HomeMy WebLinkAbout282_Establishing Ambulance RatesORDINANCE NO 282 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AMBULANCE RATES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE FURNISHED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLHAOMA, OR BY OTHERS LEGALLY OPERATING WITHIN THE OWASSO CITY LIMITS, AND PROHIBITING AMBULANCE SERVICE OTHER THAN THAT FURNISHED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, OR THAT FURNISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: CHAPTER I ice Packs or Hot Packs, each 5.00 Blood Samples 10.00 Trauma Kits 5.00 Poison Kits 5.00 Padded Board Splints, Air Splints, each 0 A. Loaded round trip charge will be only mileage charge for the return trip. There will be no charge for the first 30 minutes of waiting time. Any additional waiting time will be charged at a rate of $5.00 for each 15 minutes with a one hour minimum charge of $20.00. C . Transportation charge for more than one familv member will be full charges for the first member, 1/2 transportation charge, plus medical supplies, for the second member, and only for medical supplies for other family members. Section 1-83. Permit Required. No person, firm or corporation shall operate an ambu- lance service within the Owasso City Limits without first having made application to the City Council for a permit to so operate. The City Council shall determine rules and regulations governing the operation of ambulance service as the Council may, from time to time, decide is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the ambulance service. The Council may, from time to time, by Resolution, amend ambulance fees and charges therefor. Section 1-84. Emerqencv Clause. That in order to preserve and protect public safety, health and peace, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof, this Ordinance shall take effect imme- diately upon its passage and publication. DATED this day of 1980. MA. E r cn ,-I- < X O E ATTEST� LIJ LU N ON City Clerk U 0 02 0 A ,I- LC APPROVED: Haro!3'-Charney, City Attorney 2 0-wassn City Council February 19, 1980 Page Three Motion carried. ITEM 6 - RECEIVE AND FILE JANUARY 1980 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Motion was -made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to receive and file January 1980 Financial Statements, and by re- ference made a part hereoi. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thozipson, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Lambert Motion carried. ITEM 7 - APPROVE AND ACCEPT FISCAL 1978-1979 AUDIT Mrs. Fickle requested postponing this item to the next agenda as she had not had time to study it. Steve Jay commented that would be a problem as the Compliance Report for the Revenue Sharing has to be submitted by March 1st, Ken Thompson suggested either writing for an extension on filing the report or having a special Lal -meeting. Mayor Spencer said he had studied it and talked with Steve Jay and he is satisfied with it, Mr. Jay said therE: is nothing in the audit that will cause the City any problems, Mayor Spencer called a Special Meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, February 25, 1980, to approve and accept fiscal 1978-1979 audit. J - ITEM -cc, - REVIEW AMBULANCE CHARLES Ken Thompson explained the proposed changes have been submitted for Council's consideration. He said they are in iine with the other areas and we would noil-. be the highest, nor would wc: be the -lowest. Don Thompson commented he 'LE.lt we should be adjusted to be in line with other areas. Mr. Lambert questioned if this depart - ment breaks even, and Mr. Thompson replied no, that emergency services are not self-supporting, Motion was -made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve ambulance charge rec.c,mmendations dated January 31, 1980, and by reference -made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, ThoDrpson, Lambert, Mrs, Fi�:kle Owasso C4 - ty Council February 19, 1980 Page Four Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 9 - DISCUSS NEW CITY BUDGET LAW City Manager stated he and the City Treasurer had attended a workshop on the new budget law which was sponsored by OML, He said the new law is a system he is familiar with, that being the City would adopt a total 100% budget, rather than using the estimate of needs process, He said it would require new forms and would give us a better grasp of the budget anc feels it is a good 'Law and if it is adopted, it -must be by resolution. Mayon Spencer commented he has talked to Steve Jay and Mr. Jay does not have any objections to the law, Mr. Jay reminded the Council that if they adopt this new budget law that it will place a lot more responsibility on them as in affect they will become the final authority on items that the Excise Board has done in the past. He said with the new budget the Council would set their own budget and move the funds around, which ch could be good and bad; the good being they would be more flexible, the bad being they would be more responsible, Mr. Jay said he did think it is a good system. Mr. Kite emphasized the City will not have to work with a tempo- rary budget period, but would start July lst with the full bud- get. Mrs. Fickle also pointed out the great responsibility that will be on the Council's shoulders with this new law. Motion -eras made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to adopt the new budget law. a L_ Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert, Mrs, Fickle Nays - None Motion carried, ITEM 10 - NEW BUSINESS Item ,Ron. Skoller was present representing George RatcL'-ff, developer and owner of the track of lard ac: -oss from the highschool. Mr. Skoller said he was present to ask to be placed on the next agenc,a to request Council to reconsider the zoning of that track which was previously owned by Greenwood and then Never 207 SOUTH CEDAR PHONE 272-2251 February 15, 1980 Cit-y--qf Owasso TO.- MAYOR SPENCER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENNETH THOMPSON, CITY MANAGER V RE: AMBULANCE RATES OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 I recently sent you a survey oll ambulance rates in this area, that was compiled by the City of Broken Arrow. In comparing these rates, it is obvious that Owasso charges arE low compared to other cities® I have placed this item on the agenda 'or discussion purposes. Mr. Mallory and I have reviewed our present charges and proposed the attached charges for your consideration. These rate changes will keep Owasso in line with increasing personnel, equipment and fuel costs. KT:mj*Tn -AMBULANCE CHARGES 1-31-80 Transportation Charge/Load Up Fee Mileage/Per Load Mile Oxygen 1111isc. Med Supplies Spine Board Coro,aary Drugs Heart monitor /Defi RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE OWASSO E. M. S. DEPARTMENT APPROVED: -om s 4 Baine City Manage.- Charles A. Mallory;/,----, E. M. S. Director 6 OWASSO E.M.S. DEBAR Mdse Line operation - Chain of Command Director of E.M.S. Secretary J 1 Assistant Director! I Captains I, E.M.T.A. 1 lVolunteer 2-,,M.T.A. Drivers P R E F I X The rules and regulations herein contained are for general guidance of the Officers and Members of the Owasso Ambulance Department., and are not to cover every specific act of duty® Much may be left to the discretion of each member and his su -Qervisor® Rules and regulations that govern every case cannot be made in advance, and from time to time necessary general and special rules will be issued. � ,L Violation of any of the rules and regulations,, and neglect or ommission of any of the duties prescribed are considered of- fenses; and any member found guilty shall, in the discretion of the Director of EMS and/or the City Manager, be subject to repremand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from service, or such other penalties as may be determined. These rules and regulations pertain in part to the Volunteer EMT's and Drivers who will be subject to the same penalties. Those items which do not apply to Volunteer members are marked with an asterisk Affidavit Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss : Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is publisher of the .......... ........... ................�............. ,a weekly newspaper printed in the City of ..'` t? . ........ . Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: 198 ................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...../ I// ......... day of ..........: .:,,. _ '. .................... , 198 . s: ; < .:..... ......... . Notary Public My commission expires: PUBLISHER'S FEE $ ice Packs or Hat Packs, eacV, 5.00 Blood Samples 10.00 Trauma Kits 5.00 Poison Kits . 5.00 Padded Board Splints, each ..... I ............... ... 5 *00 Air Splints, each ........................... `... 15.00 A. Loaded round trip charge will be only mileage charge_ for the return trip. B. There will no charge for the first 30 minutes of waiting time. Any additional waiting time will be charged at a rate of $5.00 for each 35 minutes with a one hour minimum charge of $20.00 C. Transportation charge for more than one family member will be full charges for the first member, 1/2 tran- sportation charge, plus medical supplies, for the second member, and only for medical supplies for the other family members. SECTION -83. Permit Required. No person, firm or corporation shall operate an ambulance service within the Owasso City Limits without first having made application to the City Council for a permit to so operate. The City Council shall determine rules and 'regula- tions governing the operation of ambulance service as the Council may, from time to time, decide is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the ambulance service. The Council may. from time to time. 'bv Resolution amend SECTION 1 -84. Emergency Clause. That in order to preserve and protect public safety, health +w3./vaiiW jJNUUHsy {411Y lJ.N�J13iCi 41V31. Dated this 4th day of March, 1980. Bryan Spencer Mayor Wauhileau Webb City Clerk Harold'Charney, City Attorney C4121 ARTICLE # 1 OFFICERS AND THEIR RANK The Officers of the Department in order of their rank are as follows: Director of EMS - Directs all operations of the entire Department. Assistant Director - is in general charge of all stations, regular station duties,.training and /or any other spe- cific duties as may be assigned them by the Director; and is under the immediate supervision of the Director of EMS. Captain - is in charge of operations during his assigned shift under the immediate supervision of the Assistant Director. ARTICLE # 2 AUTHORITY OF OFFICERS Sec. 1 Each Officer shall have the authority required to properly fulfill the duties and responsibilities vested in him by virtue of his position. Sec. 2 Every member of the Department shall comply with the City Ordinances, and E.M.S. Department Rules and Regulations, orders and commands of Superior Offi- cers. Obedience to same shall be prompt, implicit and positive. ARTICLE # 3 RULES FOR COMMANDING OFFICERS Sec. 1 Commanding Officers shall, by their courteous manner and careful attention to duty, set an example for all members of the department under their command and in return require the same of their subordinates. Sec. 2 Commanding Officers shall observe all rules and reg- ulations of the department and shall obey all of the orders of the Director of EMS promptly.and fully. Sec. 3 Commanding Officers shall constantly strive for per- fect harmony among members of the department. Sec. 4 Commanding Officers shall hold members under their command responsible for prompt and efficient dis- charge of their duties. ARTICLE # 4 DIRECTOR OF EMS (Continued) Sec. 5 He shall, whenever necessary, schedule meetings of members of the department. Sec. 6 He shall prescribe the kind, type, style, etc. of uniforms, insignia and other apparrel worn by any member of the department. Sec. 7 The EMS Director shall have sole authority for the departmental relations with other agencies of the City, or other jurisdictions. ARTICLE # 5 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EMS Sec. 1 The Assistant Director of EMS, in case of illness, inability to serve, or absence of the Director shall at the direction of the City Manager be in command of the EMS and have the full authority therein. Sec. 2 He shall, under the direction of the EMS Director, be in charge of the Office, Vehicles, personnel, training, public relations, equipment, and other functions the Director deems necessary. Sec. 3 He shall be responsible to the Director for any and all records relative to his particular area of re- sponsibility. ARTICLE # 6 EMS CAPTAINS Sec. 1 EMS Captains shall, under direction of the Assistant EMS Director and during assigned shifts, have full charge of and be responsible for the Ambulance oper- ations and for the care, operation and condition of their assigned areas, it's personnel and equipment. Sec. 2 They shall, during assigned shifts, respond to all alarms and other calls to which their shift is assigned. Sec. 3 They shall, when first to arrive at a location, assume command until relieved by a superior officer. Sec. 4 They shall conduct company school at least three (3) hours each week, unless otherwise instructed by the Assistant Director. Each Captain will keep records of all training given. These records will be turned in to the Assistant Director, who will then turn them to the Director to be made a part of the personnel file of each member of the department. ARTICLE # 9 ABSENCE FROM DUTY (continued) Sec. 3 Any member who has been absent from duty for more than 48 hours because of illness or injury shall, when reporting for duty, present his commanding officer with a physician's release stating that he (the member) is physically able to perform his duties. ARTICLE # 10 CARE OF OFFICE AND EQUIP14ENT Sec. 1 At each change of shift, it shall be the responsibil- ity of the off -going Captain to see that any and all necessary or special maintenance will have been done to apparatus or facilities, before he is relieved.* Sec. 2 The entire office and its furnishings shall be kept clean and in order at all times, with major mainte- nance such as mopping and /or waxing to be done weekly on station day.* Sec. 3 If possible, necessary station work shall be accom- plished by 12:00 Noon.* Sec. 4 Office work and any other major project shall be equalized among the personnel as much as possible. Sec. 5 Offices shall not be used as a lounge or lunch room. They are to be used for business only. They will be kept clean at all times. Sec. 6 All clothing and other personal belongings shall be kept in member's lockers at all times unless in use. Sec. 7 All members shall exercise rigid economy in the use of all supplies. Sec. 8 On returning from runs, all members shall do any work necessary to get the Ambulance back in service as soon as possible. Sec. 9 Once a week all equipment shall be properly cleaned. Stretchers, tools, etc., shall be removed, examined for defects, cleaned as required and replaced properly in the ambulance. This shall be done is such a man- ner that if the Unit is dispatched to a call, equip- ment can be replaced and properly secured to prevent damage or loss without excessive delay. An example of this would be to clean one compartment at a time. ARTICLE # 11 GENERAL CONDUCT (continued) Sec. 11 Members shall, when sleeping at EMS office on nights other than their regular shift, be expected to re- spond to calls. Sec. 12 Personal motor vehicles shall not be parked behind or in front of apparatus bays or drive - through stations. Sec. 13 Motor vehicles and other mechanical equipment used by members for outside work shall not be parked at EMS station. Sec. 14 Members may wash personal motor vehicles with the approval of the shift commander or duty EMS. officer. Vehicles shall be pulled inside stations for washing. Sec. 15 Members may do minor repair work to personal motor vehicles with approval of the Company Officer. Ve- hicles shall be pulled inside stations for minor repair work. Sec. 16 Any member found guilty of falsifying an official report or record shall be subject to strict disci- plinary action. Sec. 17 Any EMTA found guilty of patient abandonment or gross neglect shall be subject to immediate dismissal. Sec. 18 Members shall not discuss with anyone priveleged or private information garnered as a result of service in the department. ARTICLE # 12 OUTSIDE WORK Sec. 1 All members shall, while on duty, devote all of their time to business of the department. Sec. 2 Outside employment of members during off -duty hours shall not interfere with their EMS Department duties. They shall under no circumstances work for another ambulance service while still employed by Owasso EMS Department. Sec. 3 Any member engaged in any outside work while on sick leave from the EMS Department will be subject to strict disciplinary action. This shall include self - employment. ARTICLE # 16 SUBJECT TO CALL Sec. 1 All off -duty members are subject to call in the event of a major emergency; any member failing to promptly respond to such call without valid excuse will be sub- ject to strict disciplinary action. Sec. 2 All off -duty members shall attend department meetings as scheduled by the EMS Director. Failure to do so shall subject the member to strict disciplinary action. ARTICLE # 17 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Sec. 1 When a member of the department resigns or is dis- charged or in any way terminates his services with the department, he shall surrender to his command- ing officer all the property in his possession belonging to the EMS department. ARTICLE # 18 TRAINING Sec. 1 All members shall participate in all training pro- vided by the department. Sec. 2 All members shall participate in a minimum of three (3) hours per week in appropriate training. Each man will be required to have a minimum of 150 hours train- ing a year. ARTICLE # 19 TRANSFERS Sec. 1 A member desirous of a transfer shall make a request in writing to his Commanding Officer, and such re- quests with the Officer's recommendations shall be forwarded to the Director of EMS. ARTICLE # 20 VISITORS Sec. 1 Visitors at stations shall be shown every courtesy, but shall not be permitted to loiter or congregate there. Sec. 2 Visitors shall not be permitted in station quarters or station grounds after 10:00 PM without permission of the Commanding Officer. ARTICLE # 23 VOLUNTEER E.M.T.A.'S Sec. 4 Any Volunteer member shall be dropped from the rolls for any of the following offenses: Conduct unbecom- ing an EMTA, any act of insubordination, neglect of duty, any violation of Rules and Regulations govern- ing the EMS Department, or conviction of a felony. 207 SOUTH CEDAR "PHONE 272 -2251 April 1, 1980 TO: MAYOR SPENCER AND COUNCIL MEMBERS BOB SHOUSE, FIRE CHIEF CHUCK MALLORY, EMS DIRECTOR FROM: KENNETH THOMPSON, CITY M@NAGER It A RE: AMBULANCE OPERATION OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 Beginning at 8:00 AM, Wednesday, A•oril 2, 1930, there will be only one EMT or MICP on duty in the City Hall on a 24 -hour basis to respond to ambulance calls. The EMT or MICP will remain in the building :m a 24 -hour shift in the same manner as an on -duty fireman. Duran, the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except for the lun:h period )f 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM, Mr. Chuck Mallory will respond to ambulance calls with the on -duty EMT r MICP. During the hours from 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM on week days, holidays and weekends, the ambulance will be driven by an on --- iuty fireman. There will be occasions during normal business hours when Mr. MalLory will T,= be available because of vacation, sick leave, or other excused absen2es, that an on -duty fireman will have to drive the ambulance. This procedure will allow the overtime pay for the standby ambulance attendant to be discontinued as of April 2. There will be no overtime allowed in the EMS Department without prior approval. If the Fire Chief deems it advisable, he will call in a regular or volunteer fireman on a standby basis while tie on -duty fireman is out of service, while on an ambulance call. KT:mjm cc: Personnel Officer Payroll Clerk I ®y City J no o Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR PHONE 272 -2251 January 31, 1980 TO: MAYOR SPENCER AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: KENNETH THOMPSON, CITY MAUTAGER RE: AMBULANCE RATES OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 Attached are the results of a recent survey by the City of Broken Arrow, regarding ambulance rates charged by cities in our region, and a proposed ambulance rate schedule for the City of Broken Arrow. As you will notice, our rates are quite low compared to other cities in the region. We will be making recommendations to you in the near future on proposed rate increases. The cost of fuel is becoming a major factor in long distance ambulance runs. KT:mjm * ** January 15, 1980 Dear Sirs: We sincerely appreciate your ambulance rate questionaire. who responded "and their basic Tulsa -EMSA Bixby Jenks Sand Springs Owasso Collinsville Sapulpa Coweta Okmulgee Bartlesville Broken Arrow B0 participation in our recent Listed below are those cities -load charge rates: Emergency Run $ 85 45 40 35 35 50 33 35,50,75 90 60 20,30 Transfer Run $ 51 45 40 35 35 50 33 35,50,75 75 50 20,30 * The basic load charge for'Coweta is $35 inside city, $50 up to 5 miles out and $75 over 5 miles out. ** The basic load charge for Broken Arrow is $20 to the hospital in Broken Arrow and $30 to all others. Mileage charges were from $1 to $2 per mile. Other charges were as varied as the cities responding. Waiting time ran from $52 per hour to $10 per hour. Defibrillator use was from $63 to $0. I.V.'s from $21 to $7.50. Oxygen use from $13 to $2. Attached is a copy of City of Broken Arrow. tration. Thanks again information useful. Sincerely, Gary Black f o rd Fire Chief the proposed ambulance service rates for the These are now pending with our City adminis- for your response and we hope you find the C;t4 4 &.k4... d, 'e P.O. Box 610, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 918- 251 -5311 SCHEDULE OF AMBUALNCE SERVICE RATES' City of Broken Arrow Fire Department Basic Load Charge Mileage I.V. Administration Intubation Defibrillator /Monitor Mast Trousers Administration Hare /Thompson Traction Splint Air Splints (leg) Air Splints (arm) Padded Board Splints Cervical Collar Oxygen Cold Packs Elastic Bandages Burn Sheets O.B. kits $ 40.00 1.50 per mile 15.00 ea 10.00 20.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 ea 10.00 ea 5.00 ea 10.00 5.00 -2.00 ea. 3.00 ea 7.50 ea 12.50 A. Loaded round trip charge will be 1/2 the load charge plus 1/2 the mileage charge. B. Transportation charge for more than one person per family will be full charges for the first member, 1/2 the loac charge plus medical supplies for the second member and only for medical supplies for all remaining members. C. Waiting time will be charged at $7.50 for each 15 minutes be- ginning after the first 15 minutes. , 207 SOUTH CEDAR PHONE 27'2251 m Clety p)f Owasso AMBULANCE CHARGES 1 -31 -80 CHARG '. BASE RATE ........ •• ..... .....................•........$ 35.00 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 MILEAGE ................. ............................... 1.00 per mile OXYGEN ..............•.. :.............0.......000...... 10.00 MISC. MED. SUPPLIES•• ......... • ........... 0• .... ...... 10. <10 SPINE BOARD ............ .......................•.....0. 10.00 CORONARY DRUGS ......... ......................•........ HEART MONITOR* ......... ............................... I.V. FLUIDS ............ .•..........0.0......00........ BURN KIT#.• .... 0* ............... I..................... SEPERATE BURN SUPPLIES• ............................... O.B. KITS .............................................. C. COLLARS IF LEFT WITH Pi ............................ CODE BLUE (IF SURVIVES) ••..••..•.••••.••••••..•....... D.O.A. OR U. A. D ........ ............................... HARE TR6CTION.......... :0000 .......................... ICE PACKS OR HOT PACKS ••.•••••• ...... ••••••........... BLOOD SAMPLES ........................ 0................. TRAUMA KITS ................. 0.....................•... 15.00 50.00 25.00 30.00 15.00 15.i 0 15.00 100.00 + MILEAGE & LOAD UP NA 15.00 5.00 10.00 50')0 POISON K ITS..•.......... 0... ..... .. ............... I.... 5.00 AIR SPLINTS* .................... s ......... ............ 10.00 207 SOUTH CEDAR PHONE 272 -2251 City of Owasso 1 -03 -80 To: Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Mayor And Council From: Chas. A. Mallory, Director E.M.$. Ref: Yearly Ambulance Summary for your fnrolm off OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 As you asked for in your meeting Jan. 2, 1980, I find the following summary of Ambulance Calls to be correct. They are broken down into the following with percentage in each category: NON- EMERGENCY TRANSFERS ------------------------------ 24 ---------------- 8.57% AUTO AND OF VEHICLE ACCIDENTS ------------------------ 95 --------------- 33:93 %:. EMERGENCY SICK CALLS --------------------------------- 82 --------------- 29.29% CORONARY RELATED AND U. A. D.' S ------------------------ 80 --------------- 2£.57% TOTAL CALL3,FOR.'. 1979 ------------------------------- 281. As reported to you the night of Jan. 2, 1980, collinsville has transported 8 within the last 60 days. Skiatook transported 2 and E.M.S.A. 2. As for the other 10 months of 1979 I do not have the documentation as to how many patients were transpoeted by other agencies. Chas. A. Mallory, Director E,