HomeMy WebLinkAbout224_Realignment of WardsCITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 224 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING AND AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE 1, REVISED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE WARDS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPER NOTICE GIVEN MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR HERETO: SECTION 1. That Chapter 22, Article 1, Revised Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma be amended to read as follows: See. 22-1. Wards and Boundaries. The boundaries of the Wards of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma shall be as follows: (1) Ward One: All property located within the city limits of Owasso, Okla- homa which is within an area bounded by a line Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and 86th Street North (12th Street), thence East along the centerline of 86th Street Nort'l '-C'. point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 86th Street- North and Dogwood Street, thence Northerly along the Owasso corporate limits to an intersection with the North boundary line of the Owasso corporate limits lying just North of 24th Court, thence West along said Owasso corporate limit line to a point which is the intersection of said corporate limit line with the centerline of Birch Street, thence South along the centerline of Birch Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of Birch Street and 16th Street, thence West along the centerline of 16th Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 16th Street and Ash Street, thence South along the centerline of Ash Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of Ash Street and 14th Street, thence West along the centerline of 14th Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 14th Street and Main Street, thence South along the centerline of Main. Street to a point which is the inter- section of the centerline of Main Street and 86th Street North which is the Point of Beginning. (2) Ward Two: All property located within the city limits of Owasso, Oklahoma which is within an area bounded by a line Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and 86th Street North (12th Street), thence South along the centerline of Main Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and Fourth Street, thence East along the centerline of Fourth Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Fourth Street and Cedar Street, thence South along the centerline of Cedar Street to a point which is the inter- section of the centerlines of Cedar Street and 3rd Street, thence West along the centerline of 3rd Street to a noint which is the intersection of the centerlines of 3rd Street and Birch Street, thence South along the the centerline of Birch Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of Birch Street and 2nd Street, thence East along the centerline of 2nd Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of 2nd Street and the Owasso corporate limits, thence Easterly along said Owasso corporate limit line to a point of intersection of said corporate limit line with the East Owasso corporate limit line located just West of Forrest Drive, thence Northerly along said corporate limit line to a point which is the intersection of said corporate limit line and the centerline of 86th Street North, thence West along the centerline of 86th Street North to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 86th Street North and Main Street which is the Point of Beginning. (3) Ward Three: All property located within the city limits of Owasso, Okla- home which is within an area bounded -",y a line Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 86th Street North (12th Street) and Main Street,.thence South along the centerline of Main Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and 3rd Street, thence West along the centerline of 3rd Street and the 3rd Street center- line extended to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of 3rd Street extended and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line, thence Northwesterly along said A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line to a point which is the intersection of said A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line and the West Owasso corporate limit line located East of the A.T. & S.F. Rail- road right•of-way, thence Northerly along said Owasso corporate limit line to a point which is the intersection of said corporate limit line and the North boundary line of the Owasso corporate limit line to a point which is the intersection of said corporate limit line and the West boundary line of Ward 1, thence Southerly along said boundary line to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and 86th Street North which is the Point of Beginning. (4) Ward Four: All property located within the city limits of Owasso, Oklahoma which is within an area bounded by a line Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and Fourth Street, thence South along the centerline of Main Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and 3rd Street, thence West along the centerline of 3rd Street to a point which is the intersection of the center- lines of 3rd Street and Atlanta Street, thence South along the centerline of Atlanta Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Atlanta Street and 76th Street North (2nd Avenue), thence East along the centerline of 76th Street North to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of 76th Street North and the East Owasso corporate limit line located just West of Forrest Drive, thence Northerly along said corporate limit line to a point which is the intersection of said corporate limit line and the centerline of 2nd Street, thence West along the centerline of 2nd Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 2nd Street and Birch Street, thence North along the centerline of Birch Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Birch Street and 3rd Street, thence East along the centerline of 3rd Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 3rd Street and Cedar Street, thence North along the centerline of Cedar Street to a point which is the inter- section of the centerlines of Cedar Street and 4th Street, thence West along the centerline of 4th Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 4th Street and Main Street which is the Point of Beginning; plus all property located within the city limits of Owasso, Oklahoma which is within an area located East of the Mingo Valley Expressway, South of 96th Street North, West of 145th East Avenue, and North of 66th Street North. (5) Ward Five: All property located within the city limits of Owasso, Okla- homa which is located in an area South and West of a line Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the West Owasso corporate limit line located East of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line, thence Southeasterly along said A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line to a point which is the intersection of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way line and the centerline of 3rd Street extended, thence East along said extension of the centerline of 3rd Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of 3rd Street and Atlanta Street, thence South along the centerline of Atlanta Street to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines of Atlanta Street and 76th Street North (2nd Avenue), thence East along the centerline of 76th Street North to a point which is the intersection of the centerline of 76th Street North and the East Owasso corporate limit line located just West of Forrest Drive, thence Southerly along said Owasso corporate limit line to a point which is at the intersection of said Owasso corporate limit line and the Owasso corporate limit which is generally along the same line as the centerline of 71st Street extended; plus all property located within the corporate limits of Owasso, Oklahoma which is located within an area South of 116th Street North, West of 129th East Avenue, North of 106th Street North, and East of Mingo Road (97th East Avenue). See. 22-2. Ward Boundaries Map. The boundaries of the Wards of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as described in See. 22-1 of this Chapter are general in nature, and the Owasso Ward Boundaries Map of the City of Owasso attached hereto is the official map for determining the official boundary lines of said Wards. In the event that the description of the Ward Boundaries in Sec. 22-1 of this Chapter are at variance with the official Owasso Ward Boundaries Map, then the Ward Boundaries as defined by the official, Owasso Ward Boundaries Map on file in the office of the City Clerk shall. prevail in the determination of the official Ward Boundary Lines for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. SECTION 2. The official Owasso Ward Boundaries Map shall be on file at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma for public review. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect in accordance with Chapter 10, Title 11, Oklahoma State Statues, Section 471, for election purposes at the next regular city election. SECTION 4. That for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is found and declared to exist by reason whereof this Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. PASSED, approved and adopted, and the emergency clause ruled and voted separately and approved this day of 1978. APPROVED this of ay d 1978. Mayor, City of Owasso, Oklahoma (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk., City'' of Owasso, Oklahoma Affidavit Of Publication '- T,%'i'E OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill 'R. Retherford, of lawful age, being daily sworn and authorized, says that he is publisher of the .. ...... ..................... , a weekly newspaper printed in the City of /,.,.. .-F, .� v °' : ' .......... Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 as amended, and complies with all other requirements of she laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal public- ations. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said news- paper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: ..... ...... �. o............. .... ...... �a 397' Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...day of ... . 97`...... Notary Public My Commission expires: ..........' .................... ,r PUBLISHER'S FEE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ?ublished Owasso Reporter, Owasso Tulsa County, Se a. wards and Bo .idaries. South along t, Oklahoma, ° rs., Jan, 19, 1978. _ 7- I-undaries of the Wards of the City of Owasso, the inters€ct.i 01 'fall be as follows: Street, thence CITE' O O ASSO, OKLAHOMA U) War_ One: "Ad property located within the city limits of point which iOwasso, Oklahoma which is within an area bounded by a Street and hlORDINANCE NO. 224 line Beginning at a Paint which `is the intersection of the of s41ain Stree centerlines of Main Street and 86th Street North (12th centerline of AI N. CHANGING AND AMENDING CHAP- Street), thence East along the centerline of 86th. Street the Point of 3 `DER 22, ARTICLE 1REVISEiD., ORDINANCE OF THE North to a point which is the intersection of the centerlines CITY O OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING HE of 86th Street North and Dogwood Street, thence Northerly, (2) ward %vo. BOUNDARIES OF THE WARDS IN THE CITY OF along the Owasso corporate limits to an intersection with Owasso, Okla O ASSO, OKLAHOMA. the North boundary line of the Owasso corporate limits tine Beginnmi tying just North of 24th Court, thence West along said centerlines cl BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Owasso corporate limit line to a point which is the in- Street), thenc CITY OF O' ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT IN ACCORDANCE tersection of said corporate limit line with tine centerline of a point which WITH PROPER NOTICE GIVEN MORE THAN THIRTY Birch Street, thence South along the centerline of Birch' Street and Fol (30) DAYS PRIOR HERETO: Street to a paint which is the intersection of the centerline of Fourth Stre SECTION 1. That Chapter 22, Article 1, Revised Or- of Birch Street and 36th Street, thence West along the centerlines of dinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma be amended to centerline of 16th Street to a point which is the intersection South along th read as follows: of the centerlines of 36th Street and Ash Street, thence is the intense( 3rd Street, the a point which 4 Street and Bir of Birch Since centerline of along the ceni intersection of ca ,r m corporate corporate r porate limit' located .1ust ~ said corporate O A O D SO ~4DA l S gyp: s of said corpors 1, North, thence North to a poir s,a z, w 61h Street of 8 T7, i Beginning. s eA-€ a, (3) Ward Three: _a '9 3a Owasso, Okla line Begin A S i ° centerlines of Street, thence a point which Street and arc D 3rd Street and which is the 1 exter:ded and thence North right-of'-way h Owasso corpo; • a C _ Railroad rigl Owasso corpo tern Lion of ~ w - boundary line 4 which is the h JL.. m . a. the West boun( said boundary w centerlines of . the point of Bi } t4)l'aid Four: r- Owasso, Okla,, line Beginning centerlines of ---i . along the cent - inter S action o Street, t_ ante TIT'! 1 is E. A_ jr-1 a a = f ~ ACC, a centerline eat