HomeMy WebLinkAbout902_Part 10 Ch 8_Security Alarms_Registration & ResponsibilitiesTulsa County Clerk- EARLENE WILSON Doc-# 200,7106556 Pages 6 Receipt # 946615 09/20/07 1 1:47 :15 Fee 23.00 mEO00946615003 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 902 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 10, OFFENSES AND CRIMES, CHAPTER 8, ALARMS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY CREATING CHAPTER 8 ENi'ITLED "ALARMS" AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE REGISTRATION OF A POLICE ALARM AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES IMPOSED UPON AN ALARM OWNER, AND BY REPEALING SECTIONS 10 -312 (13) AND (14). THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 10 OF THE CITY OF THE OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY CREATING SECTION 8, ALARMS, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 10 -312 (13) AND (14). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part 10, Offenses and Crimes, Chapter 8, Alarms, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended by providing and codifying as follows: SECTION TWO (2): SECTION 10 -801 LEGISLATIVE INTENT The purpose of this chapter is to reduce the frequency of false alarms and to provide the Police Department with alarm provider contact information by establishing standards and controls for various types of alarm devices. SECTION THREE (3): SECTION 10 -802 DEFINITIONS The following terms used in this chapter have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: "Alarm" means any activation of a police alarm device. "Alarm business" or "alarm provider" means a person or company in the business of installing, servicing, or monitoring police alarm devices at remote alarm sites owned by other persons. "Audible alarm" means any police alarm device designed to produce an audible signal at the property where it is installed. "Cancellation" means a cancellation signal is received indicating a valid user has disarmed the alarm and/or a voice verification has been received by the alarm provider. "False alarm" means any alarm police respond to that is not triggered by criminal or suspicious activity. Alarms triggered by weather, faulty equipment, human error, animals, etc. are all considered to be false alarms for the purposes of this section. "Police alarm device" means any device that is designed or used to signal the occurrence of a burglary, robbery, or other criminal offense. This term does not include an alarm affixed to an automobile. SECTION FOUR (4): SECTION 10 -803 ALARM REGISTRATION REOUIRED (a) No alarm provider or monitoring service shall operate an alarm business or provide alarm service of any type within the City without first registering the business with the Owasso Police Department on forms provided by the Police Department. This section shall be applicable to alarm services and monitoring services providing services to residents and businesses within the City, regardless of where the alarm or monitoring service is located. Upon registration, the alarm provider or service will be issued a registration number. Failure of an alarm provider or service to register with the Police Department as required under this section and obtain a registration number, or otherwise to be in compliance with the requirements of this section, will result in a non - response by the Police Department to alarms from that provider until such time as proof of the provider's compliance is provided to the Chief of Police. However, the Police Department will respond to the types of alarms set forth in Section 10- 804(A) regardless of the alarm provider's compliance with this section. Such alarm providers shall be required to register with the Owasso Police Department, and failure to do so may result in the imposition of a fine upon the alarm provider, regardless of whether or not a non- response by the Police Department is allowed under this section. (b) No fee shall be charged for any registration issued under this chapter. SECTION FIVE (5): SECTION 10 -804 RESPONSE TO BUSINESS BURGLAR ALARMS In order for a police response to occur, alarm providers must be in compliance with all applicable municipal ordinances and codes, and must agree and adhere to established Police Department policy. If a company is not in compliance with said codes or policy the Police Department will suspend response to any alarms from such provider until such time they provide proof to the Chief of Police that they are in compliance. Officers will only respond to business burglar alarms if one of the following conditions exists. (a) An alarm has already been verified as being the likely result of criminal activity through independent means such as third party response, witness verification, listening devices, video monitoring, or multiple alarms at the same location during a single incident (i.e., exterior breach alarm followed by an interior motion alarm). (b) The central monitoring station or office of the alarm provider has attempted to verify the alarm by contacting the alarm user or a representative of the business by making a minimum of two separate telephone calls to numbers provided by the business prior to contacting Owasso Police Communications. Alarm providers must be willing to confirm that multiple verification has been attempted and be willing to provide names and telephone information to Communications if so requested; and (c) The alarm provider has not received a cancellation from the site of the alarm. If a cancellation is received, no police dispatch will be requested. In the event that police have been requested and then a cancellation is received within five (5) minutes of the original alarm, the alarm provider will notify police dispatch to cancel the officer response. (d) Any other events or circumstances that indicate a response may be needed as determined by the Police Department. Regardless of verification, police will respond to: 1. Any facility classified as a financial or government institution. 2. Drug facilities (pharmacy, medical facilities). 3. Weapons facilities, such as gun shops or armories. 4. Facilities known to store chemicals that could be used for explosives or drug manufacturing. Alarm companies are required to notify the Department in writing if a facility contains said chemicals or explosives. 5. Facilities that contain explosives. SECTION SIX (6): SECTION 10 -805 RESPONSE TO RESIDENTIAL BURGLAR ALARMS Officers will only respond to residential burglar alarms if they meet the same criteria as established under Response to Business Burglar Alarms. (a) Alarm providers must be registered with the Owasso Police Department as required by municipal ordinance. Upon registration the alarm provider will receive a registration number. Failure to 3 register will result in non - response to alarms by police. (b) Alarm providers must call police Communications and cancel a police response if they receive a cancellation after a police response has already been requested. (c) Officers will respond on all residential panic alarms that are manually activated by a person in order to ascertain the problem. SECTION SEVEN (7): SECTION 10 -806 LENGTH OF AUDIBLE SIGNAL It shall constitute a noise violation and therefore be unlawful to operate a police alarm which fails to automatically terminate the alarm's audible signal within ten minutes from the time it is activated. Operation of an alarm that does not automatically terminate the audible signal within ten minutes shall also be a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to penalties as provided within the Police Department's alarm procedures policy. SECTION EIGHT (8): SECTION 10 -807 RESPONSIBLITIES OF POLICE ALARM OWNER No police alarm owner or user shall fail to: (a) Inspect, maintain, and repair a police alarm device to insure its proper operation. (b) Educate and train all employees and other persons who may in the course of their activities be in a position to accidentally activate a police alarm device. (c) Assure that a responsible person responds to every activation of a police alarm device within twenty minutes after being requested to respond by the City's police communications center. SECTION NINE (9): SECTION 10 -808 RIGHT OF INSPECTION The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, may inspect any police alarm device in the presence of the property owner, following notification to the property owner no less than twenty -four (24) hours prior to the inspection, to determine whether the alarm device is being used in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. SECTION TEN (10): SECTION 10 -809 PENALTIES (a) After responding to three or more false alarms at the same location, either residential or business, in a twelve (12) month period, the Police Department will suspend response to alarms at that location until such time that the alarm provider has provided evidence to the Chief of Police that the circumstances causing such false alarms have been identified and rectified (b) A fine will be imposed upon the alarm user the fourth time a false alarm is received at a location within a twelve (12) month period, and a greater fine will be imposed upon the alarm user the fifth time a false alarm is received from a location within a twelve (12) month period. A larger fine shall be imposed upon the alarm user on the sixth occasion that a false alarm is received from a location within the twelve (12) month period. The alarm user shall have the maximum fine imposed for each subsequent fine which occurs within a twelve (12) month period. (c) The alarm user's license shall again be suspended if a false alarm occurs at the same location within ninety (90) days of a suspension and subsequent reinstatement of alarm response by the Police Department. Such suspension shall terminate when evidence is provided to the Chief of Police establishing that the circumstances causing such false alarms have been identified and rectified. (d) The schedule of fines to be imposed upon an alarm user for false alarm occurrences shall be determined by the Chief of Police. SECTION ELEVEN (11): REPEAL OF SECTION 10- 312(13) AND SECTION 10- 312(14) Section 10 -312 (13) and (14) are hereby repealed because the subject matter within those sections is addressed in Part 10, Chapter 8 as set forth above. The sections to be repealed conflict with the provisions of Chapter 8 and must be eliminated from the Code of Ordinances upon adoption of the sections of Chapter 8 set forth above. The sections to be repealed read as follows: SECTION 10 -312 NOISES It is unlawful for any person to create any loud or unnecessary noises of such character, intensity or duration as to be detrimental, or disturbing to the peace or disturbing to the peace, lives or health of any individual. The following acts, among others, are determined to be loud, disturbing or unnecessary noises in violation of this section, which enumerations shall not be deemed to be exclusive, namely: (13) The residential, emits by loud speaker- a noise of a duFation offiee (5) minutes or- longer-; 5 (14) The residen4ial, industrial or- eemmer-eial use or- operation of an), seeur-ity alafm systefnwhie same, system emits by loud speaker- a noise or- transmits by silent alafm, under- eir-eumstanees of eonstituting ., false .,1.,,.m on more than three (3) eeeasions .,lo, dar- menth. SECTION TWELVE (12): REPEALER All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this amended ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION THIRTEEN (13): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION FOURTEEN (14): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION FIFTEEN (15): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by creating Chapter 8 entitled "Alarms" to be codified in Part 10, Chapter 8, as sections 10 -801 through 10 -807. The Code is also amended by the repeal of sections 10 -312 (13) and (14) of Part 10, Chapter 3. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahom n the �% day of , 2007. Stephen Oataudella, Mayor OFFICIAL form and legality this day of , 2007. City Attorney PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ORDINANCE NO. 902/ALARMS PUBLICATION DATE(S) 10/04/07 CASE NUMBER: ORD NO. 902 INVOICE NO: 00041543 INDE"An [9116001 STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF 1uiIsa I SS I, of lawful age, being duly sworn, am a legal representative of Owasso Reporter of Owasso, Oklahoma, a daily newspaper of general circulation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1982 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the ABOVE LISTED DATE(S) Subscribed to and sworn to me this 5th day of October, 2007. Notary Public -1 - CAROL MOORE My commission number: 06011684 My commission expires: December 8, 2010 Customer #: 00000779 Customer: CITY OF OWASSO NANCY CAROL MOORS Publisher's Fee: 301.50 e:e '• Not" Pubic -We ofOkohofll0 Tu rt County MY Commiuim Etrpires December 8, 2010 Commission # 06011684 SECTION SEVEN (7); It shall Constitute a noise viol signal within tend rrtenuaub usticalll to op unlawful and athall within t ^ mltha does or a In the 8me it , the panel, yas provbejd dvwOh nr of this No import owner Proper the maintain, and repair a Police alarm device Ie insure its ice alarm to accidentally may In (c As m dOntall a Palicemrt n device - Person 9): by the The Chief Of Cation to in the p aces or her tlSol It May Ing aetl in sonPocticnytc deta�.nlea ^Ytwe�trs!°le°hirtg ace any with the previsions of this cation responding to month a location within ruse, 41543 Pubfished in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla home, October 4, 2007. CRY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 902 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 10, OFFENSES AND CRIMES, CHAPTER 8, ALARMS, OF THE CODE OF OR04 NANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY CREATING CHAPTER 8 ENTITLED "ALARMS" AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE REGISTRATION OF SECURITY ALARMS AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES IMPOSED UPON ALARM OWNERS, AND BY REPEALING SECTIONS 10312 (13) AND (14). THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 10 OF THE CRY OF THE OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY CREATING SECTION 8, ALARMS, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 10,312 (13) AND (14). BE R ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT. SECTION ONE (1): Part 10, Offenses and Comes, Chapter 8, Alarms, of me Cal Owasso, Cale of Ordinances of the City of Owao, Okla- homa, shall be amended by providing and Codifying as follows: SECTION TWO (2): SECTION10801 LEGISLATIVE]NTFM The purpose of this chapter is to reduce the frequency of false alarms and to provide the Police Department with alarm provider contact information by establishing Standards and Controls for vari- ous types of alarm devices. SECTION THREE (8): SECTOR 10.802 DEFINITIONS The following terms used in this chapter have the following mean- ings unless the context clearly intlbates otherwise: 'Alarm" means any activation of a police alarm device . "Alarm business' or'alamr provider means a person or Company In me business of installing, servicing, or monitoring police alarm devices at remote alarm sites owned by other persons. 'Audible alarm' means any police alarm device designed to Pro- duce an audible signal at me property where It is installed. "Cancellation" means a cancellation signal is received indicating a valid user has disarmed the alarm and/or a voice verification has been mceived by the alarm provider. "False alarm" means any alarm police respond to mat is not mg- gered by criminal or suspicious activity. Alarms triggered by weather, faulty equipment, human error, animals, etc. are all can - sidered to be false alarms forthe purposes Plants section. "Police alarm device" means any device that is designed or used to signal me occurrence of a burglary, robbery, or other criminal of- fense. This term does not Include an alarm affixed to an automo- bile. SECTION FOUR (4): SECTION 10-SOS ALARM REGISTRATION REQUIRED (a) No alarm provider or monitoring service shall operate an alarm business or provide alarm service of any type within the City without first registering the business with the Owasso Police De- partment on fortes provided by the Police Department. This section shall be applicable to alarm services and monitoring services providing services to residents and businesses within the City, regardless of where the alarm or monitoring service is located. Upon registration, me alarm provider or service will be Issued! a registration number. Failure of an alarm provider or service to register with me Police Department as required under Cols section and obtain a registration number, or otherwise W be in Compliance with the requirements of this section, will resuft in a non - response by the Police Department to alarms from that provider until such time as proof of me provider's compliance is provided to the Chief of Police. However, the Police Department Will respond to me types of alarms set ford in Section 10304(A) regardless of the alarm providees Compliance win this section. Such alarm providers shall be required to register with the Owasso Police Department, and failure to do ae may result in the imposition of a fine upon the alarm provider, regardless of whether or not a non - response by the Police Department Is al. lowed under this section. (b) No fee shall be charged for any registration Issued under this chapter. SECTION FIVE (B): SECTION 10806 RESPONSE TO BUSINESS BURGLAR ALARMS In order for a police response to occur, alarm providers must be In complisrrce with all applicable municipal ordinances and codes, and must agree and adhere to established Police Department pol- icy. If a Company Is not in compliance with said codes or pulloy, the Police Department will suspend response to any alarms from such provider until such time they provide proof to the Chief of Police that they are In Compliance. Officers will only respond to business burglar alarms ff one of me fallowing conditions exists. (a) An alarm has already been verified as being the likely result of Criminal aativ'ay through independent means such as third party response, witness verification, listening devices, video monitor- ing, or muitiple alarms at me same location doing a single in- dent (i.e., exterior breach alarm followed by an Interior motion alarm). (b) The central monitoring station or office of the alarm provider has attempted to verity the alarm by contacting me alarm user or a representa0ve of the business by making a minimum of two separate telephone calls to numbers provided by the business prior to contacting Owasso POIICB Communications. Alarm pro- viders must be willing to Confirm met multple verification has been attempted and be willing to provide names and telephone Information to Communicamrs If so requested; and (c) The alarm provider has not received a cancellation from me she of the alarm. If a cancellation Is received, no police dispatch will be requested. In me event that police have been requested and then a cancellation is received within five (5) minutes of the original alarm, me alarm provider will notify police dispatch to cancel the officer response. (d) Any other events or circumstances that indicate a response may be needed as determined by me Police Department. Re, gardless of verficaton, police will respond to: 1. Any facility classified as a financial or government insti ti. lion. 2. Drug facilities (pharmacy, medical factors). 3. Weapons factlities, such as gun shops or armories. 4. Facilities known to store chemicals that Could be used for explosives or drug manufacturing. Alarm companies are required to nobly the Department In writing If a facility con- tains said chemicals or explosives. 5. Facilities mat contain explosives. SECTION SIX (0): SECTION 10305 RESPONSE TO RESIDETnAL BURGLAR ALARM Officers will only respond to residenfial burglar alarms ff they meet the same comae as established under Response to Business Bur- glar Alarms. (a) Alarm providers must be registered with the Owasso Police De- partment as required by municipal ordinance. Upon registration Me alarm provider will receive a registration number. Failure to register will resin in non - response to alums by police. (b) Alarm providers must call police Communications and cancel a police response if they receive a Cancellation Sher a police ro- sponse has already been requested. (c) Officers will respond on all residential panic alarms that are manually activated by a parson in order to ascertain the prob. lam. twelve (12) month period. A larger fine shall be imposed upon Me alarm user on the sixth occasion mat a false alarm is re- celved from a location Within the twelve (12) month period. The .Ia. user shall have me maximum fine Imposed for each sub- sequent fine which occurs within a twelve (12) month period. (c) The alarm user's license shell again be suspended if a false alarm occurs at the same location within ninety (90) days of a suspension and subsequent nanatetement of alarm response by the Police Department. Such suspension shall terminate when evidence Is provided to the Chief of Force establishing that the circumstances causing such false alarms have been Identified and rectified. (d) The schedule of lines to be imposed upon an alarm user for false alarm occurrences shall be determined by me Chief of Po- It.. SECTION ELEVEN (11): REPEAL OF SECTION 10312081 AND SECTION 11111.2191111 Section 10312 (13) and (14) are hereby repealed because the Subject matter within those sections is addressed In Pan 10, Chap tar 8 ss set forth above. The sections to be repealed conflict with the provisions of Chapter 8 and must be eliminated from the Code of Ordinances upon adoption of the sections of Chafer 8 set form above. The sections to be repealed read as fellows It is unlawful for any person to create any loud or unnecessary noises of such character, intensity or duration as to be Commental, or disWMing to me peace or disturbing to the peace, lives or health of any Individual. The following acts, among Others, are deter - mined to be loud, disturbing or unnecessary noises in violation of this section, which enumerations shall not be deemed to be e.lu- live, namely! (13) (14) SECTION TWELVE (12): REPEALER All ordinances, or pads of ordinances, in conflict with this amended ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTIONIHIRTEEN(13): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION FOURTEEN (14: DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shalt become effective miry (30) days fmm the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION FIFTEEN (1E): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby emended by creating Chapter 8 entitled "Alarms' to be Codified in Part 10, Chapter 8, as sections 10301 through 10-807. The Code Is also amended by the repeal of sections 10 -312 (13) and (14) of Part 10, Chapter 3. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on me 4th day of September, 2007. /s/ Stephen Cataudella Mayor ATTEST. /s/ Sherry Bishop City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED as to form and legality this 31 st day August, 2007. /s' Julie Lombardi City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DAN YANCEY CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: UPDATE ON PROPOSED ALARM ORDINANCE DATE: September 4, 2007 Since the work session the staff has sent out letters notifying all businesses listed within the Owasso Chamber of Commerce business directory and Alarm companies (operating within city limits) of a meeting to discuss changes to the City of Owasso Alarm Ordinance. As a result of that meeting only two items needed clarification and the staff has made those changes as mentioned in the email sent on August 31 st by Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney. Attached for your review are copies of the letters sent, comments received, a signup sheet of attendees for the meeting held on August 30`h and copies of articles published in the Owasso Reporter. Page 1 of 1 Rooney, Timothy From: Rooney, Timothy Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 7:34 AM To: ' Cataudella, Stephen';' djgall@ dawgwash. com';'djgall @cityofowasso.com'; skimball @cityofowasso.com; 'Doug Bonebrake; 'jsinex @cityofowasso.com' Cc: Ray, Rodney; Yancey, Dan Subject: Security Alarm Ordinance Informational Meeting Councilors - The Security Alarm Ordinance informational meeting was conducted last night at Old Central. A total of 14 people attended the meeting (5 were staff, 1 was from the Owasso Reporter). Chief Yancey reviewed statistics, the reasons for the proposal, the origins of the proposed ordinance, and the ordinance itself. The feeback for the proposed ordinance was overwhelmingly positive, particularly from those in attendance that represented security alarm companies. Two items of clarrification regarding the ordinance were discussed, resulting in clarrification language being added to the ordinance—one regarding the definition of a cancelled alarm, the other regarding the time frame in which the security alarm provider is to call in a cancellation. This language will be included in the ordinance that you receive in your council packets later today. Those in attendance were informed that the revised ordinance would be available on the City's website after 5 PM today (Friday) and were encouraged to review it online and contact me or Chief Yancey if there were any needed corrections. The proposed ordinance will be on the September 4, 2007 City Council agenda for action. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Timothy Rooney 9/4/2007 out Limits. ...removing obstacles standing in the way of people celebrating their lives. TO: Chamber of Commerce Members FROM: Chief Dan Yancey, Owasso Police Department RE: Proposed Alarm Response Ordinance Informational Meeting — August 30, 2007 — 6:00 PM Old Central — 109 N. Birch DATE: August 20, 2007 The City of Owasso is currently in the process of soliciting public comment regarding a proposed Alarm response Ordinance which could impact security alarm responses conducted by the Owasso Police Department. More specifically, the proposed ordinance would place limits on the amount of false security alarms per business or residence requiring a police response and establishes the ability for citations to be issued to habitual offenders. Additionally, the proposed ordinance requires all security alarm companies to register with the City of Owasso Police Department. You are being notified of this meeting because you are member of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of Owasso. The meeting is being conducted in order to seek your input and allow you to ask any questions you may have regarding the proposed ordinance. Copies of the proposed ordinance will be available for your review at the meeting, or may be obtained in advance by contacting the Owasso Police Department at 376 -1564. You may also review the proposed ordinance by visiting the City of Owasso website at www.cityofowasso.com. The meeting will be conducted at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, Owasso, OK. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 PM. If you have any questions, please call 376- 1564. 111 N. Main (918) 376 -1500 P.O. Box 180 City of Owasso FAX (918) 376 -1551 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 a City Of Character www.cityofowasso.com out Limits. obstacles standing in the way of people celebrating their lives. TO: All Security Alarm Companies Operating in the City of Owasso FROM: Chief Dan Yancey, Owasso Police Department RE: Proposed Alarm Response Ordinance Informational Meeting — August 30, 2007 — 6:00 PM Old Central — 109 N. Birch DATE: August 16, 2007 The City of Owasso is currently in the process of soliciting public comment regarding a proposed Alarm response Ordinance which could impact security alarm responses conducted by the Owasso Police Department. More specifically, the proposed ordinance would place limits on the amount of false security alarms per business or residence requiring a police response and establishes the ability for citations to be issued to habitual offenders. Additionally, the proposed ordinance requires all security alarm companies to register with the City of Owasso Police Department. You are being notified of this meeting because you are known to be a security alarm provider in the City of Owasso. The meeting is being conducted in order to seek your input and allow you to ask any questions you may have regarding the proposed ordinance. Copies of the proposed ordinance will be available for your review at the meeting, or may be obtained in advance by contacting the Owasso Police Department at 376 -1564. You may also review the proposed ordinance by visiting the City of Owasso website at www.cityofowasso.com. The meeting will be conducted at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, Owasso, OK. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 PM. If you have any questions, please call 376- 1564. 111 N. Main ' (918) 376 -1500 P.O. Box 180 City of Owasso FAX (918) 376 -1551 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 A City of Character www.cilyofowasso.com Pagel Dan: Be sure these comments are included in the official report of the Public Hearing (officially noted in the minutes of the meeting, the company shown on the sign in list as providing comments, his comments attached to the sign -in sheet, and in the final report to the City Manager). From: David Simon [mailto:David.Simon @brinks.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 3:11 PM To: Ray, Rodney Subject: comments on proposed alarm ordinance Dear Mr. Ray: Please accept my attached comments for the record on the alarm ordinance changes proposed for tomorrow evening. I will be unable to attend and would like to place my remarks on the record. My comments were sent to Chief Yancey and Deputy Chief Chambless. Dave Simon Brink's Home Security August 29, 2007 Dear Chief Yancey and Deputy Chief Chambless My apologies for responding relatively late on your letter that proposes changes to the Owasso alarm ordinance. I will not be able to attend the city council meeting, but would like to submit the attached comments for the record. Brink's Home Security believes you've selected many good provisions that have proven to reduce alarm dispatches in other communities. Among them: 1) Permits required for dispatch. 2) Suspended response after a specified number of false alarms, followed by a provisNon for reinstatement after the causes of the false alarms are identified and rectified. 3) Mandating Enhanced Call Verification (ECV) We believe if you enforce these provisions, particulary ECV and suspended response, you'll see a dramatic reduction in alarm dispatch calls. If you would choose to add other provisions, the inclusion of CP -01 standards for new alarm installations and a seven -day waiting period after installation before dispatch are two options that also effectively reduce alarms in other communities. If you would like further information, we can provide that to you. I will forward this message to your elected officials as well, and thank you for the opporunity to support your effort in reducing alarm dispatches. Sincerely, Dave Simon Senior Manager, Government Relations Brink's Home Security 972.871.3778 8/29/2007 Page 2 of 2 Notice to Brink's Home Security employees: All electronic mall communications composed, sent, received or stored on or through Brink's Home Security equipment are subject to the company's Monitoring of Office Systems Policy. Employees should have no expectations of privacy in their use of the company's electronic mail system. 8/29/2007 Owasso Reporter Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Proposed alarm ordinance to be discussed Thursday The Owasso Police Department will hold a proposed alarm ordinance meet- ing on 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 30 at the Old Central Building, 100 N. Birch. The purpose of the meeting is to help limit the number of false alarm calls the police are dispatched to and to help gather public comments on the issue. Police Chief Dan Yancey said his department went on about 2,000 false alarm calls last year and those calls took up 10 percent of the department's time. owasso Reporter , August 30, 2007 alarm ordinance meeting ng tonight The Owasso Police Birch. gather -public comments Department will hold a The purpose of the meet- on the issue.. proposed alarm ordinance ing is to help limit the * Police Chief Dan Yancey meeting on 6 p.m. Thurs- number of false- Alarm said his department went day, Aug' 30 at - the Old calls the police are dis- on about 2,000 false Alarm Central Building, 109 N. patched to and to help calls last year and those calls took up 10 percent of- the ddpartment's time. 'Yancey also added that many police departments around the country have started using the new ordi- According to the City of Owasso's website, the pro- posed ordinance would place limits on the amount of false security alarms per business or residence ,requiring a - police response establishes citations to offenders. Additionally, the pro- posed ordinance requires all security alarm eompa- nids to register With the City of Owasso Police .Department. For more information on the new proposed ordi- nance, check out th'e City of Owasso's Web site and click the proposed alarm ordinance, link under the news section. Owasso Reporter Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Staff: Writer, In an efforf to curb the amount -,of false alarm,,calls, Owasso Police Chief Dan Yancey met Thursday . evening iwith a small group of business and alarm'com- pany owners to discus a proposed false alarm ordinance. Yancey said:the Owasso Police Depart-, ment responds b approximately ,2,000 alarm calls egch.War. "Eleven percent of ''our time is taken up With answering alarm calls and about 99 percent of those calls are false alarms;i' he added." The purpose'of Thursday's meeting was present the police department's view of the proposed' ordinance and to solicit feedback from the audience: Wies, general manager of the Tul- sa -based Monitoring America alarm co- op, said he was encouraged that Yancey . and the OPD took the time to talk to the Alarms from page 1 Some of the main points in the pro- posed ordinance is to cut down on the amount of false alarm call the police department responds to. The' proposed ordinance also would require an alarm provider or -a mon- itoring service who operates an alarm'business or provide alarm service within the city to register the business with the .OPD. No fee will be charged for registration. Also, the proposed ordinance states if police responds to more than three false alarms at the same location, either residential or busi- ness, in a 12 month peri6d, the ."Some cities will pass an ordinance wrthoutnotice and than 411 of a sudden, it surprises ttie alarm company and. everyone. else and it's areal pain to fig- ure !out what is going on, ", Wies said. "This is the way it should be: CWe7:helped bring up. some issues that the city may not have thought o£" Yancey brainstormed with Wien and the rest of the audience to help, the general public understand the ordinance and to make sure the ordinance was worded clearly, Another purpose of the meeting was to help.give the proposed ordinance. a, final draft to hand over to the city council. The proposed ordinance „will' be looked at by the city council during tonight's meeting. I think;'we madb good.`,stkdes in fine tuning the ordinance,” Yancey said. "I'm confident the city council will approve the ordinance, I don't foresee any prob- lems."' See ALARMS — page 2 police department will suspend response to alarms at that location until the problem has been iecti- fled. A fine will be imposed on the fourth offense arid. the fines will. increase for each offense until the problem is rectified. OPD will still respond to those offending entities if it is a genuine call. "This will be better for my staff because we don't want the officers to get info''the, wrong mindset when they;go o'n an ;alarm call. The more false "calls we go on, the mindset of the officer is that it probably will be a, false call.-And that's a dangerous mindset to et. into," Yancey said. "It puts the ficer's safety at risk if they get i o a mentality that it will be, a falsY call and let their guard down 0r/.maybe ,not. -go ;check the building if it happens to be a gen- uine call," Residents can view th proposed ordinance on the City of Owasso website. Yancey said if changes need to be made to the proposed ordinance, they can make changes a few min- utes before Tuesday's council meet- ing. ' NAME — PRINTED PUBLIC MEETING ALARM ORDINANCE August 30, 2007 SIGNATURE BUSINESS NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER