HomeMy WebLinkAbout544_Amending Ch 10 of Zoning Code Regarding Special Exception for non permanent Accessory Vendorsspecial exception for non-permanent accessory vendors 17 :27 638 4 118/97 5926 638- 6 22 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO 544 Ok Owasso 180 Box o p City of Owasso AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TWELVE (12) PLANNING, ZONING DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER TWO (2) ZONING REGULATIONS, SECTION 12-201 ZONING REGULATIONS ADOPTED, CHAPTER TEN (10), USE UNITS, AMENDING SAME IN PARTICULAR SECTION 1002 - AREAWIDE SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES TO ALLOW NON-PERMANENT ACCESSORY VENDORS BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION ONLY, REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE. ...........-. ~ i""" ',.....",.,j the the proposed amendment to WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter Section 1002, and; c~ has considered the recommendation of the Owasso against the proposed amendment. WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council Commission and all statements for or IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF , THEREFORE, BE OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: Chapter 2, Zoning Areawide Special Accessory Section 1. That Part Twelve (12), Planning, Zoning and Development, Regulations, Section 12-201, Chapter Ten (10), Use Units, Section 1002, Exception Uses should be, and hereby is amended by adding "Non Permanent " to Included Uses contained therein. hereby expressly Section 2. That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are repealed. Those portions consistent herewith remain unaffected hereby. for the preservation of the shall take effect immediately Section 3. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist public peace, health, and safety, by reason whereof this ordinance from after its passage, approval, and publication. 1997 May day of published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, May 29,1997. CiTY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 544 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TWELVE (12) PLANNING, ZON- ING AND DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER TWO (2) ZONING REGULATIONS, SECTION 12-201 ZONING REGULATIONS ADOPTED, CHAPTER TEN (10), USE UNITS, AMENDING SAME IN PARTICULAR SECTION 1002 AREAWIDE SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES TO ALLOW NON-PERMANENT ACCESSORY VENDORS BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION ONLY, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day 01 May, 1997. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Is! Mary Lou Barnhouse Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Is! Marcia Boutwell Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Is! Ronald D. Cates Ronald D Cates, City Attorney OWASSO REPORTER STATE OF TULSA COUNTY, ss Bill R R~ of lawful age, being sworn and authoJ J., says that he is the of the Owasso R, ter, a newspaper in the of a news- paper notices, advertise- ments and ,lications as in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as and and with an other of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal That said e copy of which is attached was l the regular edition of said newspaper ( riod and time of and not in a on the dates: MEMORANDUM THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TIMOTHY D. ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TEXT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW NON-PERMANENT ACCESSORY VENDORS BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION ONLY May 14, 1997 BACKGROUND Owasso currently permits non-permanent accessory vendors in Commercial and districts through the Licensing and Business Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of Owasso (see attached). No site plan review, notification of surrounding property owners, or public hearing for input are currently involved in the review process of this business . , mcreasmg have created does specifically legal not no Gradually, over the last two years, non-permanent accessory vendors planning challenge for staff. Because the current Code of Ordinances require zoning compliance or site plan review of any kind, staff possesses to intervene and require specific conditions to be met. A current regulations and possibilities regarding future regulation indicates that best manner which to regulate this type of use would be to require each use to obtain a Special Exception from the Owasso Board of Adjustment. Currently, Section 1002 of Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code is designed to permit specific uses "which in some instances be suitable for location in any use district but, because of their potential adverse influence on adjacent properties, require site plan review and are therefore, permitted use districts as a special exception requiring Board of Adjustment approval. I Included uses specifically called out within this section include off-site construction facilities temporary office structures By requiring other accessory vendors to obtain a Special Exception through the Owasso Board Adjustment, all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property would receive notification of the request, a legal ad would be published in the Owasso Reporter, a site be required for review, and a public hearing would be conducted. it would allow for each request to be reviewed specifically as it relates to its proposed and any challenges that may accompany it at that location. The Board of Adjustment then, depending upon those challenges, may require specific conditions be met by the order for the request to be approved. Vendors Staff Report Amendment Page 2 2 It be noted such a requirement, if adopted by the City Council as an amendment to Zoning Code, would not be applicable to the current vendors who have already received licenses (licenses expire one year from the date of issuance), but would apply to all future requests nature. Uses that would be included for this type of review process through the of Adjustment include snow cone vendors, BBQ vendors, and plant and flower May has also The staff has developed an ordinance amending the Zoning Code that will require accessory vendors to a Board of Adjustment Special Exception as described above. A copy of proposed ordinance is attached for your information and review. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the proposed amendment at their 13, 997 regular meeting. Due to the lack of regulation regarding these uses. staff an emergency clause with this ordinance RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the proposed amendment to Chapter 10 of the Owasso Zoning Code, requiring all non-permanent accessory vendors to obtain a Special Exception Owasso Board of Adjustment. City of Owasso Regulations of the Code of Ordinances 1002 of the Owasso Zoning Code '" ATTACHMENTS Licensing and Business Chapter Section Ordinance No. 544 2 3 RegUlatIOns Licensing and BUSlDCSS CHAPTER 2 ITINERANT VENDORS Definitions License required Application Exemption. License fee Transfer Section 9-201 Section 9-202 Section 9-203 Section 9-204 Section 9-205 Section 9-206 to have the meanings respectively ascribed terms shall DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this chapter, the following in this section SECTION 9-201 them 1 Itinerant vendor" means and includes all persons, firms or corporations, as well as then agents and employees who engage in the temporary or transient business in the city of selling or offering for sale any goods or merchandise, or exhibiting the same for sale or exhibiting the same for the purpose of taking orders for the sale thereof and who for the purpose of carrying on such business or conducting such exhibits thereof either hire, rent, lease or occupy any room or space in any building, structure, other enclosure, vacant lot or any other property whatever in the city in, through, or from which any goods or merchandise may be sold. offered for sale, exhibited for sale or exhibited for the purpose of taking orders for the sale thereof; transacted or conducted rental or lease of premises for to be operated or conducted: and 2. "Temporary" as used in Paragraph 1 hereof means any such business in the for which definite arrangements have not been made for the at least one hundred days, in or upon which such business is hire 3 Transient" as used in Paragraph 1 as used hereof means any such business of any such itinerant vendor as may be operated or conducted by persons, firms or corporations, or by their agents or employees who reside away from the city or who have fixed places of business in places other than the city or who move stocks of goods or merchandise or samples thereof into the city with the purpose or intention of removing or the unsold portion thereof, away from the city before the expiration of one hundred (100) days The term ltmerant vendor" shall not include or be construed to include anyone engaged in interstate commerce nor anyone upon which the provisions of this chapter would impose a direct and unlawful burden on interstate commerce. (Prior Code, Sec. 5-24) UIRED It is unlawful for any itinerant vendor to sell, offer for sale, exhibit for sale, or exhibit for the purpose of taking orders for the sale thereof, any goods or merchandise in the city without first obtaining a license as herein for. The city clerk shall issue to any itinerant vendor a license authorizing such itinerant vendor to sell, exhibit for sale, offer for sale, or exhibit for the purpose of taking orders for the sale thereof in the his goods or merchandise only after such itinerant vendor shall have with all of this chapter and shall have paid the license fees hereinafter shal be to the city for the services herein required of it and to ' the expenses of the provisions of this chapter (Prior Code, See fully complied which sum to partIally defray provided enable the city 5-25) LICENSE RE SECTION 9-202 Page 9-9 Regulations and Business to the of an SECTION 9-203 APPLICATION The vendor shall make application to the city clerk of the city at least ten (10) days prior date of his contemplated sale or exhibit to be held in the city which application shall be in the form affidavit, stating the full name and address of the itinerant vendor, the location of his or its principal office and place of business, the names and addresses of its officers if it be a corporation, and the partnership name and the names and addresses of all partners if such itinerant vendor be a firm. The application thereof must be accompanied merchandise to be sold 1 A statement showing the kind and character of goods to be sold. or offered for sale or exhibited: incorporated under itinerant vendor be a corporation, 2. A certified copy of the charter if the the laws of this state the itinerant vendor be in the state if than Oklahoma: and A certified copy of its permit or authority to do business incorporated under the laws of some state other 3. a corporation, 4. A bond in the sum of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), executed by the itinerant vendor as principal, with some surety company authorized to do business in the state as surety, which bond shall be payable to the city for the use and benefit of any person or persons entitled thereto and conditioned that the principal and surety will pay all damages to person, or persons, caused by or arising from, or growing out of the wrongful or illegal conduct of the itinerant vendor while conducting the sale or exhibit in the city The bond shall remain in full force and effect for the entire duration of the license permit as provided herein and two (2) years thereafter Sec. 5-26) Code EXEMPTION SECTION 9-204 merchandise to parties or not be held to be applicable to the traveler who sells or exhibits for sale goods selling and dealing in goods or merchandise Ordinary commercial in business of buying and This chapter is not and shall 1 engaged products in their natural state: and 3. Sales of goods or merchandise donated by the owners thereof, the proceeds whereof to be to any charitable or philanthropic purpose stock, or agricultural poultry Vendors of farm produce 2. Sec. 5-27) Code shall be for a period of not to the six (6) business days, the fraction thereof LICENSE FEE itinerant vendor shall be Fifty Dollars ($50,00) and any fraction thereof. Upon the completion of the rate of One Dollar ($1.00) per day, or any SECTION 9-205 The license fee for exceed six business days, or license fee thereafter shall be at this code 9-113 of Section Page 9-10 icense fees s See peddler Reference: ross C IlS Regulatio Licensing and Business Dollars Seventy-five annum per herein defined as reso rt pleasure Amusement park or 3. ($75 where not otherwise provided 1993 house-to-house, of any kind whatsoever per year - Fifty Dollars ($50.00) No. 463 on June 15 Repealed by Ordinance Agents or canvassers, Ten Dollars ($10.00) 4. 5. One per car the car sold or delivered direct from the goods are where per 6. Car lot shipment Hundred Dollars ($100.00) other transport vehicle shall Fifty Dollars ($250.00) Carnivals Any carnival requiring not over twenty-five (25) cars or pay a fee for the first day of Two Hundred and 0.. 7. pay vehicles shal transport Twenty-six (26) cars and not over forty (40) cars or other a fee for the first day of Three Hundred Dollars ($300 b. day of fi rst 00) pay a fee for the Over forty (40) cars or other transport vehicles shall Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00); or c. thereafter ferris wheel or swing, or any carnival attraction, not in connection Twenty- five Dollars ($25.00) pay Fifty Dollars ($50.00) additional for each day 8. Carousel, merry-go-round with any amusement park, carnival, or circus All carnivals shall d. per day than religious, charitable and those otherwise exempted Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) other per day Entertainments or concerts and not otherwise specified 9. under state and where admission 10 Exhibitions or any type of contest or game not otherwise provided for is charged, per - Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) Twenty-five Dollars so used vehicle Ice cream vendor, as defined herein, for the first and for each additional vehicle - Ten Dollars ($10.00) 11 Every licensee hereunder shall, at all times, keep each motor car, vehicle and container used in his or its business, in a clean and sanitary condition, and all containers for the products and commodities offered for sale by the licensee, shall be kept securely covered or closed while in transit, so as to prevent contamination of the products or commodities, by dirt, flies or insects. The person duly authorized by the city council, shall inspect once a week, each motor car, vehicle or container used by any licensee, and he shall revoke or suspend the license for any violation of the conditions each additional for ($25,00) DOllars Twenty-five vehicle per Lunch-vending business 12 vehicle Ten Dollars ($10.00) required be sha only one license then the same vehicle 1993 Page 9-6 15 No, 463 on June both sold from Repealed by Ord and lunches are cream 3 If ice .. 1000.3 cab ty of Use Conditlons A use shall be subject to the provision of the district n which located, and, in addition, shall be subject to the use conditions specified in the applicable use unit. Where the requirements of the use unit are greater than the requirements of the use district, the use unit requirements shal govern. 1000.4 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements The off-street parking and loading requirements shall not apply to uses located in the CH Commercial High Intensity District. SECTI USE UNIT 1 AREAWIDE USES BY RIGHT ~ 1001.1 Description Certain public uses, agricultural uses, open land uses, and similar uses ich are either subject to other public controls or which do not have. adverse effects on other land uses. 1001.2 Included Uses Passive agricultural uses such as: cultivation, forestry. grazing, planting; open land uses such as: arboretum, flood management project, reservoir, ldlife preserve; public uses such as: fire alarm, historica marker, street sign, thoroughfare, utility line, political campaign signs .3 Use Conditions - Political Campaign Signs political campaign sign shall be erected more than forty-five (45) days prior to election, nor shall any sign be permitted to remain on any property more than seven (7) days following an election; no political campaign signs shall be permitted on public property and they shall be permitted on private property only with the consent of the property owner; the display surface area of each political campaign sign located in R or 0 zoning districts shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in surface area only one side of a double-faced sign shall be computed in the computation of display surface area. Off-Street Parking None. SECTI 1002 USE UNIT 2 AREAWIDE SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES 1002.1 Description Uses ich in some instances may be suitable for location in any use district . because of their potential adverse influence on adjacent properties, require site review and are, therefore, permitted in all use districts as a special exception requiring Board of Adjustment approva 62 ~ 1002.2 Included Uses Airport, heliport, bus station, cemetery, convict pre-release center, crematory, governmental services NEe, gun club, hydro-electric generatlon plant, juvenile deliquency center, mausoleum, offsite construction facili . post office, rifle and skeet range, sanitary landfill, sewage disposal facility, and water treatment plant, and temporary office structures not otherwise allowed by building and zoning codes. 1002,3 Use Conditions a. Construction Facilities 1, The use may continue for a period not to exceed two years in the same location. 2. Ingress and egress must be from arterial or collector streets, provided that the Board of Adjustment may approve a location with access to a minor street upon a finding that such location would not result in increased traffic on streets in residential areas. 3, The use shall not be located nearer than 100 feet to any lot containing an occupied dwelling without the consent of the owner thereof. 1002,4 Street Parking and Loading Requirements Parking Spaces Loading Berths Airport 1 per each 500 sq. ft. 1 per 2,000-40,000 sq. ft of enclosed passenger of floor area, plus 1 per terminal area 40,000-100,000 sq. ft., plus 1 per each additiona 100,000 sq. ft. er Uses As may be required by the Board of Adjustment in granting the special exception use, SECTI 1003 USE UNIT 3 AGRICULTURE 1003.1 Description Agricultural uses and services and certain other uses suitable for location in an agricultural environment. 1003,2 Included Uses imal and poultry raising, farming, fishery, ranching, chick hatchery, guest or dude ranch riding stable or academy dairy farming and horti cultura nursery 63