HomeMy WebLinkAbout521_Increasing LPG Containers to 1000 Gallons & Limiting each Premise to 1 Containerincreasing LPG container to 1000 gallons and limiting each premise to one container '1489 0 / / 6 '16 'l1:0'1 798/'1429 .,4 0.00 OF OWASSO P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASS05 OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 521 r-,- AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 5 - BUILDING REGULATIONS AND CODES, CHAPTER 5 - LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS, SECTION 5- 503 - LOADING INTO CONTAINERS IN EXCESS OF 500 GALLONS PROHIBITED, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY INCREASING SUCH LIMITATION FROM 500 GALLONS TO 1000 GALLONS, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, that, to-wit: SECTION 1. Part 5 - Building Regulations and Codes, Chapter 5 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Section 5-503 - Loading into Containers in Excess of 500 Gallons Prohibited of this Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended in the following manner, to-wit: It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to do any bulk loading into approved I. C. C. containers whose capacity exceeds fiv~H:uMf€)4"+~~}gallofl:s one thousand (1,000) gallons of liquefied petroleum gases. In such an event transfer of gases will be made at least ten (10) feet from any building and not more thffi4we~<~,ef.ti1:e than outil) container~ should be on premises at same time. It is unlawful to unload # any railroad tank car, tank, truck or trailer of liquefied petroleum gas within the city limits of the city SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days from the as provided by state law. 1996. CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Mayor Cates, City Attorney 2780-288.owa/or8 City of Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO. OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX. (918) 27:;-4999 ~ December 28, 1992 Equipment One Mr. Patrick O. Conley 7808 N. Mingo Valley Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. Conley: The Owasso Code of Ordinances (Building Regulations and Codes Chapter 5 Section #501 -503 and related Ordinance #378) allows the installation of propane tanks within the City of Owasso. Such installation must 1) conform to the restrictions contained within the Code of Ordinances and 2) be approved by the state's L.P.G. Administrator prior to installation. Equipment One has made application to the City of Owasso for permission to install one (1,000 pound capacity) propane tank at 7808 N. Mingo Valley Expressway. Initial review of the site and the application indicates that the request will meet the applicable restrictions of the ordinance. A final inspection, however, must be accomplished after installation to insure compliance. After the City receives notice of installation and approved confirmation from the state L.P.G. Administrator, a final inspection will be conducted by the Fire Department. Ordinance #502 does allow the installation of such tanks, therefore. the city cannot and will not prohibit such installation provided the requirements of the ordinance are met At this point. the Fire Department has informed this office that the proposed site is acceptable and can meet these requirements. Sin/e ely Ii! Ro~y4 a ~ City Manager Attachments: Owasso Code of Ordinances Section 5 Ordinance #378 Equipment One Rental & Sales Inc. 11421 E. 80th st. N. Owasso , Ok 74055 RE: Request for code change on allowed size of propane tank. The State LPG Commission has approved the desired size and location of a 1000 gallon LP tank. The location and size also comply with the NFPA pamphlet 58 guidelines. The demand of the growing Owasso community warrants a larger tank. Our current 500 gallon tank has been emptied in as little as 3 days? causing more lost sales to Tulsa competition. I hereby request to be heard before City Council to request a code change to allow a 1000 gallon tank. '.' !f: -(; 3 - 7 - 9C C;/'e/' A-~/l/ o-?~4' ;7~&::h::('~~f{L' 3 -o-y(/ --e.P~)' /' <' -l p . / fr' .e(jLl~ ,4 ~. .&.~. ~ a ~. ~.~ ~)t?/fl~ ~k f d~C%d~< ~~ ~~ .~~^ .//X~,Ytet"W~'2L-tJ ~'-<:J -?1~ ~~ r. ...a- ..-c-~..kel2cV ,,,,L . /. f II r;;;r L -"L /' <~:Le IT~~' JY~~0 Vi -Z~.~."" ,~~F /@ )I~J. ~~( A- J7~ 4 ~ 01~_ ,j J.Ytfei /9 .~ =~7 .4 ;JJf :&~. ~~C12d c}!'" ga~ r~kl ~d~~~k( y~< ~,<tet'~A.eJ -d~f-A-ee&:;:;~~<<eP1( :? - ("\#- _# ' // (~9<2~i</~khf~..fV @ .. {/~ .,' Ill, . l' /c.12:.<:VJ.C"C'>L,/( .e:J'ic _-C~CE: . /// . ,AJ';;l'SJ2 /, C;; (o;t"dcX<J '/1' /J~' /7 ...- v~::? j/r;<</ ;d~' '" v/fl;$~\ d }::f .... ..d ~d",,~c::,'/ t ' r"Y~~ ~j) /fza&VAi-6'd7 <0d~ '~~~ft&B- -ff4~-&~~ .... . ~..e;~ _/J2eYc;%-;J/?/A12~~ 4k2erlL~. _e'-'J[ . ... ~.. ..' . .m~;;::; .~;a4Y~ ~4;;;~ (;~~~~ ~~--.- -ZtL 6") k'46YJ ~z::.::~ jr'~~~Y . ,JJ . . ;J ~e~~~ 4-1~,j ~L~(f,;fi-( ~~ ,(3y~d /1#. ~ Bv/~f . (l;;;7'/ -' - ./ /i/ !2:?Le V--fg~l./k.iF-It.<:!.t2. ..-;'Y(;L2- :'i": -~~.ep) bI ,.-c06Y~Lj(;t- j (J ;f , '.. I' ,/ / . fI -;: . " // ~ddfbe~4/ ~ Lt-.~N,,<,cl4P-%~<OAA';O / )'" R /J~v:z ..,1/'/..Al............'S-..... _M_', _'- ~~\--- _..._,.--, - ~ . Mfidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, 88: Bill R. Retherford, ofluwful age, being duly 8worn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly OWASSO newspaper printed in the city of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: MARCH ,199~ Subscribed and sworn to before me Hils 28th day of March 199~ ~ Sid1/.-:: ~ (14~:MY Publk My Commission expires: March 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 41.45 Published In the OwUIIO Reporter. Owasso Tulsa County Oklahoma, March 28. 1996. '. CfTY OF OWASSO. OKI..AHOI.IA ORDINANCE NO. 521 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART II . BUILDING REGULA- l10HS AND CODES. CHAPTER 5 - UQUERED PETROLEUM GAS, SECTION 5-503. LOADING INTO CONTAINERS IN EXCESS OF 500 GAllONS PROtIBITED, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY INCREASING SUCH UUlTATION FROM 500 MUONS TO 1000 GAllONS, DECLARING AN EFFECTIve DATE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Clty Council of the Ctty of Owuso, Old&- homa, fhlIt, to-wlt: SECTION 1. Pll1i 5. Building Regulations and Codes. Chapter 5.lJqoo- fled Petroleum Gas. Section 5-503. Loading Into CoI11aJOOfS In Excess of 500 Gallons Prohlbhed of this Code of Ordinances 01 the Chy of Owasw Oklahoma, shall be amended In the following manOOf. to-wIl: ' It Is unlawful for any person. firm, or corporation to do any bulk loading Into approved I.C.C. contaJners whose capacity exceeds one thousand (1.000) ~llons of liquefied petroleum gases. In such an 9\Ient transfer 01 gases Will be made aIleast len ( 10) feet from any building and not more than one (1 ) container should be on premises at same time. n Is unlawful to unload off any raHroad tank car, tank, truck or traJlef of liqU81ied petroleum gas within the city limits 01 the city. SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall, upon pesaage, beooma effective thirty (30) dayl! from the date 01 publication as provided by state law. Dated this 19th day 01 March. 1006. SEAl ATTEST: /8/ MARCIA BOUTWELL Marcia Bootwe/I. City C!eIk APPROVED TO FORM: /s/ RONALD D. CATES Ronald D Cales. City AttO!1'lSy CITY OF OWASSO, OKlAHOMA /8/ CHARLES L BURRIS Charloo L Burris, Mayor 2700-288.owalOfIl