HomeMy WebLinkAbout258_Amending Cemetery OrdinanceORDINANCE NO. 258 AN ORDINANCE AINIENDING CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 1, SECTIONS 6-1 THROUGH SECTIONS 6-6, BOTH INCLUSIVE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE AND REGULATE LAND TO BE USED FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF CEMETERY LOTS AND ABANDONED LOTS; PROVIDING FOR RULES, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES PERTAINING MI CEMETERIES AND PENALTIES AND FINES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR A LIEN ON CEMETERY LOTS FOR UPKEEP CHARGES AND ENFORCEMENT OF SAID LIEN AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF REMAINS TO OTHER GRAVESITES, MAKING PROVISIONS FOR UNMARKED GRAVES; PROVIDING FOR A CEMETERY CARE FUND, PURCHASE OF LANDS AND INVESTMENT OF FUNDS, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Chapter 6 Cen,ieteries ARTICLE 1 Section 6-1: Authority to Purchase and Regulate® The City of Owasso shall have the power to purchase, layout and regulate cemeteries. The Powers over cemeteries L Jnclude, but are not limited to, cemeteries used or dedicated for interment of animal remains. (11 O.S. Section 26-101) Section 6-2: Power to Acquire and Control Land For - Cemeteries: The City of Owasso may acquire by purchase, donation or otherwise, and may control lots or parcels of land within or without the limits of the municipality as the City deems necessary for cemetery purposes. When lots or parcels are so acquired by the Ciy, _L t the title shall vest in the City. The City may subdivide or plat any of the lots or lands into suitable parcels for burial purposes and make such disposition thereof as will in the judgment of the governing body of the City of Owasso best serve the purpose for which they were acquired. Any lands so acquired shall thereafter be exempt from taxation, and the City may pay and discharge any assessments against the lands for the improvement of streets _J or the construction. of sewers. The City shall provide for the grading, -fencing, ornamenting and improving of all burial and cemetery grounds owned by the City and the avenues leading >,Q) LO thereto. The City may construct walks and plant and protect O 0 0 ornamental trees and shrubs and Provide for paying the cost co < < X CO I", thereof. (11 O.S. Section 26-102). Cfl E 2 >- 7 Section 6-3: Conveyance of Cemetery Lots - Abandoned 0 Lots: < C) 0 LLJ Lots in the Municipal Cem etery shall be conveyed by - Certificate signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk under the Seal of the City of Owasso® The Certificate shall :z >: LU LU 00 r) _J LU I 0 rr LO M co X m CO CO E 0 co C) CL show the price for which the lots are sold and specify that the person t o w hom it is issued is the owner of the lot or lots described therein by number, as laid down in the plat, for the purpose of interment. The 'Certificate shall vest in the purchaser and his heirs a right to the lot or lots for the sole purpose of interment, under the regulations as the City Council may, from tii�ze to time, promulgate or establish by resolution. The Certificate shall be entitled to record in the Office of the County Clerk of the County in which the lot is situated without further acknowledgment and the description of lots by number shall be sufficient for the purpose of record. All abandoned lots or spaces of lots shall revert to the City of Owasso® City (11 O.S. Section 206-103). Section 6-4; Rules and Ordinances - Penalties and Fines. The City of Owasso may pass rules and ordinances to regulate, protect and govern the Cemetery, the owners of the lots therein, visitors therein and to punish trespassers therein. The City Council, by resolution, may limit the number of lots which may be owned by one person, corporation or association at the same time and may prescribe such rules by resolution for enclosing, adorning and erecting monuments and tombstones on cemetery lots; but no religious test shall be made as to the ownership of lots, the burial therein, or the ornamentation of graves or lots. The City of Owasso may prohibit any division of the use of 'Lots and any improper adornment thereof by its rules or resolutions® The officers of the City of Owasso shall have full jurisdiction and power to enforce such rules, ordinances and resolutions as if they related to the City of Owasso itself® Penalties and fines not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or thirty (30) days in jail may be imposed for violation of such rules and ordinances. 1,11 O.S. Section 26-105). Section 6-5: Cemetery Care Fund - -Purchase of Lands - Investment of Fund: In all cemeteries owned by the City of Owasso where lots are sold or charges made for interments, not less than twenty-five percent (250) of all v received from the sale CIE: lots and interments shall be segregated and set aside as a permanent 'Lund to be known as the "Cemetery Care Fund." The cemnetery care fund shall be expended in purchasing lands for cemeteries and for making capital improvements when necessary. The balance of the fund may be invested by the City Council in the manner provided by Section 349.1 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes for investment of municipal funds. Only the interest from the investments shall be used in improving, caring for and embellishing the lots, walks, drives, parks and other necessary improvements on such cemeteries. (11 O.S. Section 26 -109)® Section 6-6: Lien on Cemetery Lots for Upkeep Charges - F,nf6rceiment. A. The City of Owasso shall have a lien on any unused lot in a cemetery owned by said City when a written contract provides for upkeep payments on such lot and the upkeep payments have been unpaid for a continuous period of five (5) years. Where more than one lot has been p-urchased in a group of lots, and at least one of the lots has been used in that group of lots, the provisions of this section shall not L apply. - 2 - B. After filincT the lien with the Clerk of the District Court in the County in which the cemetery lot is situated, the lien may be enforced by civil action. The prac- tice, pleading and proceedings for foreclosure in such action shall conform to the rules prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure as far as they -nay be applicable. (11 O.S. 26-111). Section 6-7: Removal of Remains to Other Gravesites - Unmarked Graves: When the bodily remains of an unknown person are disco- vered in an unidentified and unmarked grave of a cemetery owned or operated by the City of Owasso, the remains may be removed to some other gravesite within the cemetery, at the expense of the 41 -1- City, if no record exists as 0 a sale or con- 1 veyance of the lot and the City is without knowledge that a body has been buried in the gravesite, in the event the lot is sold to another person® An application for approval of the 4 d.Lsinterment and removal of the bodily remains shall be first filed with, and approval obtained from, the State Health Depart-iment. (11 O.S. 26 -112)® Emergency Clause: An emergency is hereby declared to exist for the pre- servation of the public peace, health and safety, by reason whereof this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and at-21ter. its Passage, approval and publication® PASSED AND APPROVED and the emergency clause ruled upon separately this day of 1979x® '4 T5­Yb SPENCER Mayor, City of Owasso, Oklahoma S ATTEST: �7ty TerkF City of Owasso, Oklahoma - 3 - APPROVE'D: (D L Q) LO Harold Charnev City Attorney < < X 00 ty of Owasso, Okl ahof.1 a- E 0 Uj LLJ < 0 Uj 0 - 3 - Affidavit Of Publication LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: .� Published in the Owasso Bill R. Rether£ord, of lawful age, being duly sworn Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla., Thurs., June and authorized, says that he is publisher of the 28,1979, Owasso Reporter, a ORDINANCE NO. 258 weekly newspaper printed in the City of AN ORDINANCE Owasso Tulsa County, AMENDING CHAPTER ...............__...:.,.., 6, ARTICLE 1, SEC - Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal TIONS 6-1 THROUGH SECTIONS 6 -6, BOTH notices, advertisements and publications as provided in INCLUSIVE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 as AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE AND and complies with all other requirements of REGULATE LAND TO amended, BE USED FOR the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal public- CEMETERY PUR- POSES: PROVIDING FOR THE CON- - ations. VEYANCE OF CEMETERY LOTS AND That said notice, a true copy of which is attached. ABANDONED LOTS; PROVIDING FOR hereto, was published in the regular edition of said news- RULES, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES during the period and time of publication and not PERTAINING TO paper CEMETERIES AND in a supplement, on the following dates: PENALTIES AND June 28 1979.... FINES FOR VIOLATIONS THERE- .,....._.... OF; PROVHING FOR A � LIEN ON CEMETERY ........../.rMa / v ... LOTS FOR UPKEEP CHARGES AND EN- FORCEMENT OF SAID Subscribed and sworn to before me this .29, .....day LIEN AND FURTHER June 9 PROVIDING FOR THE of ........_ ..._................,197....,,. REMOVAL OF �y /J REMAINS TO OTHER GRAVESITES, MAKING PROVISIONS FOR Notary Public UNMARKED GRAVES; 7 -25 -82 PROVIDING FOR A My commission expires:_ ......................... CEMETERY CARE FUND, PURCHASE OF LANDS AND IN- PUBLISHER'S FEE $15.00 ......... VESTMENT OF FUNDS, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF OR- i DINANCES IN CON- t FUCT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN ' EMERGENCY. PASSED AND AP- PROVED and the emergency clause ruled upon separately this 19th day 1 of June, 1979. BOYD SPENCER, Mayor, City of Owasso, Oklahoma (SEAL) ATTEST: Wauhilleau Webb City Clerk, City of Owasso, Oklahoma APPROVED: Harold Charney, City Attorney City of Owasso, Oklahoma