HomeMy WebLinkAbout170_Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision RegulationsCITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 170 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 201, 400.3, 430.1, 808.3, 808.4, 1400, AND ADDING NEW SECTION 3.038 TO THE ZONING ORDINANCES AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS FOR OWASSO, OKLAHOMA (ORDINANCE NO. 117); REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1® That the provisions of the zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations for Owasso, Oklahoma- (ordinance No® 117) are hereby referred to and incorporated in this Section, the same as if such provisions were fully set out at length herein. Section 2. Section 201, Zoning Districts Established, is amended to read as follows: Section 201® The Zoning Districts set forth below are hereby established. The district symbol is in the column to the left® AG Agriculture District RS-1 Residential Single Family Low Density District RS-2 Residential Single Family High Density District RM-1 Residential Multifamily Low-Density District RM-2 Residential Multifamily Medium-Density District RMH Residential Mobile Home District CS Commercial Shopping Center District CG Commercial General District CH Commercial Highway District IL Industrial Light District IH Industrial Heavy District FP Flood Plain District Section 3® Section 400.3, Purposes of RM -Residential Multifamily District, is amended to read as follows: Section 400.3,, Purposes of RM Residential Mkiltifamily Districts. The RM--1 and RM-2 Districts are designed to permit the development and conservation of multi- family dwelling types, such as garden apartments and townhouses, in suitable environments in a variety of densities to meet the varying requirements of families. Section 4 Section 430.1, Bulk and Area -Requirements in the RS and RM Districts, is amended to read as follows: Section 430.18 Bulk and Area Requirements in the RS and RM Districts. DISTRICT RS-2 LOT WIDTH (Min. Ft.) One Family 75 60 Two Family Multi-Family LOT AREA (Min. Sq. Ft.) STRUCTURE HEIGHT (Max. Ft.) 35 35 60 LIVABILITY SPACE PER D.U. (Min.gq o_ Ft. 5,000 4,000 REAR YARDS 25 25 SIDE YARDS One Side Yard io 10 Other Side Yard 5 R-M-1 Rm­2 LOT WIDTH (Min. Ft. One Family 60 60 Two Family 60 60 Multi-Family 100 50 Townhouse Development 100 100 Townhouse Lot 20 20 LOT AREA (Min. Sq. Ft.-) One Family 7,000 7,000 Two Fami ly 7,000 7,000 Townhouse Lot 10,000 6,000 Multi-Family 12,000 12,000 Townhouse Development 1,800 1,800 - 2 - (Min. Sq. Ft.) 1,000 400 (*In the RM-1 District, a one-story limitation shall apply to structures containing more than 3 dwelling units which are within 50' of an adjoining RE or RS District) REAR YARDS (Min. Ft.) 20 10 SIDE YARDS (Min. Ft.) One Side Yard 10 10 Other Side Yard 5 10 Section 5® Section 808.3, Use Conditions, is amended to read as follows: Section 808 ®3 Use Conditions. (a) Rooming/Boar ding douse® As relates to the determination of the applicable bulk and area requirements, a rooming/boarding house, shall be considered a -multifamily dwelling, with each 600 square feet of floor area constituting a one bed-room dwelling unit. - 3 - (b) Townhouse: A townhouse use is subject to the submission to and approval of a subdivision plat by the City Council after receiving prior review and recommendations of the Planning Commission, in accord with existing laws and regulations, and the subsequent filing in the Office of the County Clerk where the property is located. Section 6. Section 808.4, Off-Street Parking Requirements, is amended to read as follows: Section 808.4 Off-Street Parking Requirements. Multi-Family Dwellinqs: 1.5 per efficiency or 1 bedroom dwelling unit; 2 per two or more bedroom dwelling unit® Rooming House /BoardingILouse: I per 2 beds. Townhouses: 1.5 per efficiency or I bedroom dwelling unit; 2 per 2 bedroom dwelling unit. Section 7. Section 1400© Definitions, is amended to include the following definition: Townhouse: A row of at least 4 attached dwelling units separated by a party wall and designed for separate ownerships of the individual dwelling units. Section 8® (The following provision shall be added to the subdivision regulations for Owasso, Oklahoma© and shall be codified as Section 3.038): Section 3.038. A final plat that is approved by the City Council shall be filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk not later than the last day of the sixth (6th) month following the month in which approval was given, or within such extended time period as may be provided by action of the City Council® If the final plat is not filed for record within the prescribed amount of time, then the developer will be required to go through the Planning Con-mission and City Council for final approval again. Section 9. Emergency. That an emergency exists for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. 4 Emergency clause voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote of the Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this day of February, 1974. may 6r �c�,X menOe Council Member Council Member ATTEST: City Clerl.-, 77' APPROVED AS TO FORM: W. W. VanDall, City Attorney - 5 - Council Member PROOF OF PU7 ICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss-, Bill R Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the 0,gasso m Ils-oorter . ................... , a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of uwazso ....... Tulsa County, Oklahoma, ��'having a bona general circulation therein, and 'g* '�o* 'fide pal with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was *lished in said newspaper for .. . 0 A�� ........... consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the t in We binuary .............. day of ............. 19 and the last day of publication being on the �� jq,� ............... day of .............. 19 m . ., and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four; Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended Eoase Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws'of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed c . Said notice was published in all 'litions of sQd n w pap and not in a supplement t Subscribed a-rid sworn to before me by Bi R. Retherford, publisher of the Uwa, so ?,.e-oorter ......................... t 7 ....... t'. . . . . 19 ...... his day of �'ebruary 74 Notary P<i blic. My commission expires .... ...... .... .. 139.25 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ ...... Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla., Thurs., Feb. 7, 1974. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO, 170 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 201, 400.3, 430.1,808;3,808.4,1400, AND ADDING NEW SECTION 3.038 TO THE ZONING ORDINANCES AND SUB- DIVISION REGULATIONS FOR OWASSO, OKLAHOMA (ORDINANCE NO, 117); REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That the provisions of the zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations for Owasso, Oklahoma (Or- dinance No. 117) are hereby referred to and incorporated' in this Section, the same as if such provisions were fully set out at length herein. Section 2. Section 201, Zoning Districts Established, is amended to read as follows: Section '-lot. The Zoning Districts set forth below are hereby established. The district symbol is in the column to the left. AG Agriculture District RS-1 Residential Single Family Low Density District RS-2 Residential Single Family High Density District RM -1 Residential Multifamily Low-Density District RM-2 Residential Multifamily Medium- Density District RMH Residential Mobile Home District CS Commercial Shopping Center District CG Commercial General District CH Commercial Highway District IL Industrial Light District IH Industrial Heavy District FP Flood Plain District Section 3. Section 400.3, Purposes of RM Residential Multifamily District, is amended to read as follows: Section 400.3. Purposes of RM Residential Multifamily Districts. The RM -1 and RM-2 Districts are designed to permit the development and conservation of multi- family dwelling types, such as garden apartments and townhouses, in suitable environments in a variety of densities to meet the varying requirements of families. Section 1. Section 430. 1, ' Bulk and Area Requirements in the IIS and RM Districts, is amended to read as follows: Section .130.1..Bulk and Area Requirements in the RS and RM Districts, S'l IWE'I`: Measured From centerline DISTRICT RS -i RS -2' l,OT WIDTH (:Min. Ft.) or 25 feet if not designed on Major One Family 75 Two Family 60 19ulti- Family Not An Arterial 25 ""' AREA (Min. Sq.'Ft.) One Family 9,000 7,000 "N1) .EII1?A PEll D.U. (Min. Sq. Ft.) PUBLIC STREEJ': Measured from One Family '1 10,875 8,500 Wo Family add I­ of' right of way designated Multi-Family on Major Street Plan or 25 feet ! Less Than Two B.R. if not designated on Major Street Two or More BR. Plan ( Min. Ft.) '-',Tll UCTUIZ E HEIGHT (Max. Ft.)` Arterial LIYABII,I'l'i` SPACE PEI D. U. t5 Not An Arterial I"PONT YAI3D AND ANY YARD ABUTTING A PI'kI'It, .Gr'T ?L^c _ nrt__ -_• 1V1cdbu1'ea from centerline of abutting street; add '2 of right of way designed on major street plan or 25 feet if' not on major street plan Arterial Street 35 35 Not An Arterial Street X30 25 It1 ,tItYARDs 25 SIDF, YARDS 25 -_ One Side Yard Other Side Yard LOT WIDT11 (Min. One Family Twn'Fn —o.,' alum -ram Townhouse Townhouse LOT 'XIlE ;X ( One Family Two Family Townhouse Multi -Famil Townhouse 'in. Sq.` Ft.) at welopment One Family Two Family Townhouse Deve Mufti Family` Less Than Twc Two or More B STHUCIVIZE IIE1 LIYA13I1ITY SPAI (Min. Sq. F { *in the RM -1 Disti structures conta are within 50' of < Ft. Rnn D 10 i 5 4 RM -2 60 60 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 10.000 a nnn )ent 3,100 31100 rooms 3,100 2,400 )ms 4,356 3,100 (Max. Ft.) 26 NA 'E11 D. U. 1,000 400 > 1a one -story limitation shall apply to more than 3 dwelling units which joining RE or RS District) Fllt) -NT YARD ABUTTING !1 Pt "IJa Ii' S'l IWE'I`: Measured From centerline of abutting street; add -?_ of right of way designed on Major Street Plan' or 25 feet if not designed on Major Street Plan ( Min. Ft.) Arterial 35 35 Not An Arterial 25 10 ALL OTHER YARDS ABUTTING -A PUBLIC STREEJ': Measured from centerline of abutting street; add I­ of' right of way designated on Major Street Plan or 25 feet ! if not designated on Major Street Plan ( Min. Ft.) Arterial t5 Not An Arterial 15 15 15 REAR YARDS (:Min. Ft.) ' 20 10 SII)F, YARDS (Min. Ft.) One Side Yard 10 Other Side Yard 10 5 10 Section 5. Section 808.3, Use Conditions, is amended to read as follows: Section '808.3 Use Conditions. (a) Rooming- Boarding House: As relates to the determination of the applicable bulb and area requirements,, a rooming- boarding house, shall be _ considered :a multifamily dwelling, with each 600 square feet of floor area constituting a one bed -room dwelling 'unit. (b) Townhouse: A townhouse use is subject to the submission to and approval of a subdivision plat by the City Council after receiving prior review and recommendations of the Planning Commission, in accord with existing laws and regulations, and the subsequent filing in the Office of the County Clerk where the property is located. .. S(Ttion G. Section 808.4, Off- Street Parking Require - ' ments, is amended to read as follows; S(�ction 808A Off - Street Parking Requirements. Multi- Fanlily' Dwellings: 3.5 per efficiency or 1 bedroom dwelling unit; 2 per two or more bedroom dwelling unit. Itoonsing "Ouse- BMIrdilig House: 1 per k beds. 1' <)w11J10t18es: 1.5 per efficiency or 1 bedroom: dwelling unit: 2 per '2 bedroom dwelling unit. Section 7. Section 1400, Definitions, is amended to include the following definition: Townhouse • A row of at least 4 attached dwelling units; separated by a party wall and designed for separate ownerships of the individual dwelling units. Seetiool S. (The following provision shall be added to the subdividion regulations for Owasso, Oklahoma, and shall be codified as Section 3:038): Section ;.o:3s.A final plat that is approved by the City Council shall be filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk not later than the last day of the sixth (6th) month following the month in which approval was given, or within such extended time period as may be provided by action of the City Council. If the final plat is riot filed for record within the prescribed amount of time, then the developer will be required to go through the Planning Commission and City Council f'or final approval again. Section 9. Emergency. That an emergency exists for the preservation of the Public peace, health and safety, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its ;passage, approval and publication. ` Emergency clause voted upon separately and passed, by unanimous vote of the 'Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 5 day of February, 1974. Joe Ross Mayor .ferry K. Myers V. D. Duncan Council Member Council Member Harold I). Large Council ,Member . %TTE'ST: Marcia G. Riggs Cit:Y Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wi � '. VanDall, City Attorney 170