HomeMy WebLinkAbout459_Amend Part 5 CH 5_Liquefied Petroleum Gas_Section 5-5035530 2199 93 078935 ORDINANCE NUMBER 459 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 5 BUILDING REGULATIONS AND CODES, CHAPTER 5, LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS, SECTION 5 -503, LOADING INTO CONTAINERS IN EXCESS OF 250 POUNDS PROHIBITED AMENDING SAME BY MODIFICATION OF SUCH PROVISIONS IN TERMS OF MEASUREMENT AS WELL AS QUANTITY, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE D BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION 1: Part 5, Building Regulations and Codes, Chapter 5, Liquified Petroleum Gas, Section 5-503 - Loading Into Containers In Excess of 250 Pounds Prohibited, shall be amended to provide as follows, to-wit: SECTION 5-503: LOADING INTO CONTAINERS IN EXCESS OF 500 GALLONS PROHIBITED It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to do any bulk loading into approved I.C.C. containers whose capacity exceeds five hundred (500) gallons of liquified petroleum gases. In such an event transfer of gases will be made at least ten (10) feet from any building and not more than two (2) of the containers should be on premises at same time. It is unlawful to unload any railroad tank car, tank, truck or trailer of liquified petroleum gas within the city limits of the city. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. APPROVED this 16th day of March, 1993. Patricia K. Marlar, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Affidavit of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss.. Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a new;spaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of `Witte 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. T'hat said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not In a supplement, on tlae following dates: March 25, 1993. PUBLISHERS FEE $ 93.65 requesting Triat saia property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso Is submitted; and WHEREAS, notice of the pre- sentation of said Petition was given by the Petitioner by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published In the City Of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said Petition would be considered by the City Council of the City of Owasso, at a meeting to be hold on March 16. 1993 at 7:00 PM at the Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, on the 16th day of March, 1993, said Petition was duly considered by the City Council and was determined to have compiled with the provisions of Title 11 Sec. lion 21-103, of seq., of the HOMA. Section 1. That the following described territory lying In Tulsa County, Oklahoma which is contigu- ous to the present corporate limits of the City of Owasso and described in the Petition presented to the City Council In accordance with the provisions of Title 11 Sec. lion 21-103, et seq., of the bk1a. homa Municipal Code, and more Particularly described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a Point 203.2 Feet East of the Northwest cornet of the NE/4 NW/4 NW /4, thence 105.8 feet East to a Point, thence 329.1 Feet South to a Point, thence 1106.8 Feet woo to a Point, "W" 399.1 Feet North to a Point of Beginning, Seotion, 32. To". ship 21 North. Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklalimm be, and the same It hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the 01y Of Owasso, Okla. homa. and the corporate limits /a/ Patricia K Ma Patricia K Marlar, Ma ATTEST: /s/ Marcia Boutwell APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Ronald D Cates I Ronald D Cates, City Attorney ORDINANCE NUMBER 459 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARTS BUILDING REGULATIONS AND CODES, CHAPTER. 5, LIQ- UEFIED PETROLEUM GAS, SEC- TION 5-503, LOADING INTO CON- TAINERS IN EXCESS OF 250 POUNDS PROHIBITED AMEND- ING SAME BY MODIFICATION OF SUCH PROVISIONS IN TERMS OF MEASUREMENT AS WELL AS QUANTITY, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT lows, to-wit SECTION 5-503: LOADING INTO CONTAINERS IN EXCESS OF 5500 GALLONS PROHIBITED It Is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to do any bulk loading into approved I.C.C. containers whose Capacity exceeds five hundred (600) gallons of liquefied Petroleum gases. In such an event transfer of gases will be made at least ton (10) feet from any building and not more than two (2) of the con- talners should be on promises at same time. It Is unlawful to unload any railroad tank car, tank, truck or trailer of Pique tied, Petroleum gas within the city limits of the city. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall, upon passage, become effec- tive thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PROVED this 16th day of March, 1993. Memorandum TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: BOB ALLEN FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVISE ORDINANCE 1!459 DATE: March 13, 1996 BACKGROUND: In November 1992, Mr Pat Conley with Equipment One Rental Company requested the Fire Department to perform an inspection of his business for the purpose of installing an LPG tank. After completion of the inspection, Mr Conley was notified that the proposed site was acceptable and conformed to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements. In December 1992, Mr Conley filed a request to increase the size of the LPG tank from one thousand (1000) pounds to five hundred (500) gallons. Mr Conley's request was denied due to the fact that he was unable to comply with all the NFPA requirements. In January 1993, Mr Conley refiled his request to allow for the installation of an LPG container larger than one thousand (1000) pounds. In March 1993, Mr Conley was granted approval to install a five hundred (500) gallon L.P.G. tank. The approval contained the following restrictions: 1. Must be approved by State LPG Administrator 2. Must be in compliance with Owasso Code of Ordinances 3. Must have a final inspection conducted by the Owasso Fire Department 4. LPG tank must be placed at least 10 feet from the building and at least 10 feet from the property line REQUEST TO REVISE ORDINANCE #459 MARCH 13, 1996 PAGE 2 Currently Equipment One is located at 7808 Owasso Expressway. Equipment One is in the process of constructing a new and larger facility at 11421 E 80th St N. Equipment One submitted plans for their new building. They also requested to increase the LPG container from five hundred (500) gallons to one thousand (1000) gallons. The Fire Department has conducted a review of NFPA requirements. Also, we have completed an impact study of surrounding cities. The result of our impact study indicated that if the applicant complied with NFPA 58 and all safety measures were completed, one thousand (1000) gallon LPG containers are approved. Also, the state LPG Administrator has reviewed Equipment One's request and has approved the installation of a larger LPG tank contingent on compliance with City Ordinances. RECOMMENDATION: After careful review of NFPA requirements and the approval from State LPG Administrator, we recommend approval of ordinance #521 increasing from 500 gallons to 1000 gallons the maximum capacity of an LPG container lawful within the corporate limits. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Mr Ray dated December 28, 1992 2. Memorandum from Chief Allen March 8, 1993 3. Ordinance #378 4. Ordinance #459 5. Ordinance #521 MAR -11 -1996 97:56 CITY OF OWASSO 918 272 4999 P.93 City of Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX I so OWASSO. OKLAHOMA 74055 December 28, 1992 Equipment One Mr. Patrick O. Conley 7808 N. Mingo Valley expressway Owasso, OK 74055 Dear W. Conley: (918) 272 -2251 FAX. (918) 272.4999 The Owasso Code of Ordinances (Building Regulations and Codes Chapter 5 Section #501 -503 and related Ordinance #3t8) allows the installation of propane tanks within the City of Owasso. Such installation must 1 conform to the restrictions contained within the Code of Ordinances and 2) be approved by the state's L.P.G. Administrator prior to installation. Equipment One has made application to the City of Owasso for permission to install one (1,000 pound capacity) propane! tank at 7808 N. Mingo Valley Expressway. Initial review of the site and the application indicates that the request will meet the applicable restrictions of the ordinance. A final inspection, however, must be accomplished after installation to insure compliance. After the City receives notice of installation and approved confirmation from the state L.P.G. Administrator, a final in Lion will be conducted by the Fire Department. Ordinance #502 does allow the installation of such tanks, therefore, the city cannot and will not prohibit such installation provided the requirements of the ordinance are met. At this point, the Fire Department has informed this office that the proposed site is acceptable and can meet these requirements. Since 7. ay City Manager Attachments: . Owasso Code of Ordinances Section 5 Ordinance #378 MAR -11 -1996 07:56 CITY OF OWASSO 918 272 4999 R.04 memorandum TO: Rodney Ray, City Manager FROM: Bob Allen, Fire Chief !�t SUBJECT: Owasso Code of Ordinances Section 5 -503 DATE: March 8, 1993 In March of 1488 we requested the council approve passage of ordinance 378. i The ordinance consisted of increasing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (L.P.G) containers from two hundred fifty (250) pounds to one thousand (1000} pounds. This change was requested by U -Haul Trailers. The owners stated that it was not financially feasible to install L.P.G containers any smaller than one thousand (1000) pounds. !After carefully reviewing National Fire Protection Association (N.>;.P.A.) standard 58, the Fire Department recommended approval of ordinance 378. In November of 992, Mr. Pat Conley with Equipment One, requested the Fire Department to inspect his business for the purpose of installing an L�P.G. tank. After completion of the inspection, Mr. Conley was notified that the proposed site was acceptable and could meet all N.F.P.11. requirements. In December of 1992, Mr. Conley requested to install an L.P.G. container over one thousand (1000) pounds. Mr. Ccnley's request was denied by the Fire Department because his request was not in compliance with Section 5 -503 in Owasso code of ordinances. Also, Mr. Conley received a letter from your office confirming the Fire Departments decision. In January of this year, Mr. Conley refiled his request to allow the installation of:an L.P.G. container larger than one thousand (1000) pounds. In consideration of Mr. Conley's request, I have finished my review of the standards and regulations concerning L.P.G container installation. very three (3) years, the Fire Departments N.F.P.A, standards are updated. Depending on the code or standard, some are updated annually. The N.F.P.A. standard dealing with L.P.G was updated in 1992[. The update now allows for the .installation of five hundred (500) gallon L.P.G containers to be utilized. :also, the N.F.P.A. standard allows for the L.P.G. containers to be placed ten (10) feet fxiom the building and ten (10) feet from the property line. The previous N.F.P.A. standard was thirty (30) feet from the building and tVienty five (25) feet from the property line. The updated N.F.P.A} standard allows for more flexibility in placement of the L.P.G. container at Mr. Conley's business. MAR -11 -1996 07 :55 CITY OF OWASSO 919 272 4999 P.e2 684599 CITY OF OWASSO,OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NUMBER: 378 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART FIVE BUILDING REGULKTIONS AND CODES, CHAPTER FIVE LIQUEFIED PBTR GAS, AMENDING SECTION 5- 503 - LOADING INTO AI27ER5 IN EXCESS OF Two HUNDRED FIFTY POUND PROHIBITED- ZNCRLASING THE SIZE OF CO HERS AUTHORIZED FOR LOADING LIQUEFIED FETRO GAS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF CITY, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Be IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, Seetiont One: Section 5 -503 - Loading Into Containers In Excess 0$ Two Hundred Fifty Pounds (2501 Prohibited of the Code of (Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, be and same herby is amended to provide as follows, to -wit: It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corpo {{ation to do any bulk loading into appro+(ed Z.C.C. containers whose capacity exceeds One Thousand (1000) pounds of liquefied petroleum gases. In such an event trans.er of gases will be made at least thirty (30) eet from any building and not more than two 2) of the containers should be On premis at same time. It is unlawful to unload of any railroad tank car, tank, truck or trailer of liquefied petroleum gas within the c ty limits of the City. Section Zero: That the provisions hereof shall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days after the date of first public tion hereof As provided under the laws of the State of Okl Noma. Attest: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA A Municipal Corporation von E. Stockier, Mayor MAR -11 -1996 07:55 CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NUMBER 459 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 912 272 4999 P.01 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 5 BUILDING REGfJLATIONS AND CODES, CHAPTER 5, LIQUIFIED FE70LEUM GAS, SECTION 5 -503, LOADING INTO CO AINERS IN EXCESS OF 250 POUNDS PROHIBITED ANIFINDING SAME BY MODIFICATION OF SUCH PROVISIONS IN'iFRMS OF MEASUREMENT AS WELL AS QUANTITY, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ' BE rf ORDAWV D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION 111 Part 5, Building Regulations and Codes, Chapter 5, Liquified Petroleum Gas, Section 5- 503' - Loading Into Containers In Excess of 250 Pounds Prohibited, shall be amended to provide as follows, to-wit: S�'j'fON 515t)q; I OADINO INTO CONTAINEBa IN EXCES F 500 GALLONS prohibited It is unlawfu for any person, firm, Or corporation to do any bulk loading into approved I.C.C. containers whose capacity exceeds five hundred (500) gallons of liquified petroleum gases. In such an Bent transfer of gases will be made at least ten (10) feet from an building and not more than two (2) of the containers should be on premises at same time, it is unlawful to unload any railroad tank tank, truck or trailer of liquified petroleum gas within th city limits of the city. SECj (ON 2:1 This ordinance shall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days from thi date of first publication as provided by state law. APPROVED this 16th day of March, 1993. Marcia Boulwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO; FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Patricia K. Maxlar, Mayor