HomeMy WebLinkAbout257_OZ 43_ Rezoning 129th E Ave & 86th St NORDINANCE NO.257
SECTION 1. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeast
Corner of the
East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 Nor
th, Range 14
East, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence No
rth along the
East line of
said Section 20 a distance
of 990.00 fee
t to a point;
thence West 1350.00 feet to
the point of
thence South 33051819°` West
1093.38 feet
to a point;
thence North 6900080894 East
222.73 feet
to a point;
thence North 5603984948 East
287.91 feet
to a point;
thence North 5000880479 East
860.00 feet
to a point;
thence North 1004982298 East
120.86 feet
to a point;
thence West 522.15 feet to
the point of
(Contains 7.94 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from an RM-1 Residential Multi-
Family District classification to a RS-3 Single Family Residen-
tial, District classification.
SECTION 2. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
be and the same is hereby rezoned from RM-1 Residential Multi-
Family District classification to an AG Agriculture District
SECTION 3. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Ordinance No. ' _ t
Wage Two
to a point; thence East 75,00 feet to a point; thence
South 10049'07" West 180.00 feet to a point; thence
South 44006'59" West 213,39 feet to the point of be-
ginning. (Contains 0.93 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a R14-1 Residential Multi-
Family District classification to an AG Agriculture District
SECTION 4. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Beginning at
the Southwest Corner of the
East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14
East, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 89054'00"
East 1304.06
feet to a poi
nt; thence North 379.76 fee
t to the point
of beginning;
thence North 88.04 feet to
a point;
thence North
50008804`8 East 156.45 feet
to a point;
thence North
60026'50" East 191.08 feet
to a point;
thence South
33016'54" West 145.90 feet
to a point;
thence South
56015'52" West 154.58 feet
to a point;
thence South
46006818" West 107.81 feet
to the point
or beginning.
(Contains 0.46 acres more
or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from an OL Office Light Inten-
sity District classification to an AG Agriculture District class-
SECTION 5. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
be and the same ishereby rezoned from an OL Office Light Inten-
sity District classification to a RS-3 Single Family Residential
District classification.
SECTION 6. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Beginning at the
Southwest Corner of the East
Half of
20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East,
thence North 89054'00°' East
feet to
the point
of beginning; thence North
feet to
a point;
thence South 46006'18" West
feet to
a point;
thence South 22030'47" West
feet to
a point;
thence North 89054'00" East
feet to
the point
of beginning. (Contains 1.
36 acres
more or
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RM-1 Residential Multi-
Family District classification to an OL Office Light Intensity
District classification.
SECTION 7. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the East Ralf of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 00001'55" East 350.00
feet to the point of beginning; thence North (continued)
Ordinance No.
Page Three
East 200.00 feet to
East 1213.96 feet to
East 80.56 feet to a
East 62.00 feet to a
East 375°00 feet to
East 38.00 feet to a
East 90.00 feet to a
West 85,00 meet to a
East 68.58 feet to a
feet to a
point, thence South
feet to a
point, thence South
feet to a
point; thence North
feet to a
point; thence South
feet to a
point of beginning.
more or less,)
a point; thence North
a point; thence South
point; thence North
point; thence South
a point; thence South
point; thence South
point; thence South
point; thence South
point; thence West 95.98
33051'19" West 1196,36
89054'00" West 324.06
00001'55" East 350.00
89054'00" West 300.00
(Contains 23.57 acres
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS-2 Single Family Re-
sidential District.classification to a RS-3 Single Family Resi-
dential District classification.
SECTION 8. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East,-,-Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 00001855" East 557,00
feet to the point of beginning; thence North 00001'55"
East 1031,00 feet to a point; thence North 89043'45"
East 59,00 feet to a point; thence South 28039'49"
East 80.00 feet to a point; thence North 53049'20"
East 126.00 feet to a point; thence South 86047'23"
East 75,00 feet to a point; thence North 48043'03"
East 125.00 feet to a point; thence South 46015'03"
East 170,00 feet to a point; thence South 81014'05"
East 120,00 feet to a point; thence South 69040'08"
East 185.00 feet to a point; thence South 61057'48"
East 44,63 feet to a point; thence South 42040'00"
West 1213.92 feet to the point of beginnings (Con-
tains 10.52 acres more or less),
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS-1 Single Family Re-
sidential District classification to a RS-3 Single Family Resi-
dential District classification.
SECTION 9. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 00001'55" East 1768.80
feet to the point of beginning; thence North 89058'05"
West 170,00 feet to a point; thence South 62036'377'
West 636.83 feet to a point; thence South 36029'55"
West 95.00 feet to a point; thence South 05004'15"
West 411.17 feet to a point; thence due East 75.00
feet to a point; thence North 05004'15" East 411,17
feet to a point; thence North 61027'05" East 668.15
feet to a point; thence South 89058'05'° East 130.00
feet to a point; thence North 00001'55" East 50.00
feet to the point of beginning. (Contains 1.98 acres
more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS-2 Single Family Re-
sidential District classification to an AC Agriculture District
SECTION 10. That the zoning classification of the follow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Ordinance No.
Wage Four
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS-2 Single Family Re-
sidential District classification to a RS-3 Single Family Resi-
dential District classification.
SECTION 11. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed.
An emergency is hereby declared to exist for the preserva-
tion of the public peace, health and safety, by reason, whereof
this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its
passage, approval and publication..
PASSED and APPROVED and the emergency clause ruled upon
separately this day of , 1979.
IN 11~~'
10. 1979
Published in the Owasso Reporter, (Owasso, Tulsa County,
Okla., Thurs., May 10, 1979.
WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the
WHEREAS,nthe Owasso CittyyrCouncil hassconsidered the
recommendation of the Owasso Planting Commission and all
statements for and against the requested rezoning of OZ-43.
COUNCIL SECTTIONh1. That the zoning class fcaat on oHOM following
described property, to -wit:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North along the East line of
said Section 20 a distance of 990 . o0 feet to a pint; thence
West 1350.o0 feet to the pint of beginning; thence South
33 °51'19' West 1093.38 feet to a pint; thence North
69 °00'08" East 222.73 feet to a pint; thence North
56 °39'49" East 287.91 feet to a pint; thence North
50 °08'04" East 860.00 feet to a pint; thence North
10 °49'22" East 120.86 feet to a pint; thence West 522.15
feet to the pint of beginning. (Contains 7.94 acres more or
be and the same is hereby rezoned from an RM -1 Residential
Multi - Family District classification to a RS -3 Single Family
Residential District classification.
SECTION 2. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa
o e i thence North st feet tthpont of beginning; 33 °51'19' Ea
102.98 feet to a pint; thence North 69 °00'08" East 222.73
feet to a pint; thence North 56 039'49" East 2$7.91 feet to a
pint; thence North 50 °08'04" East 226.89 feet to a pint;
thence South 88.04 feet to a pint; thence South 46 °06'18"
East 222.68 feet to a pint; thence South 22 °30'47" East
244.44 feet to a pint; thence South 89 °54'00" East 425.94
feet to the pint of beginning. ( Contains 2.22 acres more or
be and the same is hereby rezoned from RM -1 Residential
Multi- Family District classification to an AG Agriculture
District classification.
SECTION 3. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the East Half of
Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 00'01'55" East 660.00
feet to a Point; thence West 935.00 feet to the pint of
beginning; thence West 115.00 feet to a pint; thence South
60 °26'50" West 191.08 feet to a Point; thence North
50 °08'04° East 476.66 feet to a pint; thence North
10 °49'22" East 120.86 feet to a Point; thence East 75.00 feet .
to a Point; thence South 10 °49'07" West 180.00 feet to a
pint; thence South 44 °06'59" West 213.39 feet to the pint
Of beginning. ( Contains 0.93 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RM -1 Residential
Multi- Family District classification to an AG Agriculture
District classification.
SECTION 4. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the East Half of
Section nty Okla Township 21 North oma; thence North 89 °b4'00 East �1304,pa
feet to a pint; thence North 379.76 feet to the pint of
beginning; thence North 88:04 feet to a pint; thence North
50 °08'04° East 156.45 feet to a pint; thence North
60 °26'50" East 191.08 feet to a pint; thence South
33 °16'54" West 145.90 feet to a pint; thence South
56 °15'52" West 154.58 feet to a pint; thence South
46'06'18" West 107.81 feet to the point of beginning.
( Contains 0.46 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from an OL Office Light
Intensity District classification to an AG Agriculture District
SECTION 5. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Beginning Southwest
Township 21 North, Range 14 East Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 89 °54'00" East 1304.06
feet to a pint; thence North 500.00 feet to the pint of
beginning; thence North 60 °26'50" East 138.04 feet to a
pint; thence South 50'08104" West 156.45' feet to a pint;
thence North 32.20 feet to the pint of beginning. ( Contains
0.04 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from an OL Office Light
Intensity District classification to a RS -3 Single Family
Residential District classification.
SECTION 6. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Sectio Beginning 0. T Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 89.54'00" East 1304.06
feet to the pint of beginning; thence North 379.76 feet to a
Point; thence South 7"• t
thence South 22'30'47" West 244.44 feet to a po point; thence
North 89.54'00^ East 254.06 feet to the pint of beginning.
(Contains 1.36 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RM -1 Residential
Multi -Family District classification to an OL Office Light
Intensity District classification.
SECTION 7. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Secon Beginning a
,Township 21 North, Range 14 East Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 00 °01'55" East 350.00
feet to the pint of beginning; thence North o0 °01'55" East
200.00 feet to a pint; thence North 42 °40'00" East 1213.96
feet to a pint; thence South 61 °57'48" East 80.56 feet to a
pint; thence North 79 °09'07" East 62.00 feet to a pint;
thence South 62'18'07" East 375.00 feet to a pint; thence
South 09 °38'31" East 38.00 feet to a pint; thence South
39'59'59" East 90.00 feet to a pint; thence South 02 °43'49"
West 85.00 feet to a pint; thence South 34 °57'00" East
88.58 feet o a Pont; thence West 95.98 feet to a pot;
hence South 33 °51'19" West 1196.36 feet to a Point; thence
South 89'54'00" West 324.06 feet to a pint; thence North
00'01'55" East 350.00 feet to a Point; thence South
89'54'00" West 300.00 feet to a pint of beginning. (Con-
tains 23.57 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS -2 Single Family
Residential District classification to a RS -3 Single Family
Residential District classification.
SECTION 8. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the East Half of
utnty, Oklahoma; thence North 0001'55" East,
ast 55000
feet to the pint of beginning; thence North 00'01'55" East
1031:00 feet to a Point; thence North 89'43'45" East 59.00
feet to a pint; thence South 28 °39'49" East 80.00 feet to a
pint; thence North 53'49'20" East 126.00 feet to a pint;
thence South 86.47'23" East 75.00 feet to a Point; thence
North 48'43'03" East 125.00 feet to a Point; thence South
46 °15'03" East 170.00 feet to a Point; thence South
81 °14'05" East 120.00 feet to a pint; thence South
69'40'08" East 185.00 feet to a Point; thence South
61 °57'48" East 44.63 feet to a pint; thence South 42 °40'00"
West 1213.92 feet to the pint of beginning. (Contains 10.52
acres more or less).
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS -i Single Family
Residential District classification to a RS -3 Single Family
Residential District classification.
SECTION 9. That the zoning classification of the following
described property, to -wit:
Beginning Township No the E East
ast, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; thence North 00 °01'55" East 1768.80
feet to the Point of beginning; thence North 89 °58'05" West
170.00 feet to a pint; thence South 62 °36'37" West 636.83
feet to a pint; thence South .'6 °29'55" West 95.00 feet to a
Point; thence South 05 °04'15" West 411.17 feet to a pint;
thence due East 75.00 feet to a Point; thence North
05 °04'15" East 411.17 feet to a pint; thence North
61'27'05" East 668.15 feet to a pint; thence South
_ 89'58'05" East 130.00 feet to a Point; thence North
00 °01'55" East 50.00 feet to the pint of beginning. (Con-
tains 1.98 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS -2 Single F a M413
Residential District classification to an AG Agricultur<
District classification.
SECTION 10. That the zoning classification of the following
described prdperty, to -wit:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the East Half of
Township Range East, 18 C
ty, Oklahoma tence North 00'554 East17 80
feet to the pint of beginning; thence North 89 °58'x5" West
130 feet to a pint; thence South 61'27'05" East 668.15 feet
to a pint; thence South 05 °04'15" West 411.17 feet to a
Point; thence due East 752.85 feet to a pint; thence. North
00 °01'55" East 728.80 feet to the pint of beginning.
( Contains 10.01 acres more or less.)
be and the same is hereby rezoned from a RS -2 Family
Residential District classification to a RS -3 Single Family
Residential District classification.
SECTION 11. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly
An emergency is hereby declared to exist for the preser-
vation of the public pace, health and safety, by reaon
whereof this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from
and after its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED and APPROVED and the emergency clause ruled
upon separately this 1 day of May, 1979.
MAYOR Boyd M. Spencer
Wauhilleau Webb, CITY CLERK
Harold Charney, CITY ATTORNEY
Affidavit Of Pub.
Bill R. Retherford, of lawful of
and authorized, says that he is
Owasso Reporter
weekly newspaper printed in
Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified
notices, advertisements and publicatic
Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma
amended, and complies with all other
the laws of Oklahoma with reference
That said notice, a true copy of wl
hereto, was published in the regular editi
Paper during the period and time of pub
in a supplement, on the font
May 10
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
of .........M�........
My commission expires:... _ .'f, 25'82