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2004.02.10_City Council Agenda_Special
F!UBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THi OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: February 10, 2004 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Downstairs Conference Room H! N. Main Notice and agenda filed in the office of the C't Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin at 4:00 PM on Friday, February 6, 2004. ' I /�tfliann M. �Stevens, 1. Call to Order Mayor Cochran 2. Discussion relating to City Finances. Ms. Bishop Attachment #2 A. Worker's Compensation Self Insurance Fund B. Revenue Anticipation Note for Capital Projects ihistrative Assistant 3. Discussion relating to Public Works items. Mr. Carr Attachment #3 A. Change Order No. I relating to E. 86'h Street North Improvements IL'Agendas\Cooncil Work SesstojM2100-1 doe Owasso City Council February 10, 2004 Page 2 4. Discussion relating to Planning Items. Mr. Cuthbertson Attachment #4 A. Annexation request from Dominion Corporation of 19.75 acres, more or less, B. Rezoning request from Owasso Land Trust L.L.C. of 3.2 acres, more or less. C. Easement Closure request from Bob Jones of Charney & Buss. D. Final Plat request from Paragon Development Group for Garrett Creek, 5. Discussion relating to Legislative Consortium update. Mr. Wiles 6. Discussion relating to Operational Issues. Mr. Rooney Attachment #6 A. Storm Siren Update B. Ordinance Amendment for Sexually Oriented Businesses 7. City Manager Items. Mr. Ray Attachment #7 A. Discussion relating to the filing of an amicus brief in the Oklahoma Supreme Court in a case appealing a Corporation Commission order relating to the purchase of electricity by AEP/PSO from Lawton Co -Generation Facility. B. Discussion relating to the City of Owasso filing for intervener status in an AEP/ PSO rate case currently pending before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. C. Discussion relating to Owasso's long range water supply. D. Discussion relating to a request from the Chamber of Commerce. E. Discussion relating to the FY2004-05 budget. F1 Agendas COLUIC11 Rork Sessiow021004.doc Owasso City Council February 10, 2004 Page 3 F. Discussion relating to Storm Sirens. G. January building Permit Report. Adjournment. H.%Agendas�Council %Volk Scssion%031004.doc TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION WORKERS' COMPENSATION SELF INSURANCE FUND DATE: February 5, 2004 The city has been self insured for workers' compensation claims for fourteen years. In August of 1991, the City Council approved Resolution No. 91-04 creating a Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund. The City, the OPWA and the ®PGA pay workers' compensation insurance G�premiums" into the city's Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund. All expenses associated with providing workers' compensation benefits for city and authority employees are paid from the fund. The first year of the self-insurance program the annual "premium" paid equaled the actual premium of $199,260 paid the previous year with the goal of building to a $400,000 "loss fund." With the success of the self-insurance program, the annual premium paid into the fund has actually decreased. The current premium is 2.6 % of payroll for a $156,000 budget. Because the total payroll has increased over the years, the "loss fund" was allowed to increase beyond the original goal. The current fund balance is approximately $800,000. This year and last year have had some unusually expensive claims. The current budget for medical claims is $85,000. The payments for medical claims this fiscal year to date is $112,671. The most expensive medical claims have already been paid but a budget supplement is needed for this fiscal year. Staff will request a $70,000 budget supplement for the Workers' Compensation Self Insurance Fund. Workers' Comp Self Ins Fund, Financial Statement History VVnrhers CumpSelf-|nnFund Financial Statement History 02/05/04 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual YTD FY1992 FY1993 FY1004 FY18S5 FY189S FY1997 FY1S98 FY1999 FY20O0 FY2001 FY2VO2 FY2UO3 FY2nV4 REVENUES Faoa 190.250 184.260 184.200 184.200 154.280 169.127 173.410 173.400 173.400 173.400 153.400 150.489 70.440 Interest 3.616 7.439 12.571 10.093 22.856 28.104 30.797 42.395 38.933 41.200 30.145 21.143 5.457 Reimbursement 114 ' ' - ' 6054 10814 - ' ' - 18808 13727 TOTALREVENUE8 202.898 191.699 198.831 180.353 r EXPENSES Prof services 10.000 10'220 9.135 12.879 12.874 10.050 18.854 18.255 19.021 18.984 24.096 22.125 15.416 WC insurance 27.900 15.234 10.835 10.380 32.123 19.765 12.582 12.973 10.744 12.129 10.989 30.354 28.789 Medical services 4.002 61.238 27.003 18.695 9.421 39.895 31.744 45.795 08.304 55.184 57.203 88.798 112.671 Compensation claims NA NA NA 2.507 4.830 3.809 3.374 23.156 27.807 8.130 18.801 28.092 13.751 Settlements - - - 79.302 4051 - 40416 32427 40922 21983 38763 41068 57373 Sub -total expenses 42.502 86.692 52.873 121.824 63.8 |N8Rinor(door) 101,000 TOTALEXPENSES 42.562 80.892 153.973 50.1 NET 180/428 105.007 42.858 121.161 113.700 07.8 RETAINED EARNINGS Beginning balance 7/1 - 180/420 265,435 308,293 420,454 543.154 610.049 737.888 800.277 807.626 843.113 837.615 800.809 Ending balance 6/3O 31 � Accrued liability for claims (|BNF) 101,000 38 TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: SHER_R11Y BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. CAPITAL PROJECT FINANCING REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE DATE: February 6, 20(l Many months ago the City Council, the Capital Improvements Committee and city staff began an effort to develop a strategy that would reduce the cost of financing major capital improvement projects. One element of the desired concept includes the use of line -of -credit financing so that funds could be drawn only as needed thereby reducing interest costs. A Revenue Anticipation Note (RAN) issued by the OPWA would meet the need for short-term construction financing for the city's capital improvement projects. A Revenue Anticipation Note (RAN) is a debt secured by a future revenue source. In this case, the revenue anticipated to pay the note would be future permanent financing with our local banks. The City of Owasso utilizes a "pooled" cash system for the receipt, disbursement and investment of funds. The Consolidated Cash Fund includes all cash for the city and the trust authorities (except OEDA). The total in the Consolidated Cash Fund varies throughout the year depending on cash flows and iyiajoi purchases. The Consolidated Cash Fund currently has $5 million in certificates of deposit earning from 1.3% to 1.35%. Municipal funds are restricted to secure investments, so interest rates are always low. Current interest rates are extremely low. One investment option available to the City is a RAN issued by a trust authority of the city. A RAN offers advantages for both the Authority and the City. The Authority can borrow funds through a fairly simple process at a low interest rate and the City can acquire a secure investment at better interest rates. One effect of this action is the reduction in the cash balances of city funds on deposit with our local banks. However, staff is of the opinion that investing the city's Consolidated Cash Fund in a RAN of the OPWA would be a more productive and effective use of the funds. The use of a RAN by the city would then provide for the concept of line -of -credit financing for future projects, allow local banks to have a first option for long-term financing, and put the city money to work in a more efficient manner. Some of the actions by the City Council and the OPWA Trustees that would be anticipated if this approach is used are: 1. Approval of a Resolution of the City authorizing the investment in a RAN of the OPWA, 2. Approval of a Resolution of the OPWA authorizing the borrowing and issuance of a RAN, 3. Authorize the transfer of the proceeds of the RAN from the OPWA to the Capital Improvements Fund of the City. TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO DATE: February 5, 2004 BACKGROUND: The 1998 bond issue included the E. 861h Street North Improvements (from N. 129h E, Avenue to N. 145t" East Avenue) involving widening of the street to five lanes, construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, and signalization at the 8th Grade Center. On August 5, 200' ), City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $2,472,065.20. It is the intention of the City of Owasso to ensure completeness of the contract plans and specifications, however, this contract includes construction which may result in unforeseeable circumstances and field changes. As a result, a process using Work Change Directives has been developed for use ' in situations involving changes in work which, if not processed expeditiously, might delay the project. RESOLUTION 2003-12: Council adopted Resolution 2003-12 on August 19, 2003 (see Attachment A) delegating the City Manager the authority to make Work Change Directives in accordance with the following criteria Work Change Directives for an amount not to exceed $10,000 per occurrence and a maximum cumulative total of $3- )0,000 per Change Order. It was also stated at that time that once the work was completed or a final cost and time determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order (see Attachment B). The Change Orders will be submitted to Council for final review and consideration. Page 2 Change Order Number 1 E. 86t1' Street North Improvements CHANGE ORDER NUMBER Io Work Change Directives for this project have been authorized in conformance with the established procedure. Changes that have been authorized to date are as follows. Work Change Directive Date Authorized Of Work- ('+ costTotal Cumulative Total Number -L 1 12/1/03 Relocation of sewer to replace lift station to $6,495.92 $6,495.92, preserve trees 2 1/9/04 Lower 12®inch water line to accommodate _ $9,500.00 $15,995.92 extension of driveways 3 1/26/04 Extend driveways to proposed roadway $4,296.00 $20,291.92 elevations 4 1/27/04 dock out concrete paving for future placement $2,474.00 $22,765.92 of drainage structure S _ 1/27/04 Change hot rubber joint sealer to silicone sealant $9,143.00 $31,908.92 and eliminate centerline joint Since the cumulative total of authorized work change directives has exceeded $30,000, a Change Order is being submitted for Council approval at this time. 'Therefore, Change Order Number 1 in the amount of $31,908.92 (representing 1.29 percent of the original contract amount) is proposed for authorization and modification to the total contract amount to a total of $2, 50-3, 974.10. FUNDING: Funds for the Change Order are available in the Capital Improvements Fund. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order Number 1 to the contract for E. 86t" Street North Improvements (N. 129t' E. Avenue to N. 145"' E. Avenue) with Becco Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $31,908.92 and a revised contract total amount of $2,503,974.10. ATTACHMENTS - A. City of Owasso Resolution No. 2003-12 B. Memorandum to Council dated August 14, 2003 C. Work Directive Changes 1®5 FED-05-2004 17:10 C I TY OF 01,0ASSO 918 376 15913 P.01 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 2003-12 A RESO-UUTION OFrUE CITY COU-NCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK MA. -'D M EAV E TO ,RE,L-NTI-.NGTOTHE.EAST 86THSTREE,rNC)RTUr,M.,ROVEWNTS(.NI29 N 145 TR E AVE) DELEGATING TBE CITYINAANAGER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THE ATJT1-IORfTY'T0 MAKE WORK CHANGE DIRECTWES IN AN AM,,0U1',,,1T N(Yr TO EXCEED TEN'THOUSAND DOLLARS PER OCCURPENCE OR THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS CUM-ULATIVE, SUBJECTTOTHE LEVITATIONS OF THE PUBLIC COMPETITIVE 131-DDING ACT OF 1974. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF OWASSO THAT: I-D Mgard to the constmetion of the East 86"' Street North linprovernents (N 129111 E Ave to N 145 th E Ave), the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma., is hereby authofized to : approve, without hither authonty from the City Council of the City of Owasso, work changQ directivos in an amount not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars per occurrence, or Thirty Thousand Dollars cumulative, provided, however, suoh work change directives shall at all time be in coinpliance with lbe, provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act. of 1974. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of August, 2003 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Gary Cochran, Mayor rJAWNw- W 1110- 93 MAYOR a 'l? D CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- ANA Ca STAGG, P.E. f ENGINEERING P OXEEC`I S MANAGED tRK DIRECTIVE CHAEAST 86 T1 STREET NORTH IMPROVEMENTS NGE AVE) (N 129TH E AVE BACKGROUND: Included in the 1998 bond issue, the E 86`h Street North (from N 129`h to N 145th East Avenue) Improvements involves the widening of the street to five lanes, construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, and signalization at the 8th Grade. Engineering design was initiated in August 2002 by C. H. Guernsey & Company and finished in June 2003. Advertisement for Bids was published in the Owasso Reporter on July 26, 2003 and four bids were received on July 28, 2003. On August 5, 2003, City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $2,472,065.20. Notice to proceed will be issued on August 25, 2003. Per the contract documents, improvements shall be constructed within three -hundred and forty- six (346) calendar days from the Notice to Proceed (with an anticipated project completion date of August 2004). Construction will be performed in four phases and will commence with improvements to the east bound lanes. It is the City's intention to ensure the completeness of the contract plans and specifications. However, work in this contract includes construction around and to existing utilities and infrastructure which may result in unforeseeable circumstances and field changes. As a result, it is anticipated that modifications to the engineering drawings and changes in the work be performed to complete the intended design. These changes may result in additional or deductive costs to the project contract amount. Paragraph 109.04, Extra Mork, of the General Conditions states the following: The CONTRACTOR shall do any work or furnish any materials which cannot reasonably be classified under any of the items of the contract by which may 0 Page 2 Work Directive Change East 86"' Street North Improvements (N 129"' E Ave To N 145 1h E Ave) be found necessary in order to carry out and complete more fully the work herein agreed to be done and performed, when and as ordered by the ENGINEER, following authorization by the OWNER in a formal, public meeting for the ENGINEER to issue such an order; and the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to accept, as full compensation for such work, lump sum or unit prices agreed upon in writing before said work is commenced. Additionally, it is possible that an adjustment to the bid quantities be necessary at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided during the construction of improvements. The contract was awarded as a unit price based on the best estimate of required quantities. However, such quantities cannot be guaranteed and are rather used for the purpose of comparison of bids. Under either case, a Change Order is necessary per Section 600 of the Contract. Change Orders are to be processed through the Contractor and Owner for authorization. For this project, the Owner is the City Council acting on behalf of the City of Owasso; therefore, all Change Orders are to be approved by City Council. Typically, due to the nature of this work, it is necessary to make changes as construction proceeds or with little lead time to maintain construction schedules. However, the time required to receive, review and process a Change Order for approval could take as long as 30 to 45 days depending on the occurrence of a City Council meeting. In some cases, conditions such as timing constraints, construction sequencing and availability of workforce may make it difficult to delay work. It would be beneficial to the City to proceed with construction, rather than delay and potentially be faced with higher incremental costs. In addition, the cost of making some of the changes can be expected to be relatively small in relation to the total project cost. It is good business practice to find the means to expedite authorization for these types of changes. Under these conditions, provisions could be made for the use of a form entitled "Work Directive Change". Procedures and policies enabling the use of the form are discussed below. The Work Change Directive has been developed for use in situations involving changes in work which, if not processed expeditiously, might delay the project. These changes are often initiated in the field and may affect the contract price and/or time. This form is not a Change Order but only a directive to proceed with work that may be included in a subsequent Change Order. The Public Works Director initiates the form, including a description of the items involved and attachments. Based on information transferred between the Department and Contractor, the Public Works Director will complete and sign the form and all copies are to be sent to the City Manager or Council for authorization. The Public Works Director along does not have authority to authorize changes in price or time. Page 3 1h Work Directive Change East 86 Street North Improvements (N 1291h E Ave To N 145 1h E Ave) In order to keep from potential delay in the project and associated cost increases, authorization for changes shall be expedited whenever possible. To expedite processing of the Work Change Directive, staff is requesting Council authorization for the City Manager to act as a representative of Council. The City Manager requests to be delegated authorization for Work Change Directives for an amount not to exceed $10,000 per occurrence and a maximum cumulative total of $30,000 per Change Order. Once the work is completed or a final cost and time determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. The Change Orders will be submitted to Council for final review and consideration. In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes, contract changes shall be subject to compliance with provisions of the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. Chapter 61, paragraph 121 entitled "Change orders or addendums" states the following: Change orders or addendums to public construction contracts of over one Million Dollars ($1,000,000) shall not exceed the greater of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) or a ten percent (10%) cumulative increase in the original contract amount. Any change orders or cumulative change orders which exceed these limits shall require readvertising for bids on that part of the contract. Change orders in any amount shall be formally approved by the governing body of the public agency involved and the reasons therefore recorded in the permanent records. A Resolution of the Council delegating authority to the City Manager is required to implement the above process. Resolution No. 2003-12 is attached providing this authority. The Resolution has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Staff recommends Council adoption of Resolution No. 2003-12 delegating to the City Manager authority to make change directives in an amount not to exceed $10,000 per occurrence or a maximum cumulative total of $30,000 per Change Order, subject to the limitations of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. LIT440" t A. Work Directive Change Form B. Oklahoma Statutes Chapter 61, paragraph 121 C. City of Owasso Resolution No. 2003-12 WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE DATE: WDC No. PROJECT: OWNER: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: The following work or other items are requested for acceleration in accordance with Change Order No. Justification or Goal: Materials Labor Other PT&I (37.71 %) Job G & A (5.17%) Profit (15%) TOTAL mf�� 1419im- ESTIMATED I ACTUAL xem= RECOMMENDED BY: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Previous WDC Total with this request (Est.) Total (Actual) DATE A(JI'l-IORIZED BY: CITY MANAGlR DATE Note: Attach additional backtip sheets as I-C(jL111-Cd I § 12 1 PUBLIC BVTLD.1NGS AN-D PUBLIC WORKS 121. Changeot-dersoraddendums If the construction contract was bid on a unit basis, and the change order is based exactly on the unit price or basis, such a change order will not be subject to this section. When the iridividual change orders are less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000,00), the change order may be based on an acceptable unit price(s) basis in lieu DE cost itemization as required in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this section. Alternatos or add items bid with the original bid and contained in the awarded contract as options of the awarding public agency shall not be construed as change ordevs under the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974, Section 101 et seq, of this tltle Laws 1974, c. 298, § 21, operative ALtg- 1, 1974-, Laws 197,5, c. 266, § 9, crnerg' eff, June 5, 197,S; Laws 1989, c. 164, § 1, emerg. eff. Nlay 8, 1989; L.aws 1993, c293, § 2, emt-rg. eff, June 3, 1993: Laws 199S, (�ff. Nl-ay 19, t995, CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 2003-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RELATING TO THE EAST 86 T14 STREET NORTH IMPROVEMENTS (N 129TH EAVE TO N 145""' E AVE) DELEGATING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PER OCCURRENCE OR ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS CUMULATIVE, SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THE PUBLIC COMPETITIVE BIDDING ACT OF 1974. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF,rHE CITY OF OWASSO THAT: In regard to the construction of the East 86 1h Street North Improvements (N 129'h E Ave to N 145'h E Ave), the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby authorized to approve, without further authority from the City Council of the City of Owasso, work change directives in an amount not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars per occurrence, or One Hundred Thousand Dollars cumulative, provided, however, such work change directives shall at all time be in compliance with the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of August, 2003 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Gary Cochran, Mayor 0�� Sherry Bishop, City Clerk WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE DATE: 09/02/03 WDC No. I Justification or Goal: Relocation of sewer line necessary topreserve .9, roximately 10 established Pear trees located th �gNor�thU�EastAven�ue( r�ivateroad). Ea�semen�twas�obtain�edafte�rawa�rdofe�ontrac�t. Date to begin work: S 2�003 COST TOTAL TO DATE ESTUVIATED ACTUAL Materials $1,711.96 $1,711.96 Labor $2,154.95 2,154.95 Equipment $1,931.96 $1,931.96 Bond (1.5 %) $83.63 $83.63 Previous WDC $0.00 Profit (15 %) $836.38 $836.38 Total $ 6,495.92 TOTAL $6,495.92 $ 6,495.92-- William E Smith, Vice-president 11/24/03 CONTRACTOR DATE VIUI• Note: Attach additional backup sheets as required m _ i I i I I { I : r I � I i , AT7ACHMENT A 4 11 u M-1 I 9.!! 101 1WN { 0 IM 0 aeo e o saoo ®ow low aeao 7a alto ao-ao UNF 7 CONTINURENTWOOD LIFTSTATION REMOVAL AND SEWER EXTENSION amvl>rx mxm a•�a PLAN AND PROME CITY OF OWASSO, OKLANOMA �._ OiOMI®tf40 WVt570N BECCO CONTRACTORS, COST BREAKDOWN FOR SUPPORT OF SUPLEMENTAL AGREEIJ ROJECT NO.: 014160-14AF COUNTY: TULSA DATE: 9/4/03 6th STREET NORTH 129th TO 145th ESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALL 4' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ITEM UNITS COST QUANTITY AMOUNT 4' ID MANHOLE VERTICAL FEET VF $45.00 9.5 $427.50 BOTTOM & INVENT EA $98.00 1 $98.00 A LOK GASKETS EA $60.00 2 $120.00 CASTIRON RING AND COVER EA $120.00 1 $120.00 MATERIAL COST $765.50 LABOR CLASSIFICATION NO. RATE/HR HOURS AMOUNT Foreman 1 $15.00 30 $450.00 Operator 1 $13.50 30 $405.00 Skilled Laborer 2 $8.50 30 $510.00 $0.00 $0.00 LABOR TOTAL. $1,365.00 EQUIPMENT UNIT DESCRIPTION NO. COST/HR HOURS AMOUNT 3/4 Tn P/U 1 $7.61 30 $228.30 Track Hoe Ram 1 $80.78 10 $807.80 Track Hoe 1 $52.42 10 $524.20 Loader 1 $31.40 10 $314.00 $0.00 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $1,874.30 PAYROLL COSTS INSURANCE $115.89 SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) & UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES $178.82 WORKERS COMPENSATION $111.38 PAYROLL ADDITIVE $406.09 TOTAL MATERIAL, LABOR & EQUIP. $4,410.89 BOND 1.5 % $66.16 TOTAL $4,477.05 PROFIT 15 % $661.63 TOTAL COST FOR WORK DESCRIBED $5,138.68 $ = $5,138.68 TOTAL UNIT COST FOR WORK DESCRIBED Q ® 1 EA $5,138.68 NT OR �IATURE - BECCO CONTRACTORS, INC. COST BREAKDOWN FOR SUPPORT OF SUPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT ROJECT NO.: 014160-14AF COUNTY: TULSA DATE: 11/3/2003 ith STREET NORTH 129th TO 145th E-SCRIPTION OF WORK: PC MANHOLE AND DELIVERY TO CITY OF OWASSO YARD ITEM 4'ID MANHOLE VERTICAL FEET BOTTOM & INVERT A LOK GASKETS CASTIRON RING AND COVER CLASSIFICATION Foreman EQUIPMENT UNIT DESCRIPTION 3/4 Tn P/U PAYROLL COSTS INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) & UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES WORKERS COMPENSATION UNITS COST' QUANTITY AMOUNT VF $45.00 9.5 $427.50 EA $98.00 1 $98.00 EA $60.00 2 $120.00 EA $120.00 1 $120.00 MATERIAL COST $765.50 NO. DATE/FIR 1 $15.00 [Nil *WR]fw 101,111 NO. COST/HR 1 $7.61 HOURS AMOUNT 2 $30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30.00 HOURS AMOUNT 2 $15.22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $15.22 $2.55 $3.93 $2.45 $8.93 $819.65 $12.29 $122.95 $954.89 $ = $954.89 Q = 1 LS $954.89 CONID�-kffOi INURE BECCO CONTRACTORS, INC. COST BREAKDOWN FOR SUPPORT OF SUPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT a-OJECT NO,: 014160-14AF COUNTY: TULSA DATE: 9/4/03 ith STREET NORTH 129th TO 145th :-:SCRIPTION OF WORK: 12 x 6 SEWER TEE ITEM 12 X 6 TEE CLASSIFICATION Foreman Skilled Laborer EQUIPMENT UNIT DESCRIPTION 3/4 Tn P/U Quickie Saw UNITS COST QUANTITY AMOUNT EA $90.48 2 $180.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIAL COST $180.96 NO. RATE/HR 1 $15.00 1 $8.50 NO. COST/HR 1 $7.61 1 $3.00 HOURS AMOUNT 4 $60.00 4 $34.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $94.00 HOURS AMOUNT 4 $30.44 4 $12.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $42.44 PAYROLL COSTS INSURANCE $7.98 SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) & UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES $12.31 WORKERS COMPENSATION $7.67 PAYROLL ADDITIVE $27.97 TOTAL MATERIAL, LABOR & EQUIP. $345.37 BOND 1.5 % $5.18 TOTAL $350.55 PROFIT 15 % $51.80 TOTAL COST FOR WORK DESCRIBED $402.35 $= $402.35 TOTAL UNIT COST FOR WORK DESCRIBED Q= 2 EA $201.18 4IG TO ATURE�� 22MRIBM CONTRACTOR: M The following work or other items are requested for acceleration in accordance with Change Order No. 1 Overrun Items No. 86 and 87 for the lowerinq of the existinq 12 waterline to accommodate the Justification or Goal: Extend Drives at Station 16+23.73 and 18+74.50 do to the proposed roadway elevations. Date to begt in work: January 1�4 _��j--- ITEM NO. Z6.12" Water DIP 1.7.12" Fittings for Water 3 I IZE I M 607M." Previous WDC $6,718.88 Total $16,218.88 )R DATE DATE) DATE P Ro' Box 9159 Tolophone 918445-2684 Tulsa, OK 74167-0169 Fox 918-445-4936 December 19, 2003 The City of Owasso Attn: Ana Stagg, P.E. P,O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Ana, The quantities for the extra work for the drive extensions at Station 16+23.73 and 18+74.50 do to the new roadway elevations will be as follows for the above referenced project: Over Run Unit Item pg§i� MDhJ Quanb�L Price Extension 70 Removal of Asphalt SY 206 1.00 $ 200.00 86 12"Water DIP LF 100 $ 70.00 $ 7000-00 87 12" Fittings for Water EA 5 $500.00 $ 2500.00 88 Agg Base Type A CY 46 $ 28.00 $ 1288.00 90 Type A 64-22 Asphalt TN 48 $ 36.00 $ 1728.00 91 Type B 64-22 Asphalt TN 24 $ 45.00 $—V-8-0-00 TOTAL COST $13796.00 gage-, M-LI-lik 4� Sincerely, 1113M CONTRACTOR: The following work or other items are requested for acceleration in accordance with Change Order No. 1 Overrun Items -No. 70, 88, 90, and 91 for the removal of asphalt and extension of the drives 11111111�11;lliiiji;11�1! KFITUNBOYI, 133 IM'k I I i 1 11-31,91- MOW I � I I I :Mffl�- Justification or Goal: Extend Drives at Station 16+23.73 and 18+74.50 do to the proposed roadway elevations, ,Date to begin work: January 5, 2004 M. Removal of Asph -2- 8. Agg Base 40. Ty A 64-22 Asph- 41. Ty B 64-22 Asph Ify" Rol M Previous WDC $16,218.0 Total $20,514.88 Becco Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 9159 Tulsa, OK. 74157-0159 December 19, 2003 The Citv of Owasso Attn: Ana Stagg, P.E. P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: 86th Street North Improvements 129 th to 145' JAN - 7 2004 Telephone 918-445-2684 Fax 918-445-4936 Dear Ana, The quantities for the extra work for the drive extensions at Station 16+23.73 and 18+74.50 do to the new roadway elevations will be as follows for the above referenced project: Over Run Unit Item Q9q96P!iM Units uan _qfit L Price Extension 7-0 Removal of Asphalt SY 206 $ 1.00 $ 200.00 ft=mw,- 86 12" Water DIP LF 100 $ 70.00 $ 7000-00 87 12" Fittings for Water EA 5 $500.00 $ 2500.00 88 Agg Base Type A CY 46 $ 28.00 $ 1288.00 ftmw 90 Type A 64-22 Asphalt TN 48 $ 36.00 $ 1728.00 @no 91 Type B 64-22 Asphalt TN 24 $ 45.00 1_1080.00 won= TOTAL COST $13796.00 The work associated with these items of work will require an additional 5 working days to complete. Sincerely, 2n rei a� Cc: file DATE: PROJECT OWNER: 01/23/04 CONTRACTOR: WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE 11111�011111111111 East 86th Street North Improvements (N 129th E Ave to N 145th E Ave) City of Owasso C. H. Guernsey & Company Becco Contractors, Inc. Justification or Goal: Block out of concrete paving for the future placment of drainage structure crossing road at approximate Sta 39+80.00. Date to begin work: January 26, 2004 I (ITEM NO. QUANTITYA . UAL QCOSTL AL TOTAL TO DATE I 2. Uncl Excavation 70. Removal of Asph 88. Agg Base Ty A 91. Ty B 64-22 Asph i1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 1" as TOTAL 1 1 $2,474.00 0 ful 10001 M K FA , IN MR 101 no, Previous Total $22,988.88 Note: Attach additional backup sheets as required DATE: PROJECT OWNER: 01/23/04 CONTRACTOR The following work or other items are requested for acceleration in accordance with Change Order No. 1 Change the hot rubber joint sealer to silicone sealant, and elliminate the centerline joint for a better end product. Justification or Goal: Hot rubber joint sealer is used for asphalt or residential streets not on arterial streets. The silicone sealant is for arterial concrete streets. Date to begin work: January 26, 2004 1-100101 Materials $7,891.06 $7,891.06 Labor $0.00 $0.00 Equipment $0.00 $0.00 Bond (1.5 %) $113.81 $113.81 Previous WDC $22,988.88 Profit (1.5 %) $1,138.13 $1,138.13 Total $32,131.88 TOTAL $9,143.00 $9,143.00 b Note: Attach additional backup sheets as required JAM-06-2004(TIJE) 11:12 Berm ( FAX) 9184454936 P.002/002 1 10 Becco Contractors, Incl P.O. Box 9159 Telephone 918-445-2884 Tulsa, CK 74167-0159 Fax 010-441,5-4036 January 04, 2CJ04 City of Owasso Attn: JB Box 180 Owasso OK 74055 RE: 86th Street North, 129"' to -145" % Zyle Wilson Esti-vator CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNrrY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENJ OA 04-01 ,MJWW, *71:fj—g�, BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request frorxi the Dominion Corporation, applicant/owner, for the annexation of approximately 19.75 acres, more or less. It is the intention, at this time, that if the request is approved the applicant would proceed with rezoning and developing the property in a residential manner. LOCATION The property is located in the northwest corner of East 66th Street North and N. 129P E. Ave. Vacan■ SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Rural residential (one house) South: Church, rural residential East: Rural residential, pasture land West: Vacant PRESENT ZONING AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County SURROUNDING ZONING The subject property is surrounded by AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County on all sides. ANALYSIS The City of Owasso has received a request from Dominion Corporation, applicant/owner, for the annexation of approximately 19.75 acres, more or less. A general area map and complete legal description are attached. At this time it is our understanding the applicant is requesting this annexation petition in order to begin a process that will result in the residential development of the property. If the property is annexed into the city the applicant will be required to follow normal development procedures which may include rezoning and preliminary and final plat. If annexed, any development proposed for the property would be required to meet Owasso Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. The property would be served water and sewer by the City of Owasso. A copy of the City of Owasso's annexation policy is attached for your information and review. The subject property meets all of the requirements included in the policy with the exception of tract size, as stated above the tract size is 19.75 acres, a 1/411f an acre less than the preferred 20 The Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan calls for residential development to occur in that general area. "AIM ANNEXATION COMMITTEE On January 28, 2004 the Owasso Annexation Committee convened to consider the request, the Committee consists of City department directors, representatives of the Owasso City Council, Planning Commission, the Owasso school board and citizens at large. The Owasso Annexation Committee unanimously recommended approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OA 04-01 to annex the subject property into the city limits of Owasso. BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION 'rho undersigned, constituting not less than three -fourths of the registered voters and being the owner of not less than three -fourths (in -value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to wit: A tract of land located in the E/2 of the SE/4 of Section 32, T-21-N, R-14®E of the Indian Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Official U.S, Government Survey thereof, being more particularly described as follows: The E/2 of the SE/4 of the SE/4 AND the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32; LESS AND EXCEPT Beginning at the Northeast coiner of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32; THENCE S 00'10'35" W along the Easterly line of the SE/4 of Section 32 a distance of 318.67 feet; THENCE N 87'45'31" W a distance of 566.88 feet; THENCE N 00'10'35" E and parallel with the east line of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32 a distance of 296.46 feet to the Northerly line of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32; THENCE N 89059'49" E along the Northerly line of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32 a distance of 566.52 feet to the 'Point of Beginning"; ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT Commencing at the Southeast comer of Section 32: THENCE N 00'10'35" E along the east line of the SE/4 of Section 32 a distance of 827.00 feet to the "Point of Beginning"; THENCE N 89"49'25" W and perpendicular to the east line of said SEA a distance of 326.40 feet; THENCE N 00010'35" E and parallel with the cast line of said SE/4 a distance of 165.40 feet; THENCE S 89'49'25" E and perpendicular to the east line of said SE/4 a distance of 326.40 feet to the east line of said SE/4; THENCE S 00010'35" W along the east line of said SE/4 a distance of 165.40 feet to the "Point of Beginning". being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ss. COUNTY OF TULSA, Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on December 31, 2003, personally appeared Noble Sokolosky, to me known to be the identical person who subscribed the name of the maker hereof to the foregoing instrument, as its president and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes herein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my official signature and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. NotaryKfilic My Commission Expires: Notary Public Oklahoma OFFICIAL SEAL PUBLIC JASON S. SHEFFIELD TULSA COUNTY &0MMISsI0N#: 03013868 %y Commission Expires: 11/20/2007 Petition for Annexation Legal Description and Physical Address A tract of land located in the E/2 of the SEA of Section 32, T-21-N, R-14-E of the Indian Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Official U.S. Government Survey thereof, being more particularly described as follows: The E/2 of the SE/4 of the SE/4 AND the S/2 of the SEA of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32; Beginning at the Northeast comer of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32; THENCE S 00'10'3 5" W along the Easterly line of the SE/4 of Section 32 a distance of 318.67 feet; THENCE N 87'45'31" W a distance of 566.88 feet; THENCE N 00010,35- E and parallel with the east line of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32 a distance of 296.46 feet to the Northerly line of the S/2 of the SEA of the NE/4 of the SEA of Section 32; THENCE N 89'59'49" E along the Northerly line of the S/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of the SEA of Section 32 a distance of 566.52 feet to the 'Point of Beginning"; M Commencing at the Southeast comer of Section 32: THENCE N 00'10'35" E along the east line of the SEA of Section 32 a distance of 827.00 feet to the "Point of Beginning"; THENCE N 8904925" W and perpendicular to the east line of said SEA a distance of 326.40 feet; THENCE N 00'10'3 5" E and parallel with the east line of said SEA a distance of 165.40 feet; THENCE S 89'49'25" E and perpendicular to the east line of said SEA a distance of 326.40 feet to the cast line of said SEA; THENCE S 00'10'35" W along the east line of said SE/4 a distance of 165.40 feet to the "Point of Beginning". 6600 North 1291h East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 The North tknl of the SF/4 of tho 1%4 @1 S-ctlofl 32. T-2 _ A-14-E, T'Aaa, rAuntya Slat® W 01,iarw Set 3/8' SAW Pin with a Yellow Sot 3/8" Steal Pin with a Yehow Plastic Cap Stomped *',,tLS IMY. PswW Up Stopd 'Rts 1253- 11-40.00 from Boundary Comer and 50.00 from Boundary Corner and an the Boundary Una on the Bound" Una 4.0000 Acres VM@ House TShM —L T Sat 3/8 . Steal Pin with a Yellow Mgtk Cap Stamped 'RLS 12-53' Sat 3/W St" Pin with a yetluw< Past Stamped -RLS 1253®. 50.00 from Boundary Coes-? and ern @he-ey Lk gg I ea A x x It 6.0 l - C Set 3/8' Steal Pin with a Yellow % Plastic Cop Stamped 'RILS 1253'. 50-00 from the Boundary Comer Set 3/8' Steel Pin with a Yellon and an the Boundary Una Plastic Cap Stamped 'RLS 1253, Found Chiseled 'X' with 50.00 from Each Section Una - Concrete Nall ki Bridge Do 122. South Quarter Comer of Section 34 T-21 -N. R-14-L -x Tu Iao County. a8 St t of Oklahomaahomo rou4d PK Ruh. S 89'57'46'W - 660.48 VFound So lt-eA Comer of the E/2 of the Th. South Ll- of U.a Sr/4 of 5/8' Steel Pin, • SE/4 of th. SE/4 of Sedlori 32, T- 21-N. R-14-E. Tulso County, S-Gon 32, 7-21-N, R-14-F_ Uw County. State of Oklhomo Southeast Corner at SCij.. 32, 7-21-H, R-14-L T.I.. County, State of Oldohr-ng Statei Okbah.'na p� IOU th a C MIC gpiq ® cap_ n �r •• O 2 of the .;._ 4 of KC ® ' T! 24.9900 Acres 9- E. 66th SL N. Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com The following annexation policy for the City of Owasso is provided as a guideline and should not be construed as inflexible requirements for annexation, I . While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2. All properties should be contiguous to existing City limits. 3. All properties should be annexed into the City limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is, Agricultural (AG). Landowners may then petition for rezoning if they desire further development of their property. All legal uses annexed into t.®City will be legal, but non- conforming, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not meet City standards will not be improved by the City until brought to the City standard and accepted by the City Council. Such public faties must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of a special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where a City limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right-of-way. This policy will establish consistence and allow City employees and citizens to know where the City boundaries are. 6. Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988. MKMBERS PRE, SENT Steve Cataduella Ron Cates Tim Rooney Rickev As MINUTES OF SPECLAJ, MEETING Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:00 PM I I I N Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma STAFF PRESENT Duane Cuthbertson The meeting agenda was posted in Owasso City Hall, I I I N Main, at 12:00 PM on January 8, 200S A request for the annexation of 19.75 acres located in the northwest comer of E. 6e Street North and N. 12Yh E. Ave. Duane Cuthbertson presented the annexation request. Tvk. Cuthbertson stated that he discussed the request with most of the City department directors, specifically Public Works, Police and Fire. All directors gave their assurance that development on this property would be serviceable. It was stated that the request was consistent with the Annexation Policy. Mr. Owasso 20 10 Land Use Master Plan. Mr. Hayes motioned to approve the annexation request. Mr. Cates seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. ADJOtTRNM[ENT — Mr. Cates moved, seconded by 1\&. Cataduella, for adjournment. TIM motion carried 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 5: 10 PM. I NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A M PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY 01 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Notice is hereby given that a public hewing will be held before the Owasso planning Comniission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 9h day of February, 2004. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the petitioned annexation of the following described property: R- HN particularly described as follows: The E/2 of the SE/4 of the SEA AND die S/2 of the SEA of the NE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 32; MOM= Northerly hne of the b/2 01) le ZA:V4 01-JWM oil 32 a distance of 566.52 feet to the "Point of Beginning" ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT Commencing at the Southeast comer of Section 32: TBENCE N of 326.40 feet to the east line of said SE/4; THENCE S U0'1U'3J- IT along the east line of said SEA a distance of 165.40 feet to the "Point of Begirming7. Said tract contains 19.75 acres more or less. To be considered is an annexation of approximately 19.75 acres, more or less generally located in the northwest comer E. 66h St. N. and N. 17()Ih -F4 - i Allmons interested in this matter " be gresent at thif nearz% TO ��Wmcxt J-1-L, TITC-C-C ,2bove matters. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, I I I N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1500. to at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 5day of January, 2004. City of Owasso Community Development Department CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT F1 Ili =U % STAFF REPORT ff 0, fl H g �,,, imilk"IFFIR, "41. � I I EXISTING L-ANDUSE A facility once used as a church exists on the S fDLT"ING LA-NDUSE North: Bank/restaurant South: Vacant East: Offices/m-storage facility West: Shopping center/Townhouses subject site this includes a detached S C)UNDING ZO North: CS (Commercial Shopping District) South: RS-3 (Residential Single Family District) East: CG (Commercial General District) West: CG/RM- I (Commercial General/Residential Multi -Family Districti w The applicant is requesting CG zoning specifically so as to be consistent with the surrounding zoning. Property on either side of the subject site are currently zoned CG. The request is compatible with the goals of the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan. The Plan states within its 'Goal Statements and Action Plans Addressing Key Issues and Needs': Land IlseandD—e—y—el—op—ment Issue # 4 "Protect tracts of landfor high quality commercial.. Issue ff- 10 "Protecting residential areasftom commercial and industrial encroachment " The site fronts the 86"' Street Corridor. This particular street is a high intensity corridor more suitable for high intensity zoning districts such as CG. It seems to reason that an RS-3 zoning district with all of its possibilities might not be the most appropriate zoning designation for the subject site. In addition, allowing residential development on the site would be inconsistent with the Master Plan. Ef the request is approved any future development would be required to meet th,4� provisions set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code and the Owasso Subdivision Regulations and any appropriate site engineering standards as proscribed by Public Works includinIA but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. Public notices were mailed to property owners with 300' of the subject site as was the request published in the January 8 th edition of the Owasso Reporter. To date the Community Development Department has received no inquiries communicating negative concern over the requested rezoning. However, some of the phone calls received did address a concern for future development and its impact on the drainage situation in the neighborhood south of the area. The Community Development Department responded to the callers that that specific issue would be resolved during any subsequent site development planning and that this request pertains only to the appropriateness of rezoning the property. RECOMMENDATION Because the request is consistent with the Goals of the 2010 Land Use Master Plan a compatible and appropriate for its location on one of Owasso primary commerci arterials staff recommends approval of OZ 04-01. ATTACHMENTS 1. OZ-04-01 Application 2. General Area Map. 3, Legal Notification 4. Legal Descriptions GENERAL LOCATION PRESENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) Fee Schedule 0® 0.99 acres $75 1® 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 SUBMITTAL DATE OPC MEETING DATE - FEE RECEIPT NUMBER APPROVED DENIED NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNE R OZ-04-01 A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NE/4 OF TEE- MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, I I I North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376-1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. j'��Sincerely, 7� ��5 uI ane Cuthberts®n City Planner FIRST BAPTIST OWASSO 9182728S75 11/17/03 OSa54pm P. 004 3 16.52 9163963228 WATSON SURVEYING CO PAGE 04 WATSON G CO., INC, 401 E. ROGEMS BLS, 0 TOOK, OKLA.74070 918-396- 214 Nov, 17, 2003 /rIRST BAPTIST OWASSO 9182729S76 11e'1710S OS:S4pm P. ooz 16.52 9183963229 WATSON SURVEYING CO PAGE 03 T MIR Okla. 74055 COUNTY,---.Twm NW, wr. NE14 WATSON SURVEYING CO., INC, 401 E. ROGERS B.LVD. SKIATOOK, 0K 74070 CA, 41036. Exp- PLAT OF SURVEY Des ofneminp. Nurth fim I�M 1599,54116,W EM UNCE SECTIOM LINE WATER L INC --w--w- GAS I-INC .-G--G-- ULCTRIC LIML! TELCM-10K LINt -T-T- SANITARY SEM..'k -3S-$3- MSEMENT LINE Rita" I'M ,L-romo W= .......... ....... .............. . .............. ...... ............. .............. ......... __.. 8 60250 1M M g 9 ea ,�a w ico a,o ---- ea seam 5 ...... .... . 13 e K E 4 R R 3 2 ei! wsso p 1707o n 03730 P 03720 pia 0 R° G FIRST 6APT1 ST 0 @ ; as oo 1 /4 P L SAM CHURCH OF w °' �fi"eo a,o I82300 `, 5 M46005450 623N ri` 66470 39440 0.73 M & 0 saboo 10 , � t�.+t �soo 86610 3 a ® 02360 G a © 666M 6 0 � 0 P1 P aasao 2A 2 saa3o !� 66660 mw OM70 B2,17 02M2a 656M 66610 esm � 86630 $ 66640 7 esesa 66660 66670 5 66880 eo 8 7yI o osis0 0 '�$ g 7 9 asasv 9 ogas7s 9 ® o�» 8 $ t x� 9 027B0 e o zo 9 %f `4 Ap mn yyID :7 6�0 ran osi?o aesto ° N � 124� PLa E « 62760 « ULM 26 / OV �19 A +y 088� g�w` �6760 e P ^ 6a790 00730 �j' 0.40 9 ✓ 'K9 r�� ` 8 � 9 0 QJ` L 7rm ® Oa ,.,.,.., gg od740 R P3 n 18° z y $ 0a�soao $ 610�6 o 2 tl R E �85 ST N S 6 04150 3 /6. 33 34 I 35 ? eaeb 38 'a_ F q era 4 4411 9 42a s� a� 13 44 R cssm . sxv �° saeao E 84 ST N R �° s�a.ssao IR $a &a,ada,EasO mm a �29S]8 0710 6�w 2a10 & a 1 sf47o d215°a s E 84 ST W CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 7= IT STAFF REPORT LOCATTON The easement in question is a 10' strip of property equally splitting lots 10 & I I of block 3 in Coffee Creek Addition, a Subdivision in Owasso, Oklahoma; also described as along the northern boundary line of 10220 N. 141" E. Court. Single Family use SURRQE� �ING �LAND USE North: Single Family Residential South: Single Family Residentia-I East: Single Family Residential West: Single Family Residential North: RS-T---N1—fl East: 605 West: 609 ANALYSIS The applicant recently built a house on lot 10, block 3 in Coffee Creek. As previously stated the house is built over the empty utility easement on the northern boundary of lot 10. As this easement is not currently being used and the lines of service from the utility companies have already been established throughout the neighborhood the applicant is requesting to vacate the easement. The applicant has cleared the requested easement closure with all applicable utility providers. The utility providers were given the opportunity to assess the necessity of the utility easement as it relates to present and future service levels. Those providers include Oklahoma National Gas, Southwestern Bell, AEP, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, City of Owasso, Washington County Rural Water District #3 and Cox Communications. Attached you will find letters of agreement from those easement users. It is the consensus of the utility providers that the closure of this utility easement would not cause a disruption in their present ability to provide services to the neighborhood. Other than being built over a utility easement the house meets all Owasso Zoning Codl and Subdivision Regulations including side setbacks. I RECOM,MENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Easement Closure request by Bob Jones of Charney and Buss. ATTACHM[ENTS 1. Easement Closure Request Letter 2. Site Drawings 3. General Area Map. 4. Letters from Utility providers January 6, 2004 City of Owasso Attn: Duane Cuthbertson 111 Na Main Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Vacating Easement; Ordinance Release Dear Mr. Cuthbertson'. We are preparing to file an action to vacate one easement and a portion of an adjacent easement in Coffee Creek, both of which easements have been dedicated to the public. As a preliminary step, we would like to request an ordinance release of such easement and portion of adjacent easement. The two easements involved as described as: 1 The Northerly Five (5) feet of Lot Ten (10), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREEK, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, 2The Southerly Five (5) feet of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREEK, an addon to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Attached is a copy of the document which created these easements. AIs* attached is a survey plat of the subject property. Both easements are shown, bordering the original boundary line between Lot 10 and Lot 11. As shown, the residence on Lot 10 encroaches across the first easement and into the second easement and Lot 11. Capital Homes has already resolved with the City issues relating to encroachment into set -back lines, etc. The home on Lot 10 has been sold to Earl D. Williams and Kathy R. Williams. Our purpose in seeking to vacate the easements is so that a clean title insurance policy may be issued. An ordinance release from the City is, of course, necessary as a preliminary step towards vacating the easements in a district court proceeding. The easement on Lot 10 is to be vacated in its entirety. With respect to the easement on beat 11, only the portion of the easement into which the residence encroaches is to be vacated. This small, triangular -shaped piece of land is described as follows. A part of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREED, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, more particularly described as follows. Commencing from the Southwest corner of said Lot 11; thence N 4°30'24" E a distance of 79.78 feet to the point of Beginning; thence N 71 ° 31'47" E a distance of 7.78 feet; thence S 18 ° 2 ' 13" E a distance of 1.79 feet; thence S 4'30'24" W a distance of 7.99 feet to the Point of Beginning. understandingIt is our to be vacated. Pursuant to your request, we wilt seek letters from each affected utility company indicating no objection to vacating of these easements. Should you require additional information, please contact me. your assistance in this matter is very much appreciated. Very truly yours, �'EY Et BUSS, P.0 M �JL F S I T�_i SIP ESE I I I C F TH L I-,, jj ri F, ' S%-_: CP.I1ER L,-T0.6"F� 0 7�- 34� 14 01g. g��r ij _-T f BR Q..ELWJ1 10 Legend 8 L P11!ID1111 SETRACF LIIIE EziliT E6PADIT RIC— — — — — — — — — — — — — l.C- C 11 �E LINE MID V.L'i' ___.L_ IP "Ill •_F. ELFIRIC. P:, ."I 'f BE Ili R W,-HT OF 7 11 E fILI 1. - E A - APIT TBACI 11 11111 :1111-111 "I U- ' T ILE,111 I 1�, F11 CE 11:�" :c� FE "RCE� "I To THE OW IT T'jL,.A I VU'IWW" T'- U DiU'rfr f .CRIE P�RTI'I-LRL, O(SCPICEL -' FICLU'...' BE-:1;I,fJ11P3 AT TJHL'S--1lTH:E �f —PHEP I-F 'AIC L', r 11 . TIILFI'7E 11 T , lF U ri� I P,J1IT r-11 F'=JFPL, LIME V COT 11, (HE111:E IL;:t4 C E F1 �T RFFIHm EXIJT� 111%L HU! -l!F P111 I IF !"t LEFT R 'F :F f FET F: F"T 'BE; � 11 IL IF, ILI, CI_T'IJCE IF '4C'i 1 C aV EIIIJ(R "I, L� Ei T. T� t 111C -!ILT 11 1 IF 11 FF F llF -:!I TF.,iT I TAIlj 1)l .'NF FIE LF KEI, IN Nl� N Ell TX N Immo and Lond Services, Inc 3c'i'i'chmnrk Surveying FED-02-2004 MON 05:20 PM let;l4y W, rust" A Alimrai •r7 Airfsrt,�rull' r)(,€'rirlirr•y �Irluir,'t r R1r. eli)iwt d'llttl'axr.y & 1i lw, P.t;. l l o'4i g'ie 96" St, N., Silitc 202 Dear m1%°lts➢1c,s FAX NO, S 3aila11s11°y 2S, 2014 lZas: 1irRttrs.t 1 or Ias,lta�axl. f ea 111e➢�t at Coffee Cl°a:ek all the pity of ®w�lssl� P. 02 f}1➢➢° t)4'1'ie is ➢'l eelVst9 11 letlCi° °Ca111c�lilt WIC Aldoll ®r eases➢➢aeglt Alt toffee Creek in OWAN t1, More sPeeetie1111y, flee Noa 11wrly 11e°e fUt ➢1f 10110, ltiock3, Coffee Creek," visa Courit,y. Also, a polatiola Of the ellsclliellt ; ong the mmilrc;l°1y five foot of lot 11, Mock 3, Coffee Creek, all addition to Ille City of 0wass1r9 `1'U1s2 County, t}1daboa1 & 1'ic•-met 11e advised that Oklahoma Natur;11 Cas Cc►➢llpttlty has nO ohJect'on to the vacation of said easesrlellis, howevar,11lease lip ativisetl 11121 01dalllowim Nalllral (®:ls Company has a 2" plastic )niediuln pressure InAill loc atcel 111 ills live pitit eslseme nt purail c^ ing North 141" East in front of SaW lots. 1 f y1;11 11AVe' :arty elllcstiolls, pletlsc fe°rl free lv Call illy office At 274-aQ43. 8.., •per e`,�� °.��� ._,... NO1°111't°111.ia tcilel 12250 E'.as19601 91reC1 NOLY11 e Owmw, OK 74055.5315 {q18) 27 -4003 t, nire (918) 274- 020 ® ,,iol)j1e (918) 630-4703 ® Paacr (918) 761 0323 Wwown(-woos t:001 JAN-28-2004 WED 09:28 AM FAX NO, P, 02 Date: October 9,2003 TD: Silly Moseby charlicy & Charney From. Doti Johnson lkight-of-gray Ncnt 918-599-2211 11,c: vacation of Easement — Coffee Creek Fnelowd is copy of the drawing prepared by our Surveyor, Mark McKay, which depicts tho perlhint portions of Lots 10 and 11, Block 3, the location of our underground priniziry cable (I've highlighted in red) and the Northerly portion of the house constructed on Lot 10. As I advisod, PSO will not object to the vacation of (i) the general utility eascment on the Nortli 5 feet of Lot 10 or (ii) that portion of the general utility easement 01-1111(!. soull, 5 feet of Lot 10 on which the corner of the house sits (a very small, trimigular piece). We will, however, need to be granted an additional 5 feet of casement on Lot I I in order to protect the primary cable from encroachment. To that end, I have prepared and enclose the proposed Underground Right -of -Way Easement for execution by the President of Pfernier 11ornes, Inc. The question did arise in my mind as to whether PSO should also r�(ILWA,subordination of the existing mortgage on Lot I I to this new PSO Easement, Jjowevcr, I concluded that this mortgage will no doubt be released in the not too distant fillure and that, therefore, jumping through the hoops of a subordination was not licct,qsary, 011ce tho Eassernent is signed and notarized, assumiug it meets with your approval, please forward to rno for recording at the above address, following which I will send you a copy that reflects the. Clerk's recording information thereon. jAN-28-2004 WED 09:28 AN FAX NO, P. 03 01/20/01 TLEE 0:05 FAX Dia 371 3864 RWD hTEREE WA5H.0O3 oil 2 ,YfLnwiy 20, 2004 W Robcrt Jones chamey & Buss 17 150 Ft. 90"' St N., Suite 202 1% 0. Box 240 Owa5;so, %Jahown 74055 Va"aling Eftsment — Coffee Creek, oww"So Do"Ar Xobert. M-i 4 'cc ITO AM in UTP217" a &(, 11, Block 3, in Coffvo Creek. This information is based from 3'faX received Jauuaxy 16, 2004'fxom ClIarney & BUSS - Wasbinglon County Rural Water District #3 does not have any objections to the vacation ofthc caseiacnt. Ulimt( Y01'k Jcxgy M-honger Washingtoa Co. RWD03 JAN-28-2004 WED 09:28 AN FAX NO, P, 04 janwry 21, 11104 lit bert IhQ Jones, 11sq. CA I A R N E-Y & 11 US S, P-C'. I 150 0. 96"' S(., N., Suite 202 Owasuh M 74055 1% Mming Usenmul -- Coffee, Creek, Owasso, Oklahmm Mr Jews: in reqmmse to your letter of January 16, 2004, SouTimcstern Bell Tedephonc, 1.14 does not object to your request to vacate the ensernents descrihed m: 0 The Northerly five feet of lot ten block three. 6 A pmI of IoLeleven block thl-ce whichjoinslot (on. Plt"mse let me know il'YOLI 11CO(I Ally f(Ir(hCr il7f0l'11136071. Yours, rely, 300 Men MfInagOY AgineCThIg ISSign JAN-28-2004 WED 09:28 AN FAX NO, P, 05 Attention: The closing of the easements at the location referenced above satisfy the f9guirealents of COX COMMUNICATIONS CENTRAL 11, INC. However, this 19 not'to be construed that at some future date we may not require additional easemeni(s) to satisfy the requirements of the customer who occupies th properlyI 4340 S. MIngo Rd. Tulsf,, OH&- 74145 (018).028-0894 (918)-628-0894 lax CF31019010cacom CrrY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (GARRETT CREEK CENTER) STAFF PCEPORT LOCATION The property is located in the southwest comer of East 11661 Street North and U.S. Highway 169. 011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . IkT&*JIW#Ml SURRORDMING LAND USE North: Vacant South: " 66 West: -Single Family Residential East: U.S. 11ighway 169 PRESENT ZONING terei ?J I fses SURROU—NDINGZON-ING North: AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County �fGarrett Creek OPUD 02-02�� — Outlined for Commercial Uses West: PUD (Garrett Creek OPUD 02-02) — Residential East: U.S. Highway 169 ANALYSIS The Paragon Development Group is requesting approval of the Garrett Creek Center Final Plat so that they may plat and eventually develop the property as a Commercial shopping center. The final plat is a part of the Garrett Creek PUD (OPUD 02-02) which outlines the use of the property as commercial thereby making the proposed use legal according to the Owasso Zoning Code. ns ana Tne conaitions It u The site will be served sewer by the City of Owasso. The property will attain water from Washington County Rural Water District #3. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Garrett Creek Center Preliminary Plat at its December 30, 2003 meeting and had the following conditions: Additionally, any development on the property will be subject to a site plan review arL*.jl must comply with the development guidelines set forth by the Owasso Zoning Code ai Subdivision Regulations. RECOMMENDATION ds aD�2roval of the Garrett Creek Center final plat - ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map 2. Final Plat Application 3. Garrett Creek Center Final Plat 4. Garrett Creek PUD # 12-02 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAME GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT N a3ac_::tsi DEVELOPE112L,�.( ENGINEER/ARCHITECT I" PNILL ADDRESS J SQ ADDRESS PHONE 16 - cA �0 FAX---- PHONE ALL TRACT Present Zoning Present Use 's Proposed Zoning ropoo "e I Proposed Use INFORMATION PLAT Total Acres er of Lots Number of Lots Average Lot Size era INFORMATION 0 WATER SUPPLY E] City Main Cl Rogers Co. RYVD3 Fj Washington Co. RWD3 0 Other SANITARY SEWER -O'City Sewer El Septic E] Disposal Plant STREET SURFACING A Portland Cement Concrete El Asphaltic Concrete E] Traffic -bound Surface Course Please submit the completed application form and application fee ($100 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Final Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Final Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Final Plat will, be reviewed. I (We), the undersigned developer, do submit that this subdivision has had preliminary plat approval and that all conditions of said preliminary plat approval have been met or listed below as conditions protested. DEVELOPER SIGNATURE_j_ DATE \ _Z- — � - Conditions Protested TAC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER OPC MEETING DATE ZONING DISTRICT — APPROVED—— -.-DENIED Final Plat Garrett Creek Center AN AMIICN TO THE CITY OF OWASSO TLLSA COLANTY, OKLAHOMA P.U.D. NO. OPUD-0202 SURVEYOR: OWNERIDEVELOPER, Benchmark Surveying & Paragon Development Group, LLC. Land Services, inc. 401 West 2nd Avenuo Legend P.C. Box 1078 Owasso. Oklahoma 74055 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Phone: (918) 376-9100 Phone: (918) 274-901 ma — - — - — -- - — - — -- x WW40 9 420 10, 10314 IN; F 622.70' R 14 E EAST 1167H STREET NORTH T FAST IOSTH STREET NORTH Location Ma .T. M BW44'34' 5 7.62 225 00' 12 18506 2 d4;"f ola -C� 4�Ag G-- C—k C— F.2-y 2. 2 Deed of Dedication wroW Au Nw or nmsE PREmItt. Ar¢ mrc,nE a tic raiow+c >a�ae.,AA`c IN . swcm+is c+ssm osA 'TSw-wMexvrr. �iArt d oraNroYa lo-mr A TRACT d LAxO MAT F Pent orT)rc xcmMVR'm WARNR (Nw/4) W SECOCN 9. iOWNONP 2, Noom RANGE it EAST d THE 1.8.@ n sl CFA,NTV. U(LANQ .BACK PARRCtn ', oESRtmED AS r ow5: OYYUICn1O FRW A T 60.o0 FEET SOV. AND SO.W -T EAST OF THE NGRTNSPST C0-1FR d $NO Nw/4; MUIC£ N 8644'W E AND PARAILEL TO TEm N0. rH UNE OF SAID Nw/4 A 01STANCE OF 869.M "I TO T"' PIX d BE".N THENCE N O6's%40" E AND P Alltl TO SAID NORM UNE A -STANCE d 420 io MT. THENCE S 913'S8 E A MSTANrcE d A0.00 FEET: THENCE N DB'44'34" £ A DIStA OF 168.59 ELT: nN M S 9 VIS' E A DISTANCE OV t03.08 FEET: THENCE S 8823'41" E A -STANCE OF 5W.62 FEET. THENCE PW N 88"4 A'T4' E A -STANCE d 225.W FEET; ores¢ S 11 1 £ A TASTAN¢ d I— Mw¢ ALWO A CORK To , IFFT - A RA01U5 OF 1=092 TEST A DISTANCE CF 26837 D?siANC£ OF n383 F BENCE39 E 3}'69rµW AA -STANCE oFT'1 6.3U -" 3TNENCE nLCNG A LURK TO 71E IFST V VIN A RALYUS OF 370.W FEET A DISTANCE CF 198.18 FEET TO A PONT mM A CHORD N 55'46'W W A O(SYMCZ d 195 D2 FEET: THENCE N Ti m729' 0 A OSTANCE , IN.92 FEET; VcNa ALONG A CURVE TO THE PoCitT MTH A RACKS CF 275.00 FEET A -STANCE Of`1T2.52 MT TO A PONT Mnt A G10RD N 53TJ950" W A -STANCE or' 169.95 FTEP; iNENCE S 3915'26' W A DISTANCE OF 622.20 MT, TNUN S 5914'13' W A DISTANCE OF 1T5 M FEET: 1/ENCE N 9251'S4' tl A gSTABt�. 6 224.43 FEET; THENCE H S15'20' W A DISTANCE d 175.M FEET TO THE POINT OF KGNNM [xw NA9 I.- M S_ ToA SURKYED. stAxID. PGEIED Aem SI(4MVtDEO Mm Lom BCOIXS, Pn1YhX5 AND STDIOS As _. DY Tiff ACReCIwtWG PUi AND SIRVEV' nENEd. 6AD mAOi PGS AN =C An i0 MBE E ,O OMN, o TUNAS e=IT, IXt� PLAT 7ME NXff 6 _G TT DV CiP1 - n¢MTO,K. 1HE o'oAEA. FOR ME fYTITOSE d PRO_. FOR - q✓ 1 CEV'Ci� ENT (5 W Cwnr Aro FCR TNL NmPOY d wa#aTee AMWAYE xf.'1RCM 5 6rnu d014n, d nE OYRAR. NS 5UC¢55[R6. �NNIF£6 AND A3S- Mr dK3NY36ES d iH£ W`IWAYTs IT 'ON. a SE o I EO.OR. mM RESRC, TO SW1 mM TS -1 DC£S ItFREB1 BOSi M rCLiOmsC _ANTS. M✓101 SNALL ff CDVwANF. RUNwNO mM niF to P/m Dx'A1 Y1ATt ,RC , 0 DY 2 OWAUt w OWx[n3 d Y PROPERtt [pIBRN OARRLi1 Pen To ANp oY�nlE dNEM1Am6 d M COKiE/4V 15 SET 6LWM a SECn,TI I t#L-P, mlN RE.SPECI m SUC+I WV£NANIS qAY. SECTIcm 1. STREETS, EASUIENTS, AM 4i'(((3TIE5 A Nwc 1-1 Alm ¢NaaL 1 ucARNTS THE Om+ER -S NERCDY DE-CATC TO 1NE PVBUC n4E STR££S AS ciFD THE A — -T. I ALLY iFIE OM4FA NFFEBY OCTMCATES TO TNC RIIAS .nIC UTUtt� AASLENTS AS OM- ON iNE ALCivbA`I14eC RAE AS' Ve4ttt SnAS, FIRAOIO. AN)IER I✓DlDVnIG a1Y AM ALL Pl0.iDt URnES. 9ERIAWG siWl SE>ffTts. WTA43' ���nlmeux[ nAlO OLWYvxrewnw uA[:. mLeme POTmR tM5 AAm u iw UxC6 AW GLLItE tD£NSEN IINli iC¢nffR ma AEL FlTTtnrS aCl1AA� -1 ma i O AO . CO . IANOSCANNO AW Ovs[cmaes mwuanv •way D.-¢cRaeaao sEnx¢ IiNO Q IOCAI DE�nm T£ PFH 011SA E159SNTE1G11mE Pxa IC�A WL -T YX 1 P pEYSS1 s WT a SFRKD 3Y OWAPo RtCAD UN£ CR NaA_ D�CCABIE AND EtSE MffE me wmNNmN. d+E cams TNf N9 W NA 4l5 WFS 9IAu LOGiED IMOFSA4Tat0.PO M nE EASlMN.AIS OEL m tars Ul_tt S PLAT s&�4MaR nPmE5TA15 Adwo tRat30o4ufs AS �0, SUPRT AT K-All V AoLS YAY ALSO M LCCAim a EA93RN-I 1 a00TCRDUm Sww¢ CAoL,I Nm cAs SRVI¢ LHES ro NL T1AUCnmiB a4CN RAT as nw M .TAN. POAa wY @ Ra iA01[ n4 FEA.vfST oA6 VIn9l sLCa¢ PEfSSTAt OP L � ,o AS M L� ammrxn or M Lu1.tADR ews,RxTmN d L®oA M LOr, PP4IALQL =T Lyme M P6TAuanaY tlA qRw¢ CAA£ ON GA^^>SRVt(£ UxE TO A PARn0.AAR s1RUC1,AS, R 50PPUER OF S[RN¢d9IAll 11WN1FR a-LFD®La0 xArnK giMIM. PDNAL£NT.IX Cna9 ro n¢M smx¢ GON [xTgmNc rAa M w- wR� sw.r¢ Pmrslu m tw.NsamaA saNl¢ wmvx¢ w rxE mnlclu� ITS ACFNR M OV.i S111DLm5EAPimNOED FW iH5 DEED d OEUGIIgi iT,TEPNE`0!E 9WMteuA14 YAaTAA0+4 N.Olrw m RoaAOre ANY PORTvI m nE U_ -I- m NOL CAAL iEyLVVFa' 1 � cAt FAOIInES RSIA y ®x dHE AONE➢d W TI£ UTLC. SmMi 4. RE OmSR d FAOi LOT SRal DE RCS'oN'DI - off PRmE'- d M IAIDEMRWAID CONSM, F 1�MAI I -no W FAS -1 Nm SULL PR ' M A41D - of fnPDE Cat ANT DN tt -1 tAanm MNRFTM aM £1ECTRC, iFl£PHW{ CARE tFLENSIXO ,-.S UtyDrot NECCS TARO BCTS d ixE maR tR NS ACwTs QL C6VTRACtg6. s. THE rgSCGHO -.,I SET TMM a 71. 1A.- SNALL . -OR ¢AAL OY Tlti STPPUFN ff E ELECTRIC. TO ➢ - CPAE TElFASIXx o4 CAS SEPW6 - nE OoaER OF ,TS AOmis era Ftmor¢s �M NAK nan PoYJI�T D@' AC(Y55 t0 ALL S1CH FAS0RNT5 SIOmE q4 IHE PIAP Cfl AS PftMWED d DEAcand, roR ne PwPms d asTAtLA+c anea uu, xc. Rm,vmw. Lnolc ANr Prnrwx d n¢ saauies asrAllm mr M 9.WPUER d cas sRwcE 2 TN, OYAFR 0, n ,Lor STALL Df i+LmOvSmlL fqL nR Rm2CnON d nR ,ARIIR4NAEf T AND WALL, PPLV4Jrf rPF alERA1 V. ORNPe Qt nNY onkA OMSTRp CnON ACIMTT g461 P}AD RNFMOE To. nE GAS SO1VmE M SUIT . d Trff ®EAor ,Also PaArA S DALL rMr.. .ATD.cfflw^ANC .1 IA'xu3D-atPeacEsiAWrm mvwAxrs at roRM W C'V vAZ_L-1 s,ALL DE tm«¢Amx aY nr SCPRUER d THE US SFRVM£ INO M OmNR d i1E !03 P4S£5 m £E @(mN0 NQRR.. o. rn " m+..AlmaxV 5'4w]t ANp $1lECL $Ei:SF SDMff 6 Gmi voi STALL 0£ a£6PCx5mlf FOR of 9Ro,,coo. CF T1$ FUBUC vo RR vNNS. SAA9TARY SEVEN MANS. ANO $ill RIDER §BANNS LMAR CY 11E O^&4M1'S Final Plat nm+ nE VtniSY FNAmfi A.MAS OFP:CTED Im M AISdtPANtTNO RAF. 1!E NIEAATiWt d ORgnm [ILvaT.@IS FROY ME CONIPMS FJOSTMG ,Ka M CCm1EAq+ d M N4TAYATnY w,FR NNB OA SC1fR YAM OF ANY mLC,6TmICMa ACTMn 184Pf muAD a18nmC M FQ dIC YNhR Arm 5E1ER 041oY5. SNALL PRWI✓Wi£D. T+E oTY @' OwASW, oONTg10. W NS 9JIXZ4art" SHALL PE IK90+>AL ftxt OImaA.vY arA[YTwAY¢ m SAaiMY I1 YPYIS EUS M OMin SNAIL PAT FoP D.WAI£ oa M1 TDN ff SUPf fACn1m5 f"roan d IEQSSfiATED BY ACR ff M OmE2 105 A9n5 � CorRUmoPS 4 �claomrav caA+tt mA+AI •aiER 1}9IIL'CT 3. w Ia StR s 9+a11 eE 1s5Pa1smE �W i>aOCA YaNAou,RS a,15FD OR N£639tAtFD ttt AC75 C< 10, IR3 A4LY12 Q$ tSNiRACTgIS S TBE Citt d WAS9J. C4aNBW0. W ITS AICC£r5 RS AT - OAS W1K ILQIT d Ac¢>z 10 Au. Gss>orraan caymTm ax ME amaaAomw PUT. eR oMTwx PRau£D W rsnACai®ANYdPOR�ma a ttA � m 6 ARv Sc TNNsTx� scR Tea ^ FAwT£c6 6. WASBANGTW CWNTY TM1lRAI WATER g5wm NO. S CR IF. SErc¢S9giS SHALL. AT ALL NAK PoONi d ACCESS ro ALL E0.5FaENTWAY6 OrAmFD W A(LYmPANTND PUr, CR OnEAmSE ANY P[wMW UWtIXOR® matW P¢Ad'T.11NLM UNRMiW. P. FREC0a6 COYCT,ANm 5£4 B'ORnI a alas PN+A6RAPN 9W1 t4 EPaaR ^r aV M OFT m NAwImIA CH LOT A.9S TO FE -M""' ""' N0. S. W NS .tCCESRmS £ suBtFAxE oRT81A6E EACH LOT _eTED . nn: PLAT d5 GMf@1'rGNU@Yr fltSFlt CwTrR sNAtl MCOv[ AND INun+. ut,q�> �TFD YAApFn. A¢ wanTS VAM LOTS AAp MWx+¢ Riff&s 0,KOIFR EAEVAnaY PIIO FRPI R1DDc SIAFETs AND FAAi61 m ND LOT OREn(S) 'MALL CgtsT� W -1 TO OE yxSTENe1® ANY iFNONe oR .,N. C65,mICMec' M TUAAiA(Y 6 SnOd NO SdGA(2 GiFAS mER ALS0551B6 LDRS). RA6cTa •aA11 PAi nTE FIXtELCffiiC WVEItNPIS SET FOAM M T1A5 PARAGRA 1 SHALL eg mR[mdAAE DY A%N F. EIlOTS d NO ACCESS SNE inmdRSRlEO Omhn i4]tEBY _CS RxMS d vEIAMh¢ 41oR`i5 W I ASS FRpL ANY PgtPCB1 d M Prto9tiT aPwNAt ro VS F15i NWtM. mME M BPnIDS DES A-- AS'IARrs d Bm AOCBV (UU))W THE A SANYNO RAC Wtl1 1.fLlmiT 6 No ACCESS YAT ANmmED at mLPASID 0T nt£ OwASA PtA1wRm c�Ma�at w Its slx¢>=oR, nm mM M AwaovAL d M am d o•Asw. goARWA RND LAWsad iME •A1M�dE 6 g0N0.'61A FmlrlaaBD TIiREiffTf®®A PftOYDID DY M S1ANE3 O. 9ANN4 ANm BhYOSGNaC MMN FBSO61di5 ixq 0 mo rust adA9oin m ImmSSMY tNK'D6NT5. 4NA[m®,13 d areuFNAN¢ 6 etA1LR, SEe< $itlRA SEIFn. NA1BmPL OAS C aq+CAnml Gm.P: mfw4on ca 6itrac FAdrtms miles M alum m¢Ltr alas �c*sD Lmma M AeeaaoNmlc RAr. erovmm 'RrAsgB'"cAgi c� w ATN�E a Araz a sw1A Tmc �,� uTu1Y smw¢ swl x ca [solA� ro am d aAso ssaamams a aEamTEas,lrs CAHISt1 C.'3iX ¢N1Ln SNPL. t. fr ta IX® ALL MOUS➢£NTS d TE On OF MASSO sSr=,iSRY RETUlAWIS AND lOtaNG 0002. z Al DAni OYE1lTNTS 41A19. OE gNSIRUClW AND ACCgTW By Ir AA �CfFY CWhOI tlt a.FHD tax I46oNAN¢ emr03 Na tam Ott d _ SEc7m it. PLANNED UWT nEVELOPMWT REMCTIMIS cp gF£A5. GV6STT WID( Cwimt wAs SIWRTm AS PART OF A WHINED -T -1-1 gDEsowTm As -v.un Na owo-alaz7 a RroN+¢o anma s[rnoxs TnD TTveONo ®D m TxD Zg6Rc d� d M Ott d OWA59o. AS M SAYE E)Sim ONAME 6. 19M, L4mmY ffpLTANfZ To �z vxwo. AB4Oiw ev Mna ca�ci�is owAssMEo. aaA„WONT 03• 2oQO PArm wlptF S THE OWER DE4fffs TD ESSADIISI RLTfiCTwNS Fdi fYtOWgND SUR AN TO a AocWATE na:llgR tlW uTUAt BFNCEUS aJF TH£ OWWEN, N,S SA-- -m4 wA55Ct dlNNalA LmO9�9fALL CDOTwarlTs PLNaNG WiNf l £ IPMEfN NA 31P L OL ®I.pNG UP'�P1 coWNA . ISs WCCt AW ASSCWS AN0 sNAii m E]PMCFAtAE AS NESRID T R SET -TH. A zo>mEnaAl sxwRxc (� � ET.w+&Is sTAwARDs 9. MR+nEtEH u25 AS P£mniimr mtl@N CS On-, EX6 0, a Asaaw+ aTms+a. 1Nm5cwm o>w SPA¢o HRn Tnacp vas cr xEa Ara.'A ,mMAi tAAmSARE Cow SPA¢ SHALL a¢1A£ PELnS"" UNmSwYNG ,S N TNEw VFL�Rff1iW 5'ctID. DRta+SL mP- P�T,OANI LiRORAI�d.OUT Sxau �. NamLaT [CN,on SEmAccs FRW AWTiHO PtAtIC/?PoVAIE SI.M. s oN AR' iT,a SO T7. rTare R�nu �f1`Pd.Ela''a':tDli AMA CWaSLWL t0 R. Puts 3 Ft. NLTDEm , ,FOR FMT 1 Fr. m S14d% 9£YIIP ENCFEC'T. S15PT. 6T"� TO_FTi R 1 FfN :i8A6( FAui t Fi d 0RW,6 YYArm�s as R. , ,T t5 F. 4. }aN3mY PAMnNO RAi:O CaexROA[- of SPACE PCR 100 56 Fr. d ROGn A 3 CFP1[E Cwf 5TA[£ PPR SW ID. FT. d PTttYt AREA i S AL STD APoIS Ov09 TO THE aMFli4 SYN O4HINK£ Pd nrE qtt d gaASSn. RONrcYA 3. TxslnNc nD � ,ran ax�9u�mx�S. stems No v�Awan a �u m 1�E uFY nI to. uarac mi a Swm GxDSG[P£ ArswS CWrtttMO PVSAS SICPS Arm wPl%WAYS. 9. OFFER MWNflRNR PPoae To M ®r.N¢ OF A mmmre PET- Fw mrsvnxl[a 'TNN Ax mrl¢ ¢YD.nvmn aMA tOi IX A CO- OLVRORFWi AMA Lm. A RTALm SiE RAN (atl UOIO IfA1XiG nLVA�nd1M A C [WROVTI[mIR Pi1dO5m ro 0E Cm6MA:1m 5xa1 nE SvtuiTm A550 RAAMm W W59O4 PaPi m M OCCWNKY d ANY 5411 a AID APPmND m M mR d r SO.a•AAO Ptaasw cOIAPSSLYI �SCAPNG 91a1 CE NSTAILID a A[<O,SNArE¢ WIN 1NE IPPNOl49 N.W. SIIBSEgrtlli m nE BnnOl asiALLATA1x, lNmSd.PnC SHAL L MORNIFA DE YAaiAaVD Nm IrtRA® F N®m LY M PASLI W d lot a wool n¢ 1¢o1Ar2D Vr1o5TNE IS uJGtm 111E NSrNL\nW ANY 4A OEIAIkD RAN d S(S1 ' 9CNS To ff N_ 94I1. 8E SL, B1BrLED ro AND APNmKO eY - CRY n a. m 61t35rN,nAL COIMEAN¢ mPLANNvo, INS, MaiNE AS OKD 91E R14,S 5 JAPE RANS ATNSNN p{pixN.Y: COMv5S0t iR 91C¢dWY d IAIFA PPPM1OI®m ME Ott d OUA"50 �6;21 2 d Mro 2 OF CNnRIt ffRIX Cwtu 91AA1 d THE mAT LOT N W rt otfF% ne¢-6TAAaAe naac ouLwe am rirtE-mNmsw BAAa sml YAr rg r`WCTm. TIO[EVETL TIRs RESTPoCTNN su. rlor W� r.Am¢tt OtmE TST+iFR Aar'Mtm 11ORTNor NAA mWl1ES rINY 6RM NO MCIIt MANnE emwwr sNaL DE a rmc£ AAm FFTELT rota M Da3E d M PL c�a+e TRrs oEDlcnTrcel a Tawar aama vuxAts SHALL M s w:rr 10 M_ AND iEAAAT 2 S PSoWLoA- m M O4 a A -m. mm" PAC%ACE. 9. AwIlcAauTr ff MsrtacnDNs M NaldcWas SO, mml l¢mt suA a AVNn:Aas m ALL c,mm+aa Nwas as cAR¢tr CACDB ®I1rR IrEOURD mtxa P.UD. �. OPUO-0202 SECTION 11. AROWECAR(AL WJ)ATTEB dD%�Y aTf3.dE.Ot1 d TPxI mTr¢ OEV4gWrm4t AYA AMIW CbY,OIOK O[N1C N�4 AMAS d lIC SLAFIw9OlF BAaO cvamaTT AAm COEeAnmLJry d aN0.o,6YNT3 IBetWpp. TIE�aE. TrE o»1rn ass In3armr IrEDg M FCLLOmNc RFsrPocllws Aro mvwANrs m+w E[�dIG W Wei A£�W4.Y. R AACFS93R NO A 4O4 AMI 91�/.Ilaiff OilT1¢AA£ AS ILffNA:iR SEB FmiM ARax,£mwAl cawanE>: - NAN m3+e FENCE WVL tR FPA STAA00m YMDO% S1NL ik EAEClO. P!A¢I) CR AL B t. CR PN1 LOi mm THE RARs m �OOCAT1]6 M D., a vdREC m EAI9£R LRID( rl C ANFIIaFD 10 AS M 'MA¢OIRCRIRIL CtlYTIFE' Fml FMN DIA➢IN0. n 9MOA+ID PLNNIEi Nm SMCFICAllm13 SNNL OE SL01r1FD a pWnCATE AxO INWIOE 1E PlA1L ROOR RAO,. mmFlD]II mEVAtmrIS oR.NHA¢ Ares O,AW10 PLANS DItEWta UATm6Y5 Alq Co6R 9oOE M LVEIIr M AIVOaECnaa_ TAYrnE fALT m ePPINV£ W orsAPvaov£ P[A1a Arm sN:� � �.monm ro rt As rvmLNilawilc qW. n[ioo OC siRUCDA+£ CA M W 31C d al ILIEAABOIENAS BSI COYYOICFD PWON ro 1!E 10M DNorT a ��msn Aa�m i� wrv'"�i dE'sEALi nEA'�®n ro�rs�n,�N.rl�m ®� 2 lB1E rvttTRrtcam Vtsw_ArmE w rF o6Fro-I a oE?EwmtAE- OF ANY�WUKn As i41mxARsn ADOKPoED .Al TARE ND cWSmE TTO, DE NAt aff Arm cx-Eno' d M PRdO� fAAGnrC d SemCNL M WIOCALs W- IT 6 To 4 K- M AYAAARUTT d AL18aun mYE YAMTMN; M 9rE 11FM MeW IT R PINbSID to DE NmC1FD Na EN£ 9Wa0gmPF A ce M MOaCCNRN. CWYtNE 9q[L rmT No, PvxoB£ LIIA£ rOR Arlr' APPRPIA!_ � KLaC ro APPImK ,sS¢vYVFA Arm IR va d wnlv+a RAxs awl Nor mxsnmm w •ARRNi1Y w �ws•uArr rqL 0 VEq ntM WDICAAL�s�wPROCEDUMS15ME�i0 Pt.W5�91A11NN0aT M OFflrD A •ATKR d PNY MsiwrnorL rmnWc NFM]N Cd,tIJ® SCULL ff aE1® m mwro m rs msirn� as �� �sw�o o rs Em�inm m P aAan�e. S M po- ®D W RSA CBE ARIr91EC11aAL CC4AAl1FE 9NLL. ON M ISr o. oF YfaMY. OwNi1G' ASSOawnW PROVmED RR a sECnON rv. OR U4CL1 md11FN ASSPIENT TO BFµWMFFS' ASSoUABWI w M IRmn2C_ CMOs, 1Ewt [wrt rxsr O._S. o nv,w'ime Tx£ Fd¢awm POYAB+s Arm .- swl DL emmsED m ,iE Boom d oa£ciws d ME oaaEnr AssoaAnm+. SEC1iiSh1 IV. AS=AT)CH. A spMATlq+ d oLRsxs Aa PON oaan Ras eawm ms sNAu, eAuSE ro a rgem TIE DAm¢n aaxx mt3Ex TWama' a5smanON , we QGfmMAFRn RETFm+FD ro As ME -owrns ASsmaA,Ax,"D. A Nax-vAVTT OC [SrAmLaND a a UrroAR¢ mM M SrANTES d nE BTATE d CB1HxuA er�wmi0 �TEw¢D FrR tx coma NIWoSEs a NAenlmam M sxmmATm nEIBRrc»L m. Y[Amm9Rv RA m wntt mm K A T I. aaBR d M iA d1N6Sr d lVl ffrl(Z aVG114VE11T LOrOft A WIWFRCIAL pEVTLaPrENi LOT sTe11 DE a NO.mrn d rN[ O[eeAS as`mnTtCK t¢ITK Stall DE OF o ,.wr T.r Arm WY NOT BE S-noiPW 11E oanRSiP CF A l0 ALAI ,'poi u AdOAiiC a0 nd M DAti ff PECg68m a nE dm. m�rcAR a'ams Tarr. ANT FOR ASSE56 . e M o.aR .Am Gw vmsEawi mean d A mrez [e.u[vm1T m gmomx aacP�¢1rt AIS' ASSOCo n P O® Mwd TO 6 O TO [Ovo,N�i .wo eOrteg RK O•IIFnS SSOgA1TW ASSE551mNT6 ro A ESLAABSWD By M oOAtm a' LrPEC PTA. u ACCOROAIM£ AM A actauimx io a faiiLlID Arm R£CCPDFD 3T M Ca,4n PPoOR t0 n4 Om1VEYANCE M A NCH -REST"" Lm mB41 GARRER Cf®t ZI1E1L AN ASSES'aENT 81Af1 WI1 - t�Kt'T AroG.vA x�sT wbl rt 6 wef- Wr ,u[ ,AN ?Feu ik SVOumx>TF m n¢ 0. maemm 1 d M[ aSSOtlAIrtM AS M Omni a4COAmM wr lour, nE oxax'mRtvam4nAawto,., TN, mwF -NONH m THiNs�Da�w.[mn. .'aim 3lw Hnrt ME PoDNt i0 EHfOt¢ n1E [DKNNIII TO nE I- [(rink AS A LOr OA>kA. [ 61RIIT-LTs Amoco-_ M G f10¢15 CCDAneO,AAEAS ORAaA¢ GSD4NS Ax0 Y�uTvli ACCE35 Gff}dw'F w .W2T[ O4]{ WIiFR CUUTICATE OF OWNFR%W MM9e� M9n C WNc M 5,3[ �� m �NO�Y c(Nra wY d rtatl»WC O® d�OmK.rTxP,, +� sTACOaTY d nASA A) a 0. AVN QAYSP'1 - CwoND1 Tooth Am M ))m®. A.- NNC w w0 vm Yem Cowtt Nm STAR, m nx ro a ,rm wN,N�...rn30p°r_.,PoT,� PLO+n.+ A.o, roams or.TRwo,T '�` a'M oA®r •Y xArm Nm SGV lom wv um Nvw ,An Amu[ WOTrm CERTFWATE OF SURVEY rz m m Mewa� �m� Tn na, �£ Vm,KLL Mi AID uT,1rPANEtTn Pmrcm NO RATnD m'>R'� ENO MAl SAO AtAt pCpYrAWD rmmo AS F.w.a'ir Oem[ IT ,TN,m, NI Aegrm N n mr . nnsA mL9,R. Hart m aaNAwa a a 1Na Aro amanwe.axTAl� m s,m sxaY. THEE m A. A. So, D44 D T m 2[09 WNNWAIRGTIt1,m V!m 9.Wk.YM 1 a�2E3S10YdY! 4 B3z». o��io-W wO 91w¢S aC, Te 1¢TRT Y, c azea� t cmaTrd$ 6s m a M mdncA[ Pow w �Lw„n w, A. tmiG1�C OYmaavT. ¢ moaw CERRFICATE /F FWAL PLAT APPROVAL I rmcar mA1mr Mat ms RA3 Nos AeNm1m oY M wasw 1 cmaa. x ne GncN trcck L Rah -cry 2- sNEET J _j CORPORATE OFFICE 1202 Idyllwild Broken Arrow, OK 74011 918-455-5881 Fax.918-451-0879 GOLF COURSE DESIGN LAND DEVELOPMENT PLA14NING r - i- .iiiiiiiii,�ff GOLF COURSE DESIGN LAND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Planning Concept: GwTett Creek Planned Unit Development March 14, 2002 CORPORATE Of FIGS: 12021dyilwiid- Broken Arrow, OK 74011- 918-455-5881 & FAX 918-451-0879 UESIGNI S i UD10 2001 E. 101h Street, Tulsa, OK 74104, 918 592-4431 FAX 918 58d-6365 www.weotek.com/goltdesign email: slackC?zimellex.com open space design theme and further illustrate how the land use and focal point mix will blend and be compatible throughout the overall design. Each element henceforth will be detailed for site plan review as timing and market conditions dictate. 116TH STREET "NORTH LGARRETT CREEK P.U.D. DEVELOPMENT PLAN CO ZONING) . . . . . . . . . . 4t TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY O, OWASSO FROM. TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITE' MANAGER SUBJECT: STORM SIREN BIDS DATE- February 6, 2004 BACKGROUND: The capital projects election, conducted in October, included replacement of the storm sirens as a Tier One project. Bid specifications were developed in late-2003 for the project with four possible alternatives. The alternatives are as follows: 14 sirens with wooden poles 14 sirens with concrete poles 20 sirens with wooden poles 20 sirens with concrete poles Requests for bids were published in the Owasso Reporter and all bids received were opened on January 8, 2004. A total of four bids were received with Total Radio submitting the most competitive bids: 14 sirens with wooden poles - $ 215,237 14 sirens with concrete poles - $ 197,554 20 sirens with wooden poles - $ 307,082 20 sirens with concrete poles - $ 282,220 Upon review of the submitted bids, it became obvious to staff that Total Radio had made an error when submitting their bids. All of the other submitted bids contained prices that -r.,cry higher for the concrete poles vs. the wooden poles. Total Radio acknowledged the error but remains committed to stand by their bid. Additionally, staff review indicates that Total Radio's bid exceeds specifications. With that in mind, staff is currently working with Total Radio to review siren locations in order to ensure consistent and over -lapping coverage while preventing over -saturation. Upon completion of this process, staff will have an independent party also review the siren placement. Due to meeting schedules, it is likely that staff will be bringing this item to the Council for action prior to the next work session, most likely the first meeting in March. Staff will keep the Council informed of the progress on this issue prior to placing it on the agenda. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 376-1515. TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES DATE. February 6, 2004 BACKGROUND: Decently, several of the Tulsa metropolitan area cities have been confronted with concerns regarding the planned locations of businesses that are sexually oriented in nature. The Owasso Zoning Code currently defines sexually oriented businesses as those that are distinguished or characterized by adult amusement or entertainment, adult bookstore, adult mini -motion picture theater, adult motel, adult motion picture arcade, adult motion picture theater, massage parlor, model studio, or sexual encounter center. The specific definitions of each, as they are defined by the Owasso Zoning Code, are attached for your information and review. While the definitions of sexually oriented businesses have not come into question in the other municipalities, the locations (or planned locations) of these businesses have been an issue of concern. Currently, the Owasso Zoning Code restricts the locations of these businesses as follows: ® Sexually oriented businesses may not be located within 1,000 feet of any other sexually oriented business ® Sexually oriented businesses may not be located within 500 feet of any church, school, or park Sexually oriented businesses may not be located within 300 feet of any residentially zoned area or non -arterial street that provides access to a residential area The proposed ordinance, attached for your information and review, would restrict the location of sexually oriented businesses to 1,000 feet in all three of the above scenarios. Mr. Wiles, Mr. Yancey, and Mr. Cates have reviewed the proposed language and have no concerns about potential enforcement or legalities. In order for the Zoning Code to be amended, the Planning Commission would first need to amend the Zoning Code at their March 8, 2004 regular meeting, followed by Council action at the March 16, 2004 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is prepared to forward this item to the Planning Commission for action at their March regular meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 376-1515. SECTION 640 SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, REQUIREMENTS 1. Multi -Family use, where permitted by special exception, shall comply with the bulk and area requirements of the RM-2 District® 2. Except as provided above, all special exception uses shall com- ply with the bulk and area requirements of the use district in which located. SECTION 650 LOCATION OF SEXUALLY -ORIENTED BUSINESSES 6S0®1 Definitions As used in this Section, the terms sexual conduct and specified anatomical areas shall mean as follows. 1. Sexual Conduct includes the following: (a) The fondling or other touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breasts; (b) Ultimate sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or stimulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, sodomy; (c) Masturbation; and, (d) Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in (a) through (c) above. 2. Specified Anatomical Areas includes the following: (a) Human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, and female breasts .below a point immediately above the top of the areola® (b) Human male genitals in a discernible turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered® For purposes of this Ordinance, the sexually -oriented businesses are de- fined as follows: 1® Adult Amusement or Entertainment: Amusement or entertainment which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on acts or material depicting, describing or relating to Sexual Conduct or Specified Anatomical Areas, as defined herein, including but not limited to topless or bottomless dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators or similar entertainment® 2. Adult Bookstore: An establishment having as a significant portion of its stock in trade books, film, magazines and other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by an em- phasis on depicting or describing Sexual Conduct or Specified Anatomical Areas® a 3. Adult Mini Motion Picture Theater: An enclosed building with a capacity of less than 50 persons used for presenting material distinguishing or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing Sexual Conduct or Specified Anatomical Areas® a Adult Motel: A motel wherein material is presented, as part of the motel services, via closed circuit T.V. or otherwise, which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing Sexual Conduct or Specified Anatomical Areas® 5® Adult Motion Picture Arcade: Any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin or slug -operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled, still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image -producing de- vices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing Sexual Conduct or Specified Anatomical Areas® 6. Adult Motion Picture Theater: An enclosed building with a capa® city of 50 or more persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or de- scribing Sexual Conduct or Specified Anatomical Areas. 7. Massage Parlor: Any place where for any form of consideration or gratuity, massage, alcohol rub, administration of fomentations, electric or magnetic treatments, or any other treatment or manipulation of the human body occurs as part of or in connection with Sexual Conduct or where any person providing such treatment, manipulation or service related thereto exposes Specified Anatomical Areas. where,8. Model Studio: Any place other than university or college art classes forn! of consideration or gratuity, gratuity.models who display Specific Anatomical Areas are provided to b el observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, similarly depicted by persons paying such consideration or a Sexual •: ` ,. .. { Center: Any • -! or structure which contains, or is used for commercial entertainment where the patron directly or indirectly is charged a fee to engage in pe sonal contact with or to allow personal contact by, employees, devices or equipment or by personnel provided by the establish ment which appeals include, but not to be limited to bath houses, massage parlors and related or similar activities. No person shall cause or permit the establishment any of the sexually - oriented definedin Section• . 0.1, in an area zoned other addition,person no tablishment of any of the sexually -oriented businesses, as defined in to Section 650®1 within one thousand (1,000) feet of any other sexually - oriented business, or within five hundred (500) feet of a church, school, (type which offers a compulsory education curriculum), public or private park, or within three hundred (300) feet of areas zoned residential or within three hundred (300) feet of a nonarterial street which provides access to a residentially zoned area® Provided further that the Board of Adjustment may permit by Special Exception sexually -oriented businesses, as defined in Section 650.1 in an IL, IM or Ill District, subject to the distance limitations set forth herein® The establishment of a sexually -oriented business shall include the opening of such business as a new business, the relocation of such busi- ness, the enlargement of such business in either scope or area, or the conversion of an existing business location of any of the uses described in Section 650.1. Nothing in this Ordinance is intended to make legal any business or acti- vity that is expressly declared illegal under the provision of this Code or under any state or federal laws® SECTION 660 SITE PLAN REVIEW 660.1 Purposes By reason of potential adverse effects on public services or to neighboring land uses, site plan review and approval is required for any commercial developments for the purposes of assuring proper accessibility, circulation, functional relationships of uses, and compatibility with adjoining and nearby development® No building permit shall be issued nor use commenced within this development except in accordance with an approved site plan® 660.2 R i ofor Site Plan Review com- missiona, application shall be in such format d content a the planning commission may by resolution establish, with at least three (3) copies of t plan submitted. The plan must show information showing compliance applicable s" o.. of this o1" and all other applicable city codes and ordinances. The planning commission may delegate and assign ! approval of - plan to its staffon tracts than 18,000 square feet or structure amendment of less than 2,000 sq. ft. or 10% (whichever is greater). Appeals from denial of staff shall be made to to " planning commission. 660.3 The Site Plan ShallContain: Proposed locationincluding off-street parking desigs and layout (seeheR e`for minimum required dimensions aI design RE'-� Re. and public (b) Location, height, and size of buildings and other structures. a BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA,THAT, TO -WIT - SECTION ONE. Part 12, Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2, Commercial District Provisions of the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Zoning Regulations, Section 12-201, Zoning Regulations Adopted, Section 12m201(6), Chapter of said Zoning Code, Commercial District Provisions, Section 650.2, Prohibition, shall be amended as follows, 650.2 Prohibition No person shall cause or permit the establishment of any of the sexually oriented businesses as defined in Section 650.1, in an area zoned other than "CS" and "CG". In addition, no person shall cause or permit the establishment of any of the sexually oriented businesses, as defined in Section 650.1, within one thousand (1000) feet of any other sexually oriented business, or within one thousand (1000) feet of a church, school, (type which offers a compulsory education curriculum), public or private park, or within one thousand f 1000) feet of areas zoned residential or within one thousand 0000) feet of a nonarterial street which provides access to a residentially zoned area. Provided further that the Board of Adjustment may permit by Special Exception sexually oriented businesses, as defined in 650.1 in an IL, IM, or IH District, subject to the distance limitations set forth herein. The establishment of a sexually oriented business shall include the opening of such business as a new business, the relocation of such business, the enlargement of such business, in either scope or area, or the conversion of an existing business location of any of the uses described in Section 650.1. Nothing in this Ordinance is intended to make legal any business or activity that is expressly declared illegal under the provision of this Code or under any state or federal laws. SECTION TWO- Any ordinance(s) or part(s) thereof in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION THREE: The protection of the health, safety and welfare of the general public necessitates that this ordinance become effective immediately, and by reason thereof, an emergency is hereby declared to exist whereby the provisions of this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and publication as is provided by state law. APPROVED this day of __ �,2004, with the Emergency Clause voted upon and approved separately. f 55 Clary Cochran, Mayor Sherry Bishop, City Clerk /:��i ci�ilT�rIaR11Y+7�3?Ea Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Month 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 January 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 23 64 54 30 :reb ary:' fu .......... 4 :'7 ::1 ....... �5 3� . .... .... ........ 26: .. 44:: .. 4.1 March 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 48 51 38 ApNl..:: 3:': . .... :2 . ....... ....... .... 8.:: —'39 ::38::: ....... �51 3,5:: May 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 42 26 38 29 :JL]hb 10:: 1; ...... .18: . ::�'� 23 ...... 4.5,::::::. 4 ........ 3 July 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 33 37 44 32 :Au-g'us'f.1A ....... 10.... ... ....... . . .. ..... ..... . ........ September .. 10 .... ..... 14 .......... 14 12 .......... 12 ... 20 . .......... 21 .... 24. ............. 31 29 ...... 29 .. 29 .... . 30 52 ...... . ........... . ......... �3 _3 November 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 26 14 18 24 26 35 . ...... . ......... 6:::::: . 9 . 7 28::::::::: 2.1 4260 29. 35 51 Totals 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 377 406 524 479 30 Year to Date 7 8 6 9 12 16 45 -'-- i 9 21 20 23 64 54 30 $4,650,000 =6 $3,100,000 C 00 U $1,550,000 $0 JW a�nuajry , , _ I , I , —iii -- I ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------ ------- --------------- ------------------------- ----- --------------------------------- - - ------------------ ------ ------ -- ----- -- -- --------- -- — ------------------- --- ----- -------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------- -------------- ------------------------- -------- - ) 1990 S $52,500,000 a 0 $39,375,000 Ca $26,250,000 $13,125,000 $0 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 New Construction Dollard totals for Each Year --------- — — ........ -- ------------------- .......... - ................... ------ ........................ ...... ...... ........... ----------------------------------- ............ ....... '** ---------------------------------------- ------- -------- 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Month 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 January 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 1 F I:Jmar P: 0. 1p, 0 C.. :: 0 ::::2:: :7::: ... ..... ..--12 ::1.:: . .... 2:: 'March 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 1: so V .. ........ . 0 . ...... A: .. . . ........... ,may 1 2 2 3 0 1 4 0 2 2 .......... 4 .. 1 une, 0. 2:::. .. ...... . ... ...... 3 .. . ...... ..... 0 July 1 .............. 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 7 0 1 0 ::2::: ......... .. ,-September 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 .......... ............ ........... ........ .. ... :'0::::: ......... ::2 . ... .:..:2,:: . ............. . ...... 14. .... . .... ..... .... November 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 5 6 5 1 1 ."Dece .. r , nb e , r . :1. 74: TOTALS 13 8 8 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 52 27 23 12 1 Year to Date 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 1 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities $38,000,000 .0 $28,500,000 .2 $19,000,000 0 0 a $9,500,000 $0 z 1990 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD/ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 11811 E 86 PI No Adpro Signs RP/CS 14,000 114 04-0101-S 1/2/04 10005 E 95 St No Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 121,800 ---92,442 2900 04-0102-X 1/6/04 8916 N 153 E Ave Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 2201 04-0103-X 1/6/04 104-13 E 2nd Ave Owasso Properties Old Twri/CS 3,000 780 04-0104-C 1/7/04 11539 E 117 St No Double B Homes BFC/RS-3 109,200 2600 04-0105-X 1/8/04 9631 N 96 E Ave Simn`aons Homes NB/RS-3 68,670 1635 04-0106-_X_ 1/8/04 8941 N 155 E Ave Ram Construction PL/RS-3 5,300 342 04-0107-X 1/8/04 405 W 2nd Ave Sertoma OTICG 1,000 32 04-0108-S 1/9/04 10406 N 114 E .Ave Simmons Homes SGP/RS-3 115,500 2750 04-0109-X 1/9/04 707 N Carlsbad Double B Homes Rayola/RS-3 68,712 1636 04-0110-X 1/9/04 705 N Carlsbad Double B Homes Rayola/RS-3 68,712 1636 04-0111-X 1/9/04 9608 N 96 E Ave Simmons Homes NBtRS-3 60,774 1447 04-0112-X 1/13/04 9503 E 97 St No Simmons Homes NB/RS-3 az� 75,012 1786 04-0113-X 1/13/04 9125 N 139 E Ave T-Town Construction NE/RS-3 188,958 4499 04-0114-X 1/13/04 11505 E 105 St No PMC Corporation SGP/RS-3 117,264 2792 04-0115-X 1/13/04 9732 N 100 E Ave Westerfield Family Bldrs HC/RS-3 92,064 2192 04-0116-X 1/13/04 10302 N 114 E Ave Simmons Homes SGP/RS-3 111,384 2652 04-0117-X 1/15/04 11731 N 117 E Ave Strategic Homes BFC/RS-3 108,822 2591 04-0118-X 1/16/04 14312 E 87 St No Village Development SCV/RS-3 103,740 2470 04-0119-X 1/16/04 8704 N 143 E Ave Village Development SCV/RS-3 112,602 2681 04-0120-X 1/16/04 8816 N 144 E Ave Village Development SCV/RS-3 112,602 2681 04-0121-X 1/16/04 10302 E 93 PI No Granite Pools FW/RS-3 21,300 576 04-0122-P 1/19/04 9450 N 129 E Ave Wood faster HomeDpt/CS 10,000 384 04-0123-C 1/20/04 9628 N 95 E Ave Capital Homes NB/RS-3 81,102 1931 04-0124-X 1/20/04 8903 N 154 E Ave Capital Homes PL/RS-3 82,740 1970 04-0125-X 1/20/04 - 8830 N 143 E Ave Village Development SCV/RS-3 100,800 2400 04-0126-X 1/20/04 9903 E 100 PI No Strategic Homes HC/RS-3 102,942 2451 04-0127-X 1/20/04 15316 E 90 St No Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 82,866 1973 04-0128-X 1/20/04 12010 E 115 P1 No Renaissance Homes RP/CS 87,570 2085 04-0129-X 1/22/04 11526 E 117 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 81,480 1940 04-0130-X 1/23/04 11736 E 119 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS-3 84,084 2002 04-0131-X 1/23/04 12811 E 86 P1 No Holloway Construction RP/CS 4,000 1152 04-0132-C 1/23/04 9003 N Garnett Owasso Land Trust ABP/CG 600,000 42425 04-0133-C 1/26/04 11417 N 131 E Ave Roberts Homes GC/RS-3 90,300 2150 04-0134-X 1/26/04 11418 N 132 E Ave Roberts Homes GGRS-3 106,764 2542 04-0135-X 1/26/04 11415 N 131 E Ave Roberts Homes GC/RS-3 96,390 2295 04-0136-X 1/26/04 11501 E 102 St No Simmons Homes SGP/RS-3 98,112 2336 04-0137-X 1/29/04 11701 E 119 St No Lozano's Construction BFC/RS-3 100,800 2400 04-0138-X 1/29/04 30 Single Family $2,924,208.00 69,624 Sq Ft 1 Residential -Addition 5,300.00 342 Sq Ft 1 Commercial -New 600,000.00 42,425 Sq Ft 2 Commerehal-Remodel 7,000.00 1,932 Sq Ft 1 Commercial -Addition 10,000a00 384 Sq Ft 1 Pool 21,300.00 576 Sq Ft 2 Sigma 15,000.00 146 Sq Ft 38 Building Permits `., 0 Mechanical Permits Issued 51 3,843.20 Electrical Permits Issued 54 3,923.20 Plumbing Permits Issued 62 4,063.20 Recreation Development 49 7,650.00 Sign Permits Issued 2 140.00 Reinspection Fees 0 0.00 Sewer Taps 50 20,000.00 Water Taps 29 13,275.00 Water Meter Deposits 23 115-0.00 TOTAL PERMITS 422 $71,679.60 00AMMINMEW Building 104 Mechanical 75 Electrical ill Plumbing 161 Reinspection 25 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 476 OF CITY OWASSO SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) 133 Barrington Point 111 (8/96) 32 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 Brookfield Crossing (11/02) 134 Camden Dark II (11/00) 42 Central Park it (7/97) 96 Coffee Creek (04/01) 101 Country Estates II (6/97) 193 Country Estates III (3/99) 61 Country Estates IV (4/00) 158 Country Estates V (01/02) 187 Country Estates VI (11/03) 37 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 Double Oaks 111 (8/93) 63 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 Fairways 11 (1 /97) 84 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 Fairways V (8/99) 71 Fairways VI (12/00) 42 Garrett Creek (9/2003) 84 Money Creek (4/02) 202 Metro Heights (11/01) 52 Metro Heights II (6/02) 42 New Brunswick (07/03) 42 Nottingham Estates 11 (3/91) 15 Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) 23 Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) 20 Nottingham Estates V (3/01) 44 Preston Lakes (12/00) 272 Preston Lakes 11 (12/01) 120 Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) 30 Remington Park (12/03) 57 Sawgrass Park (01/02) 178 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) 62 Watercolors (12/02) 40 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 84 TOTALS 3426 The Willows at Silver Creek (1100) Watercolors (12/02) The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park (01/02) Remington Park (12/03) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Preston Lakes 11 (12/01) Preston Lakes (12/00) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) Nottingham Estates II (3/97) New Brunswick (07/03) Metro Heights II (6/02) Metro Heights (11/01) Honey Creek (4/02) Garrett Creek (9/2003) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways If (1/97) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Double Oaks III (8/93) Double Oaks It (8192) Country Estates. VI (11/03) Country Estates V (01 /02) Country Estates IV (4100) Country Estates III (3199) Country Estates 11 (6197) Coffee Creek (04101) Central Park II (7l97) Camden Park II (11/00) Brookfield Crossing (11/02) Broadmore Heights (10/92) Brentwood Village (6/99) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Barrington Point 111 (8/96) Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 1 0 50 100 150 200 _ 250 300 0Total Lots E Lots Developed NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE 0OVEMBER 2003 The Tint Shop 78O8Owasso 2xp New 11/11/03 11/15/03 Yea Owasso Game Day Spodwaar 12652E86P|No New 11/12/03 11/19/03 Yes Advance America Cash Center 12332E88SiNo New 11/13N3 11/20/03 Yes Car Spa ufOwasso 7O0OOwasso Exp.#A New 11/1303 11/13/03 Yea Co/be|o'a Low Garb Foods 102 South Main New 11/18/03 11/24/03 No DECEMBER 2003 Ram Auction 2O2E5thAve New 12/4/03 1C2/04 Yea D|deTown |nbahom. Inc. 104 SKJain New 12/8/03 12/1/03 Yea Chickasaw Child Support En[ Q2OONoGarnett New 12/29/03 12/29/03 Yes JANUARY 2004 Eggbert'oF{eatuurant 14002E116StNo New 1/5/04 1/18/04 Yes Seams Good. Inc. O1OONGarnett Rd, Suite New 1/5/04 1/24/84 No Koo| Rides Customs 110South Main New 1/15/04 2/2/04 No The Home Depot 9450No128Euve New 1/6/04 1/7/04 Yea Pharmacy Providers, Inc 104E2ndAve, Suite B New 1/23/04 2/1/04 No Wild Hairs Smoke Lodge 3OOWest 2ndAve New 2/2/04 3/1/04 No