HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.03.02_City Council Agenda 11 .-\genJa~{,Cnllllcir 200-l,03020.]..doc Mr. Hayes will introduce "Character" the qualities built into an individual's life that determines his or her response, regardless of circumstances. 5. Character Initiative Mr. Hayes 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation Jim Schnorrenberg, First Christian Church 1. Call to Order Mayor Cochran AGENDA Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City(?l~rk and posted at City Hall 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Febmary 27,2004. ( J)!'! .,', I) I , /t:, , ",.) J~li;:~.L~t~e~s, (1dmi~ti~~ ~~~i~~~~~~~_/ v Regular March 2, 2004 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL Council J I \genJaS'C'<.,.111Ill.:il 20()...1.'O.~020.J. lint.:" Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 775 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council actions taken Febmary 17, 2004 to approve the zoning change. D. Action relating to Ordinance No. 775, an ordinance approving the rezoning request of Owasso Land Tmst, L.L.c., as made in application number OZ 04-01, and providing for the rezoning of approximately 3.2 acres, more or less, generally located in the southeast comer of North 125th East Avenue and East 86th Street NOlih from RS-3 (Residential Single Family) to CG (Commercial General District), and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Attachment # 7-D Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 774 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action taken Febmary 17, 2004 to approve the annexation request. C. Action relating to Ordinance No. 774, an ordinance approving the annexation request of the Dominion Corporation, as made in application number OA 04-01, of approximately 19.75 acres, more or less, subject property is located in the northwest comer of East 66th Street North and NOlih 129th East Avenue, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Attachment #7-C B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #7 - B A. Approval of Minutes of the Febmary 17, 2004 Regular Meeting. Attachment #7-A 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non- debatable. Mr. Ray will introduce the employee of the month. 6. Employee of the Month Mr. Ray Owasso City Council March 2, 2004 Page 2 I J \gelldas'CUllllCil\200.J.' O-,02t)-l dt)c The staff recommends Council adoption of an Antidisplacement Plan for the project, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute such plan document. 1. Action relating to an "Antidisplacement Plan" for Project #10997 CDBG 03. Attachment #7- I The staff recommends City Council authorization for the Mayor to execute the Environmental Certificate and Request for Release of Funds as required by the grant conditions. H. Action relating to Council authorization for the Mayor to execute an Environmental Certificate and Request for Release of Funds for Project #10997 CDBG 03. Attachment #7-H The staff recommends Council approval of the INCOG report and finding of no significant impact on the environment as a result of the CDBG program activity, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Certification of Compliance. G. Action relating a finding of "No Significant Impact on the Environment" will occur as a result of the #10997 CDBG 03 program activity. Attachment #7-G The staff recommends Council designation of the Mayor as the City's celiifying official for environmental documents required by the grant and authorized by the Council. F. Action relating to the designation of the Mayor as the City's Certifying Officer as provided for by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for the purpose of assuming overall responsibility for the Environmental Review Process for #10997 CDBG 03, Small Cities Grant. Attachment #7-F Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 776 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action taken February 1 2004 to approve the request for easement closure. E. Action relating to Ordinance No. 776, an ordinance approving the closure of a 10' utility easement in the Coffee Creek addition between lots 10 & lion block 3 per request of Bob Jones of Charney & Buss, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Attachment #7 - E Owasso City Council March 2, 2004 Page 3 II .:\gcndas C~)[lllCil\200-~ n.'{)2I)..Ltluc Staff will recommend Council accept the Emergency Management Performance Grant in the amount of $5,000.00, authorize the Mayor to execute all associated documents, and approve a supplemental appropriation to the Emergency Preparedness Department of the General Fund, increasing revenues and expenditures by $5,000.00 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Council acceptance of the Emergency Management PerfOlmance Grant and a supplemental appropriation to the Emergency Preparedness Department. Mr. Rooney Attachment # 10 Ms. Berryhill has requested to address the City Council regarding stormwater drainage in the area of 12525 E. 84th Street North. 9. Request from Ms. Diane Berryhill to address the City Council. Mr. Ray Attachment #9 Mr. McMmiin has requested to address the City Council regarding stormwater drainage in the Windsor Lake Subdivision. 8. Request from Mr. Clayton McMartin to address the City Council. Mr. Ray Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #2004-02. J. Action relating to Resolution #2004-02, a Resolution committing up to $67,132 as leverage from the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma to Project #10997 CDBG 03. Attachment #7-J Owasso City Council March 2, 2004 Page 4 II .\gentlas\Ct)1lt1Clr20U-t'n.~{)2(}-t d~)C 16. Adjournment. 15. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 14. Report from Cit;! Councilors. 13. Report from City Attorney. 12. Report from City Manager. Staff will recommend Council approve a supplemental appropnatIOn to the Police Services Department of the General Fund, increasing revenues and expenditures by $2,514.00. 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the Police Services Department. Mr. Yancey Attachment #11 Owasso City Council March 2, 2004 Page 5 STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Ronald Cates, City Attorney A quomm was declared present. ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Councilor PRESENT Gary Cochran, Mayor Susan Kimball, Vice Mayor Brent COlg<::'il, C0uncilor Craig Thoendel, Councilor ROLL CALL ITEM 4. City Councilor Brent Colgan led the flag salute. FLAG SALUTE ITEM 3. The invocation was offered by Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Director for the City of Owasso. INVOCATION ITEM 2. Mayor Cochran called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. ITEM 1. The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, Febmary 17, 2004 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Febmary 13,2004. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, Febmary 17,2004 #7 2 Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Mr. Thoendel moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, to approve the rezoning of subject property from RS-3 to CG. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM THE OW ASSO LAND TRUST, L.L.c. FOR THE REZONING OF PROPERTY CURRENTLY DESIGNATED AS RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL). THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NORTH 125TH EAST AVENUE AND EAST 86TH STREET NORTH, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3.2 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ITEM 7. Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the annexation of subject property into the city limits of Owasso. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROV AL OF AN ANNEXATION REQUEST FROM THE DOMINION CORPORATION. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST 66TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 19.75 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ITEM 6. Motion canied 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $576,873.10 and payroll claims totaling $253,267.98. Approval of Claims. A. Approval of Minutes of the February 3, 2004 Regular Meeting and February 10, 2004 Special Meeting. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. ITEM 5. February 17, 2004 Owasso City Council 3 Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Carr presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve Change Order Number 1 to the contract for East 86th Street North Improvements (N. 129th E. Avenue to N. 14Sth East Avenue) with Becco Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $32,131.88 with 9 days added to the contract time and a revised contract total amount of$2,504,197.08. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CHANGE ORDER TO THE CONTRACT WITH BECCO CONTRACTORS FOR THE EAST 86TH STREET NORTH IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. My. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the Garrett Creek Center final plat. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF A FINAL PLAT FOR THE GARRETT CREEK CENTER FROM THE P ARAGON DEVELOPMENT GROUP. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EAST 116TH STREET NORTH AND U.S. HIGHWAY 169 AND CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 9.65 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ITEM 9. Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the request by Bob Jones of Charney and Buss for the closure of the 10' utility easement on subject property. ITEM 8. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EASEMENT CLOSURE FROM BOB JONES OF CHARNEY & BUSS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF 10220 NORTH 141sT EAST COURT. February 17, 2004 Owasso City Council 4 Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Cates presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the filing of an Amicus Curiae Brief in the Oklahoma Supreme Court in a case appealing a Corporation Commission Order relating to the purchase of electricity by AEP/PSO from the Lawton Co-Generation Facility. ITEM 13. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE FILING OF AN AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF IN THE OKLAHOMA SUPREME COURT. Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Ms. Bishop presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve a supplemental appropriation in the Workers' Compensation Self Insurance Fund in the amount of $70,000.00. ITEM 12. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SELF INSURANCE FUND. Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Ms. Bishop presented the item. Mr Thoendel moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve Resolution No. 2004-03 auth0l1zing the investment in a Revenue Anticipation Note issued by the Owasso Public Works Authority, the Note paying 2% interest to the City on the balance of the funds drawn against the note and maturing on March 1, 2005. ITEM 11. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2004-03, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AND AUTHORIZING AN INVESTMENT IN A REVENUE ANTICIP A TION NOTE OF THE OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY. February 17, 2004 Owasso City Council 5 Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mayor Cochran nominated Ms. Marilyn Hinkle, Mr. Duane Coppick and My. Kevin Vanover as appointees to the Owasso Planning Commission, Ms. Hinkle's term to expire on 6/3012006, Mr. Coppick's and Mr. Vanover's terms to expire on 6/30/2004. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve Council confirmation of these appointees to the Owasso Planning Commission. ITEM 16. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO THE OW ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION. Motion carried 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Ms. Bishop presented the item. Mr. Thoendel moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund increasing projected revenues and transfers in and increasing expenditures and transfers out. ITEM 15. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND. Motion cmTied 4-0. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Mr. Cates presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, to authorize the Staff to take such actions as are necessary and proper to join the Quality Service Coalition in its Intervention in the rate and seru1ce review proceeding of the Corporation Commission relating to American Electric Power/Public Service Company of Oklahoma. ITEM 14. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL APPROVAL TO INTERVENE AS A MEMBER OF THE QUALITY SERVICE COALITION IN THE OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION AEP PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY RATE PROCEEDINGS. February 17, 2004 Owasso City Council 6 Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. YEA: Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to adjourn. ITEM 21. ADJOURNMENT. None ITEM 20. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Colgan also congratulated the new members of the Planning Commission and extended his personal gratitude to all citizens who volunteer their time to the City. Ms. Kimball congratulated the new members of the Planning Commission. She also voiced her appreciation to Rickey Hayes and Tom Kimball for their efforts in going to Florida to meet with Vanguard Corporation employees relating to the re-Iocation of Vanguard to the Tulsa/Owasso area. ITEM 19. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS None ITEM 18. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Ray thanked the Council for their approval of the supplemental appropriation to the General Fund. Mr. Ray stated that, due to declining Sales Tax Collections, the employees of the City of Owasso have not received a pay increase in Fiscal Year 2003/2004. The Sales Tax collections of the past few months have increased satisfactorily and this appropriation will be used to make a one-time payment to the City employees as a show of appreciation for their continued commitment. ITEM 17. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER February 17, 2004 Owasso City Council Gary Cochran, Mayor February 17, 2004 7 Pat FlY, Minute Clerk Owasso City Council CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 03/02/04 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BAILEY, MATT BAILIFF DUTIES 300.00 ="===-===0 MUNiCIPAL COURT DEPT TOTAL 300.00 SAY-ON PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.32 AT&T WIRELESS PHONE USE-RAY 21.49 THE TRAVELING GOURMET MEETING EXPENSE 84.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 43.30 TREASURER PETTY CASH STAFF TRAINING 51.19 MILLENNIUM JOINT VENTURES USA TIMMY & CINDY STATUES 7,885.00 MANAGERIAL DEPT TOTAL 8,104.30 TREASURER PETTY CASH ANNUAL DUES 25.00 FINANCE DEPT TOTAL 25.00 CINTAS CORPORATION MAT SERVICES 27.90 EXECUTIVE COFFEE SERVICES SUPPLIES 137.63 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 2,580.05 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES 74.80 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES 126.65 AT&T WIRELESS PHONE USE-CATES 21.50 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 951.36 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 14.51 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTER MEETING 29.55 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 167.00 JP HOGAN INSURANCE NOTARY BONDS 30.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL 4,160.95 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 4.00 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER ANNEXATION ORDINANCE 201.96 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 205.96 AWWA BOOKSTORE TOOL CATALOG 51.50 OK DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECS 116.85 ENGINEERING DEPT TOTAL 168.35 SAV-ON PRINTING PRINTING 64.00 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS BARREL CONNECTOR 10.00 AT&T WIRELESS CELL PHONE USE 59.56 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-HOUGHTON 26.10 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT TOTAL 159.66 RADIO SHACK REPAIRlMAINT SUPPLIES 15.99 ARNOLD'S CUSTOM CABINETS STAIN 25.00 GRAYBAR WIRE 55.56 WW GRAINGER WASTE CAN 108.14 LOWES COMPANIES REPAIRlMAINT SERVICE 88.22 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 64.16 LOWES COMPANIES SMALL TOOLS 8.99 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OKLAHOMA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS MAl NT SUPPLIES 210.95 CARRIER COMPANY BOILER REPAIR 801.00 DUVALL ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WORK 674.00 LOWES COMPANIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 1,590.05 DISTRICT II PROBATION COMMUNITY WORKER PROGRAM 186.52 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC LUNCHES 38.88 ~ SUPPORT SERVICES OEPT TOTAL LOWES COMPANIES FLOOD LIGHT FIXTURE 25.83 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC CEMETERY USAGE 100.00 ~- CEMETERY OEPT TOTAL OWASSO FOP LODGE #149 LEGAL DEFENSE 105.00 WW GRAINGER FLARES 320.00 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE CANINE FOOD 33.99 TREASURER PETTY CASH OPERATING SUPPLIES 65.72 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 561.79 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 951.35 TREASURER PETTY CASH STAFF TRAINING 20.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING-NAPIER 100.00 FBI NATIONAL ACADEMY ASSOCIATES OHP MEMBERSHIP DUES-YANCEY 60.00 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLES-12/16/03 55,105.68 POLICE OEPT TOTAL 57,323.53 BOB BARKER COMPANY JAIL VISITATION ROOM 338.20 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS OEPT TOTAL 338.20 HILLS PET NUTRITION SHELTER SUPPLIES 80.50 STRATHE VETERINARY VET SERVICES 178.62 HILLS PET NUTRITION SHELTER SUPPLIES 85.25 ANIMAL CONTROL OEPT TOTAL 344.31 R & L SUPPLY CLEANING FLUID 156.93 WAYEST SAFETY CLASS A FOAM 134.14 WEAR GUARD WORK COATS 192.92 NORTHERN SAFETY WORK GLOVES 134.01 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 1,876.59 WAYEST SAFETY SCBA/SPARE BOTTLES 1/20/04 12,037.12 FIRE DEPT TOTAL 14,531.11 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC CIVIL DEFENSE USAGE 75.00 LOWES COMPANIES KITCHEN-ODEM GRANT 774.00 WAL-MART COMMUNITY KITCHEN CONST-ODEM GRANT 560.93 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT TOTAL 1,409.93 ADVANCED WARNING LIGHTED BARRICADES 362.50 BINGHAM TRUCKING ICE SALT 1,809.56 RAINBOW CONCRETE CONCRETE 130.00 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 142.74 LOWES COMPANIES REPAIR/MAl NT SUPPLIES 117.00 ANCHOR STONE CRUSHER RUN 26.85 Y..ENDQR DESCRIPTION AMQ!LI'LT RAINBOW CONCRETE CONCRETE 272.00 A & A MATERIALS ASPHALT 75.42 LOWES COMPANIES REPAIRJMAINT SUPPLIES 50.70 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY REPAIRIMAINT SUPPLIES 20.21 ESTESINC WEED CHEMICALS 352.00 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTALS 140.66 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTiVE CLOTHiNG 11.73 UNIFIRST CORPORATiON UNIFORM RENTALS 82.66 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 13.76 TULSA COUNTY BOCC STREET SIGNS 77.76 AEP/PSO STREET LIGHTS 19.48 OWASSO FENCE FENCE REPAIR 816.00 OWASSO FENCE FENCE REPAIR 402.00 OCT EQUIPMENT DOZER RENTAL 350.00 OCT EQUIPMENT TRACK HOE RENTAL 1,295.00 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTALS 92.56 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 31.40 ~ STREETS DEPT TOTAL 6,691.99 LOWES COMPANIES MAl NT SUPPLIES 6.23 BAILEY EQUIPMENT BLOWERJEDGERlWEEDEA TER 924.86 ADT SECURITY SECURITY SERVICES 41.10 WASHINGTON CO RWD WATER 12.50 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 141.85 PARKS DEPT TOTAL 1,126.54 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 1 ,233.27 AT&T WIRELESS PHONE USE 15.40 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL 1,248.67 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 257.17 HISTORICAL MUSEUM TOTAL 257.17 SAV-ON PRINTING PRINTING 52.00 AT&T WIRELESS PHONE USE-HAYES 21.49 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB TRAVEL-HAYES 154.29 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 16.54 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 125.00 CINDY SIGNS BANNER 125.00 SAV-ON PRINTING MAPS 350.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 844.32 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 101,233.94 OLDS, DONA REFUND #4175 20.00 PARAMEDICS PLUS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 95.04 ALLIANCE MEDICAL AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 716.92 T&W TIRE TIRES/ALlGNMENT 1,525.19 WORKS & LENTZ COLLECTION FEES 95.10 MEDICLAIMS MONTHLY SERVICES 3,391.42 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL 5,843.67 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AIV\Q.UNI SOUTHWESTERN BELL E911 MONTHLY CHARGES 806.25 E-911 FUND TOTAL 806.25 MORTON EXCAVATING DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 9/16/03 34,027.20 STORMWATER MGMT FUND TOTAL 34,027.20 ~~ BENHAM COMPANIES ATKINS AMERICAS SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 11,488.57 ACTION PLUMBING PLUMBING SERVICES .1,750.00 LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC THERMOSTATS 1,153.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL 14,391.57 FULLERTON WELDING SUPPLIES YEARLY CYLINDER RENTAL 400.00 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 104.32 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE SMALL TOOLS 59.98 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-OKLA. REPAIR PARTS 42.60 OK TRUCK SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 293.37 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PARTS 711.87 AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 105.85 CLASSIC CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 301.74 FRICTION PRODUCTS BRAKE REBUILDERS REPAIR PARTS 35.58 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 127.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/04 USAGE 665.15 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL 2,847.46 PERRINE, MCGIVERN, REDEMANN, PLLC LEGAL SERVICES 374.00 PPO SOLUTIONS MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 151.02 PPO SOLUTIONS MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 41.54 NEUROLOGY LLPC G12173 445.02 NEUROSURGERY, INC J06172 85.18 WORKING RX C11213 50.01 EICHERT, STEPHEN J. DO R10163 123.07 CLEVELAND AREA HOSPITAL C07183 135.00 WORKING RX R01064 192.67 WORKING RX Y06133 31.75 ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL OF OK C11213 346.80 THIRD PARTY SOLUTIONS B01224 41.60 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY B01224 145.16 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY R01064 56.80 OWASSO PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC F10143 277.68 TULSA XRAY LAB, INC L12073 29.42 JAMPETRO, TAMARA C/O CRAIG ARMSTRONG TID PAYMENTS 269.08 JAMPETRO, TAMARA C/O CRAIG ARMSTRONG TID PAYMENTS 269.08 WORKER COMP FUND TOTAL 3,064.88 STILLWATER EQUIPMENT CO. TRACTOR 7,832.84 SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 7,832.84 GRAND TOTAL 170,047.81 * The totals above include the one~time payment to employees made on 2/19/04 Emergency 911 Fund Ambulance Fund Community-Senior Center 0.00 8,266.47 3,661.69 0.00 General Government IQ1alEx~nses .overtime Expell~,-e1i DBlladment 2/21/04 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1. Ordinance No. 774 ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 774. RECOMMENDATION: Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 774 that formally adopts the City Council's action of February 17, 2004. BACKGROUND: At the February 17, 2004 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved an annexation request of property located in the northwest comer of North 129th East Avenue and East 66th Street North intersection, containing approximately 19.75 acres. DUANE CUTHBERTSON PLANNER THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITYOFOWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE S/2 OF THE SE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32; THENCE S 00010'35" W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 318.67 FEET; THENCE N 87045'31" W A DISTANCE OF 566.88 FEET; THENCE N 00010'35" E AND PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF THE S/2 OF THE SE/40F THE NE/4 OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 296.46 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE S/2 OF THE SE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32; THENCE N 89059'49" E ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE LESS AND EXCEPT THE E/2 OF THE SE/4 OF THE SE/4 AND THE S/2 OF THE SE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32; A TRACT OF LAND LOCA~;::I) II'; THE E/2 OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32, T-21-N, R-14-E OF THE INDIAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, BEING MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described territory lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma which is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Owasso and described in the petition presented to the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title II, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and more pariicularly described as follows, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, WHEREAS, on the 17th day of February, 2004, said Petition was duly considered by the Owasso City Council and was determined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and further, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given. WHEREAS, notice of the presentation of said Petition was given by the Petitioner by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said Petition would be considered by the City Council of the City of Owasso, at a meeting held on February 17, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at Old Central, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, the City of Owasso is permitted to annex additional territory, providing a petition in writing, signed by not less than three-fourths of the legal voters and owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the property hereinafter described, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, requesting that said property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso is submitted; and AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING, AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, ADDITIONAL LANDS AND TERRITORY IN SECTION 32, TO\VNSHlP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, PROVIDED THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE THAT ALL OF THE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID TERRITORY HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE A PART OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND FURTHER DECLARING THAT ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURiSDICTION, CONTROL, LAWS, AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ESTABLISHING THE SAME AS PART OF WARD ONE OF SAID CITY AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF THIS ORDINANCE, CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 774 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gary Cochran, Mayor Sherry Bishop, City CL1: CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of March, 2004. Section 3. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed. Section 2. That from and after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and in Ward Five thereof, and all persons residing therein, and all property situated thereon, shall be and are hereby declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws, and ordinances ofthe City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. be, and the same is hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the corporate limits thereof be and are hereby extended to include the above described territory and real estate. SAID TRACT CONTAINS 19.75 ACRES MORE OR LESS, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 32: THENCE N 00010'35" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 827.00 FEET TO THE "POINT OF BEGINl\'ING"; THENCE N 89049'25" W AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4 A DISTANCE OF 326.40 FEET; THENCE N 00010'35" E AND Pi'JV\.LLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4 A DISTANCE OF 165.40 FEET; THENCE S 89049'25" E AND PERPENuICULAR TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4 A DISTANCE OF 326.40 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4; THENCE S 00010'35" W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4 A DISTANCE OF 165.40 FEET TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING", ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT S/2 OF THE SE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 566.52 FEET TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" ATTACHMENT: 1. Ordinance No. 775 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 775. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 775 that formally adopts the City Council's action of February 17, 2004. BACKGROUND: At the February 17, 2004 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved a rezoning request from the Owasso Land Trust, L.L.C. of property located in the southeast comer of East 86111 Street North and North 125111 East Avenue. The approval changed the zoning from RS-3 to eG. FEBRUARY 2004 DATE: NO.7 DUANE CUTHBERTSON PLANNER THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Ronald D. 'Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gary Cochran, Mayor Sherry Bishop, City Clerk City of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day <-fMarch, 2004. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. be, and the same is hereby zoned from RS-3 (Residential Single-Family District) to CG (Commercial General District). COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION 29, T021-N, R-14-E. THENCE S 89056'16" W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NE/4 A DISTANCE OF 935.00 FEET. THENCE S 00006'58" E AND PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 33.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE CONTINUING S 00006'58" E A DISTANCE OF 426.0 FEET. THENCE S 89056"16" W A DISTANCE OF 326.82 FEET. THENCE N 00006"58" W A DISTANCE OF 426.0 FEET TO A POINT OF 33.0 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NE/4. THENCE N 89056'16" E A DISTANCE OF 326.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3.2 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION 29, T-21-N, R-140E OF THE INDIAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TOoWIT. S~(;tiQILL The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for or against the requested rezoning of application OZo 04-01. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the propel1y herein described, and AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZo04- 01 CHAt'\JGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN A PART OF THE SE/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE & MERIDIAN, CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAIIOMA, FROM RS-3 (RESIDENTIAl, SINGLE FAMILY DlSTRlCT) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL DlSTRlCT), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON'FLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 775 ATTACHMENT: 1. Ordinance No. 776 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 776. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 776 that formally adopts the City Council's action ofFebmary 17, 2004. BACKGROUND: At the February 17, 2004 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved a request fi.om Bob Jones of Charney & Buss to dose a utility easement located on a portion of Lots 10 & 11, Block 3, Coffee Creek addition. FEBRUARY 2004 DUANE CUTHBERTSON PLANNER l4"'ROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNca CITY OF OWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gary Cochran, Mayor Sherry Bishop, City Clerk City of Ow as so, Oklahoma ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 2"d day of March, 2004. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Clc<ing of t".", public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. 2. The Southerly Five (5) feet of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREEK, an addition to the City of Ow as so, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 1. The Northerly Five (5) feet of Lot Ten (10), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREEK, an addition to the City of Ow as so, Tulsa COlillty, Oklahoma, Section 1. The following described utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, WHEREAS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special tight or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their obj ections to the closure of said easement, if any. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42-110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and/or Cox Communications Company, and; 2. The Southerly Five (5) feet of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREEK, an addition to the City of Ow as so, Tulsa County, Oklahoma; 1, The Northerly Five (5) feet of Lot Ten (10), Block Three (3), COFFEE CREEK, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, WHEREAS, said utility easement is described as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to the public use a portion of a celiain utility easement; ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN A PORTION OF LOT 10 AND LOT 11, BLOCK 3, COFFEE CREEK ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WrrnOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 776 The City is also required to adopt a resolution pledging an equal match of $67,132 towards the completion of the project. This match has been budgeted by the City of Ow as so. First, an Environmental Review Record must be prepared. This record consists of a request for review being sent to various state and federal agencies and a documentation of their responses in the form of a statutory checklist and an environmental assessment. The staff has determined that this project will have no significant effect on the environment. As a result ofthis determination, the Council is in a position to designate the Mayor as the certifying officer to execute the Environmental Certification and Release of Funds Request and to make a finding of No Significant Environmental Impact. In addition, the Council must approve an Antidisplacement Plan even though no displacement will occur as a part of the program. The INCOG staff has prepared those documents. A series of steps must be taken in order for the ODOC to release the Small Cities grant funds for the sidewalk improvement project. Each step requires formal action by the Council, however, these steps are generally considered to be "house cleaning" type actions. By virtue of its size, the City of Owasso receives $67,132 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds each year, contingent upon the approval of the grant application that the City must make yearly. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) administers these funds as part of its "Small Cities set-aside program". Currently, the City is using this money to improve sidewalks in an area between 76th Street and 86th Street, from Highway 169 west to Atlanta Street. The staff has received approval from ODOC of the application for the FY '03 project and is preparing to request the grant funds so that the constmction phase of the project may begin. The Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) assists the municipal staff with the administration of the grant program as a part ofthe administration services contract with the City. BACKGROUND: February 11, 2004 DATE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - FY '03 SUBJECT: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM The staff recommends that the Council approve the INCOG reports and finding of no significant impact on the environment as a result of the Sidewalk Improvement Program, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Certification of Continued Environmental Compliance. RECOMMENDATION: This is a finding that the project is not a major federal action that will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to the State for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement. In order to make this finding it is necessary to complete a Statutory Checklist, an Environmental Assessment checklist, and maintain documentation of the Environmental Review Record information. INCOG staff has completed all of these and documentation has been placed in the project's pelmanent file. BACKGROUND: AGENDA ITEM #7-G CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUED ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The staff recommends Council designation of the Mayor as the City's certifying official for documents required by the grant and authorized by the Council. RECOMMENDATION: Federal and state regulations require that each grant recipient designate a celiifying official. This official is typically the mayor when the recipient of a grant is a municipality. The certifying official (through use of the staff and contractually with INCOG) assumes responsibility for the environmental review process, making findings, and signing certifications. BACKGROUND: AGENDA #7-1;' AS CERTIFYING OFFICER It is anticipated that future actions may have to be taken by the Council to complete other grant requirements not directly related to environmental concerns. However, at this point the following is a specific explanation of each current request by agenda item. The staff recommends Council adoption of an Antidisplacement Plan for the Sidewalk Improvement Program, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the plan document. RECOMMENDATION: The Antidisplacement Plan addresses the actual or unexpected demolition of low/moderate income dwelling units. There will be no demolition of dwelling units because ofthis project. However, it is required that a plan be approved that states that demolition is not planned and, if unexpected demolition should occur, all federal regulations would be followed to mitigate any adverse impact. BACKGROUND: AGENDA ITEM #7-1 ANTIDISPLACEMENT PLAN The staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Environmental Certificate and the "Request for Release of Funds" as required by grant conditions. RECOMMENDATION: The Environmental Certification is a document that identifies that the City has carried out its responsibilities for environmental review in accordance with all state and federal regulations and that it has been determined that a full Environmental Impact Statement is not required. The Environmental Certification is a prerequisite for the Request for Release of Funds. The Request for Release of Funds is a document that identifies that the City has completed all the requirements of the grant, whether they are state, federal or local grant conditions. .!iACKGROUND: AGENDA ITEM #7-H EXECUTE AN ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE AND THE REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS 1. Certification of Continued Environmental Compliance 2. Request for Release of Funds 3. Environmental Celiification 4. Antidisplacement Plan 5. Resolution 2004-02 ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends Council approval of Resolution 2004-02. RECOMMENDATION: In order to receive the CDBG funds, the City of Owasso must commit $67,1 as a matching amount. This pledge equals the amount of the grant itself. The City will meet this requirement with additional paving and sidewalk improvements completed by the Public Works Depmiment. BACKGROUND: AGENDA ITEM #7-J RESOLUTION 2004-02 Environmental Certifying Officer (Signature, Title and Address) Gary Cochran, Mayor City of Owasso P. O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Date I find that this project is not a major federal action which will have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment and is consistent with the provisions of24 CFR, Part 58. Subpart E. and that these activities are in compliance with the environmental requirements of related federal authorities. A request to the State for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement .l A FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMP ACT the basis of the environmental assessment the above proj ect, I have made the following finding. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FINDING OWASSO #10997 CDBG 03 CDBG SMALL CITIES IMPROVMENT PROGRAM FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT BY, February 18, 2004 POSTED: Gary Cochran, Mayor ODOC will consider objections to its release of funds and the City of Owasso's certification received by March 26, 2004 or a period of fifteen days from its receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if it is on one of the following basis: (al that the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer or other officer of the City of Owasso approved by ODOC; or (b) the City of Owasso has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the project have committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by ODOC; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce at P.O. Box 26980, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126-0980. Potential objectors should contact ODOC to verify the actual last day of the objection period. OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE OF FUNDS The City of Owasso certifies to ODOC that Gary Cochran in his capacity as Mayor, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an actio~ is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. ODOC's' approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the City of Owasso to use Program funds. RELEASE OF FUNDS Any individual, group or agency disagreeing with this determination or wishing to comment on the project may submit written comments to the Community Development Director of the City of Owasso at the above address. All comments received by March 8, 2004 will be considered by the City of Owasso prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Commentors should specify which part of this Notice they are addressing. PUBLIC COMMENTS The City of Owasso has been determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy ,Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at the office of the community Development Director for the City of Owasso at the above address and may be examined or copied weekdays from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT On or about March 8, 2004, the City of Owasso will submit a request to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOe) for the release v~ Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, to undertake a project known as the 10997 CDBG 03 Sidewalk Improvement Program for the purpose of extending and replacing sidewalks in low/mod areas of the City of Owasso, Creek County, Oklahoma. The estimated project construction cost is $130,000. REQV~~! FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS This notice shall satisfy the above-cited two separate but related procedural notification requirements. February 18, 2004 City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Contact: Eric Wiles (918) 376-1500 COMBINED NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS Contractor Name: Contract No. City of Owasso 10997 CDBG 03 Address: Date of Request P.O. Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055 .. March 8 , 2004 Project Description: (Brief) CDBG Small Cities Sidewalk Improvement and Street Overlay Program in the City of Owasso Consultant Name and Address: w,~ ~~~dy Annstrong, ~COG, 201 W.5th St1"eet, Suit 600, Tulsa, OK 74103 No Consultant REQUIREMENTS . Items Included State Use Only ~. ' .. '," " ~' ~~ ..;..~ A. Categorical!y Excluded From RROF Publication I hereby state CDSO Form 403-A has been completed & the activity has been detel111ined to be exempt. A Finding of CategOlical Exclusion/Exemption (Sample 403-3), Historical Clearance, & Archeological Clearance are attached -- S Categorically Excluded Activity I hereby state CDSO FOI111 403-A has been completed. Environmental Certification (Fonn 403-8), proof of Notice of Intent Publication (Sample 403-6),or Proof of Posting, Historical Clearance, Archeological Clearance and Finding of Categorical Exclusion (Sample 403-5) are attached. - C. Assessment Activity I hereby state FOl111s 403-A & 403-C have been completed and X no EIS is required, the Finding in (Fol111 403-C, Attachment 9) is attached" Environmental Celtification (Form 403-8), Proof of Concurrent Notice of Publication (Sample 403-8), or Proof of Posting, Historic & Archeological Clearance are attached. 2. Leverage/Commitment A. COSO Projects I hereby certify that a resolution and/or an escrow account has X been established committing the leveraged funds toward the completion of the project. (Fol111 40 J-S, Attachment 1) is attached. 3. Insurance & Sonding Submit evidence of general liability insurance and city/county X bonding. 4. Anti Displacement Plan A. I hereby certify an anti-displacement plan has been adopted. X Attach Plan. Attachment 3 or 4 5. Minority/Women- A. Copy of response from Ken Tally signed by ODOC. Owned Business , 10/19/01 Solicitation 6. Other A. Any special conditions Including Grant/Loan Special Conditions, specified in Section II of the contract between ODOC and the Contractor have been met. X B. Audit Accepted by ODOC. C. Attendance at CDSO Trainin.g Session. NAME and TITLE of Signature of Authorized Official Date Authorized Official Oary Cochran, Mayor Items included - Code: NA Not Applicable to this program. - REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS At"'{D REQUIREMENTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Signature of Certifying OtTicer of the Recipient Address City of Ow as so P.O. Box 180 Owasso. Oklahoma 74055 Title: Mayor Warning: HUD \,t,'ill orosecute false claims and stilfements COIwiction may result in ':limillal ami/of civil Jenalttes (18 Us.e 100 I. 1010, 1 OI2.~ J I use J7~9. 3802) As the duly designated certifying official of the recipient, I also certify that: 1. I am authorized to and do consent to assume the status of responsible federal official under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and each provision of law designated in 24 CFR 58.51ist ofNEPA - related authorities insofar as the provisions of these laws apply to the HUD responsibilities for environmental review. decision making and actions that have been assumed by the recipient. 2. By~o consenting, I have assumed the responsibilities for the conduct of environmental review, decision making and actions as to environmental issues. preparation and circulation of draft, final and supplemental environmental impact statements, and lead agency or cooperating agency responsibilities for prep:arn:tion of such statements on behalf of federal agencies including HUD, when these agencies consent to such assumptions. 3. I am authorized to and do accept, on behalf of the recipient and personally, the jurisdiction of the federal courts for the enforcement of all these responsibilities, in my capacity as certifying officer of the recipient. Item Expire Item r", Expire Notice of Funding of Notice of Intent to No Significant Impact Publication Date Prepare an EIS Publication Date: - Comment Period: Comment Period: - ~ ~- Combined Notice: Drati EIS Finding of No Significant Publication Date 2/18/04 Publication Date: Impact and Intent to Request Release of Funds Comment Period: 2/18/07 3/26/04 Comment Period: Notice orIment to Final EIS Request Release of Publication Date: Publication Date: Funds Comment Period: Comment Period: Other (specifY) Finding of Other (specify) Categorical Exclusion Request for Release of HUD or State Request for Release of HUD or State Funds Decision Period: FLUIds Decision Period: (Minimum period Actual by HUD or State (Minimum period Estimated by Recipient for approval) for approval) The recipient has fully carried out its responsibilities for environmental review, decision-making and action pertaining to the project named above The recipient has complied with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and with the environmental procedures, pemit requirements and statutory obligations of the laws cited in 24 CFR 58.5. The recipient has taken or will take into account the environmental criteria, standards, pemit requirements and other obligations applicable to the project or program activity under other Federal, State, and local laws that the recipient has the direct responsibility to comply with. For UDAG projects only, the recipient has provided the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Secretary of the Interior an opportunity to act with respect to properties which the recipient believes are affected by the project and are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (StXtiOll I 19(m), HCD Act of 1974, as amended). Aft"r considering the type and degree of environmental effects identified by the environmental review completed r"r the proposed project described in Part! of this request, I have found that the proposal_~_ did did not require the preparation and dissemination of an environmental impact statement. The recipient has, prior to submitting this request for the release offunds and certification, published in the manner prescribed by 24 CFR 58.43 a ni1tice to the public in accordance with 24 CFR 58.70 and as evidenced by the attached copy (copies). The dates upon which all statutory and regulatory time periods for review, comment or other action are indicated below and are in compliance with the procedures and requirements of 24 CFR 58. 7. 6. " J. 4. 3. 2. I. With reference to the above Program Activity/Project, I, the undersigned officer of the recipient, certify that: Attachment 9 ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION City Clerk Mayor By: By: Attest: For: City of Ow as so If displacement of low/moderate-income households occurs in conjunction with the community development activities funded with CDBG funds, the City will provide relocation assistance, as described in 570.496(b)(2) to each low/moderate-income household displaced by the demolition of housing or by the conversion of a low/moderate-income dwelling to another use as a direct result of assisted activities. 7. Information demonstrating that any proposed replacement of dwelling units with smaller dwelling units is consistent with the housing needs oflow/moderate- income households in the jurisdiction. 6. The basis for concluding that each replacement dwelling unit will rema,in a low/moderate-income dwelling unit f~r 'It least 10 years from the date.ofinitial occupancy, and; 5. The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units; 4. The location on a map and number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be provided as replacement dwelling units; 3. A time schedule for commencement and completion ofthe demolition or conversion; 2. The location on a map and number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be demolished or converted to a use other than as low/moderate-income dwelling units as a direct result ofthe assisted activity; 1. A description of proposed assisted activity; The City of Owasso will undertake community development activities funded through the Community Development Block Grant program. No demolition or conversion of low/moderate-income dwelling units is anticipated by the City in conjunction with the activities assisted with these funds. Under Section 104 (d) of the Housing and Community Development act of 1974, as Amended, ifsuch demolition or conversion unexpectedly occurs, before obligating or expending funds that will directly result in such demolition or conversion, the City will make public and submit to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce the following information in writing: RESIDENTIAL ANTI-DISPLACElVIENT AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN Program Management Requirement 401 Form 401-B (Date) City Clerk A TrEST: 2/17/04 (Date) Gary Cochran, Mayor City of Ow as so (Cityffown/County) RDA, OWRB.... EP A, EDA or Other Funding Source: A copy of the approved application stating the availability of funds that will be used for the approved CDBG project. LocaLFunds: Resolution describing from what account funds will be obtained. Examples of Documentation: Documentation must accompany this form confinning that leverage funds have been secured and are available for use with the approval of the CDBG project. $ $ $ General Fund Account Amount Source ODOC proposes to provide Federal funds in the amount of to the for carrying out a Community Development Block Grant Project. Said grant represents 50 % of the total project cost. The certifies the amount of $ 32~ will provided as a 50 % leverage in the following manner: CDBG CERTIFICATION OF LEVERAGE Attachment 1 Project location is an inland area not in a coastal zone, as defined by federal regs. Project location is in an inland area not in a coastal barrier zone, as defined by federal regs. No effect; Letter sent to USFW response received 6/27/96 (fonn letter). Construction activity will take place on land already dedicated to current use. The project location is not located near any wild and scenic river. Not negatively impacted; Letters sent to Corps, Cons. Comm. and USFW; responses received 11/17/03, 12/5/03 and 6/27/96 (fonn letter) respectively. No negative impact; Letter sent to DEQ and response received 11/20/03. No negative impact; Letter sent to DEQ and response received 11/20103. No airports in the immediate vicinity of the project. Air Quality will not be ~egatively impacted; Letter sent to DEQ and response received 11/20/03. Water Quality will not be negatively impacted; Letter sent to DEQ and CORP responses received 11/20/03 and 11/17/03. No negative impact; Letters sent to SHPO and OK Arch.; responses received 11/20/03 and 11/3/03 respectively. The project is not located in the floodplain. See FEMA response received 1117/03 and response from the local Floodplain Administrator. Detennination of Consistency Approvals, Permits Obtained'" Conditions andior Mitigation Actions Required Additional material may be attached Provide compliance documentation x x x x x x x x x x x x x . 1 Id and Scenic Rivers Fannlands Protection I !angered Species (''''istal Areas ~ Istal Zone Management LvJstal Barrier Resources Water Quality - Aquifers : . . Quality Manmade Hazards :nnal/Explosive Hazards ,port Clear Zones ] ise , :tlands Protection Floodplain Management ;toric Properties If ~aofStatut~::~~~~ulat~ry~Omp~.:nl"_ I I Not Applicable to This .. ,Report _~--L~~ _ Consultation Required'" ] _ _ ~ Review Required'" , _1 Permits Required Ow_assQJ0921CD1l0 03 SLdew~lkJrrmXQ1L~msmJs STATUTORY CHECKLIST uect Name and Identification No. vironmental Assessment Tulsa, OK 74103 Date: February 5, 2004 201 W. 5th St. INCOG Manager Community and Economic Development Title: Prepared By: Andy Armstrong ~A~7?;!b~~ ~~~ ..- ---: ~ >> .. ---~ ~~:.:.,_:,-,:,=.::.::.: ~~ ~..:~ --:~ Area of Statutory-Regulatory Compliance Provide compliance documentation ~~~~~"~~-~~ Not Applicable to This Additional material may be attached RepOlt Consultation Required'" Review Required'" Permits Required Determination of Consistency Approvals, Permits Obtained'" Conditions and/or Mitigation Actions Required === Water Quality X No adverse effect to the water quality, see responses from DEQ dated 11/20/03 and CORPS dated 11/17/03. Solid Waste Disposal X Construction debris only - No permanent impact; see response from DEQ dated 11/20/03. Fish and Wildlife X No effect; see response from USF&W dataed 6/27/96 (form letter). State or Local Statutes X The City will comply with legal (to be added by local community) ordinances and construction standards. Qwnsso L022IcPBG 03 Sidewalk ImjJrovemelll Project Name and Identification No. Compliances Under Other Laws (FederaL, State and Local Laws) Permits, Licenses, Forms of STATUTORY CHECKLIST I ,========= - -' - ^=' , "'" ' - - - - ,~ 'ea of Statutory-Regulatory Comp liance Provide compliance documentation 1- ~~~~~~~~_~~_ No Impact Antlcipated "-1 I Potentially Beneficial Potential Adverse Req uires Documentation I Only Potentially Adverse Requires More Study I Needs Mitigation I Requires Project Modifications i I Source of DocumentatIOn (Note I date of contract or page reference) i Additional material may be attached. ! mil Development I I I ~ : I I I I l , Icontimnance With Comprehensive X Confonns to City's zoning code and Plans and Zoning development regulation procedures. Jmpatibility and Urban Impact X Confonns to City's land use goals and objectives Slope X Terrain has 0 to slight slopes DSllln X Minor erosion will be controlled by the City during construction. , -,... - i i1Suitability X No significant problems anticipated. HazanlS and Nuisances, X Hazards will not affect activity. '''d1liling Site Safety iellY Consumption X No significant increased energy consumption is anticipated due to project. ! lise I , feds of Ambient Noise on Project and X Seee attachment to Statutory Checklist ConlIibution to Community Noise Level I jr Quality I trfeds of Ambient Air Quality on X Construction related dust only - State air ProjCll:t and Contribution to quality plan. -, 'rT1Il'Iunity Pollution Levels Owasso I 092.H;,QBG_ 03 SideYiijlkJl11[oYeJneD1s Proje:t Name and Identification No, Environmental Assessment Checklist No educational facilities involved; Will not be affected. No commercial expansiion will occur on existing site; will not be affected. No health care facilities involved; will not be affected. Will not be affected bYIJrojec:t activity. Employment and income will increase as a result of the extended service. Activities will not cause a'significant change in demographic. tit 3c;lllnunity character SHPO and OK Archaeological Survey contacted; Responses attached. No significant change is anticipated. Source of Documentation (Note date of contract or page reference) Additional material may be attached. Requires Project Modifications Needs Mitigation Potentially Adverse Requires More Study Potential Adverse Requires Documentation Only Owasso U22.27C,PJ3G 03 Sidewalk Improvements x x x x ty Facilities and Services Educational Facilities x X x x No ompliance Project Name and Identification No. (continued page 2) Environmental Assessment Checklist IArea of Statutory-Regulatory Compliance ~' ~ No Impact Anticipated Potentially Beneficia! Potentia! Adverse Requires Documentation l Only Potentially Adverse Requires More Study Needs Mitigation -, " Ip ACT CATEGORIES ~- Requires Project Modifications Source of Documentation (Note date of contract or page reference) Additional material may be attached. Community Facilities and Services (continued) lid Waste X Construction only; no permanent increase in volume. Waste Water X No effect from activity. lrm Water X No effect from activity. '''Iter Supply X No effect from activity., Public Safety Police X No effect from activity. Fire X No effect from activity. Emergency Medical X No effect from activity. l.l"en Space and Recreation X No effect from activity. Recreation X No effect from activity. Cultural Facilities X No effect from activity. lnsportation X Sidewalks will improve pedestrian access. Ow:JssolQ29ICl)6QJUSicJcIYalk ImpJ:Q..~ment~ noject Name and Identification No. (continued page 3) llvironmental Assessment Checklist Area already developed; No effect from activity. Some disturbance may be caused from construction activity but will be replaced. No effect from activity. The project is not "~cated in the I DO-year floodplain. See FEMA response and local floodplain manager's response. No effect from activity. No effect from activity. No effect from activity. Source of Documentation (Note date of contract or page reference) Additional material may be attached. Requires Project Modifications x x x x x x x Needs Mitigation Potentially Adverse Requires More Study Potential Adverse Requires Documentation Only No Impact Anticipated pwasso 10997 CDBG 03 Sidewalk ImRrovemf':nts Unique Natural Features and Agricultural Lands Vegetation and Wildlife Coastal Zone Wetlands Floodplains Surface Water Water Resources IMP ACT CA TEGORIES u!atory Compliance Project Name and Identification No. (continued page 4) Environmental Assessment Checklist public services within the City and because of the maqnitude of the need for project activities. 3. The project area is considered to be the most appropriate because of its ability to enhance the delivery of determined to be the most effective in terms of proiect scope and location. 2. The particular proQram activity selected for inclusion in this public infrastructure proiect have been associated with it. sidewalks_in this part of the city. Delay of action would ani',' incr8ase that need and the neQative impacts 1. The alternative QfnQ_ClCliQI1--"N_f~l~L eliminated on the qrounds that a need existed for the' construction of new There are three alternatives considered during the fomulative stages of the community development project: No action, different program activities, and the selection of a different project site. Alternatives to the project which have been considered and the results of such consideration are as follows: Project Modifications and Alternatives Considered: wind action. if they become overly extensive. Dust problems may be easily counteracted by wettin.,gJheusud'J:lGC::LSQiUo reduce daytight hours. Normal dust-related airj2ollution problems may occur during GOILstructionarHiwHLb.ft..addressed A minimal amountofnoJse associated with the construction activities is to be expected, but will occur only during Summary Environmental Findings: ~andard erQ~tl control p.,,[actices..,_Jhe o~!l~thEUJ~sifit th!LQI~till?a. disturbances~J2..~struction otnew sidewalks. These minimal effects can be easilY-D'~itigated ~Qroject will not adversely affect the environment of the Qroject area, e~~~ and dust Summary of Findings and Conclusions: (continued page 5) Environmental Assessment Checklist be utilized. Environmental impacts will be monitored as they occur, and appropriate miti!1atiQnof.iJdver~~~ffects will 1. All construction, actiyities-'!ILiII be supervised and proper safet'L measures will be follQwed alQlLtimes. The following conditions and safeguards should be implemented in order to protect or enhance environmental quality and minimize environmental impacts. Needed: Mitigation Measures Study or Performed Additional Studies (continued page 6) Environmental Assessment Checklist Februa~ 2004 Date: Tulsa. OK 74103 201 W. 5th 81. INCOG P~/A~17~ Prepared By: Andv Armstrong Title: Manager Community and Economic DeveloQment Yes No significantly affect the quality of the human environment. 30 A Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI) can be made. Project will not No 20 Is an EI8 required? No Yes 1. Is project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations? (continued page 7) Environmental Assessment Checklist Certifying Officer Signature. Title and Address of Owasso, OK 74055-0180 P.O. 80x 180 City of Owasso Gary Cochran, Mavor February 17. 2004 Date I find that this project is not a major federal action which will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to the State for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement. ~A FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT On the basis of tile environmental assessment of the above project, I have made the following finding. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FINDING Contract Name and Contract Number:_Citl,l of Qwasso #10997 CDBG 03 (Continued Page 8) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST h:j b/karen/9 8 edit! reso 1 u ti 0 n. doc Sheny Bishop, City Clerk ATTEST: Gary Cochran, Mayor City of Owasso, Oklahoma Approved this 2nd day of March, 2004. The City of Owasso, through the Cities General Fund Account, agrees to commit up to $67,132 as the required match for the proposed CDBG Small Cities Program in the City of Owasso NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, that WHEREAS, as a condition to the funding of the Community Development Block Grant (10997 CDBG 03), the Oklahoma Department of Commerce has required adoption of resolution by the City Council ofthe City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, to commit funds in the amount of $67,132 to the proj ect, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso has entered into a project consisting of a sidewalk improvement program in the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma with proceeds of Community Development Block Grant Funds; and, A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A COMIvIUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (10997 CDBG 03) FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ACTIVITIES COMMITTING UP TO $67,1 AS LEVERAGE FROM OW AS RESOLUTION # 2004-02 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 1. Copy of the e-mail correspondence between Clayton McMartin and Juliann Stevens, dated Febmary 14,2004. ATTACHMENTS: Mr. McMartin did forward the information to the office in the requested time frame, detailing his wishes to address the City Council regarding issues related to stormwater drainage in the Windsor Lake Subdivision. This e-mail correspondence has been attached for your review. On Saturday, Febmary 14, 2004, Mr. Clayton McMmiin submitted a request, via e-mail, to address the City Council at the March 2, 2004 meeting. A reply was forwarded to Mr. McMartin specifying the necessary information needed before his request could be placed on the agenda and that the information must be received by the office no later than Wednesday, Febmary 25,2004. BACKGROUND: FEBRUARY 24, 2003 DATE: REQUEST AGENDA HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL TO: MEMORANDUM #8 'I IT1 nnr\;l Clayton McMartin Thank You, As we discussed over the phone on Friday, I would like to address the City Council at the March 2nd meeting, Please add me to the agenda, Could you also send me an agenda whenever it has been finalized? Julie, ----Original Message----- From: Clayton McMartin [mailto:cem@cfch.com] Sent: Saturday, February 14, 20049:35 PM To: Stevens, Julie Subject: March 2 Agenda addition Julie Thank you for submitting your request to be placed on the March 21 2004 City Council Agenda, Upon receipt of the definitive subject I will be happy to place you on the agenda, You will need to submit your response to the office no later than Wednesday, February 25; 2004 by 5:00 PM. The agenda will be completed and ready for publication on Friday, February 27; 2004 and I will be happy to send you a copy via mail, e-mail, or both. IVlr, lVlcMartin; -----Original Message----- From: Julie Stevens Sent: 2/19/2004 8:24 AM To: Clayton McMartin Subject: RE: March 2 Agenda addition Clayton McMartin Best Regards, Thanks for the note back. The subject of my discussion will be centered around stormwater drainage related to Windsor Lake Subdivision, Look forward to your ernail on 2/27, Julie, From: Clayton McMartin [cem@cfch.com] Sent: Friday, February 20,20048:23 AM To: Julie Stevens Subject: RE: March 2 Agenda addition Stevens, Julie Page 1 of 1 Message 1. Copy of the e-mail correspondence between Diane Berryhill and JulimTI1 Stevens, dated Febmary 24, 2004. ATTACHMENTS: On Tuesday, Febmary 24, 2004, Ms. Diane Berryhill submitted a request, via e-mail, requesting placement on the March 2, 2004 City Council Agenda. Ms. Berryhill would like to address the City Council regarding issues related to storm water drainage in the area of 12525 E. 84th Street North. This e-mail correspondence has been attached for your reVIew. BACKGROUND: FEBRUARY 24, 2003 DATE: CITIZEN AGENDA SUBJECT: JULIANN M, STEVENS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST ANT FROM: HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL TO: MEMORANDUM #9 1 Diane L. Berryhill 12525 E. 84th St. N. Owasso, Ok. 74055 Home: 272-9269 Sincerely, As we discussed this morning, I wish to have my name put on the Agenda for next weeks City Council meeting to discuss and seek resolve in the matter of Stormwater Flooding onto my property generated by the lack thereof 'adequate' drainage system from approx. 16-19 acres from Elm Creek Commercial Corner, Elm Creek Mini-Storage and direct runoff from 85th & 129th E. Ave. resulting in heavy damage to my home and property. -----Original Message----- From: LynnDB21@aol.com [mailto:LynnDB21@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 1:53 PM To: jstevens@cityofowasso.com Subject: March 2, Council Agenda Juliann M. Stevens Administrative Assistant Office of the City Manager (918) 376..1502 jstevens@cityofowasso.com Thank you for your request to be placed on the March 2, 2004 City Council Agenda. The City Council Agenda will be ready for distribution on Friday, February 27, 2004 by 5:00PM. Would Y0U like a copy of the agenda mailed directly to your home at the address Y0U have listed or via e-mail? Ms. Berryhill, Julie Stevens [jstevens@cityofowasso.com] Tuesday, February 24, 2004 2:03 PM 'LynnDB21@aol.com' RE: March 2, Council Agenda From: Sent: To: Subject: Stevens, Julie ATT ACHMENTS: 1. Award letter from the State of Oklahoma Depmiment of Emergency Management 2. Agreement for the Sub-Grant of Program Funds RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Emergency Management Performance Grant, authorization of the Mayor to execute associated contract documents, and approval of a supplemental appropriation to the Emergency Preparedness Department of the General Fund, increasing revenues and expenditures by $5,000. In order to take advantage of these funds, the City of Owasso must accept the grant award and return the contract to the State of Oklahoma Depmiment of Emergency Management no later than March 15,2004. Additionally, because these funds were not included in the original FY 2003-04 Emergency Preparedness Department budget, a supplemental appropriation increasing both revenues and expenditures of that department is also needed. Thirty percent of the total $5,000 award is based on the completion ofthree projects, two of which were identified in the application process. Those projects (installation of storm sirens, updating the City's Emergency Management Ordinance, and initiation of Citizen Emergency Response Training - CER T) are all in various stages of development at this time. The remaining seventy percent ofthe total $5,000 award will be paid quarterly to the City of Owasso to offset ongoing expenses encountered in maintaining an Emergency Preparedness Pro gram. BACKGROUND: Earlier this month, the City of Owasso was notified that it had received a grant in the amount of$5,000 designed for the purpose of assisting communities toward meeting the costs associated with their Emergency Management Programs. The Emergency Management Performance Grant is for FY2004 and was awarded to the City of Owasso through the State of Oklahoma Depmiment of Emergency Management. Febmary 27,2004 DATE: AND APPRO PRIA TION EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPARTMENT TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSIST ANT FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM #10 ?G. BOX 5;331)5' Ok.L-AHOM.....\ ClT'f, OK 73'152-3305 ., :~-j(Ji ,\1. LiNCOLN (WHI iic':)r-:rs B~1Jdir.g Tunnel) . '::'KLAHCil.jlA CITY. CK 1'31<)5 "-~05~~Z~ .2'1G f " ?,L\X -IU5-:)2 !-,H):U .1;" Albert Ashwood State Director I pledge my continued support to work with you in strengthening our program. If we can be of assistance to you, please contact your Area Coordinator or me. The enclosed agreement will need to be adopted by the governing body for your jurisdiction and both copies signed by the Chairman of that body. You will need to have this item placed on the agenda of the next available meeting of the governing body. The Chairman's signature will need to be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary and an official seal affixed. One copy is for your records and one copy should be returned to us. The contract should be returned to us no later than the close of business on March 15, 2004. Thirty percent (30%) of each jurisdiction's award will be contingent upon the accomplishment of three projects, two of which should have been selected from the list contained in the sub~ grant application package. The remaining seventy percent (70%) of the award will be paid quarterly based on the following schedule: First Quarter 25%; Second Quarter 25%; Third Quarter 10%; Fourth Quarter 10%. Just as future awards to the State of Oklahoma are not guaranteed, future awards to local jurisdictions are not guaranteed. I am pleased to inform you that your application for Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funding has been approved in the amount of $5,000.00 for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2004. This award is designed to assist your community toward meeting the cost of your emergency management program and is contingent upon completion of the scope of work outlined in the enclosed agreement for the sub-grant of EMPG funds. Dear ]VIr. Motto: Clifford R. Motto Owasso Emergency Mgmt P.O. Box Owasso, OK 74055 February 6, 2004 F EM GEi\jCY!VJANAGEr,;lENT DEPAf4T~r'1 STATE OF OKLAHOIVIA 38.ADHE~IRY GOVER~JOFl ).\L8EW" ASH\NOOO STAT::: DIRECTOR 5 This agreement is entered into by and between The Department 6 Emergency Management, hereinafter referred to as OEM, and City of Owasso, Oklahoma, 7 hereinafter referred to as the Political Subdivision. S Witnesseth, that OEM and the Political Subdivision for the considerations named agree as 9 follows: 10 Article 1. Authorized Representatives 11 The Director of OEM shall be the representative for the agency authorized to complete work and 12 negotiate changes to this agreement. The Director of the Department of Emergency 13 Management/Civil Defense for the Political Subdivision shall be the representative for the 14 Political Subdivision authorized to complete work and negotiate changes to this agreement. 15 Article 2. Duration 16 This agreement shall be in full force and effect beginning upon adoption by both parties and 17 terminating at Midnight on September 30, 2004, unless terminated by either party prior to that 18 time. .9 Article 3. Purpose ~o The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the sub-grant of a portion of the funds awarded to 21 the State of Oklahoma under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s :2 Emergency Management Preparedness Grant (EMPG) program. The EMPG program encourages 4 FUNDS GRANT 3 AGREEJVIENT FOR THE SUB-GRANT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEJVIENT PREPAREDNESS 2 2 the development of comprehensive disaster preparedness, response, and assistance plans, 2 programs, capabilities and organizations by the State and local governments. 3 Article 4, Authorities 4 The authorities for this award are: 5 The Robert T. StafIord Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, 42 ~ 6 5121 et. Seq. (the Stafford Act) The Oklahoma Civil Defense and Emergency Resources 7 Management Act of 1967 as amended, 63 a.s. 1991, ~ 683.1 et. Seq. Title 44, Code of Federal 8 Regulations (CFR), Part 302, et. Seq. The State Administrative Plan adopted by the Oklahoma 9 Department Of Emergency Management. 10 Article 5. Scope of\Vork 11 Minimum Task! Activity Requirements 12 The following activities are the minimum task requirements that shall be completed by the 13 Political Subdivision: 14 L The Political Subdivision will update its Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Updating 15 the plan is defined as: 16 a) Reviewing the entire EOP and updating names, policies, procedures, and any 17 other items that have changed. Particular attention will be paid to the 18 following: 19 Changes in staffing roster and contact information 20 Changes in communications paths and frequencies 21 Changes in resources and potential staging areas 22 Changes in HAZMA T facilities based on Tier II reporting data EOP) The Political Subdivision shall have the option of conducting two (2) un-graded tabletop exercises or a graded functional or a graded full-scale emergency exercise consistent with FEMA's Comprehensive Exercise Program (CEP) policies, guidance, and practices. OEM is continuing a formal exercise evaluation process that must be complied with in order to receive credit for completion of this requirement. Each exercise will be rated by OEM as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The OEM Area Coordinator will select a team of2 evaluators, with an OEM staff member serving as the lead evaluator, to perform the evaluation. State evaluators may not be selected from the jurisdiction(s) participating in the exercise. The State evaluators will use an evaluation methodology that measures objective performance criteria as demonstrated by exercise participants (see article 5, page 4 d). A jurisdiction that receives an unsatisfactory rating on their initial exercise will be allowed an additional opportunity to conduct a satisfactory exercise. The jmisdictions second exercise will be conducted using the same guidelines outlined above. This secondary exercise carries a MUST PASS requirement. In addition to satisfactorily completing the perfonnance criteria as listed in the exercise evaluation methodology, a b) Distribution of all changes, and a new Agproval Page to all holders ofthe plan including OEM. c) Identification of clitical infrastlllcture facilities and capabilities. (include in annex R ofEOP) d) Coordination with local school administrators for protection of staff, faculty and students from natural and man~made disasters. (Included in annex of 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IL 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 n 22 c) The exercise design team shall develop the exercise scenario. The political subdivision shall provide OEM with a copy of the scenario and supporting documentation. d) The exercise design team shall develop a local exercise evaluation instmment that contains methodology for evaluating the jurisdiction's Alert/Notification; Communications; Coordination and Control; Resources Management; and Waming functions or adopt the 95-44 as the evaluation instmment. e) The political subdivision shall establish an exercise date in coordination with the OEM Area Coordinator. The Area Coordinator on a first-come, first-served basis will approve exercise selection dates. No exercises win be scheduled durin!! the month of September 2004. Onlv make-up exercises will be conducted durin!! September 2004 for those jurisdictions that did not receive a satisfactory evaluation on their initial scheduled exercise. satisfactory rating from the State evaluation team is contingent upon the political subdivision's completion of the following tasks: a) The political subdivision shall forrn and utilize an exercise design team consisting of representatives of appropriate government, private sector, and voluntary organizations in the community. The political subdivision shall notify the Area Coordinator at OEM ofthe date of the initial exercise design team meeting so that the Area Coordinator or a representative may attend. b) The exercise design team shall develop exercise objectives and local evaluation criteria. 4 22 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 the EOC. g) The political subdivision shall submit an exercise report to OEM consisting of a FEMA Form 95-44 checklist/Cover sheet, together with the supporting documentation as enumerated in the block entitled "Exercise".,(See appendix 1), This report must be received by OEM within ninety (90) days following the completion of the exercise or by September 30,2004, whichever comes first. h) Jurisdictions may receive credit for participation in a multi-jurisdiction full-scale exercise. Items a) through g) must be completed. The jurisdiction must receive a pass from the State Evaluation Team for its portion ofthe exercise. i) In lieu of conducting the exercise, the Political Subdivision my choose one of the following options: part of the exercise. Atl (EOC) is defined as a designated facility from which key elected and appointed officials and liaisons from supporting organizations can direct and control a community's operating forces, disseminate official public information; and allow for face-to-face coordination among personnel. Jmisdictions may have mobile or transportable EOCs, which can be set-up and utilized in non-risk areas. These mobile or transportable EOCs must be geared to function in the same manner as the fixed EOC. A 'Command Post" established at an exercise under an incident management or command system may not serve as f) The political subdivision shall obtain the resources necessary to conduct the exercise, obtain and brief local evaluators on their roles and assignments; conduct the exercise; and conduct a post-exercise critique. The jm1sdiction's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or Altemate EOC must be activated and evaluated as 5 23 22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 6 (1) If the Political Subdivision hosts the Integrated Emergency Management 2 Workshop, a CHERCAP exercise, or the Emergency Management Operations 3 Course, the associated exercise may be substituted provided that the 4 requirements in items F through G above are met. 5 (2) the Political Subdivision experiences a major disaster that receIves a 6 Gubernatorial or Presidential Disaster Declaration prior to the date of their 7 exercise, they may petition the State Director for a waiver of the exercise 8 requirement within ninety days following the end of the declared disaster 9 period. This petition shall include the following items: 10 (a) A cover letter requesting the waiver addressed to the Director. 11 (b) A completed FEMA Form 95A4 Checklist/Cover Sheet, together with the 12 suppOliing documentation as enumerated in the block entitled "Actu:JJ 13 Occurrence". (See appendix 1.) 14 III. Each jurisdiction will establish and maintain a reliable 24-hour point of contact. This 15 will be accomplished by; a 24-hour telephone answering point, a cell phone number or a 16 combination of the forgoing employing "roll-over" technology. 17 IV. Each Emergency Management Director will complete sixteen (16) hours of continuing 18 education during the performance period of this agreement (1 October 2003 through 30 19 September 2004). Training may include courses from FEMA, OEM, fire service or law 20 enforcement certified offerings. At least 8 of the hours must be in Emergency 21 Management Training. OEM recommends that Emergency Management Directors 22 complete FEMA's Professional Development Series and Advanced Professional Series 23 courses, which lead to ceIiifications issued by FEMA. Evidence of completing this 7 3 training and course agenda. 4 V. The Emergency Management/Civil Defense Director for the political subdivision shall 5 attend the Fall Emergency Management Conference, 6 V 1. The jurisdiction will complete the TBD projects that it selects and identifies in Part 3 7 Project Nauative of the application. s VII. Sub-Grant Administration: 9 a) Narrative quarterly report of activities accomplished, and/or in progress, will 10 be filed beginning the first quarter. completed quarterly cover sheet will 11 accompany each quarter's submission. (see appendix 2). The reports will be 12 keyed to the task/activities contained in Article 5: Scope of work of this 13 agreement and Part 3 Project Narrative ofthe sub-grant application. A copy of 14 that narrative statement of work is attached hereto and incorporated by 15 reference as part of this agreement. Following these minimum reporting 16 requirements the jurisdiction may, if it elects to, include additional year-to- 17 date accomplishments or activity summm1es. Quarterly reports shall be 18 submitted to OEM by close of business: 15t Quarter Report - January 15, 2004, 19 2nd Quarter Report - April 15, 2004, 3rd Quarter Report - July 15, 2004, 4th 20 Quarter (close out) Report - October 15, 2004. 21 b) Other duties as assigned. Any tasking of national activities/products from 22 FEMA that require local completion which the State may receive during the requirement will be accomplished by recording in the SLA Quarterly Reports the 2 course(s) completed, the hours awarded and attaching a copy of the certificate(s) of 8 22 applicable laws. 21 1. All work shall be completed in a professional manner and in compliance with all 20 Article 8: General Provisions 19 from participation in the sub-grant program for the following Federal Fiscal Year. 18 delinquent quarter or any future qUaliers. Additionally, the Political Subdivision shall be ban'ed 17 deadlines, participation in the sub-grant shall be suspended and no funds will be awarded for the 16 If the Political Subdivision fails to submit any of the required reports by the established 15 Article 7: Suspension of Sub-Grant/Debarment from future awards 14 2. The Audit letter must be submitted as soon as the audit is completed. 13 October 15,2004. 12 L The deadline for submission of the 4th Quarter (close-out) report is close of business 11 Subdivision during Federal Fiscal Year 2004, with the following exceptions: 10 October 1, 2003 until September 30, 2004. All work shall be completed by the Political 9 Time is of the essence. The grant period is for Federal Fiscal Year 2004, which runs from 8 Article 6: Time of Completion 7 the auditor for Federal Fiscal Year 2004 to OEM. 6 That Political Subdivision shall submit a copy of their audit letter signed by Amendments of 1996. compliance with the provisions of the Single Audit <! J Federal funds in Federal Fiscal Year 2004, they are responsible for 4 c) Audit Letter. If the Political Subdivision receives $300,000 or more in 3 under the sub-grant. 2 grant period shall also be considered as part of the required tasking elements 9 2. To the extent required by law, individuals duly licensed and authorized by law to do 2 so shall perform all work. 3 3. The Political Subdivision warrants that it is adequately insured for injury to its 4 employees and others inculTing loss or injury as a result of the acts of the Political 5 Subdivision or its employees or agents. 6 4. The Political Subdivision agTees that neither it nor its employees or agents are 7 covered under insurance paid for by the State of Oklahoma, and are not authorized to 8 obligate the State of Oklahoma, its employees or agents. 9 5. The Standard Assurances for Federal Funds submitted by the political subdivision, as 10 part of their application package, are hereby referenced and incorporated into this 11 agreement. A copy of those assurances is attached. 12 Article 9: The Contract Price and Payment Terms 13 1. OEM shall pay the Political Subdivision for the work performed under this agreement 14 the sum of 5,000.00 Dollars ($) subject to the following terms and conditions: 15 a) Seventy percent (70%) of the award amount will comprise the base amount of the 16 award. Payment of the base amount will be made on a quarterly basis, with the total 17 amount awarded divided into four pmis. 18 b) Payment will be made by OEM for the First Quarter following receipt of the fully 19 executed agreement. 20 c) Payment will be made for the Second Quarter after April 15, 2004 provided that the 21 Political Subdivision has submitted the required quarterly activity repOli. 22 d) Payment will be made for the Third Quarter after July 15, 2004 provided that the 23 Political Subdivision has submitted the required quarterly activity report. 10 e) Following October 15, 2004, OEM shall prepare and distribute the Fourth Quarter 2 payment for the Political Subdivision if all work has been completed. 3 f) Project payments will be made by OEM upon receipt and acceptance of each of the 4 three (3) projects in the following quarter of which the project was received. 5 Payment for each of the projects will represent ten percent (10%) of the FFY 2004 6 ::::lLA award amount for a total ofthirty percent (30%) for all three projects. 7 g) Payment for patiial completion ofthe scope of work may be 8 provided based upon a determination by the Director of OEM. 9 2. OEM shall provide to the Political Subdivision technical assistance in fulfilling this 10 agreement to the extent resources are available. 11 Article 10: Amendments 12 Any alterations or deviations to this agreement shall be executed only upon written agreement of 13 both parties, and if there is a change to the agreement price for such alteration or deviation, it 14 shall be noted. 15 Article 11: Termination 16 This agreement may be cancelled by either party by providing 15 days notice in writing to the 17 other party. OEM retains the right to cancel this agreement for non-performance without the 18 required 15 days notice. 19 Article 12: Audit Clause 20 In accepting this agreement, the Political Subdivision agrees to this audit clause which provides 21 that books, records, documents, accounting procedures, practices, or any other items of the 22 Political Subdivision relevant to the agreement are subject to examination by FEMA, OEM, the 23 State of Oklahoma and the State Auditor and Inspector. Subdivision as part oftheir application package is attached. As listed in Article V, the Narrative statement of work submitted by the Political Applicable) 3. Completed Standard Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (If Workplace Requirements Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free 2. Completed FEMA Form 20-16C Certifications Regarding Lobbying; 1. Completed FEMA FOlTI1 20-16A, Assurances for Non-Constmction Programs following items to this agreement: proof of compliance with Federal regulations, the Political Subdivision is attaching the 14: agreement. Oklahoma any money or other thing of value, either directly or indirectly, in procuring this given, or donated or agreed to pay, give, or donate to any officer or employee of the State of In accepting this agreement, the Political Subdivision acknowledges that they have not paid, A.rticle 13: Non-Collusion 11 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 -, .) 2 12 21 HERE 20 AFFIX SEAL OF THE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION 13 - 14 Title: 15 16 ATTEST' 17 - 18 Title: 19 12 Signed: 2004. day Oklahoma, this 11 10 Approved by the Governing body of City of Ow as so, ~ Day of February, 2004 by: Approved by OEM this 2 3 4 Director 5 6 ATT~ST: 1 7 8 Executive Secretary 9 II I \ I 111/1/ Ii III <,\,\\\1 lARA TPj 11//,;/ ,,<('0 ."......... .v(, /. ~ '?' .~.<~r.. y p i./i).....(~;, .;': 0"'0 (:,' - .' " y,'. j; /",. # 03002617 .' \ ::: ~ EXP, 3/5107 ::: :(Jl ,,' ::: ':.:...\ INAND ; - 0-0 (-'.' So'...: ..A", I~OR .,":: / :.4, . <..' ~' , ~ 1(, "',..0;::: o\<'\.. ...... ," /// --1;. ...................00.' ///11 10M A G \\\,.....' 1IIIitll/IIIII\\I\ In order for the police department to utilize funds from the Tulsa County District Attorney Drug Fund, a supplemental appropllation to the Police Services Department of the General Fund is needed. The supplemental appropriation would increase both revenues and expenditures ofthe Police Services Department by $ 2,514. REQUEST: On February 11, 2004 the department received the approval and check from the District Attorney's Office in the amount of $ 2,514 to purchase two (2) additional cameras with accessOlies for the detective division. Next fiscal year, the department will request to purchase the remaining two cameras to achieve the goal of outfitting all five (5) detectives. Last month the depmiment purchased a highly technological digital camera to evaluate its performance in the field. The results of this evaluation, as well as reviews from other agencies having the same camera, indicate its capability in crime scene photography. It is now the desire of the staff to outfit all five detectives with this type of camera. In order to help defray some of the cost to the city, the staff submitted a request to the Tulsa County District Attorney Office to fund two of these cameras from the agency's revolving dmg account. In the past two (2) years, the department has made several advances towards outfitting each detective with the necessary equipment for processing crime scenes, with the exception of cameras. The camera, one of the most valuable pieces of the equipment as far as processing and documenting crime scenes, is one of the most expensive pieces of equipment in the detective's tool kit. Until last year, some detectives used their own personal cameras to process scenes. With the exception of a few cameras, the department is transitioning into the digital age. Most law enforcement agencies are making the same transition; thereby the efficiency of the operations is increased. BACKGROUND: February 23, 2004 DATE: GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT YANCEY CHIEF THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF nw ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM #11 1. Copy of check from Tulsa County District Attorney's Office. ATTACHMENT: The staff recommends Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund, increasing revenues and expenditures ofthe Police Department by $ 14. Funding for this request is derived from the Tulsa County District Attorney Revolving Drug Fund in the amount of $ 14. A copy of the check received from the Tulsa County District Attorney's Office is attached for your review. FUNDING: No- 211087 02/11/04 OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT III NORTH MAIN ST, OWASSO, flK 7 5 NON-NEGOTIABLE - PLEASE DETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO THE COUNTY TREASURER AS OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY TULSA, OKLAHOMA MINE, "al VOID ONE YEAR FROM DATE PAYTO THE ORDER OF AMOUNT OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT $295141 -e- � -: , " � dp WHEN PROPERLY ENDORSED PAYABLE THROUGH A BANK OF OKLAHOMA vv� TULSA, OKLAHOMA 6?Wl 18,1039000364, r00000s?LIio BY ORDER OF TIM HARRIS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY