HomeMy WebLinkAbout436_Amend Part 4 Ch 1_Animan Regulations_Repealing License Requiring Registration91 033646 5354 0431 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO 436 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 4 - ANIMALS CHAPTER 1-- ANIMAL REGULATIONS, ARTICLE A -- GENERAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 4 -101 -- DEFINITIONS, AMENDING DEFINITIONAL SECTION, SECTION 4 -102 -- RELATING TO ANIMALS AT LARGE, AMENDING SAID SECTION TO PROVIDE FOR COUNCIL PROMULGATION OF POLICY FOR STERILIZATION AS A CONDITION TO RETURN IN LIEU OF PENALTY FOR DOG AT LARGE, SECTION 4- 110 -- RELATING TO KEEPING DOGS WITHIN CITY LIMITS; SANITATION, AMENDING SAME BY PROVIDING EXCEPTION THERETO FOR DOGS LESS THAN NINETY (90) DAYS OLD, ARTICLE B - -DOG AND CAT VACCINATION, TAGS AND TAX, SECTION 4 -121- -DOG TAX; REGISTRATION; TAG, REPEALING SAME, PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL REGISTRATION OF DOGS AND CATS, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Section 1: Part 4-- Animals, Chapter 1-- Animal Regulations, Article A-- General Provisions, Section 4 -101 -- Definitions, Sub - section 4- 101(4) "Kennel proprietor" is repealed and in lieu thereof there be provided the following, to -wit: "'Kennel proprietor' means any person who keeps or harbors more than two (2) dogs over the age of ninety (90) days old. Such person is presumed to operate a kennel whether it be for pleasure or profit, and classified as commercial in nature." Section 2: That Part 4-- Animals, Chapter 1-- Animal Regulations, Article A-- General Provisions, Section 4- 102 -- Animals Not be at Large is repealed and in lieu thereof there be provided the following, to -wit: "No owner shall permit any animal, including fowl, except any cat, owned, harbored or kept by him, to be at large within the City. It is unlawful for any animal, except a cat, to be at large at any time within the City. In alternative to the penalty as provided herefore under the provisions of Section 1 -108 of this Code, the owner of any animal impounded for the first time for being at large within the City may, in accordance with policies and procedures to be promulgated by the Chief of Police, select to have said dog sterilized; whereupon, no further penalty or cost shall be assessed for such dog being at large theretofore." Section 3: That Part 4-- Animals, Chapter 1 -- Animal Regulations, Article A-- General Provisions, Section 4- 110 -- Keeping Dogs within the City Limits; Sanitation shall be repealed and in lieu thereof there shall be provided as follows, to -wit: "A. It is unlawful for any person, other than a properly licensed kennel proprietor, to keep or maintain or permit or suffer to be kept or maintained, upon any property or premises within the city limits, more than two (2) dogs. This limitation shall not be applicable to any litter of puppies, for a period of ninety (90) days from birth, born unto any adult dog permanently maintained at such premises. 5354 0438 B. Such dogs shall be kept in any pen, lot or enclosure a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet in area, for each dog; or on a leash or chain of sufficient length or mobility as to permit each dog to occupy any area of not less than four hundred (400) square feet in area, which areas must be ten (10) feet or more in width, and shall not extend or protrude closer than or within twenty (20) feet from any street side property line of such premises. C. All owners or persons having charge or control of any premises where the keeping of dogs is permitted shall pick up and remove daily from the area within or upon which such dogs are kept or maintained, all dung and animal excrement, and shall thereupon place or cause same to be placed in an enclosed, fly -proof container. The owner shall further prevent any offensive, disagreeable, or noxious smell, stench or odor to arise from such area within or upon which any dog or dogs may be kept or maintained. Upon failure to comply with the provisions of this section, the keeping of dogs and the area within which same are confined or restrained shall be and constitute a nuisance, subject to abatement as provided in any other ordinance of the City pertaining to abating nuisances or dogs." Section 4: That Part 4-- Animals, Chapter 1-- Animal Regulations, Article B - -Dog and Vaccination, Tags and Tax, Section 4- 121 -Dog Tax; Registration; Tag, be repealed and in thereof there be provided as follows, to -wit: Section 4- 121(A): The owner of every dog or cat shall annually register the dog or cat by giving the City Clerk the name and address of the owner, the name, breed, color and sex of the dog or cat, as well as the date of vaccination and by whom vaccinated, and such other reasonable information as the City Clerk may request. Further, such registration tag provided to owner shall be displayed on the dog or cat at all times. Section 4- 121(B): It is the duty of the City Clerk to keep a register of all dog and cat registrations in the City, pursuant to the provisions hereof and such register shall show the date of the issuance of each registration, its date of expiration, the name of the owner, or the person in whose name the registration is issued and shall designate the size of the dog or cat and state as nearly as possible the age, sex, color and breed of such dog or cat. Such registration shall further show the date of vaccination and by whom vaccinated. Section 5: This ordinance shall, upon passage, take effect thirty (30) days from the of first publication as provided by state law. DATED this 20th day of August, 1991. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: John Phillips, Mayor ATTEST: Jane Buchanan, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney AffidaviLL Of Publicalloll STATE OF 01MAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss- Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn Published In the Owasso Reporter. Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- hornaj August 29, 1991. and authorized, says thut lie iB the 1)UH-Sher of the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA OWASSO REPORTER a weekly ORDINANCE NO 436 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO OWASSO PART 4-- ANIMALS. CHAPTER ANIMAL REGULATIONS, ARTI-, CLE A--GENERAL PROVISIONS, Tuley County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to SECTION 4-10 1 , AMENDING DEFINITIONAL —DEFINITIONS SEC- TION, SECTION 4-102-RELATING LARGE To ANIMALS AT . AMEND- publish iegni notices, advertisements and pubUcationg ING SAID SECTION TO PROVIDE FOR COUNCIL PROMULGATION no provided In Section 106 or Title 25, Oklahoma OF POLICY FOR STERILIZATION AS A CONDITION To RETURN IN LIEU OF PENALTY FOR DOG AT Matutes 1971 and 1983 tae nmended, and thereafter, LARGE, SECTION 4-110--RELAT- ING TO KEEPING DOGS WITHIN CITY LIMITS; SANITATION, AMENDING SAME BY PROVID- mid complies with all other requirements of Life laws ING EXCEPTION THERETO FOR DOGS LESS THAN NINETY (90) or Oklahoma with reference to legal publicaLions. DAYS OLD, ARTICLE B--DOG AND CAT VACCINATION, TAGS j AND TAX, SECTION 4 -121- -DOG That said notice, true copy or Which is attached TAX; REGISTRATION; , REPEALING SAME, PROVIDITAG NG FOR ANNUAL REGISTRATION OF heretu, was published in the regular edition or said DOGS AND CATS, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall, upon pas- newspaper during the period mid tione orpumcation, �, take effect thirty (30) days 81r,1011.1 the date of first publication as provided by state law acid nut In n suppleinent, oil Life follming dnLes- DATED this 20th day of August, August 29 1 1991. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: /s/ JOHN PHILLIPS ORDINAINCF 436 John Phillips, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ JANE BUCHANAN Jane Buchanan, City Clark Subscribed mid sworn io before ane this 30th APPROVED AS TO FORM: ist RONALD D. CATES dny w' at 199 1 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Note: A cornplele copy of this ordi- nance Is on file at the City Clerk's office. Notary Public MAR 2 0 1993 MY. Commission expires: PUBLISHER'S FE El 20.60