HomeMy WebLinkAbout288_Regulating Water Useregulating water use 288 ORDINANCE NO OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 8, SECTION l4-l00A OF THE OWASSO CITY CODE REGULATING THE USE OF WATER IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BY MEANS OF A HOSE OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO SPRINKLE, IRRIGATE OR OTHERWISE WATER LAWNS, SHRUB- BERY OR VEGETATION OF ANY KIND, AND REGULATING THE USE OF WATER TO WASH OR SPRINKLE DRIVEWAYS OR SIDEWALKS AND EXEMPT- ING CERTAIN USERS OF WATER FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY OF OWASSO CITY Board of continues pressure in water has con tin- the said City to the emergency low reported that an the the throughout fires and consumption tanks levels in storage and pressure to fight the distribut .. ued to decrease reducing the VfHEREAS, the City of Owasso is a water customer of the City of Tulsa and by contractual arrangement must comply with all restrictions placed upon City of Tulsa water customers; and it is necessary to curtail even further the consumption situation can be relieved WHEREAS, water until the BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ot NOW, THEREFORE OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA l4-l00A of the read as follows Article 8, Section amended to That Chapter 14, and the same is hereby Section l. Owasso City Code be REGULATING USE OF WATER FURNISHED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO SECTION l4-100A a to be corpora- City Owasso, furnished by the irrigation system for or otherwise watering It shall be unlawful and it is hereby offense for any person, agent, employee, other user of water furnished by the or allow use of water or 11 declared customer, of an tion, or Oklahoma, to use City of Owasso by means of the purposes of sprinkling, irrigating lawns, shrubbery, or vegetation of any kind, or to wash or sprinkle driveways or sidewalks, or wash any automobile, truck, or other motor vehicle, or for the purpose of filling swimming pool, wading pool or for use in a sprinkling pool, EXCEPT the a hose A That the users of water furnished by the of Owasso, Oklahoma, with street addresses in the ending with an odd number may make such use of water prohibited above on any Sunday or hours oI four olclock a.m. (CDT) of three 0 said days City City as the m. (CDT) to five WHEREAS Water Superintendent has Commissioners of City oI Tulsa, Oklahoma, to exist in certain parts of the City of Tulsa because of io~ system and that the high of the water er supply Thursday between to six olclock a clock m (CDT) p the hours (CDT) on and between olclock p.m B Owasso, an 0.. II with above oiclock hours OI on turnished by the street addresses ending with the lowest days to make such use of Street addresses ending in even number Owasso, shall to of City number City in the C Users of water Oklahoma, with multiple use the street address " water as zero shall be determine permissible prohibited above construed as an "D. Upon the immediate premises oI any commercial nursery which raises or maintains plants or shrubbery for sale; or ballparks playgrounds Parks E " F Commercial car washes, commercial service stations, or commercial motor vehicles used in the trans- portation of foods, food products, and perishables.1i Section 2. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, by reason where- ot this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication PASSED with the emergency clause ruled upon separately and approved, this day of C~ 1980 ---r ; , City (SEAL) ATTEST: APPROVED: ~n emergency session~ in complying with the City Owasso City Council met Ior the purpose of the Hall rationing 1980, at Ci "later 18~ Chambers emergency , Council Tulsa in On the of City Manager Deputy City Boyd M. Spencer. Mayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Al Lambert. Councilman Dennis Burke, Councilman Clyde Fry, Councilman Kenneth Thompson, Merrilyn Merchant Present Clerk None Absent effective proposed motion, with the to order at 4:00 PM. remarks by Council Members and the City Manager on the and by reference made a part hereof~ry made the Al Lambert, to adopt Ordinance N~288~:as follows noon, July 22, 1980 ,~--------- the Emergency Meeting called Mayor Spencer Following ordinance, seconded date at 12:00 AN ORDINAi~CE AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 8, SECTION 14-100A OF THE OWASSO CITY CODE REGULATING THE USE OF WATER IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BY MEANS OF A HOSE OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO SPRINKLE, IRRIGATE OR OTHERWISE WATER LAWNS, SHRUB- VERY OR VEGETATION OF ANY KIND, AND REGULATING THE USE OF WATER TO WASH OR SPRINKLE DRIVEWAYS OR SIDEWALKS AND EXEMPTING CERTAIN USERS OF WATER FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Fickle :Mrs and Burke Fry Lambert :Messrs Spencer, Ayes None Nays to adopt the emergency hereof seconded by Clyde Fry, reference made a part Motion carried Motion was made by Al Lambert, clause or Ordinance 288, and by Fickle and :Mrs Burke Lambert :Messrs Spencer, Ayes None Nays Session of the Owasso City Council was adjourned at 4:10 P:M :Motion carried The Emergency :Mayor Clerk PROOF OF IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TULSA COUNTY. STATE OF OKLAHOMA CASE NO. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Tilman Pool, Jr., of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says . that he is the editor of the TULSA DAILY LEGAL NEWS, a daily newspaper printed in the English language, in the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, having a bona fide paid general circulation therein, and with entrance into the United States mail as second class mail matter in Tulsa County, and published in said county where delivered to the United States mail, and that the notice by publication, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper one (1) time on the -218' -- day of -- - Jul - -- - -- — - - - - -- - 19- --- $p- - - - --- and that said newspaper has been continuously and un- interruptedly published in said county during the period of more than One Hundred and Four (104) weeks consecu- tively, prior to the first publication of said notice, or ad- vertisement, as required by Section one, Chapter four, Title 25 Oklahoma Session Laws, 1943, as am by House Bill No. 495, 22nd Legislature, and thereafter, d complies with all of the prescr lonss)aand requirements,/of the laws of Okla- homa. (The dverti ment a o re rred to is true and rioted Said otice w u shed in editions of printed P said ne�y3pa er and not in p ement the f.) PUBLICATION Subscribed and sworn to bed me y Tilman Pool, Jr., editor of the TULSA DAILY LEGAL N S, thi _._23.r.d day of ------- July--- ----- ----- --- --, 19 ----- B.Q. Notary Public- My commission expires _- _-- __ OCT - 2 9 1983 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ ------ ---- --- -4- 9.23 -__- ATTORNEY _ -_Darold Charney ...... —_ —_ -- _- _ - --_ -- 95 ,376 (Published in the Tulsa Daily Legal News, July 21, 1980, Dexter Publishing Co., Pub- lishers.) ORDINANCE NO. 288 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, the Water Su- perintendent has reported to the Board of Cemmisaleners Of the City of Tulsa, Oklaho- ma, that an emergency con- tinues to exist m certain parts of the City of Tulsa because of low pressure in the distri- bution system and t h at the high- consumption of w a t e r has continued to decrease the water levels In storage tanks throughout the said City, re- ducing the water supply and pressure to fight fires; and WHEREAS, t It e City of Owasso is a water customer Of the City of Tulsa and by contractual arrangement must comply with all restrictions Placed upon City of Tulsa wa- is'- customers; and WHEREAS; it is necessary to curtail even further the consumption of water until t, consumption situation can be relieved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That Chapter 14, Article 8, Section 14 -100A of the Owasso City Code be and the same is hereby amended all us unlawful and It is (hereby declared to be an offense for any person. . �wpasso, utcaanoma, to use or allow the use of water furnished by the C i t y of Owasso by means of a hose or Irrigation system for the Purposes of sprinkling, ir- rigating, or otherwise water - ing lawns, shrubbery, or veg- etation of any -kind, or to wash or sprinlrle driveways or sidewalks, m• wash any automobile, truck, or O t h e r motor vehicle, or for the pur- pose of filling a swimming Pool, wading pool, or for use in a sprinkling pool, E%- "A. That the users of wa- ter furnished by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, with street addresses in the City ending with an odds number may make such use of wa- ter as prohibited above on zany Sunday or Thursday be- tween. the hours of four o'clock a.m. (CDT) to mx O'OlOck a.m. (CDT) and be- tween the hours of three o'clock p.m. (CDT) to five o'clock p.m. (CDT) on said days. "B. That the users of wa- ter furnished by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, with street addresses in the City ending with an oven number may make such use of wa- ter as prohibited above on any Saturday or Tuesday between the hours of four o'clock a.m. (CDT) to six o'clock a.m. hours and' be- tween the ours of t h r e e o'clock P. M. (CDT) to five o'clock P.M. (CDT) on said days. "C. Users of water fur - nished by the City of Owas- so, Oklahoma, with multiple street 'addresses in the City shall use the street address ending with the I c w e s t number to determine per- missible days to make such use of water as prohibited above. Street addresses end - in,g in zero .shall be cons- trued as an even number. "D. Upon the immediate Premises of any commercial nursery which raises or maintains plants or shrub- bery for sale; E. Perks, playgrounds, or ballparks. "F. Commercial car wash- es, commercial service ata- tlone, or commercial motor vehicles used in the trans- portation of foods, food pro - ducts, and perishables." Section 2. That an omer- gency is hereby declared to exist for the preservation of I'll' public Peace, health, and safety, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its possage, approval, and publication. PASSED, with the emer- aratel clause yand approved, this 18th day of July, 1980. (SEAL. ) /s/ Boyd M. Spencer ATTEST: City of Owasso /s/ Merrilyn Merchant City Clerk, Deputy APPROVED: Harold Charney City Attorney Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is publisher of the .......... OWASSC..;iEPORTER ...... . . . ...... . a weekly newspaper printed in the City of . TULSA, , , , . , Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 108 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of wNch is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: .......... `.............. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. . day of .................�"' ................ , 198 h .......... . Notary Public My commission expires: ....... Yt ................. LEGAL Published in the Owasso Reporter, Tulsa County, Owasso, Oklahoma, July 24,1980. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ODINANCE NO. 288 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 8, SECTION 14 -100A OF THE OWASSO CITY CODE REGULATING THE USE OF WATER IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BY MEANS OF A HOSE OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO SPRINKLE, IRRIGATE KIND, OTHERWISE AND REGULATING THE USE OF ATER TO VEGETATION SPRINKLE ANY DRIVEWAYS CER- TAIN HUSERS OF ERFROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. "SECTION 14 -looA REGULATING CITY TIN OWASSO WATER FURNISHED BY "It shall be unlawful and it is hereby declared to be an offense for any person, agent, employee, customer, corporation, or other user of water furnished by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to use or allow the use of water furnished by the City of Owasso by means of a hose or irrigation system for the purposes of Sprinkling, irrigating, or otherwise watering lawns, shrubbery, or vegetation of any kind, or to wash or sprinkle driveways r sidewalks, filling a us or wash any automobile truck, or other motor vehicle, or for the purpos e swimming pool, wading pool, or e in a sprinkling pool, EXCEPT: "A. That the users of water furnished by the City. of Owasso, Oklahoma, with street addresses in the City ending with an odd number may make such use of water as prohibited above on any Sunday or Thursday between the hours of four o'clock a.m. (CDT) tosix o'clock a.m. (CDT) and between the hours of three o'clock p.m. (CDT) to five o'clock p.m. (CDT) on said days. "B. That the users of water furnished by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, with street addresses in the City ending with an even number may make such use of water as prohibited above on any Saturday or Tuesday between the hours of four o'clock a.m. (CDT) to six o'clock a.m. (CDT) and between the hours of three o'clock p.m. (CDT) to five o'clock p.m. (CDT) on said days. "C. Users of water furnished by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, with multiple street addresses in the City shall ure the street address ending with the lowest number to determine permissible days to make such use of water as prohibited above. Street addresses ending in zero shall be construed as an even number. "D. Upon the immediate premises of any commercial nursery which raises or maintains plants or shrubbery for sale; ° "E. Parks, playgrounds, or ball parks. PUBLISHER'S FEE $ .. T_ ! ? . j "F. Commercial car washes, commercial service stations, or commercial motor vehicles used in the transportation of foods, food products, and perishables." Section 2. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, by reason whereof this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. PASSED, and the emergency clause ruled upon separately and approved this 18th day of July, 1980. Boyd M. Spencer, Mayor, City of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST: _ - - MerrilynMerchant,City Clerk - APPROVED: Harold Charney, City Attorney