HomeMy WebLinkAbout525_Amending Defined Benefit Portion of Municipal Retirement PlanDefined Benefit Plan 2 96 16:59 5812/ 98- 99 1 2 ORDINANCE NUMBER 525 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE RETIREMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS ADMINISTERED BY THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND BY ADDING ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS OF "COMPENSATION" TO THE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER AND SEVERABILITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . CITY OF OWASSO, CITY COUNCIL OF THE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE Due to changes in Federal law, and in order to comply with certain requirements the Internal Revenue Service regarding the tax qualified status of the Retirement Plan City of Owasso, Oklahoma, it is necessary to amend the definition of compensation contained the Plan as hereinafter set forth SECTION TWO: The Retirement Plan of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as adopted by Ordinance No. 146, on June 19, 1972, is hereby amended only by adding the following language to the definition of compensation in the Plan: forth in the set compensation' "Effective as of 1, 1994, the definition of is hereby amended to add the following paragraphs addition to other applicable limitations set forth in the Plan, and notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, for Plan years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, the annual compensation of each employee taken into account under the Plan shall not exceed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA '93) annual compensation limit. The OBRA '93 annual compensation limit is $150,000.00, as adjusted by the Commissioner for increases in the cost of living in accordance with Section 401(a)(17)(B) of the Code. The cost-of-living adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to any period, not exceeding 12 months over which compensation is determined (determination period) beginning in such calendar year. If a determination period consists of fewer than 12 months, the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit will be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number the determination period, and the denominator of which is 12 For Plan years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, any reference in this Plan to limitation under Section 401 (a) (17) of the Code shall mean the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit set forth this provision. Compensation for any prior determination period is taken into account in determining an employee's benefits accruing in the current Plan year, the compensation prior determination period is subject to the OBRA '93 annual compensation limit effect for that prior determination period. For this purpose, for determination periods beginning before the first day of the first Plan year beginning on or after January 1, 1994, OBRA '93 annual compensation limit is $150,000.00." G <:J ~ 3 ~ ~ @ j:- , ----" herewith are hereby repealed SECTION FOUR: If any part, article, section, or subsection of this ordinance shall be or unconstitutional for any reason, such holding shall not be construed to impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance. notwithstanding such holding conflict ordinances All SECTION THREE SECTION FIVE It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, safety, and welfare of the City of Owasso and the inhabitants thereof that this ordinance be put into full force and effect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this ordinance shall be force and effect from and after its passage and approval ***END*** The foregoing ordinance was introduced before the Owasso City Council on the 21st day 1996, and was duly adopted and approved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the 21st day of May, 1996, with the emergency clause being acted upon and approved separately, after compliance with notice requirements of the Open Meeting OS, Section 301, et seq) legality on May 21 2 as to form and Defined Benefit Of Publication STATE OF TULSA COUNTY, 8S: Bill R. oflawfulage, being duly sworn and says that he is the publisher of the Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, May 30, 1900. OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly ORDINANCE NO. 525 CiTY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA newspaper in the city of OWASSO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE RETIREMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS ADMINISTERED BY THE OKLAHOMA Tulsa a neWllpl1per qualified to MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND BY ADDING ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS OF 'COMPENSATION" TO THE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER AND SEVERABILITY; AND DECLARING advertisements and publications AN EMERGENCY. The foregoing ordinance was Introduced belorethe Owasso City Council as in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma on the 21 oil day of May, 1996, and was duly adopted and approved by the Mayor and City Council of the Clly o! Owasso, Oklahoma, on the 21s1 day 01 May, 1900, wllh the emergency clause being acled upon and approved Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, separately, OIlier compliance with notice requirements otthe Open Meeting Law (25 OS, Section 301. et seq). and with all other requirements of the laws CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. By: Is! DANNY EWING Danny Ewing, Mayor That said Ii true copy of which is attached SEAl ATTEST: hereto, was in the regular edition of said Is! MARCIA BOUTWEll the period and time of publication Marcia BoulweR, City Clerk newspnper Approved as to lorm and legality on May 21, 1996. and not in a on the following dates: Is! RONALD D. CATES Ronald D Cates, City AIIomey -&:<<;2~9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of May _,199 _ 3M~ j-fM ~ )tary Commission expires: March 20 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 29.50 '" TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MICHELE DEMPSTER PERSONNEL OFFICER SUBJECT: REQUEST APPROVAL OF ORDINANCES Gi525� #526 AND RESOLUTION #96-07 RELATING TO THE CITY'S EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM PLAN (OMRF) DATE: May 13, 1996 BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund is a system by which city or town governments and municipally owned hospitals in Oklahoma are authorized by law to "pool" or "join" funds to provide for the retirement of their employees. Since 1972, full time employees of the City of Owasso (who are not active members of a state police or fire pension system) have been required to participate in the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OMRF) Defined Benefit Plan. Throughout the years modifications have been made to our plan either to enhance or increase benefits. Currently employees are eligible to participate upon hire and are 100% vested after five years of service. Retirement benefits are based upon the average of the highest 60 consecutive months salary within the last 120 months. July 1992, the City of Owasso established the Thrift Plan as a supplemental optional retirement plan for all city employees. The Thrift Plan allows employees to contribute up to 2% of their base wages and the city will match such contributions with a 1 % contribution. Employees are 100% vested in the citys matching contributions after five years. The OMRF system is governed by a Trust Indenture which is adopted through resolution by all participating municipalities. The Trust Indenture is the document which allows municipalities to join together-in the common goal of administering and investing for retirement plans. The Master Benefit Plan customizes each municipality's plan to their specifications, this document is updated and changed as need through ordinances approved by the Retirement Committee. The Retirement Committee is comprised of the members of the City Council with the Personnel Officer appointed as the authorized agent or coordinator between OMRF administrators and the Retirement Committee. EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM OMRF MARCH 25, 1996 PAGE TWO COMMENTS REGARDING ORDINANCE #525 AND ORDINANCE #526: Approval of Ordinance #525 and Ordinance #526 will not result in a benefit change for participants. However, approval of both of these ordinances is required in order for the Cites of Owasso Defined Benefit Plan and Thrift Plan to remain a "qualified plan" within the IRS guidelines. Ordinance #525 will amend the City's Defined Benefit Plan and Ordinance #526 will amend the City's Defined Contribution or Thrift Plan. The result of both of these ordinances will be to change the plan definition of "Compensation" - limiting the amount to be considered for contributions and benefit purposes to $150,000 per year. Simply put, the requested change will affect only people whose salary is in excess of $150,000 per year. Since we do not have anyone who falls in that category, the action has no impact on our employees and is made only to remain in compliance with the IRS. In order to maintain compliance with IRS regulations Ordinance #525 and Ordinance #526 must be approved and submitted to OMRF by May 30, 1996 and in effect by July 1, 1996. Therefore approval of these ordinances is requested with emergency clauses. COMMENTS REGARDING RESOLUTION #96 -07: The OMRF Trustees have approved a proposed amendment to the OMRF Trust Indenture. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow municipalities the option of modifying their Defined Contribution (Thrift) Plan document to permit participant loans. Participant loans would enable an employee to borrow up to 50% of their vested balance, to be repaid through payroll deduction. In order for the OMRF Trust Indenture to be changed, a two- thirds majority of the membership must approve the amendment. Approval of this Resolution would not automatically result in a change in our current benefit plan. Should the amendment be approved by the required two- thirds majority, each municipality would then decide if they will incorporate the change into their individual plan document. The Benefits Committee will review and consider the participant loan option should it become available. RECOMMENDATION: Agenda Item #9: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance #525, amending the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Defined Benefit Plan, approving plan amendment required by the Internal Revenue Service in order to remain an IRS "qualified plan". Agenda Item #10: Staff recommends approval of an emergency clause to Ordinance #525, allowing such Ordinance to be submitted by May 30, 1996. EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM OMRF MARCH 25, 1996 PAGE THREE Agenda Item #11: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance #526, amending the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Defined Contribution (Thrift) Plan, approving plan amendment required by the Internal Revenue Service in order to remain an IRS "qualified plan". Agenda Item #12: Staff recommends approval of an emergency clause to Ordinance #526, allowing such Ordinance to be submitted by May 30, 1996. Agenda Item #13: Staff recommends approval of Resolution #96 -07 approving amendment to the OMRF Trust Indenture, pertaining to authorizing participant loans. ATTACHMENT: 1. Summary of Participant Loan Policies 2. Ordinance #525 3. Ordinance #526 6. Resolution #96 -07