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2004.10.05_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE O ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: October 5, 2004 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 1, 2004, Juliann M. Stevens, Administrative Assistant V 1. Call to Order Mayor Kimball 2. Invocation Ty Cooper, Central Baptist Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Character Initiative presentation, followed by a public service announcement. Richard Wilhour, RCB Bank H: \Agendas\Counci 1\21 004\ 100504. doc Owasso City Council October 5, 2004 Page 2 6. Certificate of Appreciation to B&M Tire Mayor Kimball 7. Employee of the Month Presentation Mr. Ray 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non- debatable. A. Approval of Minutes of the September 21, 2004 Regular Meeting. Attachment # 8 ®A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 8-13 C. Action relating to Ordinance No. 796, an ordinance approving the rezoning request from Owasso Land Trust, as made in application OZ 04-11, of approximately 2.25 acres, more or less. The subject property is located generally south and east of E 116th Street North and N. Garnett Road, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Attachment # 8 ®C Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance No. 796 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action taken September 21, 2004 to approve the rezoning request. R Agendas\CouncilU004\ I 00504,doe Owasso City Council October 5, 2004 Page 3 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council acceptance of the Loney Creek II sanitary sewer and water system. GIs. Stagg Attachment fi-9 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the sanitary sewer and water system for Loney Creek II subdivision. 10. Deport from City Manager. 11. Deport from City Attorney. H: \Agendas \Council \2004\ I00504.doc OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 21, 2004 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 17, 2004. ITEM 1, CALL TOO ER The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. The invocation was offered by Reverend Natalie Ford of the First Presbyterian Church. The flag salute was led by members of Webelo Pack #835 from Ator Elementary School. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Ronald Cates, City Attorney ITEM 5. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO MANE REVIEW HAIR & NAIL SALON. Mayor Kimball introduced Mary Melton and Pearlie Mae Robinson, owners of Mane Review, and presented them with a certificate of appreciation thanking them for their re-investment in their established business and to the community. Owasso City Council September 21, 2004 ITEM 6. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AD Approval of Minutes of the September 7, 2004 Regular Meeting and the September 149 2004 Special Meeting B. Approval of Claims Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $331,583.54, and payroll claims totaling $267,730.66. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, for approval of OZ 04-11, as stated above. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None ITEM F. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR BAILEY MEDICAL CENTER FROM LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE 11010 BLOCK OF EAST 106 TH STREET NORTH, CONTAINING APPROXIIWATELY 26.32 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Mr. Colgan Moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, for Council approval of the Bailey Medical Center Final Plat. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 2 Owasso City Council September 21, 2004 YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND, STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET. Ms. Bishop presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, for Council approval of a General Fund budget amendment increasing revenues by $38,000.00 and increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the Street Department by $86,000.00 for street improvements in the Three Lakes Industrial Park and The Village of Silver Creek subdivision. 91 Owasso City Council September 21, 2004 YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO CARRY OVER UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM THE FY 20032004 BUDGET TO THE FY 2004-2005 BUDGET. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. I TO THE RAYOLA PARK DRAINAGE CHANNEL "IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION, AND APPROVAL OF THE FINAL t.. AYMENT. Ms. Stagg presented the item. Councilor Cochran asked about the completion of the remainder of the project. Mr. Ray stated that phase 2 of the project, i.e. landscaping, etc. has been delayed until after the completion of the YMCA project. Mr. Cochran moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, for Council approval of Change Order No. 1 to the contract for Rayola Park Drainage Channel Improvements decreasing the contract in the amount of $10,400.00 and a revised contract total of $26,506.00, acceptance of the completed construction of the Rayola Park Drainage Improvement Project, and approval of the final payment for the construction in the amount of $2,650.00 to Carter Excavating, Inc. of Sand Springs. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 11 Owasso City Council September 21, 2004 ITEM 14. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF i • 114 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING - MAYOR - ASSISTANCE THE OKLAHOMA ! ► OF t i► i AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR ` FROM Ms. Stagg presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, for Council adoption of Resolution No, 2004 -18, authorizing the Mayor to request the following: L Initiate planning and preliminary design for US 169 from 1-244 to SH20; and 2. Widen US 169 to six -lanes and provide interchange improvements with possible frontage roads throughout the corridor of US 169 from I -244 to SI-I20; and, 3. Place construction priority in the area from I -244 to SFI 20; and 4. Support for Oklahoma Department of Transportation to receive Federal funding for construction improvements to US 169 in the next five years. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 15. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR • ADOPTION OF • • . 2004-19 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2015 LAND USE MASTER PLAN, AN UPDATE TO THE 2010 CITY OF OWASSO MASTER PLAN. Mr. Wiles presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, for Council approval of Resolution No. 2004 -19, the instrument of adoption for the Owasso 2015 band Use Master Plan. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. REQUEST ITEM 16. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A i_ COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ORDER NO. I TO THE CONTRACT WITH TOTAL RADIO, INC. REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF • SIRENS. Mr. Rooney presented the item. Councilor Cataudella asked when the new storm sirens would be operational. Mr. Rooney answered that the testing should occur the first week of October, I Owasso City Council September 21, 2004 and the new system should be operational by mid-October. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, for Council approval of Change Order No. 1 to a contract between the City of Owasso and Total Radio of Tulsa, Oklahoma increasing the contract amount by a total of $19,975.00 to a contract total of $225,169.00, such increase for the purpose of adding one additional siren and concrete mounting pole of the exact contract specifications to be located at the new elementary school at East 76th Street North and North Memorial Road, YEA: Cataudella, Cochran Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 17. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr. Ray reported that, in order to control speeding in the neighborhoods, the Police Department is considering the purchase of a radar trailer. A demo has been provided and will be used in various neighborhoods in the next few weeks. Mr. Ray congratulated Eric Wiles, Director of Community Development for the City of Owasso, for directing the development of the New Master Plan. He also announced that other Master Plans (Owasso Parks Master Plan, etc.) will be developed in the near future. The Councilors congratulated Mr. Wiles on the completion of the new 2015 Master Plan. Mayor Kimball thanked Fire Chief Fisher and Police Chief Yancey on the job their staffs had done at the recent flag pole dedication ceremony. Mayor Kimball also expressed her appreciation to Andy Wilmes, Roger Hayes and Clint Ward for the time and efforts they put in as leaders of Webelo Pack #835. I Owasso City Council Septeinber 21, 2004 R= ITEM 21. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cochran moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Cochran, Colgan, Kimball, Thoendel NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk 7 Susan Kimball, Mayor CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO E PAID 10/05104 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TREASURER PETTY CASK DEPOSIT REFUND 20.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUND 50.0_0 REFUND TOTAL - - 70.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 51.00 BAILEY, MATT BAILIFF DUTIES 240.00 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE ANNUAL DUES 35.00 MUNICIPAL COURT DEFT TOTAL -- 326.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSES 177.90 TRIAD PRINTING PRINTING 116.00 HOBBY LOBBY CENTENNIAL POSTER 89.65 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 314.57 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION 34.00 OK ASSOC OF MUNICIPAL ATTORNEYS FALL CONFERENCE -CATES 100.00 CARD CENTER RENTAL 105.94 BAILEY RANCH GOLF FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPT MEETING EXPENSE 206.75 THE TRAVELING GOURMET MEETING EXPENSE 84.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 33.59 BJ GRAPHICS BLOCK PARTY T- SHIRTS 580.50 WAL ®MART COMMUNITY PICTURE DEVELOPMENT 42.60 MANAGERIAL DEPT TOTAL 1,885.50 LANDMARK BUSINESS SYSTEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.46 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.02 FINANCE DEPT TOTAL 56.48 OFFICE DEPOT DVDR DISCS 5.88 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.84 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTER INITIATIVE 20.04 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 97.99 CHARACTER FIRST! MONTHLY BULLETINS 359.81 HELPING HANDS & HEART CATERING - CHARACTER LUNCHEON 1,960.00 VIDEO REVOLUTIONS INC VIDEO DUBBING 173.05 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTER LUNCHEON 61.04 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC ADVERTISING 150.00 WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY EMPLOYMENT ADS 161.64 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY PREEMPLOYMENT TESTING 96.00 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT TOTAL 3,097.29 WORDCOM OFFICE SUPPLIES 24.25 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 14.98 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.83 OWASSO COPIER SERVICE CENTER COPIER MAINT 673.28 EXECUTIVE COFFEE SERVICES SUPPLIES 103.38 CINTAS CORPORATION MAT SERVICES 28.90 SAMS CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 19.74 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 490.02 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES 300.30 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 891.40 RESERVE ACCOUNT POSTAGE 2,000.00 RICH & CARTMILL BOND RENEWALS 971.50 CUSTOM CRAFT AWARDS TIMMY & CINDY PLAQUES 426.60 TIGERDIRECT.COM GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL 5,953.18 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 276.37 JENNIFER A KOSCELNY INCOG POLICY MEETING 164.40 RIDGWAYS COPIES 14.70 ENGINEERING DEPT TOTAL 455.47 OFFICE DEPOT DVDR DISCS 5.88 OFFICE DEPOT CDR DISCS 8.88 LOWES COMPANIES CRIMPING TOOL/CORD 56.91 TIGERDIRECT.COM CABLE/TOOL KIT 122.61 RADIO SHACK PRESENTATION MOUSE 63.98 CARD CENTER SOFTWARE 30.68 AT &T WIRELESS PHONE USE-HOUGHTON 36.47 OFFICE DEPOT BATTERY BACKUP ,. 69.99 WAL ®MART COMMUNITY BOOKSHELF 17.82 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT TOTAL 413.22 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.55 BAILEY EQUIPMENT REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 18.00 RADIO SHACK REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 19.47 SAMS CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 72.90 LOWES COMPANIES REPAIR PARTS 492.85 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS MAINT SUPPLIES 392.85 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY RESTROOM SUPPLIES 60.00 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE FAN MOTOR PARTS 3.35 CARD CENTER TRANSMITTER 121.45 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 64.16 A -PLUS SERVICE A/C REPAIR 185.00 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 8.00 DISTRICT II PROBATION COMMUNITY CORR DOC WORKER PROGRAM 317.45 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC LUNCHES 75.85 CARD CENTER RENTAL 211.88 AT &T WIRELESS PHONE USE 28.84 WILLIAMS, DON PASSENGER VAN 7,750.00 SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT TOTAL 9,838.60 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ATWOODS MAINT SUPPLIES 4.76 CEMETERY DEPT TOTAL 4.76 OWASSO FOP LODGE ##149 LEGAL- DEFENSE 105.00 WAL -MART COMMUNITY OFFICE SUPPLIES 99.12 ONYX CORPORATION TONER CARTRIDGES 159.90 WORDCOM OFFICE SUPPLIES 97.00 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 111.45 CARD CENTER NRA BOOKS 57A5 OWASSO COPIER SERVICE CENTER COPIER MAINT 673.28 WAL -MART COMMUNITY AUDIO TAPES /BATTERIES /DISKETTES 109.19 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORM /RESERVES 16.00 SAMS CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 32.51 WAL ®MART COMMUNITY REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 1.62 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORMS /RESERVES 61.00 CARD CENTER BOOTS- TOWNSEND 179.80 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL 74.00 US CELLULAR PHONE USE- MOZINGO 56.92 CINGULAR WIRELESS PHONE USE 227.49 AT &T WIRELESS PHONE USE - DEPUTY CHIEF 77.95 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 891.39 CALIBRE PRESS TRAINING - HARPER 189.00 LIVING LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - YANCEY 199.00 DISCOUNT TRAILERS TRAILER PARTS 74.95 GALL'S PRISONER TRANSPORT SEAT 304.10 APERTURES DIGITAL CAMERA 1,165.97 POLICE DEPT TOTAL 4,964.09 BLACK BOX CORPORATION CABLE LINK 20.42 ONYX CORPORATION TONER CARTRIDGES 139.80 WAL -MART COMMUNITY PRISONER MEALS /CLEANERS 188.25 SAMS CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 17.32 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENTAL 350.00 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT TOTAL 715.79 WAL -MART COMMUNITY SHELTER SUPPLIES 22.40 SAMS CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 80.47 HILLS PET NUTRITION SHELTER SUPPLIES 170.00 WAL -MART COMMUNITY REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11.92 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT TOTAL 284.79 WORDCOM OFFICE SUPPLIES 24.25 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 153.68 OK ASSOC CHIEFS OF POLICE EMS TEST FORMS 140.00 IFSTA/FPP INSTRUCTION MANUALS 802.00 SAMS CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 41.19 EVAC SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT BAGS 278.16 DEES UNIFORMS UNIFORM SHOES -IRBY /SALTS 142.90 OKLAHOMA POLICE SUPPLY DRESS COATS/TIES/PANTS 619.05 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL 367.30 GALL'S FLASHLIGHT 55.98 FIRE EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE COMPRESSOR MAINT /REPAIR 155.00 AT &T WIRELESS PHONE USE - CHIEFS 219.02 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA COPIER RENTAL/MAINT 187.24 OWASSO FITNESS ZONE GYM /EQUIPMENT USE 120.00 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OSU TRAINING -SMITH 75.00 LAKE MURRAY RESORT LODGING- SALTS/WAKLEY 330.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING -KELLY 36.37 TREASURER PETTY CASH FIRE TRAINING 35.70 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OSU TRAINING -J. SMITH 125.00 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OSU TRAINING - WAKLEY /MORTON 250.00 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OSU TRAINING- PARRIS 125.00 FIRE DEPT TOTAL- _ 4,2 82.84 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC FOR SIRENS 81.76 OFFICE DEPOT BATTERY BACKUP 58.96 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT TOTAL 140.72 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY STAKES 24.62 ATWOODS REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 54.81 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORMS /PROT CLOTHING 10.52 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES BOOTS - BARTHOLOMEW 127.99 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORMS /PROT CLOTHING 66.31 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY STEET SIGNS /CONCRETE 119.70 ATWOODS SMALL TOOLS 21.85 SIGNALTEK MAINT TRAFFIC CONTROLS 611.54 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 107.41 STREETS DEIST TOTAL 1,144.75 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORMS /PROT CLOTHING 10.52 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES BOOTS -FITCH 125.99 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORMS /PROT CLOTHING 33.14 LOT MAINTENANCE MOWING -HWY 169 RIGHT WAY 1,625.00 JERRY TUCKER MOWING -EL RIO VISTA 165.00 LOT MAINTENANCE MOWING -HWY 169 RIGHT OF WAY 1,625.00 LELAND BARTEL DBA CLIP -N -SNIP MOWING -MAIN ST 170.00 L & S TRUCKING TOP SOIL/HAULING 1,260.00 STORMWATER MAINT DEPT TOTAL 5,014.65 EQUIPMENT ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 55.00 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY RESTROOM SUPPLIES 337.90 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MOWER PARTS /REPAIR 291.95 ATWOODS SUPPLIES 2.77 BAILEY EQUIPMENT WEEDEATER PARTS /STRING 95.55 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 45.49 JB STIGALL CENTENNIAL PARK MOWING 372.00 LELAND BARTEL DBA CLIP -N -SNIP MOWING 1,200.00 ADT SECURITY SERVICES SECURITY SERVICES 41.10 HAYES, LAUREN JANITORIAL SERVICES 225.00 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT WASHINGTON C0RWD3 WATER-K8CCARTYPARK 44J0 PARKS DEPT TOTAL -------- VVURDCOKX OFFICE SUPPLIES 2425 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 278.90 MURPHY SUPPLY CARPET SHAMPOO 168.00 CHARACTER FIRST! MONTHLY BULLETINS 42.00 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL ------- VVORDCOM OFFICE SUPPLIES 700.01 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 53.38 LONE STAR OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT DELIVERY 10.18 TRIAD PRINTING PRINTING SERVICES 79.90 BAILEY RANCH GOLF FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPT MEETING EXPENSES 343.10 MERR|TTSBAKERY MEETING EXPENSES 144.98 EC��NK�K8(C DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL �,��7.48 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 43.658.30 ===== ALLIANCE MEDICAL AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 1.313.05 PACE PRODUCTS 0FTULSA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 144.00 ALLIANCE MEDICAL AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 987.81 WORKS &LENTZ COLLECTION FEES 49.01 GALLESJEFFERY EMS MONTHLY AUDITS 250.00 AT&T WIRELESS PHONE USE-OTHERS 83.38 MED|CLA|K8S MONTHLY SERVICES 2.429.01 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING O8U TRAIN |N(S-%NKLEY/MORTDN 200.00 PR|K8ED|A WORKPLACE LEARNING YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION 180489 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL 7'041.83 SOUTHWESTERN BELL E-911 185802 E'911 FUND TOTAL 185803 ��� FIRE HOUSE SOFTWARE VISIONARY SYSTEMS SOFTWARE 1 AMBULANCE CAPITAL FUND TOTAL 1 HBMAN FIRE EQUIP EQUIP FOR ENGINE | 4.284.10 ===== VVORDCO&1 OFFICE SUPPLIES 24.25 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.79 SAK8SCLUB K4A|NTGUPPL|ES 4.56 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 104.32 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY TOOLS 432.79 ENLOW TRACTOR TRACTOR PARTS 97.67 AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 387.53 T&W TIRE TIRES 1,549.48 TRUCK PRO REPAIR PARTS 271.98 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY REPAIR PARTS 255.82 FORD OF TULSA REPAIR DARTS 471.34 B & M OIL COMPANY OIULUBRICANTS 198.55 TULSA NEW HOLLAND REPAIR PARTS 260.61 CRANE CARRIER COMPANY REPAIR PARTS 66.06 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PARTS 900.06 UANNYS AUTO SALVAGE REBUILT TRANSMISSION 950.00 DRIVE TRAIN SPECIALISTS REPAIR PARTS 1,663.57 DRIVE TRAIN SPECIALISTS PARTS 224.14 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 54.00 AT &T WIRELESS PHONE USE 28.83 B & M TIRE CENTER TIRE REPAIRS 59.95 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE TOWING CHARGES 139.40 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL _ 8,161.70 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS 3RD PARTY ADMIN 1,417.67 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY D07034 114.36 ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL OF OK R10163 21,333.12 GEREN, JESSE D, DO 808034 83.80 SCOTT MEDICAL CLINIC S07294 83.80 ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL OF OK R10163 779.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH 008054 9.86 GOSVENER, BOBBY MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 84.00 JAMPETRO, T C/O CRAIG ARMSTRONG, ATTY TTD PAYMENTS 269.08 JAMPETRO, T C/O CRAIG ARMSTRONG, ATTY TTD PAYMENTS 269.08 OK TAX COMMISSION SPECIAL TAX UNIT, W/C SETTLEMENTS 571.02 OK WORKERS COMP COURT FILING FEE FOR WCC #2004- 03675L 75.00 WORKERS COMP FUND TOTAL 25,089.79 COAGER, CHRIS TORT CLAIM 350.00 SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 350.00 328, 518.44 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 9/18/2004 Department Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Municipal Court 0`00 3,180.33 Managerial 0.00 14,657,58 Finance 0:00 8,809.58 Human Resourses 0.00 5,570.76_. ommunty'Devefnprent 0;00 12,128.78 Engineering 0,00 8,474.48 Information Systems 000 ; 41891.25 Support Services 0.00 6,269.30 Po #Toe. 1166:83 78,29148 Central Dispatch 67.86 7,513,38 Ailrrialontro# 33:96 2,678.77 Fire 2,432.91 58,828.93 Emergency Preparedness ' 0.00 J 1,762142 Streets 162.12 6,247,40 Stormwater /ROw Niasnt 111.,68 7,019.75 Park Maintenance 0.00 7,806.86 C ©mmunity Senior, Genter 0 00 4 406:85 Historical Museum 0.00 2,419.43 Economic [ ,eueloprnen. ; 0.00 3;352.28 General Fund:Tota# $3,975.36 $244,309.61 ..9+ 1. * , • $33.42 $3,064.85 Worker's Comp Self-Insurance Fund Fund Total $596.80 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCII CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DUANE CUTHBERTSON CITY PLANNE R SUBJECT- ORDINANCE NO. 796 RIMM Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 796 that formally adopts the City Council's action of September 21, 2004, RECOMMENDATION: Stalf recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 796. ATTACHMENT: 1. Ordinance No. 796 2. OZ 04-11 Staff report with a location map AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ -04 -11 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE /4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE /4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW /4) OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE & MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) TO RS -3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE - FAMILY DISTRICT), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for or against the requested rezoning of application OZ- 04 -11. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE /4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE /4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW /4) OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE I.B. &M., TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NE /4 OF SE /4 OF NW /4; THENCE S 88 °45'39" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NE /4 OF SE /4 OF NW /4 A DISTANCE OF 487.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 88 °45'39" W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET; THENCE N 1 °19'22" W A DISTANCE OF 18.89 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS 475.00 FEET A DISTANCE 149.71 FEET TO A POINT WITH A CHORD N 7 042'24" E A DISTANCE OF 149.09 FEET; THENCE N 16 °44'09" E A DISTANCE OF 195.93 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 525.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 145.26 FEET TO A POINT WITH A CHORD N 8 °48'35" E A DISTANCE OF 144.79 FEET; THENCE N 88 °45'59" E A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE S 1 °14'01" E A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE N 88 °45'59" E A DISTANCE OF 285.00 FEET; THENCE S 1 014'01" E A DISTANCE OF 145.08 FEET; THENCE S 88 °45'59" W A DISTANCE OF 267.20 FEET; THENCE S 30 °24'59" W A DISTANCE OF 134.62 FEET; THENCE S 8 97'10" W A DISTANCE OF 6736 FEET; THENCE S 1 °19'22" E A DISTANCE OF 88.98 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 2.25 ACRES MORE OR LESS, be, and the same is hereby zoned from AG (Agricultural District) to RS-3 (Residential Single - Family District). Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. APPROVED this 5 1 day of October, 2004. ATTEST: City of Owasso, Oklahoma Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Susan Kimball, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney OZ 04-t i TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DUANE CUTHBERTSON CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. REZONING — REMINGTON PLACE 11 POND ATE® SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 I I The property is located adjacent to the proposed Remington Place 11 addition along the northeast boundary; south of E. 116 1h St. N. and east of N. Garnett Rd. A general area rnap has been attached for your review. The property is currently undeveloped as is the property to the south with the exception of a large garage/workshop. Single-family homes exist to the north. Large lot residential exists to the east. The property to the west is currently undeveloped however it is the site of the developing Remington Place 11 single family residential development. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural District) as are the properties to the south and east. Properties to the north and west are currently zoned RS ®3 (Residential District). The request is part of a larger development being proposed for the area. The property immediately to the southeast of the subject site is currently being planned as a residential subdivision. To this date that 35.46 acres has been annexed, rezoned to RS ®3 and reviewed as part of a preliminary plat. The subject property was annexed into the City limits by the City Council in August, 2004. � f �1� �; , ► �r E wishes to take a large undeveloped acreage of land and divide it into two or three smaller WMM� If the development is residential a site plan accompanies a building permit for each individual lot. The site plan for the residential development on the lot is reviewed by the City Planner for compliance with the zoning code and the provisions of the final plat. IS The rezoning process is initiated when a property owner submits an application requesting a change in a property's zoning designation. The applicant must submit an .vpplication indicating the current zoning designation and defining the requested zoning designation. The application should be accompanied by the zoning fee, an accurate legal description and map showing the property as well as a certified 300 radius report. 1. Is the requested zoning designation consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Comprehensive Plan? 2. Is the requested zoning designation the highest and best land use classification for the subject property? 3. Is the proposed zoning designation consistent with surrounding development? Staff will formulate a recommendation for the request to forward to the Owasso Plannin,,V Corti-ttission. The Owasso Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to determine if the requested zoning change is appropriate and make a recommendation to forward to the Owasso City Council. The Owasso City Council will make the final determination to rezone the subject property to the requested classification, a less intense classification, or deny the request and leave the subject property's current zoning designation. If the zoning designation is changed by the City Council an ordinance officially declaring the rezoning of the property is written and adopted by the City Council making the change law. Jerva The developer has identified an opportunity to utilize a small portion of the subject property adjacent to a proposed roadway for residential development and would like to rezone the property accordingly. The subject property that would be utilized as residential lots would be incorporated into any forthcoming plat and would contribute to the residential character of the development. Residential development on the subje2l property would pose no conflict with known development plans in the area. I Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence from the public in regards to the request. A copy of the legal notice is attached for your information and review. If the zoning request is approved, the land will be required to be included in a plat in accordance with municipal regulations in order for development to occur. Significant Stormwater detention will be required as will adequate infrastructure including water and sewer and all other requirements such as sidewalks, appropriate access and appropriate signage. _-W-1 On September 13, 2004 the Owasso Planning Commission unanimously recommend approval of OZ 04-11 to change the zoning designation of the subject property from A to RS-3. Staff recommends approval of OZ 04-11 to change the zoning designation of the subject property from AG (Agricultural District) to S ®3 (Residential Single-Family District). 1. General Area Map t. Rezoning Application 3. Legal Description and Exhibit 4. Legal Notice Owasso Community Development Department 1 1 1 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com :— W-11, 1. m IN OZ 04-11 Owasso Land Trust TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM- ANA STAGG, P. E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS HONEY CREEK 11 DATE: September 29, 2004 -M-12-1— MUM Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Honey Creek 11 sanitary sewer and water systems. ATTAcnM E NTS. A. Location Map B. Maintenance Bond C, ODE�Q I'lermits I I H, 11, E. 106TH ST. N. Owasso Public Works Depatiment Engineering Div. P.O. 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.272,495`) A\.\\ t\,Ci(volmusso,colll ... . .... ��o E. 96TH ST. N. F-4 OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY Box 1409 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74101 BOND NUMBER OK-0034857 KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS- THAT WE, -1-0-D—D— —H I N D M A N, INC. as Principal, and OKLAHOMA SURETY compANy. an Oklahoma corporation, having its principal Place of business in the City of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, as Obligee, In the penal sum of THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR 11-12USAND ONE MUNpFjjQrao NTEEN 8,25110 jj��E . 0374, 91 i.25 lawful money of the United Stan of America, for ffrepayment of which, wall and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and rally® firmly by these prmnts. WHEREAS tM said Principal Itas cms1ructed cortain Improvarneift described as follows: STORM DRAIN @ $128,110.00; SANITARY SEWER FOR $119,459.00 AND WATER LINES FOR $99,548.25 FOR HONEY CREEK 11 DEVELOPMENT NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDIMM OF THIS OBILIGATION IS SUCH. that, 4 the said Principal shall maintain said improvements for a period of ONE year(s) against any failure due to detective workmanship or materials, said ONE vW s l�# 1111111111111111 � 11111till The Obligee. by and through Its Proper relresardatlye. shall give the PrincitaL�,Tg his st", it-LwnwTA ,T v jj 11A —rbd ot any such notice, d allowed a reasonable pe of time In which to Make any such repairs. , % SIGNED. studed and dated this 13TH day of LEPTEMBER 19 �001 TODD HINDMAN INC. Principal BY: OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY By J01-1A A, H 1.411 on jo a�jj OKLAHOMA SURETV C10MPANV 1,1118a, Oklahoma ll fill Men Ill prenew«w: 'llial lite ()KI,All()MASI)k0'Y('()MI)ANY, it corporation ol'theftatcol'Oklahorna, having, its principal ^A1I'cix Ile. n/yo[l\dm/.()k|x| Ionia, }"xnxvom lie /vU'mi/g|^+/uw.x1'iJhms adopted |y the Stm±|xddvn of' \ lie said CwximxXo-oi/. :«ukvn |«.Axk1v IV, `)\U bouds, policies, lindertaki jig% or of her obligations of' (Ile Corporation shal I be executed in the corporate narrie of'thc Cm»y«`y by U/u Ch/Jmxx` of, file H'a/d. The President, Secretary, any Axxixmm Suxntory, liuuxurw, or any Vice 1+uxidvo|, or by such vU`vr officers its (Ile Board o[|Xrec*xs may authorize. The Chohnxo of' (lie Ikmn|.President, myVice President, uny4m�nun/Scun�ry ^rUwli'oxxnx�nayx|,pvint Auon`oysi»}au'vAgxnw who dmUhave ou|hmitytn issue bonds, pdi�oo.orund —in8xiu the numuo[\h' Cm»!�»«<�llucorporate a/| i,omnv"vxa[yhv the vu|i8kyv[ouybonds, yv|i�m.md�takiogn or other oNigudoox"[[huuxyombvn.`` lh: Company does hereby constitute and appoint Julia A. Click, Karla Edmonds, George E. Tedford, Mark A. Tedford and Connie Thueson, individually of JENKS, OK its true and lawful execute, seal and deliver for and oil its hxbufm Surety, and om its act and deed, Any and all bonds and undertakings n[8umtyship And the execution o[ such instrument(S) in purmm'oo v[ Uu presents, »hx| be as binding upon the said OKLAHOMA OD8 i'Y COMPANY, «, fully and imply, m all intents and purposes, as ifthe sarric had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal onice in 'ruisa, Oklahoma. UNVVDNCSSWHEREOF, OKLAHOMA SURETY C0K0\ANY has executed and attested these prcoouh[hix 12 ' day of September . 2003 �IT88T: ASSISi�&T SECRETARY TO! �I y )n thi s 12 day of ` 2� ��m�a������S������md hc ' to me personally known to be the officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, wledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the )KLAHOhM SURETY COWANY aforesaid, mid that the seal affixed to the preceding instrurrient is the corporate of said Company, and the aid corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, nd that Ot*010 Wo.§ection 10, of the By-Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instirunient, is now in force. F, I have heretinto set iny handand affixed rny official seal at the City of Tul4a, the day and year first above written. IN AND FOR My Commission expires -11 —14-04 tvio.,f, L FAY SCOTT Notary Public SARA ANDERSON Assistatlit Secretary of OKLAHOMA SILJRITY COMPAN-� do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of Ile By-Laws at d ora Resolution ol'the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power ol'Attorticy issued pursuant thereto,are true wid )lTcct, and that both tile Hy-Laws, tile Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full florce and cfl'cct. lis cell«es that *r facsimile w "inalvm orally officer v/ibemmpall'uuumiflany"oi w��xm��xpmx��^/m�� wm,,ouuvvw/'�yux|*`nUo and x�oi*opm/x*u"x,u»"axoumm^wm,moau'*t�mc�mxuuoyaffixed. 4 VY[[NFSx VViU]U�m'. | hxvchenmo"`c/ m>. hand and oO'i,*| {he k`cxiu`Je,c,| ^|'N'i.|o`q`^m/ioo U'i` lJtb - . /tI.N,»i �u�t -2004. 0 19 \.~~~ ~��' - �ARAAWDERSON Assistant Sunom � ��� April 19, 2004 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E., Public Works Director City of Owasso 301 West 2nd Avenue Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Permit No. WL000072040355 Honey Creek Phase 11 Addition, City of Owasso System Improvemeritt PWSID No. 3007218 BRAD HENRY Governor Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072040355 for the construction of 2,273 feet of eight (8) inch, 2,533 feet of six (6) inch and 2,169 feet of four (4) inch PVC potable water lite and R R9 I The project authrlied.by this perm! houl k A uwiw��,az-d i**zX"111111111 0—ep—a-Ffment o d on April I '--t 5 2004 ' - Any'deviations from the approved plans and specification-, affecting CallacitY flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this p6rmit ihoula ou notea in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owa . s s -9-fter which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning o ne (P set of the arwroved Avi s P. Camper on Jos ph DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division W. c: Brian K. Kellogg. P.E., Kellogg Engineering, INC. Rick Austin, Regional Manager, DEQ Regional Office at Tulsa Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRB 101 N0R11i R0111VON, P.O. IIOX 1071, OKI AIIOMA (11Y, OKIAIIOMA 1;1101 W/ d � BRAD HENRY Governor Permit Non WL000072040355 WATER LINES PWSID No. 3007218 1111 MORIII ROBINSON, IT. IIOX 1671, OK1AIIOMA (IIY OKIAHOW 1:1101 1(.// BRAD HENRY Governor Permit No. WL00007 0403 a /01 MORIII R11BIWN, 1'O BOX 1611, OKI AlIOMA ( I 1 OKI AIIOMA /3101 1 U/ Permit No. WL000072040355 Offigmam PW 1D No. 3007213 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT ql% m 13 lity Division !O/ NOR III ROBIMON, l'.O IIOX 1611, OKIANOMA (IIY, OKIAIIOMA 13101 1611 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E., Public Works Director City of Owasso 301 West 2nd Avenue Owasso, O.klahoma 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072040354 Honey Creek Phase 11 Addition Sanitary Sewer Line Extension S-21310 E,k:>».2 » » We are*retuming one (1) set of ffm,-m. V - 11 "1 111—" » 11 w! � I A Brian K. Kellogg, P.E., Kellogg Engineering, INC. Rick Austin, Regional Manager, ■E■ Regional Office at Tulsa 101 MORI H ROIIINSON, ['0. 1IOX 161 /, OKIAIIOMA Cl IY, OKI AIfOMA /3 101 162 -21 3103 101 NOR] 11 K0111VON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKIAIIOMA f11Y, OKIAIIOMA 73101 I6 // BRAD HENRY Governor Permit No. SL000072040354 12) That any notations or changes recorded on the official set of plans and specifications in the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality files shall be part of the plans as approved. 13) That all manholes shall be constructed in accordance with Water Pollution Control Construction Standards (OAC 252:656-5-3), as adopted by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. IO/NOR111ROMMONJO 1IOX 1611, OKI AIIOMA (11Y, OKI AIIOMA 13101 1611 Permit No. SL000072040354 SEWER LINES 101 NOR III ROIIIMON, 1'0. IIOX 1611, OKIAIIOMA(IIY, OKI All OMA 73101 -1671 as e� IF �s r KUMNYM VAMMAM-111. October 3, 2004 Mr. Charles Hardt Director of Public Works City of Tulsa 200 Civic Center, Suite 512 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 '1Z Subject: City of Owasso Water System Improvements Dear Mr. Hardt: As a follow up to our letter dated March 3, 2004, the City of Owasso would like to formally request the installation of an additional master meter at a location near North Memorial Drive and East 106th Street North to supply our future water system upgrades. Furthermore, we would like to request the increase of the contracted water volume to meet forecasted water demands as follows: Citv of Owasso Water Demand Projections 2005 -2010 2015 2020 Average, mgd 2.80 3.80 4.70 5.70 Maximum Day, mgd 8.30 11.20 13.90 16.90 Requested changes are part of our long-range planning to meet the future water demands of our community. Please feel free to contact me directly at (918) 376-1512 should you have any questions. MEN Rodney J Ray City Manager cc: Ana C. Stagg, Public Works Director Robert D. Shelton, City of Tulsa Owasso City Council Members flml maim masm M ' CHRIS ROBERTS PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS MANAGER ST RE ET TRAFFIC SIGN IMPROVEMENTS F, Y 2004-2005 PROGRAM September 23, 2004 As part of annual infrastructure maintenance, Public Works Department inventories all traffic signs in the City to identify deficiencies and develop projects for planned improvements. The primary objective is to ensure that all traffic signs conform to accepted standards of quality and meet Federal traffic control requirements as defined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). A survey conducted by the Streets Division in FY 03-04 identified a total of seven (7) residential areas with deficient signage. Many of the traffic signs in these locations are either missing, illegible, or below desired standards of quality regarding shape, color, dimension, legend, border, and illumination. Consequently, funds were included in the FY 04-05 Streets Division budget for systematic replacement of all necessary signage within each subdivision. The FY 2004-2005 street traffic sign improvements involve the replacement of approximately 166 stop signs and 258 street signs throughout the following subdivisions: • Elm Creek • Three Lakes • Silver Creek • Nottingham Estates • Ator Heights • Brentwood Estates • El Rio Vista Additional work includes removal and replacement of 120 nonstandard sign posts throughout the affected areas. All 3" diameter sign posts will be replaced with new 2-3/8" diameter posts to enable compatibility with standard sign installation hardware. A listing detailing the specific number of signs and posts to be replaced within each Subdivision has been included In Attachment A. Program schedule and budget is explained below. Street Traffic Sign Improvements FY 2004 -2005 Program Page 2 of 2 Program Schedule The FY 20042005 improvement program will be phased over a period of 6 months beginning in October 2004. The schedule established by the Public Works Department General Services Superintendent is as follows: October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 Janu!1 2005 March 2005 Elm Creek — _ _c 'Three Lakes_ I�tottinhaxn Silver Creek _ _ _ Ater Heights _ _ rentwvoocl _ El Rio Vista The time allotted for each project enables orderly improvements without compromising other routine maintenance performed daring the fall and winter months. Additionally, the schedule allows for the coordination of utility locates for new sign post installations and the production and procurement of new signage through Tulsa County. Pro rg am. _Funding The total estimated cost for the improvements is approximately $13,550. The cost associated with each individual project is detailed in Attachment A. Funding for the program is included in the FY 2004-2005 Streets Division budget (line item 01 ®300- 52220). The program will be administered by the Public Works Department and managed by Chris Roberts, Operations Manager. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Roberts should you have any questions or concerns regarding the program. I �. A. FY 20042005 Street Traffic Sign Improvements Plan Scope of Work (Replacement) I Project Location Schedule Cost Estimate Stop Signs Street Signs Steel Posts I Elm Creek October 2004 30 52 40 $ 4,750.00 Three Lakes November 2004 25 32 25 1,650.00 Silver Creek December 2004 14 26 N/A $ 950.00 Nottingham Estates December 2004 12 24 N/A $ 850.00 Ator Heights January 2005 40 64 40 2,700.00 Brentwood Estates January 2005 10 26 N/A $ 800.00 EL Rio Vista March 2005 35 34 is 1,850.00 Total 166 58 120 13,550.00 V M30111-1,1101"", FROM SUBJECT: DATE. CHRIS ROBERTS PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS MANAGER STREET TRAFFIC SIGN IMPROVEMENTS FY 2004-2005 PROGRAM September 239 2004 As part of annual infrastructure maintenance, Public Works Department inventories all traffic signs in the City to identify deficiencies and develop projects for planned improvements. The primary objective is to ensure that all traffic signs conform to accepted standards of quality and meet Federal traffic control requirements as defined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). A survey conducted by the Streets Division in FY 03-04 identified a total of seven (7) residential areas with deficient signage. Many of the traffic signs in these locations are either missing, illegible, or below desired standards of quality regarding shape, color, dimension, legend, border, and illumination. Consequently, funds were included in the FY 04-05 Streets Division budget for systematic replacement of all necessary signage within each subdivision. The FY 2004-2005 street traffic sign improvements involve the replacement of approximately 166 stop signs and 258 street signs throughout the following subdivisions: Elm Creek Three Lakes Silver Creek Nottingham Estates Ator Heights Brentwood Estates El Rio Vista Additional work it-ICILides removal and replacement of 120 nonstandard sign posts throughout the affected areas. All 3" diameter sign posts will be replaced with new 2-3/8" diameter posts to enable compatibility with standard sign installation hardware. A listing detailing the specific min-iber of signs and posts to be replaced within each subdivision has been included In Attachment A. Program schedule and budget is explained below. Street Traffic Sign Improvements FY 2004 -2005 Program Page 2 of 2 Program Schedule The FY 2004 -2005 improvement program will be phased over a period of 6 months beginning in October 2004. The schedule established by the Public Works Department General Services Superintendent is as follows: October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 Janum y 2005 � Mai °ch 2005 Elm Creek Three sakes Silver Creek Ator Heights Fl Rio Vista Nottingham _ Brentwood The time allotted for each project enables orderly improvements without compromising other routine maintenance performed during the fall and winter months. Additionally, the schedule allows for the coordination of utility locates for new sign post installations and the production and procurement of new signage through 'Tulsa County. Prog ram Funding The total estimated cost for the improvements is approximately $13,550. The cost associated with each individual project is detailed in Attachment A. Funding for the program is included in the FY 2004 -2005 Streets Division budget (line item 01 -300m 52220). The program will be administered by the Public Works Department and managed by Chris Roberts, Operations Manager. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Roberts should you have any questions or concerns regarding the program. M(§-, ; , _ ', A. FY 2004-2005 Street 'Traffic Sign Improvements Plan ft�M; Scope of ork (Replacement) Project Location Schedule Cost Estimate Stop Signs Street Signs Steel Posts Elm Creek October 2004 30 52 40 $ 4,750.00 i Three Lakes November 2004 25 32 25 i 1,650.00 i Silver Creek December 2004 14 26 N/ $ 950.00 Nottingham Estates December 2004 12 24 N/A 850.00 Ator Heights January 2005 40 64 40 2,700.00 I Brentwood Estates January 2005 10 26 N/A 800.00 EL Rio Vista March 2005 35 34 15 1,850.00 Total 166 253 120 13550.00 Month 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 January 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 23 64 54 30 �r ar -4. 7 TQ. 11: 10 1 d .1 33 21 26 44 70 49 5II March 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 48 51 38 75 3::. :12. 17 18 :39 26:.. 48 :3 8::: 61 50.::: �47 �: May 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 42 26 38 29 31 June: . :J3. :18. 23 15 37 25 45. 40.11,: :::30 34 F5, '1.. 33 :53 July 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 33 37 44 32 34 ... ............................... ugus 1 O: : . J. F :20 M, .26. 30 22 :,.33: .:31: 3.1.::.:. :::35: September 10 14 14 '12 12 20 21 24 31 29 29 29 30 52 64 October: -:9 1. :27 la 24:.: 36 2 3� :36 51: 31" 3 w November 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 26 14 18 24 26 35 Dec , e r nber :5 6 .:1.0::, 9 3: 19 :::29. 21 :: 42 .:::26:': 20: 29-: ..35; Totals 90 99 142 133 162 208 253 333 401 362 377 406 524... 479 4-20 Year to Date 76 76 96 103 133 142 239 274 297 299 303 322 432 345 September Year to Date Count -,440 th W;530 m220 110 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2.000 2002 2004 September Year to Date Dollars $44,000,000 September Lute Dollars $33,000,000 - -------- -------- - -- -- - -- --------- -------- $22,000,000 1 -- ------- - -- ---------- ---------- -- ----- - ------- - ----------------- --------- - -- - ------- -- - ------------ ------ ---------- ------ 00 U$11,000,000 I - - - - - -.- ----- - - - --- -- ------------ ---------- ------- - --- -- ------- -- --------- - ----------- ---- -- ---- z $0 1990 19 1 92 19 1 94 19 1 96 19 1 98 2000 . 20 1 02 2004 INew Construction Dollars .S $52,500,000 $39,375,000 71 -------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- U $26,250,000 I --- -------------------------------------------------- 0 $13,125,000 ........................... ........ $0 z 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Month 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 January 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 1 ................................................................ February 0. 0 0 1 0 1 ............................... 2 0 T: 6 .... ............................... 12 March 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 April 'I 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 5 36 0 1 1 1 3 May 1 1 1 2 2 3_ 0 1 4 0 2 2 4 1 1 ................. :June .. ............................... 2 0 0- 2 .............. 5 3 .......... 0 . ......... ............................. © 5 _0 . 0 ........... 2 4 July.: 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 1......1._ 2 7 1 0 �ugUt 1 0 4 2' 3 1 0 5 0 4 1 2 3 3 September 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 1 October. 1 1. . >_. 1 .. 0 . .. 0 1 . 2. 0 2 2 14 _. 4 .... November 2::.:.. 0 1 0 2 1 2..... 1 0.. 5 6 5.. 1 1 ecurbr 0 0 TOTALS 13 7 �- 6 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 52 27 23 12 20� Year to Lute 9 6 6 12 10 16 14 21 64 14 32 18 14 11 20 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities $24,000,000 $18,000,0001 $12,000,004 0 0 $6,000,004 "September s 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 DRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 10304 E 92 PI No Crosby Pools FW /RS -3 25,000 499 04- 0901 -P 9/2/2004 10306 E 89 St No Vuocolo Pools FW /RS -3 28,000 648 04- 0902 -P 9/3/2004 10304 E 89 St No Vuocolo Pools FW /RS -3 28,000 648 04- 0903 -P 9/3/2004 7590 Owasso Exp Morrison Construction OBP /CH 58,250 1165 04- 0904 -C 9/3/2004 8706 N 140 E Ct Prestige Homes BSC/RS -3 152,376 3628 04- 0905 -X 9/7/2004 14110 E 87 Terr No Robert's Homes BSC /RS -3 152,376 3628 04- 0906 -X 9/7/2004 11418 N 131 E Ave R C Construction GC /RS -3 89,586 2133 04- 0907 -X 9/7/2004 13005 E 114 Ct No R C Construction GC /RS -3 89,586 2133 04- 0908 -X 9/7/2004 11410 N 131 E Ave R C Construction GC /RS -3 89,586 2133 04- 0909 -X 9/7/2004 11302 N 131 E Ave R C Construction GC /RS -3 89,586 2133 04- 0910 -X 9/7/2004 11725 E 117 St No Strategic Builders BFC /RS -3 94,542 2251 04- 0911 -X 9/9/2004 14107 E 104 St No Simmons Homes CC /RS -3 121,800 2900 04- 0912 -X 9/9/2004 9214 N 103 E Ave Simmons Homes FW /RS -3 155,064 3692 04- 0913 -X 9/9/2004 9203 N 103 E Pi Simmons Homes FW /RS -3 136,500 3250 04- 0914 -X 9/9/2004 10308 E 94 PI No Simmons Homes FW/RS -3 155,064 3692 04- 0915 -X 9/9/2004 8904 N 149 E Ave Emerson Bohanan PL /RS -3 1,100 200 04- 0916 -X 9/9/2004 10112 E 95 Ct No J Mercer (homeowner) FW /RS -3 25,000 272 04- 0917 -X 9/13/2004 9809 E 109 St No Sunwest Homes MH /RS -3 84,084 2002 04- 0918 -X 9/13/2004 9813 E 109 St No Sunwest Homes MH /RS -3 90,804 2162 04- 0919 -X 9/13/2004 12012 E 114 PI No Chumley & Assoc. RP /RS -3 77,280 1840 04- 0920 -X 9/13/2004 13003 E 113 St No Bedford Falls GC/RS -3 96,600 2300 04- 0921 -X 9/14/2004 11506 N 132 E Ave Heritage Builders GC /RS -3 96,600 2300 04- 0922 -X 9/14/2004 13812 E 91 St No Robert's Homes NE /RS -2 147,840 3520 04- 0923 -X 9/14/2004 9800 E 108 Ct No Village Development MH /RS -3 76,230 1815 04- 0924 -X 9/14/2004 9500 N 129 E Ave Acura Neon Signs WP /CS 2,890 42 04- 0925 -S 9/14/2004 9500 N 129 E Ave Acura Neon Signs WP /CS 2,890 42 04- 0926 -S 9/14/2004 11413 N 132 E Ave Robert's Homes GC /RS -3 103,656 2468 04- 0927 -X 9/15/2004 11415 N 132 E Ave Robert's Homes GC /RS -3 103,656 2468 04- 0928 -X 9/15/2004 9016 N 100 E Ave American Heartland Co FW/RS -3 100,800 2400 04- 0929 -X 9/16/2004 11718 N 118 E Ave Strategic Builders BFC/RS -3 88,914 2117 04- 0930 -X 9/16/2004 11713 N 117 E Ave Jamco Construction BFC /RS -3 113,568 2704 04- 0931 -X 9/16/2004 11501 E 118 St No Jamco Construction BFC/RS -3 105,000 2500 04- 0932 -X 9/16/2004 8051 Owasso Exp Claude Neon Signs E1mCrkCom 4,000 54 04- 0933 -S 9/16/2004 9500 N 129 E, #300 CB Bovenkamp WP /CS 56,265 1640 04- 0934 -C 9/16/2004 9010 N 121 E Ave O'Brien & Assoc. SmithFamm/CS 8,344,395 185431 04- 0935 -C 9/16/2004 9800 E 109 St No Sunwest Homes MH /RS -3 94,920 2260 04- 0936 -X 9/17/2004 8"7(11 AT 10n1 T' n_ -., l / V i IN 1 VG 1 iAve C76 «,. �-.. Tl..:l JUAtegic Binders TY!'�/ C '� fl(DRS-3 sn7 tl 103,656 'IA'Q G1F60 n 09'17 v U4 -V 73 / -11. 9/117/2 nnn i/ 1 / /GVV� 10304 E 97 Ct No Strategic Builders HC /RS -3 103,656 2468 04- 0938 -X 9/17/2004 9804 N 99 E Ct Strategic Builders HC /RS -3 102,312 2436 04- 0939 -X 9/17/2004 10106 E 100 Ct No Strategic Builders HC /RS -3 102,312 2436 04- 0940 -X 9/17/2004 9807 E 97 PI No Strategic Builders HC /RS -3 102,312 2436 04- 0941 -X 9/17/2004 9702 N 102 E Ave Strategic Builders HC /RS -3 105,672 2516 04- 0942 -X 9/20/2004 13006 E 113 St No Westerfield Corp GC /RS -3 92,652 2206 04- 0943 -X 9/20/2004 11510 N 131 E Ave Westerfield Corp GC /RS -3 103,690 2469 04- 0944 -X 9/20/2004 10104 E 95 Ct No Westerfield Construction FW /RS -3 13,000 136 04- 0945 -X 9/20/2004 12401 E 96 St No Claude Neon Signs OM /CS 6,000 53 04- 0946 -S 9/20/2004 14303 E 112 St No Capital Homes ChPk/RS -3 58,800 1400 04- 0947 -X 9/20/2004 11201 N 144 E Ave Capital Homes ChPk/RS -3 61,950 1475 04- 0948 -X 9/20/2004 14301 E 113 St No Capital Homes ChPk/RS -3 59,514 1417 04- 0949 -X 9/20/2004 11104 N 144 E Ave Capital Homes ChPk/RS -3 55,146 1313 04- 0950 -X 9/20/2004 11218 N 143E Ave Capital Homes ChPk/RS -3 58,800 1400 04- 0951 -X 9/20/2004 14323 E 113 St No Simmons Homes ChPk/RS -3 69,552 1656 04- 0952 -X 9/20/2004 11215 N 144 E Ave Simmons Homes ChPk/RS -3 69,552 1656 04- 0953 -X 9/20/2004 14303 E 113 St No Simmons Homes ChPk/RS -3 79,254 1887 04- 0954 -X 9/20/2004 11123 N 144 E Ave Simmons Homes ChPk/RS -3 69,552 1656 04- 0955 -X 9/20/2004 11207 N 144 E Ave Simmons Homes ChPk/RS -3 69,552 1656 04- 0956 -X 9/20/2004 14302E 111 St No Simmons Homes ChPI&RS -3� 69,552 1656 04- 0957 -X 1 9/20/2004 11737 N 117 E Ave Strategic Builders BEC /RS -3 92,442 2201 04- 0958 -X 9/21/2004 11725 N 117 E Ave Strategic Builders BFC /RS -3 102,186 2433 04- 0959 -X 9/21/2004 11719 N 117 E Ave Strategic Builders BFC /RS -3 101,262 2416 04- 0960 -X 9/21/2004 12500 E 86 St No Dale Wills 1st Bap Chrch 25,000 1200 04- 0961 -C 9/21/2004 12012 E 115 PI No Chumley & Assoc. RP /RS -3 77,280 1840 04- 0962 -X 9/22/2004 14107 E 86 Ct No Emagine Homes BSC /RS -3 122,850 2925 04- 0963 -X 9/22/2004 9800 E 98 Ct No J. Harvill (homeowner) HC /RS -3 2,740 90 04- 0964 -X 9/22/2004 13406 E 91 St No Poolscapes CP /RS -3 -_ 29,0-00.-- 792 04- 0965 -P 9/23/2004 15400 E 90 St No Capital Homes PL/RS -3 80,430 1915 04- 0966 -X 9/23/2004 8701 N 143 E Ave Westerfield Corp VSC /RS -3 108,864 2592 04- 0967 -X 9/24/2004 11606 E 103 St No Capital Homes SGP /RS -3 106,500 2525 04- 0968 -X 9/24/2004 11504 N 131 E Ave Willcox Construction GC /RS -3 95,340 2270 04- 0969 -X 9/27/2004 12010 E 114 PI No Chumley & Assoc. RP/RS -3 79,464 1892 04- 0970 -X 9/27/2004 12009 E 115 St No Chumley & Assoc. RP /RS -3 79,464 1892 04- 0971 -X 9/27/2004 106 So Atlanta Greg Wylie Construction OUCH 250,000 4800 04- 0972 -C 9/27/2004 12401 E 96 St No L & L Retail Const 0114 /CS 83,025 1845 04-0973-C 9/27/2004 8703 -P Owasso Exp Oil Capital Neon WalMt /CS 3,500 40 04- 0974 -5 9/28/2004 14904 E 87 St No Simmons Homes PL/RS -3 129,864 3092 04- 0975 -X 9/28/2004 11515 E 103 St No Simmons Homes SGP /RS -3 100,800 2400 04- 0976 -X 9/28/2004 9411 N 105 E Ave Simmons Homes FW /RS -3 117,600 2800 04- 0977 -X 9/28/2004 12004 E 115 PI No Chumley & Assoc. RP /RS -3 77,826 1853 04- 0978 -X 9/28/2004 9706 N 102 E Ave Denny Homes HC /RS -3 89,670 2135 04- 0979 -X 9/28/2004 10104 E 99 St No Denny Homes HC /RS -3 86,266 2053 04- 0980 -X 9/29/2004 13800 E 91 St No Brumble Dodson NE /RS -2 181,776 4328 04- 0981 -X 9/29/2004 12133 N 107 E PI R C Construction CE /RS -3 72,030 1715 04-0982 -X 9/29/2004 10739 E 122 St No R C Construction CE /RS -3 1 72,030 1715 04- 0983 -X 9/29/2004 64 Single Family 6,217,448.00 148,028 Sq Ft 4 Residential- Additions 41,840.00 698 Sq Ft 9 Ir.____w.._._�r� �T..__, 1 l,vuliner lial -1 e 3�^ -29C.00 c7, AA, 18A-,,A3' Qn F+ ✓-r s vc� 5 Commercial - Remodel 472,540.00 10,650 Sq Ft 4 Pools 110,000.00 2,587 Sq Ft 5 Signs 19,280.00 231 Sq Ft 83 Building Permits $15,205,503.00 347,625 Sq Ft Mechanical Permits Issued 57 4,295.00 Electrical Permits Issued 64 4,495.00 Plumbing Permits Issued 61 4,185.00 Recreation Development 47 7,150.00 Sign Permits issued 6 140.00 Reinspection Fees 0 0.00 Sewer Taps 51 21,200.00 Water Taps 19 109500.00 Water Meter Deposits 19 1.9050.00 TOTAL PERMITS 440 $70,14-2.02 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 153 Mechanical 71 CITY OF . ; NESIDENTIAL LOT STATUS September !. 2004 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS Dailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 Bailey Ranch Est 11 (6/99) 133 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 Bradtords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 Brookfield Crossing (11/02) 134 Camden Dark 11 (11/00) 42 Central 'ark 11 (7/97) 96 Chelsea park (9/04) 106 Coffee Creek (04/01) 101 Country Estates 11 (6197) 193 Country Estates 111 (3/99) 61 Country Estates IV (4/00) 158 Country Estates V (01/02) 187 Country Estates VI (11/03) 37 Double Oaks 11 (8/92) 22 Double Oaks 111 (8/93) 63 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 Fairways 11 (1/97) 84 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 Fairways V (8/99) 71 Fairways VI (12/00) 42 Garrett Creek (9/2003) 84 Honey Creek (4/02) 202 Metro Heights (11/01) 52 Metro Heights II (6/02) 42 New Brunswick (07/03) 42 Nottingham Estates II (3/97) 15 Nottingham Estates III (9/99) 23 Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) 20 Nottingham Estates V (3/01) 44 Preston Lakes (12/00) 272 Freston Lakes 11 (12/01) 120 Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) 30 Remington Park (12%03) 57 Sawgrass Park (01/02) 178 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) 62 Watercolors (12/02) 40 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 84 TOTALS 3532 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) Watercolors (12/02) The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park (01/02) Remington Park (12/03) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Preston Lakes II (12101) Preston Lakes (12/00) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates III (9/99) Nottingham Estates II (3/97) New Brunswick (07/03) Metro Heights II (6/02) Metro Heights (11/01) Honey Creek (4/02) Garrett Creek (9/2003) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways II (1197) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Double Oaks III (8/93) Double Oaks ll (8/92) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates V (01/02) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates II (6197) Coffee Creek (04/01) Chelsea park (9/04) Central Park II (7/97) Camden Park II (11/00) Brookfield Crossing (11/02) Broadmore Heights (10/92) Brentwood Village (6/99) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Barrinaton Paint III (8/96) Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 ClTotal Lots E Lots Developed OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE 1 -\ Eggbert's Restaurant 14002 E 116 St No New 1/5/2004 1/18/2004 Yes Seams Good, Inc. 9100 N Garnett Rd, Suite G New 1/5/2004 1/24/2004 Yes Kool Rides Customs 110 South Main New 1/15/2004 2/2/2004 Yes The Home Depot 9450 No 129 Eave New 1/6/2004 1/7/2004 Yes Pharmacy Providers, Inc 104 E 2nd Ave, Suite B New 1/23/2004 2/1/2004 Yes Wild Hairs Smoke Lodge 300 West 2nd Ave New 2/2/2004 3/1/2004 No Kwik Nick's Store 9600 No Garnett New Owner 1/26/2004 1/26/2004 Yes FEBRUARY Paradise Video 11215 No Garnett Rd, #A New 2/6/2004 2/8/2004 No Beacon Title Co 12811 E 86 PI No, #103 New 2/10/2004 2/16/2004 Yes Oklahoma National Bank 12502 E 96 St No New 2/11/2004 2/17/2004 Yes Greg Alderson Automotive 308 E 5th Ave, #E New 2/13/2004 2/27/2004 No Commercial Power 208 E 5th, Suite I New 2/24/2004 3/1/2004 Yes Countrywide Home Loans 12811 E 86 PI No, #101 New 2/25/2004 3/22/2004 Yes MARCH Help U Auctions 7720 Owasso Exp, #102 New 3/1/2004 3/6/2004 Yes Hospice of Owasso 8502 -B No 128 E Ave New 3/9/2004 3/25/2004 Yes Fitness 24 -7 Owasso 8243 Owasso Exp New 3/15/2004 4/20/2004 Yes George Blair Used Car Lot 7901 Owasso Exp New 3/22/2004 4/1/2004 Yes Bickel Appraisal Co 202 So Cedar, Suite B New 3/31/2004 4/1/2004 Yes APRIL _ McGraw Davisson Stewart 12315 E 86 St No New 4/6/2004 3/5/2004 Yes iGH Properties 8805 N 145 E Ave, #105 New 4/13/2004 4/13/2004 Yes Poolscapes, Inc 11330 No Garnett, #C /D New 4/19/2004 4/23/2004 Yes A -N -Z Signs 11302 E 116 St No Relocate 4/19/2004 4/26/2004 Yes Merritt's Bakery 12400 E 86 St No New 4/28/2004 4/28/2004 Yes Hidden Treasures 11501 N Garnett Rd New 4/29/2004 5/10/2004 No Metro Tulsa Foot & Ankle, LLC 10229 E 96 St No New 5 /21/2004 5/28/2004 Yes J H Racing 11220 E 112 St No New 5/28/2004 5/28/2004 Yes The Rhythm Section 11215 N Garnett Rd, #D New 5/28/2004 6/1/2004 No Catfish Country 11604 E 76 St No New 5/28/2004 7/1/2004 Yes Fes, The Grotto 11531 N Garnett Rd New 6/7/2004 6/14/2004 Yes Dragonflies & Ladybugs 12811 E 86 PI No New 6/9/2004 7/1/2004 Yes Suburban Office 11634 E 86 St No Owner Chg 6/25/2004 6/25/2004 Yes Poole Engineering & Acoustics 12806'E 86 PI No, #B New 6/23/2004 7/4/2004 Yes The Scrap Book Store 8751 N 117 E Ave, #1 New 6/29/2004 7/14/2004 Yes 4 Walgreens Drug Store 12802 F 96 St No Rent Readys Furniture World 209 F 2nd St, #4 Perfect Vision Customs 306 F 5th Ave Owasso Growth Management 10314 N 138 F Ave, #104 The Owasso Carwash 8905 N 145 F Ave Local Hospice, Inc 8426 -A No 123 F Ave CMC Chassis 410 F 2nd St Classic Cigars 8703 Owasso Fxp, "O" Candy Bouquet 8703 Owasso Fxp, "Q" AUGUST Carpet One 9000 Garnett Rd Butterflies & Bullfrogs 8703 Owasso Fxp, "P„ Lyndell R (Gunn, CPA 8426_B No 123 F Ave SEPTEMBER ForcePro, LLC 8 South Atlanta Owasso Plbg Heating & Cooling 8351 Owasso Fxp All Pro Technologies 208 G F. 5th Ave New 7/15/2004 7/15/2004 Yes New 7/14/2004 7/14/2004 Yes New 7/15/2004 8/1/2004 Yes New 7/20/2004 7/26/2004 No New 7/22/2004 7/22/2004 No New 7/21/2004 7/19/2004 Yes New 7/27/2004 7/27/2004 No New 7/30/2004 9/1/2004 No New 7/30/2004 8/27/2004 Yes New 8/4/2004 8/27/2004 No New 8/9/2004 8/15/2004 No New 8/5/2004 8/1/2004 Yes New 9/27/2004 9/27/2004 No New 9/28/2004 9/28/2004 No New 9/30/2004 10/31/2004 No TO® THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. RODNEY J RAC' CITE' MANAGER SUBJECT- CITE' MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: October 29, 2004 "A granihnother preten(Is she rloesn It hno)v ) o you tine on llallo)veen> --. rnia I3ombeck GENERAL GOVERNMENT: WATER ISSUES — As you know, the staff has been involved in recent discussions of water issues with City of Tulsa officials and representatives of other metropolitan communities, those discussions have now reached a point that, I believe, require me to seek direction from the city's policy making body, the City Council. Accordingly, I plan to devote a majority of the November- worksession to briefing the City Council on the latest developments and conducting an inclusive discussion of the issue and related topics. The staff is prepared to outline the events leading to this point as well as available options for addressing the major concerns (supply - distribution —rates — stability and consistency in the Tulsa /Owasso relationship). It is unique for a city like Owasso to have the opportunity to "drive" the boat in major issues such as this one, fortunately we do have that ability and can establish the city's direction and impact the fiiture of the metropolitan area based on the actions and leadership we take. HUNT PROPERTY PROJECT Hunt Properties has "closed" on the purchase of land from Betty Smith. Heavy equipment began the initial grading work on Thursday, October 28, 2004. The project managers have indicated they will submit plans for building permit review in November or December. Most of the project tenants have established October of 2005 as their target opening date. HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS — ,Representatives for both hospital projects continue to indicate their commitment to initiating construction. At this point, neither of the projects has submitted building plans for review but both groups indicate they are developing their CITY MANAGER'S REPORT OCTOBER 29, 2004 Page 2 of 6 submittals. Conversations with the St. John's Group also indicate they will begin land preparation work in approximately two weeks. ONLINE UTILITY PAYMENT OPTION – The City of Owasso has entered into an agreement with e -Money Systems to provide an online payment option for City of Owasso water, refuse, and sanitary sewer customers. The e ®Money System, commonly known as ChoiccPay, is also utilized by ONG and AEP /PSO, and ensures all customers of a safe and encrypted transaction. Payments will be accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customers wishing to utilize this option will be able to do so via a link from the city's website (www.cityofowasso.com) and will need to establish an account with e -Money Systems. Additionally, all customers utilizing this option will be subject to a fee of $1.00 for an ACH transaction or $2.95 for a Credit Card transaction. It is anticipated that this service will be available beginning November 15, 2004. Unfortunately, this service will not be an option for those city residents that are served by Rogers County Rural Water District #3 or Washington County Rural Water District #3 as those customer's payments are made to their respective districts. All Owasso water customers will continue to have the option of paying their city utility bill via the traditional method or by calling the utility billing department at 376 -1509. If you or anyone you know has any questions about this service, please contact Ms. Willson or Mr. Rooney. CHARACTER IMPLEMENTATION SEMINAR - The Owasso Character Council is sponsoring a Character Implementation Seminar on November 9, 2004 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. This seminar will provide managers and supervisors with the information and training they need to implement a Character Initiative in their business or organization. The cost of the training is $50 per participant. If you know anyone who is interested in attending this seminar, please contact Ms. Dempster at 376 -1535. RISK MANAGEMENT— Property Casualty coverage has been finalized for the upcoming plan year. After reviewing final proposals, coverage was renewed with the current carrier for $36,424. Compared to last year's premiums this is just under a 10% increase. The City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into an agreement not to exceed $36,430 at their October 19, 2004 council meeting. CM041029.doe Visit Owasso on the Web: www.eiti- ofowasso.com CITY MANAGER'S REPORT OCTOBER 29, 2004 Page 3 of 6 FIRE /AMBULANCE SERVICES- PARAMEDIC HIRES - "The Fire Department has selected two paramedics from the last testing. The candidates have been offered a position with the Owasso Fire Department on the condition they pass the State Pension Physical. The candidates are Aaron Greenburg and Jason Jackson and are both EMT /paramedics. The Fire Department has advertised to fill the last position open of the three new positions budgeted for this year. REFUSE COLLECTION.- YARDWASTE SEPARATION PROGRAM RESULTS -- Community participation in the 2004 Yardwaste Separation Program has resulted in the removal of approximately 1,988 tons of yardwaste material from the general waste stream. Separation of these materials resulted in a savings of $31,690 in landfill disposal fees. A comparison of program statistics for 2003 and 2004 is as follows: Program Total plumber Total Number Total Number Tonnage Disposal Year of Stops of Carts of Bags Removed Fees Saved Collected Collected 200' ) 21,205 20,040 17,509 2,129 $33,929 2004 21,787 16,289 22,832 1,988 $31,690 EAST 96"" STREET NORTH FROM OWASSO MARKET TO GARNETT ROAD — C.H. Guernsey & Company submitted design documents for final review for widening East 96 "' Street North on August 30, 2004. Plan -in -hand review of project drawings was held July 23, 2004. Improvements will include the widening of the street to five lanes, construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage improvements from Garnett Road to North 119t1i East Avenue, and completion of the signalization of the Garnett Road and E. 96t" Street North intersection. The construction contract is scheduled for advertisement in November 2004. EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND U.S. HIGHWAY 169 INTERCHANGE — Construction for this project began on Monday, September 13, 2004. Becco Contractors has installed construction traffic control and the waterline relocation is complete. Drainage improvements north of the intersection are complete. Traffic signal poles and signal lights have been installed but are not yet operational. Excavation and roadway base for the new lanes west of the intersection is underway. New pavement is scheduled to begin within the next week. GARNETT ROAD FROM EAST 96TH STREET NORTH TO EAST 86TH STREET NORTH — C2A Engineering Inc. is responsible for engineering design of this project. Improvements will include the widening of the street to five lanes, construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, and drainage improvements from the proposed new intersection at East 96'x' Street North and CM0 61029.doc Visit O«°asso on the Web: NvNvivxitvofb�Nasso.com CITY MANAGER'S REPORT OCTOBER 29, 2004 Page 4 of 6 Garnett Road south to East 86t" Street North. Design survey was completed the last week in June. Preliminary design drawings, including right-of-way documents, were submitted for review on September 20, 2004. Final design drawings are scheduled for delivery October 29, 2004. THE FAIRWAYS AT BAILEY RANCH DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS — PHASE 11 Owasso Public Works advertised on September 2, 2004 for this project. Bids for this project were received and opened on October 5, 2004. The project was awarded to Cherokee Builders, Inc. in the amount of $114,507.25. Council approved award of this contract on October 19, 2004. The work consists of drainage improvements to the stormwater systems of The Fairways subdivision including the construction of a trench drain across North 102"d East Avenue, as well as excavation and installation of over 400 linear feet of 48" drainage pipe and other incidental work. Notice to Proceed is forthcoming. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT — The Board of Adjustment conducted its regular meeting at 6:00 PM on October 26, 2004. Action on the following items was taken at that meeting: OBOA 04-20 — Approval of a special exception to allow a firing range on city -owned property zoned IL (Industrial) located south of the sanitary sewer treatment facility. OBOA 04 -19 — Tabled a zoning code variance to reduce front yard setback requirements on a portion of property located at the northwest corner of East 66`x' Street North and North 129t" East Avenue. The property is zoned for residential duplex use. PLANNING COMMISSION —The Planning Commission will conduct its next regular meeting at 7:00 PM on November 8, 2004. The following items will be considered at that meeting: OZ 04 -12 (Zoning) — A request to rezone nine acres of property for CS (Commercial Shopping Center) use. The property is located at the southeast corner of East 76`i' Street North and North 129t" East Avenue. OZ 04 -13 (Zoning — A request to rezone 30 acres for RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) use. The property is located on the east side of North Garnett Road, '/2 mile south of East 116t" Street North. OZ 04 -14 (Zoning) — A request to rezone 2.5 acres for CG (Commercial General) use. The property is located at the northeast and northwest corners of North Garnett Road and East 86t" Street North. CM041029.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: iiiiNi-.citvofowasso,com CITY MANAGER'S REPORT OCTOBER 29, 2004 Page 5 of 6 OPUTD 04 -04 (Winchester Ridge Planned Unit Development) — A request to approve a planned unit development, called Winchester Ridge, on 30 acres located on the east side of North Garnett Road about % mile south of East 116"' Street North. The PUD would allow the property to be developed as a residential subdivision OPUD 00 -12(Sawcgrass Park Planned Unit Development) — A request to amend the PUD requirements for the Sawgrass Park PUD. Specifically, the application proposes to remove the 50' rear yard restriction for lots along the northern edge of the subdivision. Preliminary Plat (Lake Valley) A request to review a preliminary plat for the Lake Valley Subdivision, proposing 110 single - family lots on 46 acres located at the northeast corner of East 106t1i Street North and North 145"' East Avenue. Preliminary Plat Reserve on Elm Creek)— A request to review a preliminary plat for the Reserve on Elm Creek Subdivision, proposing 74 single - family and duplex lots on 20 acres located at the northwest corner of East 66"' Street North and North 129t" East Avenue. Final Plat (Aiken) -- A request to approve a final plat for the Alken Subdivision, proposing a 1.3 acre commercial lot at the northeast corner of East 99"' Street North and the East Owasso Expressway Service Road. Final Plat (Preston Lakes III) A request to approve a final plat for the Preston Lakes III Subdivision, proposing 147 lots on 47 acres located t/ mile north of East 86"' Street North and North 161"East Avenue. Site Plan (Renaissance Center) — A request to approve a site plan for the Renaissance Center, a proposed shopping center and mini- storage facility located at the southeast corner of East 86t" Street North and North I' ) 7 °i East Avenue. If you have any questions regarding these items, please contact Mr. Cuthbertson or Mr. Wiles. POLICE SERVICES. SPEED TRAILER — After more than two weeks of evaluating the speed trailer manufactured by Decanter, the Police Department is moving forward with the purchase of the device. The trailer considered for purchased will monitor /display, evaluate and log speeds and traffic counts therefore allowing staff to review results and apply necessary resources. Citizens are encouraged to submit requests for areas they would like to see the speed trailer located. If you or anyone you know is interested in requesting the speed trailer at a specific location, please contact Chief Yancey at 376 -1564 or log on to the city's website at www.citvofowasso _ co CM041029.doc Visit Owmso on the Web: �N�NN�NA,xitvofowasso.com CITY MANAGER'S REPORT OCTOBER 29, 2004 Page 6 of 6 SECURE OUR SCHOOLS GRANT -- Recently the Owasso Police Department received approval notification from the Department of Justice on the Secure Our Schools Grant. The Secure Our Schools grant program provides funding to municipalities to assist with the development of school safety resources. This funding will allow recipients the opportunity to establish and enhance a variety of school safety equipment and /or programs to encourage the continuation and enhancement of school safety efforts within their communities. In an effort to improve security within the school system, the Owasso Police Department in conjunction with Owasso Public Schools, made application for this grant in June of 2004. Some of the areas that will be addressed will include the installation of security cameras and acquisition of a drug detection dog. In February of 2005, the Owasso Police Department is expected to receive approval for one School Resource Officer position and the Secure Our Schools grant will assist in the outfitting of this position if and when that position becomes available. LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT- On October 26, 2004 the department made application for the "2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant" sponsored by the District Attorneys Counsel Federal Programs Division. The maximum funding allowed by this grant is $10,000 and requires a 10% match by the City of Owasso. The application requested $9,840 for the purchase of body wire surveillance equipment to be used in undercover operations as well as funding for the purchase of "Less Than Lethal' shotguns to be assigned to patrol. Decisions on the awards will be made December 3, 2004. PARKS: MOWING EQUIPMENT - The Parks Department will be accepting sealed quotes for a zero turn production mower from local vendors. The mower will be used in conjunction with the existing Gravely mower that was purchased during the 2002 -03 budget year. Both mowers will be utilized to mow the Sports Park, Skate Park, and areas of Centennial Park. SPORTS PARK - The parks department will be accepting sealed bids for the installation of a six pole lighting system for soccer field (J) at the Owasso Sports Park. This lighting project will complete the lighting requirements for the existing Sports Park land uses. The project was included in the 2004 -05 Parks Department budget. If you have any question regarding these items, please contact Mr. Warren at 376 -1516. CM041029.doc Visit Owasso on the Wcb: miNv.cityolowasso.com