HomeMy WebLinkAbout519_Adopting a Code of OrdinancesCity of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 930 DEPOSIT RECEIPT The undersigned, being the duly appointed law librarian for the County of Rogers, State ®f Oklahoma hereby acknowledge deposit, free of cost, by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, containing all of the ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma of a general and permanent nature passed to and still in effect as of the 20th day offebivary, 1996, as supplemented through ordinance 521 dated the 19th day March, 1996, all in accordance with 11 0 - S. 4-1 10 - -7'-,o-/- Rogers County Lama n ER e10 1K IJ City of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 DEPOSIT RECEIPT Thle unders-Toned, being +11' 01"U'dy appo- 'nted lawilbrarian lbr the County of Tulsa, State of Okiaillotna hereby acknowledge de-posit, free of cost, by the City of'Owasso, Oklahoma of the Code Of Ordinances of the City ®f Owasso, Oklahoma, containing all of the ordinances of the City of Owasso, acoma of a general and permanent nature passed to and still Iin effect as of the Okl 20th day of February, 1996, as supplemented through ordinance 521 dated the 19th day March, 1996, al", 'In accordance with I i C. S. 14 -110. Tulsa County Law Librarian -1� -y. "CP-1- 8 9 6 7 4 2 C L LA� Lf�," J NA-S 147"561 a /P DCO"Ll 960206-"L8 P B j City of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 DEPOSIT RECEIPT Thle unders-Toned, being +11' 01"U'dy appo- 'nted lawilbrarian lbr the County of Tulsa, State of Okiaillotna hereby acknowledge de-posit, free of cost, by the City of'Owasso, Oklahoma of the Code Of Ordinances of the City ®f Owasso, Oklahoma, containing all of the ordinances of the City of Owasso, acoma of a general and permanent nature passed to and still Iin effect as of the Okl 20th day of February, 1996, as supplemented through ordinance 521 dated the 19th day March, 1996, al", 'In accordance with I i C. S. 14 -110. Tulsa County Law Librarian L R K 0, A S T 1, G S R r-- P 1 5 6/ 6 0 2 4 o 9 L 7, 7 --33 9 0 1 834 `2 02994 ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 519 CITY OF OWASSO P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 7405' SECTION I TITLE, A code and revision of the ordinances of the City of Owasso is hereby adopted as the "Code of Ordinances, City of Owasso, Oklahoma," or by any other properly identifying designation. Z� This code shall be treated and considered as a new and comprehensive ordinance of the city which shall supersede all other general and permanent ordinances enacted by the council on or before February 20, 1996, except such as by reference thereto are expressly saved from repeal or continued in force and effect for any purpose. SECTION3 EFFECTIVE DATE OF CODE, REPEAL All provisions of this code shall be in full force and effect from the date this ordinance becomes law. All ordinances of a general and permanent nature of the city in effect on or before February 20, 1996, and not in the code or recognized and continued in force by reference herein and which are in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed from and after the effective date of this ordinance, except as hereinafter provided. SECTION 5 CODE NOT NEW ENACTMENT. u n The provisions appearing in this --ode, so far as they are the same as those ordinances existing at the time of the effective date of this code, shall be considered as continuations thereof and not as new enactments- 1081=11111 Ordinances and parts of ordinances of a permanent and general nature passed or adopted on 4n and after the effective date of this code may be passed or adopted either: an the form of amendments to the code of ordinances adopted by this ordinance; or 2. Without specific reference to the code. In either case, all such ordinances and parts of ordinances shall be deemed amendments to the code. All of the substantive permanent and general parts of such ordinances and changes made thereby in the code, shall be inserted and made in the code whenever authorized or directed by motion, resolution or ordinance of the council, as provided hereinafter. code still in existence, shall be deposited in the office of the city clerk. The city clerk, if possible, OD shall notify each holder of a copy of the original code about the availability of the change or supplement. A0, SECTION 8 SAL E OF COPIES OF THE CODE U CI o", E , - , t 9 I The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to sell copies of the code of ordinances to the public at a price determined from time to time by motion or resolution of the city council. SECTION 9 COPY OF CODE IN CLERKS OFFICE. A copy of the current code as amended or supplemented from time to time shall be kept on file in the office of the city clerk. This copy of the code shall be available for all persons desiring to examine it-, it shall be certified by the city clerk as may be required. SECTION 10 PREPARATION OF CODE. The code of ordinances hereby adopted consists of Seventeen (17) Parts, all of which have been examined, considered and approved by the council of the City of Owasso and adopted by compliance with Sections 14-109 et seq. of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes. SECTION I I EMERGENCY. Reference being made to "Section T' hereinbefore set out, it is immediately necessary for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the city and the inhabitants thereof, that the provisions of this code not heretofore enacted be put into full force and effect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, as provided by law. Passed and approved in the council meeting this 20th day of February, 1996. I Charles L. Burris, Mayor C--, I-,,,UIIUIU IJ. �dLtS, �- Ay YALLUIIICY b 9 Emergency Clause passed this 20th day of February, 1996. Charles L. Burris, Mayor 2 it AX TE5 , Vk Marck Bou well, City Clerk MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION TO ADOPT A RECODIFIED CODE OF ORDINANCES - ORDINANCE #519 & RESOLUTION #96 -02 DATE: February 16, 1996 In October 1995, the City Attorney was authorized to initiate a recodification of all city ordinances, and computerization of the city's "Code of Ordinances ". The purpose of the project was to effect a long -term cost savings and provide users of the Code with a document that is always up to date in terms of new or amended ordinances. State law (O.S. 11, Section 14 -108 & 109) currently requires that cities compile and publish its penal code every ten years and that every two years it publish a supplement to the permanent "Code of Ordinances ". That process is designed to require cities to update their codes on a regular basis. The normal cost of a two -year update is approximately $2000. The cost of the required ten -year recodification is estimated to be in excess of $8000. However, by utilizing a continuing updated system whereby each ordinance is codified as it is passed by the Council, the ten -year publication requirement is not applicable, and the two -year process is reduced to passage of a simple resolution. Therefore, by automating the "Code of Ordinances ", the city will save money and provide those who use the document with a more efficient and effective tool. By comparison, the total cost of the automation and printing of this project will not exceed the cost of the two -year publication requirement. Simply put, the city will recover its cost in the first two -year period and will begin realizing a savings after that time. Total estimated net savings over a ten -year period is $20,000 (after projecting a 10 -year cost of $6000 to perform continuous codification of each ordinance as passed and printing /distribution). Ordinance #519, if adopted, will enact a "Code of Ordinances" for the city of Owasso as recodified by the City Attorney. It provides for an effective date of February 20, 1996, continues in force all ordinances existing at that date, provides for continuous updates as ordinances are passed, provides for distribution to all parties of record, authorizes the sale of the code and provides for an emergency clause allowing for immediate enactment. ADOPT CODE OF ORDINANCES FEBRUARY 16, 1996 PAGE 2 Additionally, Resolution #96 -02 (Agenda Item #16) is an important piece of this project. The Resolution is required to ensure that public notice is given and that copies of the recodified Code are filed with proper officials of Tulsa and Rogers Counties. The Resolution also requires that newspaper publication of a summary of the Code by accomplished. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the following Council actions: 1. Adoption of Ordinance #519 - agenda item #14 2. Attachment of an Emergency Clause to Ordinance #519 - agenda item #15 3. Adoption of Resolution #96 -02 - agenda item #16 ATTACHMF,NTS: 1. Ordinance #519 - attachment #14 2. Resolution #96 -02 - Attachment #16 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA TULSA COUNTY, as: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER a weekly ncwspnpor printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahoma, n ncwPpnper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1963 as amended, and :}.creartcr, and complies with all other requirements or :he laws of Oklollomn with reference to legal publications. That said notice, u true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of Fublicntion and not in n supplement, on the following dates: FEBRUARY 29 199 6 • � O S a -OC Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of February 199 6 Notary Public My Commission expires: March 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEES 64.50 Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tuba County, Oklahonu, February28.1s98. RESOLUTION NO 9602 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE OWASSO CITY CODE WHEREAS, the City Is required to publish he code of mrtpiled penal ordinances and to deposit a airy of the code with the Tulsa and Ropers county law library pursue a a Section, 14 -109 and 14.110 d Title 11 d the Grail 9arNes; and WHEREAS, the city Is required to adapt a resolution not"'np the public of the publication d its code pursuant b Satan 14110 d TXIe 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes and to Ills a copy of the rescluan M the office of the county dark and In the orrice d the supreme Court: and WHEREAS, the city Is required, pursuant to Sections 147071N and 14 108 of TIOa 11 d the Oklahoma Statutes. to make Wind publication by pub. fishing one thha and a condensed gat or sunmary thereof of said Code; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CRY OF OWASSO; THAT the public Is hereby Wi ied of the pubGalkm of hie Cade of Ordl- nonce, and IM ooples of the code are awlable lot miew In the of ics of the city dark; and! THAT the code c«sats of seventeen titan. Wad hereinafter. 1. General Plovalo s: 2. Admfrlisuaion and Gwernmed; 3. Ncoholic Beverages; 4. Admds; S. Building Regulators and Codes; 6. Court; 7. Finance and Tsucon, 6. Heakh and Sanitation; 9. Licensing and Business Regulators; 10. onerous and Cddes; 11. Parks. Recreation and Cultural Main, 12. Planning. ZD Ing end Developnlanb 13. Public Safety; 14. Susan and PW1C Works; 15. Traffic and vehicles; IS. Trasponaran; and 17. UU1110L THAT the city Clark shall cause to be read one copy of this resolution with the office d the county darn of Tulsa County; and THAT tie city dark shelf cause one copy of this resolution and one copy of the code to be lked with the Law Library of Tuna County and Rogers Cony; and THAT the clerk shall keep a least three M copies of the Owasso Code of Ordinances In the office of IM city clerk for public use, Inspection and Inarrtnabn. ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1996, by the Chy Council of the City of Owasso. W CHARLES L BURRIS Charles L Burns. Mayor SEAL ATTEST; W MARCIA BOUiWELL .. Mara Bormwt City Cad W RONALD D. CATES Ronald D Cates, City Ananey Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA TULSA COUNTY, as: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, snys that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, odverLisemerlLs and publications as provided in Section 105 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1963 ns amended, and LhcrenRer, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklollomn with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is ntlnched hereto, wits published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publicntion and not in n supplement, on the following dates: FEBRUARY 29 ,199 6 a�"i a Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of February 199 6 Notary Public My Commission expires: March 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 165.56 Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, rules County, Oki hog( February 29, 1986. ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 619 i AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A CODE OF OR[ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWAS =; SO, OK A140MA: SECTION 1 TITLE, `y A code and rwfelon of the Ordinances of the City of Owasso Is Mtab�! adopted a& the -Code of Ordinances. City of Owasso. OklahoffW orb any other property ldmillying deslgnadon. SECTION2 CODE SUPERSEDES OTHER ORDINANCES. 'M This code shall be treated and considered as a new, and cotrPrralla ordinance of the city which Shall supersede all other general and par front ordinances enacted by the council on or before February 20, 1 except such as by reference thereto are expressly saved from fepeatl continued In force and affect far any purpose. ki SECTION EFFECTIVE DATE OF CODE. REPEAL �p All provisions of this code shall be In full force and effect from the this ordinance becomes law. All ordinances of a general and perm, ' nature of the city In allow on or before February 20, 1996, end no Im ha code or recognized and continued In force by reference heron and wfii);h.: are In conflict herewith, are hereby repeated from and after the effeclNel date of this Ordinance, except as hereinafter prwl0ed. SECTION4 ORDINANCES NOT REPEALED. 't The repeal provided for N Section 3 hereof shell not affect any camso Or: W committed or done or anypenalty or lorfeaure Incurred or my comrdct; or right established or accrulno before the effective date of this erdinaroo: ma regmarions w rasmuaon of me with the provblons of the code; nor chlse granted by any Ordinance or son, firm or corporation; nor mall I Ing, namingg establishing, locating, &(feel or publk way In the city; nor r or salary Ordinance; nor shall the Imposing taxes; nor shall the rapes prescrting the street grades of an affect any ordinance providing It charges lherelor, or shall the rep limits of the city, nor shall the rape+ or pan thereof that has been repea 1� • 'H131V180W3W 'S ZV6E M: 'bq;SIFmLZ9 33f txmi . SnlddnS a3Sn • 51008 Ana m S(1'1dUnS _ (ologd pau!tugnS) „i3ualfu(liilB a;atai;ln pus alaidtaoo„ ao; a ;ti sagaaeae I�Qa� aq se uiddid ;o am13 pas 1 a31i ag3 saasa3 Lnaisnii 0141 •gaol act; ao urd Z puv 6 1 dg g'L ag; ao •urd 9 San saaunta ao,�tad aqi so; samrl fill L�6i As UOw P In 01quIlvi Sae pas s;aapn ;s 9$ pan 911npa L$ saw s ;a$ai1- 11MOHS •aalua0 sl v 2aitaaod a mgaus -Sad nsit�'aa;nagl sallusci Ap mr, -pyj ag3 In 01-L gaanAi `„ulddj& 1MR9 lealsne aq; ;aasaad lllm sjrVtd S1tlV15 - 410 ag aa;eagl ganoA a8a ;sap^, ,iqddla,;nasaid 0; g3nOA (ologd pau!tugnS) TULSA COUNIV CLERK - JUAN HASTINGS KCPI 141115 02/26/96 09:24:48 DOC # 96018343 FEE 0.00 PGS 2 B/P 5785/1740 -1741 CITY OF OWAS50, 62995 P.O. Box 180 RESOLUTION NO. 96 -02 Owasso, Oklahoma 7405`_ O A RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE OWASSO CITY CODE. �- Bou 1 O 1 S PAGE 296 WHEREAS, the City is required to publish its code of compiled penal ordinances and to deposit a copy of the code with the Tulsa and Rogers county law library pursuant to Sections to 14 -109 and 14 -110 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and cry r tr, WHEREAS, the city is required to adopt a resolution notifying the public of the publication of its code pursuant to Section 14 -110 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes and to file a copy of the resolution in the office of the county clerk and in the office of the Supreme Court, and WHEREAS, the city is required, pursuant to Sections 14 -107 (A) and 14 -108 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes, to make legal publication by publishing the titles and a condensed gist or summary thereof of said Code; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO: THAT the public is hereby notified of the publication of the Code of Ordinances and that copies of the code are available for review in the office of the city clerk; and THAT the code consists of seventeen titles, listed hereinafter: 1. General Provisions, 2. Administration and Government; ca �' i 3. Alcoholic Beverages; on c ?z �? � r 4. Animals; — — - 5. Building Regulations and Codes; =- = xr _ 6. Court- ::7, Cc) c N �q 0 7. Finance and Taxation; 8. Health and Sanitation, 9. Licensing and Business Regulations; 10. Offenses and Crimes; 1" 11. Parks Recreation and Cultural Affairs, 12. Planning, Zoning and Development; Liz to 13. Public Safety; t• try 14. Streets and Public Works; A . L+ �2 15. Traffic and Vehicles; 16. Transportation; and 17. Utilities. BOOK 1018 OE THAT the city clerk shall cause to be filed one copy of this resolution with the office of the county clerk of Tulsa County-, and THAT the city clerk shall cause one copy of this resolution and one copy of the code to be filed with the Law Library of Tulsa County and Rogers County; and THAT. the clerk shall keep at least three (3) copies of the Owasso Code of Ordinances in the office, of the city clerk for public use, inspection and examination. TED this 20th day of February, 1996, by the City Council of the City of Owasso. S'�e4 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Charles L. Burris, Mayor 4*W { O ..da`d��a