HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.12.06_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORDS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: December 6, 2005 TIME: 6 :30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of they Cleric and posted at City all at 5:00 p.m.. on Friday, December 2, 2005. Juliann M. Stevens, Ad rnistrative Assistant 1. Call to Order Chairman Thocndel 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of the November 15, 2005 Regular Meeting. Attachment # 4 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 4 -B S \Agendas \OPWA \2005 \1206. doe Owasso Public Works Authority December 6, 2005 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a bid award for residential refuse collection containers. Mr. Doyle Attachment #5 Staff will recommend Council award a bid contract to Williams Refuse Equipment Company, Incorporated of Owasso, Oklahoma to supply residential_ refuse containers ordered through June 30, 2006 at a cost of $59.50 per green or blue cart and $60.50 per red cart for a quantity of five hundred; and, $70.50 per green or blue cart and $71.50 per red cart for a quantity of fifty containers. 6. Report from OPWA Manager. 7. Report from OPWA Attorney. 8. New Business. (Flew Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 9. Adjournment. S: \Agendas \0P WA \2005 \1206. doc OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 15, 2005 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 11, 2005. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman 'I 'hoendcl called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ITEM 2. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Craig Thoendel, Chairman Steve Cataudclla, Vice Chair Brent Colgan, Trustee Wayne Guevara, Trustee Susan Kimball, Trustee A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, Authority Manager Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney LTEM 4. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO 7t REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the November 1, 2005 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly FY 2005 -2006 budget status report. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the OPWA Consent Agenda with claims totaling $66,062.91 and payroll claims totaling $62,857.42. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Guevara, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 5. REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER None ITEM 6. REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY None ITEM 7. NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 8. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Guevara, Kimball, Thoendel NAB: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7.32 p.m. Stephanie Breitbarth, Minute Clerk 10 November 15, 2005 Craig Thoendel, Chairman DPWA CLAIMS TDBE PAID 1206N5 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT S'NBL DIRECT MAIL ATTENDANCE RECORDS 44.08 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 00.49 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 370.82 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 59.00 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS TONER 17018 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/05 USAGE 28.87 TERM|N|X PEST CONTROL 44.00 CULL|GAN BOTTLED WATER 50.25 VVAL-MART C0MMUN|TY SOAP 1.47 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 1049 OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD CONFERENCE-STA6G 00.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH G|3 LUNCH 11.58 0K MUNICIPAL LEAGUE SUBSCRIPTION 100.00 ADMINISTRATION DEPT TOTAL i.0118 4 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.17 MID-AMERICA COLLECTION SERVICE COLLECTION SERVICES 183.36 MCLAUR|N.O8CAR METER READINGS 308.70 k8EYER.KXARK METER READINGS 594.00 BALS|GER. KATHLEEN A METER READINGS 149.40 D|NK|N3.TYRONE METER READINGS 332.70 0L|NGH0U3E. DAVID R, METER READINGS 004.80 TECHNICAL. PROGRAMMING SERVICES BILLING SERVICES 102927 UTILITY BILLING DEPT TOTAL 3'218.4/0 EQUIPMENT ONE BLADE 04.00 LOVVESC0K4PAN|ES PLUG 4.32 WATER PRODUCTS K8ETER/METERSET8 827.00 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM/GLOVES 3138 UN|F|R8TCORPURAT|ON UN|FORMS/PR0TCL0TH|NG 9045 ATYVO0D8 VYDRKBO0TS-DUGAN 115.05 ANCHOR STONE ROCK 270.31 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 27.50 TWIN CITIES READY MIX CONCRETE-SIDEWALKS 002.00 O'RE|LLYAUT0MOT|VE PUMP REPAIR 19.27 MILL CREEK LUMBER &SUPPLY GRAVEUSANDK4|X 140.58 WATER PRODUCTS LEAK REPAIRS 2.170.85 EQUIPMENT ONE BACKHOEREPA|R 40.07 FUELMAN FUEL 1.803.03 ATVV0ODS RATCHET SOCKET 13.90 CITY OFTULSA PURCHASED WATER 180.050.44 WASHINGTON CURVVD3 WATER 88.71 SOUTHWESTERN BELL N0N-PLEXAR'9181493640 76.20 [NETROCALL PAGER USAGE 57.90 GRA|NGER AIR COMPRESSOR 170897 WATER DEPT TOTAL 168,950.82 � OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 44.02 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES BUFFER SOLUTION 05.38 VVAL-MART C()MK8UN/TY FOAMCUPS/SPLEND/VTABLE 38.28 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM/GLOVES 3138 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT|DN UN|FORk8S8zROTCL0TH|NG 12372 ATWU0DS W0RKB0OTSLONG 87.00 ATVVO0DS VV0RKB0OT8'DELGAD0S 124.95 ATVVOODS WORK BOOTS-CARTER 127.00 BURNS CONTROLS SWITCH-BELT FILTER PRESS 09.47 CARTRIDGE WORLD TONER 17.50 LOCKE8UPPLY VALVE'PLUK8B|NGREPA|R 54.00 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MA|NTSUPPL|E8 5.09 MILL CREEK LUMBER &SUPPLY FORM BOARDS 1874 ATVVOODS NUTS/BOLTS 20.47 FUELMAN FUEL 32543 LOVVESCOK4PAN|ES "FOOLS 90.50 HUTHER&ASSOCIATES AMMONIA TESTING 1.135.00 GREEN COUNTRY TESTING AMMONIA TESTING 00.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT 0FOKLA SLUDGE REMOVAL 3.703.05 TERk8|N|X PEST CONTROL 45.00 BAUK8AN INSTRUMENT CORP INSTALL TURBIDITY METER 277.50 METROCALL PAGER USAGE 13.80 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 0.34 DE0VVATER TRAINING-UELGAD0 40.00 VVVVTREATMENT PLANT DEPT TOTAL -------� -,-.--2 ATVV00D8 NUTS/BOLTS 34.62 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM/GLOVES 31.38 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT0N UN|FDRk8S/PROTCLOTH|NG 200.50 MACS ELECTRIC SUPPLY HEATER/STARTERELEMENT 578.83 AMERICAN HOSE &SUPPLY HOSE/COUPLER-LS 408.85 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 82.50 O'RBLLYAUT0M0T|VE A/FTESTER 118 6RA|NGER PRESSURE SWITCH 66.04 MILL CREEK LUMBER &SUPPLY SRAVELXSANDM|X 26.23 WATER PRODUCTS SUPPLIES-LIFT STATION 190.43 FUELMAN FUEL 820.11 ATVVOODS SHOVEL 12.88 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/05 USAGE 190.30 8ARRETTELECTR|C REPAIR PUMP-LS 2.022.40 LOT MAINTENANCE CLEAN/TV SEWER LINES 3.112.50 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON'PLEXAR-9181483111 151.80 K4ETROCALL PAGER USAGE 57.87 WASTEWATER DEPT TOTAL 8'604.82 GRA|NGER RIVETS/WASHERS 76.58 WAL-MART C0MMUN/TY COFFEEMAKER 14.88 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT C0 POLYCARTS 30.000.00 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM/GLOVES 31.38 UN|F|RSTC0RPORAT|0N UN|FORMS/PROTCLOTH|NG 97.70 CELLCO SAFETY SHOES VVORK8OOTS'SCRAPER 98.00 CROW BURL|NGAME PARTS-03-1 CRANE 4.11 FUELKXAN FUEL 4.351.74 VVAL'MARTCOMMUN|TY DRILL BITS 01.09 NATIONAL POWER WASH POWER WASH 125.00 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USAGE 34.20 VENDOR METR0CALL WASTE MANAGEMENT OF0KLA UN|F|R8TCORPORAT|ON SOUTHWESTERN BELL WASTE MANAGEMENT 0FONLA WASTE MANAGEMENT 0FTULSA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMOR6AN CHASE BANK JPM0R6AN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RCB TRUST SERVICES HOME DEPOT USA, |NC DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAGER USAGE 3513 TIPPING FEES 1104047 REFUSE DEPT TOTAL --���� UN|FORWS/PROTCLOTH|NG 20.40 PHONE USE 8.04 TIPPING FEES 2.174.44 TIPPING FEES 187613 RECYCLE DEPT TOTAL ---��� FAP-01-0003L 0,02720 FAP'04-0000-L 21.005.50 FAP-92-107-LB 4.348.70 ORF'01'0002-L 10.523.37 0RF-02-0017-L 10.193.35 DRF-98-000'L 3,103.83 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL 38 , iO2.01 SERIES 2OU4NOTE 135.43229 DEBT SERVICE MONTHLY PAYMENTS 522560 OPVVA SALES TAX FUND TOTAL 140,657.98 [>PVVAGRAND TOTAL 435,156.26 DEPARTMENT 11/26/2005 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES OPWA Administration 0.00 16, 199.89 Utility Billing 110.03 4,697.88 Wastewater 49.08 13,042.39 Wastewater Collection 855:051 8;249:59 Refuse 486.77 9,305.57 Recycle Center 317.80 1,763.37 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL_ PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING [DATE 11/12/2005 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES OPWA Administration 0.00 $15,690.03 Utility billing 148.44 3,140.14 Water 569.96 8;794.47 Wastewater 90.21 12,936.45 Wastewater Collection 258.90 ' 9;829:01 Refuse 12.75 8,127.48 Recycle Center 95.21 ' 1,540.78' FUND TOTAL $1,175.47 $60,058.36 HONORABLE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS FROM. TIM DO IL E PUB1111C WORI�S GENERAL, SFR VA10ES SUPERINTF,NDENT SUBJECT. REFUSE COLLECTION CONTAINERS CONTRACT AWARD DATE: November 30, 2005 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Public Works Authority solicits bids annually for the purchase of refuse carts for its collection operations. The plastic carts have proven to be successful and cost - effective by providing a uniform container that is sturdy, easily identifiable and compatible with semi - automated and automated collection services. Through the bid process, the City has been able to obtain a consistent price per cart and maintain a supply of carts to meet replacement and growth needs. SOLICITATION OF BIDS: Notice to Bidders was published in the Owasso Reporter on November 3, 2005 to solicit bids for bulk purchase of green and blue (refuse) and red (yardwaste) carts. Contract specifications (see Attachment A) require that the bid price per cart and replacement parts be guaranteed for any orders placed until June 30, 2006. Bids were requested from seven vendors. Four (4) bids were received and opened at 2:00 PM on November 2$, 2005. Of the four (4) bids received, three (3) did not meet bid specifications and the remaining bid is listed below: Bidder 50 Qty / Each .................._........_ .............................. ...............Trueldoad...Qty/ Each......................... Green Red Blue Green Red Blue Williams Refuse Equipment Co. Inc $64.50 $65 50 $64.50 $53 50 $54.50 $53.50 . ........ . .... ........... ......... _ .... _...._ ......... w /Top Bar $70.50: $71.50 $70.50 $59.50 $60.50 $59.50 Notes: 1. Truckload quantity for Williams Refuse = 500 carts The bid submitted by Williams Refuse Equipment Company, Incorporated has met all requirements of the bidding process and is based on the Ameri -Dart 96 gallon " BossKart" container, which is presently being used in the Owasso collection system. Refuse Collection Containers Contract Award Page 2 of 2 It is worth noting that current semi - automated operations necessitate the use of a top bar at an added cost of $6 /cant. This requirement would be eliminated when automated collection is implemented. FUNDING SOURCE. Funding for the purchase of the collection containers is included in the FBI 05-06 Refuse Collection Division Budget (line item 61 -4. 80-52100). The staff anticipates the need to purchase 1300 green, 300 red and 50 blue refuse carts. +COMMENDATION: The staff recommends Trustee award of a refuse collection container contract to Williams Refuse Equipment Company, Incorporated of Owasso, Oklahoma for the following amounts: — 500 Quantity: $59.50 per green or blue carts and $60.50 per red cart 50 Quantity: $70.50 per green or blue carts and $71.50 per red cart ATTACHMENTS: A. Bid Specifications B. Bid Submittal I I I North Main PO Box 180 *wasso, OK 74055 MEMORANDUM _(�,�o uwasso FROM. MARC IA BOUTWELL CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 1 0 'MM W1.111Y, '1111011111� DATE: November 3, 2005 (91 8) 376-15 1 # FAX (9 See the enclosed bid packet for complete information. If you have questions concerning the specifications, contact Tim Doyle, Public Works Programs General Services Manager, at the Public Works Building (918-272-4959) during regular working hours. 11111, F ON WTI k ri Table of Contents Notice to Bidders Specifications Bid Form Bid Affidavit Notice of Award Contract for Equipment Invoice Affidavit Sealed Bids will be received by the Owasso Public Works Authority at the Owasso City Hall, 1 1 1 N Main, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055 until 2:00 p.m. on the 28'h day of November, 2005; and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the following item. Further information and specification packets can be obtained by contacting the Contract Administrator at 918-272-4966 or the Public Works Department at 918-272-4959 during regular working hours. Envelopes containing bids must be scaled and marked to identify the item being bid. All bids must be submitted on the bid forms included with the bid documents. SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL DESCRIPTIO-N 1. Purchaser is exempt from payment of all federal, state and local taxes in connection with the purchase. Said taxes must not be included in bid prices. A tax exemption certificate will be provided to the vendor. 2. All containers shall be bid F.O.B. The price submitted in any proposal shall include all items of labor, materials, tools, and other costs necessary to fully prepare the containers for delivery. Price quoted shall remain effective for a period of sixty (60) days after opening of bids by the OPWA. The purchase price shall be guaranteed for any orders placed during the period fi-om the date of issuance of "Notice of Award" until June 30, 2006. 3. The warranty for the containers shall be clearly stated. Warranty shall be no less than ten (10) years and shall specifically provide for no-charge replacement of any component parts which fail in materials and/or workmanship. Bidder shall include a copy of standard warranty with proposal. 4. The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. As with municipalities and trust authorities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper City authority. Payment shall be made only after complete and acceptable delivery of the equipment, in accordance with these specifications. The Owasso City Council/Owasso Public Works Authority meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. 6. Bidder shall provide delivery of 500 green carts to the Owasso Public Works Authority within 30 days of notice of award. Waste Container Specifications Page 2 7. Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the vendor and shall not be chargeable to the Owasso Public Works Authority. 8. Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the City of Owasso/OPWA nor the vendor. 9. It is not the policy of the City of Owasso/OPWA to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include one price for the basic specified equipment. All bids received shall be sealed and visibly marked SEALED BID — AT TN: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 10. Each bidder shall provide certification that their container(s) meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for safety and dumper compatibility. 11. It is anticipated that the Owasso Public Works Authority will purchase approximately I ' green, 500 red, and 50 blue carts. The Authority reserves the right to purchase more or I el containers based on need and funds available. 12. Questions and clarification concerning the container specifications and requirements shall be directed to Tim Doyle by calling (918) 272-4959 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. NUN I H, i I M I Please note that these specifications establish minimum criteria and the bidder may exceed the noted specifications. If the product bid does not meet all specifications, the bidder is required to clearly describe each variance. Failure to do so may result in rejection of bid. a. All containers shall be made from a rotational or blow-molded manufacturing process. The container shall consist of a body, lid, wheels, axle and necessary accessories. COMPLY X EXCEPTION ImoT= I b. The body of the container, the lid, and all parts other than wheels and axles shall be composed of first quality medium to high-density polyethylene, as produced by a recognized leading resin manufacturer. COMPLY X EXCEPTION Waste Container Specifications Page 3 c. Polyethylene resin shall contain an ultraviolet inhibitor hot melt compound at a concentration not 'less than 1.5% in the resin by weight. To ensure thorough and uniform distribution of the inhibitor additive, the resin and additive must be mixed in a molten state, COMPLY X EXCEPTION d. The polyethylene resin shall contain a color pigment compounded at a concentration of not less than 1.5% in the resin by weight. To ensure thorough and uniform distribution of the color pigment additive, the resin and additive must be mixed in a molten state. The color shall be non-fading throughout the warranty period, COMPLY X EXCEPTION container shall be equipped with attachment points, which make it compatible o-ff standard American semi-automated bar-locking lifters and automated arm lifters. COMPLY X EXCEPTION b. The total capacity of the container body, excluding the lid, must be no less than 90- gallons. Bidder shall specify the exact capacity of the container body to the nearest 0.1 gallon: c. The interior surface shall be smooth and free of crevices and protrusions and other obstruction that would prevent free flow of refuse from dumped container. COMPLY X EXCEPTION d. The exterior finish shall be textured, non-slip. Coatings or sprayed on surfaces are not permitted, COMPLY X EXCEPTION e. Empty container shall not exceed 50 pounds or be less than 35 pounds. COMPLY X EXCEPTION Waste Container Specifications Page 4 t The overall width of the container must not be greater than 3 1 -inches, so as to allow movements of the cart through gates and doors. COMPLY X EXCEPTION g. Container body must have bottom abrasion protection to extend container life and to protect against wear from dragging. Add-on wear guards are acceptable. COMPLY X EXCEPTION h. The container shall have a top lift bar/pull handle made from 1-inch O.D. 16-guage galvanized zinc coated tubular steel. COMPLY � EXCEPTION *Priced with or without top bar i. Lower lift bar must be made from I -inch O.D. 16-guage galvanized zinc coated tubular steel. The bar must be fi-ee floating, with no plastic attachment pins. Ism a. All markings shall be either molded-in or hot stamped. All markings shall be permanent for the life of the container. COMPLY V, EXCEPTION b. Each container must have a 6-digit serial number in white letters on the front face of its body. Number height shall be not less than 1-1/2 inches. The serial number for the containers shall be sequential, beginning with a number designated by the OPWA. COMPLY X EXCEPTION c. The container shall have "City of Owasso" text in white letters on the side face of its body. Letter height shall be not less than 1-1/2 inches. COMPLY X EXCEPTION d. General container instructions to the user shall be on the lid in both English and Spanish languages. Bidder must provide a copy of their standard instructions with bid submittal. COMPLY EXCEPTION Waste Container Specifications Page 5 c. Container lid shall have molded-in directional arrows indicating "towards street". Container capacity shall be molded into the lid in both gallons and liters. Container load rating shall be molded into the lid in both pounds and kilograms. COMPLY X EXCEPTION 5. LID - HANDLE — HINGE a. The lid shall be molded of the same material as the container and be of such configuration that it will not warp, bend, slump, or distort to such an extent that it no longer fits the container properly or becomes otherwise unserviceable. lwr 9" b. The lid shall be convex shaped to permit water run-off. f. Clearance between the container body and inside edge of the lid must be a minimum of 2-inches - minimum gripping area of 12-inches. COMPLY X EXCEPTION iC a. Container shall be equipped with an axle and two wheels. Axle shall be positioned for easy tilting/tolling with heavy loads. Wheels must be a minimum of 10" x 1.75" and capable of supporting a load equal to the container body. COMPLY X EXCEPTION Waste Container Specifications Page 6 COMPLY X EXCEPTION b. Container shall be stable and self-balancing when in the upright position either loaded or empty. Container must remain upright when the lid is opened or released from the upright position. COMPLY EXCEPTION Waste Container Specifications Page 7 a. Records will be kept by supplier and provided to the OPWA as to the month and year during which each container was produced to aid in the warranty claim process. COMPLY X EXCEPTION a. Containers shall be furnished complete with all hardware needed for assembly and use. The following are considered replacement parts: handles and assemblies, lids and assemblies, lift bars and assemblies, and all associated fasteners and brackets. COMPLY X EXCEPTION b. The bidder shall provide a list of replacement parts and pricing for proposed container system. Purchase price of replacement parts shall be guaranteed for any orders placed until June 30, 2006, COMPLY X EXCEPTION a. A sample container exactly like the one to be bid, except for custom marking, shall accompany the bid and be delivered to Public Works Administration Building, 301 West 2nd Avenue, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055. (Exception may be granted to those vendors who have already provided a sample container). NUMS" 11. REFERENCES a. Bidder must supply with its bid a list of references currently using containers of similar size, design, and material. Include the name of user agency, contact person, and telephone numbers. COMPLY X EXCEPTION 12. LITERATURE a. The bid response shall include complete printed manufacturer specifications, published literature and illustrations of units the bidder proposes to furnish. COMPLY X EXCEPTION MUM November 28, 2005 City of Owasso Owasso Public Works Authority Owasso City Hall 111 N. Main Owasso® Ok. 74055 Re: Bid for Universal Rollout Waste Containers Dear Sirs: Poly-Kart Vie are pleased to submit the enclosed bid for our 96 gallon BOSS-KART, made by PAERI-KART, CORP. If you will note, we have quoted to you this cart with or with- out the top lift bar/Dull handle for your consideration. P.O. Box 1138 - Owasso, OK 74055 - rO (91 8) 272-7215 ( 77)) 2727215 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE UNIVERSAL ROLLOUT WASTE CONTAINERS UNIT PRICE PER CART (50-Unit (quantities) UNIT PRICE PER CART (Truckload Shipment)* ArIERI-KART BOSS KART N,V top bar ( -top bar $ 70.. 5,0 , ­� 1 ;$,64.5'O' GREEN $ 71 a 50 865. 5 RED $ 70 8 50 $64.50 BLUE APIERI-KART BOSS KART t,V top I-ar W/o toD bar $ 59.50 $53.50 GREEN $ 60.50 � 59.50 *Specify quantity in truckload shipment -5 0 0 each $54.50 RED $53.50 BLUE I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by th* statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. WILLIAMS REFUSE EOUIP�IENTI CO., INC. Address OWASSO, OK 74055 (918) 272-7215 I Delivery Date of First 500 Green Carts: 30. -1, 45 dav5, ARO WILLIAMS RFI;tJSF, FQjJjp.mr,.Ni'j- P.O. BOX 1.138 OWASSO, OK 74055 PHONE: (877) 272-7215 F'A'x: (918) 272-8896 BOSS—KART PARTS I'RfCF LIST FFIF: 111-7-05 PART DESCRIP, MS-09 WHEEL SPACER .60 BS-01A LATCH BAR W/PLUG 3.30 MS-04 LATCH BAR RIVET o30 ms-19 SNAP—ON AXLE &00 NIS-20 SNAP—ON ATIE'EL 8.50 BODY (TUB) 50.00 LID 2100 POLY—BAR 10.00 M Project Description: Purchase of Residential Universal Rollout Waste Containers (Green, Red, and Blue carts) The City of Owasso/Owasso Public Works Authority has considered the BID submitted by you for the above described item in response to its invitation to bid. You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the unit price of $___ per green cart, $__ per red cast, and $ — per blue cart. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this NOTICE OF AWARD to the office of the Contract Administrator. M Title: Dated this day of 92005. M Contract Administrator F" "100MR Mi-MMONIM Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged by , Inc. this _ day of — 52005. THIS AGREEMENT, made this - day of City of Owasso/Owasso Public Works Authority (AUTHORITY), and (VENDOR). 0301-�� 2005, between the That for and in consideration of the sum of $ - per green cart, $_ per red cart, and $ per blue cart, VENDOR will furnish to AUTHORITY residential refuse containers (carts) as indicated in the specifications. 2. VENDOR. agrees that the quantities listed in the specifications are minimum, and that additional purchases will be provided at the same unit cost under the terms of the specifications. 3. The AUTHORITY shall pay the VENDOR upon acceptance of delivery of the carts and following the submission of an invoice. 4. This Contract shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 5. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding. 6. This Contract shall not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 7. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance. MIN#W6 Im Craig Thoendel, Chairperson Sherry Bishop, Secretary (VENDOR) Julie Trout Lombardi, Authority Attorney M Title STATE OF OK COUNTY OF TULSA. ) SS DORIS L. WILLIAMS, PRESIDENT Name: WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT CO., INC. _7> S 7e-- Subscribed and sworn before me this -&W day Of 2005. NON COLLUSION INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OK _) COUNTY OF TULSA. SS WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMrNT CO. ® INC. Print or Type Name of Contractor or Vendor Sigg ature DORIS L. WILLIAMS Print or Type Name and Title Subscribed and sworn before me this —Az� day of —1 2005. My Commission Expires: VVI-) 0/ 1,-1 Notary Public Commission #: