HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 06_Agreement for Federal Aid 2011.07.19CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2011-06 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEEMENT FOR FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STP-172A(462)UR, J/P 26599(04) BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Owasso to execute a Right-of way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement for Federal-aid Project Number STP- 172A(462)UR, J/P 26599(04) by and between the City of Owasso and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation described as: Intersection Modification and Traffic Signals located at East 106th Street North and Garnett Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the above described agreement on behalf of the City of Owasso. nle o VC ATTEST: Sherry Bis p, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: lie Lombardi, City Attorney ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 2011. D onebra e, Mayor City o Owasso, Oklahoma OT City WiT ut Lirnits. TO The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso APPROVED BY COUNCIL FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: John W. Feary Project Administrator Resolution No. 2011-06 JUL 19 2011 Oklahoma Department of Transportation Right-of-way, Public Utility & Encroachment Agreement for 106th & Garnett Intersection Improvements July 15, 2011 106th & GARNETT INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: In November of 2005, City Council approved Resolution No. 2005-15 amending the priority determination of Capital Improvements projects funding to include conceptual design of four roadway intersections in Owasso. Included in that list is the North Garnett Road and East 106th Street North Intersection Improvement Project, which was approved as a project by City Council in March of 2009. In February 2009, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) approved $750,000 in Federal grant funding for the project. The City of Owasso entered into an agreement with ODOT accepting the grant funds and defining the City's responsibilities within the project: project design, right of way acquisition, and utility relocation costs. Along with the aforementioned responsibilities the City is be responsible for the remainder of construction costs over and above the $750,000 ODOT grant. The estimated construction cost is $1,900,000. 86TH STREET WIDENING PROJECT: In July of 2006, the City Council approved an agreement with Tulsa County to provide improvements on East 86th Street North from Main Street to Memorial Road. Said improvements consist of roadway widening, drainage improvements, and signalization at the 86th Street & Memorial Road intersection. As per the agreement, Tulsa County is to apply $1 million dollars in 4- to-Fix funds, along with available monies from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), while the City of Owasso is responsible for project design, right of way acquisition, and utility relocation costs. CURRENT PROJECT STATUS: As of this date, all right of way acquisitions for both projects have been completed. Utility relocations for the 106th & Garnett intersection are slated to start, and all utility providers with the exception of AT&T have completed utility relocations along 86th Street from Moir) Stree t to Memorial Road. RESOLUTION: Given that both improvement projects are located within the city limits of the City of Owasso, it is necessary for the City to enter into an agreement which outlines the responsibilities of each entity in each project. ODOT has prepared project Agreement(s) (see Attachments A & B) to outline the responsibilities of the City of Owasso and ODOT for the completion of improvements. Per the agreement, the City of Owasso agrees to the following: r To grant ODOT all right of way needed for the construction of improvements as shown on project plans. To remove all encroachments as shown on project plans. v To provide and maintain detour routes as shown on project plans. r To maintain the roadway and all traffic control signals, speed limit signs, and other traffic control signs. To contribute funding for utility relocation as shown on project plans. As stated in paragraph 6 of the Agreements, the City must authorize the execution of the Agreements by City Resolution. Staff intends to place separate Resolutions to this effect on the July 19, 2011 City Council agenda for consideration and appropriate action. PROJECT FUNDING: Funding for both projects is included in the Capital Improvements Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution No. 2011-06, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Right-of-Way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement for Project No. STP- 172A(462)UR, Job No. 26599(04), 106th & Garnett Intersection Improvements between the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the City of Owasso. ATTACHMENTS: A. Resolution No. 201 1-06 B. Project Agreement - 1061h & Garnett