HomeMy WebLinkAbout424_Amend Part 12 Ch 2_Sign Ordinance_Ordinance 352 and 309aooK5300ptct 158 l 961446 ORDINANCE NUMBER 424 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN PARTICULAR PART 12 -- PLANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER 2 -- ZONING REGULATIONS, SECTION 202 -- SIGN REGULATIONS ADOPTED, AS SAME INCORPORATES LANGUAGE OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 309 AS AMENDED BY 352, AMEDNING SAME BY SUBSTITUTING THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT IN PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN SECTION 4 -- DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION J -- PROJECTION DEEMED NUISANCES; BY SUBSTIUTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN LIEU OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN SECTION 5 -- CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION A -- AREA MARKER; BY SUBSTITUTING THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT IN LIEU OF THE CITY COUNCIL UNDER SECTION 5 -- CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION H (2) RELATING TO TEMPROARY SIGNS, BY SUBSTITUTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN THE PLACE OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN SECTION 6 - - DISTRICT SIGN REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION A (1) BY SUBSTITUTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY COUNCIL IN SECTION 6 -- DISTRICT SIGN REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION E; BY REPEALING SECTIONS 7 AND 9 RELATING TO NONCNFORMING SIGNS AND APPEAL AND VARIANCE, DIRECTING CODIFICATION, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Section One: Part 12 -- Planning, Zoning and Development, Chap- ter 2 -- Zoning, Section 12- 202 - -Sign Regulations Adopted, incorpora- ting by reference Ordinance 309, as amended by Ordinance 352 relating to sign regulations be, and same hereby is amended in the following respects, to -wit: Section IV. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. J. Proiection Deemed Nuisances. All canopies, ropes, networks, banners, holiday decorations, posts, radio aerials, placed in or projecting over or across any street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, shall be deemed nuisances unless constructed and maintained under the conditions of this article. Provided, that permission may be granted by the Board of Adjustment to maintain a banner or holiday decoration across a street for a limited period of time upon the following terms and conditions: Section V. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. A. Area Marker. 1. Approval Required. Design, material, location, size, height and placement of area markers shall require the approval of the Planning Commission as a part of either the plat review for single- family development or the site plan for other types of development. Construction shall be carried out in a manner approved by the Building Inspector as to its support and safety. BOOK 5300 PAGE 159 H. Temporary Signs. 2. Projecting from Wall over Public Property. No temporary sign, except one approved by the Board of Adjustment, shall extend over or into any street, alley, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare a distance greater than four (4) inches from the wall upon which it is erected, and shall not be placed or project over any wall opening. K. Work of Art. Hereafter no work of art shall be applied to, erected or placed upon the exterior walls of any building within the City of Owasso without first being submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission. The request to allow a work of art shall be accompanied by plans and specifications which describe the proposed work of art, also location, appearance, color, texture, general design, use of material, orientation to other buildings and the relationship of such factors to features of buildings in the immediate surroundings. The Planning Commission may, when it deems proper, also require a complete model of work of art to be submitted. In determining the merits of the work of art, consideration should be given to insure that the work of art maintains the high character of community development and would not be detrimental to the stability of value and the welfare of surrounding property, structures, and residents, and to the general welfare and happiness of the community. Section VI. DISTRICT SIGN REGULATIONS. A. SECTION 320 ACCESSORY USES IN THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS 320.2 Accessory Use Conditions 1. Area Marker for identification of a subdivision or development are subject to approval of the Planning Commission. D. SECTION 1021 USE UNIT 21 BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 1021.8 Advertising signs allowed by special permit: 1. Advertising signs as defined in Section II(j) of this article, (billboards or poster boards) may not be constructed or erected in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma without the Planning Commission of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma first granting a special permit for such sign. 4. All advertising signs for which a special permit is granted by the Planning Commission of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall comply with the following standards: d. The ground area immediately around and upon which such advertising signs are located shall be landscaped in accordance with a sketch plan to be approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and such landscaping BOUX5300pir'c 160 shall be maintained and replaced as necessary to comply with such sketch plan. Section Two: That from and after the effective date hereof, Sections VII and IX of the sign regulations as adopted pursuant to Ordinance 309, as amended by Ordinance 352, as codified under Part 12 -- Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2 - -Sign Regulations, be and same hereby are repealed. Section Three: That Sections 1 through 5, and 8 as set forth by Ordinance Number 309 as amended by Ordinance Number 352 as well as the foregoing shall be codified as Appendix F to the Owasso Zoning Code. Section 6 of Ordinance Number 309 as amended by Ordinance Number 352 as well as amended above shall be codifed in the pertinent sections of the Owasso Zoning Code as indicated. Section Four: This ordinance shall, upon passage, take effect thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. Dated,this 20th day of November, 1990. AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Mark Thompson, Mayor Jane Buchanan, City Clerk pUBLISHER'S FEE $. OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE 00 ORDINANCES F09 ,THE CITY OF OWASSOOKLAHOMA, IN PARTICULAR PART 12J- PANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER 2-- ZONING REGULATIONS. SECTION 202—SIGN REGULATIONS ADOPTED. AS SAME INCORPORATES LANGUAGE OF ORDINANCE NUMINER, 309 AS AMENDED BY 354 AMENDING SAME BY SUBSTITUTING' THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT IN PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN SECTION 4--DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION J,PRO- JECTION DEEMED NUISANCES; BY SUBSTITUTING THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION IN LIEU OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN SECTION 5--CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION X--AREA MARKER; BY SUBSTITUTING THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT IN LIEU OF THE CITY COUNCIL UNDER SECTION 6--CONSTRUC- TION REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION H(2)RELATING TO TEMPO- RARY SIGNS, BY SUBSTITUTING THE PLANNIN COMISSION IN THE PLACE OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF G THE M CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN SECTION 6--DISTRICT REGULA- TIONS, SUBSECTION A(I) BY SUBSTITUTING THSIGN rz'PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY COUNCIL IN SECTION 6--DISTRICT SIGN REGULATIONS, SUBSECTION E; BY REPEALING SECTIONS 7 AND 9 RELATING TO NONCONFORMING SIGNSAND APPEAL AND VARIANCE, DIRECTING CODIFICATION, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA. THAT: . I Section One: Part 12—Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2-- Zoning, Section 12-202--Sign Regulations Adopted. Incorporating by refer- ence Ordinance 309. as amended by Ordinance 352 relating to sign regula- tions be, and same hereby Is amended In the followifig respects, t0-wit: Section IV. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. J. Pr6jectionbeemed Nuisances. All canopies, ropes, networks, banners. holiday decorations, posts, radio aerials, placed in or projecting over of across any street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, #hall be doomed nuisances unless constructed and maintained under the conditions of this article. Provided, that permission may be granted 0j the Board of Adjustment to maintain a banner or holiday decorallon across a street for a limited por od of time upon the following terms and conditions: Section V. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. rea Market. t. A. A Approval Requited. Design, material. ")on, size, height and placement of area markets *hall require the approval of the Planning Commission as a part of either the plat review for single-family development of the sae, - plan for other types of development. Construction shall be carried out In a manner approved by the Building Inspector as to Its support and safety. H. Temporary Signs. 2. Projecting from Wall over Public Property. No temporary sign, except one approved by the Board of Adjustment, shah extend over or Into any street, allay, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare a distance grower than four (4) inches from the wall upon which it is erected, and shall not be placed or project over any wall opening. K Work of Art. , Hereafter no work of art shall be applied to, erected or placed upon the exterior waft of any building within the City of Owasso without first being subrdtted to and approved by the Planning Commission. The request to allow,a work of art shall be accompanied by plans and specifications which describe the proposed work of art, also location, appearance, col- or, texture, general design, use of material, orientation 10 other buildings and the relationship of such factors to features of buildings In the Immodi- ale surroundings. The Planning Commission may, when it doom proper, also requite a complete model of work of art to be submitted. In deternrin• Ing the merits of the work of art, consideration should be given to Insure that the work of in maintains the high character of community develop- ment and would not be detrimental to the stability of value and the wel . fare of surrounding property, structures, and residents, and to the general welfare and happiness 0 the community. Section VI DISTRICT SIGN REGULATIONS. A. SECTION 320 ACCESSORY USES IN THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS NN62 320.2 Accessory Use Condition 1. Area Marker for Identification of a subdivision or development are subject to approval of the Planning Commission. D. SECTION 1021 USEAM I IT 21 BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 1021.8 Advertising signs allowed by special permit: i.Advenising signs as defined In Section IIQ) of this ai (billhoardo of, poster boards) may not be constructed of erected In the City 01OW2330. Oklahoma without the Planning Commission of the City of Owasso. Okla- homa first granting is special permit for such sign. 4. AN advertising sgns for which a special permit is granted by the Planning - Commission of the City of Owasso. Qklahorrw4 shall comply with the fol- standards: d. The ground area immediately around and upon which such advartis signs are'located shall be landscaped In accordance with a sketch plan to be approved by the Planning Commission of the City Of Owasso, OkIA-' horns, and such landscaping shall be maintained and replaced as noces, sary to comply with such sketch plan. Section Two: That from and after the affective date hereof. Sea" Vill and IX of the sign regulations as adopted pursuant to Ordinance 309, as an-ended by Ordinance 352; as codified under Pan 12--PlannIng, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2--Sign Regulations, be and same hereby are ispealed. Section Thies: That Sections 1 through 5, and $.as set forth by Ord[-