HomeMy WebLinkAbout571_Increasing E 911 Fee to 5 percentincreasing E-911 fee to 5% 45 5 3 98 9 6 35 2 73--267 277676 ,SJ (r,") r- \D N UJ M o 2815 the municipality is authorized exceed five percent (5%) during the first year thereafter of the tariff rate in telephone service has ; governing body of the necessary to pass governmg ;nt (5%) for such and, " ~-' 63 restore needed for said OVV3.SS0, Oklahoma, has determined there neCeSSaDj to pass the reported emergency to therefore that restoration of the fee to the systems governing of nF THE Oil' necessar::~ /" O.~ T l' " . 0,/ bmergency ~ e.epnone :ServIce, Ordinances of Owasso, Oklahoma, following, to-wit: Section 13-604, hereby. tariff charges for exchange e seD/ice or the exchange telephone corporate limits of the of Three vercent A to pay service as specified Section Oklahoma Statutes. percent (2%) of proceeds of the fee be of the purchase of ancillary systems necessmy to pass the reported emergency to appropriate emergency service and personnel Such two percent time as the City deems necessary ror the be effective (30) days from the date ofnrs! ;ver, such fees herein set forth shall be 8, 30th day of June, 200 I cease unless other,vise ordained st That as 998 day ..::t \.J:) N OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA M \.!) 2 Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Published In the Owasso Reporter, March 12, 1 998. CITY Of OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 13, PUBLIC SAfETY, CHAPTER 6,911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE, SECTION 13-604, COL. LECTION Of fEE, Of THE CODE Of ORDINANCES Of THE CITY Of OWASSO OKLAHOMA, REPEALING SECTION 13-604 AND ADOPTING A REVISED SECTION 13-604 SERVICE fEE ON TARiff ON TELE. PHONE SERVICE, DECLARING AN EffECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, under the provision 0163 O. S. Section 2815 the municipality is authorized by ordinance to impose a tarilllee in an amount not to exceed live percent (5%) during the first year of the fee and not to exceed three per- cent (3%) in any year thereafter of the tariff rate in areas subject to the juris- diction of the municipality for which emergency telephone service has been contracted; provided, that after the first year of operation when the govern- ing body of the municipality determines there exists a need for ancillary communication systems necessary to pass the reported emergenC'/ to the appropriate emergency service and personnel, the governing body byordi- nance may restore such fee in an amount not to exceed five percent (5%) for such additional time as needed for said ancillary cornmuilicaaons equip. ment; and, WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has determined there exists a need for ancillary communication systems neces- sary to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency service and personnel and therefore that restoration of the lee to the amount 01 five percent (5%) is necessary, THEREfORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Section One: Part 13, Public Safety, Chapter 6, 911 Emergency Telephone Service, Section 13-604, Collection of Fee, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be repealed and in lieu thereof thereby provided the following, to-wit: Section 13-604, Collection of Fee There is hereby imposed upon the tariff charges lor exchange telephone service or n' s equivalent of the local exchange telephone company provid- ing service within the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a fee of five percent (5%). Three percent (3%) 01 the proceeds of the fee shall be utilized to pay for the operation of emergency telephone service as specl- lied in Section 2813 of Hie 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Two percent (2%) of the proceeds of the lee shall be utilized of the purchase of anoillary com- munication systems necessary to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency service and personnel. Such two percent (2%) fee shall remain in effect for such time as the City Council of the City olOwasso, Oklahoma, deems necessary lor the purposes aforestated. Section Two: That this ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by State law provided, however, such fees herein set forth shall be assessed and collected from the 1st day of May, 1998, until the 30th day of June, 2001, whereupon such fee assess- ment and collection shall cease unless otherwise ordained. ation OWASSO REPORTER STATE OF TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. R~ of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper published in the of Owasso, Tulsa Oklahoma, a news- paper to legal notices, advertise- ments and as in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as and and complies with an other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal That said a true copy of which is attached hereto, was the regular edition of said newspaper and time of publication and not in a ltes: 199 8 scribed and sworn Commission PUBLISHER'S ORDINANCE NUMBER 571 998 APPROVED this 17th day of February, CITY Of OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Is! Mary Lou Barnhouse Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: Is! Marcia Boutwell Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO fORM: Isf Ronald C. Cates Ronald C. Cates, City Attorney '" 'D 17/ MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: MARIA A ALEXANDERP CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: E911 REVENUE DATE: February 10, 1998 BACKGROUND: In 1987, the Oklahoma Legislature enacted a bill that allowed cities and counties to join together to fund and operate regional "enhanced 911" emergency communication systems. As a result of that legislation, a regional election covering portions of Tulsa, Creek and Rogers counties was conducted on July 21, 1987 to determine if residents in those counties would approve a five percent E -911 fee to be added to their telephone bills. Owasso voters approved the City's participation and fee collection by a vote of 499 (yes) to 207 (no). (see attachment) On August 16, 1988, Owasso officially approved an "interlocal agreement" providing for fifteen cities and four counties to join together to share equipment and cost of operations (see attached). Fees to operate the system were initiated for Owasso on November 1, 1988 at the 5 % level. Those fees were authorized by passage of Ordinance #399 (attached) adopted on September 6, 1988. The ordinance provided for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to collect from each subscriber a fee equal to 5 % of the customer's tariff rate for the first year and a fee equal to 3 % of the customer's bill for the succeeding two years. On November 1, 1989, the E -911 fee was lowered to 3 % in accordance with Ordinance #399 and state statutes. Ordinance #399 provided for a three year collection of the E -911 fee and thus required a reaffirmation of the fee every three years thereafter. In September of 1990, residents outside of the city but in the "272" exchange in Rogers County, were added to the E -911 system at the request of the City of Owasso. On July 16, 1991 (three years after enactment of Ordinance #399), the Council adopted Ordinance #433 providing for the renewal of the collection of fees to fund Owasso's portion of the cost of operating the system. Ordinance #433 re- authorized the collection of the E -911 fee at the 3 % level previously used from October 1, 1991 through September 30, 1994. Subsequently on October 18, 1994 Ordinance #491 was approved, again renewing the collection of the E -911 fee at the 3 % level, from October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1997. ORDINANCE #571 FEBRUARY 10, 1998 PAGE 2 Oklahoma Legislature in 1992 adopted amendments to the statutes that allow cities to return to a 5 % fee with a simple vote of the City Council. Several cities in the region have opted to increase their fees from 3 % to 5 % to provide additional operating funds for their systems. Owasso has remained on a 3 % fee schedule based on an evaluation of the cost of operating the system and a desire to not increase the citizens tax burden since the actual cost of the system is covered. In November 1997, residents of the City of Owasso overwhelmingly voted approval for a bond issue which will allow renovation of the current city hall building for a police facility. Although funds have been set aside for the renovation, the communications center is operating far behind the technological curve and new equipment is needed. Very little from the current communication center will be usable in the new facility once equipment update occurs. Therefore it is staff's proposal that upon City Council approval, the current 3 % collection on telephone bills be increased to 5 %. It is estimated that this increase will provide approximately $34,000 annually or about $100,000 over the three year period. The total cost of the renovation and equipment update for the communication center is estimated at approximately $150,000. Ordinance #571 (attached) if passed will provide the authorization necessary for Southwestern Bell to collect the 5 % E -911 fees from all Owasso customers. The effective date for the ordinance is July 1, 1998 through September 30, 2001. The ordinance increases the collection rate from 3 % to 5 %. The fee is assessed to every telephone customer on a monthly basis and funds are to be used exclusively for operation of an emergency communications system (salaries, equipment, buildings, repair, replacement, etc.). Please note that the increase of the E -911 fee can be achieved only through the enactment of a new ordinance. Such change, contained in Ordinance #571 will only authorize the collection for three years and will require Council action to continue the fee past September 30, 2001. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council adoption of Ordinance #571. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance #571 2. Memorandum re: Projected increase in revenue 3. Ordinance #566 4. E -911 Fund Budget - 1997 -98 5. Memorandum re: Renewal of E -911 for 1994 -97 6. Memorandum re: Renewal of E -911 for 1991 -94 7. Memorandum re: Review of E -911 Fee for 1990 -91 ORDINANCE #571 FEBRUARY 10, 1998 PAGE 3 8. City Manager's Report re: Adding Rogers County 272 Exchange Customers to Owasso E- 911 System 9. Resolution #89 -07 re: Adding Rogers County 272 Exchange Customers to Owasso E -911 System 10. Correspondence With Southwestern Bell Dated 12/27/89 11. Correspondence With Southwestern Bell Dated 11/1/88 12. Memorandum re: Request for Adoption of Ordinance #399 13. Memorandum re: First E -911 Interlocal Agreement 14. Memorandum from INCOG re: Collection of E -911 Fee 15. Memorandum re: July 21, 1987 E -911 Vote - Owasso Results