HomeMy WebLinkAbout182_Rules_Regulations Established_Construction of Streets_SidewalksORDINANCE NO. 182 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CO17NCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: ARTICLE I - IN GENERAL Section l® TITLE This ordinance shall be designated as the Street & Sidewalk Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma® Section 2. ADMINISTRATION OF CODE The provisions of this Code shall be administered by the City Manager and Building Inspector, or any other duly appoint- ed official of the City, with the advice and assistance of the City Engineer® Section 3® BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED No building, structure, sign, driveway, roadway or Public utility line or structure which is authorized by these regulations to be located within the setback lines hereafter established shall be erected, moved, improved or located therein until a permit is obtained from the City Clerk.® Section 4. CONTENTS OF APPLICATION The applicant for a permit as required herein shall fur- nish the City Manager or the Building Inspector with the follow- ing information at the time a request for a permit is made: 1. Detailed plans of the proposed construction or change in roadway surface® 2® The approval of the Oklahoma State Highway Department of plans of all improvements or changes that are to be located in a setback line on a state or federal highway or Vnich connects with or affects a state or federal highway. Section 5® REQUIREMENTS NOT TO BE USED TO DEPRIVE PERSONS OF RIGHT OF INGRESS OR EGRESS The permit requirements shall not be used to deprive or be construed as depriving any person of the right of ingress or egress, but are to insure that the type of structures and road- ways located within, or connecting with public streets and high- ways, are of such a design that they will not create undue congestion® dangers or traffic hazards on or adjacent to the public streets® Section 6. ALLOCATION OF COSTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS It shall be the policy of the City that the cost of rights-of-way and construction of facilities to serve and benefit individual land parcels, neighborhoods and integrated use areas shall be borne by the properties and areas benefited with costs allocated in proportion to the benefits received. Where the improvements primarily benefit larger areas, or the community as a whole, such costs shall be so allocated, and where benefits accrue both to the community and to smaller units, it is intended that costs shall be proportionally allocated in accordance with the benefits respectively received. This policy is intended to be implemented through enforcement of applicable state laws relating to cost apportionment and through the policies herein established® Section 7. ABUTTING PROPERTY TO COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS All property City shall comply with portation plan, and no expansion or change of until the terms hereof vided herein. abutting major or minor streets in the the provisions contained in this trans- subdivisions of land including lot-splits, use of land or buildings shall be permitted have been complied with, except as pro- Section 8. STRUCTURES PROHIBITED ON STREETS It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, main- tain or operate any gasoline pumps, driveway canopy, building or political or commercial advertisement on any street or highway right-of-way in the City® The constructing or maintaining of any such thing, sign or structure on any street or highway right-of- way shall constitute a public nuisance, which may be abated by the city or its officers, agents, servants and employees, Section 9. REMOVAL OF PROHIBITED STRUCTURES The City, its officers, agents, servants and employees are hereby authorized and empowered to physically tear down and remove such building, driveway canopy, fence signpost, thing or structure, gasoline pumps or any other obstruction; provided that in the case of any driveway canopy, gasoline pumps or building, or any other structure, the City shall give the owner or occupant of the premises thirty (30) days' written demand for the removal thereof, the notice to be given by certified mail or personal service; and in the event the owner or occupant fails to remove such driveway conopy, gasoline pumps or building, or any other such structure, the City or its officers, agents, servants, and employees are empowered to physically tear down and remove such building, driveway canopy or pump; and where necessary, the City is authorized to enter upon private property to the extent necessarV to accomplish such removal. Section 10. CITY MAY REGULATE CONSTRUCTION OF CULVERTS, DRIVEWAYS, MAILBOXES The City shall have the right to regulate the installa- tion of culverts, driveways, or mailboxes that may be constructed - 2 - or maintained on the right-of-way of any street or highway in the City, and the City shall be the authority to remove any such culvert, driveway or mailbox without notice where such culvert, driveway or mailbox is considered to be dangerous to the travel- ing public, or interfere with the property drainage or :maintenance of the street or highway. ARTICLE II - WORK AFFECTING STREETS Section 1. APPLICABILITY OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS In the event of conflict between this article and any subdivision regulations of the City, the subdivision regulations shall apply. Section 2. PERMITS REQUIRED; FEE; DISPLAY No person shall cut or remove any pavement, walk, drive, curb or gutter, or construct or alter any walk or driveway pave- ment or curb, or make any excavation within any public way without first securing from the City Clerk a permit therefor, and paying to the City Clerk a fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) therefor, together with any other fees hereinafter required for the particular work involved. No permit shall be issued except to a person authorized under this article to perform the work involved® The permit shall be in evidence on the job at all times until the work is completed® Section 3. WHEN MULTIPLE PERMITS REQUIRED Whenever it is necessary to cut or remove any pavement, walk, drive or curb and gutter, or excavate in any roadway, a separate permit shall be issued for each cut Made; provided, that more than one cut may be covered by a single permit if located on a single connected installation of new pipe or conduit. Section 4. BONDS REQUIRED The permit provided for by this article shall not be issued by the City Clerk until the applicant has filed with the City a bond in the SUM of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Oklahoma, to be approved by theCity Council, and the conditions of the bond shall be that the principal shall pay promptly all charges or fees imposed by the ordinances of the City and further that the principal will properly maintain for a period of one year all backfill of any trenches excavated by the principal across or along any street in the City® The bond shall be further conditioned that the principal shall indemnify and save harmless the City from any and all loss, cost, damage, expense, action or liability of any kind whatever, including reasonable attorney's fees, which the City may suffer or be required to pay, or which may accrue against it or be recovered from the City by reason of any loss, damage or injury incurred by any person on account of or by reason of the doing of any cutting, altering or excavating on any street in the City by the principal, his agents, servants or employees, or by reason of the neglect, failure or refusal of the principal, his agents, servants or employees to erect, place and maintain proper safety devices, crossing signals or barricades about such work while same is in process. - 3 - Section 5. APPLICABILITY OF BOND REQUIREMENT TO UTILITIES The bond requirement provided for herein shall not apply to utility companies operating under franchise or under congressional grant in the City; provided, however, that if the work is sublet to a contractor, the contractor will be required to furnish the bond herein provided. Section 6. PREPARATION FOR, APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Required® The City Engineer shall establish all grades, prepare all plans and specifications, and first approve all types, methods and kinds of construction placed upon all streets, alleys, easements or other public rights-of-way, or any area contained in a preliminary plat which has been approved by the Planning Commission which is proposed for dedication as a public right-of-way, and shall observe and inspect the same except as specifically directed by the City Council and except as herein otherwise provided. 2® Fees for engineering services® a® The City Engineer is hereby authorized and required to collect a fee for services rendered on all public improve- ments contracted for by the City and made and built under the observation of and inspection by the City Engineer from all persons, firms or corporations so contracting and building; such fee being so collected to cover the cost of preparing plans, profiles, estimates and speci- fications, ascertaining grades and setting stakes in connection with certain public improvements, and for the necessary engineering and inspection thereof, all as hereinafter set forth. Provided, however, that where the engineering fee of such projects is limited by statute, such engineering and inspection fees shall be the maximum fee allowed by such statutes. b® on all contracts for paving, whether for assessment paving or otherwise, the fee for engineering and inspec- tion work shall be the maximum fee allowed by statute dealing with assessment paving. C. On all other work performed under the supervision of the City Engineer, a charge will be made according to the schedule as set out in the agreement by and between the City and City Engineer _Lneer for services. d. The terms of this subsection shall not apply to any contract for the construction of public improvements, the cost of which is to be borne entirely by the City. Section 7. OPTION OF PRIVATE OWNER TO ENGAGE ENGINEER The owner of a tract of land desiring to develop same for residential or industrial use by grading, paving or construction storm or sanitary sewers at his expense may, at his option® engage a registered professional engineer to prepare plans and specifi- cations; provided, however, that: - 4 - 1® Plans and specifications shall conform to the City of Owasso Standard Specifications for Street Construction. TArhenever the City of Owasso Standard Specifications are silent the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the State of Oklahoma Highway Department shall apply® 2. The plans and specifications shall be first checked and approved by the City Engineer® 3m Plans shall be prepared to the dimensions and scales approved by the City Engineer. Original tracings may be prepared on tracing paper, cloth, or mylar. Upon completion of the work but prior to acceptance by the City, the original tracings shall be corrected to "as-built". Said corrected tracings shall then be printed as a "processed mylar" and filed with and become the property of the City. If the original tracings are cloth or mylar such tracings, after having been corrected to "as-built", will be acceptable. 4. The construction contract shall be approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney® 5® A performance bond guaranteeing that the work will be per- formed according to the approved plans and specifications and in compliance with existing ordinances, running in favor of the owner or owners and the City jointly, shall first be approved by the City Engineer and the City Attorney. 6. A certified copy of the contract and bond as approved shall be filed with the City Clerk before work is commenced® 7® The actual construction shall be inspected by the City Enginner. Any time it shall be determined by the City Engineer that construction of any of the foregoing improvements does not meet the City specifications for such improvements, the City, through its City Engineer, shall have authority to stop con- struction until the construction, including all materials used, shall meet and comply with City specifications. S® A fee for general observation and inspection shat] -be paid to the City in accordance with the schedule established by the City Engineer with the approval of the City Council® The fee shall be paid to the City at the time the contract and bond are filed with the City Clerk. Section 8. PLANNER OF MAKING CUTS, All cuts of City Street Paving shall be made in accord- ance with the provisions of the City of Owasso Standard Specifi- cations for Street Construction and the requirements of the City Engineer. Section 9. ALTERING, CONSTRUCTING DRIVE-WAYS Whenever it is necessary to alter an existing drive or construct a new drive connecting to existing paving, it shall be in a manner approved by the City Engineer and conforming to re- quirements of the City of Owasso Standard Specifications for Street Construction and the City Engineer. - 5 - Section 10. WORK ON DRIVEWAYS BY PROPERTY OWNERS A residential property owner may perform the necessary work on his own residential driveway by obtaining the permit as required herein and complying with the specificat--ions.and pro- visions herein contained® The bond requirements provided for herein shall not apply to the residential property owner, Section ll® REMOVAL OF SAFETY PRECAUTIONS It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or destroy any barrier or danger signal placed or erected under the provisions of this article, unless such act is done at the direction of the person in charge of such work or the City Engineer, Section l2® PROTECTION OF NEW PAVEMENT It shall be the duty of any person constructing a side- walk, curb or street or alley pavement in the City to place barriers around such work sufficient to protect and prevent any traveling upon the same until it is ready to use. it shall be unlawful for any person to remove, displace, tear down or destroy any barricade placed upon or along any street, alley or sidewalk while the same is in the course of construction and before it is opened for traffic, and it shall be unlawful for any person to enter into or upon such street, pavement or sidewalk, or to permit any Person or thing under his control to do so before the pavement, street or sidewalk is opened for general traffic. Section 13. REPLACING MANHOLE COVER REQUIRED It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any manhole without replacing the fixtures and the cover properly, ARTICLE III - STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS Section 1. DESIGN STANDARDS The design of streets shall conform to the requirements of the City of Owasso Standard Specifications for Street Construction. `Ihe City Council shall adopt Standard Specifications for Street Construction by Resolution. Copies thereof shall be made avail- able to those persons requesting the same at publication cost® The City Council may® from time to time, amend such Standard Specifications for Street Construction also by Resolution. Section 2. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION REQUIRED The right-of-way for which the developer is responsible shall be that required by the Planning Commission except the minimum right-of-way shall be not less than that set forth below® Whenever the arterial street lies wholly within the proposed subdivision the total width of the right-of-way shall- be dedicated, and whenever the arterial street is located adjacent to the outer edge of the subdivision, one-half (1/2) of the right-of—way shall be dedicated if it is determined by the Planning Commission that it is equitable and feasible from an engineering design stand- point for the other half of the right-of-way to be dedicated from adjacent property. - 6 - Classification of Facility Freeway ................... Primary arterial .......... Secondary arterial ........ industrial, Commercial ®a ®® Residential, Collector Residential, Minor Section 3® SIDEWALKS REQUIRED Private Dedication of Right -of -Way Required (Minimum) None (Public Responsible) 120 feet 100 feet 80 feet 60 feet 50 feet Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all streets in all zoning categories except industrial. Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 4 feet in residential areas and of 8 feet in office and commercial areas® The sidewalks, when constructed, should be located with the outside edge of the sidewalk being 1 foot from the property or right-of--,,vay line, unless due to terrain or unusual circumstances the City Engineer approves a different location® Section 4. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS; LOCATION OF STRUCTURES WITHIN SETBACK LINES7 DESIGN STANDARDS, Setback lines, location of buildings, location of structures within setback lines, shall be as determined by the Planning Commission® Design and construction shall be in accord- ance with the City of Owasso Standard Specification for Street Construction which shall be established by the City Engineer with the approval of the City Council. Section 5. APPEALS OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS TO T'IT-11E BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT; GRANTING OF VARIANCE 1® The Board of Adjustment as established by the zoning ordinance of the City shall have the power to grant variances from the following: a® Setback regulations® b® Requirements that all parking areas and circulation drives shall be located off of the street right-of-way. Provided, however, that the paving -requirements for parking and circulation may not be modified by the Board of Adjustment® 2® A variance shall be granted only in specific cases where the strict application of regulations would constitute an undue hardship and an unreasonable deprivation of the use of property as distinguished from the mere grant of 3Drivileqe7 provided, however, that any variation shall be consistent with and carry out the intended purpose and spirit of these regulations® ARTICLE IV - PENALTY Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or shall fail to comply therewith or with any of the - 7 - requirements thereof, or who shall build or alter any building in violation of any detailed statement or plan submitted and approved hereunder shall be deemed guilty of an offense and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $35.00 and each day ®s violation thereof shall constitute a separate offense® The owner of any building or premises or part thereof Vnere any- thing in violation of this ordinance shall be placed or shall exist, and any architect, builder, contractor, individual, person or corporation employed in connection therewith and who may have assisted in the commission of any such violation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense and upon conviction shall be fined as herein provided. ARTICLE V - EMERGENCY CLAUSE That an emergency exists public peace, health and safety, ordinance shall take effect from and publication, PASSED and the emergency and approved this 5th -day of Au, for the Preservation of the by reason whereof, this and after its passage, approval clause ruled upon separately use- � 1975. APPROVED this 5th day of August 17 1975� City Clerk 7, MAYOR, City of Owasso, Oklahoma - 8 - PROOF OF I ATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, sse Bill R R,etherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the wssr r r" . . . ..... ............ . a newspaper painted in the English language, in the City of w`. 0............. Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for . .. a' ........ . consecutive weeks, the first publication being on the sl- . . . ............... day of . .`....... ®, 19 7 5, . m and the last day of publication being on the Article I designates: the Title of the Code, provides the ... , , , . , m ®.... , .day of . , . , .. > ..... administration of the Code, requires a building permit for certain structures, sets out the required contents ` of an requirements and , , ° ., and that said newspaper has been continuously shall not be used to deprive Application for Permit, states that permit g d uninterruptedly published in said county during the persons of the right of ingress ress or period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks egress, allocates costs for improvements, requires abutting consecutively, prior to the first publication of said notice, property to comply with the provisions of the Code, prohibits; structureson streets authorizes the removal of prohibited or advertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter > four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as amended structuresandallows the City to regulate the construction of by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, Culverts, driveways and mailboxes. °ors f lies with 211 of the prescriptions and require- Article II sets out the applicability of subdivision n s o the laws of Oklahoma. (The advertisement above regulations requires a Pp referred to is a true and printed cop�.Y. Said notice was q permit sets a fee and requires a publishes M all e 'tiaras of � aper and not in a display of the permit, sets out the conditions when multiple Suppi went there permits are required, sets out bond requirements, provides z for the applicability of bond requirements to utilities, '. specifies the method by which proposed construction is prepared for and approved, provides that a private owner su °used ibed and sworn to before me by B' Y R. Retherford, has the option of engaging, a registered professional engineer, provides for the manner of making cuts, provides .. ...... for the method of altering or constructing driveways, sets publisher of the ` " out certain requirements of residential property owners "' before work on driveways may be commenced, prohibits the this . a ; . °day of , ; i °fie . , . .. 19'.: .. ® removal of safety precautions, sets out rules for the ✓� ✓f �// �! protection of new Pavement, and requires manhole covers to ✓ N! otary Public: be replaced. � 6 My Commission expires ° P • P. ;' . ° ... ° .... ° .. Article III sets out design standards, requires right -of -way dedication by developers, requires sidewalks in certain zoning categories, establishes setback requirements, > PUBLISHER'S FEE $. �a P'1 location of structures within ,setback lilies, and design standards thereof, and provides for appeals of setback requirements to the Board of Zoning Adjustment and the granting of variances. Article IV provides a penalty for violation of the Code. Article V is the Emergency 'Clause requiring the im- mediate inactment of the Ordinance. PASSED and the emergency clause ruled upon separately and approved this 5th day of August, 1975. APPROVED this 5th day of August, 1975. Harold O. Large ATTEST: MAYOR, City of Owasso, Oklahoma _: Marcia G. ;Riggs City Clerk