HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.01.13_City Council Agenda_SpecialPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Special File DATE: January 13, 2004 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Downstairs Conference Room I I I N. Main Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, January 9, 2004. Juliann N4. Stevens, Administrative Assistant - I. Call to Order Mayor Cochran "'A 2. Discussion relating to fire grants. Mr. Fisher Attachment #2 A. Fire Act FEMA Grant B. Homeland Security Grant 3, Discussion relating to CIP Budgets. Ms. Bishop Attachment #3 11AAgendisTouncil Work Session\01 1304 doc Owasso City Council January 13, 2004 Page 2 4. Discussion relating to Public Works items. Mr. Carr Attachment #4 A. The CH2M Hill Contract Amendment B. Stormwater / Wastewater Master Plan 5. Discussion relating to Planning Items. Mr. Cuthbertson Attachment #5 A. Owasso of Owasso Final Plat B. Coffee Creek PUD Amendment 6. Discussion relating to Community Development items. Mr. Wiles Attachment #6 A. Legislative Consortium B. Downtown Plan Improvements C. Master Plan Update 7. City Manager Items. Mr. Ray Attachment #7 A. Planning Commission Vacancies B. December Building Permit Report C, Finance Deports 1-1.\AgendasTouncil Work Session\0I 1304.doe Owasso City Council January 13, 2004 Page 3 8. Council candidate interviews for Ward 5. City Council The City Council will be conducting interviews in order to fill a vacancy created in Ward 5. 9. Adjournment. 11 VAgcndns\Council Woi k SessionM 1304 doc W, *ATE: December 22, 2003 The Fire Department applied for the Fire Act Grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in April of 2003. The grant was for a Plymo-Vent System for station #1 located at 8900 N. Garnett Road. This grant application has been filed electronically with FEMA for the past four years; however, this is the first year Owasso Fire Department has been awarded a grant from FEMA on the Fire Act Grant Program. The Fire Department applied for $68,105.00 in grant money for a Plymo-Vent System for Station #1. The Plymo-Vent System is a vehicle exhaust extraction system that is installed in the apparatus bays of the station. The system has an automatic release system that pops it off the vehicle exhaust pipe when the trucks leave the station. Installation of this system will help meet two standards for the fire station, the NFPA Standard that recommends automatic exhaust extrication and health department recommendations for the air quality in the patient compartment of the ambulances. The total cost of the system is $68,105.00, Funding: The actual amount of the grant funds received is $61,295.00 from FEMA. The total system cost is $68,105.00, leaving a difference of $6,810.00 to be paid by the City. The grant is a 90% FEMA and 10% from the City. The Fire Department Capital Outlay Funds projected ending balance is $59,625.00, There should be a sufficient amount in the Fire Capital Fund to complete the project with a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $6,810.00. 0 The staff will ask city council to approve acceptance of the grant and approval of a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $68,105.00 for this grant. 1. John Sullivan letter 2. Grant Award Notification JOHN SULLIVAN 1 ST DISTRICT, OKLAHOMA 114 CANN";N MOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202)225-2211 (202)225-9187 (FAX) 2424 EAST 21 ST STREET, SUITE 510 TULSA, OK 74114-1723 (918)749-0014 (918)749-0781 (FAX) BARTLESVILLE TOLL FREE (918)336-6500 December 18, 2003 J �VOUO of c j; ` 1 a Mr. Mark Stuckey Owasso Fire Department 8901 North Garnett Road Owasso, OIL 74055 Dear Mr. Stuckey, la5fjington, 74DC 20515 sullivan.house.gov COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE ON AVIATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM SURCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY POLICY, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE SUBCOMMITTEE ON RESEARCH SUBCOMMITTEE ON SPACE AND AERONAUTICS I recently received notice that the Owasso Fire Department has been selected to receive a grant of $61,295 from the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. I personally want to congratulate you for receiving this grant in order to increase the effectiveness of your firefighting operations and to fund your safety programs. I am sure that it took hard work and dedication to attain this funding. The security and defense that you provide to the First District are invaluable and I am confident that this money will go toward protecting the safety of the public as well as your firefighting personnel. I am dedicated to doing all that I can to assist you as you strive to maintain a safe and secure community in which to live. If our office can be of assistance to you in the future, please feel free to write or call. We would be happy to help in anyway that we can. JAS/egc Panel Review Page 2 of 8 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 Mr. Mark Stuckey Owasso Fire Department 8901 N.Garnett Street Owasso, Oklahoma 74055~4603 Re: GrontNo. Dear Mr. Stuckey: Congratulations. Your grant application submitted to the Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate (EP&R/FEMAofDHS)for the FY03 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program inthe program area ofFire Operations and Firefighter Safety has been approved. The approved project costs amount bu$68.1O5.00.The Federal share is 90 percent or $61,295.00 of the approved amount and your share of the costs is 10 percent or$G.O10.00. As part of your award package, you will find EP&R's grant Agreement Articles. Please make sure you read and understand the Articles as they outline the terms and conditions of your grant award. Maintain a copy of these documents for your official file. You establish acceptance of the Grant and EP&R's grant Agreement Articles when you request and receive any of the Federal grant funds awarded to you. For your convenience, we will have an on-line system that will accept payment requests. The first step to request your grant funds kahoensure that EP&Rhas your correct direct deposit information on-|in*.Please log onto using your userid and password and confirm the direct deposit information. Once you have confirmed your direct deposit information, print a copy of it by clicking the Print SF 1199A button onthe screen. Sign the form and take it to your bank to complete the bottom portion. Please write your grant number on the top of your SF 11 99A before mailing it to EP&R. Once your bank has completed and signed the form, nnui| it by priority mail, with the original uignoturoo, to the address below: Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate (EP&F) Financial &AcquisiUon Management Division Grants Management Branch Attn: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program 50OCStreet, SW, Room 334 Washington, D.C.-2U472 If you currently have Assistance to Firefighters Grant with EP&R and your directdeposit information has not changed, you do not need to resubmit that information. If your direct deposit information has changed, please follow the detailed instructions inthe preceding paragraph. The second step will betorequest your grant funds. Grant funds should berequested homeet your immediate needs and should therefore be requested as close as possible to the time that you will actually spend the funds. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the process to request your grant funds, please contact your Grants Management Specialist, Sheila Parker Darby at 202-646-3655. Sincerely, ID _packa, EWA DATE: January 6, . FU On .April 1, 2003 the Fire Department submitted a grant application to the Office of Homeland Security. The application was for a $12,000.00 grant to be utilized for the purchase of firefighting equipment. The Fire Department was notified of the grant award on August 1, 2003 and would be sent additional paper work to be submitted to the Office of Homeland Security. After receiving the grand documents, all additional paperwork was forwarded on December 15, 2003 to the Office of Homeland Security. The grant of $12,000.00 will purchase four (4) new self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and two (2) spare bottles. Currently the Fire Department has nine (9) SCBA's that were purchased three (3) years ago and placed in service. NFPA standards recommend that an SCDA should be provided for every seat in a fire engine. More than four (4) additional SCBA's are needed to properly equip all of our trucks; however, this grant funding will only purchase four (4) additional SCBA's and two (2) spare bottles. The SCBA's meet all specifications and recommendations of the NFPA and Owasso Fire Department. Funding: The Fire Department must purchase the equipment, provide documentation of receipt, and then process the proper documentation for reimbursement through the Homeland Security office to receive reimbursement of the funds. The Office of Homeland Security should reimburse the City of Owasso $12,000.00 within 30 days. A supplemental appropriation will be needed in the Fire Capital Fund for the amount of $12,000.00. The funding should be reimbursed within 30 days. The Fire Department Staff will ask the council to accept the grant and approve a supplemental appropriation to the Fire Capital Outlay Fund. 1. Monthly Status Report 2. Grant Award Notification F 10� ANN— 0 Amount $12,000.00 Subgrantee: Owasso Fire Department jBnefly Rem for progress lor the month, 1 `111 Date unit cost (Est) I (Eat) Total Cost (Est) Purchased 2,644.66 F4 10.578.84 tr aining, K any Date "'bub � TOTAL Fas — Reimbursement Reou t Training QIY i TOWC031! (Unit Cost Total Cost Charged DISCI Complete? Reimburse OKOHS Actual x Quardity) to Grant Recfplem Entity & Location -p4ine I Serial Number or ID Number (Y or M this Report] Use Onll $10,578.64 FS Y 03 tif =$1421.36 FS-J—Y --ToT�,, Pages if needed and along with other Pertinent documentation such as receipts, purchase orders, etc. MSR 5-122 Page 1 of 2 OFFICE OF HOMELANDS P.O.Box 11415 First Responder EqProgram s OK 73136 a ., ,a R /�vvv �i►tiro aTtum'eonr%homeliit sec "itif = , August 21, 2003 Owasso,Lonny Fisher 9 twasso,K 74 h HomelandYour community has been selected to receive an award under of the Oklahoma Office of aer Equipment Program , The FREPis a statewide multi -phased program for Domestic Preparedness fun! , to provide equipment to state and local governments who have trained responders resulting in an increased capability for an all -hazards response to a terrorist incident, marrmade or natural disaster. You will have until June 0 2004 to expend Through !:` g provided by RP a numberof needs are g addressed d acrossvarying levels of response trailers, urban search and rescue trailers and direct awards to 47 cities Oklahoma. The First Responder Ea' Fi. Program also addressing other equipmentincluding: $295,946.55 for the enhancement of existing hazardous materials teams; $750,000 to fund robots for certified bomb squads; $639,000 for the replacement of consumables; $1,440,555.45 in 1r law enforcement,wmedical services, and other responders; and $1,022,419.15 for physical security enhancement and protectionf, o; potentially vulnerable sites at the local level. Phase 5 of the FREP addresses the general equipment needs of local responder agencies representing various response disciplines. Phase 5 recipients wil! not be required to adhere to the original Budget Detail Worksheet submitted with the subgrant application to afford the greatest flexibility in prioritizing expenditures. Please submit a new Budget Detail ! equipment + grant funds. OKOHS will approve expendituresi Governor's on Homeland FundingSecurity and ODP requirements, The ODP list of authorized expenditures is attached for your reference aAid approximate price ranges as additionalair resource. No funds should be expended until OKOHS has issued an official expenditures,approval of processTo assist communities in the purchasing S help keep costs down, most authorized equipment will be made available through volume purchase on statewide contracts. While OKOHS cannot mandate that you purchase the items from the statewide contract, this may result in a streamlined and cost-effective option. In addition, it will fulfill the standardization and inter -operability requirements of the FREP that all equipment purchased should be interoperable with the equipment on .. response trailers. If any funds remain a':l:'f .ft. completing P.O. Box 11415 ® Oklahoma City, OK 73136-0415 9 phone 405/ 425-7296 0 fax 405/ 425-7295 0 email okohs@dps"state.ok.us Page 2 August 21, 2003 Phase 5 Guidelines Oklahoma First Responder Equipment Program purchase of all approved items, a Revised Budget Detail Worksheet may be submitted requesting approval for additional authorized equipment. Prior to utilizing the awarded equipment it may be necessary for your agency to train responders. To assist in this goal additional ODP funds are being utilized to address training needs. Over $4.8 million is bei,ig spent on a comprehensive training and exercise program, which will benefit responders of all disciplines at both the state and local level. Several responder training opportunities are currently being developed; including local field delivery by OSU-FST, scheduled courses at the Technology Centers statewide, and web -based online training for Awareness and Non FF Basic Operations courses. These options will assist local agencies in reducing both travel and overtime costs generally associated with providing responder training. The Grand Gateway Economic Development Authority is assisting OKOHS and the OSU Fire Service Training in providing some of tb�s training at no or minimal cost. Communities receiving trailers are given first priority to attend training sessions. Additional information regarding training will be forthcoming. Your willingness to participate in this important initiative is appreciated. Thank you again for your efforts, we look forward to working with you. Timelines Training available for subgrantees in Tulsa Sgtember 10, 2003 Training available )r subgrantees in Oklahoma City September 11, 2003 Submit budget for the expenditure of funds October 31, 2003 Expend all funds and submit final reports to OKOHS June 30, 2004 Sincerely, BOB A. RICKS Oklahoma Homeland Security Director Commissioner of Public Safety P.O. Box 11415 e Oklahoma City, OK73136-0415 0 phone 405/425-7296 a fax 405/425-7295 a email okohs@dps.state,ok.us rim TO: HONORABLE MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF O BISHOPFROM: SHERRY FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT:.O r PROJECTS RESOLUTION AND BUDGET APPROPRIATIO-C On October 14, 2003, the citizens of Owasso voted to approve Ordinance No, 763 extending the third penny sales tax which is restricted in use to capital projects. The ordinance further restricts the use of funds to projects reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee and approved by the City Council by resolution. The capital projects recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee were approved by the City Council and information describing the project priorities was widely distributed to the public before the election. However, a resolution establishing the projects and budget appropriations for those projects have not been approved by the City Council. The published "Tier 1" projects includes 129th East Ave,, 76" to 96th; the Interchange at 96th Street Forth, Hwy 169 and N. 129th East Ave.; Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Parr Expansion; a Storm Siren System; and the YMCA Pool, Staff will present a resolution approving the "Tier 1" projects for Cite Council consideration at the January 201h meeting, The budget for these projects will be funded by debt issued by the OPWA. Proceeds of the debt will be transferred to the City to be appropriated for projects in the Capital Improvements Fund, Staff will request appropriations of $8,550,000 for the following projects: 129t1' East Ave (96th intersection) $2,300 000 Interchange at 961h & Hwy 169 2,600,000 Fire Stations 1,400,000 Sports Parr 2,000,000 Storm Siren System 250,000 City of Owasso Capital Improvements Program C 7 OF A8ONP 7AL POVEEN7 PRORA30CANRRNW TIER 1 1-3 years ESTIMATED COST 1" Tier Projects - $12,550,000 129"' East Ave, 76" to 96 1h 5,300,000 Interchange at 96"' Street North, 169, and 2,600,000 N. 129 E. Avenue T! E� R 3 5-5-7 Nyet rs 1 41 ESTIMATED COST Additional Fire Stations 1,400,000 J ctj—�,-20,000,000 Sports Park Expansion 2,000,000 96ffi Street North, 129" E. Ave to 145"' E. Ave 2,800,000 Storm Siren System 250,000 145h E Avenue, 86h Street N to 116 th Street N 8,900,000 =YMCA — Pool 1,000,000 Garnett Road, 86h Street N to 116"' Street N 8,900,000 TIE' R 2 3-5 years 2"d Tier Projects - $9,300,000 96'h Street North, Garnett Rd to Owasso 2,800,000 Market 86t" Street North, Main to Mingo 2,000,000 (97t' E. Ave) T— P -,S8,400,000 Residential Street Overlay, Curb, Gutter, 1,500,000 76"' Street North, 169 to 129"' E. Ave 3,000,000 and Sidewalk 0 Additional Police Station 2,800,000 Main Street Redevelopment 2,000,000 Recreational Trail Improvements 2,600,000 * Sports Park Field Construction 1,000,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF ALL PROJECTS PROPOSED TO BE FUNDED BY SALES TAX: $502850 00q www.cityofowasso.com 08/12/03 W W 11; THE HONORABLEAND CITY COUNCIL CITY IO., O, PtJBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AM1 i; AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES 129" EAST AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS DATE: January 8, 2004 BACKGROUND Council initially approved a contract for engineering design services for improvements to N. 129th East Avenue and E. 96th Street North with CH2MHill on .August 20, 2002 in the amount of $274,986. The scope of services included conceptual, preliminary and final design of improvements to the intersections at E. 96th Street North and N. 129th East .Avenue and E. 96th Street and U.S. Highway 169, and the widening of N. 1291h East .Avenue from E. 96th Street North to E. 76th Street North. Various changes to the original scope of work are proposed (see Attachment A). Details and reasons for each change are shown below. SCOPE. Oa W ORK CHANGES: U.S. Highway 169 Interchange Modifications: Following completion by the design engineer of a Conceptual Design Report in December 2002, recommended improvements to the interchange at U.S. Highway 169 included extensive widening and ramp modification that were not anticipated in the original scope of work. The original engineering agreement stated that the fee to complete the design of the interchange improvements were to be negotiated after the completion of the Conceptual Design Report and recommendations had been agreed upon by the City of Owasso and Oklahoma Department of 'Transportation (ODOT). It was anticipated that improvements could range from signalization to a complete reconstruction of the ramp. The configuration shown on Attachment B was approved by ODOT and the Federal Highway Administration. The final selected alternative includes a six (6) lane signalized intersection. CH2MHi11 thought it to be impractical to scope this portion of the project and include fees in the original agreement. This concept was proposed at that time to save the City the expense of a design fee for an entire interchange modification in the event that a simple widening and Amendment No. 1 to Engineering Design Services 129t1' East Avenue Improvements Page 2 of 4 signalization would have accomplished the design objectives. As a result, the original scope of service included only the study and recommendation of alternatives for the interchange. Additional engineering costs proposed with this amendment are associated with the design of the U.S. Highway 169 interchange, including additional surveying and aerial photography. Extension of E 96th Street North Improvements: As an additional result of the above intersection modifications, the Conceptual Design Report also indicated a need to widen E. 96th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue farther north and east, respectively. In the original scope of services, the intersection improvements were limited to 600 feet in each direction. The Conceptual Design Report determined that the project should be extended approximately 800 feet north, 1,000 feet west and 3,000 feet east to more appropriate termination points. Additional engineering costs are associated with additional survey, aerial topography, geotechnical, design, right-of-way services and construction services. Additional Traffic Si als: The Conceptual Report stated a need for additional signalization to facilitate pedestrian and vehicle flow on N. 129th E. Avenue at the Owasso High/Middle School complex and Sixth Grade Center. Additionally, the signal at the Sixth Grade Center requires the design of a new two-way driveway to access the newly constructed school parking facilities. Additional engineering services are associated with the signalization of these two locations. Home Depot Packages In May 2003, construction of Home Depot prompted early construction of improvements to a portion of N. 129th East Avenue and the intersection at E. 96th Street North. This construction forced accelerated completion of the design and resulted in additional fees for bidding and construction services. Although basic design was included in the original scope of work, fast -phasing of construction resulted in additional engineering work that was not included in the scope. These added work items include pavement transitions, temporary pavement marking and signage, drainage adjustments, and modifications to the vertical profile on both E. 96th Street North and N. 129th East Avenue. Additionally, design modifications will also be required at a later date to incorporate the ultimate road configuration for loop detectors and wiring diagrams. Added engineering and construction services also includes coordination with the Hoare Depot consulting engineer, attendance to meetings and bid conferences. Freak Vrgvements into Two Separate Projects; In November 2003, following the start of construction at the intersection of E. 96th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue and the new service road across from the U.S. Highway 169 ramp, city staff felt that permanent reconstruction of the interchange should take first priority of the remaining engineering contract items. Staff believes that these improvements are needed in the immediate future to better manage traffic and facilitate traffic movements. During construction of Home Depot, a service road was constructed immediately across from the U.S. Highway 169 interchange to service the commercial area (including Walgreen's, Oklahoma Amendment No. 1 to Engineering Design Services 1291h East Avenue Improvements Page 3 of 4 National Dank and Home Depot). This service road enables vehicles to travel across E. 96th Street North to the commercial area south of the ramp (crossing six (6) lanes of traffic). Temporary traffic signals have been installed as an interim measure to assist in the flow of traffic. However, due to the proximity of the N. 129th East Avenue intersection, signals at both intersections must be synchronized to effectively manage traffic. As a result, installation of permanent signals and completion of improvements at the ramp are critical. A separate set of contract documents and design plans are to be prepared to enable this portion of work to proceed prior to work on North 1291h E. Avenue. As originally provided in the scope of services, design plans and specifications for widening N. 129th E. Avenue from the termination point south of Home Depot to E. 76th Street North will be completed. A separate set of contract documents and design plans will be prepared. The additional scope of services proposed in this amendment is associated with dividing the project into two (2) separate projects for bidding and construction. SUMMARY - The following is a summary tabulation of additional manhours and costs to perform the additional services: Work Item Additional Manhours Cost _Additional road Imt�zovements Preliminary Design 493 $61,791 Final Design 283 $26,170 Construction Administration 191 $17,573 Subtotal $105,534 dome Depot Project 233 $24,032 $24,032 Two Separate Proects Final Design 168 $17,199 Construction Administration 456 $51,505 Subtotal $68,704 Total 1 $198,270 These costs are in addition to the original contract in the amount of $274,986. The resultant total contract will be $473,256. FUNDING: Funding for the contract amendment will be included in the FY03-04 Capital Improvements Fund. Amendment No. I to Engineering Design Services 1291h East Avenue Improvements Page 4 of 4 RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Council approval and authorization of the Mayor to execute Amendment No. I to the Agreement for Engineering Design Services for 1291h East Avenue Improvements with CH2MHill, Inc. in the amount of $198,270. A. Amendment No. I B. Ramp and Interchange Configuration Map tum It 11"ag"'ifilL Capital Improvement Projects (FY 02-03) City of Owasso, Oklahoma THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this 26th day of November, 2003, between the CITY OF OWASSO, Oklahoma, a municipal corporation of the State of Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and CH2M HILL, INC., hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER"; WITNESSTH: WHEREAS, CITY and ENGINEER entered into an Agreement for Engineering Services dated 20 August, 2002, for services as set forth in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to amend said Agreement to provide additional engineering and architectural services relating to East 96th Street North and North 129th East Avenue (US Highway 169 Interchange) Improvements and North 1,29th East Avenue Widening (East 76th Street North to East 96th Street North); aria - WHEREAS, ENGINEER is prepared to provide such additional services as modified or identified in this Amendment. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. JSCOPE OXF PR �Q -YKO ECT. Attachment A to the Agreement shall be amended in accordance with Attachment A, SCOPE OF ERQJE CT in reference as part of this Amendment. , attached hereto and corporated by 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES, Attachment B to the Agreement shall be amended in accordance with Attachment B, ADDITIONAL SERVICES, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. 1 COMPENSATION® As compensation for services set forth in paragraph 2 of this Amendment, CITY shall pay ENGINEER in accordance with Attachment C, COMPENSATION , and further described in Exhibit C-1, EER/MANIIOIJR BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. 4. Attachment F to the Agreement shall be amended in accordance with Attachment D, PEOJECI-EQ11EPULE attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. P:\OWAS5OOK\175465\CONTIIACT\AMENDMENT 1+2 COMBINED\ 112503AMEND No. 1.Doc 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in multiple copies on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso or Contracting Authority. APPROVED: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA (SEAL) City Clerk Director of Public Works CH2M HILL, INC. EST.= PA0WASS00K\1 75 465\CONTRAMAM ENDM ENT 1+2 COMBINEW 12503AMEND No, IMC 2 Amendment No. 1 for improvements,The Intersection and Roadway System Improvements Project consists of intersection • and street widening.i• portion of rq�,ect is located at the intersection of East 96th Street North and North 12QMi-E--A�` Yenvie- "intersection portion also includes analysis off the US-169 northbound .,: and entrance ramps and their intersection96orft The street widening portion of the North to East 96tho: projectbe divided o three work phase.Preliminary Design, Final Design, and Construction Administration with separate work directives issued for each Additional project Scope- unprovements to the intersection at E 96th Street North and N 129th East Avenue. This forced an accelerated completion of the design and resulted in additional fees for bidding and construction services. (1) US I- WY 169 Interchange Modifications: Per Paragraph B.2. of the Agreement, the fee to complete the design of the US-169 interchange improvements were to be 112503AMEND NO.1 ATTACH•A-SCOPE OF PROJECT.DOC A.1 1 1% I I-dT L-C-1 Iva Lf 1-075FI- 9 169 interchange. This was done to save the City the expense of a design fee for an entire interchange modificatien in the event that a simple widening and signalization would have accomplished the goal. Thus, the additional engineering costs are associated with the design of the US-169 interchange including additional surveying and aerial photography. The configuration approved by ODOT and the Federal Highway Administration will be designed. Additional Traffic Sioals: The Conceptual Report stated a necessity to signalize the intersection at the Owasso High/Middle School complex and at the Six Grade Center to facilitate pedestrian and vehicle flow. Additionally, the signal at the Six Grade Center requires the design of a new two-way driveway to access the newly constructed school parking facilities. Additional engineering services are associated with the signalization of these two locations. (3) Divide of Im1provements into Two Separate PKpj �cts. The expedited completion of construction improvements at the intersection of N 129 East Avenue and US HWY 169 are necessary to better manage traffic at the widened intersection. With the construction of the new commercial development, a service road was constructed immediately across from the US-169 interchange to service Walgreen, Oklahoma National Bank and Home Depot. This will afford vehicles the ability to travel south from the ramp, crossing six lanes of traffic. However, due to its proximity to the N 129th East Avenue intersection, traffic signals at both intersections must be synchronized to effectively managed traffic. This can only be accomplished by 112503AMEND NO.1 ATTACH -A -SCOPE OF PROJECTDOC A-2 installing permanent signals and completing improvements at the US-169 ramp. - Additional scope of services is associated with the fast -track engineering design and redundant construction services to divide the remaining project into two separate projects for bidding and construction. One project will include East 96th Street and the portion of North 129th Avenue north of East 96th Street. The second project includes North 129th Avenue south of the project completed during the Home Depot package. 112503AMEND NO. 1 ATTACH -A -SCOPE OF PROJECT.DOC A•3 Amendment Agreement for CH2M HILL (hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER") agrees to perform the additional services outlined herein on the Capital Improvement Projects (FY 02-03) for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). Further, it is understood and agreed that the date of beginning, rate of progress, and the time of completion of the work to be done hereunder are essential provisions of this AMENDMENTi and it is further underste,o4. 7W, -777,urr% enivracea m-7.1-us YMEIVNWYE�Vf snal commence upon execution of this AMENDMENT. The Basic Services of ENGINEER include, but are not necessarily hn-dted to, the following tasks: Intersection - East 96th Street North and North 129th East Avenue (US Highway 169 Interchange) Improvements and 961h Street North east of 129ffi Street, add left turn lane, add pavement, drainage, grading and - utilities from bridge to 136th Street. Signal Design - Signals at the 129th and High/Mid-High School Complex, and the Signal at 1290, and the 6th Grade Center will be added. Home Depot Package - Fast Track preparation of Plans for Construction of the north 1800-feet of 129th East Avenue including traffic signal, drainage, temporary paving and pavement markings to coincide with construction of the Home Depot. Divide Project into Two Separate Projects - Divide the project remaining after the Home Depot Package into two separate projects and provide for two separate bid and construction packages. C112M HILL proposes to fun-tish the CnY OF OWASSO the following professional engineering services for the proposed intersection, interchange, signalizadion and street widening improvements project - Phase I - Preliminary Design A. Investigation A.1. Complete layout of the 96th Street and US 169 ramp terminus intersection p Alternative I of the Predesign Report with the addition of a protected left turn lane on 96th Street (west bound to south bound) and extend project on 96th Street from bridge to 136th Street. I 112503AMEND NOA ATTACH-B-SCOPE OF SERVICESDOC B-1 B. Preliminary Design B-1. Develop prelin-driary base plans for ultimate widening of 96th Street necessary to meet projected traffic demands between the 96th Street bridge over US 169 and N. 129th E. Ave. and from N. 129th E. Ave. eastward to 13 East Ave. Current CITY codes, regulations and design cnteria and standards will be used for design. The preliminary design will include: 0 Typical Pavement Sections Sheet a Intersection and Interchange Georneft-y a Horizontal and Vertical Alignments a Grading Plan 0 Drainage Plan a Traffic Signal Plan ® Wiring Diagrams 0 Phasing Diagran-Ls/Tim-ing Schedule ® Preliminary Signing and Pavement Marking Plan TULIAMEND NO.1 ATTACH-B-SCOPE OF SERVICE&DOC B-2 ® Utility Plan ® Right-of-way Plan ® Construction Sequence/'Traffic Control Plan ® Preliminary Pay Quantities and Pay Item Notes Sheet b.2. Preliminary design of signals including layout, phasing sequence, timil schedules, signing and striping. B.3. Preliminary design stormsewer/ drainage system within the project limits. The adequacy of existing drainage systems upstream and downstream of this, project will not be evaluated. 3S.9. Meet with CITY staff as requested. Representatives of the project team — including the project manager will be present during the preliminary review meeting and field review with the CITY. ENGINEER will prepare minutes of the meeting and disseminate to all attendees. 0.10. Conduct an internal Quality Assessment/Quality Control (QA/QC) review. Following this review and ai�-ty resulting modifications, the preliminary plans will be submitted to the CM for review along with a preliminary cost opinion. Phase 2 — Final Design C. Final Design C.I. Coordinate final field investigations. C.3. Prepare detailed traffic control plans for each phase of construction for each project. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained at all times. TWAMEND NO.1 ATTACH-B-SCOPE OF SERVICESDOC B-3 C.4. Legal descriptions of any right-of-way needs for the project will be prepared and submitted to the CITY. Proposed permanent and temporary rights -of - way will be shown on the plans. Legal descriptions and parcel maps of proposed rights -of -way will be prepared and provided to the CITY for acquisition. Copies of the deeds for such properties will also be provided. All C.5. Prepare a utility plan identifying utilities that have a potential for conflict with construction of the proposed improvements. C-6. Assist CITY in coordinating the relocation of those utilities in conflict with the proposed construction. ENGINEER will provide utility plans to utility companies and conduct a meeting of affected utility providers to receive input in regard to the relocation of facilities and projected schedule. C.7. MOT specifications will be referenced for use on this project. Technical specifications for items of work and materials not covered by ODOT will be prepared. C-8. Prepare contract documents for bidding purposes that include bidding requirements, contract fonns, contract condons and special provisions, technical specifications and drawings (CITY's option). C-9. Prepare an updated cost opirdon. C-11. An intemalQA/QC review will be conducted by a senior engineer of ENGINEER. Following this review and any resulting modifications, the construction plans and contract doc'uments will be subndtted to the CITY for review. D.I. Following receipt of final review comments, final revisions to the construction plans and technical speccations will be made as appropriate. D-2. Prepare an updated cost opinion. Phase 3 — Construction Administration E. Bidding E.L The same scope for the original PROJECTwill apply here for the expanded scope of the PROJECT. Fa Construction F.I. The same scope for the original PROJECT will apply here for the expanded scope of the PROJECT. G. Home Depot Package TUUAMEND NO, I ATTAMBSCOPE OF SERVICESDOC B-4 Fast track preparation of plan and profile sheets, drainage, utility relocatio traffic signal plans, erosion control plans, construction phasing plans, etc. G-2. Prepare temporary paving plans. G-3. Breakout quantities and costs for separate construction of "Home Depot" package. - GA Phasing of sub -project to ensure that construction compatible with future construction. G-5. Attend design meeting(s). GA Coordinate change in lin-dts of access. G-7. Construction observation and submittal review. Phase 5 — Final Desi Construction rE-1. Separate 96th Street and 129th Avenue into two separate projects for bidding all construction. Phase 6 — Construction Administration Provide Construction Administration Services for One Additional Project (12 Month Construction Period). 11. Disperse plans to bidders. 1.2. Answer bidders questions, provide clarifications and addenda. 1.1 Prebid conference. 1.4. Bid Opening, bid tabulation and recommendation. 1.5. Assist City with contracts. 1.6. Disperse plans and specifications to contractor. 1.7. Conduct preconstruction conference. TUUI 12503AMEND NOA ATTACH-B-SCOPE OF SERVICESDOC B-5 1.8. Coordinate construction survey controls. 1.9. Material submittal review. 1.10. Respond to and prepare RFI's/Change Orders and site visits. 1.11. Final Inspection. r. 12. Prepare Record Drawmg& TUUAMEND NO. 1 ATTACH-B-SCOPE OF SERVICES.DOC B-6 The CITY agrees pay, as compensationfor the additional . , a totalOne Hundred Ninety Eight ThousandTwo Hundred Seventy ioHars ($198,270) for the services described in Attachment B. ENGINEER shall submit monthly invoices based upon the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time o;billing. Invoices are d;' and payable days of receiptby A breakdown of the 7E ;f sum amount o r be billed for each the projects is shown as follows: F i Z i :_ 0 of Owasso, Oklahoma Original E. 6t i s_ Iva - Addendum ! o E. 96th St. N. East and West of the Depot Two Separate Projects Phase 1 — Preliminary Design Phase 2 — Final Design Phase 3 — Construction Administration Phase 4 — Home Depot Package Phase 5 — Separate into Two Separate Projects Phase 6 — Construction Administration for Second Project $ 61,791 $ 26,1'70 $17,573 $ 24,032 17,199 $ 51,505 $ 198,270 473,256 112503AMEND NOA ATTACN•G COMPENSATION.DOC D-1 I iq- Ult work with a detailed cost opinion August 1, 2003, the subsequent bond election late 2003, and final design starting in late December 2003, final design completion in May 2004. It is assumed that construction administration of the first of the two 12 month construction projects will also begin in May 2004. The second construction project bid date is subject to City funding and notice to proceed. Willi UVII TTJUIL separate and independent construction periods. 1125MMEND NO. 1 ATTACH-D-SCHEDULE. DOG F-1 112503AMENDMENT I ATTACPE-FEE MANHOUR.As E-1 IPA 112503AMENDMEN'T I ATTACPE.FEE MANHOuR.xis E-2 11 2503ANIENDMENT I ATrACF,E-FEE MANHOURAs E-3 AMCHMENT Man -Hour Breakdown 1 Fast 96th Street North From 12M East Avenue Intersection East to 136th East Ave. Additional Work for Home Depot Project. Additional Work to Separate into Two Projects oral Dked Pro _..w.. $26 971 s„titoM Al Pawses ea�e.voor wss : 2. Overhead aced F 179% S.riS 816 $99 910 3. Prato 10°� $15 b73 _ ' $2 971 Total Contract Amount $198,270 112503Amend No.1 ATTACH-E-FEE MANHOUR.As E 4 / l i $ —--s • � / — — : •`� —� -- ® c E, 9W7 STREET N. /� ee � 2 _ — _ a= — — — — _ — --- 6 sa _ e - .. LIMITS „J'i*vT AC'Ce3$lI: -- °Lo •F>•F--° 1 I $ LGA ..- st 'k— a%rE5-9 •. _ eo !j ze' -- 'S'•' ci, v,ne, xsr, �c VERIFY SCALE ....... ...... I i PRELIMINARY REVIEW Bm IS ONE NCH ON E. INTERSECTION AND ROADWAY MPROVEMENTS- 961h ST. K i N. 1291h E. AVE. WTERSECDON: PROPOSED LAYOUT SET EY`RST ISSUE DATE: 08/06/03 ORICMK BRAWNG O r ILL. 129thE.AVE. WIOENINc - U.5,-169 NORTHBOUND RAMPS/ 9btn STREET N NOT a MI, ON iHS SF@ET A)J T E. 76m ST. N. TO E. 961h ST. N. AND PROPOSED LIMITS OF ACCESS °A� .varE 2CC3 WJ. OAig REY51Ptl BY MVU 6C&ES P.CCFIR_I Y. CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA NIIIIINLVIVM��` TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. Fa ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AWARD O. ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENTS - STORMWATER MASTER PLAN AND WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN L C,,. UPDATE DATE: isJanuary i. 2004 The City of Owasso needs comprehensive master plans for orderly infrastructure development, expansion and upgrading. Each master plan becomes the wide for developing the necessary facilities and improvements to satisfy needs for the existing and future service area. The FY03W 04 Budget includes funds for engineering services to perform a master plan for stormwater management and an update of the wastewater master plan previously prepared in 1997. The following process has been used by the City of Owasso for selection of firms to perform these engineering services: ., Develop/advertise and distribute a Request for Proposals specific to the project - Rank responding firms. bas,;d on predetermined rating criteria. (Reviewer/rater team composed of 3 Engineering Division and 1 Community Development Department staff.) Determine the most 66ualified and flihl�Responsive Firm' Review man-hour projection and price proposal v Conduct fee negotiation (if necessary) with top ranked firm. (should it not be possible to negotiate an acceptable fee with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the next highest ranked firm may be conducted.) Recommend selection to City Council Proposal packets were developed (see Attachment A) and advertised. Proposals were received on December S, 2003 for each of the projects. The following firms submitted: to Page 2 Engineering Services Agreements Stormwater Master Plan Benham (Tulsa) Meshek & Associates/Guy Engineering Services (Tulsa) Painter Consulting Engineers (Oklahoma City) Professional Engineering Consultants (Tulsa) and TetraTech (Tulsa) Wastewater Master Plan Benham (Tulsa) Eagle Consultants (Edmond) Garver Engineers/Wade & Associates (Tulsa/Wichita) Greeley and Hansen/Craig & Keithline (Chicago/Tulsa) Professional Engineering Consultants (Tulsa) and TetraTech (Tulsa) Based on review and rating of the proposals, the listed firms are in the process of being evaluated to determine the "most qualified and highly responsive" for each project. Based on available budget for each project, it is expected that some fee negotiation and refinement of the scope of services will be conducted. Funds for these projects are included in the FY03-04 budget. Stormwater Master Planning has been budgeted at $150,000 and Wastewater Master Planning at $125,000. ATTACHMENTS: A. Stormwater Master Plan Request for Proposals B. Wastewater Master Plan Request for Proposals Stormwater Master Planning Reauest The City of Owasso will receive proposals from engineering firms for the purpose of providing Professional Engineering Services for a Stormwater Master Plan. The City Owasso needs a comprehensive master plan for orderly infrastructure development, expansion and upgrading. The master plan will become the guide for developing the necessary facilities and improvements to satisfy drainage needs for the existing and future service areq. The City is committed to complying with all applicable environmental regulations which may be imposed, while developing quality facilities to serve the existing and future needs of the community in the most cost-effective manner possible. Planning will need to consider the possibilities of funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the necessary improvements, if appropriate. Engineering qualifications and proposals will be evaluated on several factors, including the ability to expedite the completion of this project in a timely manner. The proposals will be received in the office of the Public Works Director (301 West 2 nd Avenue) until 200 p.m. Central Daylight Time, Friday, Decembers, 2003. Following submittal, each proposal will be reviewed by the Selection Committee. A detailed RFP may be obtained by contacting Ana C. Stagg, P.E., Engineering Projects Manager, Public Works Department (telephone: (918)272-4959, FAX: (918)272-4996). November 16, 2003 City of Owasso Public Works Department ENGINEERING SERVICES = \* 301 West 2 Avenue STORMWATER MASTER PLAN f� P.O. Box 180 \ / Owasso, OK 74055 A. The purpose of this bequest for Proposals (RFP) is to obtain professional engineering services for the preparation of a Stormwater Master Plan. B. All qualified qualifications statements will be considered without regard to age, race, creed, color seat, handicap or national origin. 1. Closing_ Submission Date: Proposals must be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m. on December 5, 2003. The proposals will be referred to a review committee who will evaluate each statement in accordance with the evaluation criteria stated later in this RFP. 2. Conditions of the Statement: All costs associated with the preparation of a proposal in response to this RFP will be the responsibility of the offerer and will not be reimbursed by the City of Owasso. 3. Instructions to Prospective Contractors: as proposals should be addressed as follows: Public Works Director City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 (301 W. 2nd Avenue (E. 76th Street Forth)) Owasso, OK 74055 b. Proposals may be mailed or hand delivered. It is important that the offerers proposal be submitted in a sealed envelM clearly marred on the lower left hand corner with the following information: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STORMWATER MASTER PLAN It is the responsibility of the offerer to ensure that the proposal is received by the date and time specified above. late submittals will not be considered. 4Right to Rc*cct: The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to the RFP, Rating of each statement will be based only on the factors and procedures described in the RFP. 200 REQUIRE,I ENTS OF THE ENGINEER DURING THE PROJECT A. Complete the project with the team outlined in the proposal. STORMWATER MASTER PLAN 11.18.2003 Page 1 of 9 B. Provide General liability insurance with a minimum combined coverage of $1,000,000. C. Provide Errors and Omissions Insurance to remain in effect during the project and the term of any legal liability. Errors and Omissions coverage to be for a minimum of $500,000, deductibles subject to approval. D. Provide Workmans' Compensation insurance in accordance with the applicable state statute. E. During the course of the work the Engineer will be required to submit proof of the required insurance coverage. F. It is a requirement that the firm be accessible to the City. The lead team representative (or their designated alternate) must be able to respond to issues and/or be present at City of Owasso offices within four (4) hours of notification. 1. ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the Project as hereinafter stated. 2. ENGINEER will serve as professional engineering representative to the City on the project, and will give consultations and advice to the City during the performance of his services. 3. ENGINEER will prepare all documents necessary so that the City may secure approval of such governmental authorities, including ODEQ, as have jurisdiction over approval applicable to this project. 4. ENGINEER will become thoroughly knowledgeable about the contents, conclusions, and recommendations of all availble engineering studies pertaining to these projects. As needed by the ENGINEER, conduct other onsite investigations or inspections of the project areas to aid in the planning activities. 5. It is anticipated that the OWNER may provide staff to perform a portion of the work. The duration and availability of OWNER'S staff is not defined at this time. STORMWA TER MASTER PLAN 11.1 &2003 Page 2 of 9 1. The purpose of the Work is to prepare a Stormwater Master Plan for current and future development, to describe and evaluate the City's current stormwater infrastructure and provide guidance for future development. For the purpose of the Master Plan, the drainage area is defined as the area within the City of Owasso Fence Line (see Figure 1). 2. The master plan may include, but not be limited to, the following elements: 1) Collect and Review Existing data (a) Review ordinances and policies (b) Review existing information (c) Determine easements and rights -of -way as provided by City (d) Prepare GIS drainage layer — Existing Data (e) Review planning and environmental constraints/opportunities (f) Inventory existing floodplains (g) Inventory existing drainage structures if required (h) Provide reproduction as required (i) Attend a Progress Meeting 2) Baseline Hydrology (a) Identify subarea boundaries, with a minimum of approximately 15 acres for closed conduit type facilities and approximately 40 acres for open channel type facilities (b) Identify longest subarea stream lengths (c) Identify velocities, (d) Measure drainage areas. (e) Prepare lag and curve number computations (f) Prepare land use study to determine % impervious area for each subarea. Provide % impervious area for commercial parcels (g) Determine the effect of channel improvement for each subarea (h) Prepare HEC-HMS models (1) Provide reproduction as required STORMWATER MASTER PLAN 11.18.2003 Page 3 of 9 CITY OF OWASSO mWi `" ► ` 3) Baseline Hydraulics (a) Take off cross -sections at approximately 300-foot intervals (b) Provide appropriate surveys for bridges, culverts and storm sewers (c) Prepare bridge and culvert input (d) Code HEC-RAS models (e) Develop storage -discharge curves for HEC®HMS runs (f) Revise HEC®HMS model with storage volumes (g) Prepare any requires storm sewer analyses (h) Prepare water surface profiles from HEC-RAS runs, floodplain and floodway boundaries (i) Prepare floodplain drawings — drafting and plotting (1"=200' maps, profiles, cross -sections) (�) Provide reproduction as required 4) Flood Damage .Assessment and Problem Identification (a) Define problem areas (b) Inventory of flooded buildings (c) Prepare site plan identifying 10-year and I00-year flood plains (d) Inventory of overtopped structures (e) Prepare flood damage estimates (f) Conduct and/or attend a Public Meeting (g) Provide reproduction as required 5) Initial Alternative Evaluation (a) Define Project Units (b) Define matrix of alternatives (c) Prepare conceptual HEC-HMS analysis (d) Define alternative solutions and potential benefit/cost analyses (e) Conceptual Cost Estimates (f) Concept Drawings (g) Provide reproduction as required STORMWA TER MASTER PLAN 11.18.2003 Page 4 of 9 CITY OF OWASSO ,fir �ry� F 6) Evaluation of the Selected Plan (a) Prepare detailed hydrology for the selected plan (b) Prepare detailed hydraulics for the selected plan (c) Determine capacity of proposed improvements (d) Determine 2-500 year water surface eleva+_ins (e) Determine required rights -of -way (f) Provide specific structural recommendations for two (2) sub -basins to be defined (g) Prepare cost estimates (h) Provide reproduction as required 7) Stormwater Management Master Plan Document Development (a) Prepare report (b) Prepare additional drafting for Report (c) Add proposed plans to GIS (d) Miscellaneous Expenses and Reproduction (e) Conduct and/or attend public meeting All sections A through G must be included to receive points in Section 500. Consulting engineering firms desiring consideration should submit proposals in the following formate A. Cover letter B. Project Understanding and Approach: This section shall demonstrate understanding of the scope of the Project and summarize the approach to providing each of the services included in Section 300 of the RFP. This section should not merely restate the contents of the Request for Proposals but provide a discussion of planned approach and specific work elements to be performed in accomplishing all phases of this work. Include schedule with time frames and tasks. C. Project Organization and Staffing: This section shall discuss project staffing including key personnel and their qualifications. The Project Manager- shall be identified. Resumes of key personnel and project manager shall be included as an appendix. D. Qualifications of the ENGINEER: STORMWATER MASTER PLAN 11.18.2003 Page 5 of 9 CITY OF OWASSO 1. This section shall discuss prior experiences of the firm. Particular mention should be made regarding previous experience on similar projects. References MUST be included. 2. The section shall also include a discussion of projects performed within the past two (2) years involving stormwater master planning and stormwater improvement projects. Tlae discussion of each project shall include information concerning a description of any similar project, schedules (both design and construction) and special circumstances encountered in the project. 3. All current or pending litigation, against the firm shall be provided. 4. This portion of the proposal shall also include a listing of all projects currently in progress by the firm and their anticipated completion date. E. Labor -Flour Projections: This section shall include labor -hour schedule and fees associated with the completion of all phases of the work. F. Standard Qualification Forme The firm shall demonstrate abilities by inclusion of a SF254 specific to this project. G. Description of Additional or Supporting Services: The consulting engineering firm shall submit a description of other capabilities to provide the City with additional information which may be used as a reference should they desire the firm to perform additional or supporting services. 1-4. Number of Copies of Proposal: Engineer shall submit one (1) original and 500 RE, VIEW CRITERIA FOR THE QUALIFICATIONS PROPOSAL S RECEIVED A. All proposals that have been received by the deadline and in the manner required in this PMP will be opened and evaluated by a Review Committee. The evaluation will be based upon the criteria presented in Section F. Proposals will be ranked according to the total number of evaluation points assigned by the Review Committee. Eased upon this initial evaluation, the Review Committee will identify one firm as most "Qualified and Highly Responsive". STORMWA TER MASTER PLAN 11.18.2003 Page 6 of 9 CITY OF OWASOW E. If warranted, the Review Committee may, at its discretion, select one or more of the firms for an interview in order to exchange additional information or clarify portions of the proposal contents. C. The ENGINEER selected as most "Qualified and highly Responsive" will be requested to submit a detailed Scope of Services and fee proposal for final evaluation by the Review committee. The detail:.: Scope of Services will consist of all modifications and refinements made to the original RFP Scope of Services. Said modifications will be based upon review of the original ENGINEER'S proposal, any and all RFP Addenda, oral or written communications between the ENGINEER and CITY, and all other pertinent factors relating to the scope or conditions of the project. D. Eased upon the evaluation process outline above, the Review Committee will contact an Engineer and negotiate the terms of the contract for services. If the contract negotiations are successful, then the Review Committee will make a recommendation to the City of Owasso for approval of the Engineering Services Contract. E. A point system will be used to rank the proposals from which the review committee will then recommend an award to the Engineer that will provide the best service to the City of Owasso. F. Qualifications will be reviewed in teens of content and completeness. Any or all references may be contacted. Each required item, as defined in Section 500, will be reviewed and rated according to the criteria described below. The following factors will be assessed throughout the review process: 1. Experience and technical competence of the Engineer, and project staff in the required areas of expertise. 2. Capacity to perform all required services. 3. Evaluation of Engineer record on similar projects which shall include quality of work and cost control. G. All written material, oral interviews and other information relative to the RFP obtained during the review process will be treated confidentially, except as required pursuant to local and state laws. A. Any questions should be directed to Ana C. Stagg, P.E., City of Owasso Public Engineering Projects Manager (telephone: (918)272-4959, FAX: (918)272-4996). STORMWATER MASTER PLAN 11.18.2003 Page 7 of 9 • �. �.'� •; � l k /r City of Owasso Public Works Department ENGINEERING SERVICES 301 West 2nd avenue STORM WATER MASTER PLAN *( of P.O. Box 130 SCOPE OF WORK Owasso, OK 74055 It is anticipated that the City may provide staff to perform a portion of the work. The duration and availability of City staff is not defined at this time. It is anticipated that the City will participate in data collection, field reconnaissance, and development of HEC-RAS models. The purpose of the Work is to prepare a Storm Water faster Plan for current and future development, to describe and evaluate the City's current stormwater infrastructure and provide guidance for future development. For the purpose of the Master Plan, the drainage area is defined as the area within the City of Owasso Fence Line (see Attachment B). The master plan may include, but not be limited to, the following elements: 1) Collect and Review Existing data: a) Review ordinances and policies. b) Review existing information. c) Determine easements and rights -of -way as provided by City. d) Prepare CIS drainage layer --- Existing Data. e) Review planning and environmental constraints/opportunities. f) Inventory existing floodplains. g) Inventory existing drainage structures if required. h) Provide reproduction as required. i) Attend a Progress Meeting. 2) Baseline Hydrology a) Identify subarea boundaries, with a minimum of approximately 15 acres for closed conduit type facilities and approximately 40 acres for open channel type facilities. b) Identify longest subarea stream lengths. c) Identify velocities. d) Measure drainage areas. e) Prepare lag and curve number computations. f) Prepare land use study to determine % impervious area for each subarea. Provide % impervious area for commercial parcels. g) Determine the effect of channel improvement for each subarea. h) Prepare HEC-HMS models. i) Provide reproduction as required. 3) Baseline Hydraulics a) Take off cross -sections at approximately 300®foot intervals. b) Provide appropriate surveys for bridges, culverts and storm sewers. OwassoCity of ScopeOf Work c) Prepare bridge and culvert input. d) Code HEC-RAS models. e) Develop storage -discharge curves for HEC-HMS runs. f) Revise HEC®HMS model with storage volumes. g) Prepare any requires storm sewer analyses. h) Prepare water surface profiles from HEC-RAS runs, floodplain and floodway boundaries. i) Prepare floodplain drawings — drafting and plotting (1"-200' maps, profiles, cross - sections). j) Provide reproduction as required. 4) Flood Damage Assessment and Problem Identification. a) Define problem areas. b) Inventory of flooded buildings. c) Prepare site plan identifying 10-year and 100®year flood plains.. d) Inventory of overtopped structures. e) Prepare flood damage estimates. f) Conduct and/or attend a Public Meeting g) Provide reproduction as required. 5) Initial Alternative Evaluation a) Define Project Units. b) Define matrix of alternatives. c) Prepare conceptual HEC-HMS analysis. d) Define alternative solutions and potential benefit/cost analyses. e) Conceptual Cost Estimates. f) Concept Drawings. g) Provide reproduction as required E) Evaluation of the Selected Plan a) Prepare detailed hydrology for the selected plan. b) Prepare detailed hydraulics for the selected plan. c) Determine capacity of proposed improvements. d) Determine 2-500 year water surface elevations. e) Determine required rights -of -way. f) Prepare cost estimates. g) Provide reproduction as required. `/) Storm Water Management Master Plan Document Development a) Prepare report. b) Prepare additional drafting for Report. City of Owasso Scope Of Work o\ Add proposed plans tmGIS. � _' Miscellaneous Expenses andReproduction._ Tlastewater System Master Planning q ti P .• . . . . . . . The Owasso Public Works Authority (OPWA) will receive qualifications statements and proposals from engineering firms for the purpose of providing Professional Engineering Services for the update of its existing Wastewater Master Plan. The City of Owasso needs a comprehensive master plan for orderly infrastructure development, expansion and upgrading. The master plan will become the guide for developing the necessary facilities and improvements to satisfy wastewater conveyance and treatment needs for the existing and future service area. The existing wastewater master plan was completed in September 1997 and is available for review. The Authority is committed to complying with all applicable environmental regulations which may be imposed, while developing quality facilities to serve the existing and future needs of the community in the most cost-effective manner possible. Planning will need to consider the possibilities of funding from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) for the necessary improvements. Although the planning process must anticipate the utilization of monies available through the Wastewater State Revolving Fund (SRF), it is expected that a follow up document be prepared for the purpose of satisfying SRF funding requirements. Planning will need to be in conformance with the SRF, OWRB and Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) regulations and guidelines. Engineering qualifications and proposals will be evaluated on several factors, including the ability to expedite the completion of this project in a timely manner. The proposals will be received in the office of the Public Works Director (301 West 2nd Avenue) until 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time, Friday, December 5, 2003. Following submittal, each proposal will be reviewed by the Selection Committee. A detailed RFP may be obtained by contacting Ana C. Stagg, P.E., Engineering Projects Manager, Public Works Department (telephone: (918)272-4959, FAX: (918)272-4996)0 November 16, 2003 City of Owasso Public Works Department 301 West 2"" Avenue P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ENGINEERING SERVICES WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE A. The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to obtain professional engineering services for the preparation of an update to the Wastewater Master Plan concluded in 1997. B. All qualified qualifications statements will be considered without regard to age, race, creed, color sex, handicap or national origin. C. Instructions and Statement of Submission 1. Closing Submission Date: Proposals must be submitted no later than 200 p.m. Central Daylight Time on December 5, 2003. The proposals will be referred to a review committee who will evaluate each statement in accordance with the evaluation criteria stated later in this RFP. 2. Conditions of the Statement: All costs associated with the preparation of a proposal in response to this RFP will be the responsibility of the offerer and will not be reimbursed by the Owasso Public Works Authority or the City of Owasso. 3. Instructions to Prospective Contractors: a. Proposals should be addressed as follows: Public Works Director City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 (301 W. 2nd Avenue (E. 7 th Street North)) Owasso, OIL 74055 b. Proposals may be mailed or hand delivered. It is important that the off°erer's proposal be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the lower left hand corner with the following information: PROT'ESSIONALE NGINdE RING SERVICES - WASTEWATER FASTER PLAN UPDA`I' It is the responsibility of the offerer to ensure that the proposal is received by the date and time specified above. Late submittals will not be considered. WASTEWATER MASTER FLAN 4. Right to Reject: The Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to the RFP. Rating of each statement will be based only on the factors and procedures described in the RFP. A. Complete the project with the team outlined in the proposal. E. Provide General liability insurance with a minimum combined coverage of $ 1, 000, 000. C. Provide Errors and Omissions Insurance to remain in effect during the project and the term of any legal liability. Errors and ®missions coverage to be for a minimum of $500,000, deductibles subject to approval. D) Provide Workmans' Compensation insurance in accordance with the applicable state statute. E. During the course of the work the Engineer will be required to submit proof of the required insurance coverage. F. It is a requirement that the firm be accessible to the Authority. The lead team representative (or their designated alternate) must be able to respond to issues and/or be present at City of Owasso offices within four (24) hours of notification. A, GENE -RAT, 1. ENGINEER agrees to perform _professional services in connection with the Project as hereinafter stated. 2. ENGINEER will serve as professional engineering representative to the Authority on the prgJJect, and will give consultations and advice to the Authority during the performance of his services. 3, ENGINEER will prepare all documents necessary so that the Authority may secure approval of such governmental authorities, including GDEQ, as have Jurisdiction over approval applicable to this project. 4. ENGINEER will become thoroughly knowledgeable about the contents, conclusions, and recommendations of all availble engineering studies pertaining to these projects. As needed by the ENGINEER, conduct other onsite WA.TEWATER AWA.3TER PLAN UPDATE SERVICESREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENGINEERING investigations or inspections of the project areas to aid in the planning activities. S. It is anticipated that the OWNER may provide staff to perform a portion of the work. The duration and availability of OWNER'S staff is not defined at this time. I. Background: a. The purpose of the Work is to prepare an update to the wastewater master plan completed in 1997. The document must include an evaluation of the City's wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment facility to serve as a guide for current and future improvements. b. The City of Owasso currently serves over 8,000 residential, businesses and industrial customers. The collection system consists of over 90 miles of pipe and 10 lift stations. c. Previous master plan study was modeled using PipeDream®. Model selection for the master plan update will be part of the study. 2. The master plan may include, but not be limited to, the following elements: a. Data Collection i. Collect records and information on the existing wastewater system, including mapping, maintenance and operational records, historical flow data, previous study reports, previous modeling efforts, and other relevant information. ii. Conduct field visits to system facilities (pumping stations, treatment _plant, control structures, etc.) and system problem areas with Owasso operations and maintenance staff to discuss in-depth the current facility operations and any existing problems. iii. Carry out GPS survey (x,y,z) and invert measure downs b. flow Metering and Rain Gauges i. Develop a temporary flow metering strategy for the City. ii. Perform site inspections to determine suitability for meter installation. iii. Maintain flow meters/rain gauges over the course of the metering period. (WA,STE)WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE REQUEST PROPOSALS ENGINEERING SERVICES iv. Calibrate and finalize raw metered flow data. c. Development of Hydraulic Model i. Review current model to determine usability of data. ii. Construct a dynamic hydraulic model of the collection system. iii. Hydraulic model shall be calibrated against a minimum of two dry weather events and 3 wet weather events. d. Evaluate Existing; System i. Determine areas of insufficient capacity in the system and recommendations to alleviate problems. ii. Evaluate operational improvements (re-routing or flow, storage, etc.). iii. Develop a Capital Improvement Flan with cost analysis of the recommendations. e. Evaluate Future System Expansion i. Perform future system model runs for ultimate build out populations based on identified future planned development and projections for years 2010, 2020, and ultimate buildout conditions. - f Wastewater Plant Evaluation i. Conduct physical inventory of WWTP. ii. Perform hydraulic modeling of Treatment Facilities. iii. Perform alternative analysis for alleviating deficiencies at the wastewater treatment plant and develop recommendations. iv. Recommend phasing for expansions of WWTP. g. Documentation and Training; i. Prepare draft Wastewater System Study report. Report: shall document the study methodology, findings, and recommendations including calibration procedure and results, definition of assumptions made, alternatives considered, system improvement recommendations, prioritized scheduling of improvements, and estimated capital costs. ii. Conduct workshop with Owasso staff to review the draft report and receive comments. iii. Incorporate review comments and submit final report. WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE iv. Conduct on -site training of Owasso staff in use of hydraulic model of the system. Training shall include methodologies utilized in setting up and configuring the existing and future system models, hands-on training in how to use the computer model, and procedures for maintaining and updating the model files. All sections A through G must be included to receive points in Section 500. Consulting engineering firms desiring consideration should submit proposals in the following format: A. Cover letter B. Project Understanding and Approach: This section shall demonstrate understanding of the scope of the Project and summarize the approach to providing each of the services included in Section 300 of the RFP. This section should not merely restate the contents of the Request for Proposals but provide a discussion of planned approach and specific work elements to be performed in accomplishing all phases of this work. Include schedule with time frames and C. Project Organization and Stang: This section shall discuss project staffing including key personnel and their qualifications. The Project Manager shall be identified. Resumes of key personnel and project manager shall be included as an appendix. D. Qualifications of the ENGINEER: 1. This section shall discuss prior experiences of the firm. Particular mention should be made regarding previous experience on similar proje,cts. References UST be ndluded. 2. The section shall also include a discussion of projects performed within the past two (2) years involving Wastewater master planning and Wastewater improvement projects. The discussion of each project shall include information concerning a description of any similar project, schedules (both design and construction) and special circumstances encountered in the project. 3. All current or pending litigation, against the firm shall be provided. 4. This portion of the proposal shall also include a listing of all projects currently in progress by the proposed project team and their anticipated completion date. WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE REQUEST i VPROPOSALS ENGINEERING SERVICES E. Labor -Hour Projections: This section shall include labor -hour schedule and fees associated with the completion of all phases of the work. F. Standard Qualification Form: The firm shall demonstrate abilities by inclusion of a SF254 specific to this project. G. Description of Additional or Supporting Services: The consulting engineering firm shall submit a description of other capabilities to provide the Authority with additional information which may be used as a reference should they desire the firm to perform additional or supporting services. H. Number of Copies of Proposal® Engineer shall submit one (1) original and four (4) copies of the proposal to the Authority in response to the RFP. I. CAUTION: All information requested shall be included in the proposal at the time of submittal. Incomolete proposals will be considered informal and may be subject to resection on that basis. s1 1 1, S 4 t.M10111 A. All proposals that have been received by the deadline and in the manner required in. this P will be opened and evaluated by a Review Committee. The evaluation will be based upon the criteria presented in section F. Proposals will be ranked according, to the total number of evaluation points assigned by the Review Committee. Based upon this initial evaluation, the Review Committee will identify one firm as most "Qualified and Highly Responsive". = E. If warranted, the Review Committee may, at its discretion, select one or more of the firms for an interview in order to exchange additional information or clarify portions of the proposal contents. C. The Eli ER selected as most "Qualified and Highly Responsive" will be requested to submit a detailed Scope of Services and fee proposal for final evaluation by the Review committee. The detailed Scope of Services will consist of all modifications and refinements made to the original RFP Scope of Services. Said modifications will be based upon review of the original ENG EER°S proposal, any and all RFP Addenda, oral or written communications between the ENGWEER and AUTHORITY, and all other pertinent factors relating to the scope or conditions of the project. D, used upon the evaluation process outline above, the Review Committee will contact an Engineer and negotiate the terms of the contract for services. If the contract negotiations are successful, then the Review Committee will make a WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE MU' REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENGINEERING SERVICES recommendation to the Authority for approval of the Engineering Services Contract. E. A point system will be used to rank the proposals from which the review committee will then recommend an award to the Engineer that will provide the best service to the City of Owasso and Public Works Authority. F. Qualifications will be reviewed in terms of content and completeness. Any or all references may be contacted. Each required item, as defined in Section 500, will be reviewed and rated according to the criteria described below. The following factors will be assessed throughout the review process: 1. Experience and technical competence of the Engineer, and project staff in the required areas of expertise. 2. Capacity to perform all required services. 3. Evaluation of Engineer record on similar projects which shall include quality of work and cost control. G. Ml written material, oral interviews and other information relative to the RFP obtained during the review process will be treated confidentially, except as required pursuant to local and state laws. A. Any questions should be directed to Ana C. Stag-, P.E., City of Owasso Public Engineering Projects Manager (telephone: (918)272-4959, FAX: (918)272-4996). WASTEWATER MASTER. PLAN UPDATE M, COMMUNITYCITY OF OWASSO O'►DEPARTMENI FINAL PLAT STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Kellogg Engineering, applicant, for the review of a final plat for the Owasho of Owasso Addition. The Owasho of Owasso Addition sys o block • _ approximately ! .: acres,. F or According to the Owasso Subdivision Regulations plats containing only one (1) lot on one (1) block may proceed directlyo the Final Plat review pro.ess and fsego the preliminary review. subject property .. and three (3) in block I I on the Preston LOCATION The subject property is located approximately 1/a mile north of 861h St. N. on the east side of N. 145eh E. Ave. directly south of Central Baptist Church. WAS�� SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Central Baptist Church South: Vacant East: Vacant West: Silver Creek Church and Silver Creek residential subdivision. PRESENT ZONING Preston fakes P ®15 -- CC (Commercial General District) SURROUNDING ZONING North: OM (Office Medium District) South: P — 15 CG (Commercial General District) East: P — 15 a.® CG (Commercial General District) Test: O Sm2 (Office MediumA esidential Single Family District) ANALYSIS The Owasho of Owasso Final Plat is in anticipation of the development of the Owasho of Owasso car wash facility on the subject site. The owner is proposing to purchase and develop 0.68 acres consisting of a portion of lots two (2) and three (3) of block 11 in the existing Preston bakes Addition. The owner would like to create a separate and lucid legal description for the site, therefore he is proposing the 'one (1) lot, one (1) block Owasho of Owasso final plat. Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the owner of the land or his agent mz If this item is recommended for approval, City of Owasso City Council review and approval is required. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Owasho of Owasso Final Plat subject to the successful • of the TAC conditions. ATTACHMENTS General Area Map. LWANY'r. fa i m ;3 -7-7 ----- ---------- ..... .... . P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 ti4L_ PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAIVE Owasho of Owasso (This certifies that the indicated name is the name which is intended to be used for filing of the Final Plat.) GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACTThe North 65 ` of Lot 2 and the North 82.68 feet of W 11 Preston City of Owasso, Rogers Count=, State of Oklahoma. DEVELOPER Shawn Murrl ENGINEER/ARCHITECT Kelloj�2 Engineering, Inc DItIJSS14900 E 88th St. N ADDRESS 6755 N 406n Rd�Ta1� nu 7�nRn PHONE 760-2171 FAX 272-3263 PHONE 275-4080 F __?Z5_4 WATER SUPPLY [j City Main [A Rogers Co. RWD3 E] Washington Co. RWD3 E[ Other. SANITARY SEWER El City Sewer ® Septic E] Disposal Plant STREET SURFACING �g E] Portland Cement Concrete E] Asphaltic Concrete ® Traffic -bound Surface Course Please submit the completed application form and application fee ($50 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Preliminary Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Preliminary Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Preliminary Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Preliminary Plat will be reviewpo. DEVELOPER SIGNATURE)' eei- ('r"'� DATE December 5 2003 TAC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE — FEE RECEIPT NUMBER OPC MEETING DATE ZONING DISTRICT No Streets are located in the area of the application R 14 E EASY 96TH STREET NORTH T 21 z EAST a6TH STREET NCRTH s •vapor SuSPtaSpH C 1-3 1 10P iN 1Bl— El 0 I zcsart•m Final Plat Owasho of Owasso A PART OF LOTS 2 N 3, BLOCK it, PRESTON LkRES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA SURVEYOR: Benchmark Surveying & Land Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1078 Owasso, Oklahorna 74055 Phone: (918) 274-9081 DEED OF DEDICATION au sE>, or rrwa f�.adnr� fas0 ann^. pEi�fafD PF/L ffiAiE SNe@f :hC alY i8 OvaivA AR%Sr�ea tlOXvgA aFceii vastCPr mn� � �EOrv4mCha0n ttA 197 u9 [�� (5/. R00[ MQa (rfa e•.v€SnN4 MP nNMm, upi4 aa9nO.W.Lr OLsweY.9 as i0vt0as, •SCOR»•3 rp 1H .A?&Q71 6FG3%HO AT n$ M1giMpEyP tAEF Oi RE3 tl0t A ti¢Nce v 944p14° E u-,Yaa naE NQxnl Lo SOa0i1 nP4afruCC x W fgr: [,KK s 09E9Y E a Wiuu.4 S Ior.41 r¢s rT 186 4M l0P 2 6SM f@P 49ana of `S�nm'rvLnSi v C`KK 4 S99YW u n p9ruxQ M dp9M fFP:r p+2 e6C N6 Or 141 ptLfCEt N�n+B P[Sa4 mB9GCNv.; ttw5A nsJtS h rd n OSA19• e n a5Paw9 a5K Omva :u4 exvm ned Ye#5 ro m sxKv@. 9rer.Ps. Me7a A [O�aA a M4 ¢naxK9 aw rr�m as [aww av r,¢ .ccpwNrrr+p MP as s+`�9n. cr mr�oe`,w an axarw To nz�an or"`Oaen"svo. urns c°oh"arvmn e..wx �'orrasw x oznsso•. an nrntUo rr mores. fw ne woou m .rzavr�a raa *a a mnr ma�.art cr •aa.saa o�esso• cu wC '�osc m xs+rwaaxauare nasraerc«s iw me w,rv.c euvn 0 �:re� Ssort bUnnL3 A rag sRp'f0,,�4 M mB CVArurS SEP larwiN 'N � •Y-®[Cr r0 S�+UaAatl15 m0.Y, .�f r+mqY TWOS( ng ap16t¢q .prs. m.a m+ua. �:m[x n mn,rs>s ww Mc sr,3s �o�s�vix`EnO�SrCOi p� �°'xaamccr rv°s�'�'iaroi •ec m.min °Oevn. ay a alw�a•.�..rs • sa.. £SCPIONI. SPAFSTS ANp UrIUaY FA99,£Ms aNC Or<NiA pmA t:t%Sv pfdtcaR FlXe w.m,IC U9: rCRLKR n6 9RCRP% w[,wr4»9-wnr Uttatt fdprg wMr KsuKS ♦3 0[94,arp a,a sWrff a nH MC¢saYfrvu MP, vp9 OK S[%fN1 fNVoa.9 m LMiaaNc'an, wwiuw0. a�aRW ECVOtmO .M aBVga+O aW ,NO +u W9up t rKU:TNp SM1vaa aw9 SWiaVr H12rt a1m+uK [Mtt _•^e ,[y1t.aM � C� CTAC vdl .M n4NSICerx}t W u,0 arp aiaT JGE NCYr� am ut niTC f �[e �m 9Na f.Gdtt3 warcwa M seat rmst Nmuat s9Yt raaKB ud*u3 � 4a� arp i'bnly�0�a44 fxOvwM wa,r m .noses am fl%f3 ro LO eKa+nrr3 rm M �Rs .a%m •.war rna mtm4am pwrn.ax r ttxsK3 sec norr aciu`ur un an..r asas aun .en secv ues munw w,N 6VI53 S.PA. Kspy an 4ow0 r%t m Sg 43eL,� a,inP 9maa ¢a nS ter, miw:m xx r� a svcnse:wa sa,+as ro :ru „us[++num rtw su x..r, uwxu9 .auaw wM„ --g [� .aas'M tt+m ut on,rr um.wn w u��s..tr m warty ao savrn w prNa�ururr r+sfaxs art ra wj,[s scrag o. me owws m rwc wrt e,, � Srfr.cr.Pg rn o>„m v,xc[m wn m,c�,s m.r w. wmEvc ,.rw SK .ruzP.w s«.0 x nxm, u.dp m .vu„nm ,a eaaa:ens_oan m nor*s-m•.av as srwaa .. wo aeces4 a+H uwnwmw 0»LerMt6a�w rmOsr an/n?,s+[P Owra s tp¢�,Srn ,Kn[s9 Ov [an S3 M�aw9 �� � � rp0o�ry wrnw � apROE C[sxaeRy a9'tur9 OS w0 et�ss• fUrnl Mr. w rppr so,c • sp r¢r unrn same [x axrose.c raaf :NE c1 wnr cos Al asl nw[ ro TMa �r�m� amirurm�w�nt araEcm s..LL x uwaa aN usow,r. fara.ty so '0.�# nm.rm,�,mnnaro+nKo3sa`�mcr was n.�.3 v�i<uun er', em eM � Sr�[a [ m ,e,E on m a.xsxi 0. vaf[A ueq Savrr4r RVG U+f9 iK Om+G s..i[ SP E[sfaa� fM M aroR3u m aartx .m Su[iMr awx vaE�.[�nwnn iM Uw2t sxua ruK near m u3u uu d[ � r03 OP;+t,gr wmrtwaeC¢ OWNER I DEVELOPER: 2 X MGM, Inc. 14900 East 88th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 Phone: (918) 760-2171 Ssole 1°®20• a/E CCE. Easf3aFNr A' �aaawer4o ¢ B p u.•E or/E ossw.cf Ewsf3mar N/wrT'aH y[YESS u/f uP.UiY GSEMCIar O%VNER•S CERTIFICATE rwrRes�v n�ex�.sa x � nc., su+3 r„e sac a»ua m o+arn m oeaca aumn puua . ' : LGOnO CEfn �pfei<s-.;:i p a % vcre p0. CaNtt Gi xaaa � f?LSCOeI "'�`��' Ss p60K r2, rM u�cee4Wm, a xprrRr fiR.4^ Sn a'A f¢a 9M (aairy aw seers, cw Fluiti^,�pev a5a taq �od>&�A� rJ Y e.+6.mt m GS ng Cu^aib^ry fA' non etrp i'6^zaFN naYaMp1P. OW vKNS tar wkv0 raz] Ease n+E Oar usd +4 R u9P espt9 ✓.ar1GW CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I, �s rt..w.uua, a fxasrvm [.,n aaK.ae m � srna m oras.,a[a r�esmr cEurev rnae ro `�KSEp. %+uu am vumJ, >u apptg ,rv<P z + m ;s;•.nn o x awasw'. arc �vrr or axe>Yz•9. nowc4 cwxay. sue m a%anwpu.,. E .ire nnr re w`.x-ssnmmw m so s.ro-K.. � aP6R[fN �°1 `; Y� d2B0�.: + muuwea aausttam ura 3.m. '8 jl9 Svd9 rylsa 60.tttt Os � affi � nu aaot[s�,w. a :nraer a� n aw rw a.a :wwrr sraa, a. m� oer fuss+ �,o �a aanx .sxmwerro-"�tc�:. H mvmrr"d10. ro se rwow „ as +*+s w+nc�s error +amsn ur n<w aw wa Nc poi .[m vr.A r.4r .enw .a:r:.,. CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL , uA z mm war as n.e sss w=aaa m n¢ >asa an ova a ®_ Ors•arho of Owasso OccamD 5, 2003 ter, wl IM OPUD ? U, 1 STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from the Owasso Land Trust, L.L.C., applicant/owner, for the amendment of the Coffee Creek PUD a- 18. The applicant has purchased 0.94 acres of contiguous property and would like to incorporate it into the existing Coffee Creek P — 18 under the provisions set forth for CG zoning. LOCATION The property is located in the northeast comer of North and U. Highway •• service road aboutois East Avenue. North: U.S. Highway 169 South: Single Family o. East: Vacant West: U.S. Highway 169 PRESENT ZONING AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County SURROUNDING ZONING North: U.S. Highway 169 South: CG — Coffee Creek PUD 18 (Commercial General Shopping District) East: OM/CS — OPUD 18 (Office Medium/Commercial Shopping District) Nest: T.T.S. Highway 169 CONCEPT OF A P D The concept of a Planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. The supplemental zoning district PLJD must be approved by the City Council as a prerequisite to the Planned Unit Development. .ANALYSIS The applicant, Owasso Land Trust, recently purchased a triangle shaped parcel of property containing 0.94 acres located in the northeast corner of East 103`d St. N. and U.S. Hwy 169 service road and had it annexed into the City of Owasso corporate limits in December, 2003. This parcel of property, the subject property, is surrounded by the Coffee Creek Planned Unit Development 'l i-...• developed Owasso Land Trust. It is the desire of the applicant to incorporate the subject property into the Planned Unit Development .t established for the surrounding Coffeeea The subject property • d incorporate into the development r offPi; guidelines for CG (Commercial General) district so that it may be compatible with the guidelines already existing for the adjacent property to the south. The Coffee Creek h'- 2, wasofficially by Owasso City Council in May, 2000. The PUD outlines a plan to develop the area with a carefully detailed mix of residential, office and commercial uses. The applicants compatible outline development plan approved as part of PLJD — 18. Incorporating this small parcel of property off development oI: !reduce the possibility s with - more flexibility in developing the site. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the December 18, 2003 editicm *f the Owasso ReporterS f' property a 3 site. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence in opposition of the request. I ,, approvalStaff recommends of incorporate p: zoningCoffee Creek PUD 18 under the CG r. General) designation. ATTACHEMENTS 1. PUD 1 8-A application 2. General area Map 3. Copy of Legal Notice 4. OPUD 18 Development outline O. OF UNITS PRESENT ZONING PRESENT ACRES ME , LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND CINDER APPLICATION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) 1- I . Oil' Name and Address of Record Owner As applicant, what is your interest in this property? Eresent Owner (]Agent for Owner Purchaser [Other OAttorney for Owner Name of person to be billed for publication 0 W OL-,4,n I 9 ` �U Phone -11-KP SUMMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE — i z1; Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Rezoning will be reviewed. Fee Schedule Sub ittal iZecLraire�rer�ts Oa 0.99 acres $75 Topographic Map 1 a 4.99 acres 100 Outline Development Plan 19.99 acres 150 Outline Development Text 20 4- acres 200 300' Radius Report TAC MEETING DATE OPC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE ZONING DISTRICT FEE RECEIPT NUMBER APPROVED DENIED The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of t Northwest Quarter (SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4) o. Section__ Township Twent one Fourteen _ and Meridian, Tul County, State of Oklahoma, according y U.S. thereof, AND EXCEPT, a strip, piece or parcel of Land lying in part of the SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW of said Section Sixteen (16), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (1 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said parcel of land being described by metes an bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast Corner .. said SE/4 1. NE/4 THENCE West along the North tine of said SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4 a distance of 306. feet to a point, 25.00 feet East of the West tine of said SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/ THENCE South on a line parallelto and 25.00 feet Eastof said West line r distance i 330.36 feet to a pointon theSouth of said SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 N4 ' THENCE a along said Southtdistancef 100.56feet; THENCE Northeasterly onr` curve the right having a radius of 2,241.83 feet a distance of 227.84 feet; THENCE 32'43'22" E a distance of 161.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRAC CONTAINS .82 ACRES MORE OR LESS. a ME SOUTHEAST A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE QUARTERNORTHWEST #) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE I.B.Et M., TULSA COUi NO wall�. Pursuant to the provisionsthe City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Owasso Land Trust, L.L.C., the Owner of the additional [and as defined below, hereby requests a. the Coffee yi P.U.D. be amended to permit additional[and ("Additional• • to be a part of •-e Creek P.U.D.- said Additional Land being described as follows: SoutheastThe Southeast Quarter of the Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof, LESS AND EXCEPT, a strip, piece or parcel of land tying in part of the SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4 of said Section Sixteen 6), Township Twenty-oneNorth, Range Fourteen l East,a County, Oklahoma, • i parcel f [and being Cornerdescribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast a - West of said SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4 a distance of 306.04 feet to a point, 25.00 feet East of the West tine of on a ", parallel to and 25.00 feet Eastof THENCE East along 330.36 feet to a point on the South line of said SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4; South line a distance of 100.56 feet; THENCE Northeasterlya a radius of s: feet a distance of 227.84feet;r, of 161.40,r to the POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT CONTAINS .82 ACRES MORE OR A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART Of THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) CAE THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE iaDo M., TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: oaf � � �_� s c � � � •- �.f� � �� _ c H:\Common\2\299\COFFEE CREEMPUD-AMENDMENT,doc six I This Additional Land is adjacent and contiguous to the existing Coffee Creek P.U.D. Furthermore, the Additional Land is adjacent and contiguous to existing CG zoning within said P.U.D. Therefore, the Additional Land should be re -zoned within the. Coffee Creek P.U.D. as CG. The Additional Land should be subject to the Development Standards for CG zoning as set forth in the initial Coffee Creek copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The proposed Amendment to P.U.D. maintains compliance with the Outline Development Plan of the subject P.U.D. and the purposes and standards of the P.U.D. provisions thereof. A copy of the Outline Development Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". A copy of the sketch plat indicating the boundaries of the Additional Land is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". The Owner of the Additional Land hereby requests the inclusion of the 14'diti*nat Land into the Coffee Creek P.U.D. and to allow it to be re -zoned as CG. =11ANOWENKMIRIMM" By David E. Charney, Manager H:\Common\2\299\COFFEE CREEMPUD-AMENDMENT.doc DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Commercial Shopping (CG): - Permitted Uses - Maximum Stories - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space* (per lot) - Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting Public/Private Street From Abutting Residential Development Area Rear Yards Side Wards - Minimum Parking Ratio As permitted within CG District by right or special exception 2 stories 35 ft. 10% of net area 50 ft. 10 ft. plus 2 feet of setback for each one foot of building height exceeding 15 feet 25 ft. 15 ft. One space per 200 sq.ft. of floor area Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but shall exclude walkways which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. Sign Standards All signs will conform to the current sign ordinance for the city of Owasso, Oklahoma. Lighting: Flood lighting will be used from a decorative standard in parking areas. Up lighting will be used on buildings, signs and various landscape elements. Low lighting will be used in some landscape areas, court yard plazas, steps, and walkways. Other Requirements: It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the city of Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council pursuant to its review of the detailed site plan of each development area. f11 .<.k 106th Street North --cc-cm =2.5 Ades U41- y M44amily "4 Aa., Commercial P_ sl as &7 pk,4 tnYrSi x v -Office Ic (go C Lake 3.5 A — site Data Summary: Total Project Area =157.5 Acres Total Number of Dwelring Units 814 OU Residential Area s79.7 Acres snqla-FB,Hy CeIach,d M-3) A.— • "Ilo ­ :RS-W -.6 A.— • T—home, WTHI =10.2 Av­ • M-21 •23.2 Acres I of Acres fi8 Area Office Moor Ares 385.506 Sq.Ft. Commercial Area G =9.5 Acres �CCS� '-14.9 Acres me, -2.5 Ad- Z I L9 IJ L_L_ v Commercial Moor Area (CG) :10,365 Sq.R. OwIlne D_d.Pm_t Plan (CS) 24,522 Sq.Ft. for School Site s10.0 Acres -,ncFq--,rFcF rCR(FErj'\7 Park/Open Space t 1 5.1 Acres Owasso, Oklahoma RittmanPoe ' Exhibit'. SE CORNER NE/4 NW/4 POINT OF BEGINNING / / / / / / / / / / / 7^` / � � U3 st City of Owasso Community Development Department I I t N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1540 wwwxityofowassoxoni --E. 106th St. N- OPUD 18-A le" t-,offee eek Attachment NOTICE O THE PUBLIC ,. ON A PROPOSED ANIENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE 1:THE CITY O OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 12th day of January, 2004. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: TRACT A THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4) OF SECTION SIXTEEN (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, LESS AND EXCEPT, A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN PART OF THE SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4 OF SAID SECTION SIXTEEN (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, SAID PARCEL OF LAND BEING DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4 A DISTANCE OF 306.04 FEET TO A POINT, 25.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4; THENCE SOUTH ON A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 25.00 FEET EAST OF SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 330.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE/4 SE/4 NE/4 NW/4; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 100.56 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,241.83 FEET A DISTANCE OF 227.84 FEET; THENCE N 32143'22" E A DISTANCE OF 161.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT CONTAINS .82 ACRES MORE OR LESS 04110A, TRACT B A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE I.B. &_ M., TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SE/4 OF NW/4; THENCE S 1018'30" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4 OF NW/4 A DISTANCE 25.00 FEET; THENCE S 88°41'42" W A DISTANCE OF 218.26 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH A RADIUS OF 2241.83 FEET A DISTANCE OF 28.08 FEET TO A POINT WITH A CHORD N 25046"29" E A DISTANCE OF 28.08 FEET, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SE/4 OF NW/4; THENCE N 88'41'42" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 205.48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT CONTAINS 0.12 ACRES MORE OR LESS. The property is further described as located on the east side of U.S. Highway 169 mile south of East 106`" Street North in Owasso, OIL. To be considered is a rezoning from AG (Agricultural District) to CG (General Commercial District) as outlined in PUD-1 S (Coffee Creek). All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning, Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, I I I N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376- 1543, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 15 th day of December, 2003. Duane Cuthbertson City Planner 24,522 Sq.Fi. DNdop� Pkm fer -10.0 Awes -,&I Acras Woodridge C—M aftam FE TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR elfOUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MAIN STREET REDEVELOPMENT VISION AND PRIORITIES DATE: January 7, 2004 A major priority in the development of Owasso is improving the vitality of the Main Street area. 01 the years, the Main Street neighborhood has become increasingly unsightly and underutifized. street lacks an identity and a vision. As a result of the passage of Tulsa County's Visioning 2025 initiative in September, the City of Owasso will receive an estimated $1.2 million to spend on improving the Main Street area. A plan for the Tending of this money must be in place by June 301h. Ty create a pian Yor using Ing become available, the City must have vision for how to improve Main Street. In September 2001, the City adopted a document known the Owasso Downtown Development District Conceptual Plan and Implementation Strategy, the pl for redeveloping the Main Street area. This document provides a foundation upon which to build vision. The development of the plan was assL-ted by the large amount of participation by ar residents, property owners, ond other citizens. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. The Owasso Economic Development Authority is an appropriate body to recommend priorities for redeveloping the Main Street area. Two special meetirigs of the OE will lie he'd in January to consider specific projects for the improvement of Main Street. The OEDA will be asked to make a recommendation to the City Council with specific projects prioritized for the redevelopment. Once the redevelopment options have been selected and prioritized, they will be scheduled. Cost requirements will be studied and the available funds will be allocated according to the priorities, There are three basic redevelopment concepts for improving Main Street. The public. must invest funds and take a leadership role in improving the neighborhood. Responsibilities of the public involve the overall appearance of Main Street, from the streetscape to utilities and from lighting to park areas. Private investment must also be solicited, with incentives if necessary. Businesses that invest in Main Street are the engine that will revitalize the area, setting an example for others to follow and creating a source of pride and identity for the entire community. Also, development regulations must be considered for Main Street, regulations that would set the commercial standards for the neighborhood apart from the rest of the city. Once a vision is articulated, specific alternatives for improving Main Street need to be evaluated. Public investment, with monies gathered from sources such as Visioning 2025, could include the following: relocating utilities underground, streetscaping, land acquisition, identification gateways and monuments, cultural amenities Eke amphitheaters, hiking and hiking trails, a downtown improvement fund, a town square, and other facilities and services. Private investment could be encouraged with incentives. Development regulations could come in the form of an overlay district that would adjust standards for setbacks, parking, architectural styles, and land use. Once the alternatives are listed and studied, they should be prioritized and implemented according to factors such as cost-effectiveness and desirability among property owners, 1. Map showing the Main Street area and neighborhoods covered by the Downtown Improvements Plan 2. Possible Main Street improvement Projects 9.a:a,aaaaaa.>e®nasa...,.....,r..,,:=.,.,m,.,..,,a„a,.„=,>,,,,..,..,.,<,<...ao As a result of the recent Vision 2025 passage, the City of Owasso will receive approximately $1.2 million from the Tulsa County Visioning to be utilized on improvements to the downtown and neighborhood areas. 1. Relocating utilities underground This project would take overhead utility wires underground. Goal. -Improve downtown aesthetics. -protect utilities from the elements (wind, ice... 2. Street scaping Providing landscaping, benches, decorative street fighting, sidewalks and other amenities. Goal: -Improve downtown aesthetics. -create positive image and identity. 3. Land Acquisition Purchase derelict or underutilized parcels in the downtown area to consolidate into larger tracts and market for redevelopment. Goal® -Create positive image. -redevelop downtown. 4. Identification: Gateways, traffic circle, signature piece Establish (an) architectural monument(s) as place markers identifying the district and producing a positive image catalyst for the area Goal: -Create positive community identity. -Improve downtown aesthetics. 6. Bike/Hildng trails Build hiking/biking trails along the railroad right-of-way downtown or establish bike lanes along main downtown streets. Goal® -Improve downtown image. -Bring activity downtown. 8. Town Square Create a public gathering space in a distinctive forin and location that would aid hi establishing and reinforcing the community identity and culture. M TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OUTLINE AND PROCESS FOR THE MASTER PLAN UPDATE DATE: January 7, 20(M The Owasso Master Plan is a document representing desired future land use and transportation patterns for the physical development of the community. The Plan was adopted by the City Council on January 18, 2000. The staffis currently updating the Master Plan. The Master Plan can be generally divided into three parts: 1) statistics, figures and estimates, 2) map of desired land use patterns, and 3) key issues, needs, and goal statements. The staff has updated the statistics, figures, and estimates of Owasso's characteristics. Now, public input is needed to form recommendations about desired land use patterns and goals. This input will be gathered in multiple forms: written surveys that have been distributed to the public, public hearings will invite the public to speak about the Plan, and a Master Plan steering committee that will guide the Plan through the public involvement process. wiplys-3111-114— . Seven citizens were appointed by the city council to the Steering committee in September. These citizen members will work with and guide the municipal staff during the update of the Master Plan. The citizen representatives that were appointed are listed as follows: Mr. Dewey Brown, Planning Commission NL--. Steven Cataudefla, City Cou ncill Mr. Page Cole, citizen t� Mr. Pete Kourtis, citizen Mr. Jim Perry, Owasso Reporter Mt-, Chuck Smith, citizen Dr. Dirk Thomas, citizen The staff anticipates that the committee will meet seven times over the course of four or five montl The expected agendas for those seven meetings are attached with this memorandum 14 Essentially, there exist four "areas of update" that must be undertaken by the Owasso Master Plan document: Data, Land area to be covered by the Plan, Goals and Issue Statements, and land use patterns both existing and desired. The demographic and economic data included in the Plan has been updated by the staff and will be kept current throughout the process. The other three areas to be updated by the Plan must have the steering committee's input and recornmendations before they can be included with the document. Additionally, it is the stafrs goal to simplify the Master Plan document and make it more readable and understandable for the casual customer. There is a concern that the existing Plan is somewhat confusing. consistency and redundancy of vision. Examples of such planning documents could include the wastewater and stonnwater master plans that will be undertaken in the coming months. '*� Cifizen; 0 f the Master Plan, has been sent to all Owasso utility customers and published in the Owasso Reporter. The results of the survey helped to shape the vision for the existing Master Plan, and the staff expects that the results of the new survey distribution will play the same role for the Master Plan update. U, TO: MEMBERS OF O CITY OF O F ►. ', a ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR [ r y January receivedThe staff has .:r from s Planning a • Willey and Mr. Bill Williams. The vacancies left by these two resignations leave three members Ae commission. indicatedIn December, the City solicited letters of interest fi-orn Owasso citizens who would­-ILKe to serve on the Planning Commission. Additionally, the staff took eight names from the City's talent bank who an interest in the Planning Commission. The staff received rr. individualsfive number The 1.hasbeen prepare of council conduct at a special meeting on January 27 1h at 7PM at Old Central. appropriate UZ, Stall IS have provided. Also, the staff has prepared a list of suggested interview questions, though the council members could certainly ask any questions they might deem RECOMMENDATION - `here is no staff recommendation as to who should fall the two vacant Planning Coinmission positions, however, the positions should be filled reasonably soon. Three members remain on the Planning Commission, and while these three constitute a quorum, it would serve the City well to increase their number back to five by the February 94h Planning Commission meeting. 1. List of suggested interview questions 2° List of interested citizens 3. Correspondence submitted by interested citizens 10 Questions for Planning Commission Interviews 1. What does planning mean to you? 2. What are your views on the growth of Owasso and what Owasso should be in the future? 3. Do you have any experience with planning issues? 4. Would your schedule allow you to consistently participate in the public hearings every month? The Planning Commission meets at 7PM on the Monday following the first Tuesday of every month. 5. The staff attempts to meet individually with all members of the Planning Commission on a monthly basis. With your schedule, would such meetings be practical for you? 7. How do you view Owasso's relationship and role in the Tulsa metropolitan area and with the broader Green Country region? What do you believe the Planning Commission's role is in the municipal government? 9. at is the role of municipal government? 10. The Planiiing Commission is an advisory board that forwards recommendations to the City Council. How would you feel if the council went a direction other than what the planning commission recommended on a specific issue? Persons From the Talent Bank I Mr. Albro Daniel 305 South Main hm: (918) 812-6309, wk: (918) 590-2561 2. Mr. Lephus Brooks 10210 E. 891h Street hm: (918) 272-8592 3. Mr. John Marshall 8804 East 104 th Place North hm: (918) 272-0841, wk: (918) 640-3905 4. Mr. Rob Malone 8012 North 118'h East Avenue hm: (918) 272-2916, wk: (918) 272-7757 5. Mr. Erik Miller 7713 North 126th East Avenue hm: (918) 272-0964, wk: (918) 292-3245 6. Mr, Kim Reeve 12503 East 77"' Place North hm: (918) 272-7217, wk: (918) 835-9588 7. Mr. Bill Roach 10006 North 109t" East Avenue hm: (918) 272-9810, wk: (918) 296-7101 8. Mr. Kevin Vanover 10808 East I I 7h Street North hm: (918) 371-5965, wk: (918) 615-7627 Persons who submitted letters of request 1. Mr. Duane Coppick 9908 N 114'h E Ct. hm: (918) 272-7502, wk: (918) 906-9739 2. Ms. Jill Endicott 10304 East 91t Circle North hm: (918) 272-0427, wk: (918) 491-4261 3, Mr. David Vines 11'otes: Mr. Roach is a current member of the Annexation Committee and Mr. Draper is current member of the Board of Adjustment. I Results from Form I of Page talent —bank _application.htm Page I of 2 From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:26 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank FirstName® Albro, LName: Daniel Addressl: 305 South Main Street Address2: Owasso, OK 74055 HornePhone® 918-812-6309 WorkPhone® 918-590-2561 RegisteredVoterYes. Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo® PresentEmployer: MCI EmployersAddress: 6929 N. Lakewood Ave., Tulsa Empftsition- Planning Engineer BOA: Yes -A — 7=777 OEDA: i7es Watchdog: Yes CIP. Yes ProWivicActivities September 1998-Present MCI August 1997-August 1998 Administration Officer, City of Tulsa Public, Works, Customer Service January 1996-June 1997 Account Executive, Homes & Land Magazine January 1990-November 1995 Child & Adolescent Therapist, Private Practice and Hospital Education BA Psychology, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN MS Marriage & Family Therapy, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN I want to help my community improve. Results from Form I of Page talent bank al),Olication.btm Page 2 of My background in mental health and business provides me with excellent listening skills and experience working within groups to reach goals and consensus among the members. This combined with my belief in individual rights and free markets will help Owasso become a city that attracts growth and opportunity. 4/14/2003 CITY OF OWASSO PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918-376-1500 NAME: I-V n—l—K 4 z (last) (fTs-o Date Received: Copies to: Date: Z) 6 2 0 0S 6 - (middle initial) (maiden) A HOME ADDRESS: Z�Z'/o S S 0 15147-1�0 754- (number/street & mailing address if different) (home phone) ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER? Oes (110) I DO YOU LIVE IN THE CITY LIMITS? yes PRESENT EMPLOYMENT: (your position) -71e, Z- 9 2, F, &e- (phone) (type of business) PROFESSIONAL AND/OR CIVIC ACTIVITIES: (4JC'-' N 41 EDUCATION: I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON: (Check more than one if you wish) Board of Adjustment 75� Planning Commission Owasso Economic Development Authority Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Capital Improvements Committee Annexation Committee Golf Advisory Committee NOTE: The information on this forin supplied by you as an applicant is available to the public and to the press. PLEASE DESCRIBE WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, ETC: �W414ulrel IN WHAT WAY DO YOU FEEL YOU WILL BE OF BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC BY SERVING ON THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, ETC? IF APPOINTED, DO YOU WISH YOUR MAIL TO BE SENT TO: Business —Z— Home ALL boards and commissions are subject to disclosure of conflicts of interest. The City Clerk's Office can supply you with complete information on the above requirements and of the duties of the boards and commissions. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (Apfficant's Signature) PLEASE RETURN TO: City Clerk's Office PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Talent Bank Application Paget Results from Form 1 of Page talent@ank_application.htm Page 1 of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 2:49 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank FirstNamea John LNarne. Marshall Addressl ® 8804 E. 104th Pl. North Address2® Owasso, Okla 74055 HornePhone: 918 272-0841 WorkPhone. 918 640-3905 RegisteredVoterYeso Yes Regis teredVoterNo: I2esideCityYesm ResideCityNo: No PresentErnployer® Bluestein Resources Croup, Inc. EmployersAddress> 1427 East 41 st Street 'Tulsa, Okla 74105 ErnpPosition® Business Appraiser/Broker BOA: PlanningCo : Yes OEDA. Yes Watchdog. CIP: Annex® PersPoard: MailBusinessa MailHo e: Yes ErnailAddress. jarshall@bluestemresources.com 1 a Submit Prof0vieActivities Institute of Business Appraisers, Natural Gas & Energy Association of Oklahoma. Education B.S.-Business w Oklahoma State University Many continuing education courses in economics, computer applications, real estate and business appraisal Need to put something back into the community - we have raised our children here and watched it grow over the past 15 years Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 MUMMINTM Believe I could help contribute balanced judgment and input into planning for future development of Owasso i I/1(1/)CM; Results from Forni 1 of Page talent_ bank_ application.htm Page 1 of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 4:18 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank FirstName: Rob LName: IVlelone Addressl: 8012 N 118th E Ave Address2: Owasso, OIL 74055 HomePh one: 918.272.2916 WorkPhone: 918.272.7757 I2egisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: NTN Bearing Corp. of America EmployersAddress: 1600 E. Bishop Ct. Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 EpPosition: Sales Representative BOA: PlanningCom: Yes OEDA: Watchdog: CIP: Anne: PersBoard: MailBusiness: MailHome: Yes ErnailAddress: Rob—Melone@homail.com homail.com Bl: Submit rof0vicActivities Education - Owasso High School - Oradusted 1974 Top 20% class. Tulsa Con-Im. College �- attended 1974-1977 Okla Stae University m attended 1977-1978 Business Major I would like serve my community where I haved lived mostly since 1956, when I was born. I feel that I have the competency to serve on this board. I ask questions to make sure I have both sides of Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 issues. I try to be open minded about the challenges of serving on this board. I have worked with Rodney Ray on various issues concerning the Sports Park. He can verify that I would be an asset to the board. I have always tried to keep up with what is going on in Owasso and would like to see it grow in a controlled manner. 11 /4/200 Results from Form I of Page talent bank application.htm Page I of 2 From. anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 4:55 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank ProWivicActivities RUMMMIM BS University of Wisconsin 1982 Other college classes; Business Law Labor Law economics DescribeWhy I want to do what I can to ensure that Owasso develops physically and economically, and at the same time places a higher value on the livability of the city than trends seem to indicate it does. At the same time I want to do what I can to ensure the metrics used to gauge "livability" are in line with some of the broadly accepted definitions of livability. That makes a city a "best place to live?" 4/9/20031 Results from Form I of Page talent_bank—application.titm rage 2- w /- I bring to the boards/committees an emphasis on the citizen's perspective, a family perspective, and also what I consider to be a very reasonable, rational thought process, a good analytical ability and good business sense. And a sense of humor. I hear often that the city is governed by "old city fathers." I don't subscribe to this opinion, and by participating in the city governance process, I can demonstrate it is not true. 4/9/2003 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank—application.htm Page 1 of 2 Rooney, Timothy From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 1:11 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank F'irstNarne: Kim LNarne: Reeve Addressl: 12503 E. 77th Pl. North Address2: FIornePhone: 918®272-7217 WorkPhone: 918-835-9588 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes 1ResideCityNo: PresentErnployer: EIS,, Inc. ErnployersAddress: 6311 E. Tecumseh, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115 ErnpPosition: President A: Yes PlanningCorn: Yes OEDA: Watchdog: CIP: Yes Annex: PersPoard: MailBusiness: Mailllorne: Yes ErnailAddress: reeve@bklinc.com 1: Submit ProfCivieA etivities American Institute of .Architects Construction. Specifications Institute (Past Chapter president) Air .Force Academy Parents Organization due.ation Bachelor of Architecture,University of Arkansas, 1976 L'IM X � My background is in Architecture and Construction with an exposure to civil and structural engineering. I have spent over 30 years in the study and practice of Construction. I have a working knowledge of building codes, zoning codes and the decision making process. Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 I have lived in Owasso since 1987. 1 have spent most of my time in recent years solidifying our company position as a leader in the regional Architecture/Engineering community. My wife and I have raised three children in this community and have established our church family and friends here. I would like to give something back to the community that has been so good to my family. I believe that my years of experience will be of value to the process of City Government. 0/1 1�/')M'I Results from Form I of Page talent—bank_application.htm Page 1 of 2 Rooney, Timothy From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:03 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject- Talent Bank Pi-of0vicActivifies Deacon. Church of Christ of Owasso. I hope to add to my civic activities through participation on a city board or commission, BSBA (Accounting)-Tbe University of Tulsa Claremore Public Schools -Grades 1-12 As the City of Owasso continues to grow, I'm sure there are challenges to face concerning long-term strategies to ensure adequate funding and processes are in place to prevent the deterioration of the city's infrastructure and operational efficiency. The business process of projecting future needs and developing funding mechanisms is of critical importance and needs to occur in the most equitable manner to Z__ 4/21/2003 Results from Form I of Page talent—bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 citizens. My professional experience has developed capabilities that could be utilized in various tasks that these boards carry out to bring about solutions that are well analyzed and successfully implemented. The citizens of this community deserve to have their concerns and ideas communicated to city leaders on such major issues. My background in accounting, finance and information systems provide with me knowledge that would be an asset to many areas of city finance, community development and strategic planning. My e-:perience includes capital budgeting and forecasting for multi -billion dollar capital projects nrograms. also have experience in operational budgeting and forecasting. My experience with information systems implementation projects has included the development of business process improvements and enhance operational efficiencies. I also have experience in cash management and projecting cash flow needs. My experience would be best utilized in the detailed analysis and tasks in support of policy/program decisions. 4/21/2003 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_application.htm From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 9:20 AM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank F irstNam e: Kevin LName: Vanover Addressl: 10808 E. 117th Street N. Address2: HomePhone: 371-5965 or hone:615-7627 RegistereVoterYes: Yes egisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentErnployer: QuikTrip Corporation ErnployersAddress: 4705 South 129th East Avenue ErnpPosition: Civil Engineer BOA: Planningcarn: Yes OEDA: Watchdog: CIP: Annex: PersPoard: MailPusiness: MailIIorne: Yes ErnailAddress: kvanover@quiktrip.net El: Submit ProWivicActivities Member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, Oklahoma Society of Professional .Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, Participate in United Nay fund and Toys forTots fund raisers. Associates of Applied Science ® Drafting and Design, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Rachlor of Science Mechanical Engineering Technology, Oklahoma State University I would like to help glide the development of the community that I live in. Results from Form 1 of Page talent_ bank_ application.htm I have been involved in many presetnations given to planning commissions in cities such as Mesa, AZ, Phoenix, AZ, Tempe, AZ, Dallas, TX, Ft. Worth, TX and Tulsa. I have also been involved with developing commercial properties for the last eight years and feel that I have a lot of knowledge that can be useful to the City of Owasso. I have also been involved in developing several businesses in Owasso, including the Dirty Dawg Carwash and both new QuikTrip Stores. Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 11:26 AM To: ewiles@cityofowasso.com Subject: Planning Commission Mr. Wiles, K8vname imDuane Coppiok. Please consider nmefor appointment tothe Planning Commission. My contact information islisted below. If you need to namsb me before January 5th' you may reach me at my home phone number. Home: 272-7502 Office: 615-7752 Mobile: 906-9739 Email: kdcoppicckcox net Thank you for your consideration, C)uaneCoppiok 12/31/03 December 24, 2003 Mr. Eric Wiles Community Development Director City of Owasso I.O. Box 180 Owasso, OIL 74055 Dear Mr. Wiles: I am a 6-year resident of Owasso and am very interested in serving on the planning commission. Managing Owasso's growth over the next few years will be critical in shaping the bind of community we become — one that has a cohesive and consistent plan or one that embraces urban sprawl. Certainly, I think the former is preferable! I am an accountant by profession and have been looking for a way to become involved in the community — I think this would be a good fit. I hope you will consider me for one of the open positions. If you need additional information, please contact me at one of the numbers below. Jill . Endicott W 10 4 E 91" Cir N Owasso, OIL 74055 272-0427 (home) 491-4261 (work) VINES PROPERTIES, INC P. O. BOX 498 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918)272-2750 or371-9000 19 December 2003 Subject: Letter of Interest To: City of Owasso ATTN: Eric Wiles Community Development Director 1. This letter is to express my interest in serving on the Owasso Planning Commission. Although I have been involved with Owasso my entire life, I have been had a full time business in real estate investment in Owasso for 25 years. During that time I have been involved in purchasing, selling, renting, and developing property in Owasso and the surrounding area. I am a retired Military Officer and have served as an Ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce, a committee member of the Vision Owasso Transportation Committee, chairman of the Vision Owasso Economic Development Committee, and President of the German Corner Merchants Association. I have remained active in City events and have no personal conflicts with anyone currently on the Planning Commission. I have no development plans that would present a conflict of interest if appointed. I currently reside within city limits at 710 N Atlanta. 2. I appreciate your consideration. If you have any questions, please call meat the office. David Vines e, 1101 f� From: Rooney, Timothy Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:29 AM To: Wiles, Eric � �. ,�� ;, � � �. _. � � � s fir';' •_ ----- Original Message ri. Draper,D :ram • •r- r._r.. Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:24 AM To. dray@cityofowasso.co Subject. Owasso Planning Commission Openings I am resending the followinga. letter. ` apparently sonetwork problems r I am not sure �:: �properly transmitted. Please ;.�. the below letteras my formal request and disregard the -r o transmission. Sorry for the confusion. December 29, 2003 w I believe your office already has my resume in your data pool. My qualifications include a MBA in Business Administration, a Juris Doctor and current practice of law in Tulsa; and service on the Owasso Beard of Adjustment since June 2003. My direct experience regarding commercial development in Owasso also includes my own commercial project, which has recently received both Owasso Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission approval. I worked closely and diligently with Mr. Cuthbertson and Mr. Wiles, as well as several public works officials, in the procurement of City approval of my project. The learning experience of proceeding through the process has, I believe, also given me a unique understanding of the process and issues of consideration from a developer's perspective as well. Additionally, my residency in Barrington Point Estates, and the recent development of the Dome Depot area and concurrent road expansion of 129th St. north of my home, as well as other significant City development in the area, has given me a well-rounded understanding of the issues homeowners also experience as a result of the successful continued development of the City of Owasso. 1 .r. ;. is .rr i q i... r fir. a s .• -11ME r= = 12/31 /03 Page 2 of 2 requirements of service on the Owasso Planning Commission. My interest in this position is based upon my desire and interest in the well-being and continued development of the City of Owasso in both a business and residential friendly manner, in consistency with the City's Master Plan. | understand that sometimes those interests are difficult to harmonize. My intent asa Planning Commissioner appointee would be to pursue these goals with utmost effort to harmonize and maintain the sometimes competing interests between commercial growth and residential satisfaction. | believe there must always be proper balance between the two for osuccessful environment. Again, I appreciate your consideration for the open Owasso Planning Commission position(s). If I can provide wy do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Daniel D.Draper, U| Rhodem, Hieronymmuo, Jmnam, Tucher& Gable, P.L.L.C. 100W. 5th St, Ste. 400 12/31/03 jRN. 2.2004 2!58PM DETRICK RERLTY N!).OB9 P2 It 1 1 0401 R A — .1 1. — PA '_ P-1 Wool UEL3 9111nie EIS �iSfe mus flyl I I III InIrF LW neca , 4V 9 nAw 3., an V MW his 53 rM SUhlao-4- Pinnninn e"- ppryry rvvte etnn Im, erst City Of Owa8so From: Marilyn Hinkie Date: 12/31103 017: plal-Ining�uriFirli� lei if 1,07--uld be Interao-tGUA in helpling 1-11 th8 Planning Commission seat avallaOla for the, city of Owasso. ft Owasso Planning Goornmission as well as 3 Years on the TIMAPIC in the 70"S and 80's. So I have -orna ai ,- Ce. en I r, I am also afflatchil g a copy of my resume thad contains other facts about myself, Please foal -$Pea 'No contact me at work or any 11ome, M a rill y n Hll n kl a Prudentlaff klejlacnfi_� nepsom--t 800-446-9551) x30i or 1/2/04 2. 2004 21 i 5-OPH DETRICK RECiLTY HO e 009 P.3 207 y4est iflif) S!rO.-t pj"app 0. 0*4525, OK 7_4055 Fax 9 1, .1 2 1124M 1. E-mail Mh1nXl6207@AQ1._Qom bm mm w= Unq a OWMWANUMMAS& Naallwo MRL W-N MENWN MW mm ;P= M ta- — Eeguan'Hu" Oklahoma $fate University Stillwater, OK Halchalw of Science in Hanis Economics @ EI-11phasis In 011orric Management, Equiprinent and Farrilly Ecwnomlcs. I%-.,g --- I-rWag, 21111,2-Prissent PrUdOntial Detrick/Aillawe Realty Twlsa, OK P 4 ® UL11j experience t efforrall 1"'Nanagar 41101anage- IncomOng And outfugoling refermls of clients moving fia the, Tuisp, 0*12ihoma C1111YA8 Albuquerque t4M areas far Prudential DA 1. atf-10k , *11ance and Southwest Realty. John HaUsarri Realtors. TiAlsa, OK �� �w � John Referral Coordianater a i M"In-1ge InGwOrnn-W and OWEV-0irig refrVerrals rnoving 'to the If I" - Tulsa area or Irom the'r0sa area. in Pawnae corporate 1"Is5ivig from third party companies 400 Joao "airy MAX Owasso. OK Pirairno'-H sales and mrisumption of dairy produmm. r1evelopeJ and pimsented Wdiflon aU;,_qfion programs fior school foo U sue dfirs,.Amr. and programs for educatora 'to use in d1zissmorT-1 instruotfon. R Trained dairy case and store rnanagers in proper dalry mse' manp,gement. P RV-Prosented the dairy industry .11 Wade she an ension events. Q Pruvid-ad services to arem dairy farmem, VA 1995 johnl-iia4tom Fwalims Tkjlqvfi OK Orancl­g (.3"Ifflea Mariagalrflfl_ffokar and Sales loci is Residentinalreal est-ate sales assorl-,jIte. JAH2,2004 2!5OPM DETRICK REnLTY NO Oe-9 P11 jQOn 4^^A Q- TI u1sa County T ulsa, OK Mqualf-Ulibn and Exci5o Boarq Member Evaluated tax Protest 11-ur Tuffsa CoLijIty. PH Iw VW%4 cOull-l"q. cities and act ootdis if I ds budge,rs in -I uls a (;ountY- 1^01 14 - 19, V09, 1 rPublic Servics Co, of Okiahoma Tulsa, OK Morris EcovIamfist/Sales Repy&agntative N-Al-loped conaw-ner programs arid demonstrations ounceming foods n� and electrical arnplicatim— "'aLigh' classes In cookirig, 'Ritcher, planning, and light I Ing, Residentlaf sialesi, relarftentativa to new subdivisionle and n&N homeowners. Cvrq-P.—ff 101arriblar 01 the Owasso Board of EducrItIon for IQ years, Served a's rresiden! Wo years. S-arved on the CHLY and 'County PlIanning Commussion and !he Home Rule Charter Committee, A MIOMOOW Of Uhs LGaaue oll' Women Voters, Devb2ie chalmian, voter service chair main. _Senvad on the PAC Board for the American vptomOic ftisodation 8 y9ars Mad b-o2rd mq aambbeer of the ATnerIca n Op4;GrijeLric Assoclatlon M&IT-0,11-dCOS sus'In I-Iao-f Is, k1let76,krMIRBI To Usa Glhamber or Com muwe,, 616 South Boston, D4_- JdlqnsonO, O`Iwasric, Public Gehooll SupeNntendont 1501 North AA_�, elile V I I OWOSSO, K f 4955 918 2 —f4-5367 MW Month 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 January 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 23 64 54 February,: 3 4 7 10 11 10 >8 1i8 35 33 ::21 ;2 44 70 41: March 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 48 51 38 AprFi 6 9 3 E2 17 18 18 39 26 ;48 3.8 61 50 5i May 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 ....... 42 26 38 29 June 5 90 :.13 18 23 15 37 25 45 40 3 343 33 July 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 33 37 44 32 ,August ` 9 14 .1 10 9 26 :20 26 3:0 22 33 ::38 31 33 3:1 September 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 29 29 29 30 52 October 14 8 :. 9 17 $ 1;1 2Z 13 24 36 23 36 31 31 48 . November 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 26 14 18 24 .. 35 oe�emlaer.i parr 5 �0 9 3 19 28 21 42 2 29 29 35 51 Totals 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 377 406 524 479 Year to Date 479 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 377 406 524 ®ecember Year to ®ate Count -9540 u� '-'405 E m -270 i�135 a, 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 lJecernber Year to [late ®ollars $52,500,000 — $39,375,000 ------- ---------------- $26,250,000---------------- -- ------------ --------------- 0 $13,125,000---------- ----- ----- — °8 $0 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Ne CConstrud on hollers Totals for Each Year .S $52,500,000 p $39,375,000 --------------- -a___e_---- � asee._eese�_.,aeem_sae � _se_e $26,250,000 _ - _ - _ _ - - $13,125,000 -------- ---- ee__------_...... a� 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Month 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 January 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 February 0: 0 Q. ; ..... 0: ... E; .... 0 1 Z 0 7 12 2 March 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 P girl l 0: 1;; 1 :' .:.......... 1€: _ ......... 0 3 5 36 CI 1 8 1' May 0 1 1 1 2 . ........ 2 3 0 1 .....4 0 .....2 2 4 1 lone 0 .... 2: 0.: 0 2: 3 0 1 ... . July 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 7 0 1 0 .. 2; 3: 1 9 5 Q .. 1 2 3 September 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 Octofaer _........................ . .................... 1 ' .2: D ........ 2 . . 14 4 8 November 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 5 6 5 1 1 ecem er 0 1: [ D; 0 1, ;. �; 2 4 0 C7 0 Q:i D TOTALS 7 13 6 8 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 52 27 23 12 68 51 E 34 0 E 17 CL 0 $38,000,000 $28,500,000 $19,000,000 $9,500,000 $0 1989 c $38,000,000 $28,500,000 U � $'19,000,000 ®$9,500,000 C, $0 December _ 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 ADDRESS 11801 E 119 St No 11503 E 105 St No BUILDER Pavilion Homes Simmons Homes ADD/ZONE BFC/RS-3 SGP/RS-3 VALUE 94,920 111,384 A.S.F. 2260 2652 PERMIT # 03-1201-X 03-1202-X DATE 12/1/03 12/2/03 11504 N 120 E Ave Renaissance Homes RP/RS-3 77,742 1851 03-1203-X 12/2/03 11502 N 120 E Ave Renaissance Homes RP/RS-3 78,330 1865 03-1204-X 12/2/03 12002 E 115 P1 No Renaissance Homes RP/RS-3 77,196 1838 03-1205-X 12/2/03 11506 N 120 E Ave Renaissance Homes RP/RS-3 77,658 1849 03-1206-X 12/2/03 11508 N 120 E Ave Renaissance Homes RP/RS-3 75,306 1793 03-1207-X 12/2/03 11408 N 120 E Ave 9012 N 100 E Ave Renaissance Homes American Heartland RP/RS-3 FW/RS-3 75,558 100,170 1799 2385 03-1208-X 03-1209-X 12/2/03 12/3/03 9607 N 96 E Ave Simmons Homes NB/RS-3 64,974 1547 03-1210-X 12/3 003 11707 E 119 St No H B Contractors BFC/RS-3 84,756 2018 03-1211-X 12/3/03 15308 E 89 St No Capital Homes PL/RS-3 86,688 2064 03-1212-X 12/4/03 15321 E 89 St No Capital Homes PL/RS-3 93,450 2225 03-1213-X 12/4/03 14308 E 87 St No Village Development VSC/RS-3 104,160 2480 03-1214-X 12/4/03 8708 N 143 E Ave Village Development VSC/RS-3 104,160 2480 03-1215-X 12/4/03 8834 N 143 E Ave Westerfield Corporation VSC/RS-3 116,172 2766 03-1216-X 12/4/03 12656 E 86 PI No Claude Neon Signs RamPlza/CS 1,000 18 03-1217-S 12/4/03 12654 E 86 PI No Claude Neon Signs Ram.Plza/CS 1,000 18 03-1218-S 12/4/03 10303 E 97 Ct No Amber Lane Homes HC/RS-3 84,840 2020 03-1219-X 12/5/03 11801 N 118 E Ave Morton Homes BFC/RS-3 86,184 2052 03-1220-X 12/8/03 10724 E 121 St No Morton Homes CE/RS-3 81,018 1929 03-1221-X 12/8/03 13803 E 91 St No John K Davis Const NE/RS-2 125,370 2985 03-1222-X 12/9/03 12140 E 96 St N, #106 Rainbow Signs OLT/CS 1,900 31 03-1223-S 12/10/-3 10306 N 144 E Ave Capital Homes CC/RS-3 99,960 2380 03-1224-X 12/12/03 14106 E 103 St No Capital Homes CC/RS-3 113,820 2710 03-1225-717, 12/12/03 14202 E 103 St No Capital Homes CC/RS-3 150,864 3592 03-1226-X 12/12/03 8601 N 150 E Ave Capital Homes PL/RS-3 79,254 1887 03-1227-X 12/ 22/03 9704 N 98 E Ave 9814 E 97 PI No a 9700 N 98 E Ave 9800 N 98 E Ave 10003 E 97 PI No N 100 E Ave Strategic Homes Strategic Homes � Strategic Homes Strategic Homes Strategic Homes Strategic Homes HC/RS-3 HC/RS-3 HC/RS-3 HC/RS-3 HC/RS-3 HC/RS-3 92,442 92,442 92,442 107,142 102 942 107,142 2201 2201 2201 2551 2451 2551 03-1228-X 03-1229-X 03-1230-X 03-1231--X 03-1232-X 03-1233-X 12/15/03 12/15/03 12/15/03 12/15/03 ww 12/15/03 12/17/03 N 117E Ave L Eric Butler EC/RS-3 3,000 312 03-1234-X 12/17/03 1E 93 Ct No C & M Pools NE/RS-2 45,000 561 03-1235-P 12/17/03 15310 E 89 PI No Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 92,232 2196 03-1236-X 12/18/03 14002 E 116 St No 11511 N 131 E Ave Claude Neon Signs Prestige Homes Eggberts/CS GC/RS-3 30,000 77,700 244 1850 03-1237-S 03-1238-X 12/18/03 12/19/03 11508 N 132 E Ave Roberts Homes GC/RS-3 97,986 2333 03-1239-X 12/19/03 11503 N 131 E Ave Prestige Homes GC/RS-3 86,100 2050 03-1240-X 12/19/03 11505 N 131 E Ave Prestige Homes GC/RS-3 86,100 2050 03-1241-X 12/19/03 11507 N 131 E Ave Prestige Homes GC/RS-3 86,100 2050 03-1242-X 12/19/03 11509 N 131 E Ave Roberts Homes GC/RS-3 86,100 2050 03-1243-X 12/19/03 12502 E 96 St No Claude Neon Signs ONB/CS 45,100 120 03-1244-5 12/22/03 401 E 2nd ATNIAAX Signs KB/CS 11200 25 03-1245-5 12/22/03 11604 E 104 St No Premier Homes SGP/RS-3 92,820 2210 03-1246-X 12/30/03 10402 N 118 E Ave Premier Homes SGP/RS-3 88,116 2098 03-1247-X 12/30/03 11725 E 118 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 84,084 2002 03-1248-X 12/31/03 11532 E 117 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 84,084 2002 03-1249-X 12/31/03 11713 E 119 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 101,976 2428 03-1250-X 12/31/03 11725 E 119 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 84,084 2002 03-1251-X 12/31/03 11737 E 119 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 82,278 1959 03-1252-X 12/31/03 11731 E 119 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 81,480 1940 03-1253-X 12/31/03 14001 E 89 PI No Brumble Dodson Const WSC/RS-3 148,176 3528 03-1254-X 12/31/03 9914 N 140 E Ave Brumble Dodson Const WSC/RS-3 148,176 3528 03-1255-X 12/31/03 13901 E 90 St No Brumble Dodson Const WSC/RS-3 148,176 3528 03-1256-X 12/31/03 8903 N 140 E Ave Brumble Dodson Const WSC/RS-3 148,176 3528 03-1257-X 12/31/03 8905 N 140 E Ave Brumble Dodson Const WSC/RS-3 164,010 3905 03-1258-X 12/31/03 13906 E 90 St No Brumble Dodson Const WSC/RS-3 164,010 3905 03-1259-X 12/31/03 51 Single Family 5,070,450.00 120,725 Sq Ft 1 Residential -Addition 3,000.00 312 Sq Ft i Pool 45,OOO.00 561 Sq Ft 6 Suns 80,200M 456 Sq Ft 59 Building Permits ,_ .%n. 5,198,650.00 122,054 Sq Ft BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPOR FO DECEMBER 2003 Total Fees Building Permits Issued 45 7,633.30 Economic Development 42 5,372.50 Mechanical Permits Issued 44 3,190.00 Electrical Permits Issued 52 3,390.00 Plumbing Permits Issued 57 3,530.00 Recreation Development 42 6,325.00 Sign Permits Issued 4 100.00 Reinspection Fees 0 0.00 Sewer Taps 52 16,800.00 Water Taps 25 10,900.00 Water Meter Deposits 21 1,050.00 TOTAL PERMITS 384 $58,290.80 Building 132 Mechanical 86 Electrical 159 Plumbing 213 Reinspection 38 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 628 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS December 31, 2003 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 11.8 Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) 133 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 Brookfield Crossing (11/02) 134 Camden Park II (11/00) 42 Central Park II (7/97) 96 Coffee Creek (04/01) 101 Country Estates II (6/97) 193 Country Estates III (3/99) 61 Country Estates IV (4/00) 158 Country Estates V (01/02) 187 Country Estates VI (11/03) 37 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 Fairways 11 (1/97) 84 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 Fairways V (8/99) 71 Fairways VI (12/00) 42 Garrett Creek (9/2003) 84 Honey Creek (4/02) 202 Metro Heights (11/01) 52 Metro Heights II (6/02) 42 New Brunswick (07/03) 42 Nottingham Estates II (3/97) 15 Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) 23 Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) 20 Nottingham Estates V (3/01) 44 Freston Lakes (12/00) 272 Freston Lakes II (12/01) 120 Freston Lakes Amended (12/01) 30 Remington Park (12/03) 57 Sawgrass Park (01/02) 178 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) 62 Watercolors (12/02) 40 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 84 TOTALS 3426 r - f 9 W 2 1 2 16 4 4 69 3 4 46 2 3 0 37 34 1 1 1 5 76 4 6 43 20 69 59 8 24 12 3 9 13 21 38 39 0 51 64 5 54 29 8 890 The Willows at Silver Creek (VOC Watercolors (12/02 The Village at Silver Creek (09/02 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97 Sawgrass Park (01/02 Remington Park (12/03 Preston Lakes Amended (12/01 Preston Lakes II (12/01 Preston Lakes (12/00 Nottingham Estates V (3/01 Nottingham Estates IV (8/01 Nottingham Estates III (9/99. Nottingham Estates If (3/97' New Brunswick (07/03: Metro Heights II (6/02; Metro Heights (11/01: Honey Creek (4102) Garrett Creek (9/2003) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways II (1/97) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Double Oaks Ill (8/93) Double Oaks II (8/92) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates V (01/02) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates II (6/97) Coffee Creek (04/01) Central Park It (7/97) Camden Part( II (11/00) Brookfield Crossing (11/02) Broadmore Heights (10/92) Brentwood Village (6/99) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Barrington Point III (8/96) Bailey Ranch Est 11 (6199) Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 0 50 100 __ 150 _ 200 250 300 0Total Lots Lots Developed I OCCUPANCY APERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JAN NARY 2003 Shekinah Glory House of Prayer 11215 No Garnett, Suite A-1 Kwik Nick's Convenience Store 9600 No Garnett Owasso Family Church Daycare 507 E 2nd Ave Kevin Fitch Office 12811 E 86 PI No, #107 American Rent to Own 209 E 2nd Ave, #4 Bronzie Tanz 12702 E 86 St No FEBRUARY Rachel's Cafe 8751-F No 117 E Ave A Cut Above the Rest 8805 N 145 E Ave, #101 y�� Kwik Kar Lube 8091 Owasso Expressway Oriental Pearl Restaurant 12140 E 96 St No, #100 Oklahoma Baptist Home 7301 N 127 E Ave Subway 12140 E 96 St No, #110 Daylight Donuts 12140 E 96 St No Owasso Exp Office Center 7720 Owasso Expressway Bell Granite & Marble 206-A E. 5th St True Trust Mortgage 8805 N 145 E Ave 9" � " New 1/3/03 2/1/03 Yes New 1 /7/03 1 /21 /03 Yes New 1/14/03 2/17/03 Yes New 1 /20/03 1 /20/03 Yes New 1/27/03 2/19/03 Yes New 1/29/03 2/10/03 Yes New 2/3/03 2/12/03 Yes Relocate 2/4/03 2/10/03 Yes New 3/5/03 3/7/03 Yes New Owner 3/7/03 3/8/03 Yes New 3/6/03 3/20/03 Yes New 3/11/03 3/10/03 Yes New 3/11/03 3/19/03 Yes New 3/13/03 3/24/03 Yes New 3/20/03 3/21/03 Yes New 3/28/03 4/1 /03 Yes New 3/26/03 3/26/03 Yes Secret Gardens 12140 E 96 St No, #108 New Romeo's Pizza 12140 E 96 St No, #106 New Atlas Internet Solutions 8571 Owasso Expressway A New Owasso Public Schools 12901 E 86 St No New Industrial Consultants 8805 N 145 E Ave, #107 & 108 New Vince Werner Office 121 South Main Street New Trails End Sport Cycles 8361 Owasso Expressway New Oriental Pearl Restaurant 12140 E 96 St No, #100 New Case & Associates 8751 No 97 E Ave, #800 Case & Associates 8751 No 97 E Ave, #900 Case & Associates 8751 No 97 E Ave, #1000 Case & Associates 8751 No 97 E Ave, #1100 Case & Associates 8751 No 97 E Ave, #1200 Case & Associates 8751 No 97 E Ave, #1300 C & R Liquor 11230 N Garnett Rd Coldwell Banker 12416 & 18 E 86 St No Green Country Urgent Care 8751 No 117 E Ave, #H Arvest Bank 11501 E 76 St No JUNE (Michael Intrieri Brokerage Firm 8805 N 145 E Ave Paradise Donuts 8513 N 129 E Ave Baptist Home Care Med Equip 208 E 5th Ave, #E Coffee Creek Pool House 10221 N 143 E Ave Citi Financial 423 E 2nd Ave Children's Clinic of Owasso 8439 N 117 E Ave 4/1/03 4/16/03 Yes 4/2/03 4/9/03 Yes 4/4/03 4/7/03 Yes 4/9/03 4/21/03 Yes 4/7/03 4/8/03 Yes 4/14/03 4/21/03 Yes 4/16/03 4/22/03 Yes 4/23/03 4/23/03 Yes New 5/1/03 5/1/03 Yes New 5/1/03 5/1/03 Yes New 5/1/03 5/1/03 Yes New 5/1/03 5/1 /03 Yes New 5/1/03 5/1/03 Yes New 5/1/03 5/1/03 Yes New Owner 5/1/03 6/1/03 Yes New Location 5/4/03 5/1/03 Yes New 5/6/03 5/12/03 Yes New 5/23/03 9/2/03 Yes New 6/2/03 5/23/03 Yes New 6/4/03 6/9/03 Yes New 6113/03 6/16/03 Yes New 6/16/03 6/19/03 Yes New 6/17/03 6/20/03 Yes New 6/20/03 6/30/03 Yes Zook's 12802 E 86 St No Surcee 8787 Owasso Exp Kenosha Fast Lube 9700 N 119 E Ave The Car Wash 9800 N 119 E Ave AUGUST American Airlines Federal C.U. 12411 E 96 St No Okla Baptist Childrens Home 7301 N 127 E Ave Virgil's Small Engine repair 308-D E. 5th Ave Check 'n Go 8787 Owasso Exp, G Qwik Fix Computer Service 8361 Owasso Exp, D LA Weight Loss 407 E 2nd Ave Northeast Elementary 13650 E 103 St No Moto Photo 11618 E 86 St No Kirby Agency 12811 E 86 PI No, #107 -ar, Nose, Throat & Allergy Ctr 8231 Owasso ExA Stached Motorsports 306 E 5th Ave Tubby Dawgs 8521 N 129 E Ave ShapeXpress 8787 Owasso Exp, #J Check First, Inc 10701-C E. 86 St No Waffle House 503 E 2nd St Owasso Staffing 117-B South Main Scoops 12104 E 96 St No, #106 8th Grade Center Gym 13901 E 86 St No 1 st Integrity Realty Group 11612 E 86 St No Allied Insurance Assoc. 8555 No 117 E Ave, #103 CJ's Western Wear 8787 Owasso Exp, #K & L Triad Printing, Inc 12656 E 86 PI No (Owasso Public SchlAKitchen 10221 E 96 St No Today's Kid 12412 N 86 St No NOVEMBE The Tint Shop 7808 Owasso Exp Owasso Game Day Sportwear 12652 E 86 PI No Advance America Cash Center 12332 E 86 St No Car Spa of Owasso 7800 Owasso Exp, #A Carbelo's Low Cara Foods 102 South Main DECEMBER Ram Auction 202 E 5th Ave Olde Town Interiors, Inc. 104 S Main Chickasaw Child Support Enf. 9200 No Garnett Chg of Owner 7/3/03 8/3/03 Yes New 7/7/03 8/1/03 Yes New 7/17/03 6/30/03 Yes New 7/24/03 7/29/03 Yes New 8/1/03 9/10/03 Yes New 8/4/03 8/8/03 Yes New 8/11/03 8/15/03 Yes New 8/14/03 8/18/03 Yes New 8/15/03 8/18/03 Yes New 8/26/03 9/2/03 Yes Addition 8/13/03 8/21/03 Yes New 8/21/03 9/22/03 Yes New 8/25/03 9/2/03 Yes New 8/29/03 8/30/03 Yes New 9/5/03 9/9/03 Yes New 9/3/03 9/20/03 Yes New 9/15/03 9/15/03 Yes New 9/15/03 9/15/03 Yes New 9/23/03 9/27/03 Yes New 9/26/03 9/29/03 Yes New 10/3/03 10/15/03 Yes New -Addition 10/13/03 10/17/03 No Expansion 10/13/03 10/13/03 Yes New 10/15/03 11/2/03 Ye - New 10/16/03 10/29/03 Yes New 10/26/03 11/17/03 Yes New 10/27/03 10/20/03 Yes Relocation 10/28/03 10/23/03 Yes New 11/11/03 11115/03 Yes New 11/12/03 11/19/03 Yes New 11/13/03 11/20/03 Yes New 11/13/03 11/13/03 Yes New 11/18/03 11/24/03 No New 12/4/03 1/2/04 Yes New 12/8/03 12/1/03 Yes New 12/29/03 12/29/03 Yes M City of Owasso FY 2003-2004 Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May .Jun Year -to -Date sales Tax Totals $12,000,000 --- $10,000,000 $8,000,000 ----- — — __ $6,000,000 f $2,000,000 -- _ $a Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun - *-- •Budgeted Last Year Actual C4- City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison January 4, 2004 Actual Collections Budget Projections Over (Under) Projection Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent Jul $ 884,378.03 9.27% $ 875,500.00 9.18% $ 8,878.03 1.01% Aug 783,796.99 8.22% 824,500.00 8.64% (40,703.01) -4.94% Sep 837,825.86 8.78% 785,000.00 8.23% 52,825.86 6.73% Oct 827,379.65 8.67% 774,000.00 8.11% 53,379.65 6,90% Nov 789,547.23 8.28% 760,000.00 7.97% 29,547.23 3.89% Dec 813,304.21 8.53% 740,000.00 7.76% 73,304.21 9.91% Jan 901,348.13 9.45% 860,000.00 9.01% 41,348.13 4.81% Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals $5,619,000.00 58.90% $5,837,580.10 61.19% $218,580.10 3.89% City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Two Year Comparisor. January 4, 2004 Fiscal 2003-2004 Percent Amount of Budget $ 884,378.03 9.27% 783,796.99 8.22% 837,825.86 8.78% 827,379.65 8.67% 789,547.23 8.28% 813,304.21 8.53% 901,348.13 9.45% Fiscal 2002-2003 Percent Amount of Actual $ 902,614.21 9.33% 849,816.70 8.79% 810,343.87 8.38% 797,994.95 8.25% 772,338.00 7.99% 752,158.14 7.78% 875,769.31 9.05% Amount Percent (18,236.18) -2.02% (66,01911) -7.77% 27,481.99 3.39% 29,384.70 3.68% 17,209.23 2.23% 61,146.07 8.13% 25,578.82 2.92% Totals $ 5,837,580.10 61.19% $ 5,761,035.18 100.00% $ 76,544.92 1.33% City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years Jul $ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 884,378.03 783,796.99 837,825.86 827,379.65 789,547.23 813,304.21 901,348.13 902,614.21 $ 849,816.70 810,343.87 797,994.95 772,338.00 752,158.14 875,769.31 833,903.37 725,837.29 698,079.88 828,522.14 824,521.64 MINIM 730,980.71 $ 742,510.61 739,427.61 702,584.38 661,865.50 707,295.77 842,241.31 929,305.19 769,895.99 721,356.83 848,756.62 450,447.01 555,956.58 $ 515,693.51 574,244.87 557,181.50 538,923.33 595,405.06 612,817.16 759,589.91 580,462.39 571,058.89 874,950.84 689,116.05 QW 0, 511,393.24 497,158.26 557,555.78 4663