HomeMy WebLinkAbout359_Amend Section 8-617_Ambulance Service RatesBOOK 4982 PAGE 14 539330 CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 359 SECTION 8 -617 AMBULANCE SERVICE RATES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING IN ITS ENTIRETY SECTION 8 -617 OF THE OWASSO CITY CODE PROVIDING FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE RATES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND SUBSTITUTING THIS ORDINANCE IN LIEU OF ALL EXISTING PROVISIONS OF SECTION 8 -617. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT, Section 1. That Section 8 -617 of the City Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows, to wit; A. For ambulance service, the following charges shall be made: 1. Base Rate($100.00 Basic Life Support, $150.00 Advanced Life Support); 2. Transfer ($50.00 flat rate); 3. Waiting Time ($25.00 per hour); 4. U.A.D.(unattended dead) or D.O.A.(dead on arrival); no charge 5. Mileage ($2.50 per mile); 6. No -Haul ($25.00 + supplies); 7. More than one family member 2nd ('z base rate + supplies); 8. I.V. Fluid Administration ($5.00); DRUG ADMINISTRATION: 9. I.V. ($10.00),; 10. Nitrono:; ($10.00); 11. O,,z gen ($5.00); 12. Endotracheal Intubation ($5.00); 13. Esophageal Intubation ($5.00); 14. Cuffed endotracheal ($1.00); 15. Pediatric endotracheal tubes ($1.00); 16. Oropharyngeal airways ($1.00); 17. Nasopharyngeal airways ($1.00); 18. Cricothyroidotomy ($50.00); 600K 4982 PAGE 15 19. Code Blue (if survives)($150.00 + supplies); 20. Cardioversion (No charge); 21. Heart Monitor ($10.00); 22. Lasix 40mg ($3.00); 23. Intropine 400mg ($20.00); 24. Narcan 0.4mg ($5.00); 25. Epinephrine 1:1000 ($3.00); 26. Epinephrine 1:10,000 ($5.00); 27. Verapamil ($5.00); 28. Hyperstat ($35.00); 29. Glucagon ($20.00); 30. Isuprel ($20.00); 31. Decadron 20mg ($7.50); 32. Lidocaine 100mg ($3.00); 33. Lidocaine 2gms ($20.00); 34. Atropine lmg ($10.00); 35. CaCl 10% lgm ($10.00); 36. Benadryl 50mg ($10.00); 37. Valium 10mg ($15.60); 38. 50o Dextrose ($5.00); 39. 8.5% Solium Bicarb ($3.00); 40. Inderal lmg ($2.10); 41. Aminophylline ($20.00); 42. Pitocin ($5.90); 43. Nitro Tabs ($3.00); 44. Ipecac ($10.00); 45. O.B. Kit ($15.00); 46. Poison Kit ($20.00); 47. Burn Kit & Supplies ($50.00); BOOK 4982 PAGE 16 48. Ice or Hot packs ($2.50); 49. Misc. Medical Supplies ($10.00); 50. C Collar ($15.00); 51. Bretylol 50mg ($20.00) PASSED AND APPROVED this 4TH day of November, 1986. Kenneth M. Wood, Mayor ATTEST: Jane Buchanan, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney STATE OF OKLAHOMA TULSA COUNTY FILED OR RECORDED 1986 NOV 12 AM 9:04 JOAN HASTINGS TULSA COUNTY CLERK Published in the Owasso Reporter, Affidavit Of Publication Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, November 13,1986. CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO, 359 STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: SECTION 8.617 AMBULANCE SERVICE Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn AN ORDINANCE AMENDING IN ITS ENTIRETY SECTION 8617 OF and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the THE OWASSO CITY CODE PRO- VIDING FOR AMBULANCE SER- VICE RATES; REPEALING ALL Owasso Reporter a weekly ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF OR- DINANCESIN CONFLICT newspaper printed in the City of Tulsa HEREWITH AND SUBSTITUTING- THIS ORDINANCE IN LIEU OF ALL Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to EXISTING PROVISIONS OF SEC- TION 8817. OR- publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as DAI ED BY THEREFORE, HE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 THAT, Section 1. That Section 8817 of the City and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows, towit: all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with A. For ambulance service, the follow- ing charges shall be made: (1) Base Rate ($100,00 Basic Life $l� reference to legal publications. vane ed Life Support); (2)Transfer ($50.00 flat rate); (3) Waiting Time That said notice, a true copy of which is attached ($25.00 per hour); (4) U.A.D. (unattended dead) or D.O.A. (dead on arrival), no hereto, was published in the regular edition of said charge; (5) Mileage ($2.50 per mile); (6) NO-Haul ($25.00 + supplies); (7) More newspaper during the period and time of publication and than one family member uid (d base rate supplies); (8) LV. Fluid Administra- not inasu lenient, on the following dates: tion($5.00); DRUG ADMINISTRATION: PP g (9) I.V. ($10.00); (10) Nitronox ($10.00); Novanber 13 1986„ (11) Oxygen ($5.oO); (12) Endotracheal Intubation ($5.00); (13) Esophageal In- i tubation ($5.00); (14) Cuffed en -. doal ($1.00); (15) Pediatric en dotractracheal tubes ($1.00); (16) 6) Subscribed and sworn to before m is .15daOropharyngeal airways ($1.00); (17) Nasopharyngeal airways ($1.00); (18) CYicothyroidotomy ($50.00); (19) Code day of 198.F2 .. Blue (if survives ) ($150,00 + supplies); (20) Cardioversion. (No charge); (2 1) Monitor ($10.00); (22) Lasix 40mg ($3.00); (23) Itropine 400mg ($20.00); Notary Public epinephr epinephrine 1:1000 ($3.00); (26) Epinephrine 1:10,000 ($5.00); (27) My Commission expire Verapamil ($5.00); (28) Hyperstat (29) Glucagon ($20.00)7 (30) PUBLISHER'S FEE $39.44 Isuprel ($20.00); (31) Decadron 20mg ($7.50); (32). Irdocame 100mg ($3.00); (33) Lidocame 2gms ($20,00); (34) Atropine lmg ($10.00); (35) Cacl 10% lgm ($10.00); (36) Benadryl 50mg ($10.00); (37) Valium IOmg ($15.60); (38) 50% Dextrose ($5.00); (39) 8.5% Sodium Bicarb ($3.00); (40) Inderal long ($2.10); (45) O.B. Kit ($15.00); ($20,00); (47) Burn Kit & ); (48) Ice or Hot packs Misc. Medical Supplies C Collar ($15.00): (51) PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of November, 1986. /a/ Kenneth M. Wood Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Jane Buchanan City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ J. Douglas Mann City Attorney (SEAL) NN62