HomeMy WebLinkAbout177_Ator Heights IV AnnexedBOOK4230 FACE 19
The Northwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Southeast
Quarter (NW4, NW4, SE4) and the Southwest Quarter of
Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SW4, SW4, NE4),
the East Half of Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter
(El-2, SW4, NE4), and a tract of ground situated in the
Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SE4, NE4), and
being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the South line of the Northeast
Quarter 115®0 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof;
thence West to the Southwest corner of the Southeast
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'-., NE4); thence North
to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (SE4, NE'-,.); thence East along the North
line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to
a point 691®43 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof;
thence South 00 deg. 02' mEin. 34" sec, West a distance of
612®24 feet to a point on a curve; thence in a Easternly
direction around a curve to the left whose radius is 672®31
feet a distance of 103®89 feet to a point of tangent; thence
South 890 deg, 55' min, 12" sec. East a distance of 587.96
feet to a point on the East line of Section 14; thence South
along said East line a distance of 221®14 feet; thence West
a distance of 225®0 feet; thence South parallel with the
East line of Section 19 a distance of 100®0 feet; thence
East a distance of 100®0 feet; thence South along a line
parallel with the East line of Section 19 a distance of
368®08 feet to the point of beginning, containing 68041
acres, and being situated in Section 19, Township 21 North,
Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County,
WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by more than three-fourths
of the legal voters and by the owners of more than three-fourths of
the property hereinafter described, requesting that said property
be annexed to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, which
property is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Owasso, and
WHEREAS, notice of the presentation of such petition has been
given by the petitioners by publication at least once in each
week for two successive weeks in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper
published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma,,
WHEREAS, the annexation of the above described territory will
promote the orderly growth and development of the City of Owasso,
WHEREAS, the adding and annexing of said tract of land will be for
the benefit of the residents and owners of land within the tract to be
annexed and is necessary for the health and welfare of the citizens
of the City of Owasso.
B u u K 4 4", 30 FACE 0
Section 1® That the land lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, which
is adjacent to and abutting on the present corporate limits of the
City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on three sides, and more particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Southeast
Quarter (N h, NW4, SE4) and the Southwest Quarter of
Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SW4, SWq, NE'-,,),
the East Half of Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter
(Ez, SW4, NE4), and a tract of ground situated in the
Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SE'-&, NE14), and
being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the South line of the Northeast
Quarter 115®Q feet West of the Southeast corner thereof;
thence West to the Southwest corner of the Southeast
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'-&, NE4)e thence North
to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (SE'-a, NE4); thence East along the North
line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to
a point 691®43 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof;
thence South 00 deg, 02" min, 34" sec, West a distance of
612®24 feet to a point on a curve; thence in a Easternly
direction around a curve to the left whose radius is 672.31
feet a distance of 103®89 feet to a point of tangent; thence
South 890 deg, 55' min, 121" sec. East a distance of 587.96
feet to a point on the East line of Section 14; thence South
along said East line a distance of 221®14 feet; thence West
a distance of 225®0 feet; thence South parallel with the
East line of Section 19 a distance of 100®0 feet; thence
East a distance of 100.0 feet; thence South along a line
parallel with the East line of Section 19 a distance of
368.08 feet to the point of beginning, containing 68.41
acres, and being situated in Section 19, Township 21 North,
Range 14 East of the Indian Base and ?Meridian, Tulsa County,
be, and the same is hereby, annexed to and added to the City of
Owasso, Oklahoma, and the corporate limits of said City be, and
are hereby, extended to include the above described territory.
Section 2m That from and after publication of this ordinance,
as provided by law, the real estate described in Section 1 hereof shall
be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and all persons residing
therein, and all property situated thereon, shall be and are hereby
declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws and ordinances
of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars.
Section 3® That an emergency exists for the preservation of
public peace, health and safety, by reason whereof, this ordinance
shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED and the emergency clause ruled upon separately and
approved this 21st day of C•ctcib 1974
APPROVED this 22'x, day of 1974
uu ..0 PAGE 2 11
MAYOR,,/City of Owasso, Oklahoma
A. T
C ty Gler"s
the duly elected, qualified and
acting Mayor of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, do hereby certify
that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of
Ordinance Nom -77 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this r=sc
day of 0 t 0e- 1974®
MAYOR, ~ City of Owasso, Oklahoma
Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County
and State, on this 21st day of 11
1974, personally
appeared os Mayor of the City of Owasso,
Oklahoma, and M "°.c:'<w C T at au ® City Clerk of the City of
Owasso, Oklahoma, to be known to be the identical persons who subscribed
the name of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to the foregoing Ordinance
No® ~ ® as the Mayor and the City Clerk, respectively, and
acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and
voluntary act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed
of such Municipal Corporation, for the uses and purposes herein
set forth ® ~WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year last above
06tary Public
Ale �"y
S 9
ilg a Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon
deposes and says that he is the publisher of the
Owasso o Le or ter < . m m , a newspaper
printed in the English language, in the City of
Tulsa County, Oklahoma,
having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and
with entrance into the United States mail as second class
nail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county
where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice
by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was
published in said newspaper for . ? m .
consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the
24th Oct.
m . . . m m day of
19 . . . . m and the last day of publication being on the
. m .....dayof...........
19 m m and that said newspaper has been continuously
and uninterruptedly published in said county during the
period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks
consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice,
or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter
-four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended
by House Fill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter,
ad complies with all of the prescriptions and require-
_?ts of the laws of Oklahoma, (The advertisement above
referred to is a true and printed copy. Said notice was
d not in a
o bushed all ed i~ions of s ne ape-° an
-a in
supplement ther`e-of-
u'wscribed and sworn to before me by 1?i R. Retherford,
publisher of the O s Re na tpT .
this . „ day of 19
Notary Pine.
y Commission expires . . . .
Published i__ - . 7 Sa :'C
Okla. Thursda .
OH ' I1~'
AN ORDINANCE AECEP f_'`.'`-. v, iN; D _1-
NEXINi TO THE Clij' CF ~ hASSC i u' SA CIO N '
t`~EAL P I~OPEI T s; . 7.0-WI '
the Northeast Quarte_- or -ort?-.vest quarter
Southeast Quarter SE and le
Southwest Quarter of Sc;.th,vest Quarter of Northeast
Quarter (SWi;a, SW';, NET,), the East Haif o_
Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quaff erg" SV""a,
NE'.,,'). and a tract of ground situated in the Southeast
Quarter of Northeast Quarter iSE= and tieing
10re particularly described as =ollov s:
;eginning at a point on =ie Sout . tiie Northeas.
Quarter 15.0 feet West of t he Soutneas rner therecf
thence V,. est to the Souiliwest : uri_e. cf t :e Southeas':
:Duarter of the Nor, hea5: ua ter `.Sr t72ence
Nor'!-, to the NOrthwe E t c,;* i? F . S-~_ ie s Oua
of the Northeast Qu a-ter ;SLPi
along Lhe N-oith -fine _..e Sc T__ e s, -
Northeast Qua.:e. ;~ci
North ast co 2'
s e. Est c
- ei,c l _
sec. .s( sta _
_.'as! line
et..__ec e a r_.
2 '2
tl c,ce S~_ e -
Sec: ion t9 a c..sEi_ :~c a _e . _:as. u
dls.a tCC 1t ~ i c^c_ i e S - _ c e_
i:"i ~c.Si `ne ``ec. -i- -S b e~
to the point of s. d
;)eing s.`uateel in See t_., Nc~
,~,astof the
i ahc;:?la.
fourths of the legal_ voters a.,- -file Taers of mar
tllee-fourths of the P rooerty I e-, eu
? 'after described
requesting 'hat sail p ooerc, `,c a~nexed the Ci-y -r
O-sasso, Tulsa C'oanly. 3h'a!lo . -T si. _ s o._L_
1- L
I?UOUS ail d -idjac t to
ia ( 0%iTaBS -.r'.
WHEREAS. notice .he i _sc suein pe it4M
has been given by the petitioners by pui)i_'cation at least once.
in each week for two success: eels va.ss e
porter. a newspaper : s:_e,,:... _n... K.a-
e: ~•-lr 3 .e ai:_ u.. _ 2 _ sc:.oec ! .-r:-
~o--v wil prOn.ot : he dr t g: , e~ _ ,
of .\asso, an,i
_u.u „Ti 'cr r?~ be ~s c _ r
'O€JNC11., ('W ASS:i :
Tnat c,e is d lying , a nor Ova-
r?ion i~ a`i ce._"a 'to and on t~ e ieSC';iC
or e a;e of the City of 1w• ssn, Oklahoma, Gym
sides, a c ray ttc.-la .:es: iced a f c: cws
L-,,zest Quarter `,,orth e ti-, Q ..;a_ ter n Soustr-
's . - yarteI' 00"4. -N S-F-"4) and tile Soufluves'
t a"per of Southwest Qu -,rter of :`,or theast Quarte_-
SW" SW4. NE'4 k the East Half of Southwest
Quarter of Northeast Quarter (EI S'WI a 1 h' and a
tract of ground situated in the Southeast Quarter of
`northeast Quarter 0104. NE , and being more
pariculariy described as folio,=;s:
Beginning at a point on the South Ne of Me Northeast
Quarter 115.0 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof:
thence 'West to the Southwest corner e the Southeast
Quarter of the -Northeast Quarter (SE,14 NE' 4) dien,e
North to We Northwest corner at the Southeast Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter (SE? , NE a) ; thence E'as't
along the North line of the Southeast Quarter the
Northeast Quarter to a point 691.48 feet Wet of We.
Northeast corner thereof: thence South F deg. 02' ruin..
A- sec. West a distance of 61124 feet to a point on a
curve: thence in a Easternly din ectiors around a, curve
to the ,eR whose adWs 4 6 A ee; a distance of NTO
Ieet to a poI t of tangent: Mence South 29Odeg. 55ruin
Y sec. East a distance of :879 feet tc a ;join on he
at tine of Sec ?nee South along said _^:as'_
He a distance Sr__ c K "m_ West a d_stance of
226.0 feet: them South paral ei w tli the East lire of
Section 19 a dish o n U AM: thence East a dis-
tance of 100.0 feet; thence So t l along a lire parallel
with the East line of Section 19 a distance of 368.08 feet
to the point of beginning, containing 68.41 acres, and
being situated in Section It Township 21 North, Range
14 East of the Indian Base and ?Meridian, Tulsa County,
be, and the same is hereby, annexed to and added to the City
of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the corporate limits of said City
be, and are hereby, extended to include the above described
Seedan 'L. That from and after publication of this Or-
dinance, as provided by law, the real estate described in
Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso.
Okiahornm and all persons residing therein, and all property
situated thereon. shall be and are hereby declared to be sub-
ject to the jurisdiction, control, laws and ordinances of the
City of Owasso. Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars.
Section 3. That an emergency exists for the preservation
of public peace, health and safety, by reason ti;~'Iereof
iis Oi°dinaiice shall tape effect from and after its pass-
age, approval and publication.
Joe : ass
~0- Clark
L s C T S a rv t2ng /
- ac C he City ~l t--^,aSS i laio_na a,ezeb~. CeTti .~..'_G,
c,itrin and `o_egoilig
Ij t ee c _ ,I, e C - copy of C}r€finc ce
IZ ;3V ? ESS 1 1 ha~ e arenso set my hand
ids 21st lay of more, en 07.
.foe Ross
CA of Owasso,
1 1E S _
AR is E. Riggs
Cats, fern
"T l
. LS
S~K u vt -
who „s
C e 1c cr
e r s° ty
executed 1 ee an,`, and Zmt.
corp., a%q, e _ _c, ~ , _ .tee -he_ . 5c, ` -
Ls ' NSE`s and offfcsa spa;
u .
=pie 0. _
_'C11, an
AT Comlossic-
`farch 21, 1976
PASSED and H-; _g=. &ause ndec win.
:separately; and atop m it - -s2 ::A der. 1970.