HomeMy WebLinkAbout507_Amending Court FinesV 9 5, U 4 Y T) 4 2 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I ORDINANCE NO. 507 BE TIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT- Section I : Part 6 - Court, Chapter I - Murflicipal Court, Section 6-138 - Fines and Costs of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended in the following manner to provide, to-wit Section 2 This Ordinance shall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by State Law. APPROVED this -Z2&Way of 1995. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPWTED AS TO FORIVt D. Cates, City Attorney 2 '/80-288.or4 Cirarles L. Burr-is, Mayor L M ' # STATE OF OKLIA110MA, TI;T1aSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahioma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements, and publications aa5 ~J r olot u e d' In Section i0G of li"Ie 25, Vk A a h o Tna Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: JUNE 29 ,199 5 S<ubscrib, than ',,-g,' prn.to before me this 29f-h d`ay �f June ,199_5_ 10 Notary Public My Commission expires: March 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S F'EE $ 44.75 Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, July 29, 1995. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 507 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 6 - COURT, CHAPTER 1 MUNICIPAL COURT, SECTION 6 -138, FINES AND COSTS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY PROVIDING A DESIGNATION THAT FIVE DOLLARS ($S.00) FROM EVERY FINE IMPOSED BY THE MUNICI- PAL COURT FOR VIOLATION OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES WILL BE EARMARKED FOR UTILIZATION BY THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL TRAIN- ING AND THE PURCHASE OF POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIP- MENT AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWAS- SO, OKI- AHOMA, THAT. Section 9: Part 6 - Court Chapter 1 - Municipal Court, Section 6 -138 - Fines and Costs of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Okla- homa, is hereby amended in the following manner to provide, to-wk: If Judgement of conviction Is entered, the clerk of the court shall tax the costs to the defendant In an amount to be determined by the gov- erning body by motion or resolution from time to time, plus the fees and mileage of Jurors and witnesses, all of which the defendant shall pay, in addition to any fine that may be imposed. Five Dollars ($5.00) from every fire levied per conviction for violation of the munlcl. pal code of ordinances shall he earmarked and designated for use In the training of police department personnel as wail as the Purchase of police depWobant equipmem Section 2• This Ordinance mall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as Provided by State Law. APPROVED this 20th day of June, 1995 SEAL ATTEST: /s/ Marcia Boutwell Marcia Boutweil, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Ronald D. Cates Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney /a/ Charles Burris Charles Burris, Mayor It\ 1Dlu TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FINES LEVIED FOR POLICE TRAINING (ORDINANCE 507) DATE: June 16, 1995 BACKGROUND: Law Enforcement liability issues resulting from lack of training are becoming prevalent in many cities today. Lack of funding is not an acceptable reason for a deficiency in training requirements. Currently, there is no method in place to ensure that Owasso has a consistent comprehensive training program for law enforcement. This memo provides exploration into an alternative which will meet this need. The City of Owasso operates a court system which is not a court of record. There are statutory limitations which apply to the collection of fines and court costs. In addition to fines levied for violations, state statutes authorize municipalities to adopt ordinances which set aside money from the fines collected, for police training and purchase of police equipment. In addition to the basic fines levied by the city, statutes mandates an additional $7.00 be collected from each citation. This money is divided between the Council for Law Enforcement Education and Training, (CLEFT) and Automated Fingerprint Identification System, (AFIS). Oklahoma Statute, Title 11 section 1313.2 allows an additional $15.00 in court costs to be collected by the city. Currently, the city collects the maximum amount allowed by statute. The staff proposes for your consideration, approval of an ordinance which mandates that $5.00 from each citation collected, be set aside to provide necessary police training and purchase of equipment. Many cities have adopted ordinances which earmark portions of fines to assist with costs of training and operation of the police department. I have enclosed copies of ordinances in place from the cities of Harrah, Collinsville and Cleveland. The passage of this ordinance would have an impact on the general fund. Those offenses where the maximum fine is already collected would require $5.00 to go to police training fund, thereby reducing the general fund revenue by $5.00 for each of those tickets. It should be noted, however that this amount is not expected to greatly impact the general fund. Ordinance #507 June 16, 1995 Page 2 Since only the presiding judge has the authority to increase the amount of fines imposed, contact has been made with Judge Hilsabeck and the prosecuting attorney for the City who are receptive to increasing the bond schedule an additional $5.00 for all offenses which are not yet at their maximum (except parking violations). In most offenses, the maximum amount of fines has not been assessed. In those offenses where the maximum fine amount is already imposed, (primarily drug and alcohol offenses), no increase could take place. A complete list of all fines is enclosed for your review. Attached for your review is a five year comparison of citations issued and the impact a collection of $5.00 per citation would generate. These funds would be extremely helpful in projects that the police department desperately needs. YEAR # OF CITATIONS 1990 3195 1991 3606 1992 3907 1993 3562 1994 2232 1995 2085* $5.00 COLLECTION $15,975 $18,030 $19,535 $17,810 $11,160 $10,425 *The 1995 figure was obtained by estimating the total number of citations expected for this year by the number of citations written from January through April of 1995. 695 citations written in four months X 3 = 2,085. Based on the lowest number of citations written, the expected gain to the training effort can be estimated at approximately $10,000, annually. These funds can be dedicated to the training of the police department, thus freeing up an equaled amount to be used in other critical areas. If activity increases and this fund surpasses the expected minimum amounts, additional police equipment may be purchased with these funds. COMMENTS: 1. On June 13, 1995 the City Council conducted a public hearing for the purpose of gathering citizen input and comments regarding this proposed ordinance. Approximately twenty -five people attended the public hearing and none offered comments regarding proposed ordinance 507. 2. If adopted, this ordinance would become effective on July 22, 1995 and the set -aside would begin at that time. Ordinance #507 June 16, 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council adoption of ordinance 507. ATTACIIIVIENTS: 1. Owasso Ordinance 507 2. Current Bond Schedule OWASSO BOND SCHEDULE OFFENSE STATUTE BOND ADD15? MAND. COURT? Actual Physical Control 15- 524/15 -525 $222 N Y Animal at Large 4 -102' $53 * Y N Animal Registration 4 -121 $53 * Y N Animal Vaccination 4 -120 $53 * Y N Assault and Battery 10 -501 $103 * N Y „ Barking Dog 4 -107 $53 * Y N Careless Driving 15 -523 $100 * Y N Carry Concealed Weapon 10 -306 $103 * N Y Child Restraint Violation 15 -104 SS $32 * Y N Curfew Violation 10-410 $63 * N Y Deface City Property 10 -219 $63 * N Y Defective Equipment 15 -303 $43 * Y N Discharge Weapon, Throw Missle 10 -309 $63 * Y Y Disobey Stop 15-603 $53 * Y N Disturbing the Peace 10 -301 $103 * Y Y Driving Under Suspension 15 -212 $68 * Y Y Driving Under the Influence 15 -524 $222 N Y Driving While Impaired 15 -525 $222 N Y Eluding or Attempt to Elude 10-616 $222 N Y Excessive Acceleration 15-401 c6 $53 * Y N Failure to Yield at Intersection 15 -540 $63 * Y N Failure to Yield at Yield Sign 15 -542 $63 * Y N Failure to Yield from Parked Position 15 -551 $63 * Y N Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle 15 -216 $63 * Y N False Alarm Trip 10 -312 sec 13 $63 * Y N Fireworks Prohibited 10 -304 $63 * Y N Following Too Closely 15 -508 $63 * Y N Handicapped Parking Violation 15 -719 $55 Y N Improper Backing 15 -519 $63 * Y N Improper Lane Use 15 -501 $53 * Y N Improper Parking 15 -721 $15 Y N Improper Passing 15 -503 $53 * Y N Inattentive Driving 15 -527 $100 * Y N Indecent Exposure 10-406 $103 * N Y Inspection Sticker 15 -306 $43 * Y N Insurance Verification 15 -225 $83 * Y N * denote $5.00 increase proposed OFFENSE STATUTE BOND ADD152 COURT? Leave Scene P/D Accident 15 -217 $83 * Y Y License Tag Violation 15 -213 $43 * Y N Loud Music 10 -311 $63 * Y Y Malicious Mschief 10 -222 $63 * N Y Meeting or Overtaking School Bus 15 -516 $83 * 'Y N No Drivers License 15 -211 $53 * N Y No Drivers License on Person 15 -211 $43 * Y N Obscene Language 10 -301 $103 * Y N Parked Over 48 Hours 15 -704 $15 Y N Passing in No Passing Zone 15 -509 $53 * Y N Permit Unauthorized Person to Drive 15 -214 $53 * Y N Petit Larceny 10 -201 $122 * N Y Possession of Alcohol by Minor 3 -207 $78 * N Y Possession of Beer by Minor 3 -207 $78 * N Y Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 10-403 $222 N Y Possession of Marijuana 10-402 $222 N Y Public Intoxication 10-401 $53 * N Y Reckless Driving 15 -522 $122 * Y Y Remaining On School Property 10 -314 $63 * Y Y Resisting Arrest 10 -601 $222 N Y Seat Belt Violation 15 -308 $32 * N N Skateboarding on Roadway 15 -207 $53 * Y N Speeding (1 -10 over) 15-401 $53 * Y N Speeding (11 -20 over) 15-401 $63 * Y N Speeding (20+ over) 15-401 $83 * Y N Speeding SZ (1 -10 over) 15-401 $73 * Y N Speeding SZ (11 -20 over) 15-401 $83 * Y N Speed Too Fast for Conditions 15-403 $53 * Y N Transport Open Container - Alcohol 3 -118 $78 * Y Y Transport Open Container -Beer 3 -211 $78 * Y Y Trespassing 10 -215 $103 * N Y Traffic Not Listed 15 -104 $53 * Y N Non - Traffic Not Listed 3 -108 $63 * Y N * denote $5.00 increase proposed