HomeMy WebLinkAbout593_Adopting Optional Retirement Program with ICMAadopting optional retirement program with ICMA 59 1 61 316215 2 RCPT C 4 OKLAH01\1A ASSO ORDINANCE TO PART TWO ADMINISTRA TION GOVERL'fMENT, CHAPTER THREE RETIRElViENT PENSIONS, ADOPTING A NEW C, RETIREI\/fENT PROGRi\T~1l ESTABLISHING RETIREMENT PI~AN THE INTERL~.4,TIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCLi\ TION RETIREMENT CORPORATION DEFERRED COMPENSATrON PLAN, DESIGNATING THE, OF OVwASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS TRUSTEE THEREOF, DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES AS THE COORDINATOR FOR THE PROGRAM 'VELL AS PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS NECESSARY ) INCIDENTAL THERETO, AND ORDINANCE NU1\1BER OF CITY OF OWASSO, Chapter Three, thereto same being an Optional hereinafter established, to-wit Section That Part Administration and Government, Pensions, be amended adoption of imide C Program, such being adopted and codified as Retirement Retirement OPTIONAL RETjREMENT PLA.N ESTABLISB"'ED s hereby created a system for certain qualified employees of the svstem be accordance the orovisions and conditions of -' , SECTION 2-3l.Q statures of the State s hereby established an optional retirement system for the The optional retirement system shall be the International City Association Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan, copies of which oi9:1ce of City Clerk of the City, and which is incorporated herein by retirement plan shaH be administered by the ICMA Retirement employees Management fOf the be held in trust, with the City serving as trustee, Plan participants and their beneficiaries, and the assets shall not other purpose. trustees bene:ficial ownership of the Plan assets held in the trust shaH be held exclusive benefit of the Plan participants and The Plan to permit Resources shaH be the coordinator of this program; shall reports, notlces, etc, from lCMA retirement corporation or the lCMA cast, upon of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any required votes administrative duties to carry out the plan may be assigned to is authorized to execute all necessary agreements with lCMA hereby agrees to serve as tmstee under the plan. Oklahoma, of Owasso The receIVe necessary D tmst departments, and Retiren1ent Ccrporatloil incide'[1tal to the adminislr2.tic.n of the plan. make contributions into the optional the provisions and conditions of the Corporation. City Treasurer is City's compensation such amounts as and to collectively remit same to the employees retirement herein established authorized to CONT1UB_UTIONS SECTION 3 17 may accordance Managemem Association Retirement from quaEt1ed employees .. C' employee 01 in accordance with the Association Retirement Corporation Association Retirement International City Management Management conditions of the under the liability for the payment of the official, officer or employee be shaH system the right to any payment such No payment City or any Deferred Compensation the retirement person who to to benefits the system Each imDosed be shan OF EIvrPLOYEE DEFfNITION 8 '" .) foHows employee shaH be considered Dermanent ~ . or more month the City s defined as full-time employee works eighty .f j.,' ". , purpose 0., Las employee A if Of P../\RTI ClP An OI':I the City, having attained the age of twenty-one (2 (65) years of age or older on January 1 973, may "9 permanent fhll-time employee except those employees who are sixty-five SECTION 2-3 the system become participants EXECUTION to execute the retirement plan WiTh the International Corporation, incorporated by reference herein, as wen documents necessary, not limited to, the Declaration of Trust of the Trust, and that J\/(anager of City may on behalf of the City execute joinder agreements with the employees and other eligible officials and officers, except those documents may be necessary for the City Manager shaH be executed by the Mayor of the City as is hereby Association Retirernent SECTION 2-320 the date of days from (30) be come effective thirty state law. ordinance This ded passage ASSO, OKLAHOMA Mayor By:_ Denise Bode, TO FORM 2780-365 Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Octo- ber 15, 1998. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 593 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART TWO ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNMENT, CHAPTER THREE RETIREMENT PENSIONS, ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE C, AN OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PRO- GRAM ESTABLISHING AN OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PLAN WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT CORPORATION DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN, DESIGNATING THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS TRUSTEE THEREOF, DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OR HUMAN RESOURCES AS THE COORDINATOR FOR THE PROGRAM AS WELL AS PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS NECESSARY AND INCI- DENTAL THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section One: That Part Two, Administration and Government, Chapter Three, Retirement and Pensions, be amended by adoption of Article C thereto same being an Optional Retirement Program, such being adopted and codified as hereinafter established, to-wit: OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PLAN ESTABLISHED A. There is hereby created a retirement system for certain qualified empioyees of the City which retirement system shall be in accordance with the provisions and conditions of this article and the statutes of the State of Oklahoma. B. There is hereby authorized and established an optional retirement sys- tem for the employees of the City. The optional retirement system shall be the International City Management Association Hetirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plar" copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City, and which is incorporated herein by reference. Such optional retirement plan shall be administered by the ICMA Retirement Cor- poration. C. The assets of the plan shall be held in trust, with the City serving as trustee, for the exclusive benefit of the Plan participants and their beneficia- ries, and the assets shall not be diverted to any other purpose. The trustees beneficial ownership of the Plan assets held in the ICMA retirement trust shall be held for the further exclusive benefit of the Plan participants and their beneficiaries. The Plan will permit loans. trustee E. The Director of Human Resources shall be the coordinator of this pro- gram; shall receive necessary reports, notice, etc., from the ICMA retire- ment corporation or the ICMA retirement corporation or the ICMA retire- ment trust; shall cast, upon behalf of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any required votes under the ICMA retirement trust; administrative duties to car- ry out the plan may be assigned to the appropriate departments, and is authorized to execute ali necessary agreements with ICMA Retirement Cor- poration incidental to the administration of the plan. CONTRIBUTIONS A. Qualified employees of the City may make contributions into the optional retirement system herein established in accordance with the provi- sions and conditions of the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation. The City Treasurer is authorized to withhold from qualified employees of the City's compensation such amounts as expressly directed by the qualified employee of the City and to collectively remit same to the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the Intemational City Man- agement Association Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan. Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby agrees to serve as D. The City of under the plan. SECTION 317 REPORTER STATE OF TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Rl of lawful age, being sworn and says that he is the publisher of the Owasso a weekly newspaper published in the of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a news- paper to legal notices, advertise- ments and as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with an other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal That said notice true copy of which is attached hereto, was in the regular edition of said newspaper during d and time of publication and not in a sup the following dates: 199----1L- Subscribed and Commission SECTION 2-316 B. Each person who shall claim the right to any payment under the sys- tem shall be entitled to look only to the retirement fund for such payment. No liability for the payment of the benefits under the system shall be imposed upon the City or any official, officer or employee thereof. SECTION 318 DEFINITION OF EMPLOYEE this plan, "'employae" A permanent full-time employee of the City. An employee shall be consid. ered permanent full-time if he or she works eighty (80) hours or more per month for the City. SECTtON 2-319 fonows: as s define For the purpose of PARTICIPATION Any permanent full-time employee of the City, having attained the age of twenty-one (21), except those employees who are sixty.five (65) years of age or older on January 1. 1973, may become participants in the system. SECTION 2-320 EXECUTION The mayor is hereby authorized to execute the retirement plan with the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation, incor- porated by reference herein, as well as any other documents necessary, including, but not limited to, the Declaration of Trust of the ICMA Retirement Trust, and that the City Manager of the City may on behalf of the City exe- cute all joinder agreements with the employees and other eligible officials and officers, except those documents which may be necessary for the City Manager shall be executed by the Mayor of the City. Section Two: This ordinance shall be come effective thirty (30) days from the date of passage and first publication as provided by state law. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: IslDenise Bode Denise Bode, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: IslMarcia Boutwell Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: IslRonald D. Cates Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney