HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.01.27_City Council Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special January 27,2004 6:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall, Downstairs Conference Room 111 N. Main Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, January 23,2004. v0 AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Cochran 2. Discussion on Fahways Drainage Improvements. Mr. Can 3. Planning Commission applicant interviews. City Council The City Council will be conducting interviews in order to fill three (3) vacancies on the Owasso Planning Commission. 4. Adjournment. H:\Agendas\Council Work Scssion\O 12704.doc #2 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHRIS CROSS /J /. ~ PROJECT ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: FAIRWAYS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER AND FINAL PAYMENT DATE: January 14, 2004 BACKGROUND: This project involves the construction of drainage modifications in the Fairways at Bailey Ranch. Design was initiated in July 2003 by Atkins-Benham and was fmished in August 2003. Council awarded the construction contract to Morton Excavating for the amount of$158,714.30 on September 11,2003. Final inspection was conducted on December 4,2003 and all items identified at the fmal inspection requiring conection to meet city standards have been completed. The contractor provided a one-year maintenance bond for the work as part of the Contract Documents. Progress payments have been made in the amount of $150,778.58. Pay Application No.3 (see Attachment A) in the amount of$34,027.20 was submitted on January 8,2004 by the contactor as request for final payment. CHANGE ORDER: Construction activities for the project in and around an existing pond revealed some unforeseeable conditions. Accordingly, extra work was performed to complete the intended design. These changes resulted in additional costs to the project contract amount. General Conditions Paragraph 109.04, Extra Work, states the following: When and as ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall do any work or furnish any materials which cannot reasonably be classified under any of the items of the contract but which may be found necessary in order to carry out and complete more :fully the work herein agreed to be done and perfonned. Change Order No.1 (see Attachment B) in the amount of$3,000.00 provided for construction of 500 linear feet of 6-inch perforated pipe entrenched in washed rock backfill. The underdrain was required to collect groundwater along the berm and was found to be essential to satisfactorily complete the contract within its intended scope. This work was performed in the initial stages of the project as directed by city staff. Council is requested to authorize the extra work at this time. Page 2 Fairways at Bailey Ranch Drainage Improvements Additionally, the contract was awarded as a unit price bid based on the best estimate of required quantities. It was anticipated that a quantity adjustment be made at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided. A total unit price adjustment in the amount of$23,091.48 is requested to adjust pay quantities and provide final payment (see Attachment C). The total cumulative amount for the change order and quantity adjustments is $26,091.48. FUNDING SOURCE: An adjustment in the contract will be required to reflect the following: Original Contract Amount Change Order No. 1 Quantity Adjustment Revised Contract Total $ 158,714.30 $ 3,000.00 $ 23,091.48 $ 184,805.78 Funds for this project were included in Capital Projects ofthe General Fund and in the Stormwater Management Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order Number 1 for the Fairways Drainage Improvements Project in the amount of $3,000.00, quantity adjustments in the amount of $23,091.48 (resulting in a revised total contract amount of$184,805.78) and acceptance of the project with release of retain age and final payment to Morton Excavating in the amount of $34,027.20. ATTACHMENTS: A. Pay Request No.3 - Final B. Change Order No.1 C. Final Quantity Adjustment I, I I II I I I I (, ~ r ATTACHMENT A APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT 3 Page One of TO: (Owner) Ci ty of Owasso Contract Date: 10-01-0'3 FROM: (Contractor) I'll orton Excavating P,O, Box 428 Coweta, OK 74429 Application Date: 1-08-04 Period To: 12-31-03 Distribution To: Owner Architect Contractor Engineer PRomCT: CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACTOR'S APPliCATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract Continuation sheetis attached. 1. Original Contract Sum $ 158,714-,30 2. Net Change by Change Orders $~ ~OOO. Ot) 30 Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 & 2) $ 158 t 71L)., 30 40 Total Completed & Stored to Date $ 18l!-, 805,78 (Column G on Continuation Sheet) 50 Retainage: a. 0 % of Completed Work -O~ (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL o of Stored Material -o~ (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line 5b) o..o~ Total Earned Less Retainage (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) $ 181G.805. 78 .~_~_ 70 Less Previous Certificates for Payment $ 1501778.58 0403 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 8 of 15 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ ~Li.027.20 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) $ -0- CHANGE ORDER SlTh1JVlARY: ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Change Orders approved in previous months by Owner TOTALS $ $ Approved this month Number $ $ Date Approved TOTALS $ $ Net Change by Change Orders The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information, and belief, the work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for work for which previous Certificates for Payrrient were issued and payments received fTom the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now dueo CONTRACTOR: .0 i A I . BY:-4lo~~ _ Jan. 8 2004 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) SS COUNTY ) Subscribed and sworn to before me tPls 8 day of 2004 (SEAL) ANITA K. SANCHEZ Notary Public - State of Oklahoma Wagoner County My Commission Expires Jun. 18, 2005 o [b ~kL\~ /'. . t~. c Il ~.J._Jfvvt l ~~ Notary Public ~ Anita K. Sanchez Commission# 01010168 My Commission 3:xpires: 0403 AGREEJ\.1ENT 00300 - Page 9 of 15 I at""'./ ARCmrnCT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on onsite observations and the date comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's/Engineer's knowledge, information, and belief, the work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: By: Date: ~//~, / /l4~f"4. , This certificate ~s not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor "named herein. Issuance, payment, and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. 0403 AGREEl'v1ENT 00300 - Page 10 of 15 ATTACHMENT B SECTION 00600 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT:FairwaY'8 at Bailey Ranch Drainage Improvements CONTRACT DATE: 10-01-03 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 DATE: 10-29-03 TO CONTRACTOR: Morton Excavating CONTRACT FOR: Fairway's at Bailey Ranch Drainage Improvements The Contract is changed as follows: Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Snm was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be ~ (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) @1chan:~ecD by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is .li,."I1T . ? 9 1 ? 0 03 $1.58,714.30 $-0- $1.58,714,30 $ 3,000.00 $161,71L~.30 C -0- ) days. NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. ~arton EX08vBtine CONTRACTOR OWNER - ADDRESS ADDRESS ~+.2~~~ BY DATE 10-2 -03 DATE 0403 CHANGE ORDER 00600 - Page 1 of 1 ! \ \r ; it Estim ed Desgription Quantity Rock Excavation Mt t :2 1 -3,750.00 Select Borrow 1,692.00 15,109.56 C Y 7092 1.551, 1,192.00 1,847.60 --------Ernbankments Solid Slab Sod Wt 2,568.00 1 3,184.3L2 WIN �11 (I 0.00j., 001d�.- ( 800 . #3 MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF THREE PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS DATE: January 19, 2004 BACKGROUND: The staff has received letters of resignation frmn three Planning Commissioners, Mr. Dewey Brown, Mr. Charles Willey, and Mr. Bill Williams. The vacancies left by these three resignations leave two members on the commission. In December, the City solicited letters of interest from Owasso citizens who would like to serve on the Planning Commission, Additionally, the staff took eight names from the City's talent bank who indicated an interest in the Planning Commission. The staff received conespondence from five individuals interested in the positions, bringing the total number of interested citizens to thirteen. In subsequent communications, the staff discovered that one of the talent bank applicants, Mr. Jolm Marshall, is ineligible for appointment because he lives outside Owasso City Limits. Another talent bank applicant, Mr. Bill Roach, would like to be considered in the future but will not be able to serve during the first few months of this year and has removed himself from consideration. INTERVIEWS OF INTERESTED PERSONS: The staff has been directed to prepare interviews of the interested persons for the council to conduct at a special meeting on January 27th at 6PM at City Hall in the lower level conference room. The staff has scheduled eleven interviews Rnd allotted fifteen minutes for each interview. The staff is providing the council with a list of the interested persons to be interviewed, along with conespondence they have provided. Also, the stafr has prepared a list of suggested interview questions, though the council members could certainly ask any questions they might deem appropriate. In the attachments, the members are listed in the order that they will appear to be interviewed on January 2ih. Each person has been assigned a corresponding tab number to make his or her individual information more accessible. RECOMMENDATION: There is no staff recommendation as to who should fill the three vacant Planning Commission positions, however, the positions should be filled reasonably soon. Two members remain on the Planning Commission, and as these two do not constitute a quorum, it would serve the City well to increase their number back to five by the February 9th Planning Commission meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of suggested interview questions 2. List of interested citizens 3. Correspondence submitted by interested citizens 10 Questions for Planning Commission Interviews 1. What does planning mean to you? 2. What are your views on the growth of Owasso and what Owasso should be in the future? 3. Do you have any experience with planning issues? 4. Would your schedule allow you to consistently participate in the public hearings every month? The Planning Commission meets at 7PM on the Monday following the fIrst Tuesday of every month. 5. The staff attempts to meet individually with aU members ofthe Planning Commission on a monthly basis. With your schedule, would such meetings be practical for you? 6. In your opinion, what are the strengths of Ow as so? 7. How do you view Owasso's relationship and role in the Tulsa metropolitan area and with the broader Green Country region? 8. What do you believe the Planning Commission's role is in the municipal government? What is the role of municipal government? 10. The Planning Commission is an advisory board that forwards recommendations to the City Council. How would you feel if the council went a direction other than what the planning commission recommended on a specific issue? PERSONS INTERESTED IN FILLING PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCIES Persons From the Talent Bank 1. Mr. Albro Daniel 305 South Main hm: (918) 812-6309, wk: (918) 590-2561 2. Mr. Lephus Brooks 10210 E. 89th Street hm: (918) 272-8592 3. Mr. Kim Reeve 12503 East 7ih Place North hm: (918) 272-7217, wk: (918) 835-9588 4. Mr. Duane Coppick 9908 N 114th E Ct. hm: (918) 272-7502, wk: (918) 906-9739 5. Ms. Jill Endicott 10304 East 91 st Circle North hm: (918) 272-0427, wk: (918) 491-4261 6. Mr. Erik Miller 7713 North 126th East Avenue hm: (918) 272-0964, wk: (918) 292-3245 7. Mr. David Vines 71 0 North Atlanta hm: (918) 272-2750, wk: (918) 371-9000 ~t Ms. Marilyn Hinkle 207 W. 16th Street hm: (918) 272-1354, wk: (800) 446-9550 ext. 301 9. Mr. Kevin Vanover 10808 East 11 ih Street North hm: (918) 371-5965, wk: (918) 615-7627 10. Mr. Daniel Draper wk: (918) 582-1173 11. Mr. Rob Malone 8012 North 11Sth East Avenue hm: (918) 272-291 wk: (918) 272-7757