ?NW? /4 465 feet; thence North parallel with the West boundary of said S�,2 NE1 /4 NWi;4 330 feet to a point in the North boundary of said Si12 NEi /4 NWI /4; thence East along said North boundary a distance of 855 feet to the point of beginning containing 16.5 acres, the total area described as RS 2 being 31.5 acres' all situated in Section 29 T 21 N - R 14 E of the Indian Base and Meridian in Tulsa County Oklahoma; All that part of the SWI�4 Section 20T21 N - R14E of the Indian Prase and, Meridian, Tulsa County Oklahoma, particularly described as follows, to -Wit: All of the NEi /4 SWI /4 containing 40.0 acres more or less; and all that part of the SE ?/4 SWI /4 in said Section 20 particularly described as follows, to -wit: Begin - ning at the Southeast corner of said SE1 /4 SWI /q; thence North along the East' boundary of said SEi /4 SWII/ 'to the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along; the North boundary of said SEi /4 SW ;�4 a distance of 1090 feet to a point 230 feet from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly parallel with the center line of the Public; Service Company 75 foot right -of -way traversing said SEi/a M 4 a distance of 400.0 feet; thence Southwesterly perpendicularly to the last described; course 250.0' to a point on the center line of the aforesaid Public Service Company 75 foot right -of -way; thence South- easterly along the Pilhlir garvio !`'m­. 7r r__, .,.. .. — ;wuci a ­ atutig Dalujourn oounaary a distance of 323 feet to the point of beginning con- taining 26.34 acres, the total area of RS 2 being 66.34 acres.' be and the same is hereby rezoned from an AG to a CH, RS -2 classification. SECTION II. That all ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict herewith' be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED with the emergency clause ruled upon separately this 8th day of January, 1974. APPROVED this 8th day of January, 1974: Joe Ross` Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk W. W. VanDall City Attorney