HomeMy WebLinkAbout556_Renewing 3 percent_E 911 Feerenewing 3% E-911 fee C 2 7 20 97 : :3 5969 07 07 ORDINANCE NUMBER 556 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 13--PUBLIC SAFETY, CHAPTER EMERGENCY SYSTEM, AMENDING SECTION 13-603-- EMERGENCY TELEPHONE FEE TO PROVIDE FOR RENEWAL THEREOF, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE: That Part 13--Pubhc Safety, Chapter 6--911 Emergency System, Section 13-603 be amended to provide for a renewal for a period of three (3) years of the emergency telephone service fee in the amount of three percent (3 %) of the telephone tariff rate. SECTION TWO: This ordinance shaH become effective on the 1st day of October 1997 unless such renewal is spedficaHy rejected by the voters pursuant to the provisions of Title 63 O,S. s28 PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of September, 1997, CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ~ /~.." .c. :7 By: ,17 J:::E~G1 (;)/~/ /7:::2 :.-" t 4" , Mary Lou Barnhouse 4 " e ~ / Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, September 11, 1997. ORDINANCE NUMBER 556 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 13--PUBLlC SAFETY, CHAP. TER 6-911 EMERGENCY SYSTEM, AMENDING SECTION 13-603-- EMERGENCY TELEPHONE FEE TO PROVIDE FOR RENEWAL THERE- OF, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE: That Part 13--Public Salety, Chapter 6--911 Emergency System, Section 13.603 be amended to provide lor a renewal for a period ollhree (3) years of the emergency telephone service lee In the amount 01 three percent (3 %) 01 the telephone tariff rate. SECTION TWO: This ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of October 1997 unless such renewal is specifically rejected by the voters pur- suant to the provisions 01 Title 63 O.S. ~2814. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of September, 1997. CiTY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Is! Mary Lou Barnhouse Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST Is! Marcia Boutwell Marcia Boutwell, City Cierk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Is! Ronald D Cates Ronald D Cates, City Attorney OWASSO REPORTER STATE OF TULSA COUNTY, ss: BiB R. RI of lawful age, being sworn and says that he is the publisher of the Owasso a newspaper published in the of Owasso, Tulsa Oklahoma, a news- paper to legal notices, advertise- ments and as in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal That said a true copy of which is attached in the regular edition of said newspaper and time of publication and not in a on ltes: 199-L- Subscribed and sworn to befo] 1e this J I Commission -200 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 17.40 E MEMORANDUM RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER MARIA A ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE FROM: FEE RENEWAL OF 911 SUBJECT: 1997 22 August DATE: BACKGROUND: In 1987, the Oklahoma Legislature enacted a biB that allowed cities and counties to join together to and operate regional "enhanced 911" emergency communication systems, As a result of that legislation, a regional election covering portions of Tulsa, Creek and Rogers counties was conducted on July 21, 1987 to determine if residents in those counties would approve a five percent E-911 fee to be added to their telephone bins, Owasso voters approved the City's participation and fee collection by a vote of 499 (yes) to 207 (no), (see attachment) On August 1988, Owasso officially approved an "interlocal agreement" providing for fifteen cities and four counties to join together to share equipment and cost of operations (see attached). Fees to operate the system were initiated for Owasso on November 1, 1988 at the 5 % level. Those fees were authorized by passage of Ordinance #399 (attached) adopted on September 6, 1988, The ordinance provided for Southwestern Ben Telephone Company to collect from each subscriber a fee equal to 5 % of the customer's tariff rate for the first year and a fee equal to 3 % of the customer's bin for the succeeding two years. On November 1, 1989, the E-911 fee was lowered to 3 % in accordance with Ordinance #399 and state statutes. Ordinance #399 provided for a three year coHection of the E-911 fee and thus required a reaffirmation of the fee every three years thereafter County in Rogers 272" exchange Owasso outside of the city but in the at the request of the City of In September 1990, residents were added to the E-911 system On 16, 1991 (three years after enactment of Ordinance #399), the Council adopted Ordinance #433 providing for the renewal of the coHection of fees to fund Owasso's portion of the cost of operating the system, Ordinance #433 reauthorized the collection of the E-911 fee at the 3% level previously used from October 1, 1991 through September 30, 1994. Subsequently on October 18, 1994 Ordinance #491 was approved, again renewing the collection of E-911 fee at the 3 % level, from October 1 1994 through September 30, 1997 '" E-911 ORDINANCE #556 AUGUST 22, 1997 PAGE 2 NOTE The Oklahoma Legislature in 1992 adopted amendments to the statutes that allow cities to return to a 5 % fee with a simple vote of the City Council. Several cities in the region have opted to increase their fees from 3 % to 5 % to provide additional operating funds for their systems, Owasso has remained on a 3 % fee schedule based on an evaluation of the cost of operating the system and a desire to not increase the citizens tax burden since the actual cost of the system is covered Now it is once again time to renew the authorization for the collection of the E-911 fee Ordinance #556 (attached) if passed will provide the authorization necessary for Southwestern BeH to collect the 3 % E-911 fees from aU Owasso customers, The effective date for the ordinance is 2000, The ordinance also maintains the October 1, 1997 through September 30 collection rate at the established 3 % rate, The fee is assessed to every telephone customer on a monthly basis and funds are to be used exdusively for operation of an emergency communications system (salaries, equipment, buildings, repair, replacement, etc.) the E-911 fee can be achieved only through the contained in Ordinance #556 will only authorize Council action to continue the fee past Please note that continued collection of enactment of a new ordinance, Such renewal, the collection for three years and will require September 30. 2000, The E-91 system is a critical part of the police and fire departments' communication system The E-911 system is a vital tool in the city's efforts to provide our police officers and firefighters the technology needed to save lives, protect property, and increase officer safety, the enhanced 911 system, the city could not provide the kind of emergency service Owasso citizens deserve. By renewing the authorization to collect the current 3 % telephone the uninterrupted funding for this system is ensured, evenue of $50.000 for The r '" adoption of Ordinance #556 RECOMMENDATION: Council The staff recommends E-911 ORDINANCE #556 AUGUST 22, 1997 PAGE 3 1997-98 Renewal of E-911 for 1994-97 Renewal of E-911 for 1991-94 Review of E-911 Fee for 1990-91 re Adding Rogers County 272 Exchange Customers ATTACHM:ENTS: Ordinance #566 E-911 Fund Budget Memorandum re: Memorandum re Memorandum re Report City Manager s E-911 System Resolution #89-07 re to Owasso With Southwestern Bell With Southwestern Ben re: Request for re: First E-911 from INCOG re re Adding Rogers County 272 Exchange Customers to Owasso E-911 12/27/89 1111/88 Dated Dated Adoption of Ordinance #399 Interlocal Agreement CoHection of E-911 Fee 1987 E-911 Vote-Owasso Results C :\WPDA T A \CITYCNCL\MEMOS\1997\970902. 911 July 21, System Correspondence Correspondence Memorandum Memorandum Memorandum Memorandum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12