HomeMy WebLinkAbout715_Amend Part 17 Ch 1_OPWA Res 2002 04_Raising Water RatesTulsa County Clerk - EARLENE WILSON Doc # 02116675 Pgs 1 B/P 6825-1214-1214 Receipt # 607869 09/17/02 Fee 13.00 000607869002 ORDINANCE NUMBER 715 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE WATER RATES AS SET BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION # 2002-04 OF SAID BODY; AND AMENDING PART 17 UTILITIES, CHAPTER 1 WATER, SEWER AND SANITARY SYSTEMS, SECTION 17- 109 WATER RATES; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DIRECTING CODIFICATINO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE: The water rates hereinafter set forth as established by the Owasso Public Works Authority, an Oklahoma Public Trust having the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as it beneficiary, are hereby adopted, approved and directed to be implemented in accordance with Resolution #2002-04 of the Owasso Public Works Authority dated August 20, 2002. SECTION TWO: The provisions of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, referenced as Part 17, Utilities, Chapter I Water, Sewer and Sanitation Systems, Section 17-109 Water Rates shall be amended as follows: Section 17-109 WATER RATES A. There hereby are established the following uniform rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business located within the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water meter as such connectino; provided that, regardless of amount of water metered, the monthly charge for water for each connectino shall not be less than the "minimum charge" set forth: WATER RATES (MONTHLY) 1. First 1000 gallons $7.65 (minimum charge); and, 2. Each additional 1000 gallons $3.35 B. There are hereby established the following uniform rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or usiness, located outside the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water meter as such connection; provided that, regardless of the amount of water metered, the monthly charge for each such connection shall not be less than the "minimum charge" set forth: Water Rates (Monthly) 1. First 1000 gallons $9.18 (minimum charge); and, 2. Each additional 1000 gallons $4.02 PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of August, 2000. Clerk By: a Randall C. Brogdon Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Isl Jav C. Barker Jay C. Barker, Attorney ATTEST: Isl Marcia Boutwell Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Isl Randall C. Broadon Randall C. Brogdon, Mayor Affidavit Of Publication OWASSO REPORTER STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the Owasso Reporter, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a news- paper qualified to publish legal notices, advertise- ments and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th My Commission expires: PUBLISHER'S FEE $ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE WATER RATES AS SET BY THE OWASSO PUB- LIC WORKS AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO RESO- LUTION #2002-04 OF SAID BODY; AND AMENDING PART 17- UTILITIES, CHAPTER 1 WATER, SEWER AND SANITATION SYSTEMS, SECTION 17-109-WATER RATES; AND ESTAB- LISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DIRECTING CODIFICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE: The water rates hereinafter set forth as established by the Owasso Public Works Aulhority, an Oklahoma Public Trust having Ihe City of Owasso, Oklahoma as it beneficiary, are hereby adopted, approved and directed to be implemented in accor~ dance with Resolution #2002- 04 of the Owasso Public Works Authority dated Augusl 20, 2002. SJ;CTION TWO: The prov,sions of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, referenced as Part 17, Ulilities, Chapter 1 Water, Sewer and Sanitation Systems, Section 17-109 Water Rates shall be amended as follows: Section 17-109 WATER RATES A. There hereby are estab- lished the following uniform rates for the volume of water delivered during each calender month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business located within the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water metbr at such connection; pro- v,ded that, regardless of amount of water metered, the monthly charge for water for each connection shall not be less than the "minimum charge: set forth. WATER RATES (MONTHLY) 1 First 1000 gallons $7.65 (mln,mum charge); and, 2. Each additional 1000 gallons $3.35 B. There are hereby estab- lished the following uniform rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business, located outside the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water meter as such connection; pro~ vided that, regardless of the amount of water metered, the monthly charge for each such connection shall not be less than the "minimum charge" set forth: WATER RATES (MONTHLY) 1 First 1000 gallons $9.18 (minImum charge); and, 2. Each additional 1000 gallons $4.02 PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day ot August, 2000. ORDINANCE NUMBER 715 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Published in the Owasso Reporter OwassQ, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, August 29, 2002. TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WATER RATE INCREASE DATE: August 16, 2002 BACKGROUND The Owasso Public Works Authority purchases treated water from the City of Tulsa. Notice was received from the City of Tulsa that, effective October 1, 2002, water rates will increase from $1.86 to $1.98 per 1000 gallons. In order to maintain an adequate operating budget in the OPWA, that twelve -cent rate increase should be passed on to the OPWA water customers. The last water rate increase was two years ago. At that time, Tulsa increased rates by fourteen cents and the OPWA increased rates by twenty -eight cents providing additional operating funds for the OPWA. Staff recommends a rate increase to customers inside the city limits of fifteen cents per 1000 gallons of water usage. The rate increase would offset the twelve cent increase from Tulsa and provide an additional three cents to be dedicated to the OPWA Capital Improvements Fund. The OPWA Capital Improvements Fund is used to construct capital projects for the water and sewer utilities or to pay debt service on those projects. Unexpended resources in -the OPWA Capital Improvements Fund are accumulated for future projects. The proposed new rate would change the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $7.50 to $7.65. The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water would change from $3.20 to $3.35. In 1999, the City Council and OPWA Trustees established water rates to customers residing outside the Owasso city limits at 20% more than the rate inside the city. Staff will recommend maintaining that 20% difference. The proposed new rate for rural customers would change the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $9.00 to $9.18. The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water would change from $3.84 to $4.02. The monthly cost of the proposed rate increase to the average customer who uses 7000 gallons of water per month is $1.05. The annual increase would be $12.60. The total utility bill from the OPWA to an average customer for water, wastewater, refuse and ambulance would increase from $57.33 to $58.38. (Based on an average customer using 7000 gallons of water and 5000 gallons of sewer per month.) Rate changes require the approval of the OPWA Trustees and the approval of the City Council. They are enacted by Trustee Resolution and by City Council Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Trustee approval of Resolution No.2002 -04 increasing water rates. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No.2002 -04 Letter from City of Tulsa Water Rate Change Comparison Chart OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO 2002 -04 A RESOLUTION OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ADOPTING RATES FOR WATER SERVICE WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, EARMARKING REVENUES; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority ( "Authority") desires to establish the following rates for the provision of water service: Users outside corporate limits ' $9.18 , $4.02 WHEREAS, The Authority desires to segregate and earmark certain revenues generated by the referenced water rate ( "Earmarked Revenues ") as follows: Minimum charge per month $1.00 Each additional 1000 gallons $ .28 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date of this Resolution (as hereinafter set forth), the charges by the Authority for water services shall be adjusted in accordance with the above - referenced recital paragraphs and as specifically codified pursuant to Ordinance No. 715 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ( "City"). SECTION TWO: The Earmarked Revenues (as defined above) shall be segregated and said Earmarked Revenues shall be utilized for the sole purpose of (i) funding capital improvement projects and associated costs of the City or the Authority and/or (ii) paying debt service on indebtedness pertaining thereto. SECTION THREE: The water rates established pursuant to this Resolution shall become effective for October 2002 as reflected by the November 2002 billing. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20' day of August, 2002 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority. Randall C. Brogdon, Chairperson ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jay C. Baker, Attorney Base rate Rate for for usage of each additional 1 -1000 gallons 1000 gallons Users inside the corporate limits, as well as those customers of $7.65 $3.35 Rural Water District #3 Rogers County acquired November. 1, 1993 Users outside corporate limits ' $9.18 , $4.02 WHEREAS, The Authority desires to segregate and earmark certain revenues generated by the referenced water rate ( "Earmarked Revenues ") as follows: Minimum charge per month $1.00 Each additional 1000 gallons $ .28 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date of this Resolution (as hereinafter set forth), the charges by the Authority for water services shall be adjusted in accordance with the above - referenced recital paragraphs and as specifically codified pursuant to Ordinance No. 715 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ( "City"). SECTION TWO: The Earmarked Revenues (as defined above) shall be segregated and said Earmarked Revenues shall be utilized for the sole purpose of (i) funding capital improvement projects and associated costs of the City or the Authority and/or (ii) paying debt service on indebtedness pertaining thereto. SECTION THREE: The water rates established pursuant to this Resolution shall become effective for October 2002 as reflected by the November 2002 billing. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20' day of August, 2002 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority. Randall C. Brogdon, Chairperson ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jay C. Baker, Attorney OFFICE OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 918 • 596 • 7274 May 10, 2002 City of Owasso Mr. Robert Carr, Public Works Director P. O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 75055 -0180 Dear Utility Customer: RECEIVED MAY 13 2002 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 200 CIVIC CENTER TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74103 This letter is to notify you that the City of Tulsa is proposing changes in the City utility rates as attached If approved by the Tulsa Utility Board and City Council, the new rates would appear on your bill after November 1, 2002. If you have comments about your specific utility charges, please write to me at the above address, telephone me at (918) 596 -7274, or attend a meeting on Friday, May 17, 2002, 1:30 p.m. in Room 1101, City Hall, 200 Civic Center, Tulsa. Sincerely, 0 M Mike L. Buchert Assistant Public Works Director Attachment WATER UTILITY RATE ADJUSTMENT Proposed Utility Rate Changes Monthly Service Charge Current Rate Proposed Rate 5/8" 4.53 4.98 1.0" 5.52 6.02 1.5" 6.50 7.06 2.0" 9.29 10.00 3.0" 27.60 27.60 4.0" 37.62 38.01 6.0" 58.13 60.18 8.0" 80.84 84.16 10.0" 109.16 116.30 Volume Charge ($/1,000 gallons) Master Meter - Permanent 1.86 1.98 05/09/02 • Page 1 Water Rate Change Comparison $90 $80 $70 Low Usage: Avg Usage: High Usage: 3,000 gals. water 7,000 gals. water 12,000 gals. water 2,000 gals. sewer 5,000 gals. sewer 8,000 gals. sewer Total monthly bill for city single - family residential customers Current Rate 13 Proposed Ratel