HomeMy WebLinkAbout175_Zoning Code_Map AmendedORDINANCE NO 175 WHEREAS, the Statutes of the State of Oklahoma provide for City Planning and Zoning and for the creation of City Planning Commissions; and WHEREAS, the Statutes of the State of Oklahoma enables cities and towns in the State of Oklahoma, including the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to create, establish and adopt zoning ordinances and property restrictions, Board of Ad- justment, and other matters relating thereto within the corporate limits of said municipalities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of said Statutes of the State of Oklahoma, the City of Owasso by this Ordinance, declares its intent to avail itself to these provisions and have created and appointed an Owasso Planning Commission and directed the Owasso Planning Commission to study, prepare, and recommend the adoption of a Zoning Code establishing zoning use districts with- in all territory over which the City of Owasso has jurisdiction, and to pre- pare and adopt an official master plan, all as provided in said Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso Planning Commission, has recommended, after legal and due notice and public hearings, that the Council of the City of Owasso adopt a Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Owasso, after due and legal notice and after the Planning Commission recommendation for approval and a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission, does hereby deem it desirable to adopt this Zoning Code and Zoning Map® NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1® That there is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, for the purposes of promoting the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, convenience, prosperity, order, and general welfare; to re- duce the danger and congestion of public transportation; to provide adequate light and air, public utilities, facilities and service, and other public re- quirements; to promote productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of amenities; to pre- vent overcrowding of land and undue encroachment thereon; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere; to stimulate and assure for all citizens, safe, beautiful, productive, aestheti- cally and culturally pleasing surroundings; to encourage the residential, commercial, and industrial growth of the community as well as the most appro- priate use of land; and to encourage the development of the community in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan hereinafter to be adopted by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; a Zoning Code known as the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, containing Chapter 1, Title, Purposes, Inter- pretation and Jurisdiction; and Chapter 2, General Provisions; and Chapter 3, Agriculture District Provisions; and Chapter 4, Residential District Provisions; and Chapter 5, Office District Provisions; and Chapter 6, Commercial District Provisions; and Chapter 7, Industrial District Provisions; and Chapter 8, Planned Unit Development; and Chapter 9, Floodway Supplemental District; and Chapter 10, Use Units; and Chapter 11, Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Load- ing; and Chapter 12, Nonconformities; and Chapter 13, Enforcement; and Chapter 14,, Board of Adjustment; and Chapter 15, Amendments (Chapters 1-16); and Chapter 16, Definitions; and Appendix "A", Use Unit ® Zoning District Summary; and Appendix "B", Index of Land Uses; and Appendix "C", Owasso Major Street Plan; and Appendix "D", Owasso Zoning Map; and the whole thereof, not less than fifty (50) copies of which have been and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as full as if set out at length herein and from and after the effective date of this Ordinance and all provisions thereof, shall be controlling, as set out therein within the corporate limits of the City. That said Zoning Code is hereby adopted as Chapters 1-16 of Chapter 16 and Appendices "A", "B", and g'C", Planning and Zoning, of the Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Section 2. That all Ordinances in conflict herewith or apparently in con- flict, if any, herewith be and the same are hereby specifically repealed, ex- cept as set out in Section 110.2, Subsection A, of Chapter 1, Title, Purposes, Interpretation and Jurisdiction of the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Okla- homa, adopted by this Ordinance. Section 3. EMERGENCY. That in order to promote and protect the general welfare, peace, safety and morals of the inhabitants of the City, it is hereby deemed immediately necessary to adopt said zoning code for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and by reasons whereof, this Ordinance shall take effect im- mediately from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2 P SED AND APPROM, with the emergency clause ruled upon separately, this 9� 4L day of M-AA0 1974, at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Q sso, Oklahoma. ATTEST Marcia G. Riggs, City` Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM- W. W. Vandall, City_A'�t�rney PROOF OF - JBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the Owasso Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . a newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of 074a S so . �ona . .............. Tulsa County, Oklahoma, . . . having a fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class a mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for m m�ne consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the 5kEh . . . . . . . ........... day of ....... 7 19 . 4 . . m and the last day of publication being on the . . . . .. . Re. .......... day of .............. 19 . . . . . .. and that said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, and complies with all of the prescriptions and require- ments of the laws, of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was published in aim editions of sai5i news aper and not in a suppl ement thejrj5�� S-Woscribed and sworn to before me by I R. Retherford, Owasso Repor -r publisher of the . . . . < ...................... this . tt_. day of . Pep . t .......... 19 .74 ,�Ctary Pub 8-26-78 1/ Mycommission expires ...................... 76.30 PUBLISHER'S FEE . ....... Published in the,Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla., Thurs., Sept. 5, 1974, ORDINANCE NO. 175 i t t Board of Adjustment; and Chapter 15, Amendments (Chapters 1-16); and Chapter 16, Definitions; and Appendix "A„ Use Unit - Zoning District Summary; and Appendix r from and after the' provisions thereof, Ater 16 and Appendices "A ", "B ", and Ming of the Code of the City of Owasso, . Orinances in conflict herewith or ap if any, herewith be and the same are repealed, except as set out; in Section of Chapter; 1, Title, Purposes, Inter - irtinn of tha 7nninu Pnrla of tha (.ifv of vwaznv, vniaiivwa, auvyLV:U vy Linz) vluwanut% Section 3. EMERGENCY. That in order to promote and protect the general welfare, peace, safety and morals of the inhabitants of the City, it is hereby deemed immediately necessary to adopt said zoning code for the City of Owasso, 0k1ahmmn anti an Pmnropnry axictc fnr §ha nrP,.PrN7nHnn of mis uramance snarl taKe eilect immecalately tr om ano alter its passage, approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED, with the emergency clause ruled upon separately, this 29th day of >August, 1974, at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Joe Ross, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Marcia G. Riggs,; City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: W. W. VanDall, City Attorney LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF HEARINGS ON THE PROPOSED ZONING CODE AND IMAP OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the City of Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council on the 29th day of August, 1974, in the City Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:30 p.m. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the adoption of a Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and whereas, for the purpose of establish- ing the boundaries of the zoning districts as established in the Zoning Code, con- sideration will also be given to the zoning of properties as shown on a Compre- hensive Zoning Map, Exhibit "All of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. All persons interested in these matters may be present at this public hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed Zoning Code or the Comprehensive Zoning Map is approved in whole or in part by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Commission shall submit its recommendation to the Owasso City Council for consideration and action, as provided by law at that time® The City Council's review of the recommendations of the City of Owasso Planning Commission on the proposed Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Zoning map shall be at this meeting® Copies of the proposed Zoning Code may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk City Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma. A copy of the Comprehensive Zoning Map for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Exhibit "A`®, a copy of which is attached to and made a part hereof, the district designat- ions being as follows: Larger, more detailed copies of the proposed Comprehensive Zoning Map Exhibit "A", may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this day of 1974. Alan Anderson Chairman, Owasso Planning Commission Joe Ross Mayor, City Council of the City of Owasso WHEREAS, it is the desire that said Flood Hazard Areas within the unin- corporated areas of the Owasso fence line ' and as indicated on the map attached hereto, be made applicable to all lands hereafter annexed to the City of Owasso. THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION A OWASSO CITY COUNCIL: I Section 1. That the map attached hereto is hereby adopted as Flood Hazard Area Maps for the Owasso City Limits in the State of Oklahoma, as shown there- on for Elm Creek, Ranch Creek, and Bird Creek, as they lie within the corpor- ate city limits of the City of Owasso. Section 2. That said map of Flood Hazard Areas within the unincorporated areas of the Owasso fence line be made applicable to all lands hereafter annexed to the City of Owasso. 1974, by the City Council SECTION 120 ENACTMENT 120.1 Planning Commission Approval and Recommendation The Owasso Planning Commission after Public Hearing does hereby approve and recommend to the City Council that this new Zoning Code and Zoning Map be adopted. tL Approved and Recommended this 19 day of 1974. n. Planning Commission Chairman City of Owasso, Oklahoma 120.2 City Council Adoption City Clerk J7 Approved as to form and legality City Attorney W