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2011.04.19_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED TYPE OF MEETING: Regular 'APR 15 2011 DATE: April 19, 2011 TIME: 6:30 p.m. City ClerWs PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 15, 2011. Sherry Bishop, Cit Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Doug Bonebrake 2. Invocation Pastor Glenn Shaffer, Destiny Life Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of Minutes of the April 5, 2011 Regular Meeting and the April 12, 2011 Special Meeting. Attachment # 5 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 5 -B C. Acknowledge receipt of the monthly FY 2010-11 budget status report. Attachment # 5 -C D. Acceptance of an Agreement for Urban Engineering Services with Kellogg Engineering and RK & Associates, PLC. Attachment # 5 -D E. Approval of the following retirement benefits from the City's Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OMRF) retirement plan: Cecil Busby, Deferred Retirement; Joe Harris Sr., Early Retirement. Attachment # 5 -E Owasso City Council April 19, 201 1 Page 2 Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the General Fund and the Stormwater Fund. Ms. Hess Attachment # 7 Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation from reserves, increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the General Fund by $52,057 and in the Stormwater Fund by $11,000, in order to provide funding for expenses that occurred as a result of required cleanup created from the winter storm event of January 2011. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council to award the contract for the purchase of heart monitors and defibrillators. Mr. Clark Attachment # 8 Staff recommends City Council award the contract for the purchase of heart monitors and defibrillators to Physio - Control of Redmond, Washington. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of OA 11 -02, a request to detach approximately twenty acres located approximately 'A mile north of East 116th Street North on the east side of Mingo Road. Mr. Fritschen Attachment # 9 Staff recommends City Council approval of OA 1 1 -02. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of the Lake Valley IV Extended final plat. Mr. Fritschen Attachment # 10 Staff recommends City Council approval of the Lake Valley IV Extended final plat. 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Owasso and Tulsa County, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. Mr. Feary Attachment # 1 1 Staff recommends City Council approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Owasso and Tulsa County for paving assistance related to the East 1 16th Street and North Garnett Intersection, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council acceptance of the CIP Street Rehabilitation Project and authorization for final payment. Mr. Feary Attachment # 12 Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the CIP Street Rehabilitation Project and authorization for final payment to Tri -Star Construction in the amount of $48,519.03. Owasso City Council April 19, 2011 Page 3 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of Ordinance No. 984, relating to and amending sections within Part 10, Offenses and Crimes, Chapter 2, Offenses Against Property; Chapter 3, Offenses Against the Public; Chapter 4, Offenses Against Health, Welfare, and Morals; and Chapter 5, Offenses Against Persons. Ms. Lombardi Attachment # 13 Staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance No. 984. 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for City Council approval of Ordinance No. 985, relating to and amending Part 15, Traffic and Vehicles, Enforcement, Section 15 -211, Possession of Valid Driver's License Required; Employing Unlicensed Chauffeur. Ms. Lombardi Attachment # 13 Staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance No. 985 15. Report from City Manager. 16. Report from City Attorney. 17. Report from City Councilors. 18. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 19. Adjournment. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 5, 2011 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 1, 2011. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bonebrake called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Father Chris Waters of Anglican Church of Saint Paul. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE Councilor Guevara led the flag salute. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Doug Bonebrake, Mayor None Jon Sinex, Vice Mayor Steve Cataudella, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Bryan Stovall, Councilor A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney ITEM 5. PRESENTATION OF THE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Mr. Ray presented Melony Hill; Finance Department as the Employee of the Quarter. ITEM 6. PRESENTATION OF THE CHARACTER TRAIT OF CAUTIOUSNESS Mr. Lance Skalnik of RCB Bank Owasso presented to the City Council "Cautiousness," the Character Trait of the Month for April 2011. Owasso City Council April 5, 2011 ITEM 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the March 15, 2011 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Approval of Ordinance No. 982, Approval of Ordinance No. 982, approving OZ 11 -01, changing the zoning of property located in the southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, from an AG Agriculture to an RS -3 Single Family Residential District. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Mr. Stovall to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $207,662.61. Also included for review were the healthcare self- insurance claims report and payroll payment reports for pay periods 3/12/11 and 3/26/11. YEA: Bonebrake, Guevara, Cataudella, Stovall, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 8. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action was required on this item. ITEM 9. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL CONFIRMATION OF THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT TO THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Bonebrake nominated Tammy Laakso to fill an unexpired term on the Owasso Planning Commission vacated by Marilyn Hinkle. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Stovall to confirm the Mayor's nomination. YEA: Bonebrake, Guevara, Cataudella, Stovall, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVE FINAL REPORT AND PLAN AS A POLICY DOCUMENT THAT ESTABLISHES GUIDING DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO. Mr. Ray presented the item, recommending City Council adoption of the Quality of Life Final Report and Plan. One citizen, Pat Wallace, addressed the City Council. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Mr. Stovall to adopt of the Quality of Life Final Report and Plan as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Guevara, Cataudella, Stovall, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 2 Owasso City Council April 5, 2011 Item 11. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 983, AMENDING PART 17, UTILITIES, WATER, SEWER AND SANITATION SYSTEMS, SECTION 17 -110, SEWER RATES, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BY REMOVING THE ASSUMED USAGE FOR RURAL WATER DISTRICT CUSTOMERS AND PROVIDING THAT RURAL WATER DISTRICT CUSTOMERS BE CHARGED THE SAME RATES UTILIZING THE SAME METHODOLOGIES AS OPWA WATER SERVICE CUSTOMERS. Mr. Feary presented the item, recommending City Council approval of Ordinance 983. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Stovall to approve Ordinance No. 983 as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Guevara, Cataudella, Stovall, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 12. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr. Ray introduced Roger Stevens, Public Works Director, who provided a project status report on various Public Works projects and Warren Lehr, Assistant City Manager, who provided an update on a recent baseball tournament, held in Owasso. ITEM 13. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 14. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Mayor Bonebrake presented a proclamation, declaring the month of April 2011 as Fair Housing Month in the City of Owasso. ITEM 15. NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 16. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Sinex moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, to adjourn. YEA: Bonebrake, Guevara, Cataudella, Stovall, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:310p.m. Juliann M. Stevens, Minute Clerk 3 Doug Bonebrake, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, April 12, 2011 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, April 8, 2011. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bonebrake called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PRESENT ABSENT Doug Bonebrake, Mayor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Jon Sinex, Vice Mayor Steve Cataudella, Councilor Bryan Stovall, Councilor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO OPERATIONAL ITEMS A. Proposed Fire Department purchase of heart monitors and defibrillators B. Request for the detachment of 20 acres - OA 11 -02 C. Request for review and approval of Final Plat for Lake Valley IV Extended D. Proposed Interlocal Agreement with Tulsa County related to the annual Street Rehabilitation Program E. Request for final payment to Tri -Star Construction related to the Annual Street Rehabilitation Program Mr. Lehr presented each item explaining that A) the Fire Department is requesting to purchase four heart monitors and defibrillators from the state contract bid list in order to replace existing equipment, funds for this purchase were included in the FY 10 -11 budget; B) the Planning Commission has reviewed a request for the detachment of a 20 acre tract located approximately '/2 north of E. 116th Street North on the east side of Mingo Road and is recommending City Council approval; C) the Planning Commission has reviewed a final plat for Lake Valley IV Extended and is recommending approval of the City Council; D)staff is proposing an interlocal agreement between Tulsa County and the City of Owasso for street repair work at the Garnett Road and N. 1 16th Street North intersection; and E) the repair and /or resurfacing contract awarded to Tri -Star Construction as part of the CIP Annual Street Rehabilitation Program is complete and staff has received a request for final payment in the amount of $48,519.03. Mr. Lehr further explained that each item would be placed on the April 19, 2011 City Council agenda for consideration and appropriate action. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. Proposed budget amendment related to the February 2011 snow event B. Proposed amendments to Code of Ordinances - Part 9, Licensing and Solicitor Permitting; Part 10, Offenses and Crimes; and Part 15, Traffic and Vehicles C. Proposed resolution related to the Garnett Regional Detention assessment rate D. Presentation related to anticipated changes in the City of Tulsa's water treatment process E. City Manager Report 1.Sales Tax Report Owasso City Council April 12, 201 1 A.) Mr. Ray presented information related to expenditures resulting from the February 2011 snow event and the city's efforts to obtain federal and /or state reimbursement. It was further explained that a request to approve budget amendments in the General Fund and the Stormwater Fund would be included on the April 19th agenda for consideration and appropriate action; B.) Ms. Lombardi presented several proposed amendments to Part 10, Offenses and Crimes and Part 15, Traffic and Vehicles, explaining that an item would be placed on the April 19th agenda for consideration and appropriate action. In addition, Ms. Lombardi discussed potential amendments to Part 9, Licensing and Solicitor Permitting and advised of staff's intent to bring the amendments for discussion during the May worksession; C) Mr. Ray noted that the Garnett Regional Detention Pond is complete and staff is working to calculate the assessment rate. It was further noted that staff intends to include this item for discussion during the May worksession; D.) Mr. Travis Blundell presented information related to anticipated changes in the City of Tulsa's water treatment process from Chlorine to Chloramines; E.) Mr. Ray provided information on the most recent sales tax receipts. ITEM 4: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS No Report. ITEM 5: Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the Office of the City Manger, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(I ). Mr. Cataudella moved to enter into executive session, seconded by Mr. Sinex. YEA: Sinex, Bonebrake, Cataudella, Stovall NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. The City Council entered executive session at 7:20pm. At 7:53pm, the City Council entered the Council Chambers. ITEM 6: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cataudella moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Stovall. YEA: Sinex, Bonebrake, Cataudella, Stovall NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Meeting adjourned at 7:54PM. Doug Bonebrake, Mayor Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni GENERAL AEP /PSO STREET LIGHTS 15.06 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC FORFEITURE/VALDEZ - 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND /FINDLEY 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /MALOY 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /PACKARD 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /SHORT 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND/WATSON 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUNDM/OOD 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /JOHNSON 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND/VALDEZ 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /ROBINSON 50.00 TOTAL GENERAL 465.06 MUNICIPAL COURT JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 1.95 YOUTH SERVICES OF TULSA YOUTH COURT 3,750.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OML- CONFERENCE 400.00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 4,151.95 MANAGERIAL WORDCOM,INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.76 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 143.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 17.64 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE /FEARY 267.94 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 41.67 CUSTOM CRAFT AWARDS, INC. EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 150.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 17.62 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 20.22 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 99.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PUBLIC RELATIONS 6.81 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 141.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NGAOK- REGISTRATION FEE 40.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 20.92 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 31.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES 15.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 26.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CUTTER & BUCK -EMP RECOG 44.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK KUM & GO -FUEL 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PUBLIC RELATIONS 27.11 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK KUM & GO -FUEL 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 92.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 35.13 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE 92.05 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTER LUNCHEON 10.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PASTOR MEETING EXPENSE 10.00 Page 1 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description jPayment Amouni TOTAL MANAGERIAL 1,398.10 FINANCE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 4.98 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 41.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 23.44 TOTAL FINANCE 70.09 HUMAN RESOURCES JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA WORLD- ADVERTISING 2,975.39 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY, P.L.L PRE - EMPLOYMENT DRUG SCREE 100.00 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY, P.L.L RANDOM DRUG SCREENING 195.00 TULSA TECHNOLOGY CENTER BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN CLASS 400.00 AMER ICANCHECKED, INC ATTN: BILLING PRE - EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND 136.75 COMMUNITYCARE EAP EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGR 227.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CLAREMORE DAILY - ADVERTISE 204.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 25.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPS- POSTAGE 5.54 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY APPLICATIONS 20.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTER LUNCHEON 10.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IMPACT - MOTHERBOARD 90.08 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 4,389.51 HR - CHARACTER INITIATIVE JA N Z SIGNS & SHIRTS, INC ICHARACTER INITIATIVE 1,151.50 TOTAL HR- CHARACTER INITIATIVE 1,151.50 GENERAL GOVERNMENT JRW INC DBA/FINANCIAL EQUIPMENT CO. SHREDDER MAINTENANCE 195.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NEOPOST - SOFTWARE UPDATE 260.00 CINTAS CORPORATION CARPET/ MAT CLEANING 33.69 INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMEN LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM 957.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 59.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMER WASTE- REFUSE SVC 138.97 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 688.60 TITUS HILLIS & REYNOLDS, P.C. PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION 12,571.50 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 85.00 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 29.98 HEARTLAND CONSULTING, INC CONSULTING FEES FY11 10,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 25,522.80 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 1.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 35.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 14.35 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 309.53 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 6.01 Page 2 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 125.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 14.91 CITY GARAGE PARTS & OUTSIDE SVCS - MA 62.42 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 53.34 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PROSERV- BUSINESS CARDS 62.80 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 686.07 ENGINEERING CITY GARAGE PARTS & OUTSIDE SVCS - MA 227.91 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 166.67 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 712.62 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICES 13.20 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICES 13.20 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORPORATION CELL PHONE 58.55 TOTAL ENGINEERING 1,192.15 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART - BATTERIES 7.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TECHSICO -PHONE WORK 427.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES 4.10 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 40.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX - INTERNET SERVICE 1,550.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - BATTERIES 9.97 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 41.67 NOBEL SYSTEMS, INC GIS VIEWER UPGRADE 6,000.00 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 8,081.25 SUPPORT SERVICES CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 166.67 COX COMMUNICATIONS INTERNET SVC - OC BLDG 69.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ARCH SIGNS - NAMEPLATE 103.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HORIZON - BOILER REPAIR 1,485.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PAINT 11.98 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 19.25 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 19.25 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 19.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MOTOROLA - BUTTON FOR RADIO 91.98 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 12.07 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 391.39 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 23.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 17.85 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 433.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MURPHY SANITARY - SUPPLIES 41.68 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES 2,907.57 CEMETERY VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP CEMETERY ELECTRIC 32.20 Page 3 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description IPayment Amouni TOTAL CEMETERY 32.20 POLICE SERVICES JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -RANGE CART 99.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IPMBA -DUES FOR PARSLEY 50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAFE KIDS TRAINING 55.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FIREARMS TRAINING 36.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 23.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS - NEWMAN TRAINING 16.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RANGE DAY TRAINING 72.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FIREARMS TRAINING 14.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OWASSO FITNESS -GYM 135.00 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 4,666.67 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 10,634.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PATROL TECH -CAR CHARGER 8.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PATROL TECH - UNIFORM 62.80 CITY GARAGE PARTS & OUTSIDE SVCS - MA 10,169.77 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 103.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GLOBALGOV- MONITOR 186.50 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY APPLICATIONS 50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL -TONER 643.93 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 290.82 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MARRIOTT- CREDIT -19.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MTM -BADGE FOR 944 76.91 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 27,377.74 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 79.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- PRISONER MEALS 104.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK 4ALLMEMORY -RAM UPGRADE 814.37 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL - SERVER HDD UPGRADES 748.48 TOTAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 1,746.73 ANIMAL CONTROL CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 166.67 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 237.71 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 404.38 FIRE SERVICES FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 2,148.82 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 144.62 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO - ANTIFREEZE 23.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE - GARRETT 7.16 VERIZON WIRELESS GOBI CHIPS 114.03 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 1,362.82 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE - GARRETT 234.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELTA- TRAVEUGARRETT 25.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 155.42 Page 4 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni FIRE SERVICES... JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 9.68 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 1,166.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INTERSTATE - BATTERIES 27.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CASCO INDUST -BOOTS 581.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EQUIP ONE - FRENCH DRAIN 58.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UPS STORE -RADIO SHIPPING 41.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS FOR FR DRAIN 121.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE - GARRETT 11.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 44.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AUTOGLASS - REPLACE GLASS 300.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OWASSO FITNESS -GYM FEES 480.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO -LIGHT BULBS 7.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NSEFO- ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS -PARTS 11.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EQUIPMENT ONE - REPAIRS 249.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERIFLEX HOSE -BALL VALVE 104.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE - GARRETT 52.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELTA - TRAVEL EXP /GARRETT 25.00 TOTAL FIRE SERVICES 7,558.51 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNES VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRIC BILL STORM SIREN 20.40 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRIC BILL STORM SIREN 20.40 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRIC BILL STORM SIREN 20.40 TOTAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 61.20 STREETS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -BULB 7.48 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER MAIN STREET LIGHTING 1,000.00 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SILVER CREEK LIGHTING 513.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MAXWELL- SUPPLIES 176.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLYS -AIR CHUCK/GAUGE 7.91 CITY GARAGE PARTS & OUTSIDE SVCS - MA 1,098.82 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 1,166.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD -HIP WADERS 44.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD -HOOK 21.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS -HOOKS FOR CHAIN 17.38 AEP /PSO STREET LIGHTS 5,206.35 TULSA ASPHALT, LLC TYPE C ASPHALT 73.32 SIGNALTEK INC MARCH MAINTENANCE 3,077.94 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 1,981.12 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICES 35.39 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICES 37.09 TOTAL STREETS 14,465.06 STORMWATER UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICES 38.41 Page 5 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni STORMWATER... UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICES 69.95 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 1,027.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - PSRTS 2.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -PARTS 10.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -PARTS 18.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES 4.10 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 1,166.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EQUIP ONE - REPAIR EDGER 42.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P &K EQUIP -SPARK PLUGS 5.40 CITY GARAGE PARTS & OUTSIDE SVCS - MA 1,336.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PULL CORD 7.87 TOTAL STORMWATER 3,731.70 PARKS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ANZ SIGNS -SIGNS 56.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK QUALITY TIRE -TUBE FOR TIR 15.00 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 250.00 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 187.07 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTALS & CLEANIN 13.15 DONALD L. TAYLOR KEYS 21.00 ELAINE WILLSON JANITORIAL SERVICES 636.48 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 543.30 TOTAL PARKS 1,722.00 COMMUNITY CENTER FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 392.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PHONES 291.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH KEYS 33.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH KEYS 30.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 17.94 TREASURER PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 23.33 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 430.79 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 41.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 62.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TUCKER JANT'L- SUPPLIES 246.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LIGHTING INC -CC LIGHTING 210.90 CITY GARAGE PARTS & OUTSIDE SVCS - MA 375.65 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 2,155.07 HISTORICAL MUSEUM ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 199.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -LIGHT BULBS 50.58 TOTAL HISTORICAL MUSEUM 249.70 ECONOMIC DEV FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 53.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GLOBALGOV- MONITOR 186.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WEBSCRIBBLE- HOSTING 19.99 Page 6 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description IPayment Amount ECONOMIC DEV... ICITY GARAGE ILABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 41.67 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEV 301.41 109,821.7 FUND GRAND TOTAL AMBULANCE SERVICE STEPHANIE WILDER AMBULANCE REFUND 60.00 MARY GANNAN AMBULANCE REFUND 166.91 VIVIAN MILLER AMBULANCE REFUND 50.00 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES CORP. COLLECTION FEES 240.92 TOTAL AMBULANCE SERVICE 517.83 AMBULANCE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLMED- SUPPLIES 866.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLMED- SUPPLIES 3.87 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLMED- SUPPLIES 6.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAFE KIDS - TRAINING 25.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 143.97 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN - MARCH, 2011 2,129.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PHARM SYSTEMS - SUPPLIES 296.14 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER TO BUMPER - LIGHTS 97.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER TO BUMPER - LIGHTS 20.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA FREIGHTLINER -PARTS 20.00 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY INC MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL 114.00 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY INC MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL 57.00 BARRY INGRAM EDUCATIONAL COMPENSATION 760.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BOUND TREE - RETURN - 178.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BOUND TREE - SUPPLIES 236.09 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BOUND TREE -MED SUPPLIES 850.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEDTRONIC - SUPPLIES 1,180.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLMED- SUPPLIES 276.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLMED- SUPPLIES 99.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLMED- MEDICAL SUPPLIES 142.00 CITY GARAGE LABOR & OVERHEAD CHARGES 1,000.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS 2.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAFE KIDS - TRAINING 75.00 TOTAL AMBULANCE 8,225.44 8,743.2 FUND GRAND TOTAL E911 COMMUNICATIONS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TOTAL RADIO -MAINT FEE 285.00 AT &T E911 MAPPING- APRIL'11 355.35 AT &T E911 MAPPING FEES - MARCH 355.35 TOTAL E911 COMMUNICATIONS 995.70 Page 7 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description jPayment Amouni 995.7 FUND GRAND TOTAL CEMETERY - CEMETERY JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- FENCING SUPPLIES 11.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS- FENCING SUPPLIES 29.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -FENCE SUPPLIES 4.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OWASSO LUM -FENCE SUPPLIES 33.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -LAG BOLTS 7.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWN FARM - CEMETERY SOD 120.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AARON FENCE - PICKETS 12.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AARON FENCE - SUPPLIES 13.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - LANDSCAPE TIMBERS 65.68 TOTAL CEMETERY - CEMETERY 298.07 FUND GRAND TOTAL 298.0 STRONG NEIGHBORHOODS O COMMUNITY FOUNDATION INC NGHBRHOOD GRANT FUNDING 3,000.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART -ICE CHEST /ICE 39.00 TOTAL STRONG NEIGHBORHOODS 3,039.00 FUND GRAND TOTAL 3,039.0 STORMWATER - STORMWATI MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 966.68 SHERWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO, INC CONCRETE 201.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HERTZ - CONCRETE BUCKET 45.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA DYNASPAN- BLOCKS 700.00 SHERWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO, INC CONCRETE FOOTING 1,404.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WINFIELD- CHEMICALS 1,146.00 TOTAL STORMWATER - STORMWATER 4,462.68 STRM MGMT - GARNETT DET CHEROKEE BUILDERS E 96 ST N & N GARNETT RD 15,371.00 TOTAL STRM MGMT - GARNETT DETN 15,371.00 FUND GRAND TOTAL 19,833.6 FIRE CAPITAL FD JJPMORGAN CHASE BANK MOTOROLA - RADIOS 6,191.20 TOTAL FIRE CAPITAL FD 6,191.20 FUND GRAND TOTAL 6,191.2 CDBG - RAYOLA - CDBG -10 1PELCO PRODUCTS, INC ILIGHTING FIXTURES - RAYOLA 20,605.20 Page 8 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title I Vendor Name Payable Description jPayment Amouni TOTAL CDBG - RAYOLA - CDBG -10 20,605.20 RAYOLA - VISION 2025 TRI-STAR CONSTRUCTION, LLC RAYOLA PARK IMPROVEMENTS 76,708.70 TOTAL RAYOLA - VISION 2025 76,708.70 97,313.9 FUND GRAND TOTAL CI - STREET REHAB FY10 JA & A ASPHALT ITYPE B ASPHALT 16,918.13 TOTAL CI -STREET REHAB FYI 16,918.13 16,918.1 FUND GRAND TOTAL CITY GARAGE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERIFLEX -BRAKE HOSE 36.51 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED FORD - RETURN - 428.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERIFLEX HOSE -HOSE 53.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED FORD -PARTS 144.65 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 421.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA NEW HOLLAND -PARTS 174.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ENLOW TRACTOR -PARTS 29.63 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY -PARTS RESALE 2,857.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FLEET DISTR - FLASHER 87.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FLEET DISTR -STOBE PACK 233.80 T & W TIRE, LP TRACTOR TIRES 605.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERIFLEX -PARTS 18.00 QUALITY TIRE & AUTO SERVICE, LLC WHEEL ALIGNMENT 551.69 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 33.27 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 33.27 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 33.27 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA NEW HOLLAND -PARTS 861.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY -OPER SUPPLIES 99.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CLASSIC CHEVY -PARTS 100.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED FORD -PARTS 459.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON -SHOP OXYGEN 25.50 TOTAL CITY GARAGE 6,432.59 FUND GRAND TOTAL 6,432.5 WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 289.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 578.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 289.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 578.00 Page 9 Claims List 04/19/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description IPayment Amount TOTAL WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS 1,734.00 WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 2,459.10 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 1,428.98 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 40.18 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS INC WORKERS COMP TPA SERVICE 1,550.00 OK TAX COMMISSION SPECIAL TAX UNIT MULTIPLE INJURY TRUST FUN 1,799.09 STATE OF OKLAHOMA WORKERS OWN RISK PERMIT - FEE 1,000.00 TOTAL WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS 8,277.35 10,011.3 FUND GRAND TOTAL GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS A N Z SIGNS & SHIRTS, INC DECALS ON POLICE CAR 85.00 RLCP, LLC COLLISION REPAIR 961.64 PHIL BUKER TORT CLAIM 170.00 LADONNA COLEMAN TORT CLAIM 372.45 FOSTERS PAINT & BODY SHOP, INC COLLISION DAMAGE REPAIR 6,362.16 ATKINSON, HASKINS, NELLIS, KIGHT VS CITY 576.94 ATKINSON, HASKINS, NELLIS, HUCKANS VS. CITY 936.79 ATKINSON, HASKINS, NELLIS, LEGAL -CASE # 337 -68 104.44 TOTAL GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS 9,569.42 FUND GRAND TOTAL 9,569.4 PLEASANT VIEW DEBT SER EDWARD D. JONES CO. SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2,060.00 TOTAL PLEASANT VIEW DEBT SER 2,060.00 FUND GRAND TOTAL 2,060.0 CITY GRAND TOTAL $291,228.06 Page 10 CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 04/09/2011 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Municipal Court 4,586.32 6,232.77 Managerial 19,363.08 26,839.75 Finance 11,853.91 18,405.32 Human Resources 5,984.82 9,766.45 Community Development 9,648.35 15,253.65 Engineering 10,014.65 15,444.64 Information Systems 9,355.08 14,579.85 Support Services 6,854.89 9,939.54 Police 97,285.63 150,251.98 Central Dispatch 13,140.81 22,070.53 Animal Control 2,258.40 3,507.02 Fire 97,733.21 143,666.57 Emergency Preparedness 2,818.43 4,356.40 Streets 6,684.52 11,404.07 Stormwater /ROW Maint. 6,821.21 9,529.72 Park Maintenance 5,241.16 8,356.40 Community- Senior Center 3,145.50 5,134.48 Historical Museum 540.00 616.41 Economic Development 2,876.92 3,818.43 General Fund Total 316,206.89 479,173.98 Garage Fund Total 4,103.60 6,529.32 Ambulance Fund Total 20,403.97 29,993.47 Emergency 911 Fund Total 1,892.76 3,108.10 Worker's Compensation Total 2,290.47 2,804.09 Strong Neighborhoods 2,102.12 3,155.18 Garnett Detention Pond 175.00 CITY OF OWASO HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND CLAIMS PAID PER AUTHORIZATION OF ORDINANCE #789 AS OF 4/19111 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL DELTA DENTAL DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE ADMIN FEES DENTAL DEPT TOTAL VSP VISION MEDICAL SERVICES VISION DEPT TOTAL HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL AMOUNT 10, 541.58 38,653.54 54,256.11 103,451.23 6,596.75 2,310.94 8,907.69 1,860.78 1,860.78 114,219.70 CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -2011 Statement of Revenues & Expenditures As of March 31, 2011 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses & permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines & forfeits Other TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS IN (OUT): Transfers in Transfers out TOTALTRANSFERS NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE (GAAP Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance MONTH YEAR PERCENT $ 1,425,371 $ 14,378,135 $ 18,400,200 17,569 127,160 239,300 41,277 370,756 2,363,726 64,841 381,542 507,660 68,907 623,667 778,700 15,156 105,063 401,533 972,132 71,101 147,910 4.419 1,195, 562 437,558 960,466 (1,327,403) (366,937) 70,621 15,986,324 9,332,194 489,330 1,132, 886 85,660 11,040,071 4,946,253 8,643,160 (13,225,973) (4,582,813) 363,440 3,519,842 $ 3,883,282 22,691,119 13,189,838 631,030 1,596,458 1,996,194 17,413,520 5,277,599 10,987,000 (16,831,075) (5,844,075) (566,476) 2,042,256 2,042,256 $ 2,405,696 $ 1,475,780 78.14% 53.14% 15.69% 75.16% 80.09% 26.17% 70.75% 77.54% 70.96% 4.29% 63.40% 78.67% 78.42% Amwft -The C ity %Vit CtUt Li m1. ts. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: John W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of Engineer Agreements DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: At the May 17, 2005 City Council meeting the Engineering Design Criteria, Construction Standards, and Standard Details were adopted by the City Council. Documents required as a result of that adoption include two different agreements, one which must be submitted by the developer and one which must be submitted by the developer's engineer. The agreements are as follows: ENGINEER AGREEMENT: The agreement required to be submitted by the developer's engineer is titled "Agreement for Urban Engineering Services" (Section 0114.1(6)). This agreement requires the engineer to list all improvements associated with the proposed development, attest that all designs will be in compliance with City standards (outlined in the design criteria), pay all fees associated with the plan review, attest that he /she is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma, and attest that he /she maintains Professional Liability Insurance in limits directly correlated to the cost of the project specified in the attached agreement. The liability insurance to project cost ratio schedule is as follows: Project Cost Professional Liability Insurance Less than $500,000 $250,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000 $500,000 Greater than $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DEVELOPER AGREEMENT: The agreement required to be submitted by the developer is titled "Agreement Guaranteeing Installation of Improvements" (Section 0114.1 (C)). This agreement requires the developer to submit engineering drawings for the proposed improvements, provide oversight of his /her construction contractor to assure compliance with the approved plans, and submit "as- built" drawings upon completion of the construction of improvements. Since the approval of the Engineering Design Criteria, Construction Standards, and Standard Details in May 2005, Developers and Engineers alike have complied with the above requirements and submitted both agreements. The mayor's signature is required on the "Agreement for Urban Engineering Services" (Engineer Agreement), therefore Council approval is needed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the following "Agreements for Urban Engineering Services ": 1. Charlie's Chicken, 11651 East 76th Street North 2. Caudle Center - Phase II, southwest corner of 96th & Garnett, south of BOK ATTACHMENTS: A. 1 signed "Agreement for Urban Engineering Services" with Kellogg Engineering B. 1 signed "Agreement for Urban Engineering Services" with RK & Associates, PLC AGREEMENT FOR URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into by and between the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and Kellogg Engineering, Inc. hereinafter called Engineer ". WITNESSETH: "Design WHEREAS, the Design Engineer has been employed by the Owner /Developer /Subdivider of the herein described real property to prepare all project plans and specifications to provide certain engineering services during the construction of the hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Project ", upon easements and rights -of- ways to be owned or controlled by the City; and WHEREAS, the Design Engineer is desirous of obtaining the review (and approval) of the plans and specifications for said project by the City of Owasso Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to review the plans and specifications prepared by the Design Engineer under the hereinafter described terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and in consideration of the hereinafter set forth promises and covenants, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows, to -wit; 1. The Improvements to be designed by the Design Engineer (pursuant to this Contract) shall generally consist of the following types of improvements which shall be located on the following described tract of land: Caudle Center - Phase II, Part of the NEA of the NE14 of Section 19, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, IB &M, City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Southwest of the Intersection of E. 96th St. N. and N. Garnett Rd. E. APPENDIX B, PART II AGREEMENT FOR URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES 5.18.05 City of Owasso 2. The Design Engineer shall, in conformity with the provisions of the City's Standard Specifications for Urban Engineering Services, including the City's current design criteria, which are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Contract by reference, prepare project plans, specifications, and other engineering documents as may be necessary for the proper construction of the project improvement, and shall perform all construction layout surveys, and staking and periodic general construction supervision on the project improvements as they are constructed by the Owner and his Contractor. 3. The City shall review (and approve) the project plans, specifications, and other engineering documents for the construction of the project improvements prepared and submitted to the City by the Design Engineer. 4. The Design Engineer shall compensate the City for reviewing (and approving) plans and specifications for the project at the rate of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each plan sheet submitted (other than plan sheet Standards of the City of Owasso or of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation), except that the minimum charge for each project shall be One Hundred -fifty Dollars ($150.00). Payment shall be due and payable upon presentation of the plans and specification for the project for review by the City. PFPI plan review and permit fees are waived for governmental entities. No fees shall be collected by the City of Owasso on any public work or improvement performed by or for any city, county, state, or federal governmental entity; provided however, that this exemption shall not constitute waiver of any ordinance requiring the APPENDIX B, PART II AGREEMENT FOR URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES 5.18.05 City of Owasso issuance of such permits, and it shall apply only to such permits issued directly to the governmental entity involved. 5. The Design Engineer hereby covenants that he is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma at the time of execution of this Contract, and should the Design Engineer cease to be a Registered Professional Engineer prior to completing performance of the terms and conditions of this Contract, the Design Engineer shall immediately notify the City and shall engage a Registered Professional engineer acceptable to the City to complete performance of the promises and covenants contained herein. 6. The Design Engineer further covenants and agrees that he maintains and is covered by Professional Liability Insurance in limits of not less than $1,000,000 and that he will maintain same in continuous force and effect for a period of not less than three years from and after final acceptance of the project herein. 7. The Design Engineer further covenants and agrees to comply with Section I and Section of the attached Standard Specifications for Urban Engineering Services and that these specifications become a part this contract. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers or representatives on the dates set for the below. APPENDIX B, PART II AGREEMENT FOR URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES 5.18.05 City of Owasso Executed by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the day of 20 Executed by the Design Engineer on the day of mar-CA ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 20%1 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA a municipal corporation BY Mayor ATTEST: oxoxA-" �Q*flcz Secretary L- ('. A"'1- Engineer By President Title APPENDIX B, PART II AGREEMENT FOR URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES 5.18.05 City of Owasso AGREEMENT FOR URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into by and between the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and 1--�\ k,< `C, A 5 5 o c, A T-,E 5 h L C hereinafter called "Design Engineer ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Design Engineer has been employed by the Owner/Developer /Subdivider of the herein described real property to prepare all project plans and specifications and to provide certain engineering services during the construction of the hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Project ", upon easements and rights -of -ways to be owned or controlled by the City; and WHEREAS, the Design Engineer is desirous of obtaining the review (and approval) of the plans and specifications for said project by the City of Owasso Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to review the plans and specifications prepared by the Design Engineer under the hereinafter described terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and in consideration of the hereinafter set forth promises and covenants, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows, to- wit; 1. The Improvements to be designed by the Design Engineer (pursuant to this Contract) shall generally consist of the following types of improvements Fk�VCP- t k I a.," I NC3 U6rsLLS ST0,Rr.) S tz-.wC -\"--S � 4�V- -i EN i which shall be located on the following described tract of land: k X 5 1 C_ `7 co"'+ —sT i-Q. 2. The Design Engineer shall, in conformity with the provisions of the City's Standard Specifications for Urban Engineering Services, including the City's current Design Criteria, which are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Contract by reference, prepare project plans, specifications, and other engineering documents as may be necessary for the proper construction of the project improvement, and shall perform all construction layout surveys, and staking and periodic general construction supervision on the project improvements as they are constructed by the Owner and his Contractor. 3. The City shall review (and approve) the project plans, specifications, and other engineering documents for the construction of the project improvements prepared and submitted to the City by the Design Engineer. 4. The Design Engineer shall compensate the City for reviewing (and approving) plans and specifications for the project at the rate of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each plan sheet submitted (other than plan sheet Standard Drawings of the City of Owasso or of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation), except that the minimum charge for each project shall be One Hundred -fifty Dollars ($150.00). Payment shall be due and payable upon presentation of the plans and specifications for the project for review by the City. PFPI plan review and permit fees are waived for governmental entities. No fees shall be collected by the City of Owasso on any public work or improvement performed by or for any city, county, state, or federal governmental entity; provided however, that this exemption shall not constitute waiver of any ordinance requiring the issuance of such permits, and it shall apply only to such permits issued directly to the governmental entity involved. 5. The Design Engineer hereby covenants that he /she is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma at the time of execution of this Contract, and should the Design Engineer cease to be a Registered Professional Engineer prior to completing performance of the terms and conditions of this Contract, the Design Engineer shall immediately notify the City and shall engage a Registered Professional Engineer acceptable to the City to complete performance of the promises and covenants contained herein. 6. The Design Engineer further covenants and agrees that he /she maintains and is covered by Professional Liability Insurance in limits of not less than those indicated in the following schedule: Project Cost Professional Liability Insurance Less than $500,000 $250,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000 $500,000 Greater than $1,000,000 $1,000,000 (Project Costs to be as defined in Section I of the attached Specifications for Urban Engineering Services) and that he /she will maintain same in continuous force and effect for a period of not less than three years from and after final acceptance of the project herein. 7. The Design Engineer further covenants and agrees to comply with Section I, Section II and Section III of the attached Standard Specifications for Urban Engineering Services and that these specifications become a part this contract. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers or representatives on the dates set for the below. Executed by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the day of , 20 v Executed by the Design Engineer on the Z3 day of Fc.3 20_Lk_. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA a municipal corporation BY Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney APPR D: ry Public Works ;rec or DESIG E G ER Design ,Engineer Aa I�-oSell) A^� BY i�►z.(,3E4,> Title ATTEST: Secretary CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE(MMIDONYYY) Gail BBoyce insurance Agency, lnc_ 6149 South Peoria Avenue Tulsa, OR 741366 -0514 INSURED {OS'_1.AN, RICHAR9 r DBA ; s A_ssoclAT�Es, PLC 14124 East 62ND Place TULSA, OR 74136 -1629 02!231201: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE: HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE _ NAIC # INSURERA State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Company 25178 25176 INSURER B - INSURER C. INSURER D.- INSURER E THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED- NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. DESK ADVt - — — °- - POlICYEfFECTIVE LTR 11111=1 TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NU MOM DATE (IIAMIDDIM DATE UMITS City Of Owasso GEONOEIIAL LIABRJ1Y COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE Q OCCUR 111 North Main DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN Owasso, OR 74 055 EACH OCCURRENCE $ PREMISES (Ea Ntbonoe $ MED EXP LADY one $ PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $ Gail Boyce, Agent GENERAL AGGREGATE j yT' GENLAGGREGAIELAPPLESPER PRO - POLICY JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMPKIPAG_ G 3 x x AUTOMOBILEUABIUTY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS 157 2744 - Ca8-36A 09/08/10 03/08/11 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea e0-+da1t) s 1,600,060 BODILY INJURY (Per p"Sm) S X BODILY INJURY (Peracddem) S i PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per aondelp) $ GARAGE LIABN.ITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S OTHER THAN EA ACC AUTO ONLY AGG S $ I EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY OCCUR F �CLAIMSMADE DEDUCTI8LE RETENTION S EACH OCCURRENCE 5 AGGREGATE S S $ S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS! LULBIL:TY ANY PROPR�FOR/PARTNEWEXECUTIVE OFFICERA1�lABER EXCLUDED? I I/ yes, dmcr bo tnder i SPECIAL PROVISIONS bebw OTHER IEL WC STATU- OTTi- ITORY LIMITS I ER EL EACH ACCIDENT $ EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS CFRTIFIroTF 14m T11*R N.I 11 1000, LYVr (/ /, /J All rights reserved City Of Owasso SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION 111 North Main DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN Owasso, OR 74 055 NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL Attn: Rodney Ray, City Manager IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY D UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR -' REPRESENTATIVES. /r � 1 Fax: (918) 376 -1500 AUTHORRED REPRESENTATIVE Gail Boyce, Agent ACORD 25 (200-111M) I he rP.O fnn n it w- 1 o rr.nlnrc „ o 1111. N.I 11 1000, LYVr (/ /, /J All rights reserved The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Michele Dempster Human Resources Director SUBJECT: OMRF Retirement Requests DATE: April 12, 2011 BACKGROUND: Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OMRF), the retirement plan for non - police and fire employees, requires the City Council acting as the OMRF Retirement Committee to approve applications for retirement. To be eligible for retirement benefits through OMRF an employee must have a minimum of five years of employment. Once an employee has five years of service the employee is considered vested and upon leaving employment with the City has three retirement options depending upon age. The first option, Normal Retirement, is available to a vested employee age 65 or older. The second option, Early Retirement, is available to a vested employee between ages 55 and 65, and the third option is Deferred Retirement. Deferred Retirement is an option available to vested employees under the age of 55, This allows an employee to "defer" retirement benefits to a future date, at which time the employee would begin receiving monthly retirement benefits. March 14, 2011 was the last day of employment for Cecil Busby, Public Works Department. Mr, Busby was a participant in the OMRF retirement plan while employed with the City for nine years and has applied for, and meets the prerequisites for, Deferred Retirement. • March 28, 2011 was the last day of employment for Joe Harris, Sr, Public Works Department. Mr, Harris was a participant in the OMRF retirement plan while employed with the City for thirteen years. Mr. Harris has applied for, and meets the prerequisites for, Early Retirement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the following applications for retirement benefits; Cecil Busby — Deferred Retirement and Joe Harris Sr. —Early Retirement. wA 5�� The City Witriout Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Angela Hess Finance Director SUBJECT: Request for Supplemental Appropriation to Provide Funding for Snow Removal DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: During the month of January 2011, the City of Owasso experienced a historic record of snowfall. As a result, snow removal, overtime, and towing of vehicles expenses were incurred greater than the amounts anticipated in the FY10 -1 1 budget. Total costs attributable to the snow event exceed $118,000 and much of that can be absorbed by the current operating budgets. Staff estimates expenses to be $63,057 in total that are not available in the current budget for this snow event. Expenses were incurred by the Streets Department in the amount of $49,584 for personal services, garage parts, and expenses for contracted equipment and labor. Stormwater Management is requesting $11,000 for street sweeping expenses incurred as part of the cleanup effort, and the Police Department is requesting $2,473 for wrecker services that were paid for towing fees of citizen's vehicles that were abandoned due to the amount of snow received. Vehicles were towed to a centralized location for safety purposes. A request for FEMA Reimbursement has been submitted. It is anticipated that a portion of the expenses will be reimbursed as a result of the area receiving a Major Disaster Declaration. Notice was received stating Governor Fallin has sent the declaration to the President. The first declaration was for the entire State of Oklahoma. However, the most recent declaration is for the specific counties affected. The declaration is for the first storm (1 /31 / 1 1 to 2/5/11) only. Expenses of $90,332 have been submitted to FEMA for consideration. Up to 75% could be reimbursed by FEMA. PROPOSED ACTION: Funding for the supplemental appropriation in the amount of $52,057 is requested from the General Fund Reserves, and $11,000 from the Stormwater Fund Reserves to increase the appropriation for expenditures that occurred as a result of the January 2011 winter event. However, it is anticipated that the City of Owasso would be reimbursed by FEMA for a percentage of the expenditures. Requests include the following departments: General Fund ➢ Streets $ 49,584 ➢ Police $ 2,473 Stormwater Fund $11,000 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation from reserves, increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the General Fund by $52,057 and in the Stormwater Fund by $11,000, in order to provide funding for expenses that occurred as a result of required cleanup created from the winter storm event of January 2011. Awmft The City wiiro tt Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bradd K. Clark Fire Chief SUBJECT: Heart Monitor /Defibrillator State Bid Purchase Proposal DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: In 2008, Physio - Control notified the Owasso Fire Department that the Physio - Control LifePak 12 heart monitors /defibrillators in use in Owasso would soon be discontinued by this manufacturer. Administrators were also informed that parts and service contracts would also phase out as Physio - Control upgraded the product line. The heart monitor /defibrillators are utilized by Owasso paramedics on the majority of medical patients to provide pertinent data to the medics about the patient's overall condition. The defibrillator capability also provides the paramedics an opportunity to convert (reverse) a potentially lethal heart rhythm. Owasso Fire Department's current inventory of Physio - Control Life -Pak 12 heart monitors /defibrillators are in working order. However, due to technology upgrades, the devices must be phased out as repair parts become scarce, and the manufacturer phases out the service contracts. Owasso Fire Department currently has five (5) of these devices in service. The Life -Pak 12 heart monitors /defibrillators will remain in service until the availability of service and parts renders the units obsolete. PRODUCT REVIEWS: Fire Administrators invited various equipment manufacturers to demonstrate equipment and product options. Three (3) products were evaluated for ease of use, reliability, functionality, and overall user impression. Feedback was received from over half of the fire department employees, with the majority of those employees requesting to remain with Physio - Control as the equipment provider for the Owasso Fire Department. BUDGET: The Ambulance Capital Budget contains funding sufficient for the purchase of four heart monitors /defibrillators. The four new devices will be placed on the City's four ambulances; four of the existing devices will be placed on the City's four fire engines; and one of the oldest models (1999 model) will move to reserve and training, since the trade -in value is minimal. The budget allocation for this purchase is $140,000. BID PROCESS: The Physio - Control Life -Pak 15 heart monitor /defibrillators are available on the State of Oklahoma State Bid List. The equipment with desired advanced life support features is listed on the State Bid for $ 33,503.60/ per device, plus three battery chargers, totaling $138,158.15 for four new units. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council award the contract for the purchase of heart monitors and defibrillators to Physio - Control of Redmond, Washington. ATTACHMENT: A. State Bid Specification Sheet 2/22/2011 PHYSIO- CONTROL CATALOG NASPO SW300 Attachment H 4 Ph sio- Control Contract Pricing V.48 PRICING - NASPO SW300 12/14/2010 Manufacturer Catalog Number Catalog /Product Description UOM #EA List Price NASPO Net per Price Unit ALS DEFIBRILLATORS Physio - Control 99577 - 000033 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, BlueTooth,100mm EA 1 $ 13,595.00 $11,555.75 Physio - Control 99577 - 000038 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, EA 1 $ 18,195.00 $15,465.75 BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000045 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, 12 -Lead, EA 1 $ 29,995.00 $25,495.75 CO2, BlueTooth, Trend, 100mm Physio- Controi 99577 - 000001 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, 12 -Lead, Trend, EA 1 $ 22,595.00 $19,205.75 BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000034 LP15 ,AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, Sp02, BlueTooth, EA 1 $ 15,295.00 $13,000.75 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000035 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, Sp02, CO, BlueTooth, EA 1 $ 18,295.00 $15,550.75 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000036 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, Sp02, 12 -lead, EA 1 $ 23,695.00 $20,140.75 BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000037 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, Sp02, CO2, 12 -lead, EA 1 $ 28,395.00 $24,135.75 BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000039 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, EA 1 $ 20,995.00 $17,845.75 IP, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000040 _ LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, EA 1 $ 21,495.00 $18,015.75 CO, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000041 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, EA 1 $ 22,895.00 $19,460.75 CO2 ,BlueTooth ,100mrn Physio - Control 99577 - 000042 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, EA 1 $ 26,195.00 $22,010.75 CO2, CO ,BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000043 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, 12 EA 1 $ 27,195.00 $23,115.75 Lead, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000044 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, Trend, EA 1 $ 30,495.00 $25,665.75 121-ead, CO, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000046 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, 12 -Lead, EA 1 $ 33,295.00 $28,045.75 CO2, CO, Trend, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio- Control 99577 - 000047 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, 12 -Lead, EA 1 $ 36,595.00 $30,595.75 CO2, CO, Trend, MetHb, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000048 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, ECG Monitoring, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, CO2, EA 1 $ 25,195.00 $21,415.75 Trend, IP, BlueTooth, 100mm Physio - Control 99577 - 000049 LP15, AED, Color LCD, PAC, Metronome, SP02, NIBP, 12 -Lead, CO2, Trend, IP, EA 1 $ 31,895.00 $27,110.75 BlueTooth, 100mm 4 2/22/2011 PHYSIO- CONTROL CATALOG NASPO SW300 Attachment H Manufacturer Catalog Number Catalog /Product Description UOM #EA per Unit List Price NASPO Net Price Ph sio- Control 11141- 000147 LIFEPAK 500 nonrechar eable lithium sulfur dioxide battery ak EA 1 $ 248.00 $210.80 Ph sio - Control 11141 - 000014 LIFEPAK 500 nonrechar eable lithium sulfur dioxide battery ak - aircraft use EA 1 $ 270.00 $210.80 Ph sio - Control 11110 - 000054 QUIK -COMBO extension cable LIFEPAK 500 to QC patient sim 4' EA 1 $ 140.00 $108.80 Ph sio - Control 11150 - 000010 External Modem for connection to LIFEPAK 500 EA 1 $ 280.00 $221.85 Ph sio - Control 11241 - 000001 Epson LX300 Plus Dot Matrix Printer EA 1 $ 245.00 $192.10 Ph sio - Control 11998- 000051 Electrode storage tray for LIFEPAK 500 EA 1 $ 73.00 $57.80 Ph sio - Control 11220 - 000025 Battery ouch for the LIFEPAK 500 1 EA 1 $ 51.00 $39.95 Ph sio - Control 11400- 000038 LIFEPAK 12 AC Power Adapter EA 1 $ 880.00 $726.75 Ph sio - Control 11110-000051 Power Adapter extension cable for LIFEPAK 12 power adapter EA 1 $ 100.00 $82.45 Ph sio - Control 99407 - 000002 Battery Support System 2 BSS2 EA 1 $ 1,900.00 $1,466.25 Ph sio - Control 11210 - 000002 BSS2 wall mount bracket EA 1 $ 105.00 $79.90 Ph sio - Control 99996 - 000009 Mobile Battery Service Station MBSS EA 1 $ 1,470.00 $1,211.25 Ph sio - Control 99996- 000010 MBSS wall bracket for vertical or horizontal mounting EA 1 $ 125.00 $101.15 Ph sio - Control 99996 - 000011 MBSS 12 volt DC cable EA 1 $ 71.00 $58.65 Ph sio - Control 11141- 000025 FASTPAK 2 Battery w /fuel gage EA 1 $ 155.00 $129.20 Ph sio - Control 11141 - 000149 LIFEPAK NiCd Battery with fuel gauge 1.6amp hrs EA 1 $ 215.00 $177.65 Ph sio - Control 11141- 000028 LIFEPAK SLA Battery EA 1 $ 210.00 $171.70 Ph sio - Control 11141 - 000044 FASTPAK Battery 1.2 amp EA 1 $ 133.00 $113.05 Ph sio - Control 11141- 000106 LIFEPAK 12 Li -ion Battery EA 1 $395.00 $335.75 Ph sio - Control 11141-000115 REDI- CHARGE Base EA 1 $1,295.00 $1,100.75 Ph sio - Control 11141- 000116 LIFEPAK 12 REDI- CHARGE Adapter Tray EA 1 $175.00 $148.75 Ph sio - Control 11140 - 000052 LIFEPAK 15 REDI- CHARGE Adapter Tray EA 1 $175.00 $148.75 Ph sio - Control 11577- 000004 Station Battery Charger - For the LP15 EA 1 $ 1,540.00 $1,270.75 Ph sio - Control 11577 - 00001 tery Charger - FOR THE LP15 EA 1 $ 1,675.00 $1,381.25 Ph sio - Control 21330 - 001176 Lithium -ion Battery 5.7 amp hrs EA 1 $ 390.00 $322.15 Ph sio - Control 11260 - 000030 LIFEPAK 12 Basic carry case w /stra , right & left pouches EA 1 $ 260.00 $212.50 Ph sio - Control 11260- 000029 LIFEPAK 12 Carry case back pouch - expandable EA 1 $ 71.00 $58.65 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 006360 LIFEPAK 12 Replacement carry case right pouch EA 1 $ 73.00 $60.35 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 007201 LIFEPAK 12 Replacement carry case left pouch EA 1 $ 80.00 $66.30 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 006361 LIFEPAK 12 Carry case base & side supports EA 1 $ 120.00 $97.75 Ph sio - Control 11260- 000010 LIFEPAK 12 Shoulder Strap EA 1 $ 29.00 $23.80 Ph sio - Control 11220 - 000033 LIFEPAK 12 Front cover EA 1 $ 34.00 $28.05 Ph sio - Control 11998 - 000063 LIFEPAK 12 Removable acrylic screen shield EA 1 $ 43.00 $35.70 Ph sio - Control 11220 - 000028 Top Pouch for the LP12 /LP15 EA 1 $ 47.00 $39.10 Ph sio - Control 11260 - 000032 Carrying Case of the LIFEPAK 12 with AC Power Adapter EA 1 $ 275.00 $225.25 Ph sio - Control 11260 - 000033 jCarFyinq Case for the LIFEPAK 12 with Voice Recorder EA 1 $ 275.00 $225.25 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 007203 IRight Pouch Replacement Note: Included with basic case EA 1 $ 73.00 $60.35 Ph sio - Control 11577 - 000002 1 LIFEPAK 15 Basic carry case w/ right & left pouches EA 1 1 $ 260.00 $212.50 KCA )<q 2/22/2011 PHYSIO - CONTROL CATALOG NASPO SW300 Attachment H Manufacturer Catalog Number Catalog /Product Description UOM #EA per Unit List Price NASPO Net Price Ph sio- Control 11260- 000039 LIFEPAK 15 Carry case back pouch EA 1 $ 67.00 $55.25 Ph sio - Control 11577 - 000001 LIFEPAK 15 Shoulder strap EA 1 $ 29.00 $23.80 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000157 ILIFESTAND mobile roll stand EA 1 $ 770.00 $636.65 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000309 ISurface mount bracket EA 1 $ 745.00 $616.25 Ph sio - Control 11130 - 000001 Standard hard paddles for use w /LIFEPAK 12 PR 1 $ 570.00 $467.50 Ph sio - Control 11130 - 000061 Standard hard paddles for use w /LIFEPAK 15 PR 1 $ 565.00 $467.50 Ph sio - Control 11133 - 000001 Pediatric paddle, external lea 2 required) EA 1 $ 75.00 $62.05 Physio - Control 11131 - 000001 Internal paddle handles w /discharge control for use with LIFEPAK 12 or LIFEPAK 20 PR 1 $ 619.00 $526.15 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000010 Internal paddles - 1" size 6.25' shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000011 Internal pa ddles - 1.5" size 6" shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000012 Internal paddles - 2" size 5.75' shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000013 Internal paddles - 2.5" size 5.75' shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000014 Internal paddles - 3.5" size 5" shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000019 Internal paddles - 2.5" size 8.5 shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000021 Internal paddles - 1.5" size 9" shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000022 Internal paddles - 2" size 8.75' shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131- 000023 Internal paddles - 3.5" size 8" shaft length) PR 1 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 11131 - 000024 Internal paddles - 1.5" size 14.25' shaft length) PR 1 $ 169.00 $143.65 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 005847 Si na el, gel EA 1 $ 4.00 $3.40 Ph sio - Control 11110 - 000040 QUIK -COMBO therapy cable for use w /LIFEPAK 12 or LIFEPAK 20 EA 1 $ 315.00 $259.25 Ph sio - Control 11113 - 000004 QUIK -COMBO therapy cable for use w /LIFEPAK 15 EA 1 $ 315.00 $259.25 Ph sio - Control 11110 - 000010 QUIK -COMBO TM PACING /DEFIBRILLATION /ECG CABLE EA 1 $ 240.00 1 $196.35 Ph sio - Control 11103 - 000005 Zoll Adapter - converts Zoll connector to QUIK -COMBO EA 1 $ 54.00 $44.20 Ph sio - Control 11103 - 000006 Philips Adapter - converts Philips connector to QUIK -COMBO EA 1 $ 54.00 $44.20 Ph sio - Control 11103- 000007 1 Laerdal Adapter - converts Laerdal connector to QUIK -COMBO EA 1 $ 175.00 $44.20 Ph sio - Control 11103 - 000008 JR2 Adapter - converts R2 connector to QUIK -COMBO connector EA 1 $ 206.00 $44.20 Ph sio - Control 11111 - 000022 12 Lead ECG, Precordial Leads AHA EA 1 $ 128.00 $108.80 Ph sio - Control 11111 - 000023 12 Lead ECG, Precordial Leads IEC EA 1 $ 128.00 $108.80 Ph sio - Control 11111 - 000020 8ft Trunk cable with AHA limb leads EA 1 $ 324.00 $275.40 Ph sio - Control 11111 - 000021 8ft Trunk cable with IEC limb leads EA 1 $ 349.00 $296.65 Ph sio - Control 11111 - 000018 5ft Trunk cable with AHA limb leads EA 1 $ 320.00 1 $272.00 Ph sio - Control 11110 - 000019 5ft Trunk cable with IEC limb leads EA 1 $ 344.50 $292.83 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 008054 4 -Wire Cable Comb 10- Pack PK 10 $ 15.00 $12.75 Ph sio - Control 1 21300 - 008055 6 -Wire Cable Comb 10- Pack PK 10 $ 15.00 $12.75 Ph sio - Control 1 11110 - 000029 3 -lead ECG cable for LIFEPAK 12 or LIFEPAK 20 EA 1 1 $ 115.00 1 $93.50 xq 2/22/2011 PHYSIO - CONTROL CATALOG NASPO SW300 Attachment H Manufacturer Catalog Number Catalog /Product Description UOM #EA per Unit List Price NASPO Net Price Ph sio- Control 11110 - 000066 5 -Lead ECG Cable for LIFEPAK 12 or LIFEPAK 20 EA 1 $ 205.00 $169.15 Ph sio - Control 11240 - 000013 ECG printer paper, 50mm x 30m 3rolls /bx 1 -49 BX 3 $ 16.50 $13.60 Ph sio - Control 11240 - 000016 IStrip chart recorder paper, 100mm 2rolls /bx 1 -23 BX 2 $ 17.50 $14.45 Ph sio - Control 11110- 000055 Configuration transfer cable EA 1 $ 102.00 $84.15 Ph sio - Control 11150 - 000007 Modem cable - 6' LIFEPAK 12 to external modem EA 1 $ 102.00 $84.15 Ph sio - Control 11150 - 000008 Modem cable - 10' LIFEPAK 12 to external modem EA 1 $ 107.00 $88.40 Ph sio - Control 11150-000009 Modem door assembly EA 1 $ 54.00 $44.20 Ph sio - Control 11150 - 000015 Internal modem c card modem EA 1 $ 285.00 $233.75 Ph sio - Control 11110 - 000044 Analog ECG output cable EA 1 $ 125.00 $102.00 Ph sio - Control 11230 - 000020 Serial port cable EA 1 $ 105.00 $84.15 Ph sio- Control 11996- 000125 LIFEPAK 12 NIBP Hose, coiled 9' EA 1 $ 49.00 1 $40.80 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000033 LIFEPAK 12 NIBP Hose, 9' EA 1 $ 49.00 $40.80 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000089 LIFEPAK 12 NIBP Hose, 12' EA 1 $ 49.00 $40.80 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 007300 LIFEPAK 15 NIBP Hose, 9' coiled EA 1 $ 49.00 $40.80 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 007298 LIFEPAK 15 NIBP Hose, 9' EA 1 $ 49.00 $40.80 Ph sio - Control 21300 - 007299 LIFEPAK 15 NIBP Hose, 12' EA 1 $ 49.00 $40.80 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000020 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Infant EA 1 $ 19.00 $15.30 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000021 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Sm child EA 1 $ 22.00 $17.85 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000022 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Child EA 1 $ 22.00 $17.85 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000023 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Sm Adult EA 1 $ 26.00 $21.25 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000024 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Adult EA 1 1 $ 27.00 $22.10 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000025 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Lg Adult EA 1 $ 30.00 $24.65 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000026 NIBP Cuff - Reusable, Thigh EA 1 $ 125.00 1 $103.70 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000027 NIBP Cuff-Disposable Infant EA 1 $ 8.00 $6.80 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000028 NIBP Cuff-Disposable Child EA 1 $ 9.00 $7.65 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000029 NIBP Cuff-Disposable Small Adult EA 1 $ 11.00 $9.35 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000030 NIBP Cuff-Disposable Adult EA 1 $ 11.00 $9.35 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000031 NIBP Cuff-Disposable Large Adult EA 1 $ 11.00 $9.35 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000032 NIBP Cuff-Disposable X -tra Large Adult EA 1 $ 15.00 1 $12.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000060 Durasensor - Adult finger sensor EA 1 $ 253.00 $208.25 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000050 Oxisensor II neonatal sensor asst. pack EA 1 $ 82.00 $68.00 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000051 Oxisensor II pediatric sensor asst. pack EA 1 $ 77.00 $63.75 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000052 Oxisensor II adult sensor asst. pack EA 1 $ 72.00 $59.50 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000061 Oxiband Adult/Neonatal Sensor EA 1 $ 200.00 1 $165.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000062 Oxiband Pediatric /Infant Sensor EA 1 $ 200.00 $165.75 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000106 DURA -Y Multisite sensor reusable EA 1 $ 295.00 $242.25 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000107 1 Disposable Posey Wrap for Oxiband (bag of 12 BG 12 $ 29.00 $23.80 N4�j <4 2/22/2011 PHYSIO- CONTROL CATALOG NASPO SW300 Attachment H Manufacturer Catalog Number Catalog /Product Description UOM #EA per Unit List Price NASPO Net Price Ph sio- Control 11996 - 000333 Masimo SET Red Pediatric Reusable Direct Connect Sensor- 3 foot EA 1 $ 300.00 $250.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000334 Masimo SET Red Pediatric Reusable Direct Connect Sensor - 12 foot EA 1 $ 550.00 $420.75 Ph sio- Control 11996- 000335 Masimo SET Rainbow Adult Reusable Direct Connect Sensor - 3 foot EA 1 $ 695.00 $420.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000336 Masimo SET Rainbow Adult Reusable Direct Connect Sensor - 12 foot EA 1 $ 950.00 $590.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000337 Masimo SET Rainbow Pediatric Reusable Direct Connect Sensor - 3 foot EA 1 $ 695.00 $590.75 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000338 Masimo SET Rainbow Pediatric Reusable Direct Connect Sensor - 12 foot EA 1 $ 950.00 $760.75 Ph sio - Control 11171 - 000032 Rainbow DCI -DCB, Adult Reuse Sensor, 8 ft EA 1 $ 795.00 $590.75 Ph sio - Control 11171 - 000033 Rainbow DCP -DC9, Pedi Reuse Sensor, 8 ft EA 1 $ 795.00 $675.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000183 MNC -1 Adapter Cable - 10 foot EA 1 $ 450.00 $263.50 Ph sio - Control 11996-000198 MNC -1 Adapter Cable - 4 foot EA 1 $ 450.00 $263.50 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000001 FilterLine H Set Infant/Neonatal box of 25 BX 25 $ 545.00 $403.75 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000080 FilterLine H Set Adult/Pediatric box of 25 BX 25 $ 440.00 $327.25 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000081 FilterLine Set Adult/Pediatric box of 25 BX 25 $ 280.00 $204.00 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000164 FilterLine Set Long Adult /Pediatric box of 25 BX 25 $ 314.00 $229.50 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000299 FilterLine Set Adult/Pediatric (pack of 10 PK 10 $ 130.00 $106.25 Ph sio - Control 11996 - 000120 SmartCapnoLine - Pediatric patients <44lbs box of 25 BX 25 $ 315.00 $246.50 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000128 SmartCapnoLine w /02 delivery - Pediatric patients <44lbs box of 25 BX 25 $ 425.00 $276.25 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000162 SmartCapnoLine Plus - Adult /Intermediate patients >44lbs box of 25 BX 25 $ 315.00 $246.50 Physio - Control 11996- 000163 SmartCapnoLine Plus w /02 delivery - Adult/Intermediate patients >441bs (box of 25) BX 25 $ 350.00 $276.25 Physio- Control 11996- 000165 SmartCapnoLine Plus Long w /02 - Adult/Intermediate patients >44lbs (box of 25) EA 25 $ 445.00 $310.25 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000166 SmartCapnoLine Plus -Adult /Intermediate patients>44lbs Cs of 100 CS 100 $ 1,145.00 $871.25 Physio - Control 11996- 000167 SmartCapnoLine Plus w /02 delivery - Adult /Intermediate patients >44Ibs (Cs of 100 CS 100 $ 1,235.00 $973.25 Physio - Control 11996- 000298 Smart Capnoline Plus 02 Adult /Intermediate (for patients above 44 lbs) (Box of 10) BX 10 $ 145.00 $131.75 Physio - Control 11996- 000297 1 Smart Capnoline Plus Adult /Intermediate (for patients above 44 Ibs) (Box of 10) BX 10 $ 125.00 $114.75 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000017 Electrode QUIK -COMBO w /REDI -PAK preconnect PR 2 $ 42.00 $30.00 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000090 Electrode EDGE QUIK -COMBO RTS PR 2 $ 45.00 $35.00 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000091 Electrode EDGE QUIK -COMBO Adult PR 2 $ 37.00 $26.00 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000092 Electrode EDGE Fast -Patch Plus PR 2 $ 21.00 $17.00 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000093 Electrode EDGE QUIK -COMBO pediatric RTS PR 2 $ 45.00 $31.45 Ph sio - Control 11996- 000042 Electrode QUIK -PACE disposable noninvasive pacing adult I PR 2 $ 44.00 $34.50 Ph sio - Control 11102- 000003 Electrode QUIK -PACE disposable noninvasive pacing pediatric PR 2 $ 44.00 $34.50 Ph sio - Control 11100-000002 Electrode LIFEPATCH ECG , adult, pregelled 4/ k PK 4 $ 2.00 $1.70 ii to] 7(4 The City Wit ""ut Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Karl Fritschen Community Development Director SUBJECT: OA 1 1 -02 / Detachment Request DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a request for the detachment of a 20.05 acre tract located approximately '/2 mile north of E 1 16th Street North on the east side of North Mingo Road. On January 13, 2003, the Planning Commission approved the annexation for the subject tract. Subsequent to the annexation the owners commenced with rezoning the property to RS -3 with a PUD overlay. On May 10, 2004, the Planning Commission approved OPUD 04 -02 for the property. At that time the applicant intended to develop the property with single family homes, but no final plat was ever submitted. Recently, a property transaction occurred and new owners took possession of the property, John and Judy Dix. Staff has been informed of their desire to use the property as it was prior to the annexation, which was primarily for grazing of horses and that they have no intention to develop the property with single family homes. Therefore, a request to detach the property has been submitted by the current owners. Surrounding Land Use /Zoning Designations Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North AgriAculture Undeveloped Residential Tulsa County Agriculture Large Lot South Residential Single Family Residential Tulsa County AG -R Homes East AgriAcuullture Undeveloped Residential Tulsa County Agriculture Large Lot West Residential Single Family Residential Tulsa County AG -R Homes ANALYSIS: As stated above, the new owners of the property have no plans for development as was approved with OPUD 04 -02 and recently purchased the land for agriculture related uses (raising of horses). The location of the property is somewhat isolated in terms of its proximity to other adjacent parcels within the City Limits or to those developed at an urban density. The property does not share a contiguous boundary with any other property within the City Limits. Whenever parcels are annexed, the City of Owasso becomes responsible for providing police, fire, and ambulance services. When annexed properties are scattered throughout the region, they become fragmented as opposed to being part of more contiguous portions of the City. This has the effect of making it more expensive to provide services to these areas and may cause logistic issues with respect to providing timely emergency service. Typically, the City of Owasso prefers not to detach property, as it could impede the City's ability to provide orderly and well planned growth. This particular tract, however, is not within what might be considered a critical growth corridor, as it is somewhat removed from the main body of the City. When making a decision to detach property all of the aforementioned factors must be weighed. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: On March 30, 2011, during their regular meeting, the Annexation Committee reviewed the detachment request and recommended approval to the Planning Commission. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission approved the request for detachment at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 11, 2011. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the detachment request OA 11 -02, ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. City Limit Context Map 3. Letter and deed from John and Judy Dix 0 G. f-S o8 0 m � 1111 ��1111� ■111111 �11111� �11111� � �11111� � r - - - - -- -- ----- - - - - -- 1111111 �1111��11� 11111111111 111111111 JOHN & JUDY DIX PROPERTY I CITY OF OWASSO 3/18/11 E Legend n i SUBJECT PROPERTY 0 � North `1 -I -IIS MAi' IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDI'D 'T'O REPRESENT AN ACCURATE AND TRUE_ SCALE. USE OF TI -IIS MAP IS WITHOU`I" 3 WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION BY CI'T'Y OF OWASSO OF ITS ACCURACY. 111 N. Main Street P.O. BOX 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 OA 11 -02 Legend Dix De-Annexation Owasso City Limits Prepared by the Owasso Community Development Department. This map is far informational purposes only and is not intended to IN represent and accurate and true scalle map. Use of this map is 1,250 625 ID 1,250 Feet withoutwarranty or representation byt[-,ie City of Owasso of it's a ccu racy. February 8, 2011 Mr. Rodney Ray Manager City of Owasso, Oklahoma City Hall Re: De- Annexation of land Dear Rodney: Per our conversation at your office prior to the holidays, we have now closed on the 20 acres of land just South of our farm. The former owners, Noble Sokolosky & Tom Kimball, had planned to develop that property into 95 'starter homes' and to facilitate that development asked to be annexed into the City of Owasso and be zoned R53 which was approved by the Planning Commission at that time. They never filed a final plat so that property was never developed. We have now purchased that property from them. As we have no plans to develop that property in that manner, we request the Planning Commission detach the property from within the City Limit boundaries, but remain within the fenceline for the Owasso school district. In other words, allow us to put it back like it was. If we are notified of the date and time this would be heard by the Planning Commission, T would be happy to appear and answer any questions about this request the commissioners might have. 4 T lyou need any other information to accompany this request, please contact us. Jo -,& Dix Co- Owners Prairie *e Farm 12221 N. 97th E. Ave. 918 -633 -5029 January 26, 2011 To'. All the neighbors with property close to: Prairie Lane Farm From: John & Judy Dix, Prairie Inane Farm Re: Land Purchase We have purchased the twenty acres directly South of our .house,.at Prairie Lane Far. m. As you know, many of you joined with us to combat the annexation into Owasso and subsequent rezoning of that property *to- R53.someyears ago; after it's purchose by Noble Sokolosky & Tom Kimball -, They submitted a preliminary plat to build 95 `starter' homes on that property, but never filed the final plat. While the property is still in the City of Owasso and still zoned R53 as a result of that preliminary work, we wante&to assure'all our neighbors that .those plans will no longer come to pass And, we wanted you to know our plans for the property. We will be doing some cleanup of trees (some still damaged from the'07 ice storm) fencing, the building concrete from a former owner and even some footings and debris left over f rom when it was a dairy farm. Next, it is our plan to split off and sell four home lots on the frontage along N. 97th E Ave. (providing we are able to attach to the city's sewer, just South of the property)to recover much of the cost of the land. These 1 acre ± or - lots will be severely restricted and should enhance property values in the area. Pending lot split approval by the City or County, they will be configured as individual lots, each with it's own access, rather than platted lots, to better fit in with the character of the neighborhood. We aren't sure yet whether we'll have to do another re- zoning to RS1 for those four lots, but if we do, we hope we'll have your support, We have had preliminary discussion with the Owasso City Manager about 'detaching' or voiding the annexation and those discussions were positive. The remaining 16 acres will serve as pastures and additional hay field for our existing horse boarding operation. We will reserve a 50 foot East /West right of way corridor along the North side of the 20 acres for possible future development or access, but we have no plans to do anything but pasture horses or make hay out of any of the remainder of that property (or any of our other property, for that matter) for the foreseeable future. We believe the purchase of these 20 acres has already paid for itself in the .lack of possible depreciated value of our other land (as well as yours) which would have occurred _..... _ if.the.developer.'s.plans_had gone through. W.e..hope. this-puts . everyone's mind at ease about what's going to happen to that parcel of land. Now, for the disclaimer! We won't /can't say that these plans are in concrete and won't /can't change and we end up doing something else. But this is our intent for now and do not expect that to change unless economic conditions or needs dictate we do something different. Tf you have any questions.about this or any of our other plans, please don't hesitate to drop by and talk to us about it. John A. & Judy A. Dix Co- Owners Prairie Lane Farr.' The City '+Nit lout Limits. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Karl Fritschen Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conditional Final Plat (Final Plat) —Lake Valley IV Extended DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received for review and approval a conditional final plat (final plat) for Lake Valley IV Extended. This plat is described as an extension to Lake Valley IV, due to the fact it is creating a new lot where none existed before. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction Single Family North RS -3 Residential, Residential Owasso (OPUD 08 -01) Lake Valley IV Single Family South RS -3 Residential, Residential Owasso (OPUD 08 -01) Lake Valley IV Large Lot Single Family Rogers East RS- 40 Residential, Residential County Ranch Acres Estates II Single Family West RS -3 Residential, Residential Owasso (OPUD 08 -01) Lake Valley IV PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: The subject property is 0.61 acres in size and is comprised of 3 lots, which are part of the entire Lake Valley IV Development. The request will involve the closure of right of way, which will be conducted as a separate action. The property is served water by Washington County Rural Water District #3, and Owasso sanitary sewer, police, fire, and ambulance service. ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting the review and approval of the final plat consisting of 3 lots in one block in order to develop one additional lot and modify two adjoining ones as part of the Lake Valley IV development. The proposed change covers 0.61 acres and involves the closure of an unimproved platted right -of -way, and the addition of a reserve area. The use of the property is governed by PUD 08 -01, which allows single family homes. The property adjoins Ranch Acres Estates II to the east, which is comprised of 2.5 acre home sites in Rogers County. The lots sizes in Lake Valley IV are significantly smaller and average 5,500 to 6,000 SF. The final plat for Lake Valley IV was filed in May 2010 and showed a stub street connection on the east property line with East 110th Street North, which is designed to Rogers County standards and contains no curb and gutter. Initially, the concern of this re -plat was compromising the number of possible access points for emergency vehicles. However, after reviewing the entire Lake Valley Development, it was discovered that this would not be an issue, as there are other points of access that address this concern. According to the applicant, the residents in Ranch Acres Estates opposed this connection, which would have allowed some traffic to pass through their neighborhood. There is also a large drainage feature between Lake Valley IV and Ranch Acres Estates II, which would have required the construction of a bridge. The proposed final plat provides a 17 foot reserve area, which will allow access to utilities and the drainage feature in Reserve Area A. Additionally, this Reserve Area may also serve to provide a future pedestrian connection. Considering the aforementioned items, staff finds no issues with the proposed plat. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements, including, but not limited to, paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. The property will be subject to all payback fees, including Storm Siren fees of $35 per acre. The proposed plat indicates a 17.5' utility easement along the east boundary of the site; a recorded 20' utility easement between lots 2 and 3; and a 20' utility easement along the front of lots 1, 2, and 3. All of the newly configured lots meet all of the bulk area requirements of PUD 08 -01. In a regional context, this proposed addition is in conformance with the Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Plan, as the area is shown for residential uses. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved this item at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 11, 2011. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the Lake Valley IV Extended final plat. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Plat, Lake Valley IV Extended B. Current Filed Plat for Lake Valley IV C. Case Map y rs 1 p4 es M" y LL N p en Ka' N 04 44'04 r N 04 °40104" W U/E -ti ? 120.30' o w 5' WE 'i iV U z m o n {:J to • C "o w (1 vs i c w - o v1 1° o Ffi 5. ��iL�° rp i �< 6�s5tOV 55,5Z`'L a M ,1.94ZL. r 115,04' +, 115.04' 115.00' °o Cv n h �`L1' M'' £•ELL m 5 �-' I �. 1 0 120.25' �' V - L5' S 4 � �w r, �f11 • v U- © C w N w cri it: i N � �"' twit m r R - �l41 ZL9Z °50 ` ,31 ° 7 rn{ 6f'1.5 y 4 N m . o `" o m115P A 4' 115v . 00' U11 - po r 120.19' -•!{` EOL 9i L`� cs, Q LO'i�L4 1� �.9 gLL� ^� w 31 1.5 �' r3 C,� C_ .,"a �° ", C :" i tV w rol m o o r > m V i ri CO ' v, a, b. o N w U1 M °f J U/E °- o 0 5' WE �P. ti w N rn t ir1 +� ca _- 115,04'- ° 115.40' -- I 115.04' o o a i� a m 1 �! tit 115.00' 115.00' _ _ # 15.00' 115.00' N 00 °00'00" w i fT -`g' U!E A m 0 5' U/E ��T cri m- 120.14' N o0 °40'00° w i } N o4°o4'oo° W �"' "' N d0 °00'00" w _ av "'"" ` r `' `' 1`q -0 < N �? n� '"t cn a o o m i"' o °c+ { o ` o_ h1 . 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I a o ti' C o �•t rs w 50 „N ° co m - . a 0' 0ro cn o Z �' y N ..a.�c."i.i'v".'e ."- "1 0^ 0 C5 ' m 9,; � w Eff Year Floodpl E m 3 U%E ° rn o m R o 128.6: 117.5' B/L & U/E o 53 6%14' 0 63.9 53.00 53.00 52.40' 52.04' 52.40' 52.00' 52.04 02.11' 52.00' 52.00' 1 �j R0 Rene -r •471.63'- 54' 4�- Ln ..................._. 000109 1103.74 0. ...� i 20' Utility Easement yl..,,• 25' Dra %wage Easemenr - _._ _. _ -• - -~ Sast line of the SW 14 of Section io, T -21.1V �5 Dra %na e Easerrrent (Book 972, Page 257) (Book 972, Page 257J f "Zi R -14 -E, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma g (Book 972, Page Nun I1 1 a5 rla SAS r AVENUE ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Tulsa Engineering & Planning Associates, Inc. 6]3] South 85U East Avarua Tulsa. Oklahoma 74133 915.252.9521 Legend SM1 -- - eulMilq Ur,e wd WE - Uaryess.- UlliryEaumad. Monument Notes A 5la' a le'ubm,atl Glr Mln a yellow w.Ylc caPalampeE•PlS 1x53'Ip Plnaxaae�ll pbl houMary wrnan, pnwb IxeNMm pnleaa rbbtl A Ire• x la'tlalwmatl aarMln a YeXOw walk'pslarrpM'RLS 1x5Yb a I Id umwa,na comWYion aaPlzwwlbma. wawa away alnwwl... Basis of Bearings TFe nervuvawmic heeMp, let Nb PNI bawtlan sn aaaur,ntl baebM w n pa•poropw. map m. aaal nlbolN. wrs w sawl'P la, T31- R -14f. RIIM q,wan Marltllan. R'pna Caaay SabdplYwma. ."Proiap m m. or'w us. cwemmm su,..yllw,ad. Benchmark Tep"a 60•-"— apun' cpRM.iMad WIS 1L aI IM1e Waal Warlar C "Dora aa'o.a ta. T11-K -I .R.—cowry. Sn:aw owenom, Elevenen.5p2a514SWI S Backflow Preventer Valve II Iha x1uY flnMM1k Iber a evel an a bwxlM1an ue (t' krol ahawlna ouk- aad ary wawa- lep of ranYmXa, Y,eX balm ul,l C A . TM butlup —delp u pl,- l lhwaX p dwvl,-rnw n vaallutea a mu okalM1be bp oa aWw rwp,.a pwMlw wawa Planned Unit Development No. OPUD 08 -01 Lake Valley_aIV Extended A Subdivision in the City of Owasso, Being a Replat of Lot 23, Block 3, Lot 1, Block 9, Part of Reserve "B ", Part of Reserve "CI and part of East 110th Street North, all in "Lake Valley IV ", Rogers County, State of Oklahoma 30, 15' 0 30, 50' 90, SCALE: 1• - 30 FEET Fmea as aa�r,a,.'. cy. msne+a, anrvrcw.,Wa Rapw.cwaw snkanxaXaa,a. 1 � LAKE VALLEY IV r (Bk 2100, P9 22i) ! w_ I ha < 2 2 N9g°9gY79 °E- 149.98' WQ h:;z < �$ �-- 5'- aulltiv,a Lim a 1ryIT � W E. MOM St. N. - -�` - -- C NAB b _• ° "INYa ILV� a C I '` ^___.:Li:' _ _ -- -- a l,.pa n1 j N. s l p E Moth Sr. N 5•Swmm— n$ yo y z I S m I S - x `-- Reserve I2V a ------ -- - i•' UfE YUIIX Enaxnwaj^ — .� I 111 �{SOek 1Nl, Papa pa) LLJ \--Point a8agnining- I I. -I S90Y101N7`W- 149.99' i i � .- �,- �' 4W LAKE VALLEY IV B oz a (Bk 2100; Pg 227) I� Y,. aMe sHwa.srfiw ra r -ziR R/l� RWW+CWaay, S'anapr4bna — — —East 1061h Street North — — �-- ��,wr,a - m 4soErwr,eYr a�'seao,, ,a ra,.v, m"s«,n aax,raw•,.<,w,��aa,;,µ rzl.R. R I../Rga: Ce �.5,exa /dlNxmaa R. /i.E Raara Cdvny, Saxt olpµrmu DEVELOPER aX A Kourtis Property Management, ment, Inc. et n,ldent Pe Kourlis, Prealtlenl P.O. Sox ma NO Om— Oklahoma 74056 918.272.3202 II H 0 Aa��'. c'm,ly, oklalwm.m Hanby aa�y aowe zmr Imo penYPinp to Atl Vabmn Tuea'n IM Vacltlewvbatlb Ina aee'mparrylrq pIY wltl LM awl all Ills Ai VYwwn Taxi Mvabaw, pYtlIPPItlIawPYPpx�_. o.be lma_aaya , Location Map R -14E b„ STATE HIGHWAYN ..- wd. a�10e1H STREETMWH Section 10 Rogara county 3 Lots 0.5060 Ao s Lake Valley IV Extended Date of Preparation: February25, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 DEED OF DEDICATION LAKE VALLEY 1V EXTENDED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS' Lake Valley Inveslmenl Group, L C.. an Oklahoma limited liability company flhe'DOMoperi Is the sole owner of the following described mat ¢state situated in the City of Owasso (lhe'City "), Rogers County, Oklahoma: A tract of land that Is Lot 1. Black 9, r Portion of Reserve V. Lot 23, Block 3, and a portion of R.-'B' all In "Lake Valley N', a subdivision In the Cl ty of Owasso, Rogers County, Slate of Oklahoma, according totheoffirW recorded plat therad, as tried in Rook 2109, Page 227 In the records of the Rogers County Clerk's office, said laid being more pisniukrly described s follows: Beginning at the hodhw el corner of Lot 2, Block 9, "Lake Valley IV', a subtlivialan In the City d Owasso, Rogan County, State of Oklahoma, according to the official recorded plat thereol, as filed in Book 2100, al Page 227 in the retards of tN Rogers County Clerk's office; Thence N t10 east od Yang the 22, Block said wayof ke V 154'" Eesl Avenue to the - feet; Corner of Lot 22, Bock 3, of 'Lake Valley M a distance al 1]8.00 test Thence N 90`00MPE along the soulh line of said Lot 22. continuing through and beyond the couthesl corner of aekl Lot 22. a distance of 149.96 feel to the beef line If 'Lake Valley IV and the west line of'R.nch Acres Estate. II•, a subdivision In the City of Civello. pagers Canty, Stale of Okimmure, cordmg to the olltelal recorded plat themol, as ffled In Book 972, Page 257 In IN -,us of the Rogers Cody y Clark's office: Thence S 00TOOT)VE along the east the of Sold'Leke Valley IV" and along the west fine of said 'Ranch Acres Estates Ir a distance of 176.00 feet: Thence S 90°0O00'W along the north line of said Lot 2, a tlislence at 149,99 to the -Pdnl of Beginning' Said Iraq contalns 26,397 square feel or 0.6060 acres. The non-astruomtc bearings for Said tract are based an a, a,,u,wJ beadng of N 00.07O6W orlon, he-.I line .1 the SW /4 of Section 10. T -21 -N, R-1 4-E of the Inden Meridian, Rogers County, Slate of Oklahana, accading to the Olfeckl U.S. Goverment Survey thamof. Thal Davaloper ur has caused the above described beat to be atglneored, veyed, staked and plall Into 3 lots, 1 block, antl 2 reserve areas In c Ofmmfy to the accompanying plat antl Survey thereof, which plat u made, pad hereot (the'Plal'1, and has craned the same to be named Lake Valley N &tended, a subdivision In the City of Owasso, Rogers Count', State of Oklahoma (Iha "SUbdivisobi, The Developer due Nmoy establish IN, certain °common area' Identi0ed nn IN plat to N Ia the common use and enjoyment of the owners of Iola in arty subdyision within Lake Valley OPUD Ot- O3Including (without lay at im) Lad. Valley IV Extended, together with all improvements which may al any time Immah., be I. led tharem including (w,thul Ilmilaliai) drainage tacitais and related knprovements, which common area I,'Pedfioalfy deaaibed as fall-: Ross- "A" and 'B• as shown on IN recomad plat oI LAS Valley N Extended. Section 1. Utility Easernmis and Service 1.1 Utility Easements The Dewloper dedicates to the public, for pudic use forever, the easements as shown an Iha pia for the seveal purposes of conslracling, malrWhing, I- Ing, regaining, and rapladrg any antl all Pubic uilllllet, including bud not limited 10, storm and sanaary sower lines. communication Imes, electric power Imes, cable toles- line,, lanslamers, pedostds, gas and water Imes, together Wth all filings and equip antl.,...h Such facility aid amyodhereppalms... tinal with the right of ingress and egress to and upon sold easements far the seas and purposes thereof, 1.2 Underaound and Elacaic and Communication Service 1.2.1 Slrael light poles oratandard -y N nerved by underground s cable, and eeps as provided In the Imnmdirealy preceding sentence, all electric and communication supply line., Shell he loesled underground, fn the sal rent -ways re -c! for general unity services, shown on the attached pal. The Developer dooS hereby rsldct the ultlly¢semems sham and designated on the accempmying plat to a single supplier .1 electrical service. 1.22 A9 suppyllnes fn thesub MsianincludingeleeWo.telephme, mice teeviSkm and gas lines shell N [mated underground in the .- amenle rserced for general Nlllty aeMCes shown an thtplafoflhesubdirvi Senicepadestahimbitranslormen, ;40 urces oI supply M secondary wlteges, may also be 1, ated in cold easements. 123 Underground sorvlee cables and gal service Imes to ail strucluras which may be maed an all lots h the Subdivision may N run tram IN naarost gas man, smvim pedestal w konsmina, to the point of usage determined by the siddim and mnalrulion of such id uclum s may be located upon each said lac provided IN, upon the Inslaltelon of such a cable or gas service line to a particular, structure . the suppker d service shat f maller be deemed to have a dolioltiw. Derma ia.l. and off satlw right -d -way easemenl on said lot. covering afrve -loot strip ealend og 2.5 feet an each side of each srvice e cable or line, aaandirig from the servi Pedestal, Ideralconer ce gas mein to the service snlmroe on Ih, structure or a point Of metering. 1.24 The supplier of electric, telephone. cable television and gas services, through its authonzad agents antl employcee, shall at ell times haw right of access in at such easement, shown on the dot to the subdvispn or provided for in this dead of dedicaion for Ilse purpose of tnsellag, maintaining, removing u replacing any portion of IN undermtund electric, telephone, cable television or gas sarvke faclllas 90 Installed by it. The supplier of electric, telephone, crate INavis car also reserve the perpetual right. prMle9e and authority to cut doer. Iron, or treat any trees and undegmeth an said eaeemenl 1.2.5 The Mere, of each lot in the subdivision shall be responsible for the Malcolm of the underground electric facililis Mosted on his property and shall proven, the allemlion o! grade or soy o......ion activity whkh may Inle.r W11h saki ekclrk, I.I.Phone, cable television or gas hacAllks The supplier of semi will be responsible for ordinary maintenance of underground fecallies, but the owner al each lot in the subdMston will pay for damage or relocation of Soon, facilities used or necessitated by able of such owner or No agents a contractors. The foregoing covenants concerning underground ladli8es Shelf be enfapable by the supplier of Madhic, lelaphons, cable television or gas service. 1.2.6 The foregoing covenants concerp ing underground electric, lelaphone,and cabletMovie lacilif. shatl bemarceabl. by the supplier of electr c. telephone or cable lalevismn service, and IN owner of each lot agrees to be bound thereby 13 Underground Gas So.. 13.1 The suppler of go. ..it., through its agents and mmployes 2NllMM limes have the right MI access to all such acaar is shown on the plot or s ied Pici for in INS dead of dedication tar the Purpose of insleftlog, mr-Og, rep ri.g, or replacing 'tryportion .1 the facilities installed by the supplier of po yes 1.3 .2 Theowaerot the lot shell NM.pd Mble forthe prosdion ofihe undargrund gas 1. Ices located In Ihir lot and Shell prevent the alemtlon of gmde or wry other corst-11.1 activity s t nkh Iverld interfere with the gas service. The supplier of the gas servim shall he r uponslbleforthewdin arym.(M,,wmolsald facllllks. NI the owner shall pay for damage or relocation of lacflf es cased or nec -pled by ads of the owner or the its agents or calkablors. 1.33 The foregoing covenants eel forth in this paragraph shell be stiff a..We try IN suppler a the gs aerwce and Iha ownerof IN lot agrees to be bound hemby. 1.3.4 No owner, of is lot shit install propene or other above -ground gas service wkhut IN pie amts, consent of the Nwloper. 1.4 Water and Sewer Service. 14.1 The owner of the lot shall be responsible for the proleclion of the pubic wmer and sower mans labeled upon and carving the Property . 1.4.2 WilNnthe""'y s emm tans5depfcmrlontNaccanpanytng plat. IN alteration of grade Iron the cmleur sfar upon IN compelIon of the Installation of a Public water main a sewer or any cmse"'t"' eclivily wheh would Warfare, with Public water and sewer malls, shall be pro lthaed. 1.4.3 Washington County Rural Water District No 3.or65successom, shag N responaibl, for ordinary maintenance of Public em m, Ins and Cho Ciy of Owasso, Dklah ime, or as swcesaws shall N responsible for ordinary moramonce of public sews ins that serve the Property. but IN carter shall pa y la damage a relocation If of surd IaGlltles ...ad a note- tated by ads al the sane, his agents or contractors. 1.4.4 The City of Owasso Oklahoma. and Washington Corey Rural Water District No 3, or its successes, shall al all limes have right of .... a all a ement ways depler" on IN eempmying plat, or ehan near provided fe in (his dead of dedication, for IN purpose of installing. maintaining, removing or replacing arypodlon of undergraundvvatr or sewer ledfitias 1.4.5 The f imyohg aovanauts Sol forth In this sedmn 1.4 shall be enfomeibla by the City of Owasso. Mithoma, and Washington County Raid Water District No 3, or Its So ed IM Mvner of h pop, r y agebe ticmitl hereby. 1.51 i ndscape and Pavho Repair. The cemerof each lol shall N responsible T, the repay and replacement of or,/ landscaping and paving located within IN utility easements In IN event it fs necessary to repair any underground water, sanitary. - mains, storm Sewers, electric, mlural gas, O r se HWhe or cable tekrvlsion service- No bl owner shall plant any ry in dedicated utility, assonants or ngme -of -way which would Potentially endanger, Ihreaton. ar harm any Militia$ located within said elements or rights -of -way, If it n determined that any trees or shrubbery located wilhin said easements or nghts- of-vmy am damaging endengeMg utifitks m said deadoonls, the lily ar said rural water district Shell have the right In remove said Imes or shrubbery upon live (5) day, miles thereof at the tot benaeg expense, or within such time the lot ,.war May ..-I same. Election 2. Surface Drainage Each lot shall mesive and drain, in an unobstructed manner, the storm and surlau waters from lots and drainage areas of higher elevation and from publbslmallmdeasamenls. No propary -ca, andiwn lmdarpermitle be constructed any lenang or other abaWCtgna which would Impel, the drainage of storm and sWace oaten over antl acrces his i. No propory owner shot modify or change Ise dimctlm ofdrainage of surface stop vater Iromfhaanginalappavedoa, ucttonpionsfiled*till yd "N""'. The property ownarsNll pmw d IN alteration of grade within al easement areas Iron the original contours (finish grade) saline, any co emcdch activity that may interfere Wth such Public water mains, valves, storm salvers, and/, pubk,mniMrysewa Im4c tks. the cosrunia set forth in this paragraph that N enleceable by any If acted property met and by the City at Owasso, Oklahoma. Section 3. Reserve RVeas The Developer does hereby establish and grant an semen over the areas tlesig red as'Reaerw' for the putpxas of uhlilfes, stormwater deleaion and/or open space. The mouses may N mrrveyed, It the Developer's sale di amtion, to lha association a other thid party Iva the purpose d do ldiN Wliyesasements antl for that purposes deemed advisable by the Developer or IN zssmlalen. Certain reserve areaa and fence ms,-is have also been designated as utility ..-.is and may be used as such Se long as such utility usage does nal malertay inknerb with the Oevelopai s inmrakd u of Such rs and/or Ienca easements. Maintenance raspensibil'Ay of said roaave isms shell be smarted and m.1dralnod by the Assoclalion arc all coals shall N borne by the Assoaatim. Section 4. Sidewalks Interior sidewalks shall par constructed by each Properly owner in compliance with the engineering design standards of the City of Owasso prior to 5nal Inspection by the City of 0wa550 of the house consituction on the lot. Sidewalks shall be mainlahed In goad repair by the prop" owner or Ass0aamr, Section 5. Paving and Landscaping within Eoemamts The owner of the lot shall N responsible far repair of damage to the landscaping and paving mcsroned by IN necessary M dufti llon of or rmint.ome. to the untlerg -rid -to,. sewer storm wafer, gas, canmunicalian, cable television, or .1.16. Iacilftiea within the .. -.,is beaded on the xoanpanying plat, provided however, that IN City of Owasso or IN supplier of the wilily s-, shall use resonaNe care fn the performance of such activities. Section 6. The Property Owners' Association Property Own" 'Association: Th. Developer has formed a mutual eecfallon of (N owners of Ilia loss v ithin 'Lake Valley IV Exl,nd ld' antl adjacent subdivisions Mi Lake Valley OPUD ft,_. which association is known as "LakeVaAey HOmeowrnrs'ASSOCialion, Inc.' (hereinaae-hurad to as the "ASaocialion] In accortlancev4lh the ateldes of IN State of Oklahoma, and for the general purposes el maintaining the common ales. including ("haul limitation)conanonareas, the mawittbnalarea ,lendecaping,lenang. antl mhancing the va'ue, of ... ay and Miftedfveneas legacy of stbdrvlalma Within Lake Valley OPUD 01 -03, as well as the park area, Playground ecepurml, svismmrg pod and clubhouseycommunay building located vdhh Laka Valley OPUD 01- 031erthe common use and benefit of of I01 owners withh any subdivision phase cl the Lake Va'ey OPUD -0103 Section 7. Enforeadent Dunstan, Amendment or Termination and Smarabitty 7.1 Enticement end Duralmn: The restrictions Nretn eel forth are ravernann to run with the land and shall be binding upon the undersigned Developer, its gmnto¢s, successors arc sslgns antl all Parties claiming radar it fora perbtl of 1Wenty -five (25) year, from the time G recording herself after Whioh 5n a sold covmann shall be automatically oxhnoed for successive periods of ten (10) years unless amended or terminated as hamster provided. If the undasfgnod lot evener, or its sucessande or assigns Main violate any of IN uvenants rooln, It shall he lawful tar any badmis owning a bt oluMed within the In IvAross whereof, Lake Valley Imeslmanl Group, L.I. C, an suMiVican to maintain m action al Iss, or scaly against the parson or Ordain- Irmlled liability compar, hereby ppr_ and axsedles the parsons wolatkg a atleMIAIhg to vblale any such covenant, and to loregoing dead It dedication this _ day of _, 2011. pr wnit NdVNl orchard from an doing or to compel canpliince with the cmananl5 or to recover damages lot such vo identI. Lakn Vdky Irwestmenl Group, LLC, an Oklahoma Iddled Lability company T2 Sewradilly: These restriclive covenants, together with the other documents incorporated by Mformi e, shall be condroad as an entity and the partinentaecbona of all halrummts as ,whole. The Invalidly d any phrase, douse or poviYOns hotel, - forced shall not serve to render the board, or this instrument vad, or unenforceable. and 1N asm same shat herein a nmkrconstrueds it such laa me clauseorprt 10the not herein mnlalrwd, a NdM dff a glw maximum effect to IN role. t oI the undersigned The IdWre of the grantor, r canddrace ata in title, to edaca any 111vti e. restriction t n or a dommi t conch a at any lime, or from lions Ile lime, or not N or a to be a waiver . relinquishment arl m, a pr eery right or remedy riot a motllltcallon of these reshiclions and protective covenants. Stole of Oklahoma I Countyol TuSa )sal By Manager : Kourlls Properly Management, Inc., a n Oklahoma capaalim, Its Manager By: Pero Kourlls, Nask)enl Before me, the Undersigned, Noary Public, h and lot said County and 7.3 DeflnAions: In the event of ambiguity of" mm at term set forth Nord, Ston, . on the day of _, 20 11. person any appeared Pete ki,a t0 the meaning thereof shall be deemed to ba defined s set todh within me kno tp be th itlontkal p¢ 11 executed the loregPit inseumenl the City of Owasso Zoning Cork as the some existed on January 1, asPresidart of KOVlis Prepay Management In ,anO mmv, corporation, M03 or as doinsiuenly amended as Manager of Lake Valley Invslria l Group. LLC„ an 0almoma kmf. Ilabifilycomparry. andacknowkdged Ile me INt he axeculed nhe..- as his No and wluntery It antl dead and as the free and wlvnlary act anal deed of such sad Cmtpery far IN uses and papoaes Ihereln set loath. Given under ray hand and seal of attire IN day and year last shove Wxmen. Susan Kemiry, Notary Puhltc Mycoemnis" ro. OBeOp31a expires September 23.2012. Cavil of Survey I, J Wesley &Its. of Tuse Engineering s Planning Aswciales, Inc, a professional land surveyorregiri,red io the stale o(OkaNrre, herebycertify ihetl Nvecare(dyantlacuralaysurveyed sibtlmtletl,antlplohetlllnetrecl of land described above, and that the accompanying ptaldsconaled herein s 'lake Valley IV Extended', on adduad Ile IN city of Owasac. Rogers County. Sloe of Oklahoma, la a representation of IN sarny made on the pound using Generally accepted land sumayng pnclices and mule a exceeds INOklaramaminlemimstantlatla : or Ihepmcllce attend aurvaylrg as adopted. J. Wesley Oils, P.L.S. Registered Prolesimal Land Savem, L Sheol Okofterne I La Countyol Tulsa )s.s. u3b Ls has lend Bdaame IN undersigned arwlery public,,andfar saca.I Wyall state, kn me of 2011, grsonaly appeared J. Wesley Bills, to i l known to be IN identical paean who subscribed his name as regialered Prid-samal end surveyor m der Ithe ice of mta at siswy and and dead for tome Thal Its executed the same ashes Ire, and wluntaryact and deed (or the user and purpose Ihereln xi IoM. In witness Whored. I hew eel my hand all al the day and year last wattle, dame. Tema L Haven, Notary Public My commisum re. 09000235 expaca January 04, 2012. CSr ifI.- of Final Plot Approval I hereby codify that this plat was approved by Iha Owasso City Cainal on this_ day let_, 2011 By: 511man Cdaudella, Mayor This approval Is ve d If IN above aqulure is rid endorsed by the uy clork. BY Clly Clerk Lake Valley IV Extended rnganLLadMnmtml loa,oet - oleo - sic - LV n ciariarod, e Owasso Public Works Department Engineering Div. P.O. 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.272.4959 www.cityofowasso.com LAKE VALLEY IV EXTENDED LOCATION MAP N W E S + /1 /n The City W_i. out Limits. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: John W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Tulsa County Interlocal Agreement CIP Street Rehabilitation Program DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvements Fund allows for the expenditure of funds for the repair and /or resurfacing of residential and non - residential roadways throughout the City. Rehabilitation sites have been evaluated and chosen through a comprehensive assessment of roadway conditions (both residential and non - residential). The selection process is aimed at maximizing return on investment by increasing roadway lifecycle and minimizing future maintenance costs while enhancing overall driving conditions and public safety. In order to maximize the return on investment, the City of Owasso has partnered with Tulsa County for over ten years in order to complete several roadway projects significantly reducing the overall project costs. Through the use of interlocal agreements, the partnership has consisted of the use of County labor and equipment for the paving and /or resurfacing of the selected roadway sections while the City provides the necessary materials for the project. In recent years, an opinion rendered by the Oklahoma Attorney General regarding a state statute would not allow cities over a certain population to enter into interlocal agreements with counties for certain capital improvement projects. Owasso was subject to that ruling until legislation was introduced and signed into law by the Governor in 2010 allowing all municipalities, regardless of population, to enter into interlocal agreements with their respective county governments. PROPOSED ACTION: This year, unique circumstances existed that did not allow Tulsa County to supply the labor and equipment necessary to complete the intersection at 116th and North Garnett. In an amicable compromise, Tulsa County graciously offered to pay for the installation of the product through the existing contractor who performed the base repairs required prior to the asphalt overlay. The proposed agreement provides that Tulsa County will pick up and haul the asphalt at their expense, as well as reimburse the City of Owasso for the labor charges incurred for a contractor to install the paving. In order to formalize responsibilities, a proposed Agreement has been drafted with Tulsa County (see Attachment A) that includes the following: • The City of Owasso shall provide traffic control through its authorized agent /contractor • Tulsa County shall provide all necessary trucking, labor cost, and asphalt • Duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Owasso and Tulsa County for paving assistance related to the E. 116th Street and North Garnett Intersection and authorization for the Mayor to execute the Agreement. ATTACHMENT: A. Tulsa County Interlocal Agreement INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made the day of , 2011, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "County" and the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "City ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by virtue of 69 O.S., 1981, Section 1903, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to enter into agreements with municipalities to construct, improve, and repair any of the streets of such municipalities, and; WHEREAS, by virtue of 74 0. S. §1008, the parties are authorized to enter into a contract for governmental services under the Interlocal Cooperation Act which sets forth the purposes, powers, rights, objectives and responsibilities of the contracting parties; WHEREAS, the County is desirous of participating in projects and the provision of services mutually advantageous to the County and other units of government; THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The duration of this Agreement shall be from the date of execution of this Agreement until the project is complete. 2. The-purpose of this Agreement shall be to provide street resurfacing reimbursement at 116th Street North and North Garnett Road within the city limits of Owasso per the Owasso Street Repair Program. 3. The City shall provide traffic control. 4. The County shall provide trucking of asphalt and labor cost for installation of asphalt. 5. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date of execution hereof and is intended only for the purpose described in section 2 above. 6. The rights, duties and obligations under or arising from this Agreement shall not be assigned by either party hereto without the express written consent of the other party. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal this day of , 2011. ATTEST: CITY OF OWASSO Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Doug Bonebrake, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CHAIRMAN ATTEST: COUNTY CLERK 2 IF 1 10- V Oe Th City visit out Limits. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: John. W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of the CIP Street Rehabilitation Project and Authorization for Final Payment DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvements Fund allows for the expenditure of funds for the repair and /or resurfacing of residential and non - residential roadways throughout the city. In August of 2010, City staff opened bids from two (2) contractors and presented a recommendation to City Council that the contract be awarded to Tri -Star Construction of Tulsa, Oklahoma in the amount of $250,610.00. The City Council awarded the construction contract in September, 2010. The project area consisted of a segment of 126th East Avenue in Elm Creek Estates, the approach at West 10th & Main Street in Original Town, and the intersection of 116th & Garnett. The nature of the work included concrete patches with an asphalt cap, concrete drive approach repair /replacement, and curb and gutter repair /replacement. The scope of work for the East l 16th Street North & Garnett Intersection was slightly different, in that Tulsa County offered to overlay the intersection if the City of Owasso would perform the above - mentioned base repairs as well as the striping. All scope of work has been completed, with a substantial under run of scheduled quantities of material used, which resulted in a significant under run in cost. FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the Capital Improvements Fund budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the contract work and authorization for final payment to Tri -Star Construction in the amount of $48,519.03, resulting in a total cost of $219,120.20 and an overall contract under run of $31,489.80. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Pay Request ATTACHMENT A APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT I Page One of TO: (Owner) (,;VI J- pwc.SSo Contract Date: t ao►o Owasso , O K Z 4V SS Application Date: 3 all FROM: (Contractor) 1 ri - S*o.r QQWn A Cokoosso., PROJECT: FY a009 • olo\o Period To: 3 I a z 1 t Distribution To: Owner Arc itect Contractor Engineer CONTRACT FOR: F� aoo4 - ao \o S�rcs.t, l2�(x►S� a.t �Grco�.> �.oc� -1���5 L CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 1 Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. 1. 2. 3. 4. a :1 7. Original Contract Sum Net Change by Change Orders Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 & 2) Total Completed & Stored to Date (Column G on Continuation Sheet) $_ 21 so-0 6k0. 00- $ a50610.� $ Retainage: a. 0 % of Completed Work $ 9� (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL b. 0 % of Stored Material $ Ql (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line 5a & 5b) $ Total Earned Less Retainage $ A o, (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) Less Previous Certificates for Payment $ 1-7 011 bob, AGREEMENT 0710 00300 - Page 8 of 15 �:URRJENT PAYMENT DUE 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage (Line 3 less Line 5) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: Change Orders approved in previous months by OVVl*,IER TOTALS Approved this month Number Date Approved TOTALS Net Change by Change Orders $_ +? J S \ 9 , 03, ADDITIONS $ S� DEDUCTIONS $ st The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. 3y: STATE OF OKOMA ) ) SS COUNTY OF Roqjer,5. ) Date: Subscribed and sworn to before me this a S day of aO XA Smy BRANDY JO HUFF (S F 04 ew i7 Cowrriebn*OW09M to �Wot Public My Commission Ex.pires:N Commission # AGREEMENT 0710 00300 - Page 9 of 15 ARCHITECT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the date comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect /s/Engineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ !'� 1 S o, a 3 (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: By: Date: This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. Z6 � 0710 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 10 of 15 CONTINUATION PAGE Page 2 of 3 PROJECT: 1005 APPLICATION #: 3 FY 2009 -1010 Street Repairs at Various DATE OF APPLICATION: 03/23/2011 Payment Application containing Contractor's signature is attached. Locations PERIOD THRU: 03/23/2011 PROJECT #s: A B C D I E F G H I COMPLETED WORK STORED TOTAL % BALANCE RETAINAGE ITEM # WORK DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT MATERIALS COMPLETED AND COMP TO (If Variable) PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD (NOT IN D OR E) STORED (G / C) COMPLETION PERIODS (D + E + F) (C -G) QTY $ AMT 1 Type I Pavement Repari $102,000.00 $95,409.10 $0.00 $0.00 $95,409.10 94% $6,590.90 $85.00 PER SY 1,200.00 1,122.46 0.00 0.00 1,122.46 77.54 ----- ---- - -- - -- 2 ------------ ---- --------- ---- -- -- --- - - - - -- Type I Pavement Repair (Modified ---- ------- ------ - - - - -- $18,600.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $22,961.08 -------------------------------------------------------- $0.00 $0.00 ------------- $22,961.08 - --- - - - - -- 123% ------- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- ($4,361.08) ----------------- Minus Asphalt) $62.00 PER SY 300.00 370.34 0.00 0.00 370.34 -70.34 ---- -- -- - ---- -- 3 ------------ --- ---- -------- -- --- ---- - -- --- ODOT Aggregate Base Type A -- ----- -- -- --- --- - -- --- $5,500.00 - ----------- ---- - - - - -- $0.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 -- ---- ------ -- ---- - -- $0.00 ------------------ - - - - -- $0.00 -- -- - -- --- 0% ----------------- - - - - -- $5,500.00 ----------------- (Bid Purposes Only) $55.00 PER CY 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 --- ------ - ----- 4 ----------- -- --- ---- -- -- -------- ---- - ---------------------------------------------------- Class "A" HES (Bid Purposes Only) $27,000.00 $0.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 ------ -- ------- - - - - -- $0.00 ------------------ - - - - -- $0.00 ---- - ----- 0% ----------------- - - - - -- $27,000.00 ----------------- $270.00 PER CY 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 --- --- -- --- ---- 5 ------------ -- ---------- ----- -- -- --- -- ---- Remove and Replace Concrete - ------- -- ---- --- - - - - -- $10,500.00 -- -- -------- --- - -- -- -- $19,602.30 -------------------------------------------------- $0.00 $0.00 ------------------- $19,602.30 ---- - - - - -- 187% -------------- - -- - -- - -- ($9,102.30) ----------------- Curb & Gutter $30.00 PER LF 350.00 653.41 0.00 0.00 653.41 - 303.41 ------- - - - - -- 6 --- - - - - -- ---- ---- - - - --- .................... Remove and Replace Concrete ------------ $3,500.00 - --------- -- ---- - -• - -- $3,759.80 ----------------------------------------------- $0.00 $0.00 ---- -- ------- - - - - -- $3,759.80 ---- - - - - -- 107% --------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ($259.80) ----------------- Gutter at Driveway Approach $20.00 PER LF 175.00 187.99 0.00 0.00 187.99 -12.99 - -------- - - - - -- 7 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- 2" x 6' Asphalt Pavement Edge ----------------- - - - - -- $12,000.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 --------------------------------------------- $14,814.38 $0.00 - ----------------- - - - - -- $14,814.38 ---- - - - - -- 123% -------- --- - -- --- - - -- ($2,814.38) ----------------- Milling $7.50 PER SY 1,600.00 0.00 1,975.25 0.00 1,975.25 - 375.25 --- --- ------ --- 8 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- Butt Milling ----------------- - - - - -- $6,600.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $84.70 ---------------- - - - - -- $5,438.84 -- -- -- -- --- ---- - - - - -- $0.00 ------------------ - - - - -- $5,523.54 ---- - - - - -- 84% -- --- ---- -------- - - - - -- $1,076.46 ----------------- $11.00 PER SY 600.00 7.70 494.44 0.00 502.14 97.86 ............................................................ 9 2" ODOT Type "B" Asphalt Overlay -------- ---- -- -- - -- -- -- $22,080.00 ------- ---- -- -- - -- -- -- $17,972.20 ........................................ $0.00 $0.00 -- _- _- -- -- -- -- - -- --- $17,972.20 - --- - -- --- 81% - -- ---- ---------- - - - - -- $4,107.80 ----------------- $23.00 PER SY 960.00 781.40 0,00 0.00 781.40 178.60 .................... 1Q -- -- -- --- ------ ----- -- -'--- -- --- --- - -- CLSM (Bid Purposes Only) - ----- ---- --- -- - - --- -- $300.00 --------- --- -- -- - -- --- $19,791.00 -------------------------------- $0.00 ------------------------------------------------ $0.00 $19,791.00 6597% --- -- ---------- -- - - -- -- ($19,491.00) ----------------- $300.00 PER CY 1.00 65.97 0.00 0.00 65.97 -64.97 SUB - TOTALS $208,080.00 $179,580.18 $20,253.22 $0.00 $199,833.40 96% $8,246.61 CONTINUATION PAGE Quantum Software Solutions, Inc. Documen CONTINUATION PAGE Page 3 of 3 PROJECT: 1005 APPLICATION #: 3 FY 2009 -1010 Street Repairs at Various DATE OF APPLICATION: 03123/2011 Payment Application containing Contractor's signature is attached. Locations PERIOD THRU: 03/23/2011 PROJECT #s: A B C D E F G H I COMPLETED WORK STORED TOTAL % BALANCE RETAINAGE ITEM # WORK DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT MATERIALS COMPLETED AND COMP TO (If Variable) PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD (NOT IN D OR E) STORED (G / C) COMPLETION PERIODS (D + E + F) (C -G) QTY $ AMT 11 Special Allowance $15,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 33% $10,000.00 $15,000.00 PER LS 1.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.67 - -- - -- - - - - - -- 12 ---------- -- --- -- -- -- ----- -- ----- - - -- --- - 4" Wide Yellow Thermoplastic --- ----- ---- ---- - --- -- $5,580.00 - -- ------------- - - - - -- $0.00 --------- ---- --- -- ---- $7,228.80 - -------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------ $0.00 $7,228.80 130% --- --- ---------- - ---- -- ($1,648.80) ----------------- Striping $1.20 PER LF 4,650.00 0.00 6,024.00 0.00 6,024.00 - 1,374.00 -- - --- - - - -- -- 13 - - -- ------------------------------- - - - - -- 4" Wide White Thermoplastic ---------------- - - - - -- $4,800.00 ------------- --- - - - - -- $0.00 - - - - -- - --- ----- - - - - -- $3,558.00 ------ - - - - -- - - - -- -- $0.00 ------------ -- ----- - - - - -- $3,558.00 ---- - - - - -- 74% - - -- ------------ - - - --- $1,242.00 ----------------- Striping $1.20 PER LF 4,000.00 0.00 2,965.00 0.00 2,965.00 1,035.00 -- -- -- •-- - - - - -- 14 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- Thermoplastic Turn Arrows ----------------- - - - - -- $1,600.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 -------- -- - ----- - ----- $2,000.00 - -------------- -- - --- $0.00 --- -- -------------- - -- --- $2,000.00 --- -- ----- 125% ------------ ---- - -- - - -- ($400.00) ----------------- $200.00 PER Each 8.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 -2.00 - - - --- - - --- -- 15 ----------------------------------- - - - - -- Thermoplastic Test "ONLY" ---------------- - - - - -- $1,500.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $1,500.00 --------------------------------------------------------- $0.00 $1,500.00 100% --- ------------ - - - - -- - $0.00 ----------------- $300.00 PER Each 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 ------- -- - -- - -- 16 ----- -------- -- ------------------ - - - - -- 18" Wide Thermoplastic Stop Bar ---------------- - - - - -- $750.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% - -- •-- ---- ------ - - - - -- $750.00 ------------------ $5.00 PER LF 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 ---------- - - - - -- 17 ----------- --- -- ----- --------------- - - - - -- 12" Wide Yellow Thermoplastic --- -------------- - - - - -- $1,400.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 -------- -- ------- ---- $0.00 - ------------------ - - - - -- $0.00 -- -- - - - - -- 0% ----------- ------- - - - -- $1,400.00 ----------------- Striping $4.00 PER LF 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 350.00 -------------------------------------------------------- 18 Type I Pavement Repair --- ----- ------- -- - - -- -- $11,900.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 ---------------- - - - - -- $0.00 ---- ---- --- ---- - - - - -- $0.00 ------------ ---- --- - - - - -- $0.00 ---- - - - - -- 0% ---- ---- --------- - - - - -- $11,900.00 ----------------- --- - - - - -- $85.00 PER SY ----------- --- - -- - -- ---------- ------ - ---- ------------ - - -- -- ----------------------------------------------- 140.00 ........................ 0.00 -- -- -------- -- -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- --------- - - - - -- 0.00 - - - - - -- --- -- --- - - - -- --- ----- --- -- - - - - - - - -- 0.00 --- -- -- --- -- -- ----- -- - •- ------•--- -- - - -- 0.00 -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- --------- - - - --- - ----- --- - -- - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 140.00 - -- ---- --•---- -- - - - - -- - -------- ------- -- - - -- -------• - -------- - ------ - - - - -- TOTALS $250,610.00 $179,580.18 $39,540.02 $0.00 $219,120.20 87% $31,489.80 CONTINUATION PAGE Quantum Software Solutions, Inc. Documen CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) )SS COUNTY OF Zoa�rS ) The undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is true and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the Affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. or Subscribed ans sworn to before me this Al rA day of Mo, ,_ otaqPub My Commission Expires. Commission Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public My Commission Expires: Commission #: BpgNDYJO HUFF rdlortlw SEAL gyloMOkldwnr AVB1. \G My CannWion aP�Yl X14 NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. AGREEMENT 0710 00300 - Page 12 of 15 The City Wiaut Lim #s. . TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 984 Containing Amendments to Part 10, Crimes and Offenses, and Ordinance No. 985 Containing Amendments to Part 15, Traffic and Vehicles DATE: April 15, 2011 BACKGROUND: Staff is currently making preparations to publish the Owasso Code of Ordinances online from the City's website. Prior to making the Code available online, staff has determined that several parts, chapters and sections within the Code are in need of amendment or repeal. In some instances, applicable state law serving as the authority and foundation for an ordinance has changed thereby requiring amendment of that ordinance. Other ordinances within the Code are either outdated, inapplicable or in opposition to common custom or practice and not enforced. Recognizing that the Code of Ordinances governing the City of Owasso should be as current and consistent with both state law and actual practice as possible, it is desirable to discern where revisions and updates are necessitated within the Code and make changes before the Code is made accessible online. Revisions to the specific sections within Part 10, Crimes and Offenses, are recommended prior to online publication: 10 -206 TAMPERING WITH OR DAMAGING PUBLIC UTILITIES LARCENY: This section prohibits any person from damaging or tampering with public utilities including water, gas and electric. The proposed amendment would add cable equipment to the list of utilities. 10 -209 Throwina OR PLACING ADVERTISING ON STREET AND VEHICLES PROHIBITED The proposed amendment would add a prohibition against placing circulars, handbills or other paper advertisements on vehicles. This section is intended to prevent, or at least reduce, the volume of litter within the City of Owasso. Advertisements placed upon vehicles quite often are blown off the vehicle by the wind or are tossed on the pavement by the vehicle's driver. In either case, these circulars, advertisements and handbills become litter on the City's streets. 10 -213 DAMAGING DESTROYING TREES, PLANTS OR FRUIT; TRESPASS: The proposed wording changes to this section are quite minor and are an attempt to modernize language throughout the Code of Ordinances whenever possible. 10 -301 DISTURBING THE PEACE: Sub - section (4) under this provision is recommended for repeal. The offense of indecent exposure is covered adequately in Section 10 -406 entitled "Nudity, Improper Dress, Indecent Exposure." 10 -306 CARRYING WEAPONS AND EXCEPTIONS; TRANSPORTING CONCEALED HANDGUNS: Amendment to sub- section (B) is proposed removing the specific dollar amount of the fine and replacing it with language stating the fine shall be in an amount specified by state law. 10 -403 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA: A revision to sub - section (A) is proposed which allows for potential renumbering of the corollary state law. Additional amendments to sub - sections (B) and (C) would add the selling of drug paraphernalia as an unlawful act to this section which currently prohibits possession or delivery of such paraphernalia. 10 -414 BEING ABOUT A PLACE WHERE GAMBLING IS GOING ON: Repeal of this section in its entirety is recommended. Ordinances of this type have been deemed unenforceable and void for vagueness by the federal courts. In general, criminal penalties for merely being near a place where gambling or other prohibited act is taking place are not enforceable and subject the City and its police officers to potential liability if a person is arrested pursuant to this section. 10 -502 LAWFUL USE OF FORCE: This ordinance substantially mirrors its corollary state statute. Revision was made to that state statute several years ago removing language such as "idiot," "lunatic" and "insane." It is recommended that the City likewise amend its ordinance with the language adopted by the State. The City Council approved an ordinance in March, 2011 amending Part 15 of the Code of Ordinances governing traffic and vehicles. An additional revision to Part 15 is proposed to clarify the requirement that all persons operating motor vehicles within the City of Owasso possess a valid driver's license: 15 -211 POSSESSION OF VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED; EMPLOYING UNLICENSED CHAUFFEURS: The Police Department has requested amendment of this section to clarify that all persons driving on City streets must have a valid driver's license. Currently, the ordinance provides that a driver must have an "unrevoked or unsuspended" driver's license. While this is true, the current wording does not contemplate the possibility that a driver may have no license whatsoever. Therefore, the proposed revisions to sub- section (A) clearly establishing that a driver must have a valid license are recommended. Prohibitions against driving with a suspended or revoked license are also additionally covered in 15 -212. Additional revisions have been made to sub- section (C) of 15-211 replacing references to operator and chauffeur licenses with designations to class A, B, C and D licenses in keeping with revisions to State law. 2 PROPOSED ACTION: Adoption of Ordinances 984 and 985. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance No. 984 and Ordinance No. 985. ATTACHMENT: A. Ordinance 984 B. Ordinance 985 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 984 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 10, OFFENSES AND CRIMES, CHAPTER 2, OFFENSES AGAINST PROPERTY, CHAPTER 3, OFFENSES AGAINST THE PUBLIC, CHAPTER 4, OFFENSES AGAINST HEALTH, WELFARE AND MORALS, AND CHAPTER 5, OFFENSES AGAINST PERSONS, SECTIONS 10 -206, 10 -209, 10 -213, 10 -301, 10 -306, 10 -403, 10 -414 & 10 -502 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS AS SET FORTH BELOW. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 10, CHAPTERS 2, 3, 4 & 5 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING THE SECTIONS NAMED ABOVE AND TO BE CODIFIED AS SHOWN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Ten, Offenses and Crimes, Chapter Two, Offenses against Property, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION 10 -206 TAMPERING WITH OR DAMAGING PUBLIC UTILITIES, LARCENY A. It is unlawful for any person to adjust, connect, disconnect, molest, injure, destroy or in any way tamper with any water or gas pipe, any telephone pole or apparatus, meter loop, riser or connection belonging thereto, or any water, gas or electric meter or meter box or housing, or any pipe, wire, cable equipment, conduit or connection belonging thereto, or any other part of water, gas, cable equipment or electrical system, or to do any act or use any contrivance to prevent or affect correct and proper registration by any such meter. This shall not apply to officers and employees of the city or of any person, firm or corporation owning or operating such water, cable equipment, gas or electric system, acting in line of duty. B. No person shall, without lawful authority, make any splice, tap or other connection into or on any cable, wire, pipe or other service furnished to the residents of the city by the city or by any person, firm or corporation operating in the city under a valid permit issued by the city. C. Any person who with intent to defraud, makes or causes to be made any pipe, wire, cable equipment or other instrument or contrivance and connects the same or causes the same to be connected with any pipe or cable provided for the purpose of conducting water, gas or cable service, or with any wire or other electrical conductor provided for the purpose of conducting electricity, so as to conduct such gas, water, cable equipment or electric current, to a point where the same may be consumed, without its passing through meters provided for registering the quantity consumed, or in any manner so as to evade payment therefore, whether the gas, water, cable service or electrical current is furnished through a meter or not, shall be guilty of an offense. Every person who, with like intent, injures or alters any gas, electric, or water meter or cable equipment, or obstructs its action, is guilty of an offense. SECTION 10 -209 THROWING OR PLACING ADVERTISEMENTS ON STREETS AND VEHICLES PROHIBITED It is unlawful for any person to throw, leave or deposit, or cause to be thrown, left or deposited upon any automobile, street, alley, sidewalk or other public area, any handbill, circular, or other advertisement, SECTION 10 -213 DAMAGING, DESTROYING TREES, PLANTS OR FRUIT; TRESPASS It is unlawful for any person to willfully cut down, root up, sever, injure or destroy any fruit tree, shade or ornamental tree, cultivated root, plant, vine, shrub or bush whatever, which is the property of another, standing on or attached to the land of another, or to pick, destroy or carry away, or in any way interfere with, any part of the fruit on the tree or to trespass on the premises of another, without the consent of the owner or person in charge. SECTION TWO (2): Part Ten, Offenses and Crimes, Chapter Three, Offenses against the Public, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION 10 -301 DISTURBING THE PEACE A. It is unlawful to disturb or alarm the peace of another or others by doing any of the acts set out in Subsection B of this section, B. Disturbing the peace is the doing of any of the following in such a manner as would foreseeably alarm or disturb the peace of another or others; 1. Using obscene, offensive, abusive, profane, vulgar, threatening, violent or insulting language or conduct, Appearing in an intoxicated condition; Engaging in a fistic encounter; 4. Pointing any pistol or any other deadly weapon, whether loaded or not, at any other person or persons either in anger or otherwise; 5. Holding an unlawful assembly of two (2) or more persons, including being assembled together and acting in concert, to do any unlawful act against the peace or to the terror of others or preparing for or moving toward such acts, or otherwise assembling unlawfully or riotously: b. Interrupting any lawful assembly of people by making noise, by rude, indecent or improper behavior, by profane, improper or loud language, or in any other manner, either within the place of assembly or within hearing distance thereof; Making unnecessarily loud, offensive noises; 2 8. Disturbing any congregation or assembly of persons meeting for religious worship by making noise, by rude, indecent or improper behavior, by profane, improper or loud language, or in any other manner, either within the place of worship or within hearing distance thereof; or 9. Committing any other act in such a manner as to unreasonably disturb or alarm the public. SECTION 10 -306 CARRYING WEAPONS AND EXCEPTIONS; TRANSPORTING CONCEALED HANDGUN A. It is unlawful for any person, except those persons authorized by law, to carry upon or about their persons or in their vehicles any weapon of the kind usually known as slingshot, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, spring -type knife, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, loaded cane, billy, metal knuckles, or any other offensive or defensive weapon, excluding firearms, the carrying of which is governed by State law. B. Any person stopped pursuant to a moving traffic violation who is transporting a loaded pistol in the motor vehicle without a valid concealed handgun permit authorized by the Oklahoma Self- Defense Act or a valid license from another state, whether the loaded firearm is concealed or open in the vehicle, shall be issued a traffic citation in the amount specified by state law, plus court costs, for transporting a firearm improperly. In addition to the traffic citation provided in this ordinance, the person may additionally be arrested for any other violation of law. C. When the arresting officer determines that a valid handgun license exists, pursuant to the Oklahoma Self- Defense Act or any provision of law from another state, for any person in the stopped vehicle, any firearms permitted to be carried pursuant to the license shall not be confiscated unless: 1. The person is arrested for violating another provision of law other than that set forth in subsection (B) of this ordinance; provided, however, if the person is never charged with an offense pursuant to this paragraph or if the charges are dismissed or the person is acquitted, the weapon shall be returned to the person. 2. The officer has probable cause to believe the weapon is: a. contraband; or b. a firearm used in the commission of a crime other than a violation of subsection (B) of this ordinance. C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require confiscation of any firearm. SECTION THREE (3): Part Ten, Offenses and Crimes, Chapter Four, Offenses against the Health, Welfare and Morals, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: 3 SECTION 10 -403 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA A. For the purpose of this section, "drug paraphernalia" means all equipment, products and materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designed for use, in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance in violation of the state Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act in the Oklahoma Statutes, hereinafter referred to as "the act ", and adopted by reference herein. It includes, but is not limited to those equipment, products and materials specified in Section 2 -101.1 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or as that section may be renumbered in the future, on drug paraphernalia. B. It is unlawful for any person to use, sell, or to possess with intent to use or sell, drug paraphernalia to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance in violation of the act. C. It is unlawful for any person to sell, deliver, possess with intent to deliver, or manufacture with intent to deliver, drug paraphernalia, knowing, or under circumstances where one reasonably should know, that it will be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance in violation of the act. D. It is unlawful for any person to place in any newspaper, magazine, handbill, or other publication any advertisement, knowing, or under circumstances where one reasonably should know, that the purpose of the advertisement, in whole or in part, is to promote the sale of objects designed or intended for use as drug paraphernalia. SECTION 10 -414 BEING ABOUT PLACE WHERE GAMBLING IS GOING ON REPEAL It is unlawful for any person to loiter about in the immediate vicinity where a person or persons are gambling, whether by playing games, operating a slot machine or other device, or otherwise. SECTION FOUR (4): Part Ten, Offenses and Crimes, Chapter Five, Offenses against Persons, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION 10 -502 LAWFUL USE OF FORCE To use or to attempt to offer to use force upon or toward the person of another is not unlawful in the city in the following cases: 1. When necessarily committed by a public officer in the performance of any legal duty, or by any other person assisting him or acting by his direction; Id 2. When necessarily committed by any person in arresting one who has committed any felony, and delivering him to a public officer competent to receive him in custody, 3. When committed either by the party about to be injured, or by any other person in his aid or defense, in preventing or attempting to prevent an offense against his person, or any trespass or other unlawful interference with real or personal property in his lawful possession; provided the force used is not more than sufficient to prevent such offense, and that the same shall be necessary for the self- defense of his person or property; 4. When committed by a parent or authorized agent of any parent, or by any guardian, master or teacher, in the exercise of a lawful authority to restrain or correct his child, ward, apprentice or scholar, provided restraint or correction has been rendered necessary by the misconduct of such child, ward, apprentice or scholar, or by his refusal to obey the lawful command of such parent or authorized agent or guardian, master or teacher, and the force used is reasonable in manner and moderate in degree; 5. When committed by a carrier of passengers, or the authorized agents or servants of such carrier, or by any person assisting them at their request, in expelling from any carriage, interurban car, vessel or other vehicle, any passenger who refuses to obey a lawful and reasonable regulation prescribed for the conduct of passengers, if such vehicle has first been stopped and the force used is not more than is sufficient to expel the offending passenger, with a reasonable regard to his personal safety; and 6. When committed by any person in preventing a person who is impaired by reason of mental retardation or developmental disability as defined by the Oklahoma Statutes, a mentally ill person, insane person or other person of unsound mind, including persons temporarily or partially deprived of reason, from committing an act dangerous to such person's self or to another, or enforcing such restraint as is necessary for the protection of the person or for restoration to health, during such period only as shall be necessary to obtain legal authority for the restraint or custody of the person. State Law Reference; 21 O.S. §643. SECTION FIVE (5): REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION SIX (6): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION SEVEN (7): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION EIGHT (8): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as shown above and codified in Part 10, Chapters 2, 3, 4 & 5 as sections] 0 -206, 10 -209, 10 -213, 10 -301, 10 -306, 10 -403, 10 -414 & 10 -502, PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the 19th day of April, 2011. ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED as to form and legality; Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Doug Bonebrake, Mayor 9 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 985 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 15, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, CHAPTER 2, ENFORCEMENT, SECTION 15 -211, POSSESSION OF VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED; EMPLOYING UNLICENSED CHAUFFEUR, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING THAT SECTION AS SET FORTH BELOW. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 15, CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES AS SHOWN BELOW. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Fifteen, Traffic and Vehicles, Chapter Two, Enforcement, Section 15 -211, Possession of Valid Driver's License Required; Employing Unlicensed Chauffeur, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION 15 -211 POSSESSION OF VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED; EMPLOYING UNLICENSED CHAUFFEUR A. No person shall operate any motor vehicle on the streets without a valid driver's license, unless such person is specifically exempt from such laws by the provisions thereof. Any person operating a motor vehicle on the streets shall have the valid license in his or her possession at all times. No person charged with violating this section shall be convicted if he or she produces in court a license issued to him or her that was valid at the time of the arrest. B. No person shall operate a motor vehicle in any manner in violation of any restriction that may be imposed in a restricted license issued to him with respect to the type of, or special mechanical control devices required on a motor vehicle or any other restriction applicable to the licensee as the state may determine. C. No person shall employ, or permit to remain in his employment as a chauffeur or driver of a motor vehicle calculated to be driven upon the streets, alleys, roads, public places or private places open to public use within the corporate limits of the city, any person not then the holder and in the lawful possession of a valid class A, B, C or D license as may be required by state law. State Law Reference: Driver's licenses, 47 O.S. Section 6 -101. SECTION TWO (2): REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION THREE (3): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION FOUR (4): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law, SECTION FIVE (5): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as shown above and codified in Part 15, Chapter 2, section 15 -211. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the 19th day of April, 2011. ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED as to form and legality; Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Doug Bonebrake, Mayor 2