HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.09.07_OPWA AgendaF VKHOWNWO E Lem �Xfflwavj 0 MAN= 04, R-a MAN U ( 41 ff I , TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 7, 2004 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and p�sted at City ffall at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 3, 2004. J91"ann M. Stevens, AdrPi/histrative Assistant 1. Call to Order Chairman Kimball 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of the August 17, 2004 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-B H:\Agendas \O P WA\2004\090704. doc Owasso Public Works Authority September %, 2004 Page 2 C. Approval of an amended Sanitary Sewer Payback Agreement between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Tyann Development Co., Inc. providing a correction to Exhibit A, such exhibit illustrating the sewer payback area.. Attachment # 4 -C Staff will recommend Trustees re- approve the Sanitary Seger Payback Agreement with the correct Exhibit A attached. 5. Report fi-om OPWA Manager. 6. Report from OPWA Attorney. H: Wgendas \OP W A \2004\090704. doc OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 17, 2004 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 12, 2004. ITEM It. CALL TOO RDER Chairman Kimball called the meeting to order at 8:41 p.m. ITEM 2. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3. ROLL CALL A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, Authority Manager Ronald Cates, Authority Attorney ITEM 4. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the August 3, 2004 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve the OPWA Consent Agenda with claims totaling $32,197.11, and payroll claims totaling $55,750.85. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran, Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Cates presented the item, Mr. Thoendel moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, for Council approval of a sanitary sewer payback agreement for a completed sanitary sewer extension servicing the properties on the cast side of the U.S. Highway 169 between East 66"' Street North and East i6`" Street North. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran, Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6. REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER W= ITEM I. REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY INOW Em TUIVIN Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to adjourn. YEA: Cochran, Colgan, Cataudella, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk 0 Susan Kimball, Chair OPWA CLAIMS TO BE FlIU-19107104 wl-- I I= OVVASBO LAND TRUST ` ' ' , _ AMOUNT TECH CENTER SEWER PAYBACK CONTRACTOR PAYBACK TOTAL 2,000.55 20.00 174.25 53.07 130.00 131.20 23.04 58.78 71.14 36.99 28.58 95.10 49.58 2343 VENDOR . DESCRIPTION . ' , - AMOUNT _ RAINBOW CONCRETE CONCRETE 130.00 WATER PRODUCTS REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 497.93 BROWN FARMS SOD REPA|R/KYA|NTSUPPL|ES 150.00 RAINBOW CONCRETE REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|E8 821.25 WATER PRODUCTS METER REPLACEMENTS 828.00 CITY GARAGE CITY (JFDVVASSO VEH|CLEk4A|NT 185.52 B&M TIRE CENTER TIRES 141.00 LOVVESCOK4PANiES SUPPLIES 1180 WATER PRODUCTS SMALL TOOLS 57.00 CITY C}F TULSA UTILITIES PURCHASED WATER 162.408.76 JOL|E. INC. DBAyWA!L BOXES SH|PP|NG/yNA|LING 7.40 AEFYPS{} 07/04 USE 324.20 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 15.00 EQUIPMENT ONE REPA|R/MA1NTSERV|CE 60.00 EQUIPMENT ONE ROTARY HAMMER RENTAL 30.00 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL EQUIPMENT 274.80 PREMIER LOCATIONS CELL PHONE 10935 METRDCALL 08/04 USE 57.28 DELL MARKETING LP. COMPUTER 101578 WATER DEPT TOTAL 170.024.30 SAK8SCLUB MA|MTSUPPL|ES ` , 149.38 WAL-MART COK8K8UN|TY FILM 21.84 T-SHIRT EXPRESS SHIRTS 158.70 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UN/FORK8SBPROT.CL0THiNB 23.04 UN|F|RSTCURP(JRAJ/ON UNIFORM RENTAL 58.80 VVAYE8TSAFETY UN|FORK8S/PRDT.CLOTH|NG 1.453.75 UN|RRSTC0RP(}R/A-|[>N UN|F{)RMEVPROT.CL{}TH|NG 99.40 FISHER SCIENTIFIC REPA|F/MA|NTSUPPL|E8 78.29 VVVVGRAINGER SVV|TCH/BO(JSTERPUMP 28.58 L&STRUCKING K4A|NT8UPpL|ES 160.00 H&E ENGINEERED EQUIPMENT REPA|F/KJA|NT3UPPL|E3 8.312.00 LOWE8C(JK8PAN|ES MA[NTSUPPL|ES 10.48 CITY GARAGE CITY DFOWASSD VEH|CLEMA|NT 13.75 LOVVEBCOMPAN|EG SMALL TOOLS 30.88 GREEN COUNTRY TESTING AMMONIA TESTING 80.00 GREEN COUNTRY TESTING AMMONIA ANALYSIS 40.00 HUTHER&ASSOCIATES TESTING 1.165.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH UNIFORM CLEANING 89.80 WASTE MANAGEMENT OFOKLA T|PP|NGFEES8SLUOGE 1.542.81 WASTE MANAGEMENT OFOKLA TIPPING FEES 1.957.87 AEP/P8O 07/04 USE 10.73778 TERK8|N|X PEST CONTROL 45.00 BAUK8AN INSTRUMENT CORP REPA|R/MA|NTSERV|CE 271.10 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 101.00 &1ETRDCALL 08/04 USE 14.22 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 07/04 USE 7.64 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 08/04 USE 672 VVVV TREATMENT PLANT DEPT TOTAL 27,653.23 VENDOR . DESCRIPTION ` ` . AMOUNT - ATVVOODS REPA/RMAINT 8.50 LOVVESC{)K8PAN|ES MA|NTSUPPL|ES 4078 WATER PRODUCTS KEPA|R/K8A|NTSUPPL!ES 82.32 LOVVESCOK8PAN|ES REPA|RYK4AJNTGUPPL|ES 7.00 MILL CREEK LUMBER &SUPPLY CHEMICALS 13.98 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES WORK BOOTS-JOHNNY MCKN|GHT 125.00 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES WORK BOOTS-STEPHEN CORLEY 125.00 SELLCO SAFETY SHOES WORK BU()/S-VVAYNERABER 130.00 T-SHIRT EXPRESS SHIRTS 13120 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UN|FOR&10/PROT.CLOTH|NG 23.04 UN|F|RSTCURPORAT|ON UNIFORM RENTAL 82.10 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT/ON UN|FORKJS/PROT.CL0TH|NG 131.91 WATER PRODUCTS REPA|RIMA|NTSUPPL|ES 138.08 AMERICAN HOSE &SUPPLY MAINT@OPRL|E3 130.75 VVVV@RA|NGER &YA|NTGUPPL{ES 00.24 PG8|NC REPA|R/KdA|NTSUPPL|ES 900.00 LOVVESC0K8PAN/EB KXA/NTSUPPL|E8 47.80 BLIZZARD TRUCKING SANDYLOAK8 375.00 WATER PRODUCTS REPA|FUMA|NTSUPPL|EG 333.94 LOVVESC[}MPAN|E3 REPA|RVMA!NTSUPPL|ES 27.59 BROWN FARMS SOD REPA|R/KJA|NTSUPPL|EB 100.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OFUVWASG0 , VEH|CLEMA|NT '' 209.08 TREASURER PETTY CASH REPAIR SUPPLIES 4.44 VVVVGRA|NGER SMALL TOOLS 41.87 L0VVE8COK8PAN|ES SMALL TOOLS 46.57 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 07/04 USE 65.33 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC LIFT STATION USAGE 339.72 AEFYPGO 07/04 USE 3.900.80 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 15.00 OVVASS0FENCE FENCE REPAIR 209.00 LOT MAINTENANCE REPA|FUMA|NTSERV|CE 1,500.00 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT 650.00 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL EQUIPMENT 10.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON-PLEXAR 48.27 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON-PLEXAR 45.01 SOUTHWESTERN BELL N0N'PLEXAR 53.85 /NETROCALL 08/04 USE 28.45 WASTEWATER DEPT TOTAL IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS PRINTED FORMS 20.00 O'RBLLYAUTDMOTlVE REPA|R/MA|NTOUPPL|ES 2.89 VVVVGRA|NGER SUPPLIES 10.94 O'RE|LLYAUTOK8OT|VE REPA|RlkJA/NTSUpPL/ES 21.06 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT REPA|R/MA|NTGUPPL|ES 6,800.00 T-SHIRT EXPRESS SHIRTS 176.50 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORk4G/PROT. CLOTHING 23.04 UN|F|RSTCORPOR/T0N UNIFORM RENTAL 60.30 UN|F|RSTC0RP0FAT|[>N UN|FORW1S/PROT. CLOTHING 9945 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOYVASSO VEH|CLEMA|NT 5.388.71 TREASURER PETTY CASH SMALL TOOLS 3.25 VENDOR DESCRIPTION NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING A -MAXCO PRESSURE WASHER REPAIR SOUTHWESTERN BELL RHONE USE METROCALL 08/04 USE SOUTHWESTERN BELL 08/04 USE WASTE MANAGEMENT OF oKLA TIPPING FEES WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA TIPPING FEES WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA REFUSE DEPT TOTAL UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL AL UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORMS /PROs'. CLOTHING AEP /PSO 07/04 USE SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE METROCALL 08/04 USE SOUTHWESTERN BELL 07104 USE WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA TIPPING FEES WASTE MANAGEMENT OF TULSA RECYCLE REFUSE WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA TIPPING FEES WASTE MANAGEMENT OF TULSA RECYCLE REFUSE RECYCLE DEPT TOTAL JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FAP- 04- 0006 -L JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ORF- 02- 0017 -L JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ORF -99 -008 -L JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FAP -92- 0107 -L JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FAP -01- 0003 -L JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ORF -01- 0002 -L CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL JPMORGAN . ", 99 REV BONDS JPMORGAN CHASE A K 1998 REV BONDS OPWA SALES TAX '41PWA GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT 125.00 150.00 21.41 35.60 0.19 11,887.85 11,982.04 36,816.23 6.80 6.80 20.40 74.33 19.91 7.12 0.29 2,989.14 4,012.80 2,719.17 1,917.80 11,774°56 141-1 Igo R R OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 8/21/2004 OVERTIME TOTAL D E PARTM E NT EXPENSES OPWA Administration' 01,00 $15X0.11 'Utility Billing 16.05 3,789.66 Wastewater 171.25 10,677.66 - 'ast' atdrColiection,,-:2-� �561.74�' 4,931.38 Refuse 224.27 7,788.78 e Center :"-58.36 1,51'7x74 g - ---------- ------ TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OSASS O PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM. RONALD D. CATES CITY A,rToRNEY SUBJECT: SANITARY SEWER PAYBACK AGREEMENT-TYANN DEVELOPMENT CO., INCa DATE: AUGUST 249 2004 DISCUSSION: Staff would recommend that the Authority re-approve the Sanitary Sewer Payback Agreement with the correct Exhibit A attached as is hereby presented. WA, M11514 19- 1. Sanitary Sewer Payback Agreement with corrected Exhibit A and, 2. Memorandum dated August 5, 2004, with Attachments. OWWRI'Ll WKWIUMIUMAMM I �� IV, ' - ARMAII i That for and in consideration of the terms, covenants dnd conditions herein set forth, said parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I -- - ---- ------------- improvement cost. Owner shall dedicate appropriate easements and provide bills of sale to said sewer lines to the Authority. The Authority and the Owner hereby declare the shaded area on Exhibit "A"hereto as the Sanitary Sewer Payback Area. Such Sewer Payback Area equates to a total of 29.44 acres. Unless terminated sooner by mutual agreement of the parties or by repayment of the Owner's costs associated with Article 1, without intere thereon, the activities enumerated in this Agreement shall expire ten (I years fi:om the date of execution below. I This agreement shall be binding upon the assigns and successors of the parties hereto and shall not be altered without the express written consent of both parties. d Dated this ay of 2004. ,7 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY Mw O IR EJ 76th STREET N + + cy z 'In A. 3.43 ACRES 0.3 HOUDA y INN Ld > 1.43 & +/ WIN EHWIDIAY Mn CHI —j 3.62 ACRES 6.7'7 ACRES 2.64 ACRES 12.98 ACRE H INDUSTRIAL lom A.. tl WFOM WM " cmo_ 1M DF 71ST STREET N HELSCEL INDUSTRIAL SEWER PAYBACK AREA CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DAM 6/0 ---- a 1 OF 1 M I � - V 11 �1 �jxt 901 01 MIT'l1 FROMo RONALD D. GATES CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: SANITARY SEWER PAYBACK AGREEMENT-TYANN DEVELOPMENT CO. a, 1 41101" When QuikTrip relocated, approximately a year later, this sanitary sewer line was extended to serve new and existing property along the south side of E. 76t" Street North. Shortly thereafter, Holiday Inn Express connected to the new sewer. The gravity sanitary sewer line was constructed at a total cost of $72,358.75. Please see R & M Pipeline Const., Inc. Invoices 12013 and 12073 attached. A significant portion of the cost to construct the gravity sanitary sewer line was associated with boring the line under U.S. C Highway 169. As may be -leaned from a review of Invoice Number 12013) 1. attached, the cost of such boring was $68,382.00. Although this cost was borne in the first phase of construction, extension of the line to serve other property could not have been accomplished without-the boring. Therefore, it is considered reasonable to pro-rate reimbursement of the costs paid by Tyann. Any questions that any Trustee(s) might have regarding this matter should be directed to IMr. Ray, Mr. Carr or me. Agreement presented. 1. Sanitary Sewer Payback Agreement; ani 2. R ► M Pipeline Const., Inc. Invoices I Ml� IVIISM, That for and in consideration of the tenns,, covenants and conditions herein set forth, said parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: K. improvement cost. Owner shall dedicate appropriate easements and provide bills of sale to said sewer lines to the Authority. The Authority and the Owner hereby declare the shaded area on Exhib "A" hereto as the Sanitary Sewer Payback Area. Such Sewer Payback Ar equates to a total of 29.44 acres. Unless terminated sooner by mutual agreement of the parties or by repayment of the Owner's costs associated with Article 1, without interest thereon, the activities enumerated in this Agreement shall expire ten (10) years from the date of execution below. This agreement shall be binding upon the assigns and successors of the parties hereto and shall not be altered without the express written consent of R oth parties. Dated this of da, J1 2004. OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY Attest: TYANN DEVELOPMENT, CO., INC. rraw Notary Purile Oklahoma OFFICIAL SEAL MARY MCCAIN OSAGE COUNTY COMMISSION #03007434 Comm. Exp. 06-24-2007 [NO =14 ♦ 46 �� 0 PIM717-17 =I- *f >< ■�° � &MPI / \2 T CO Ty BVC BOX 44- G TO \ �� P. i.Z^-� . OMASSOi 0K. 74055 «?\' «7^ d . DEa . . 0� - - <« . ....� ® �\ TOTAL ±35± 'I I /'/ j / i `J �'j I tD - 2b 'J I d * "� '/- I -, b d 0 R & M Pipeline Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 447 Sapulpa, OK 74067-0447 Al-'FN; STEVE COMPTON � I W1 H 010-111"Itow W LABOR ,w'ATER & SANITARY K61M k-UMD I HUI I I UN I ['� tl�Ljlr- 0i Total AMOUNT I IM, a MINN I I i:dzil I'J�j9 i�: 2b j I d—:�z RO. Box 447 i I We -apppreciate youir prnn�pt paynwnt. Page 2 Invoic DATE INVOICE I 10121/1999 12073 Tota 1 $31,820.4-3) AMOUNT ftoo 4 5 8 458.75 7 5 f 9-f 45 360,00 2 J)J) 614.00 00 � Id 190.00 174.00 Tota 1 $31,820.4-3)